Cole Eden Wanting Sam

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Wanting Sam

Copyright © May 2011 Eden Cole, Risky Ink

Cover Art by Risky Ink

ISBN: 978-1-936279-90-6

All rights are reserved. No part of this e-book may be used or reproduced in any manner

whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical

articles and reviews.

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Rowan stood in front of the bathroom mirror staring at his reflection, but it wasn’t his face he

saw. Whether he closed his eyes or kept them open, the face that haunted his waking and sleeping
hours was that of his roommate Sam. He had assured Sam when he took the room that he was
definitely not gay. He’d lied. Not that Sam hated men like him, but he had admitted that his
younger brother hated them and was open about it. As long as Rowan wasn’t offended by the
occasional comment, then everything would be fine.

At the time, Rowan had considered changing his mind about the place, but the fact was he

needed something fast. His last relationship was ending, and things were awkward. He needed to
be gone. That and the guilt in Sam’s eyes about having such a stipulation, along with possible fear
of being sued for discrimination had decided things for Rowan. He’d never cared about what
people thought of him, and their sour comments rolled off of him like water. Things like that just
didn’t faze him.

What did bother him was that in the six months he’d lived in this apartment, he had come to

want Sam like he had never wanted another man. Sam was fun and easygoing. He partied like an
animal, but he was always considerate of others, especially Rowan. If Rowan needed to study,
Sam took his party elsewhere. That was more than he could say for some of the other college
students in the building. Of course, every now and then Rowan caught a glimpse of something
deeper in Sam as if his responsibilities were more than he could stand sometimes. But Sam never
gave in to the feeling, and that attracted Rowan all the more.

Aside from a great personality, his roommate had an incredible body. And to Rowan’s

torment and pleasure combined, he had seen the other man naked on several occasions. Sam slept
in the nude and had a habit of sleepwalking. Rowan didn’t know how many late nights he nursed
his own insomnia with TV only to look up and see Sam strolling into the room in the buff.

And his cock. So big and long, it drew Rowan’s eyes. He wouldn’t have believed Sam was

that hung given he was a good head shorter than Rowan and had a medium build. Rowan was six
four with broad shoulders, and he liked the contrast in his size to Sam’s. All of his lovers had
been smaller than him except one. That’s how he preferred it. He had nothing to be ashamed of in
the size of his cock, but in that instant of seeing Sam’s equipment, he had fantasies of sucking
him off for hours.

“Shouldn’t you put something on?” he’d asked Sam. But when his roommate didn’t answer,

and his gaze seemed intent but unfocused, Rowan realized what was happening. He would never
take advantage of a man when he was essentially unconscious, so Rowan just steered Sam back to
his room and shut the door.

Of course now, he couldn’t stop visualizing Sam naked, and he dreamed of taking him hard

and rough. He closed his eyes and all but fell against the sink. Sucking in deep breaths, he tried to
calm himself. Maybe he should look for somewhere else to live. But he liked it here. He liked
looking at Sam and even occasionally touching him—all platonic touches—but still nice. He was
a glutton for punishment.

A bang on the door startled him. “Hey, how long are you going to be in there?”
Rowan straightened. He’d forgotten that Sam’s toilet was busted, and maintenance was taking

their time about coming to fix it. He ran a hand over his face.

“I still have to shave,” he called out but then unlocked the door. He could wait a couple

minutes while Sam relieved himself. That brought to mind Sam holding his cock, legs apart, and
Rowan shook his head to clear it.

Sam burst in. “Man, I gotta go. Too much drinking last night.” Without waiting for Rowan to

vacate the bathroom, Sam stood over the toilet and went. Rowan jetted from the small space with
Sam laughing behind him. “Damn, Rowan, you’d think you never pissed in front of another man
before. Ever use a urinal?”

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“Shut up,” Rowan grunted. He went down the hall to his room and lay back on the bed. His

cock was hard, and it tented the towel he had wrapped around his waist. He threw an arm over his
head and concentrated on calming down.

Sam’s chuckle met his ears again. “So that’s what it was. You were jacking off in there and

didn’t want me to know. Dude, you gotta do it right. Finish it in the shower because I don’t want
to walk in and slip on your come.”

The picture that produced in his head made Rowan laugh with his friend. He reached down

and covered his cock. Knowing Sam had seen him only made things worse. Sam’s boyish grin,
making him look all of seventeen rather than twenty-one, drew Rowan like a magnet. Of course it
did the same for many women too, young and old. Rowan wasn’t aware that Sam had a particular
girlfriend, but everyone knew Sam was more concerned with looking out for his little brother who
was fresh out of high school and would be starting college in the fall.

“I was not jacking off,” he said. “Anyway, you done?”
“It’s all yours,” Sam said with a knowing smile. He backed to the side of the doorway and

gave a grand sweep of his arm.

Rowan stood up, adjusted his towel, and started forward. The closer he got to the door, the

more he realized that his large form would never get through without brushing against Sam. His
traitorous cock, which he’d gotten somewhat under control, began to swell again. He bit off a

In the seconds it took him to draw up alongside Sam, he considered turning away from the

other man, but that would make his ass sweep Sam’s stomach. Somehow he couldn’t bring
himself to do that. If he faced Sam, his hard cock would come into contact with Sam’s abs, and it
would be painfully obvious he was still excited.

Just when his hard-on caressed his friend’s middle and Sam’s baby blues widened a little,

someone rang the bell. “Oh, that’ll be John,” Sam blurted, and he rushed ahead of Rowan to
answer the door.

Rowan stopped cold in the hall. Damn, damn, damn! Looks like I have to move. I have no

choice. I can’t do this.

He did what he needed to in the bathroom and returned to his room to dress. By the time he

left his room, John, Sam’s little brother, was perched on the arm of the couch chattering about the
day he and Sam planned. John was a smaller version of his older brother with a thick head of dark
curls. Both of them looked young for their age, but since John actually was seventeen, he
appeared even younger than that. Poor kid.

“Hey, Rowan. What’s up?” He held out a hand to Rowan, and they shook. “You coming along

tonight? My brother and I are going to canvas the town for hot chicks. We’re planning to party
until we’re unconscious all summer long until I have to get serious.”

Rowan cocked a brow in Sam’s direction. Sam shook his head. “That’s your plan, not mine,

little brother. Remember, you’re still under twenty-one.” He grinned making Rowan’s heart beat
faster. “And you can’t fake it.”

John’s face turned red. “You get carded all the time!”
Sam shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m legitimate. You’re not. Anyway, you’re welcome to come

along tonight, Rowan. Your last class was yesterday, right?” Sam always knew his schedule.

“Mm, all finished. I have to work a few hours today, late so I don’t think I can join you guys.

Maybe tomorrow night.” He liked the flash of disappointment he saw in Sam’s eyes.

“Suit yourself,” John told him, and then he paused flaring his nostrils as he rose. “You know

you hardly ever go out with us when we offer, and when you do…” His eyes narrowed on Rowan.
“You’re not one of those fucking guys, are you?”

“Shut the hell up, John,” Sam growled. His vehemence took Rowan by surprise. “Just because

Rowan isn’t drooling over everything in a skirt like you do doesn’t mean he’s gay. Besides, I bet
he gets a lot more sex than you’ve ever dreamed of.”

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Sam’s defense of Rowan blew them both away, especially since Sam spent his time defending

his brother to everyone else, excusing his rudeness. Rowan was pretty sure Sam didn’t know what
kind of action he got since he kept his sex life private. John was right, of course, Rowan almost
never went out with them. That was partly because of his job and partly because of just what John
had said. He had no wish to pretend to get excited over women in skimpy outfits or to fend them
off when they came on to him. The few times he did go, he’d also been jealous of every female
that laid a hand on Sam.

“Bro, you’re taking his side?” John said in obvious hurt.
Sam gathered his keys from the table in preparation of leaving. “No, I’m trying to raise you

not to be a smartass.”

“I don’t need to be raised! I’ll be eighteen in July.”
“Yeah and you’re also a virgin. Let’s go.” Sam opened the door and stood aside while John

passed through it red and stiff with embarrassment. Rowan felt sorry for the guy, but John
deserved it.

Rowan shook off thoughts of the brothers and headed out to work. He figured he wouldn’t see

Sam again until either late that night or the next morning if he bothered coming home at all.

Because he was so busy with the sale they were having on all electronics, the day went by

fast. And soon Rowan was home with the remote in hand and the TV on the late night news.

He must have dozed off because when he woke up, the room was darkened, and someone was

standing over him. He yawned. “What the hell, Sam, go back to bed.”

Sam didn’t move. Rowan grunted. He sat up and realized too late that from his position on the

couch, he came up directly in front of Sam’s cock. The shaft stood at full attention, leaning away
from Sam’s body as if in invitation to Rowan to take it into his mouth. Although the living room
light was off, the TV still glowed with the volume turned low. Rowan could see the thick vein
running down the underside of Sam’s cock, and all he wanted to do was lick it.

He swallowed his desire and reached up to push his friend back a few steps. “Okay, I’ll help

you like always.”

He managed to get to his feet and turn Sam away from him. While it gave him relief not to

have a clear view of Sam’s cock, the sight of his muscled, round ass didn’t make things better. He
steered his friend down the hall, but something made Sam trip. Rowan couldn’t catch himself in
time at Sam’s sudden stop, and he bumped his friend from behind. Liquid fire raced through his
veins, and for a moment his arms went around Sam and across his chest to hold him up. Rowan’s
body was curved around Sam’s, and the only thing that separated the two of them was the fact
that Rowan wore sweat shorts. That didn’t stop his cock from straining to get to Sam’s ass.

All he needed now was for John to come out of Sam’s room to catch them. When the two of

them stayed out too late, John would spend the night with Sam, but then if he had, he would have
heard Sam getting out of the bed.

Rowan peeled himself off of Sam and continued to guide him down the hall. He sighed in

relief to find Sam’s room empty, and he gave him a gentle push inside. “Go back to bed, buddy.”

Sam again didn’t move, so Rowan walked past him and took his hand. He pulled Sam farther

into the room and gave him a gentle shove onto the bed. Somehow in his dream state, Sam
grasped Rowan’s hand tighter. When he went down on the bed, he took Rowan with him.

Rowan sprawled on top of Sam, but his roommate’s knee found its way up to Rowan’s nuts.

What should have been an accidental pleasure caused Rowan to curse in pain. The shout woke
Sam with Rowan still on top of him.

“What the hell?” Sam said. “Rowan, what are you doing?”
They were chest to chest, lips inches apart. Sam’s thigh was between Rowan’s legs, and his

hands at Rowan’s waist, while Rowan balled one fist on the bed and held most of his own weight
with the other hand. He blew air out of his nose. “I’m playing Pitty Pat. What the fuck do you
think I’m doing?”

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Rowan rolled off of his friend and closed his eyes a second while he hunched on the edge of

the bed. The pain began to subside. “You kneed me in the nuts, you prick. I was just helping you
back to your bed after you slept-walked. Again!”

“Damn, I’m sorry, buddy.” Sam sat up and pushed his hands through his hair. “So weird, I

thought I was done with all that, but it started up a few months ago. I know I’m a pain. And my
brother too. Hell, I don’t know why you’ve put up with us this long.”

“Forget it.” Rowan stood up.
“I’m serious, Rowan.” There was contrite in Sam’s tone. “I know I make everybody put up

with a lot of shit when it comes to John. It’s just…you know what I told you about our parents.
They’re so wrapped up with their own lives that they barely have time for him. I wanted to take
him with me when I left home, but I couldn’t afford it, so I spend as much time with him as I can.
At least they pay his bills. That’s all I can thank them for.”

“I know.” Rowan sighed and turned around to face Sam. He frowned. “Damn it, don’t you

have any shame?”

Sam’s eyebrows went up. “What do you mean?”
“You’re naked.”
Sam shrugged which didn’t explain a thing. “Okay, hang on. I’ll get dressed. I want to talk to

you about something, okay?”

Panic rose in Rowan. Could Sam have noticed how he was acting lately, how he couldn’t get

his eyes off of his body and half the time, he got hard with just an accidental brush with him? He
took a few steps toward the door and held up his hands. He did not want to have this discussion.
“Look, don’t worry about it. I’ve been planning to move out. I think it’s better that way.”

“What?” Sam surged to his feet. “Why? If it’s John, I’ll—”
“It’s not. Forget it.” He spun on his heel and barreled out the door and headed to his room. To

his annoyance, Sam chased after him. Rowan got to his room before his roommate grasped his
arm and forced him around. The man might be smaller, but he was strong. Sam lifted weights,
and even that had tormented Rowan watching him. Sweat beading on Sam’s tanned skin had
given Rowan many painful hard-ons, and only a long, cold shower had ever brought him relief.
Even jacking off hadn’t helped much. They made him want Sam more.

“You’re not moving out without giving me an explanation,” Sam snapped. “I thought we had

at least become friends over these last few months.”

Sam’s persistence pissed Rowan off. Why couldn’t he just accept the decision? He was close

to saying it was John, but he knew that would hurt Sam. He did the best he could with what life
had dealt him, and Rowan could commiserate in some ways. He’d seen the disinterest in Sam’s
mother and never met his father. Rowan’s parents had cut him off the day they learned he was
gay, and he hadn’t spoken to them in five years. That’s why he worked so much. He had to pay
all his own bills with no help from anyone.

“I don’t want to argue with you, Sam,” he bit out, trying to control his anger.
“Then don’t,” Sam countered. “Just spit it out. You said you didn’t have a problem with John,

and I try not to let him bother you. Did that thing he said earlier get to you? I’ll—”

“I told you that’s not it!”
“Then what the hell is it? I don’t want you to go!”
They glared at each other both breathing hard. The absurdity of their argument came through

to Rowan. They sounded like a couple about to break up. He only wished the first part of that was

Rowan ran a hand through his hair and tugged at it. He knew from experience that it stood up

in spikes. Sam had laughed at him when it looked that way. Rowan did it when he was stressed or
worried, and Sam always said something to soothe him. Damn it to hell, what would he do when
Sam wasn’t around?

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He closed his eyes and tried swallowing to wet his dry throat. Sam would be angry when he

knew the truth. He should never have deceived him.

“First, what people say or think about me makes no difference to me at all.” He opened his

eyes and looked straight into Sam’s. “Most people. But…”

“But what?”
Sam still hadn’t put any clothes on. Even in the middle of an argument, it took everything in

Rowan not to look down at the other man’s cock. And thinking about not doing it made him hard.
Before Sam could notice, he decided to come out with the truth. He could already imagine Sam
jetting for his room to cover up. He’d fucked up bad.

“I’m gay,” he said. “I lied because I needed somewhere to live fast.” When Sam didn’t say

anything, Rowan studied his face. “Did you hear me?”

“I heard you.” Sam turned his back, and Rowan’s shoulders slumped. But Sam wasn’t running

out of the room as he expected. He leaned against the doorjamb, head down. “I love John. I would
do anything for him. I saw how they treated him, and I will do whatever it takes for him—
including lie.”

Rowan wasn’t sure what that had to do with his confession. “Meaning?”
“Meaning”—Sam turned back to face him—“I’m gay too. I’ve kept it from John and

everyone else all this time.”

Rowan’s eyes widened until they hurt. “But…But you’ve been with women. You pick them

up every time you go out…”

“Have I?” Sam asked. “I’ve partied with them. I’ve collected numbers. Have you ever seen

me bring one home or leave with one? You know sometimes I go out alone, and you assume I’m
seeing the women I’ve met, but I’m not. I’ve had affairs…with men.”

Rowan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had no idea how to respond or what this

meant. Sam’s confession gave him relief, even hope, but it didn’t mean their situation had
changed much. For all he knew Sam could have a man out there who he was in love with,
someone he went to when Rowan thought he was having sex with the women he met. All those
times he’d seen Sam dancing with ladies at the bar, and he must not have felt a thing. He hid what
he was for John, and that made things worse. There was no way he’d want to get involved with

“There’s something else I haven’t told you,” Sam admitted.
Rowan gritted his teeth. He didn’t think he wanted to hear anymore.
“There’s one man I love,” Sam said.
Rowan closed his eyes and turned away. Just as he thought. He felt sick to his stomach. Now

more than ever, he knew he had to move out. Sam might not like it, but he had no choice. Rowan
would make sure to find him another roommate, a straight one.

“It’s you,” Sam blurted. “I love you, Rowan. I think I started to fall for you from the first day

I met you. I thought I could never have a chance since I thought you were straight, but I was so
attracted to you. It tormented me from day to day being so close to you and not able to touch.
That and worrying about John must have made me start sleepwalking again when I hadn’t done it
for years. I stopped after I moved out of my parents’ house.”

“Stop,” Rowan told him with a roughness to his voice. “You’re going on about sleepwalking

after you told me you love me.” He hesitated and then walked over to Sam. Laying his hands on
Sam’s shoulders made both of them shudder. Rowan was so hungry to kiss Sam, but it still
seemed too good to be true. “I can’t believe—”

Sam kissed him. The kiss might have taken him by surprise, but Rowan didn’t hesitate to part

his lips and push his tongue inside Sam’s mouth. He drew Sam closer, pressed his chest into the
other man’s. He felt Sam’s flat little nipples harden as they brushed his skin. Rowan ran his hands
over Sam’s sides and around to his back. He stroked lower until he reached Sam’s ass. Drawing
him into his erection brought a moan from Sam’s lips, and it set Rowan’s desire on fire.

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Sam was just as hard as he was, and Rowan recalled how big Sam was. He couldn’t believe if

they kept this up he’d get to suck that amazing cock. His mouth watered just thinking about it, but
he broke their kiss and pushed Sam back.

Panting he took a few steps in retreat. “This doesn’t seem real. You’re not lying to me, are

you? Just to keep me here?”

Sam chuckled. Rowan noted how the light blue eyes had turned dark. If nothing else, Sam

was turned on. He saw the swirl of desire deep in their depths. “Why would I do that? A straight
man fucking a gay one just to keep a roommate? Sounds extreme, and even if it was true, don’t
you think I’d be more awkward, maybe have to do a little manipulating to get my cock hard?”

At the mention of Sam’s goods, Rowan glanced down. Sam held his long shaft in his fist, but

he wasn’t pumping it. At the tip precome had already begun to leak out, and Sam’s balls were
tight. Was he that close to an orgasm from one kiss?

“I don’t expect you to love me back,” Sam continued, but I want you, and I can see by the tent

in your shorts that you want me too. One night is all I ask for, Rowan. Just one night of forgetting
everybody else and just pleasing each other. I won’t make any demands on you after that, and you
can move out if that’s what you want.”

Rowan didn’t miss the catch in Sam’s voice. Sam really did love him. It was unbelievable.

Even in Rowan’s last relationship, the one he’d been in for two years before they separated, he’d
known that he didn’t love his partner, and the other man didn’t love him.

Sam loved him, the man who was always thinking of others and putting their needs ahead of

his own. Rowan knew in that moment that Sam partied as hard as he did to release the stress of it
all. But right now, he saw the vulnerability in his friend. Sam needed him. This wasn’t about Sam
taking care of something. This was about Sam needing to be taken care of.

Decision made, Rowan crossed the distance between them and lifted Sam into his arms. Sam

gasped, but he didn’t fight. Rowan carried him over to the bed and laid him down gently. Then he
straightened and scooted out of his shorts. He watched for Sam’s reaction to seeing him naked,
and if anything the fire in his eyes flamed hotter.

Rowan went over to the jeans he’d thrown over a chair earlier and dug in the front pocket.

The lube was still there. He fished it out and returned to the bed. After laying it on the nightstand,
he climbed on the bed. Running a hand down Sam’s chest, he marveled at the way Sam arched up
to his touch. Sam’s eyes closed, and his lips—deep rose from Rowan’s kisses—parted.

Rowan pinched Sam’s nipples. He fondled them, twisting and tugging until Sam groaned.

Then he leaned in and began licking at them. “You like that, baby?”

“Fuck, yeah,” Sam murmured. “More, Rowan. I’ve waited so long. I want a lot more.”
Rowan licked along Sam’s hot skin, enjoying the salty, smooth texture. He made his way to

Sam’s navel and dipped his tongue there. Sam squirmed and rose up to meet Rowan’s mouth, but
Rowan pushed him down and held him in place. He loved the feel of Sam’s rock hard abs under
his hand. He nipped the taut skin bringing a yelp from Sam, but it didn’t make him pause. He
explored lower.

Sam’s cock stood at attention, and Rowan gave it one long hungry suck. The precome tasted

so good, he almost lost himself to going after more. But instead, he released it and then kissed all
around the shaft. He even sucked at Sam’s balls. Rowan didn’t want Sam coming too soon. He
wanted them to play the rest of the night, and he liked seeing Sam all stiff, waiting for him to
satisfy him. Rowan tormented Sam by caressing his thighs, squeezing and kissing them. He
moved around to the underside of one leg while he held it propped up. Working his way lower to
Sam’s ass made the man twitch and plead. Rowan smiled against Sam’s skin. How long had he
wanted to taste Sam? Months, he realized, almost from the beginning just like his friend.

One small lick at Sam’s asshole had Sam shaking. Rowan went for more, laving and moaning.

He slurped noisily at it, and Sam raised his hips off the bed. He grabbed for his cock and pumped,
but Rowan forced his hand away.

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“No you don’t. I get that when I’m ready,” he instructed Sam. “You wait for it.”
Sam looked down at him between his legs. His eyes were dark and angry. Rowan only smiled

then licked again. Sam shuddered. He tried to fight Rowan, but Rowan took hold of his hands and
forced them down. He was getting more excited finding that he loved dominating Sam.

Rowan sat up and moved on top of Sam. “You’re not going to wait, huh?”
“Why should I? I want it. We both do.”
“Yeah, we do.” Rowan ground against Sam, careful not to hurt his balls. “You want this?”
Sam’s mouth fell open. His eyes lowered to slits.
“Feel good?” Rowan whispered as their cocks rubbed together. He was sure he could have an

orgasm with this alone. That’s how hot Sam made him. He leaned in and kissed Sam’s neck
before tracing a path with his tongue.

Sam almost flipped him off, but Rowan used his weight to pin Sam to the mattress. He

pumped again, and Sam cried out. Rowan’s thighs were bigger and harder. He used them to keep
Sam’s legs prone.

“Don’t fucking tease,” Sam rasped.
Rowan whispered in his ear. “Then what do you want?”
“You know.”
“What do you want, Sam?”
“I want you to fuck me in my ass so hard I pass out.”
Rowan’s eyes widened. “That’s a tall order.”
“You’re a big man. I’m sure you can handle it.”
“Yeah, I can.”
Rowan sat up. He released Sam’s hands and reared back on his heels. “Lube yourself while I


Sam got on his hands and knees and reached for the tube on the nightstand. While he

stretched, Rowan took in the sight of his asshole opening and the way his balls and cock hung. He
licked his lips. His own cock twitched in anticipation. Yeah, he could plug Sam with no problem,
and he liked rough sex. He’d never guessed in a million years Sam would like it too. Was he into
pain? He supposed after tonight, if they continued together, they could learn a lot more about each
other. And because they were roommates, no one had to know. Not even John.

He still didn’t think he could play the straight game that Sam played, and he definitely didn’t

agree to watch while women touched Sam, but they could feel their way along. One night, Sam
had said, but he had no idea how willing Rowan was. One night would never be enough for him
to explore Sam’s pretty ass. Not nearly enough!

Sam unscrewed the cap on the lube and squeezed some off on his fingers. He worked his

digits into his ass. Just by the fact that he loosened up quickly and moaned all the way through the
process told Rowan he hadn’t lied about being gay. For a moment, Rowan felt jealous about the
number of men who had been back there, but he dismissed the thought. He had Sam now, and he
wasn’t planning to share as long as it lasted.

While Sam pumped fingers into his own ass, Rowan pulled a condom from the nightstand’s

drawer and tore the packet before rolling it onto his cock. When he was ready, he brushed Sam’s
hands away and pushed his shaft’s tip to the hole. Sam arched his back deep causing his ass to

Rowan groaned. “Yeah, baby, nice and high for me.”
He threaded his cock into the opening. Even without being a virgin, Sam was tight enough to

make Rowan gasp in pleasure. His passage squeezed Rowan’s cock, almost massaging it as he
entered. He clenched his jaw and watched as he held Sam’s hips and drove forward. His cock
disappeared by inches until he was buried to the hilt. Seeing his pelvis flush against Sam’s hard
ass made him close to coming, but he drew in and blew out heavy breaths until he was calmer.

“Hurt?” he asked Sam.

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Sam wiggled his ass a little. “Not yet.” The hope he heard made Rowan grin. So he’d been

right about his friend. Sam wanted it painfully rough. Rowan intended to find out how much Sam
could take. He withdrew and thrust once, and Sam groaned. “Harder.”

Rowan went at him again. He smacked Sam’s ass cheek and turned it red. Sam mewled.

Rowan smacked him again and then drove deep. He raised one leg and began arching his hips so
he’d pump into Sam’s ass. His lover pushed back into him. Rowan tightened his grip. “No you
don’t. You keep your tight ass still.”

Sam hissed.
Rowan drove forward, deep and fast. He fucked Sam harder and harder. Sam began to shout

his pleasure, which spurred Rowan on. He bit into Sam’s hips with his fingers figuring there
would be bruises in the morning. He pounded his cock far up Sam’s channel, pulled back, and
repeated over and over again. The room filled with Sam’s shouts and the slaps of their bodies
coming together. Rowan put his head back. He held on and went at Sam with everything he had.
The pleasure was unbelievable. He let the longing, the lust, and the ache of months wanting his
friend, wash over him as he took Sam. And when it wasn’t enough, he shoved Sam flat on the

He kept Sam’s thighs together while he parted his own thicker ones. Each positioned on either

side of Sam while he straddled the man. Rowan growled while he held onto Sam and took what
he wanted. He heard a low sob as Sam muffled it in the pillow. Rowan gasped. His control was
almost shot. He knew he hadn’t done things just right. They should have talked more about this.

“D-Do…” he rasped. “Want…me…to…stop?”
His mind shouted hell no, he wasn’t stopping until he came, but he had to think about Sam.

His lover didn’t answer. Rowan looked up at him. Sam’s eyes were closed. His bottom lip was
caught between his teeth. His nostrils were flared. Did he like it, or did it hurt too much? Still
Rowan arched into him, pounding home. The movements made his cock ache a little, and his
balls were somewhat abused, but the sensations were good. He loved it this violent. Finding
lovers that wanted it this rough were rare for him.

“Tell me,” he shouted.
“D-Don’t,” Sam whispered.
Rowan hooked his feet over Sam’s calves and continued to ride him. The bed creaked beneath

his assault on Sam’s body, and then he could hold back no longer. He was going to come.

“Sam, Sam,” he moaned. His come spurted out. The sensations made him dizzy. Sam

whimpered once and was quiet. Long after all of Rowan’s juices were dragged out of him, he lay
still breathing hard on top of Sam.

Muscles aching with his satisfaction, he rolled off of his lover and landed beside him on his

back. Rowan looked over at Sam. His eyes were still closed. Had he fainted like he had asked for?
Rowan brushed Sam’s hair from his forehead, and then the dark lashes fluttered open.

Sam’s cheeks turned red. “I came on the bed.”
Rowan grunted. “I wanted to suck you.”
“We have the rest of the night,” Sam suggested.
“Was I too rough?”
“And you like it that hard?” Rowan asked him to be sure.
“Well, I didn’t faint.”
Rowan grinned. “I’ll have to work harder.” At the pleasure he saw in the other man’s face,

Rowan began to stroke his cheek. “Sam, what if I said I don’t want it to be one night? What if I
said, I love you too?”

“You’d make me the happiest man on earth,” his friend answered without hesitation.
“Your brother…”

background image

“We can work that out.” Sam looked away, but he moved closer to Rowan, throwing his arm

over Rowan’s chest. “I know I’ll have to tell him the truth about me—and eventually you—so
don’t worry about that.”

“I’m not worried.” Rowan took Sam into his arms and ran his hand down to his ass. Gingerly,

he pressed a finger to Sam’s ass, the other man flinched a little. But he also felt Sam’s growing
erection against his thigh. “As long as you want to be with me, I’ll be right here.”

“There’s nothing I want more. I love you so much, Rowan.”
“And I love you. From now on you don’t worry so much. I’m here, and I’m not leaving.


Sam sighed in his arms. “Deal!”

The End

About the Author

Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including male/male and ménage, and she has

many more on the way. Please visit Risky Ink at to find out more about her
First Time Series of male/male novellas.


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Cole Eden Blackmailed Heart
Cole Eden Craven
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