Cole Eden Blackmailed Heart

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Blackmailed Heart

By Eden Cole

Copyright © September 2011, Eden Cole
Cover art by For the Muse Designs © September 2011
ISBN 978-1-936668-29-8

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel
are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA

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Blackmailed Heart

Eden Cole


Chapter One

Tyler leaned against the rail on his front porch and watched the man

who hadn’t left his dreams in five years. Sebastian hadn’t changed. His
thick blond hair still curled about his head, and his physique was that of a
pro ballplayer—hard and chiseled. Many nights Tyler had lain in those big
arms and felt all was right in the world.

As Sebastian drew closer, Tyler revised his thought that the man

hadn’t changed. He was wrong. The blue eyes that had been his reason for
rising each morning had gone from bright and expectant to dull and leery.
Surely, they didn’t appear that way because of him? He’d hoped Sebastian
would get over him and move on with his life, but maybe that wasn’t the

His former lover drew up in front of him and removed his hat. He

swiped a hand over his sweaty forehead before shoving it back on. Dust
covered his jeans and worn boots, the signs of a man who worked his land
with his own hands.

“Hey, Sebastian,” Tyler said, glad no emotion seeped out into his tone.

“Long time no see.”

Sebastian frowned. This close Tyler realized his gaze didn’t quite meet

Tyler’s. “Your cow got loose in my fields again. Trampled what she didn’t
eat. I don’t like having to keep coming by, but I have a living to make. If
you could see to fixing your fence so she can’t break through, I’d much
appreciate it.”

For a few moments, Tyler could find nothing to say. He was just back

home, and this was the first time they’d seen each other in so long. No
doubt Sebastian had been dealing with his manager about the cow, but he
couldn’t believe Sebastian was being so formal, so impersonal. They had
history, but this. His heart constricted, and he began to think he’d hurt him
deeper than he could ever have imagined. Getting Sebastian to forgive him
would be difficult.

Forgiveness, he repeated to himself. He hadn’t considered it until just

that moment when he saw the look in his former lover’s eyes, an emotion

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Sebastian tried to hide. “I’ve missed you,” he said rather than address the
cow situation. “I thought of you every day I was away. And I wanted to
say I’m sorry for breaking things off between us. You know my aunt—”

“That’s old news that I don’t care to discuss,” Sebastian interrupted. “I

want to know when you’ll get the cow and when you’ll fix the fence.”

Tyler came down the steps off the porch and walked up to his old

boyfriend. Sebastian must be twenty-six to his twenty-three, but he’d
grown a good three or four inches. They’d been the same height at just
over six feet. Now he had to tilt his head back a little. He liked it. “Can’t
we talk?”

Sebastian seemed to battle between stepping back to put distance

between them and holding his ground. Staying where he was won out. “I
have nothing to say.”

“I know I hurt you.” Tyler put a hand up to touch his face, but

Sebastian ducked away from it. A moan escaped Tyler’s lips. “Baby…”

“Don’t!” Sebastian turned and stomped down the drive. “Get your cow

before I shoot it!” He walked down the lane leading back to the road, and
Tyler watched him with an ache in his chest until he was out of sight.

He’d been wrong five years ago. At the time, he felt he had no choice,

and he’d hoped Sebastian would understand. His lover hadn’t been the
only one to be hurt in the deal. Tyler hurt too. He’d been devastated.
Worse, he’d had to leave his home and fly across the country to a place
where no one appreciated his slow Southern drawl. They’d called him
country bumpkin and pranked him. The girls who’d found him attractive
had blurted it to the cruel guys when they learned he was gay. That had
made a bad situation intolerable, and it wasn’t the type of thing he could
tell his aunt to motivate her to let him come home. After all, that’s why
she’d blackmailed him in the first place—to get him away from his gay

Tyler returned to the house that was now his to get the keys to his

pickup. If he remembered correctly, the trailer was still hooked up to it. He
could transport the cow back with no problem. Of course, he could get one

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of the workers to lead the cow over the field, but why do that when he’d
have another opportunity to look at Sebastian, maybe even talk to him?

When he climbed into the truck, he found his heart racing once again,

and just thinking of the way Sebastian looked in his jeans hardened his
cock. He smiled. One way or another he’d have him. The hope he’d felt
when he finished school knowing he could come back was the only thing
that kept him going. Not that it worked in the beginning. Despair had
caused him to flunk class after class, and the process had taken longer. He
liked to think he’d matured and gotten stronger, capable of managing the
ranch and the financial investments now that his aunt had passed.

Sebastian’s land came into view after a short ride down the road. The

Eberwood Gully sign etched into the arch over the entrance was as
familiar to him as his own home. He’d come here as a child and played
with his best friend. Then later when they awakened to their bodies and
hearts’ desires, they’d become lovers. Back then Tyler never imagined
he’d go more than a day without speaking to Sebastian.

“Tyler Wade, I heard you were back in town,” Deb Morgan,

Sebastian’s housekeeper called out when he parked. “Look at you all
grown up into a man, when you left a boy.”

He nodded and touched a finger to his hat. “Mornin’, Deb. Good to see

you again. I’d heard you were working for Sebastian now. I hope he’s a
good boss.”

She winked and put hands on her tiny waist along with poking her

double-D breasts out. He figured they must appeal to straight men. “The
best. I wouldn’t work for just anybody.”

I heard different with that too. But he didn’t say it out loud. Deb had

been after Sebastian almost as long as Tyler had been friends with him,
and it had never seemed to matter to the woman, who was pushing thirty,
that Sebastian was openly gay. She believed she could change him with
one night in her bed. He hoped she hadn’t tested that theory while he was

“I’m going around to the back and get my cow.” He shrugged and

offered a sheepish grin. Deb rolled her eyes at him. He knew she

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suspected him of coming all the way over here just to see Sebastian, but
what did he care? Sebastian was his. Even though neither Deb nor
Sebastian had accepted the fact yet.

Tyler was just getting the back of the trailer locked when he glanced

up to see Sebastian walking toward him. His heart raced, and he
swallowed. An ache started in the pit of his stomach. He’d talked to
Sebastian a million times before today and made love to him hundreds.
There was no reason he should feel like this. Still, he should be used to it.
Sebastian always left him unsettled in one way or another.

“About earlier,” Sebastian began.
Tyler waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. To be honest, it’s an

impact seeing you after all this time. I guess it’s the same with you.” He
let his gaze sweep Sebastian from his full lips to his hard thighs. “You
look good, really good.”

He thought Sebastian would brush off the compliment, maybe even

walk away in a huff, but he stood where he was, leaning against the side of
the trailer. This time, his hat was missing, and Tyler got to enjoy how the
sun had darkened his hair some. “Thanks. You look good too. I guess
California agreed with you.”

Tyler tightened his lips. He fiddled with the lock a minute and then let

it go. “No, it didn’t actually. I’m a Texas boy through and through, and
this is where I belong.” He paused and looked Sebastian in the eye. “With

Tyler advanced closer to Sebastian, but the bigger man backed up a

step. He reached out to take Sebastian’s hand and pulled him in close.
Their lengths were flush against each other, and Tyler felt his cock grow
hard. Sebastian’s cock stuck him just right at the belt buckle, but he could
tell it was stiff—just as he liked it.

“Don’t.” Sebastian echoed what he’d said earlier when Tyler tried to

touch his cheek, but this time, there was no conviction in it. Tyler pressed
closer. He stretched up to kiss Sebastian’s lips, and to his surprise and
excitement, his former lover’s lips parted. Tyler took advantage of it. He
pushed his tongue inside Sebastian’s mouth and reached around behind

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him to squeeze his ass cheeks. Hunger leaped to life inside of him as he
devoured the delicious lips he’d dreamed of tasting again.

He would have taken the kiss on for hours if he could, but when he

pushed fingers toward Sebastian’s crack, Sebastian caught his hand and
pushed him away. Groaning, Tyler dropped his forehead on Sebastian’s

“I’m sorry, Tyler. I’m with someone else now.”
Tyler jerked away from him, scowling. “Who? Tell me.”
The eyes that had once been warm and full of life turned cold. “That’s

not your concern.”

“It’s not Deb is it?”
Sebastian’s eyes widened in surprise, and his pallor seemed to turn a

bit green. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

Tyler shrugged. He stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep from

reaching for Sebastian again. Since his dick was still solid, he didn’t figure
pulling the denim tight across his thigh hid it very well. In fact from the
way Sebastian’s gaze lowered and flew back to his face several times, it
must be very defined. He was okay with that.

“Just wondered is all,” he drawled. “She’s been after you for years.”
Despite how he must have fought it, a grin spread over Sebastian’s

lips. “I’m still gay.”

“Yeah you are.” Tyler just loved looking at him.
Sebastian must have gotten nervous from Tyler’s hungry expression.

“Well, I have to get back to work. Thanks for getting the cow.”

Tyler watched him leave smiling. Sebastian might deny it, but he still

wanted Tyler. That kiss said it all. If he were so into whoever he was
dating, then he wouldn’t have let things go as far as they had. Now he had
real hope, and he wasn’t going to give up. What he needed to do now was
find out who the bastard was who thought he was taking his man from

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Eden Cole


Chapter Two

Tyler wrenched the bar door open with a little too much force.

Frustration had been eating at him for the past week. Every time he looked
for Sebastian, he’d just missed him. He’d come to the conclusion that his
former lover was hiding from him, and that kiss hadn’t pushed them
forward but set them back. Because he’d started griping at every little
thing his men did around the ranch, he thought it best to get out of the
house for a while. Otherwise, he’d be working the place alone.

Just inside the bar, he paused to take a look around. Cookie’s was just

like he imagined. Everything from the tables to the chairs to the counter
was made of wood. Hay and peanut shells littered the floor, and all
available space was taken up with customers. The dance floor, already
small, was compacted with men, and a few women, swaying in each
other’s arms to the music on the jukebox. He and Sebastian had loved the
idea of the place, the only gay bar for miles, but hadn’t been old enough to
come in before he left. They’d planned on it though, and now he was
experiencing it for the first time on his own. The thought depressed him.

The owner of the bar, Cookie, had had the damndest time getting the

permits for it. Folk around there didn’t appreciate the number of gays and
lesbians they assumed would come flocking to their town. Tyler
maintained they had no idea how many were already there. He strolled
over to the bar and as luck would have it found an empty stool. The
bartender was busy drying a glass and caught Tyler’s eye right away.
“What’ll it be, partner?”

“Bud,” Tyler answered.
The man squinted at Tyler, and he knew what was coming. He didn’t

think he looked young for his age, but he was young. Having already
gotten it ready, he flipped his license out, and the guy nodded. With deft
fingers, he prepared the beverage. After Tyler took the glass overflowing
with foam, he gulped a good inch or two of the beer and spun to scan the

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At the other end of the bar, a man who must be in his late twenties or

early thirties raised his glass to Tyler. Not an ounce of interest rose in him,
but Tyler studied the guy anyway. Baby blue eyes, not as pretty as
Sebastian’s but still sexy. Blond hair, a bit too long, wavy more than curly.
He had a good build, and he appeared to be taller. Tyler nodded his head
and raised his glass. The man smiled revealing straight white teeth and
slipped off his stool. Tyler leaned an elbow on the counter and waited for
him to come over.

“Josh Cummings,” the man said.
Tyler lifted his eyebrows. “Cummings, huh?”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” He stood close allowing his thigh to bump

Tyler’s. Tyler waited for the familiar stir in his cock, but there wasn’t one.
Not that he didn’t think with a bit of kissing and touching, he couldn’t get
worked up. He could. He was a man after all. “And your name is? I don’t
think I’ve seen you here before. Maybe just old enough?”

Tyler shook himself from his thoughts. “Tyler Wade. Just back in


They chatted a little while, Tyler parrying his suggestive comments

with a few of his own. He saw no problem passing the time with a little
flirting. Josh was hot, but Tyler’s heart belonged to one man and always
would. In all the time he’d dated Sebastian he never cheated and hadn’t
been tempted to.

When Josh’s attention wandered from him for the first time all night,

Tyler glanced around to see who he was looking at. He froze in place not
believing his eyes. Sebastian had just walked into the bar on the arm of
another man. The wiry bastard at his side put him in mind of a weasel, and
his hand sat tucked inside Sebastian’s back pocket. The self-satisfied
expression on his face as if to say look at the beauty I get to fuck tonight
pissed Tyler off. Remaining where he was took all of Tyler’s self-control,
but at least now he could put a face to the man Sebastian claimed he was

Tyler peered up at Josh beside him and frowned. “See something you

rather have over there?”

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Josh blinked. He’d watched Sebastian and weasel make their way

across the bar to a table already occupied. Weasel snapped his fingers, and
the people scrambled away. Tyler clenched his jaw.

“No, of course not. I’ve already seen what I want.” Josh flashed him a

bright smile and stepped closer so that he was between Tyler’s thighs.
Now his cock did twitch. “I’m just trying to close the deal is all.”

Tyler stood and rested his hands on Josh’s hips. “Dance with me.” He

didn’t wait for an agreement but walked ahead to the dance floor. When he
turned around, he wasn’t surprised to find Josh close behind. He stepped
into his arms, and they moved close enough that their bodies brushed.
Tyler tilted his head so his nose caressed Josh’s shoulder. He swayed to
the music, and Josh followed his lead. By the time he’d finished
maneuvering the two of them around, he was able to get a good view of
Sebastian and his cruel-mouthed boyfriend. But seeing them together was
doing nothing for Tyler’s mood.

When he caught Sebastian looking, he ran his hands up Josh’s arms

and stretched himself up. Josh moaned. He wrapped his arms around Tyler
and pulled him in tighter. While Josh was taller, he wasn’t more than and
inch or two. Anyone could tell that their cocks rubbed. Tyler noted the
paleness in Sebastian’s complexion even though his expression was blank.
He started to pull out of Josh’s hold when Weasel set down the shot glass
he’d been holding and dropped his hand below the table straight into
Sebastian’s crotch from the look of it. Tyler clenched his fingers, and Josh

“Easy, cowboy,” Josh said. “We can get to the rough stuff later.
Tyler loosened his hold in an instant. “Sorry.” He looked back at

Sebastian, but his former lover had dropped his gaze and was listening to
whatever his boyfriend whispered into his ear. Jealousy ripped through
Tyler because Weasel’s hand was still between Sebastian’s legs, and he
was obviously massaging the area.

Tyler broke from Josh’s arms. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. You

live nearby?”

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Josh all but whooped making himself appear a lot younger. “Yeah, not

far. Can’t wait.”

Tyler followed him out, a hand wrapped around Josh’s waist. He

longed to look back at Sebastian but steeled himself. Seeing that
disgusting creature with his hands on the man that should be his and
Sebastian letting him do it had sickened Tyler, and all he wanted now was
to bury himself in a tight ass and forget all his problems.

He hopped into Josh’s pickup, leaving his in the bar parking lot. They

drove a mile down the road to a convenience store for more beer and then
headed to Josh’s apartment. Eyeing the older man’s ass while they walked
up the stairs to the second floor, Tyler decided he could definitely enjoy
himself. Knock back a few and he wouldn’t care what state his heart was
in as long as he could come.

Tyler didn’t even bother with looking around. He caught Josh just

inside the apartment and dragged him to him. Tyler pinned the bigger man
to the wall and shoved a thigh between his. Josh let him invade his mouth
with his tongue and begin groping his cock. But then he flipped the switch
and banged Tyler against the door. Tyler gave a shove, but it was like
fighting off a brick wall. He could get off on how big and hard Josh’s
chest was trapping him in place if he liked to be dominated. He didn’t.

Josh kissed Tyler noisily, filling his mouth with so much tongue, Tyler

could only struggle to catch his breath. His hands were pinned to his sides,
Josh’s larger fingers laced between his. His date bent his knees and ground
his hard cock into Tyler’s. He released one hand only to rip Tyler’s shirt
open to kiss and suck his nipples. “Mm, you’re beautiful,” Josh
murmured. “I want it all. I’m going to eat you top to bottom.”

“Wait, wait.” Tyler panted, pushing at Josh’s shoulder. “I like the top.

You can suck my cock all you want, but I get your ass. Got it?”

The other man’s eyes bugged. “Wha—? But…”
Tyler used Josh’s temporary confusion to get away from his hold. He

swiped the couple of six packs from the floor and continued farther inside
the apartment. After he’d popped one of the beers open, he collapsed on

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the couch and slugged it back. Over the rim of the bottle, he watched Josh
follow him into the living room.

Josh ran hand through his hair and then wiped it over his mouth. His

cock continued to tent his pants, so he hadn’t cooled down, Tyler noted.
He’d picked up on the man’s preference before he agreed to go home. Josh
had assumed because Tyler was smaller and of lighter build, he’d be the
one to take Tyler. Wrong. Tyler liked them big, tall, and hard, but he also
loved a tight, sweet ass and a man on his knees letting him go at it. He’d
taken Sebastian every time they made love, and Sebastian had no problem
giving into it. That’s how they both liked it.

“So,” Tyler said when he’d polished off a second beer, “what do you


He opened the button on his pants and lowered the zipper. His cock

strained against his boxers, and he thrust them out of the way. Josh’s blue
gaze locked onto his length, and he grunted. “You’re going to rip my ass
to hell with that.”

Tyler chuckled. He stroked his cock, proud of all nine inches and its

girth. “Don’t worry. I can be a gentle lover. I know how to do it so I don’t
hurt you. Wanna get me started?”

While he rubbed the precome around the tip with his thumb, Josh shed

his clothes. Tyler admired the hard body and did his best to push
comparisons to Sebastian out of his mind. He’d thought of him enough,
and if he didn’t stop, he’d never enjoy this experience. Josh dropped to his
knees and crawled forward. Tyler’s cock strained in his palm toward the
man, aching for lips to pull and suck.

Josh looked up at him while he stuck his tongue out. The tip swirled

along Tyler’s length, and he gasped. He raised his hips when Josh opened
his mouth, and the tip disappeared. “All of it,” he demanded.

He rested a hand on the back of Josh’s head but didn’t force him. Inch

after inch disappeared between his lips, and Tyler marveled at just how
much he could take. He tilted his head to the side so he could see Josh’s
Adam’s apple bobbing as he actually swallowed a few inches of Tyler’s

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“Damn, you’re good. No one has taken that much.” He groaned and

closed his eyes. Almost no one. Tyler blanked his mind to concentrate on
the sensation. “Suck it, oh yeah, suck my big cock. Do it harder. Yeah,
like that.”

Josh picked up speed, taking as much of Tyler’s cock into his mouth as

he could and then pulling back. He tried pushing fingers down inside
Tyler’s pants to his hole, but Tyler held him off. He made Josh
concentrate on bringing him close to an orgasm, but he kept a tight rein on
his release. Not yet. He wanted to be rock solid when he went into Josh’s
ass, and he didn’t want to wait to get it up before then.

Still the man was good with his mouth, and Tyler was hard-pressed not

to let go. Josh teased his balls with his hands and then his mouth. He
sucked them and licked until Tyler felt like he could lose it any second.
Determined to regain control, he shoved the other man back and forced
him to turn over so that he was face up with his head resting on the edge
of the couch. Tyler straddled him and held his head back by his hair. He
fed his throbbing cock into Josh’s mouth and began fucking his face. With
rigid control so he wouldn’t hurt the man, he pumped.

A growl of desperate pleasure rose up from his chest. He enjoyed not

only the feel of what he was doing but the sexy flush in Josh’s cheeks. He
grinned. “With that mouth of yours, I’m going to come we don’t stop

He pulled back and straightened. Josh frowned at him, but he didn’t

complain. He got up and turned over, pointing his muscled ass in the air.
Tyler stroked his shaft and moaned. “Condom?”

“We don’t have to—”
Tyler wasn’t going for that. “No way, buddy. We’re safe, or we don’t

do it.”

Josh harrumphed and left the living room to return a moment later with

the covering and some lube. Tyler was too ready. He ripped into the
packet and rolled the condom onto his cock. Then he retrieved the lube
from Josh’s trembling hand and worked some onto his fingers.

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“Hey, don’t worry, okay?” He patted Josh’s cheek. “Like I said, I’m

pretty good at not hurting my lover. I’ll take care of you. You just give me
what I want. I promise to make you feel real good.”

Josh offered a weak smile. “Maybe I can take you afterward.”
Tyler pushed him down onto the couch. He stripped off his clothing,

and Josh’s eyes feasted over his form, lingering at his chest first and then
on down over his abs and lower to his thighs.

“Damn, you’re hot.” Fear left Josh’s expression to be replaced with

lazy excitement. “I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you. A body like
that should never be wasted on a woman. She wouldn’t know what to do
with it.”

Tyler chuckled, stroking his cock as he got into position over Josh.

“Never had one, never will.” He raised Josh’s legs causing his puckered
ass hole to open. “No more talk. I want in here.”

Josh gasped when Tyler pushed a greased fingertip into his hole, but

Tyler didn’t go too far. He teased the opening a little, played around the
edges while he squeezed Josh’s cheeks. The more excited he made him,
the less likely he’d be to stiffen his muscles, and the sooner Tyler could
get inside his tight ass.

Tyler pushed his middle finger into the hole again, this time all the

way up to his knuckle. His palm caressed Josh’s rounded cheeks and then
smacked it lightly the faster he pushed in and withdrew. He glanced up to
take in the reaction he was getting from Josh, and smirked at the flush on
his face. His lips parted, and he panted. Tyler guessed he was halfway
between liking the feel and resenting that he was put in this position. Tyler
added another finger and worked the two in an ever-widening circle. His
new lover bit his bottom lip.

“Fuck, fuck,” he grumbled.
“Does it hurt?” Tyler asked.
Josh clenched his teeth together in an obvious attempt not to answer.

Tyler had no intention of forcing him to. He kept at Josh’s hole, adding a
third finger. When he was up to four, he was confident he could get his
cock in without causing pain or damage. By now, Josh squirmed and

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moaned. He gripped the back of the couch cushion, and when that wasn’t
enough he punched the wall.

Tyler knew what the problem was. He left his buried fingers in Josh

and used his other hand to flick at the swollen cock head resting on Josh’s
lower belly. The shaft twitched, and Josh cried out in pleasure. His eyes
closed, and he arched his neck. Tyler flicked the cock again, and this time
he squeezed the cap.

“Oh hell,” Josh exclaimed.
“You’ve never felt anything like that, have you, buddy? Hand in your

ass and one wrapped around your cock?” Tyler was smug in his certainty
that Josh was about to come. “Bet you’d like me to stroke it.”

“Shut up,” Josh ground out, but he pulled his legs higher and held onto

his knees.

Tyler enjoyed making his lover come. Almost as much as he loved

coming in his man, he enjoyed hearing them reach their release. He
watched the emotions flitting over their faces and took in every
contraction of muscle.

He worked up a rhythm of driving his fingers into Josh’s anus while

running his hand up and down his cock. Josh began to cry out and moan.
His hips rose from the couch and lowered. Tyler watched his new lover’s
eyes go glassy as if he would cry. And then he shut them, trembling.

“I can’t hold it,” Josh muttered.
Tyler groaned. “Why would you? Come for me, Josh.”
A final shout, and Josh exploded. He gasped trying to catch his breath

while hot come shot out of his cock and onto his chest. When he was
done, Tyler didn’t wait. He greased his fingers to rub into Josh’s ass, and
then he replaced his fingers with his cock. A smooth entrance, and he
thrilled at the tightness. Holding the backs of Josh’s thighs, he drove
forward and watched as his dick disappeared. Just watching Josh whimper
and moan had him close to an orgasm. Tyler did his best to hold out, but
he couldn’t help himself. He yanked Josh’s ass higher on his lap and
locked him in place with a strong hold around his legs. Tyler pounded
inside of him, withdrew, and then banged harder.

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“Yes,” he growled, “fuck yes.” Too soon he emptied his seed into the

condom, and he withdrew to pop it off. “Got anymore?”

Josh struggled up from the couch, and this time when he headed for

the back room, Tyler followed with the rest of the beer. He opened another
bottle and tossed one to Josh. “Here. You can use it.”

“Thanks.” Josh downed half the bottle. “That was an experience.”
“It’s not over.”
The other man looked at him. He hesitated and then leaned over to the

nightstand to retrieve another condom. Tyler peeked into the drawer.
Good, a whole box. He wouldn’t be done after the second time either. He
had a mind full of thoughts to bury. The beer was one part of the job.

When he was done drinking, Tyler looked down at his dick. Hard, just

as he expected. He had a big sex drive, one that wouldn’t quit, and not
many lovers in his past had been able to keep up. In California, he’d had
no intention of getting serious with anyone, so it had been a series of one-
night stands, sometimes longer. None of them compared to Sebastian.

Not him again. He suppressed a sigh and slipped the condom on. “This

time, I want you face down.”

“You mean on my knees?” Josh got up from the side of the bed and

crawled onto it. Tyler’s cock twitched seeing that ripe ass ready for him.

“No, I mean face down. If you like, you can get a pillow and put it

under your hips. And you can arch up so I can fit better, but I want us flat.
I want to feel your whole body under me.”

Josh did as he was asked, and Tyler climbed up behind him. He

straddled Josh’s hips and let his cock rest against the other man’s ass
cheeks for a second. Tyler traced his spine, examining his body. Josh
wasn’t as heavy as he liked, not as dense with muscle. But he was similar
enough to Sebastian that it made Tyler’s heart ache.

He pushed Josh’s ass cheeks apart and guided his cock tip to the

entrance. One slow shove and he was in. Josh grunted at the tight squeeze,
and Tyler waited until he was seated all the way to the hilt before he lay
down flat on his lover’s back. Pleasure rocketed through his system. He
gripped Josh’s shoulders and began to ride him with his legs open to either

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side of the bigger man’s. He groaned and closed his eyes. A vision of the
love of his life slid into his head, but this time he didn’t fight it. The sweet
name trembled on his lips as he fucked the one he longed for more than
his next breath.

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Chapter Three

Tyler woke to sunlight hurting his eyes and his head. He winced and

squinted against it. For a moment, he couldn’t remember where he was,
and then last night’s marathon sex came back to him. Along with the
realization he’d had yet another one-night stand, he heard the gentle
snoring next to him and felt the heavy arm slung over his chest. He slipped
from under Josh’s hold and eased out of bed. After he was dressed, he left
the apartment and headed in the direction of the bar to pick up his car. The
place was a good three miles, so he had a walk ahead of him. At least he’d
have time to think. Yeah, think about how much I regret last night.

If he were truly serious about getting back with Sebastian, he wouldn’t

have picked up Josh. But that weasel with his hands all over the man he
loved pissed him off. He wanted to get back at Sebastian, which was dead
wrong. Sebastian hadn’t been the one to abandon him. That had been after
the two of them declared their love for one another. He remembered every
word and the pounding in his heart knowing it was a moment that would
stay with him forever.

Every morning they went horseback riding, and on that particular day,

they’d dismounted to lead their horses while they walked side by side
holding hands. Tyler paused at the side of the road and lifted his chin to
the morning breeze. As hot as it was, there was always a warm breeze
blowing in Texas. He didn’t mind it.

“I wanted to tell you something,” Sebastian had said back then.
Tyler had laced his fingers with his lover’s and drew him close. His

heart ached with longing and need he couldn’t always identify when he
looked at Sebastian. The sensation was like wanting to be a part of him,
attached somehow so they never had to be separated. “What’s that?”

Sebastian had cast those beautiful blue eyes low, and a flush had come

into his cheeks. The thrill at seeing his sweet lover so shy had stunned him
into silence, and all he could do was stare and wait.

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“I wanted to say…” Sebastian jerked him closer and pushed Tyler’s

head on his shoulder, an aggressive move that wasn’t a part of his
personality. “I love you. A lot. And I want us to be together forever.”

The words had shaken Tyler to his core. Not because he was scared by

them, but he felt the same and had wondered how he would figure out if
Sebastian was as crazy about him as he was for Sebastian. He had crushed
his lover to him and pressed his nose into Sebastian’s shoulder. Eyes
closed and a deep breath pulled his man’s unforgettable scent into him. At
that moment, Tyler remembered feeling his heart beat so hard it seemed to
threaten to leap out of his chest, and it took him some time to respond.

Sebastian had spoken again. “I know we’re young, and you always

hear people say young people don’t know their minds. Their feelings
change from one minute to the next. I believe we’re meant for each other,
but I want to give you a chance to be with someone else so you can be

With that, Tyler had found his voice. “Never!” He looked up at

Sebastian and gripped his arms. “I don’t need time, and I don’t give a fuck
who thinks I’m too young to know better. I love you, Sebastian, and I
always will. I want us to be together forever too. And you’re not getting a
chance to be with anyone else. I’ll beat the bastard to a pulp who ever

Sebastian’s eyes had lit up in a way that Tyler promised himself he’d

do everything in his power to keep that way. But two weeks later, he’d
been the one to rip Sebastian’s heart out.

A horn blasting and a roaring engine pulled Tyler from his memories.

He turned, frowning in annoyance. The flashy yet expensive vehicle
wasn’t one he recognized. Most of the folks in that town drove pickup
trucks, and if not that then they drove SUVs. The car hurtling toward him
like it wouldn’t stop was a sporty red number with convertible rooftop.
Tyler wasn’t impressed in the least. He hated all the noise guys like this
made with their city contraptions. The simple country life pleased him
more than anything else, and he knew Sebastian felt the same. Or at least
he did before Tyler left.

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There was nowhere Tyler could go except in the ditch, so he chose to

hold his ground. At the last moment, the car swerved and pulled up
alongside him. Tyler stiffened upon seeing the weasel, but he kept his
dislike hidden. Pulling off dark shades, the weasel grinned revealing
crooked teeth. All the money he must have sunk into the car could have
gone into dental work, Tyler thought uncharitably.

“Hey, there, sexy,” the man called out. “What’s a pretty boy like you

doing walking alone? With an ass like that, someone’s liable to come
along and snatch you up.” The lecherous look he tossed Tyler’s way said
he’d like to do just that.

Tyler ground his teeth. “I’m hardly a pretty boy.” He didn’t fit the

description or the attitude. Tyler knew he was average in looks, not like
Sebastian who was a beauty. “And why are you coming on to me when
you’re dating Sebastian?”

The weasel laughed. “Dating? That’s cute. So high school. I know all

about you, Tyler. Sebastian told me how you left him broken. But don’t
worry. I was there to pick up the pieces.”

The pain of Tyler’s hands being clenched so tight kept him from

leaning over the car door and smashing a fist into the man’s jaw. “What
exactly did he tell you about me?”

Again the crooked smile, which wouldn’t have been so bad if it was on

a decent person. Tyler could tell just looking at the weasel that he was no

“I’ll tell you all about it for a kiss.”
“Fuck you!” Tyler gripped the door. “You’d better not hurt him. He’s

big, but he’s got an even bigger heart, and if he sees something in you to
go out with you, then I have to assume there’s some good buried deep.”

Weasel laughed. “You’re not over him, are you?” His squinty gaze

swept Tyler from head to foot. “Might have been nice to have the two of
you together. But never mind.” He slipped his glasses on. “I’ll let
Sebastian know what a sentimental child you still are, and we can laugh
together about it.”

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Dirt and stones flew up from beneath the squealing tires as he peeled

away. Tyler threw up his middle finger while cussing up a storm. He
wondered what it was that Sebastian had seen in that jerk. From the look
of it he had money, but Sebastian had always been beyond that kind of
influence, and he owned a somewhat profitable farm. No way he’d be
lured in by all that flash. Still, Tyler had seen them together, and the
freedom the weasel used to touch all over Sebastian meant they were more
than friends. Jealousy ate him alive, and he vowed to redouble his efforts
the first chance he got.

When he walked into the house, his throat dry and leg muscles a tad

tight, he was in time to hear the phone. He caught it on the third ring.

He winced at the elevated tone that was typical of his niece. “Caitlyn,

how’s it going in New York? Big city treating you good?”

“I need money.” No greeting whatsoever, no concern about whether he

was doing fine. He and his niece had never been close, but Tyler had tried
to be there for her even though he was five years older. Everything he’d
done, he’d done for her, and she could care less. That hurt almost as much
as losing Sebastian, but he continued to hope. Maybe he was a fool.

Tyler squeezed the receiver too tight and heard a crack. He loosened

his grip before he caused real damage. “You got your allowance a couple
weeks ago, Cait. The month isn’t up.”

“It wasn’t enough,” she whined. “New York is expensive. Can’t you

stop being so stingy and give me more?”

“The ranch isn’t a fucking cash cow.” The moment he lost his temper,

he regretted it. Building a relationship with the only family he had left was
not done by pissing her off. He’d had dreams of coming home and the two
of them working together to get the ranch to more profitable ground. The
income was good but not where it could be, and in the last year before his
aunt passed, her manager had made some poor choices. The first thing
Tyler had done was let the man go and hired someone more experienced
with turning fledgling ranches around. The new manager’s salary had to

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be accounted for, and Caitlyn asking for more money to squander
wouldn’t cut it. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled. There’s just no extra
right now. I’m sacrificing to be sure you can get a check every month.”

The fury she contained was obvious in her tone. “What do you mean

you’re sacrificing? You forget that Aunt Pam left that ranch to both of us.
You have to give me half of the profits! I can get a lawyer, you know.”

Tyler ran a hand over his stiff neck. He kicked the small table the

landline phone sat on, and it thumped the wall. She just didn’t get it.
“Caitlyn, I’m not holding anything back from you. Besides, where is your
boyfriend, the one you ran off with? Doesn’t he help with your expenses
out there?” His niece grew quiet. “Caitlyn? If he’s not doing right by you,
I’ll have something to say about that.”

She cursed. “Butt out of my life! What my boyfriend does or doesn’t

do has nothing to do with you. Are you going to send the money or not?”

“Not,” he growled. “If you come home, all your expenses will be paid.

The house is mortgage-free at least. You don’t understand how it is. The
ranch is hard work. I have to—”

“Do you ever get tired of the poor-me routine? Yeah, so sad for Tyler.

He got to go away to some fancy college while I rotted in Nowhereville.
I’m finally eighteen, and I’m living my life. You don’t like that. Well too
bad!” So fast she made his head spin, Caitlyn changed tactics. Her tone
became one of sadness and hurt. “You can’t imagine what it was like with
her, Tyler. She was mean and cruel. She kept me on a leash. I saw my first
movie here in New York. Would you make me come back so soon?”

He sighed and rubbed a hand over his eyes. “No, I don’t want to put

you in a cage, Caitlyn. Believe it or not, I want you to be happy. Tell you
what, I’ll see if I can scrape up a little extra and deposit it into your
account. Okay?”

“Uncle Tyler, you’re wonderful!” she squealed, only using “uncle”

when it was convenient. “Send it before three, okay? Later!” And she
hung up the phone without a good-bye or a thank you. Tyler replaced the
receiver and went to check the books. What else could he cut back in order
to squeeze out more money for her? He’d find it somewhere, he was sure.

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* * * *

Tyler tossed a shovel and post hole digger into a wheelbarrow along

with a few other tools he’d need to repair the back fence. The job would
take him a few hours to complete, but it was just one of the many tasks he
needed to get done that day. Minor repairs around the ranch he’d intended
to hire someone to take care of had to be handled by him. His ranch hands
were busy with other duties, and he didn’t want to take them away from
those at the moment. But as soon as he’d gotten started, thoughts of being
closer to Sebastian’s home made him recall the asshole from that morning,
the weasel. He needed to know if he really was the bastard he seemed to
be. Maybe he loved Sebastian and Tyler shouldn’t judge him by his first

“Yeah, right.” He tossed the hole digger aside and hopped over the

downed railing headed for Sebastian’s. If anyone knew who the guy was
Deb would know, and she’d have the scoop on whether he was good to
Sebastian. As he strolled across the uncultivated part of Sebastian’s land,
he struggled between wanting the relationship to be a good one for
Sebastian’s sake and suspecting that the weasel didn’t get any better than
what he’d seen earlier.

He arrived at Sebastian’s front door, and the familiar ache started in

his chest. He steeled himself against it and knocked on the door. Deb
answered after a few minutes. “Hey, Tyler. What brings you down here?
You know Sebastian’s not in. He’s making a delivery in town.”

Tyler hadn’t come to see his ex, but the disappointment of not getting

to see him still smarted. “I came to visit with you.”

A slow grin spread over her face, and she swatted a hand at his chest

as she turned from the door. “Well, come on in, I guess. You’re a little
young for me, and you know I have my sights set on Sebastian, but I don’t
blame you none for tryin’.”

Behind her Tyler smirked. “Thanks for letting me down easy. Got any


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“Of course, suga’.” Deb busied herself pouring him a cup of Joe and

setting cream and sweetener in front of him. Sebastian would have known
he liked it black. He’d been drinking it since he was fifteen. His former
lover hated coffee. The joke between them had been that Tyler would
stunt his growth while Sebastian would tower over him. While they
weren’t that far apart in height, the prediction sort of came true.

Tyler took a sip of his coffee and tried for a casual attitude. “While I

was walking along the road this morning, I ran into Sebastian’s new

Deb had begun washing dishes, and she turned from the sink to frown

in confusion at him. “Why would you be walking? Your truck break

He scratched the back of his head. “Uh, no, that’s not important. But I

was wondering what kind of man he is. His car seemed a little flashy for
folks around these parts.”

Deb hesitated, drying her hands on a dish towel. “Well I’m not one to

gossip about Sebastian, but I guess since it’s common knowledge I can tell
you. He owns a casino in Eagle Pass. You could say he has a little

Tyler blinked. “A casino!”
“Not one of those big fancy ones like in a hotel or anything. It’s kind

of small time, small building, not real big stakes. There’s been talk that…”

“Talk that what?” he urged.
She waved the dish towel and turned back to the sink. “Anyway,

they’ve been dating a couple years I guess. If you ask me, Sebastian is
different than he was before. He used to be a lot happier. I bet I can put the
smile in those bedroom eyes again.” She sighed with longing.

He refrained from saying if anyone would make Sebastian happy

again, it would be him, but he did wonder if Deb’s obvious attraction to
him made Sebastian uncomfortable in his own home. While he pondered
his ex-lover’s state of mind, the object of his desire walked in the back
door. Deb’s cheeks pinked like she’d just betrayed him. Tyler went still
because he wasn’t sure if he was welcome to visit. He couldn’t even use

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the excuse that he came to announce the fence was repaired. He’d put it
off to snoop into Sebastian’s love life.

To his surprise, Sebastian dropped a hand on his shoulder. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Tyler echoed if a bit croaky. He resisted laying a hand over

Sebastian’s or lacing his fingers between the other man’s. Just being
touched by him had hardened Tyler’s cock, and he was glad the table
blocked either of them from seeing it.

“I was just about to head toward the lake and take lunch,” Sebastian

told him. “Care to join me?”

Deb and Tyler both stared.
“Really?” Tyler managed.
Sebastian chuckled, a sound that stoked Tyler’s need. “Yeah, really.

Deb has a basket ready because I was planning to take a break this
afternoon. Haven’t done it in a while. Why not come with me?”

“Sure. I’d like that.” More than anything.

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Chapter Four

Tyler leaned a shoulder against a tree and watched as Sebastian spread

out a blanket. He tried for appearing casual, and he thought he’d
succeeded, but what was going on inside was a far cry from peace.
Sebastian, with his blond head bent over the task of laying out their lunch,
was too sexy not to get Tyler’s heart racing. He followed every movement
of the long fingers, each strain of muscle in the big chest and powerful
arms. All he wanted to do was grab the man and throw him on his back
before ravaging him. Was Sebastian even aware of what he did to Tyler?
He thought not.

Sebastian glanced up with amusement in his blue eyes. “Hey, you

going to help or not?”

“You’re doing great,” Tyler quipped, but he did drop to his knees to

pull out a couple of thick sandwiches from the basket and a thermos.
“Damn, she went all out for you, huh?”

Sebastian’s cheeks pinked. “I can’t get her to let go of the crush.”
“Who would?” If anything his words seemed to unsettle Sebastian

more. That meant there was something still there, and he had every
intention of exploring it. “So what made you invite me to lunch? Before
you acted like we were strangers and you couldn’t stand the sight of me.”

Tyler didn’t miss the determination in the set of Sebastian’s jaw. “I

think since there’s nothing between us, we can be friends. I’d forgiven you
long ago, and I came to understand why you broke it off.”

Friends. That wasn’t what Tyler wanted to hear. “I couldn’t let my

aunt cut Caitlyn out of her will just to spite me. She couldn’t tolerate me
being gay and knew I wouldn’t let my niece be left with nothing.”

Sebastian’s expression turned bitter. “You considered her the last of

your family when your aunt passed.”

Tyler frowned in confusion. “I considered…” He knew in an instant.

Sebastian had wanted to be his family, had doubtless considered himself to
be at the time. But gay marriage wasn’t legal in Texas and probably never
would be. This wasn’t about that. Tyler should have thought of Sebastian

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as someone who couldn’t be removed from his life. He should have been
mature enough to find another solution. He hadn’t been. “I’m sorry,

He reached to touch Sebastian once again, but the other man ducked

away. He began piling a plate with a sandwich and chips. When he was
done, he handed it to Tyler and then opened a beer for him. He had no idea
how domestic a picture he painted, one that tugged on Tyler’s heart.

To lighten the mood, he decided to change the subject. “So how’s

farming going? I heard tell your new methods are producing prize-winning
vegetables at the local fair.”

Sebastian grinned. His shinning eyes stirred Tyler, but he kept his

distance. “One or two ribbons is not that big a deal. But yeah I’m doing
okay. Some people from an agricultural charity want to speak with me. I
can’t imagine I can shine any new light on what they’re already doing. For
that matter, I’m not sure how they heard of me.” His gaze took on a
thoughtful look. “Mack hinted that he might have mentioned my name to a
few contacts.”

Tyler stiffened. “Mack?”
Sebastian hesitated. “My boyfriend.”
Tyler hoped the grinding of his teeth wasn’t too obvious. “What would

a casino owner know of agriculture, or how would he know anyone in that
charity?” The sour tone couldn’t be helped.

“Even farmers like to gamble,” Sebastian snapped. “Is it too hard to

believe Mack takes care of me? Or do you expect any lover I get to toss
me aside the first chance he gets.”

“It wasn’t like that and you know it!” Tyler surged to his feet, fists

balled. Having to listen to Sebastian defend that asshole pissed him off,
and the words to clarify just how much of a jerk he was trembled on
Tyler’s lips. He had no wish to hurt Sebastian any more than he had in the
past, so he held his tongue.

Sebastian didn’t move. He’d only taken one bite from his sandwich. “I

wanted us to be friends. I’m wondering if that’s possible.”

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All of Tyler’s anger drained away, and he dropped to the blanket to

take Sebastian’s hand. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have acted like
that. I want us to be friends, and I know it can work. I’ll keep a lid on the

Sebastian’s eyebrow went up as if he didn’t believe it, but his full lips

twitched in a half smile. Tyler’s cock stirred in his pants. He snatched the
plate up that he’d set aside and hid the evidence of his hard-on.

“So what about you?” Sebastian asked. “How’s the ranch going?”
Tyler’s appetite took a nosedive. “Not good.”
Sebastian’s eyes widened. “I thought you were turning things around

after your aunt passed.”

“Meaning you’ve been checking up on me.” Tyler grinned to

Sebastian’s obvious annoyance. “I was. I am, but the challenge of
supporting a demanding eighteen-year-old is a big job. Of all places to
live, Caitlyn chose New York.”

Sebastian’s lips tightened. Tyler could see he wanted to say a lot, but

he stuck with, “You could put her on a set allowance and nothing more.”

He shrugged. “Technically, she owns half the ranch. What profit is

produced should be split between the two of us, but I dump most of it back
in buying more cattle and budgeting for their upkeep. I considered adding
breeding horses to the mix, but that might be something for a few years
down the line when we’re more stable. She threatened to get a lawyer to
get her part, but she won’t let go of her allowance to hire one. She can’t
understand this business takes a lot of self-sacrifice.”

“You’d know that better than anyone.”
Their eyes met, both blazing anger. Tyler was tired of apologizing, but

he saw something more, deep in Sebastian’s stare. Loneliness and pain.
How could he be lonely when he had someone? Tyler was on his own.
Sebastian even had a mother and a brother living a few towns over.
Sebastian had inherited money after his father’s death and with it had
developed the family farm. His brother had opted for becoming an
accountant and moved out of the area. His mother had followed her older

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He traveled to visit them on holidays, and sometimes the two of them

came to Sebastian’s house. His former lover had once said he wasn’t as
close to his brother as he’d have liked because his brother was the
hardcore jock type that didn’t get how Sebastian could be gay.

“Yes,” Tyler said at last. “I guess I would know. Can’t choose your


At his words, Sebastian glanced away. Tyler reached for his hand on

the blanket and expected Sebastian to pull out from under the touch, but he
didn’t move. Tyler allowed their fingertips to touch, and a zing of desire
shot through his system. He longed for so much more.

“I missed you,” he said.
“Yeah.” Sebastian kept his head bowed.
Encouraged somewhat, Tyler scooted closer to Sebastian. Thoughts of

family and money left his mind. All he could focus on was how Sebastian
smelled like a combo of soap and something earthier that was all male. His
former lover still hadn’t looked up. His head was turned away, and Tyler
took the opportunity to lean in close. A deep breath pulled in Sebastian’s
scent, intoxicating him. He raised a finger to lie alongside Sebastian’s chin
to turn his head. Their mouths met, and Tyler took advantage by pushing
his tongue between Sebastian’s full lips. Desire snaked over Tyler’s being,
shortening his breath and making his pulse pound in his ears.

He applied a little pressure, pushing his chest into Sebastian’s. The

two of them went backward until Sebastian was flat on his back, and Tyler
rolled on top of him. All the while their mouths never separated. Tyler ran
his hand up Sebastian’s side, enjoying the tight muscle, the tapered waist
that led to a fanned out chest he loved. He felt his ex-lover’s abs tighten
and his cock swell. Tyler dealt with his own erection, pinned against
Sebastian’s cock. He raised one leg to inch Sebastian’s apart as he
deepened the kiss. There was no doubt about it, Sebastian kissed him
back, and the hardness between them testified to both of them wanting

Tyler moaned and released Sebastian’s lips. He nibbled lower to his

chin while tugging his shirt up. White-hot passion filled him at the

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sensation of brushing his fingers over rigid abs. He explored lower with
his mouth on Sebastian’s chest and then reached for the belt at his waist.
Sebastian covered his hand.

“We can’t do this,” he rasped.
Tyler raised his head to look into Sebastian’s eyes. “We’re already

doing it. We both want it, and nobody’s around. Let me fuck you,
Sebastian. I know you want it because your dick is so hard.” He
demonstrated by squeezing the bulge at the front of the other man’s pants.

Sebastian bit off a groan and closed his eyes. Tyler was seduced by

those long lashes. He stared into Sebastian’s face waiting for him to say
the word, but Sebastian shook his head.

When he opened his eyes, they were full of sorrow. “I’m not denying I

want you. Hell, you’re unbelievable in bed. But it’s over between us, and
there can’t be anything but friendship from here on. Please understand
that. Respect my decision.”

He didn’t push Tyler away with physical strength. His rejection did the

work for him. Tyler closed off his feelings, which he realized were stark in
his face, and he rolled off of Sebastian. He kept his back to the other man
and rearranged his cock in his pants. He guessed Sebastian did the same
and stood up.

“I think I better go. Thanks for lunch. I hope we can do it again

sometime.” He waited for Sebastian to ask him not to go, but he said
nothing. Tyler walked back toward the road away from the lake. The trek
home wasn’t so far. They’d strolled it plenty of times. But the farther he
got from where he’d left Sebastian, the more he felt like they were miles
apart, never to meet again.

That night, alone in bed, Tyler lay with one hand tucked behind his

head and the other wrapped around his swollen cock. He couldn’t get
Sebastian out of his mind. Regret and loss hit him between the eyes, the
only thing he could think to do was to jerk off. If he could relieve just a
little of the tension, maybe he wouldn’t feel like none of what he was
doing was worth a damn.

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He ran a single finger down his cock from the tip to the base and

imagined it was Sebastian touching him. He’d been good at that, sucking
Tyler’s cock. He loved the taste of come, and he’d even begged upon
occasion to go down on Tyler. In the darkness of the room, Tyler
murmured Sebastian’s name and sighed. “Suck me, baby. Suck me hard
and make me come.”

He tried to keep his touches light as a feather, teasing himself and

making his cock twitch. So good, he thought. Sebastian’s tongue worked
magic, causing his shaft to pulse and throb. Tyler would raise his hips as
he did now and pump upward into Sebastian’s mouth. He encircled his
dick and began to stroke. “Ah, yeah, baby, like that.”

Aching need choked him, but he brought up an image of the way

Sebastian’s blond head looked bobbing up and down as he worked him.
Tyler pistoned his hips and shoved into his palm. He squeezed tight until it
hurt a little. His balls drew higher. Again, he called out Sebastian’s name,
and then he let go. His come shot into his hand, coating his boxers. He
settled down on the bed. He lay still rather than get up to clean himself off.
If he rested for a bit, maybe he could get it going again. This time it would
take longer to come, and he could go on thinking of Sebastian and the way
it felt to be buried to the hilt inside of him.

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Chapter Five

Tyler drew up to the Little V casino and frowned. Now he knew what

Deb had meant when she said Mack’s casino wasn’t on the same level as
ones run from the hotels. This seedy place was third-rate at best and
cheesy as hell. Florescent flamingos marched across the rooftop, and the
building had been painted in a garish orange that could be seen from five
miles down the road. As he stepped from his car, he couldn’t imagine how
Sebastian wasn’t embarrassed dating this idiot.

He walked inside of the casino and discovered that Mack had hired

someone with style to decorate the interior. Recessed ceilings with
somewhat tasteful chandeliers. Slot machines lined the walls, and above
those were monitors showing various channels on ESPN. Toward the
center of the room were tables—a roulette wheel here, blackjack there.
Every stool or standing spot was taken up with a body, and waitresses
circulated the room taking orders and giving them out. The place wasn’t
big, but he had no trouble believing it brought in a good sum each night it
was open.

As Tyler continued to scan the room, he noticed a signpost about an

upcoming show. Double doors beyond it gave him the impression there
was further entertainment. He wasn’t much of a gambler, so he decided to
see what was offered back there.

Two hours later, Tyler reassessed his thoughts that Mack wasn’t a

complete fool. The show was the worst he’d ever seen, the actors weak,
the choreography questionable. He couldn’t imagine why there was
anyone at all in the audience other than they had nowhere else to go.
Maybe Mack’s rates were cheaper, although Tyler thought a few of the
people in the audience looked like they could afford the finer casinos.

While he scanned the crowd, his gaze came upon a familiar face, and

he stiffened. He didn’t have a chance to turn away and pretend he didn’t
see him because Josh was on him in a heartbeat. “Hey, surprised to see
you here, Tyler. You don’t look like the type.”

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Josh ran a hand up and down Tyler’s arm, and he shifted positions so

that the hand would fall away. Even though he hadn’t seen Sebastian, he
didn’t want it to appear like he and Josh had something longer term going.
Which was absurd since Sebastian had brushed him off.

“I heard about the place and thought I’d check it out,” he responded.

“This your type of deal?” He nodded toward the stage and indicated with a
raised brow the lame performance.

Josh chuckled. “Not really. I’m just waiting around for the main


“There’s more?” Tyler grimaced.
“Not like that. There’s something else for—as Mack says—‘the more

discerning tastes.’”

Tyler wasn’t impressed. He guessed Mack had stolen the phrase from

a movie or TV show. “What’s that?”

“Maybe you should stay and see. I can get you in.” Josh took his hand

and threaded his fingers between Tyler’s. Since he was curious, Tyler
didn’t pull away. Maybe he could learn something about Mack that he
could use against him to get Sebastian back. He didn’t feel a lick of guilt
breaking the couple up after Mack had come onto him. Who knew the
number of men he might have cheated with. Sebastian deserved better.

The back room was smaller than the main showroom with fewer tables

and chairs, but the decor was the same. The stage had been cut in half, and
the door leading to the area was most decidedly locked with a bouncer in
charge of it. Josh vouched for Tyler, but from the look of interest the big
man gave Tyler, he guessed it was his appearance that won him entry.

The lights were low, but the ones over the stage burned bright.

Somewhere music started up, and Josh squeezed Tyler’s hand over the
table. As soon as the “performers” took center stage, Tyler snatched his
hand free of the other man’s hold. All of those up front dressed in colorful
garments of varying degrees of scantiness were men, and the tallest,
sexiest one was Sebastian.

Tyler clenched his jaw. “Tell me they aren’t going to dance.”

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Josh laughed. “Of course not. This is an auction. It ain’t every night or

anything. They hold it on the irregular to keep it secret.”

“A what?”
Josh focused on the stage. His gaze seemed riveted to Sebastian’s

crotch which at the moment was encased in way too tight jeans that were
cut off to the tops of his thighs. The shirt he wore was unbuttoned to the
waist showing off his chest and abs, and his feet were stuffed in cowboy
boots. The hat covering his blond curls couldn’t be tucked low enough for
Tyler to not have recognized him.

“An auction,” Josh whispered when Mack came out and began

speaking into a mic. “These pretty boys go to the highest bidder.”

“For dinner with them?” Tyler suggested halfheartedly.
Josh sucked his teeth and patted the front of his now tented pants.

“Anything goes.”

Rage boiled up inside of Tyler, and he surged to his feet. “You’re

fucking telling me that they’re going to sell Sebastian’s body to the one
who can pay the most?”

Every head turned in his direction, and Mack’s posturing came to a

screeching halt. He snapped his fingers, and from the corner of Tyler’s eye
he saw the bouncer start out in his direction. He was too pissed off to care
about that. All he could think was he needed to get Sebastian out of there.
What kind of low-life man sold his boyfriend to other men for money?

Tyler stormed the stage and leaped up to the platform without taking

the steps. He charged over to Sebastian to grasp his hand. “Come on,
Sebastian. I’m getting you out of here.”

Sebastian’s eyes widened. When Tyler gave his arm a tug, he didn’t

move. Before Tyler could do anything else, he was wrenched away from
Sebastian and his arm twisted behind his back. He cried out and went
down to a knee. Fire burned in his shoulder. The pain was so intense he
thought the bouncer had ripped his arm from the socket.

“Get him out of here,” Mack commanded.

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The bouncer jerked Tyler to his feet, but he resisted with all his

strength. “Sebastian, come with me. You don’t belong in a place like this.
You’re too good for that asshole.”

His attacker jerked Tyler’s arm again, forcing another cry from him.

Sebastian ran over to him. “Please, Mack, don’t hurt him. He’ll leave.
Don’t do this.”

“He’s losing me business,” Mack bit out. “Nobody messes with my

money. Throw him out. Sebastian, get back in line!”

Tyler waited for Sebastian to tell Mack to go fuck himself, but he said

nothing. He lowered his head and returned to the line. The impact of his
decision was a blow in Tyler’s chest. He allowed himself to be carried
outside through a back door and ended up in an alley.

The first kick to his ribs was unexpected, and his breath left his lungs

in a whoosh. Tyler tried getting to his feet to defend himself. He swung on
the nearest man to him, but someone else grabbed him from behind. They
pinned his arms back. The one abused by the bouncer earlier throbbed so
bad his head spun. A punch to the stomach made him double over. Tyler
kicked blindly. Someone grunted, but he was rewarded with another
punch, then another to his jaw.

He landed on the ground, and then the kicks kept coming. When he

was on the verge of passing out, the attack stopped, and he heard Mack’s
voice as if from a distance. “You’ve got a niece in New York, don’t you,

Tyler forced his eyes open to find the weasel stooping next to him. His

breath when he leaned in close to Tyler’s ear smelled of Jack Daniels.
Tyler mustered up the strength to get to his elbow. “Caitlyn has nothing to
do with you!”

“Oh, I think she does. See, one phone call to a couple of friends I have

out that way and… Well, let’s just say you keep your mouth shut about
what we do here. Got it, cowboy?” He patted the front of Tyler’s jeans a
little too roughly and then stood up to walk away. Tyler watched him and
his thugs disappear inside the casino and shut the door behind them.

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Chapter Six

Tyler’d had to shift his duties to his ranch hands while he was laid up.

He hated doing it, but he was in no condition to work after what the
weasel’s boys did to him. Today was the first day he could move without
too much pain, and he was grateful to whatever miracle had kept any of
his bones from breaking. The bruises and swelling were more than

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. A hand through

his disordered hair and a sniff beneath his armpits let him know he needed
a shower. The side table was overflowing with cans he’d eaten from, food
he hadn’t bothered to heat over the last few days. His bed sheets were half
on and half off the bed. The place needed airing out. He sighed figuring he
needed to get back to his regular duties as soon as possible.

When he scooted to the edge of the bed to stand, a knock on the door

made him pause. He hadn’t heard anyone coming along the hall, but then
he’d been deep in his own thoughts. Maybe it was his manager with a
question. Tyler had insisted on being consulted about issues no matter how
much pain he was in.

“Yeah?” he called out.
The knob turned. He watched the door open expecting one of his men

and widened his eyes when it turned out to be Sebastian. At first, he
soaked in the blond’s beauty, that narrow waist and butterfly chest, the
way he filled out his jeans at the front, and the tight curls on his head.
Tyler’s gaze zipped from point to point, feasting on the man he loved.
After getting the shit kicked out of him for Sebastian to choose his loser
boyfriend, he shouldn’t love him anymore. But that hadn’t changed, and
the knowledge pissed Tyler off all the more.

“What the hell are you doing here?”
Sebastian flinched at his tone, but he stepped into the room anyway

and closed the door. “I came to see if you’re okay?”

“Really? Took you a while. I’m all healed up.” He struggled to his feet

giving the lie to his words, but it was more about stiff muscles than pain.

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Sebastian rushed over to give him a hand, but Tyler shook him off. “As
you can see I’m fine. Get lost.”

Sebastian refused to put space between them, which made it harder for

Tyler not to reach out to him. He wouldn’t do that again. Sebastian had let
him make a fool of himself and chose to sell his body instead. Maybe
that’s where he was all this time. Fucking still another man. That thought
almost sent him to his knees, but he held himself together to hobble to the
bathroom. When he was there, he slammed the door in Sebastian’s face
and locked it.

After his shower, he dried himself frowning at the bruises. They would

take a little longer to fade, but at least they weren’t as tender. He hadn’t
heard anything from the bedroom, so he figured Sebastian had gone home.
With the towel wrapped around his waist, he stepped out of the bathroom
and paused in surprise. The room was clean, the sheets changed, and the
trash thrown out. He sniffed the air, and his stomach growled at the scent
of bacon frying. For a few minutes he stood immobile considering whether
he should throw Sebastian out, but the fact was he hadn’t had real food for
a while, and Sebastian was a pretty good cook when he had to do it.

Tyler busied himself with finding clothes to wear. He snatched a pair

of jeans and an old T-shirt from the closet when he realized he’d spent a
good twenty minutes considering whether Sebastian would like this or
that. He was still pissed, and what Sebastian liked didn’t matter.

Just when he had slipped on a pair of boxers and tossed the towel on

the floor, Sebastian walked into the room carrying a tray. He frowned at
the towel. “I just cleaned up in here.”

“No one asked you to,” Tyler quipped.
Sebastian moved to the bed and set the tray down. “Come over here

and eat. I’ll get it.”

“I don’t need you being nice to me. You made me look like a fool, and

your boyfriend and his goons threatened my niece. Did you know that?”

Sebastian’s eyes widened. “What do you mean he threatened her?”
Tyler took a seat on the bed and slid back to put the tray on his lap. He

tucked into the bacon and eggs along with toast and orange juice. “Just

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what I said. He told me if I didn’t keep my mouth shut about what was
going on at his casino, he’d have to send some friends to see Caitlyn. It
was clear that the visit wouldn’t be a friendly one.”

“Tyler, I’m sorry.” Sebastian dropped to his knees in front of Tyler

and laid a hand on his knee. Tyler was glad for the tray to block the
reaction he had from Sebastian touching him. “I never meant for you to
get into the middle of this. What I chose to do has nothing to do with you.”

“What you chose to do?” Tyler gritted his teeth. “You’re a whore for

your boyfriend. That’s the life you chose?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Yeah, I guess I don’t.”
He stared down at his plate having cleaned it. How he wished this

situation was one big misunderstanding, but Sebastian had confirmed that
he hadn’t gotten it wrong when he saw him on that stage. The pain of
knowing robbed him of speech, and Tyler didn’t move for a long time. He
expected Sebastian to say something, to find words to brush this over, but
he remained silent as well.

“They could have killed me that night,” he said.
“I know.”
Sebastian, still on his knees in front of Tyler, moved the tray and laid

his head on his lap. Tyler clenched his hands in the sheets at his sides.
That blond, silky hair drew his fingers, but he fought it as hard as he
could. Sebastian turned his head and kissed Tyler’s bare thigh. Liquid hot
need raged through Tyler, and his lips parted on a gasp. There was no
hiding the swell in his cock with just his boxers as a barrier, but he didn’t
try either.

“You let yourself be sold. That’s why you didn’t come.” He closed his

eyes. That first night had been the longest in his life, both needing
Sebastian there with him and suffering because he wasn’t. The pain made
sure that he was wide-awake all night so he could be aware of every
minute that passed and Sebastian didn’t come.

“In the beginning, I didn’t care about anything. I just did it. I wanted to

be abused. I wanted someone to make me forget you. That’s why I got

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with Mack and why later, I let him make the decision to get me involved
in the auctions.” He ran a hand up Tyler’s thigh, too damn close to his
cock and not close enough. “Then later, I…”

Tyler refused to ask him what happened later to keep him doing what

he did. If he said he liked it, Tyler was sure it would destroy him. But
what if it was because he was scared of the weasel? Sebastian with his size
could crush that bastard, but that wasn’t the kind of man Sebastian was.
Which was exactly why Mack had taken advantage of him in the first
place—his gentle spirit. He would do everything in his power to bring
Mack down and free Sebastian, even if it killed him.

He touched Sebastian’s head and stroked his hair. His ex-lover turned

his head so that his lips touched Tyler’s palm. A tremor raced down
Tyler’s back. He should push Sebastian away if this wasn’t going
anywhere, but in the next instant, he could do nothing. Sebastian caressed
his swollen cock through his boxers, and Tyler drew in a sharp breath.

“You shouldn’t do that,” he rasped. “It’s dangerous.”
Sebastian leaned up a little and kissed his shaft. “I wish things could

be different,” he said. “But maybe it could be for a little while… If you

Tyler raised Sebastian’s chin. Stubble tickled his palm letting him

know that Sebastian had done barely more than shower before he came
over. That was not like him. Tyler’s heart constricted in his chest. If only
he could protect him. No, he would do it. “You’re worth a lot more than
the way he’s treating you. I don’t want to use you.”

Sebastian smiled. “I know you’re not using me. I don’t think I’ve met

the man who wants me more than you do. I can see it in your eyes every
time you look at me. I know it’s not just a physical thing.”

Tyler would have admitted that he loved him, but Sebastian cut him

off as if he couldn’t bear to hear it right then.

“I want this. You want it.” He pulled Tyler’s boxers down, and his

hard cock sprung out. Tyler almost shouted in bliss when Sebastian’s lips
closed around the head. One suck and a lick had him shaking. His balls
drew up in an instant, and he had to lay a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder to

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keep him still while he tried to calm down. No way was he coming this
soon and not enjoying Sebastian’s mouth.

“Easy,” he begged. His fingers tangled in Sebastian’s curls, and he

stared down into his eyes. So much he wanted to say, foremost that he was
sorry, but Sebastian didn’t want to hear that anymore. “You’re so
beautiful. I want to take care of you. I want to touch you and hold you.
I’ve dreamed of what it was like to be inside of you. Maybe I’ve

Sebastian stood up and pinched the button on his jeans open. He

lowered the zipper. Every movement was a like a striptease to Tyler who
couldn’t take his eyes off of Sebastian. He’d die if this sexy man changed
his mind and walked out. He might even stop him from going. Sebastian
crossed his arms over his chest and raised his shirt above his head and then
tossed it on the floor. His big chest muscles flexed causing Tyler’s mouth
to water.

“Take off your pants,” he said in a none-too-gentle tone. But Sebastian

just smiled and complied.

His cock was just as hard as Tyler’s, and it jutted from his toned body

in a tease that Tyler refused to resist. Tyler reached out to stroke it, and the
shaft twitched under his hand. Precome leaked from the tip. He gave the
cock a gentle tug, and Sebastian came closer. Tyler sucked on the cap,
moaning and loving the taste.

“No,” Sebastian murmured as if he had no energy to speak louder, “I

want to suck your cock.”

“You still love the taste of come, huh?”
He nodded and heeled off his boots before kicking his pants away.

When he dropped down to his knees again, Tyler let him have his way.
What Sebastian wanted, he would give him. Besides, he knew no man
could satisfy him with his mouth like his former lover. Sebastian knew
better than anyone how to please him.

“Do it, baby. Swallow all of me and make me come.” He guided

Sebastian’s head between his legs and spread his thighs a little more. Inch
after thick inch of his dick disappeared inside Sebastian’s mouth, and he

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had to clench his jaw to keep from howling. “Oh, yeah, that feels so good.
Do it!”

Tyler leaned on the bed with one hand and raised his hips. He pushed

into Sebastian’s mouth gently and gyrated over and over. Sebastian’s
mouth was warm and wet, sending his mind into a whirl of hot pleasure.
Tyler was going to come, and he was going to come hard.

Sebastian took almost all of his cock, and Tyler felt it when it slid into

his throat. The tight squeeze was almost a massage. When he drew back
and released Tyler’s cock, Tyler choked off a protest. But Sebastian was
only climbing on the bed. He lay on his back with one knee raised and
touched his lips. Tyler smiled. He stood up and dropped his boxers then
climbed up over Sebastian. After scooting high enough that his erection
hung above Sebastian’s head, he reached down to guide it between those
thick, sexy lips.

Sebastian took it all, and Tyler braced himself on the headboard. He

began rocking his hips, pumping in and out of Sebastian’s mouth.
Sebastian moaned and squeezed down on the shaft until Tyler panted. His
core muscles clenched. He was going to let his load go, and there was no
more holding it back.

“Get ready for me, baby. I’m coming.”
He stopped thrusting and let Sebastian seal his mouth all around his

cock. His hot seed pumped into Sebastian’s mouth. Tyler leaned back as
far as he could while not pulling free so he could watch his lover’s
Adam’s apple bob as he sucked and swallowed the come.

“Damn it, you’re perfect,” Tyler said, aware his tone revealed his love

for this man.

When he was empty, he pulled out of Sebastian’s mouth and scooted

down the bed to kiss his chest. He ran the tip of his tongue over his lover’s
nipple and then munched it lightly. Sebastian moaned and squirmed under

He raised his head smiling, happier than he’d been in a long time.

Nothing indicated this was going to last, but at least he had now. He kissed
Sebastian’s lips, tasting his own come. He didn’t mind. Anything to savor

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that mouth he craved. While he stared into Sebastian’s eyes, he reached
between them to stroke his cock. Sebastian’s hips came up to meet his

“Want me to suck this pretty dick?” he offered.
Sebastian’s eyes blazed. “You usually get hard fast the second time. I

want to please you.”

“Getting you off pleases me.” Tyler stroked the rigid cock, finding

more precome. He gathered some on the tip of his finger and licked it off
allowing Sebastian to watch him. “You taste delicious. Did you like my

“Of course.” Sebastian moved under him, and Tyler climbed off. He

lay at Sebastian’s side because he wanted to look at him some more. From
the look in his lover’s eyes, he knew Tyler liked looking at him. Sebastian
ran his big palm over his own chest. He played with his nipples and
moaned. When he lowered his hand over his rippled abs, Tyler followed
along, feasting on him with his eyes. Sebastian played with his cock. He
weighed his balls in his hands and then twirled a fingertip around the
opening at the tip of his cock.

“Do you know what you’re doing to me?” Tyler demanded.
Sebastian smiled. He spread his legs a little and reached lower. Tyler

swore when Sebastian’s fingers headed toward his anus. The show was
sexy and hot, but there was no way he wasn’t getting a feel. He ran his
hand along Sebastian’s hard thigh. The fine blond curls there tickled his
palms, and he squeezed as he slid his hand higher. When he leaned down
and sampled, the warm skin was salty to taste. He sucked and kissed his
way higher until his nose bumped Sebastian’s cock. He nosed it out of the
way a moment so he could suck at his lover’s balls. Sebastian’s mouth
grew slack, and he closed his eyes, head going back.

“Fuck, Tyler, that feels good.” He pushed at Tyler’s shoulder, not

knowing his own strength. Tyler leaned back a little, and Sebastian gave
him an apologetic grin. “I want you right here.”

He played with his cock, gliding his hand from the base to the tip and

back again. Tyler saw no reason to deny him. He bent down and let

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Sebastian feed his dick between his lips. Tyler sucked hard, and Sebastian
shouted. Salty come coated Tyler’s tongue, but he knew Sebastian wasn’t
there yet. Not until he worked him to the point that his lover lost control.

Tyler sucked him faster, lowering his head until Sebastian’s cock was

deep inside his throat. He drew back some and squeezed down with his
tongue and the top of his mouth. Sebastian groaned and arched his hips.
Tyler let go and burrowed deeper to Sebastian’s balls. He licked and
sucked the sac, pulled each side in turn to his mouth. He licked lower
toward Sebastian’s anus and dipped his tongue into the tight hole.

Sebastian shifted his legs higher. Tyler kissed his ass cheeks and

rubbed them. He skimmed his fingers over Sebastian’s hips and then
swallowed his cock once again. A long, hard suck had his lover shivering,
and then he cried out. Tyler knew what was coming. His mouth filled with
the delicious liquid that told him he’d pleased Sebastian. He drew all of it
into his mouth, and pumped the shaft for more.

When he was done, he sat up. His cock was hard again, and he didn’t

want to take the time to wet Sebastian’s anus enough for him to get into it.
He grabbed the lube on the nightstand and prepped his lover. His cock
straining for entry, Tyler first worked in two fingers while he watched
Sebastian squirm.

“You want me back here?” he asked.
“You know I do.” Sebastian grabbed his knees and hiked them up.

Tyler grinned. He moved closer and stroked Sebastian’s ass. After so long,
he couldn’t believe this was happening. He’d dreamed of being with
Sebastian again, and he knew this was more than he deserved.

He rubbed Sebastian’s stomach while he continued to push his fingers

in and out of his hole. “Seb, do you know how pretty your ass is?”

Sebastian’s cheeks turned pink. “Men aren’t pretty.”
“You are.”
Tyler hoisted his ass higher and then shoved his cock head in. He froze

gasping for breath. He’d had lovers in California. Hell, using them had
helped him to survive. But being in Sebastian was more than the pleasure
it gave him. Possessing the man that possessed him wasn’t something

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anyone else could satisfy. He was ready to pop, but he drew in a few
breaths and took it slow. He eased his cock deeper, watching the tight hole
widen and their bodies come closer. There was something to be said for
skin on skin, and he wanted his balls bouncing against Sebastian’s smooth

At last he was seated to the hilt, and he stopped a second time. Closing

his eyes, he put his head back and just felt. Then they began moving
together in slow rhythm he didn’t have to coach Sebastian to match. They
came together as one, shifted back, and then met. The room echoed with
their heavy breathing and occasional cries of ecstasy.

“Don’t stop, Tyler.”
They made love a long time. The second round was always an

extended one for Tyler. He could go as long as Sebastian needed him to,
but if he knew one thing about his lover, he knew Sebastian enjoyed
different positions. Tyler pulled back until his slick cock popped out.
Sebastian was still in tune with him. He rolled on the bed and sprang to his
feet. When he went to the window and faced away from Tyler with his
hands on the sill, Tyler licked his lips. That high, muscular ass called to
him to claim it.

He jumped off the bed and followed. He was shorter than Sebastian,

but he had no trouble getting what he wanted. Holding Sebastian’s hips, he
pushed into his ass once again and began a fast pump. Sebastian cried out
his name. Tyler thumped him harder, driving his cock in so fast, their skin
made slapping noises coming together.

“Fuck, yeah,” Tyler shouted. “I’m going to come!” He ground deeper

and grabbed Sebastian’s shoulders. Kissing his back, Tyler rode him hard,
and then his come exploded from his dick, creaming Sebastian’s hole and
dripping down to the tops of his thighs.

He collapsed on his lover and encircled his waist. His softening shaft

slipped out until only the head was buried. He kept it that way as he
waited to catch his breath. Sebastian covered his hands and stayed in his

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“Sebastian,” Tyler whispered.
“Hmm?” came the deep reply.
“Stay all day. Right here in my bed.”

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Chapter Seven

When Tyler opened his eyes the next morning, he was alone. A strip of

paper that hadn’t been there before lay on the nightstand. He read the
hurried writing. “I’m sorry. I had to go back.”

First anger and then sorrow hit him. He was pissed that Sebastian just

didn’t tell Mack no, but then reasoned if Mack treated Sebastian like he
had Tyler that night in the alley, Sebastian might have given in. There
hadn’t been a mark on Sebastian’s body when they made love. Mack
wouldn’t want to mar his moneymaker. But there were other ways to hurt

He slipped from bed and showered. His muscles were achy from all

the activity yesterday, but it was a satisfying pain. He’d get over it.
Sleeping with Sebastian had given him a hunger for more though, and he
would see to it that they’d get that chance. After he was dressed in jeans
and a T-shirt, he stuffed his hat on his head and left the house in a rush.
Morning chores could wait until he’d had a talk with the sheriff.

The trip to the local law enforcement office was a short one. The

building lay in the center of their town on Main Street. Tyler pulled his
truck into the last spot available and jumped out to jog up the steps. When
he opened the door, he was greeted with silence except for the hum of a
ringing phone and the click of computer keys. Crime wasn’t much of a
factor beyond maybe joyriding or drunken reveling. Everyone usually
solved their own issues.

“Morning, Andy,” Tyler called as he walked up to the counter. “The

sheriff in?”

The deputy on duty gave him a wary glance. “Yeah, he’s in there, but

he’s expecting someone in a few minutes.”

Tyler didn’t wait to find out more. He charged toward Sheriff

Warren’s office and knocked once before thrusting the door open. Andy’s
annoyed shout behind him went ignored.

“Sheriff, I need to talk to you about something important,” he

announced when he strolled in. Tyler didn’t allow the frown from the

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other man to deter him. He shut the door and took a seat. The sheriff
sighed and put his pen down.

“I have a deputy for a reason, Tyler.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk to a deputy. I need someone to handle this

problem right away, someone who has the authority level needed.” With
that said, the sheriff took on a more serious expression.

“What’s the problem?”
“The man Sebastian has been seeing, Mack—”
“What the hell? This isn’t some domestic dispute between you and

your ex, is it? I’m a busy man, and I don’t have time for your kind of
issues. You’re all grown up now, Tyler. I’d heard you were back. Your
aunt is gone. Now it’s time for you to be the man to take care of that ranch
and your niece.”

Tyler gripped the arms of the chair he sat in. “Perhaps you haven’t

heard that Caitlyn left for New York the day after I came home and has no
plans to move back here. Anyway, this isn’t about my personal issues. It’s
about prostitution.”

The sheriff’s eyes widened.
Tyler nodded and continued. “Sebastian’s boyfriend is Mack

something or other. I didn’t learn his last name. But he owns a small
casino in Eagle’s Pass. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Little V?”

The sheriff sneered. “I may have. What’s that got to do with you?”
“He runs a back room show. It’s scheduled at irregular times, so it

stays secret, but what they do there is auction off men for sex.”

Tyler expected a few different reactions to his announcement—from

disgust to outrage—but most of all, he figured the sheriff would leap to
action to put a stop to what Mack was doing. What he got was the sheriff
sitting stiff in his chair, jaw tight, and eyes refusing to meet his.

“First of all,” the sheriff began, “Eagle’s Pass is not my jurisdiction.”
Tyler waited, but the second point didn’t come. “So what? You can

contact the authorities over there and get a raid set up.”

“What kind of proof do you have that this goes on?”
“I was there. I got thrown out.”

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The sheriff leaned back in his chair and ran a hand over a rough,

chaotic beard. “So no ‘bidding’ went on while you were in the casino?
You saw no one having sex after cash had been exchanged?”

“Are you fucking serious?” Tyler roared. “I said I was there. A

customer told me what happens. He wouldn’t lie about the way it happens,
and why throw me out and beat the crap out of me demanding that I keep
my mouth shut about it?”

Sheriff Warren leaned forward with narrow eyes. “That’s a little

different. You said you were assaulted? By who?”

“Mack, the owner.”
The sheriff’s gaze swept over Tyler’s face and body, and he raised an

eyebrow. Tyler grunted. “That was days ago. The bruises have mostly

“Was there a hospital report?”
Tyler’s hope faded. “No.”
“So it’s your word against a respected businessman.”
“And I’m not respected?” Tyler swore. “I know what this is about.

You don’t give a damn because we’re gay. The men in the auction are gay,
and you don’t give a fuck if we all kill each other off, so long as we don’t
continue our lifestyle.”

The sheriff didn’t respond at all. Tyler stood up and shoved his chair

out of the way so violently, it overturned and tumbled several feet across
the office. He yanked the door open and paused only when the sheriff
called out to him.

“Don’t go taking the law into your own hands. I don’t want to have to

arrest you.”

Tyler snarled. “I’m sure you don’t. Thanks for nothing.”
The slam of his truck’s door and a fist pounded into the horn did not

relieve Tyler’s anger. The sheriff might have made a lot of sense with his
argument that there was no evidence of what he claimed, but Tyler knew
him doing nothing was about the lifestyle he and Sebastian chose. They’d
seen it all their lives, and it was nothing new. But he didn’t give a damn
whether that bastard helped or not. He’d been bullied into giving Sebastian

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up before, and he wouldn’t let it happen again. He wouldn’t sit still. He
was going to find a way to free his lover even if it landed him in jail.

Instead of driving home, he drove to Sebastian’s house and found him

in the barn brushing his horse down. Old times of them riding together put
a knot in Tyler’s throat. He walked up behind Sebastian and rested his
hands on the bigger man’s hips then kissed his shoulder.

“Hey,” he said.
Sebastian glanced around, his cheeks red. “Hey. You shouldn’t be


Tyler frowned. “Why’s that? I thought if nothing else you considered

me a friend. I want to be more than that. Remember how we went riding
together every morning? And then we’d let the horses trail behind us as
we held hands.”

Sebastian smiled, making Tyler’s heart beat faster. “Young love. We

knew nothing about the world. We only knew what felt good and saw no
reason not to go after it.”

Tyler remembered his earlier conversation. “Yeah, we didn’t know

that those who were sworn to protect us wouldn’t because of our choices.”

Confusion clouded Sebastian’s handsome face. “What do you mean?”
“Never mind.” Tyler stepped closer and took the brush from

Sebastian’s hand. He leaned up and kissed his lips. Sebastian didn’t pull
away but returned it for a few wonderful minutes. When Tyler pushed his
tongue between his lover’s lips, Sebastian backed up and laid a hand on
his chest. Tyler sighed. “I’m going to save you. I’m taking that weasel

Sebastian’s eyebrows went up, and then he seemed to realize who

Tyler meant. “No, it’s too dangerous, Tyler. I don’t want you hurt again.
Mack has people in his pocket—influential people. You can’t go up
against him and not lose everything.”

“I’ve already lost everything,” he shouted. Tyler gripped Sebastian’s

hips and pulled him back to him so their bodies touched. Sebastian’s cock
came in right at the top of Tyler’s, causing him to go hard. Their belt
buckles clinked when Sebastian tried shifting away. “I love you so much!”

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Sebastian froze. His head dipped to his chest, and he drew in a

shuddering breath. “I love you too. I probably always will. I can’t help
myself. You’ve always been strong, always looked out for me, even
though I am the older one. You make me laugh, and when we were
together, you’d get me to do crazy stuff like trying to ride Old Man
Jeddah’s bull. Nothing could replace those memories.”

Tyler kissed him once again. “Nothing except new memories with us

together. Baby, believe in me. I know I screwed up in the past, but I want
to make it up to you. Sebastian, I wish… I wish I could make you my

Sebastian gasped and stared at him. Tyler saw the hope deep in his

blue eyes until it faded, and Sebastian shook his head. “No, we can’t. Not
only won’t anyone accept that here. It’s just not possible. Mack’s not
going to let go.”

Tyler jerked him into his arms and held him tight. Despite everything,

he was happy because Sebastian admitted he loved him, and it looked like
if Mack was out of the picture, his ex-boyfriend would take him back.
Sebastian might not have any hope, but Tyler had it in spades.

He threaded his fingers in Sebastian’s hair and pulled his head down

so he could kiss him. This time when Tyler pushed his tongue into the
other man’s mouth, Sebastian didn’t pull away. Their tongues curled
together, and they moaned, enjoying it. Tyler rubbed his hard cock against
Sebastian’s and ravaged his mouth. He ran his hands over Sebastian’s
back down to his ass and squeezed. A gentle push at that sweet spot had
his lover’s dick twitching in his pants. Tyler broke off the kiss and smiled
up at him.

“Baby, I want you back in my bed soon.” Tyler smacked his ass.
Sebastian hesitated, and then he turned, secured his horse, and put

away the brush. When he left the stall, Tyler followed, and they walked
down the length of the stables to the back door. Tyler had been to the farm
enough times to know where that door led, to a patch of land separating
the stables and the barn. Anticipation of what Sebastian intended made
him follow in silence.

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Once they were outside, Tyler pressed a hand on his hat and glanced

around. No one was nearby. They continued on to the barn. There wasn’t a
house out in these parts without a barn, and Sebastian’s land was no
exception. When they entered the building, the dim interior made Tyler
pause until his eyes adjusted. The only light came from the double open
shutters on a window high toward the ceiling.

Tyler looked from the window to where Sebastian stood and sucked in

a breath. Sebastian stood in a corner of the floor coated with a thick layer
of hay, and he’d pulled his shirt from his pants and unbuckled his belt.
While Tyler watched, mouth watering, Sebastian opened his pants button
and lowered his zipper. Tyler wasted no time where he was standing but
scooted across the space separating them to help his lover undress.

He reached inside Sebastian’s pants and pushed them off his hips

along with his boxers. His thick cock sprung free, and Tyler was about to
sink to his knees to get a taste before Sebastian stopped him.

“Lie down, Tyler. On your back.”
Tyler dropped to the hay and scrambled out of his clothes. He kicked

off his boots, socks, and jeans, then pulled his shirt over his head and
threw that on the pile. Excitement brewing, he took in the sight of
Sebastian stripping for him. Tee, jeans, boxers, and boots and socks, then
Sebastian stood naked in front of him. Tyler feasted his eyes on the hard,
muscular body. He reached out and ran a hand over his lover’s belly
before going lower to play briefly with his cock and balls.

“You look good enough to eat,” he commented.
Sebastian’s thighs were massive from hours working in his fields

every day. The corded muscle was sprinkled lightly with blond hair, and
Tyler enjoyed their feel under his hands. He tugged on the backs of
Sebastian’s thighs to get him closer and swallowed his big cock.

“Mm, so good,” he moaned between sucks. “Come here, baby. Give

me more.”

Sebastian moaned and dipped his knees so Tyler could take all of him.

He licked the underside of his favorite cock and ventured lower to lick
Sebastian’s balls. Craving more, he pushed his way toward the back and

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tongued between Sebastian’s ass cheeks so he could get to his anus.
Sebastian squirmed.

Tyler could have gone on, but his cock was so tight, he felt like he was

going to come without ever getting inside Sebastian. That couldn’t
happen. He drew back and licked his fingers then pushed one into
Sebastian’s hole. His lover cried out and arched his hips. Tyler stuck
another finger in and began working them until Sebastian was loose

“Want to sit on me?” he asked, knowing what the answer would be.

He lay back, arms at his sides and waited. Sebastian sank to his knees so
that he straddled Tyler’s hips. Together they fed his cock into the small
hole, and Tyler hissed his pleasure. “Yes, yes. Fuck, ride me, Seb!”

Tyler lay flat on his back and watched Sebastian pump up and down.

He rested his hands on Tyler’s stomach and bounced. His heavy weight
descended fast and rose just as quickly. Even though Tyler had been in
that sweet ass many times, Sebastian was still tight enough that he
cocooned Tyler’s dick. The intensity made his head spin and his breath
short, noisy bursts.

“Pump it, Seb. Pump it hard, baby.”
Sebastian picked up speed, letting out a guttural cry that was all male.

His lips were parted and eyes closed. Tyler stared at his handsome face
and then let his gaze go lower to the joining of their bodies. The friction
and movement hypnotized him.

“I don’t ever want to get down,” Sebastian groaned. “My ass is yours,


“All mine,” Tyler repeated.
They fucked like animals, neither wanting to stop. Tyler did his best to

hold back his orgasm. The agony was sweet torment. One minute he
closed his eyes, and the next he forced them open. He didn’t want to miss
a second of his dick disappearing up Sebastian’s hole.

“Don’t stop,” he commanded. “Forget everything except me and how

this feels. The man who loves you and would give his life for you. Fuck
me, Sebastian. All day, every day, forever.”

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Sebastian shuddered. “Yes.”
Tyler knew that look. Sebastian couldn’t hold on, and Tyler welcomed

it when it rained come all over his stomach and chest. He did the same
buried deep inside the man of his dreams. Sebastian leaned down, and
their lips met in a hungry kiss.

“Now,” Tyler whispered against Sebastian’s mouth. “Once again.”
Sebastian grinned. “Mm, one more time.”

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Chapter Eight

Maybe he was going to be permanently sore, Tyler thought. Damn it,

if all the sex he’d been having with Sebastian wouldn’t lead to a more
conditioned body. Not that Sebastian needed it. He probably felt no ill
effects. They had stopped having sex the day before to crawl from the barn
because Sebastian insisted the cattle were starving, and his crops were
drying in the sun. Tyler had let him go knowing he would be back.

They were one now, and nothing would get in their way. He’d kind of

felt lonely when Sebastian didn’t come over to the house the night before,
but he’d left a message. He’d be late tonight. Tyler was sorry he’d missed
the call when he was in a meeting with his manager. Life just kept getting
in the way of them spending time together. He wondered how they would
work things out later with two homes and what amounted to two
businesses. They would work it out. After all, they were meant to be.
Throughout the day as he finally got down to serious work. Sometimes he
whistled and others he sang. His men didn’t know what to make of him,
but they would learn after while. Nothing mattered except Sebastian, and
that was fine with Tyler.

By eleven, he was yawning and tired. Tyler decided to get ready for

bed and expected Sebastian to show up some time in the night. He stripped
and took his shower. Not worrying about clothes since it was likely they
would make love again, he slipped into bed and lay on his back thinking
of his lover. A slow smile spread over his face. Sebastian. Maybe they
should pick up on their riding where they left off. Sebastian would like
that, and Tyler wanted to make him happy.

Footsteps sounded in the hall, and Tyler leaned up on his elbow. The

door opened, and the big, familiar frame filled the entrance. “Hey,” Tyler

“Hey,” Sebastian said. “I bought you something. I know you’ll like it.”
“What’s that?” He threw the covers back and started to get up. “I’ll

turn on the light.”

“No, don’t!”

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Tyler froze. “How am I going to see what you bought if I don’t?”
Sebastian walked over to the bed and sat down beside him. He kept his

head bent, looking down at the box on his lap. “Now that I think of it, it’s
not a big deal. I was feeling sentimental earlier.” He shrugged. “You’ve
already got a good saddle…”

Tyler’s eyes widened, and he whistled. “You bought me a saddle? Are

you nuts? Let me see it! I was just thinking we should ride together again.
Now I know we’re seeing eye to eye. We’re meant to be.”

In his excitement, he flicked on the lamp, ignoring Sebastian’s

protests. He took the oversized box Sebastian still held and put it on the
bed between them. Tearing in the wrapping paper like a kid, he couldn’t
keep the grin off his face.

He ran his hand over the saddle’s slick leather seat. The thing of

beauty was exactly what he liked because nobody knew him like
Sebastian. Floral tooling, silver conchos, rawhide cantle, and leather ties.
Tyler couldn’t stop caressing the gift, even down to the oxbow rawhide
stirrups. With a saddle like this, he’d really enjoy his rides, and Sebastian
would be right at his side.

“This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” he said with feeling. Not able to

hold back his need to show how much it meant to him, Tyler laid the
saddle aside and jumped to his feet. He spun to rest his hands on
Sebastian’s shoulders and pushed his lover back so he lay flat on the bed.
Tyler straddled his hips and kissed him. “You are one of a kind, and I’d
skin anyone who dared try to take you away.

When he withdrew to smile in Sebastian’s eyes, the joy seeped away

in an instant. Rage took its place, and Tyler stepped back to pull Sebastian
to a sitting position. He caressed Sebastian’s cheek with careful fingers.

“You want to tell me where you got that bruise, Seb?”
Sebastian’s gaze shifted away from his. “I fell.”
“Like hell you did!” Tyler sprung up and yanked Sebastian with him.

They stood almost nose to nose, and Tyler glared at his lover. “Don’t lie to
me. You didn’t want me to turn the light on. That bruise is why, isn’t it?
Did that little weasel fucking hit you?”

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“Don’t make a big deal about it, Tyler. It was an accident. I can take

care of myself.” His outburst took Tyler by surprise, but he wasn’t going
for it. Sebastian tried holding him close, but Tyler wrenched himself away.

He dropped down to the bed and began pulling the pants on he’d

discarded earlier. Boxers weren’t needed because he was going to make
the weasel’s ass-kicking short work. “Where is he about this time?” He
glanced at the clock to find it was pushing midnight. “Cookie’s?”

The alarm on Sebastian’s face let him know his guess was on point.
“You stay here. I’m going to hand him his ass on a platter. The law

won’t protect you. I will. That bastard has touched you for the last time.”
He grunted when his boots wouldn’t slip on his feet without a struggle.

Sebastian followed him out to the living room where Tyler located his

hat and stuffed it on his head. “Don’t do this, Tyler. I broke it off tonight.
He was just angry. I told him I want you and no other man. I said I won’t
sell my body anymore. Let it go.”

“Hell no!” Tyler stopped at the open door when he realized he didn’t

have a shirt on. The night breeze chilled his chest. He turned back and saw
that Sebastian held his T-shirt. Tyler took it and put it on. He leaned in and
kissed Sebastian’s lips. “You’re important to me, and if you think he’s
going to leave you alone just because you said so, you’re naive. That kind
of person doesn’t back off until they’re made to. I’m going to make him.”

Tyler jumped into his truck and sped away in the direction of the bar.

He pulled up a few minutes later with his wheels skidding in the dirt. The
door to the establishment banged the wall when he opened it, and he
scanned the interior. The weasel sat at that same table he’d occupied when
Tyler first saw him. He charged over there and didn’t ask questions or
make accusations. His fist smashed into Mack’s nose, and blood spurted
onto his yellow silk shirt.

“What the fuck!” Mack shouted. Only after he’d hit him did Tyler

notice the burly musclehead at Mack’s side, but when the man leaped to
his feet, powerful fists at the ready, the weasel threw out a hand to stop
him. “I’ll handle this. You spoiling for a fight, boy? You’ve got it.”

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Mack leaped across the table and landed in the middle of Tyler’s chest.

They both went down to the floor with punches flying. “Take it outside,
take it outside!” the bartender shouted, but Tyler and Mack ignored him.
Tyler got in a few good shots, but the weasel was wily and fast. He
dodged half as many blows as Tyler jabbed into his sides. The patrons
scattered when they hurtled toward each other and began taking bets when
the fighting grew more intense.

Tyler flipped Mack off him and grabbed the other man by the collar.

He banged Mack against the floor and growled, “You don’t touch him.
You don’t breathe the same air as he breathes!”

When Tyler drew his fist back to plant another hit, the thinner man

brought his knees up and used them to force Tyler off him. But Tyler was
too angry remembering Sebastian’s marred skin, even if it was a
temporary blemish. He flipped to his side on the floor and swept a leg out
to throw Mack on his ass. Tyler shot up and jumped on Mack. A few more
pummels to his face should produce a bruise or three. Seconds before he
landed in the middle of Mack’s chest, he knew no matter what, the fight
was over.

Mack had pulled a knife, and the sharp tip sank into Tyler’s side. Tyler

cried out in pain and went still. Mack shoved him onto the floor. Tyler’s
mind was a haze of pain and agony. Someone shouted, “He’s stabbed

The guttural cry full of anguish wasn’t one Tyler recognized at first.

He was too consumed with wondering how long he could keep from
passing out. But as he lay with his head on the floor and his hand pressed
to the wound, he was able to watch in horror as Sebastian seemed to snap.
One minute his lover was standing on the edge of the crowd looking
worried but not alarmed, and the next his gentle, handsome face took on a
look like a madman. He ran at Mack who had struggled up to his feet still
holding the knife. Alarm shot through Tyler thinking the man he loved
more than life would be hurt. But Sebastian caught Mack’s swing at him
and squeezed his wrist in a viselike grip. Mack cried out and dropped the

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knife. Sebastian held onto his wrist with one hand and caught him around
the throat with the other.

Mack’s back thumped on the floor where Sebastian slammed him, and

to Tyler’s amazement, Sebastian began pummeling with his huge fists.
Tears streamed down Sebastian’s face no doubt blinding him, but he
didn’t stop. Blood on Mack’s shirt was the least of his worries. With
blows like that he must have swallowed a few teeth.

“He’s going to kill him,” someone yelled. “Did anybody call the

police? Sebastian, stop!”

Tyler forced himself to sitting position. His head spun, and he thought

he would crash face first on the floor, but he held it together. He tried
lifting a hand to reach out for Sebastian, but he couldn’t do it without
going back down.

“Sebastian…” he called out and thought he wasn’t heard. His lover

stopped beating Mack and turned around. His blue eyes widened seeing
Tyler struggle, and the next thing Tyler knew he was gathered in
Sebastian’s arms. They weren’t much for public displays of affection since
they knew some people were offended by it, but Tyler welcomed the
kisses Sebastian rained on his face.

“I’ll get you to a hospital. It’s going to be okay.” He lifted Tyler in

strong arms and carried him toward the door. “I love you. I’ll take care of
you. I promise.”

“I know,” he responded in a hoarse murmur and let himself drift off,

no longer needing to fight the pain.

* * * *

Tyler woke up in a haze. He knew from the cloudiness in his head that

he was drugged, but he couldn’t recall why. As he lay there in bed in an
unfamiliar room, he became aware that someone held his hand, and he
looked over to the man. His heartbeat quickened. Sebastian sat at his side,
fingers wrapped around his. He’d fallen asleep with his head at Tyler’s
side, and Tyler watched the handsome face.

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Then he remembered the fight and how Sebastian had looked when he

attacked Mack. His lover had lost himself for those few moments. If Tyler
had ever questioned whether Sebastian truly loved him, he didn’t wonder
anymore. The gentle man would have killed Mack for hurting Tyler, and
that got to him. He never wanted Sebastian to have to suffer that way

“Hey,” he said and winced. His throat was so dry it hurt to speak.

“Seb? You going to sleep the day away?” When Sebastian didn’t wake up,
he grinned. “The crows are eating your corn.”

Sebastian’s head popped up, and his eyes widened. Tyler chuckled.

Sebastian pressed his lips together in a frown, making Tyler want to kiss

“That’s not funny, Tyler.” He stroked Tyler’s cheek. “You’re okay.

I’m so glad. That’s all that matters to me.”

“That and your corn,” Tyler teased again. Sebastian kissed him, and

Tyler forgot everything. He wanted to take it deeper, but Sebastian drew

“You don’t have to worry. Mack’s being taken care of.”
Tyler raised an eyebrow. “Meaning?”
“Meaning Mack’s house of cards has tumbled. The state gaming

commission, in partnership with the sheriff’s office, is doing a thorough
investigation of what he’s been up to based on an anonymous tip.”

Tyler studied his face. He suspected the tipper was Sebastian and knew

that he’d done it for him and not to save himself.

“Mack was arrested last night,” Sebastian continued. “They’ve put a

lock on the casino. No one can get in there without the sheriff’s say so,
and from what I hear, it’s not going to be Mack. Not for a long time. He’s

“Good. Now I can concentrate on winning you back the right way.”
Sebastian smiled. He busied himself with pouring Tyler a glass of

water, and Tyler took it gratefully. When he was done, like a mother hen,
Sebastian used a tissue to wipe the moisture from his lips. “That’s
unnecessary because it’s already done.”

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They stroked their fingertips together and brushed palms before

linking their fingers. Sebastian brought his hand up to kiss the back, and
Tyler felt his cock growing hard.

“From now on, I’m sleeping with you every night, and waking up

every morning in your arms.”

Tyler’s heart was fit to burst. “Is that a promise?”
“Yes, baby, it’s a promise.”

The End

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About the Author

Eden Cole is the author of several erotic works including male/male

and ménage, and she has many more on the way. Please visit Risky Ink to
find out more about her First Time Series of male/male novellas and other
published works. Website:

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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.


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Cole Eden Craven
Cole Eden Wanting Sam
Eden Cole Reluctant Mate 2
Eden Cole A Stolen Soul (pdf)
Eden Cole To Catch A Tiger
Eden Cole Protect and Serve
Eden Cole Kite and Wolf
Eden Cole What He Wants
Welcome Home, Cowboy Eden Cole
Eden Cole Alien Bond (pdf)
Eden Cole The Shifter s Mate
Eden Cole Amaka s Lover (pdf)
Eden Cole NYPD Night Shift
Eden Cole Star Runner
Eden Cole NYPD Christmas
Eden Cole Heal my Wolf
Eden Cole Snowbound Holiday mfmm (pdf)

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