Berengaria Brown Sunshine Yellow Days

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The Paint Store Boys 1

Sunshine Yellow Days

Edward Robinson is a failure, nervous, frightened, bullied, and
unemployed. Basil King, a flamboyantly gay interior designer, sees

the man behind the pain. He has designs on Ed. Basil is one of the
owners of The Paint Store, along with Cuthbert, Roland, and Max,
and he offers Ed a job there. As Ed settles in and enjoys the work,

Basil invites him out to a gay bar for a drink.

Ed has tried so hard to fit in, to be invisible, to be ignored.

Someone who looks and dresses as outrageously as Basil, yet
without being hated, is an inspiration to him. Not that he could

ever look or act like that. But maybe working for Basil and his
friends will help him get some self-confidence so he can begin to

reclaim his life and his self-respect. When Basil wants to date him
he can’t believe anyone would care for a person like him. But he
accepts the date anyway.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 20,305 words

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The Paint Store Boys 1

Berengaria Brown



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Berengaria Brown
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-015-3

First E-book Publication: July 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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The Paint Store Boys 1


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Basil King was bouncing up and down with excitement, his shiny

red platform-soled boots tapping on the polished concrete floor in
time with his enthusiastic steps. He sashayed the length of the huge
store, imagining how the walls would look once they were painted.

“We’ll use strong colors near the entryway and brighter effects

deeper inside the store,” he called out to his friends. He neatly
executed a shuffle ball change at the rear of the store and swung
around to face them, waving his left arm for emphasis. “This wall
we’ll paint in polka dots in the brightest of colors. Red, blue, green,
and gold. And over here we’ll have stripes in royal blue, bottle green,
black, and burgundy.”

“Polka dots?” asked Cuthbert Lewis.
“Black?” echoed Roland Clarke.
“You wait and see. It’ll be stupendous.”
“Stupendous? Right.”
“Stop being such a wet blanket, Cuth. I know you can’t help it,

being a bean counter and all, but try to smile,” said Basil, heel-toeing
across the room. He could picture it all so clearly. A paint store was
the ideal outlet for his interior designing skills. All those pots and
cans of color. He was going to have an absolute blast here, he knew it.

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Max Hall, the fourth member of their group, leaned his enormous

shoulders against a wall and crossed his massive arms over his chest.
“Who, exactly, is going to paint these polka dots and stripes? I can’t
see any of my workers volunteering. They’re more the ten-gallon-can-
of-flat-white type of guys.”

“Huh. You’re a boring lot, the pack of you. Someone will see my

vision, and when the sales start to boom you’ll know I was right.”

Roland shook his head. “The only people who’ll see your vision

are the ones who’ve been using illegal substances.”

But Cuthbert interrupted them all, surprising Basil by saying,

“Actually our fairy queen is correct. Unusual interior design sells. I’m
the one who does Basil’s taxes and I know he’s right, even if looking
at his color schemes has me reaching for my sunglasses.”

“See. I told you so.” Basil tap-danced some more, unperturbed by

being called a fairy queen. Queer, gay, homo. None of those terms
bothered him. He’d been gay since puberty, or maybe even earlier,
and had never cared who knew it. He dressed and acted the way that
suited him, which was why his hair was currently a tangled mixture of
purple and green. It signified how happy he was right now, with his
mind overflowing with ideas for the new paint store the four of them
had just bought. He knew between the four of them they had all the
skills they needed to make it a huge success.

He was an interior designer, Cuthbert an accountant, Roland a

business manager, and Max, a giant of a man, a builder. Already Basil
could picture the money flowing into his account from his quarter
share of the business. Cuth and Roland had bought into the store as an
investment. They were already, at twenty-eight and thirty-two, laying
their foundations for a sensible investment portfolio. Max had joined
them because, as a builder, he knew about paint. He used a lot of it
and could offer them sound product advice.

But for Basil it was going to be fun. A chance to display his

design talents to the world, a chance to try out some of his more
radical ideas. Hell yes, he was ready to get started.

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He jumped into the air, clicked his heels together a few times,

added a few rap steps, and then stood in the middle of the huge, open
expanse thinking about where the various wall partitions should go.

* * * *

Edward Robinson was a miserable failure. At the age of twenty-

five, with his very fair skin, white-blond hair, pale-blue eyes, slender
build, and just barely average height, he’d spent his entire life trying
to avoid being bullied. It didn’t matter how often his dad told him to
look people in the eye and answer them firmly, he hated doing it, and
felt sick every time someone yelled at him.

He’d never finished school because although he loved the actual

study, he hated sports, physical education, and having to walk through
crowded hallways. Lunch time was a nightmare of people
deliberately, or even accidently, jogging his arms as he held his tray,
causing him to spill his food. He’d left school, done a bridging course,
and gotten a job in a bank. There he was behind a full wall of glass
and no one could knock into him or expect him to undress.

But the branch wasn’t doing so well and the manager started

screaming at him to work faster. Edward became nervous, started to
shake, and couldn’t think when people yelled at him. When he was
terminated he found a job as a clerk in an office. That was horrible. A
whole group of men used to surround him and torment him, asking
him about his sex life, and laughing at him. After that he’d tried
stacking supermarket shelves at night, but the work was too
physically harsh for him. Those boxes to be lifted were damn heavy
and the constant bending made his back ache so much he was
chewing on painkillers as if they were candy.

He was a failure. There was no other word for it. He had no job

and no real life. He was still living at home with his parents. At age
twenty-five! He didn’t even have a boyfriend anymore and that was

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likely because he was such a ball of doom, gloom, and uselessness no
one could possibly love him.

Now he was standing in line at the new paint store, which was

going to open soon. His mother had told him they were hiring staff,
had handed him a freshly laundered white shirt, and told him to put it
on and get down there and apply for a job. Any job.

But Ed knew coming here was a waste of time. After his

experience in the supermarket, he wasn’t even sure he’d be able to lift
those great big cans of paint, and he knew nothing about the logistics
of painting a wall. Besides, a white shirt with his white hair and fair
skin made him look like a ghost.

Life was so fucking unfair. Why wouldn’t people just leave him

alone? He’d never deliberately hurt anyone in his whole life. Hell, he
never even yelled at people because he hated it so much when
someone yelled at him. Edward looked down at his sober black dress
shoes, his plain black socks, and the cuffs of his black dress pants. No
one would ever hire him. No one. His life stretched out before him as
an endless round of applying for jobs that he couldn’t do or where
people would bully him. Fuck.

A laughing, light tenor voice made him look up and toward the

table where a group of men were collecting resumes, CVs, and taking
people’s details. Occasionally one of the people in line was invited
over to the side of the room for a personal interview. The man doing
the interviews was the one laughing, and Ed had to blink several times
as he looked at him. The man was only an inch or two taller than him,
and almost as slender, but he had a mass of tumbled green-and-purple
hair above a pair of sparkling, intelligent gray eyes.

But it was the man’s clothing that really caught Ed’s attention. He

was wearing skintight lime-green jeans, and a bright blue T-shirt that
announced in large letters, “My pen is huge.” For the first time in
days Edward found himself smiling and trying not to laugh outright.
What a strong person that man must be to dress like that and wear a
T-shirt that was so obviously meant to make onlookers gasp. Ed had

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spent his entire life trying to fade into the background, to be invisible,
for people not to even notice him. Yet this man, with his loud laugh
and his louder clothing, clearly enjoyed it when everyone stared at

Ed stared at the man and promised himself that when he got to the

table he would do as his dad constantly ordered him to do. He would
look the man taking his CV in the face and speak clearly and
confidently. If these people welcomed someone like the man with
green-and-purple hair, and appreciated his diversity, surely they’d
accept someone as harmless as himself.

To his surprise, he didn’t even make it to the head of the line.

Green-and-purple hair walked down the line and spoke to him. “Have
you worked in retail before?”

“Yes, sir.”
“When would you be able to start work?”
Ed took a deep breath. This answer was going to make him look

really bad, but it was the truth. “Today.”

“Awesome. Follow me.”
Awesome? It was awesome that he was clearly unemployed? How

could that be good? At his age, it made him sound like some kind of
failure. Which he was. Surprised, but hopeful, he followed the man to
the table by the wall.

“Take a seat and wait a moment while I look at your resume.”
Ed sank into the chair, still shocked at having been called out of

the line, and then remembered he ought to sit up straight and try to
look positive. He put his feet together and folded his hands on his
knees, keeping his back straight. He hoped the man hadn’t noticed the
slovenly way he’d sat down. As the man read the two pages of his
CV, he had to keep swallowing. His mouth was dry with nerves and
his palms were wet, but he wasn’t going to wipe them on his pants
and give away how scared he felt.

He’d spent a hell of a long time perfecting the resume, making it

look like he’d gone from job to job instead of showing the dead

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periods between them when he was unemployed. He’d done that by
saying “summer” and “fall” instead of June and October. He hadn’t
actually lied, but it was a fraction misleading. Still, he needed a job.
He hated being unemployed, and if this place truly welcomed men
like the one about to interview him, surely he’d be safe and happy

“My name’s Basil, Edward. You’ve had experience working with

customers, then?”

“Yes, sir. At the bank I was a teller and dealt with customers all

day long, advising them and helping them as well as simply speaking
to them and providing the services they required.”

Ed managed to look into Basil’s face as he answered the question,

and he saw no condemnation there, just a lively interest in himself and
what he was saying. He managed to relax a fraction and answered
each question as it was asked.

After several more questions, Basil said, “The Paint Store will

have a uniform. It’ll be rather different from the one you wore at the
bank. Are you okay about wearing a uniform?”

Ed wondered what he meant. Many companies had uniforms.

Usually they were a sweater or a shirt in the company colors with the
logo on it. “Of course, sir.”

“You won’t be embarrassed about wearing the uniform?”
Now Ed was really confused. “It’ll be what all the staff is

wearing, right?”

Basil smiled. “Yes, indeed. Men and women will wear the same


“Then no, sir. I’d be quite content to wear the same uniform as the

rest of the staff.”

“Excellent.” Basil jumped to his feet and Ed stood up, too.
“We’ll be hiring three or four full-time staff, and then maybe half

a dozen more to do extra shifts as needed. We’ll also have a list of
relief staff for if people get ill or if we’re busier than we anticipate.
You would need to attend a day of training before we open. Everyone

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would be rostered on full-time for the first week or so as we expect a
lot of curious visitors when we first open. You’d be available for full-
time work, you said?”

“Yes, sir. I’d like to work full-time but any shifts at all would be


“Excellent. Awesome. Great. We’ll be in touch.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Ed left the building feeling confused but hopeful. At least he’d

gotten an interview. That had to be better than just leaving his CV
with the company, surely. I know I could work there. With a boss like
that, I’d be happy and confident.

* * * *

Cuthbert, Max, Roland, and Basil sat around one of the interview

tables, grabbing slices of the four pizzas that had just been delivered.
“Yum. Delicious, I needed that.” Basil licked his fingers and then
took another slice of the seafood pizza.

Roland tapped his pen on the tabletop and then lined it up beside

his notebook. “So we’ve decided on Robyn and Ainsley for front of
store. They are by far the most superior applicants with lots of retail
experience and have worked checkouts and customer service.”

“Mm-hmm,” confirmed Cuthbert.
“I agree.” Basil spoke around a mouthful of truly delicious pizza.
Max just nodded as he reached for the last slice of the five-meat


“Now for in-store workers there are several possibilities and we’ll

hire them all. But we need to pick one or two to be our full-timers.”

Cuthbert cut across Roland. “I suggest just one at the start. We

think we might need two but I don’t want us to find the staff all
standing around idly once the first rush has passed. It’d be much
better to have to give some of the casuals extra hours instead if one
person isn’t able to cope with all the work.”

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“Right, one then. The question is which.”
“I want Edward Robinson. The man is clearly bright and

competent. He just lacks self-esteem, and working with us he’ll
blossom. I believe he’d be a huge asset if we just give him a chance.”

“Baz, if that means you want him in your bed, you’ll have to pay

for anything he stuffs up at the store,” said Max.

“Don’t call me Baz. And he won’t stuff up, I’m sure of that. But

your penny-pinching heart can rest assured I’ll cover any costs if they
arise. He’s perfect for the store. Absolutely perfect.”

“I hope you know what you’re talking about,” grumbled Max.
Basil noticed Cuthbert shot him a sharp look as well. Fucking

bean counter. They could doubt all they wanted but Basil knew under
that plain white shirt beat a loving, giving heart, and he planned to
claim it. Along with the tight little ass in the boring black pants. He
was going to claim that, too.

Just wait until they all saw the uniforms he’d designed and

ordered. They were stunning. Stupendous in fact.

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Chapter Two

Basil danced up the central aisle of The Paint Store, admiring all

the displays on his way past, heel-toeing around a staggering pile of
paint rollers, and then shuffle-ball-changing himself backward around
it in reverse. Finally he two-stepped all the way back to the cash
registers. Robyn and Ainsley giggled and clapped from their positions
at the central checkouts. Both had already worked their way through
the instruction video and challenged each other with item price codes
and descriptions.

“You two are awesome. Absolutely amazing. We couldn’t have

found better staff anywhere,” he assured them bowing with a flourish
in front of Robyn’s checkout, and then Ainsley’s.

He left them to their memorization game and walked decorously

to the group of sales staff gathered around a demonstrator from the
main paint company supplier who was describing the different kinds
of paints and varnishes to them. The deliciously cute and self-
conscious Edward wrote the information into a notepad, and a couple
of the other new staff were typing memos into their cell phones. Basil
nodded to himself. They were a great bunch of people and the training
day was progressing smoothly.

After lunch the other checkout staff would be arriving to do their

training while the floor staff learned about brushes, rollers, and how
to use the paint mixer and other equipment. And then the grand finale
would be the handing out of their uniforms. Oh, he couldn’t wait to
see the amazement on their faces when he gave them the most
wonderful, most awesome, and most amazing uniforms in the world.
He had a photographer lined up to come first thing in the morning to

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take group photograph of everyone in uniform once the store opened.
The Mayor would cut the ribbon at eight, and then he hoped the store
would be flooded with customers.

Basil didn’t lie to himself. Most of them would only be here to

look around, but he hoped many of them would pick up some
paintbrushes, sandpaper, or sugar soap while they were here. Some
might even be enticed by the displays of paint and decide to change
the color of a room or two. But mostly he expected they’d go home
and tell their friends about the uniforms. And then the friends would
want to see them and the crowds would come again. That was the
plan, anyway.

Well, that was his business plan. His social life was also planned.

Soon, very soon, he was going to take Mr. Shy But Delicious out for
coffee. And from coffee it was just a short distance into his bed. Basil
told himself fucking one of the staff wasn’t going to be a conflict of
interest because he was only one of four owners, and he wouldn’t
normally be here during the business day. He had a flourishing
interior design company of his own, but he’d left everything there to
his underlings for these few days to be present for the lead-up to and
launch of The Paint Store.

They’d all be here tomorrow for opening day, and Cuthbert and

Roland would be keeping a close watch on the management and the
accounts, but after tomorrow he’d be here less and less and the staff
would run the store themselves. That was why it was so important to
choose the correct people. Robyn, Ainsley, and Edward didn’t know it
as yet, but if all went well they’d be managing the store themselves
within a month. Oh, he and his friends would still do the hiring and
firing, but the day-to-day organization would be done by those three.

He’d put Edward in charge of stock. He was very neat, logical,

orderly, and liked being out the back. Managing the stock and
deliveries would be the perfect task for him.

Robyn had excellent computer skills. She would do all the

ordering and the rosters.

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Ainsley had superb people skills. She’d manage the staff.
And the four of them—Cuthbert, Roland, Max, and himself—

would come in and out as needed to watch over everything. Of course
Cuthbert would be paying the bills and doing the taxes and salaries,
and Roland would be overseeing the management. His own task
would be to keep the displays and store window fresh, and Max and
his workers would do maintenance. But Ainsley, Robyn, and Edward
would run the store. And then he could take Edward into his bed.

And that was every bit as exciting as the opening of the store

itself. But it’d take something special to beat the excitement of seeing
his uniforms on the staff tomorrow.

* * * *

Ed was excited and nervous. He’d come home from the training

day, the paid training day, and typed up all his notes into a Word
document on his computer, printed it out, and read it through over and
over again until he was sure he’d memorized it completely. Then he’d
taken his uniform out of the plastic bag and stared at it.

Now he knew why Basil had asked him if he’d wear it. It was—

different. Not a sweater or T-shirt, and nothing like the stiff-collared
button-down shirt he’d worn in the bank. But, in a way, he liked it.
Not that it was the type of outfit he’d ever have chosen to wear, but
knowing everyone else would be dressed just like him, he rather
thought he might enjoy wearing the thing.

Ed was up early the next morning, his lunch made and in a brown

paper bag and his uniform on long before he needed to leave. At
seven thirty he was too excited to wait any longer and put a coat over
the uniform for the drive to work. As the staff had been told to do, he
parked in the very back row of the parking lot, and stepped out of the
car. Still wearing his coat he walked around to the back door of the
store and punched his personal code into the security system. It
beeped and the door opened. There were two other cars already in the

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parking lot so he knew he wasn’t first, but just as a practice he locked
the door behind him and went to the security box on the wall,
checking the lights were green, not flashing red.

He, Robyn, and Ainsley each had a code to use to enter the store.

He supposed the four owners did as well. The other staff would be at
the back door ten minutes before eight and Robyn was assigned to let
them in. Then they would all be lined up across the front of the store
to welcome the first customers when the ribbon was cut and the store
officially opened.

Ed had never been at the opening of a building before, and was

surprised how excited he felt. Not nervous, just excited. Although if
people kept asking him questions he couldn’t answer he’d likely get
scared soon enough. But they’d been told yesterday what to say if
they needed help. “I can’t answer that question myself, but I’ll refer
your request to my supervisor.” Then one of the four owners would
deal with the question.

Ed put his lunch and his coat in his locker and stared at himself in

the mirror in the change room. He really didn’t look like himself at
all. He looked younger, more carefree, happy even. The uniform was
a long-sleeved bright yellow shirt worn under the same bright yellow
overalls. The overalls had huge splotches of lurid colors all over them,
mimicking paint splatters, and across the center back, in big red letters
was “The Paint Store.”

But the outfit suited the store. It was very modern, very bright,

very eye-catching. And so was the store. Ed could hear movement and
talking, then laughter and the sound of cars. Before he knew it the
staff had all arrived, every one of them in uniform and with smiling
faces. As instructed, they lined up across the front of the store and
watched through the huge windows as crowds gathered, the mayor
spoke, the ribbon was cut, and the door opened.

Before the customers could flood into the store a lot of

photographs were taken, including some with all the staff, and then
people entered, laughing and talking.

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It was like a holiday, Ed thought. Everyone was so carefree.

People were laughing, joyous. Nothing was too much trouble. Ten
people in line ahead of them? No problem, they just chattered gaily to
everyone in line with them. The store sold so many rollers and paint
trays he had to go out to the store room and restock the shelves. Then
he handed a note to Robyn for her to order in more. By the end of the
day more displays had been depleted and he was busy restocking a lot
more shelves. That had to be good news for the company.

It was late when he finished, with all the displays neatly tidied and

fully restocked. But he was thrilled about how the store looked and all
the sales they’d made.

Basil met him in the locker room. “Well done, Edward. You did


Unlike the other three owners, Basil was wearing a uniform as

well. It looked even better on him than it did on anyone else,
especially with his bright red boots and green-and-purple hair. Ed had
first noticed his voice, a light tenor that tingled up Ed’s spine and sent
sexy shivers running through his body. Now he noticed the frank look
of sexual appreciation in his gaze as well.

Ed gulped. Surely this owner couldn’t be interested in him.

Obviously they were both gay, but still…

“Thank you, sir.”
“Now the store is officially opened I won’t be around as much

anymore. We’ll be in and out for the next few days, but after that you
people will be managing it from day to day yourselves. Then I won’t
be your boss as such any more. So, next week, will you come out for
a drink with me?”

“A drink?”
Basil’s mouth said a drink but Ed could read much more in his

gaze. His dick hardened at the thought. Basil intrigued him. The man
was everything he wasn’t. Cool, confident, successful. But he was
interested in him. How could that have happened? Ed wasn’t sure

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whether what he felt was hero worship or not, but there was lust
bound up in it, just as there was lust in Basil’s eyes.

“Yes, I’d like that very much.”
“Why don’t we meet at noon on Sunday in Pinky’s?”
Ed smiled. Pinky’s was a gay bar. “I’ll see you there.”
Wow! A date. He had a date. Ed was filled with happiness. His

life had taken the most incredible turn and he could hardly wait for

* * * *

Pinky’s suited Basil. The atmosphere there was a wonderful mix

of outrageous flamboyance and seriously good service. Basil didn’t
mind paying ten dollars for a drink, but only if it was a damn good
drink. Pinky’s only served quality alcohol and the staff was attentive
and polite. They also had live music during the day as well as at night
and Basil loved to dance.

He’d studied jazz ballet and tap dancing all through school. He’d

always known he was gay and would never be a physically big
person, so as he saw it then, he could either be a dancer or a jockey.
He’d picked dancer. In high school he discovered he had a real flair
for color and design, so he’d found a totally different career, but he
still loved to dance and dancing was in his plan to seduce Edward

He could picture Edward now, spread out on his pretty peach-

colored sheets, the man’s pale skin and white-blond hair the sexiest of
contrasts to the high thread count Egyptian cotton. Meanwhile he’d
dressed with his innate sense of drama for this special occasion. His
purple shirt exactly matched the purple of his hair, and he’d teamed
the shirt with skintight black jeans and black high-heeled boots. His
pinky fingernails were painted purple as well, and he wore a big,
flashy, but genuine amethyst on the middle finger of his right hand.

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Basil had chosen a table midway along the wall where he was still

close to the dance floor but had an excellent view of the doorway for
when Edward arrived. At the moment he was sipping water, but that
was just for something to do while he waited. As soon as Edward
arrived they’d toast each other with something much more romantic.

Basil’s dick was long and hard, pressing against the fabric of his

jeans, and clearly visible as a ridge in the tight pants. He’d considered
going commando, but now he was glad he hadn’t. He’d hate it to have
zipper teeth marks all along his shaft, which he surely would, being so
aroused. And he hadn’t so much as held Edward’s hand yet, far less
kissed him. Oh, yes, he’d definitely be kissing him, hopefully right
here on the dance floor.

Boots tapping impatiently on the floor under his chair, Basil

turned to look full at the doorway, more than ready to get his hands on
the man he wanted to know better. Much, much better. Today. But
there was no sign of Edward as yet, and the huge old-fashioned clock
over the bar showed it was still a few minutes before noon. Basil
sighed. He’d had boyfriends ever since high school, a steady line of
them. But he couldn’t ever remember being so hungry to get to know
a man before. Hungry for sex, yes, sure. But not aching like this just
to spend time with a man and find out more about him.

Right then Edward appeared and Basil jumped to his feet, waving

at him. The sweetest smile broke out over Edward’s face as he skirted
the dance floor to approach Basil. Basil hurried forward and took his
hand, almost dragging him to the table.

“I’m so glad you’ve come. I’ve been eagerly anticipating today.”
Edward blushed adorably. “I’m not late, am I? I’ve been looking

forward to our drink, too.”

“No, you’re not late. You were absolutely on time. Now, let’s get

that drink. I’ve planned something. Do you mind if I choose the

“No, sure, go ahead.”

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Basil waved Edward into the seat opposite him then turned to the

bar and caught the barman’s eye holding up two fingers. The
bartender gave him a thumbs-up. Awesome. Great. It was all

Basil smiled at Edward. It might be too soon, but he needed to

touch the other man, so picked up his hand and rubbed his thumb
gently over Edward’s palm. “So, what do you do when you aren’t
working?” he asked.

Edward’s hand felt smooth and soft. He was pretty sure the man

didn’t do home renovations or even play guitar or there’d be some
calluses on his fingers or palm.

“Nothing much really. I don’t play sports or anything like that.”

Again his face pinkened and Basil thought he was embarrassed.

“I didn’t like team sports myself either. Everyone seemed so much

bigger than me. But I’ve always loved to dance. Do you dance?”

“I never learned. I didn’t graduate high school so I never went to

dance class to learn for the prom like some people did.

“No problem. I’ll teach you everything you need to know.” Basil

stared at Edward wondering if there were other, more intimate things
he could teach him as well, but Edward didn’t seem embarrassed.

Just then the waiter brought their drinks across. Basil took them

and paid, adding a good tip for the work of the barman who’d agreed
to make the drinks just the way he liked them.

Basil put one glass in front of Edward and took the other one

himself. “Have you ever had a Sazerac before?”

“I don’t think so.”
“Some people make them just with rye whiskey, but I like them

made the old way with a mixture of rye whiskey and cognac. Go on,
taste it and tell me what you think.”

Basil took a sip himself, the rich smooth blend of flavors sliding

easily down his throat. Ah, yes, perfect. He watched Edward take a
cautious sip and then another one.

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“I do like it. It’s really rich and smooth. What are the


“As well as the whiskey and cognac, there’s sugar syrup, bitters,

and absinthe. It’s never drunk with ice, so the liquids are always
poured into in a chilled glass. There’s even a ritual about the lemon
twist. It should be squeezed over the glass to release its essence but
not put in the glass itself.”

“Ah, that’s the other flavor. I couldn’t identify it, but now I can

tell there’s the faintest hint of lemon as well. I like it.”

Basil was glad. Once again he picked up Edward’s free hand and

played with his fingers.

Edward looked down at their joined hands and said, “I like the

nail polish. I’d never be brave enough to do that.”

“Why not? You need to be yourself. Life’s short so there’s no

time to waste trying to please everyone else. It’s important to live the
life you want to live.” He really believed that. The older he’d gotten
the more flamboyant he’d become, but that was just him. He thanked
the gods that he’d found a career that allowed him to be whatever he
wanted to be. Actually it encouraged him to let loose his craving for
bold designs.

“As an interior designer, I see myself as an advertisement for my

work. If someone wants beige walls, beige carpet, and beige drapes in
every room, they don’t need me. But someone who wants their home
to reflect their personality needs me to help them unleash it.”

Edward nodded and stroked a tentative thumb across Basil’s wrist.

“I understand. That’s why I thought I’d be happy working in a bank.
It’s all very neat, orderly, restrained. I really thought that would suit
me. And the work did suit me. But the people there, not so much.”

Edward looked down at the table and Basil tugged on his hand,

wanting him to look back up again. “But now you’re working with us
and can be yourself. No one will tease you at The Paint Store or
they’ll be terminated with no references.”

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“Thank you. My dad has been telling me all my life to toughen up,

but I just can’t seem to do it.”

“You’ll be fine now. Just wait and see.” Basil was certain of that.

Edward would grow in confidence in this new position. The job was
perfect for him, and Robyn and Ainsley would never hurt his feelings.
They were both really nice people, as was Edward himself. A little
boost to his self-confidence and he’d be back on track again. No

* * * *

Ed’s gut was a roiling turmoil of hope, fear, expectation, and lust.

He knew he was reading Basil’s body language correctly and the sexy
hunk wanted him as much as Ed wanted Basil. But whatever could
such a successful and outgoing person see in pale, weak, introverted
him? It was a hopelessly unequal match.

Nevertheless when Basil tugged him onto the dance floor Ed

went. There were quite a number of other men already dancing so
hopefully he could disappear into the crowd and no one would notice
him. Basil didn’t stand back and dance. Instead he held Ed’s hips and
danced with him. At first Ed wasn’t too sure what to do, but after a
few moments he rested his hands lightly on Basil’s shoulders and
moved with him. While Basil held him so firmly, it was easy to know
how to move. It was almost as if Basil communicated directly through
his hands into Ed’s legs, and finally Ed relaxed enjoying the swaying
and shuffling steps this way and that.

Basil evidently noticed his comfort levels, because he held Ed

closer to his body. Now as they moved, Basil’s hips and pelvis lightly
touched Ed’s. Ed’s cock, which had been half-hard ever since he’d
entered the bar and caught sight of Basil, now hardened much more.
Even the faintest feather-light touch had it growing another inch, until
it was so hard it ached.

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When Basil pulled Ed hard against his body, holding his back, Ed

breathed a sigh of relief. Basil’s dick was just as hard as his and was
pressing against him. Deliberately he wiggled his hips, showing Basil
his own arousal. He rubbed his chest against Basil’s, and wrapped his
arms around the other man, but much more loosely than Basil was
holding him.

Basil gripped his ass and pressed his dick against Ed. Being just a

couple of inches shorter, the up-and-down movement inflamed his
own cock and had sweat beading on his forehead. Ed groaned and
whispered, “I’ll come in my pants like a teenager if you keep doing

Basil actually giggled, and then said, “Hold that thought. We can

do that later.”

But he stepped back an inch and they resumed dancing. Ed was

feeling quite relaxed now. It wasn’t difficult to dance on such a
crowded dance floor, with a talented guide like Basil showing him
what to do.

When the music ended, they returned to their table and ordered

lunch. Ed waited to see what Basil ordered, so he’d know whether to
pick a snack or a real meal. But Basil evidently had a good appetite so
Ed ordered a burger and fries with a salad as well, figuring he didn’t
have to eat it all if he decided not to.

As they ate they talked and talked. Ed was so relaxed he found

himself asking, “How did you get to know the other owners of the
store? You’re all so very different from each other.”

“I know what you mean. Cuthbert is almost a stereotypical

accountant. He’s the most anal of bean counters, and Roland isn’t
much better. But Max is special. He’s all macho man on the outside,
but inside, inside I believe one day…” Basil stopped and Ed
wondered why. One day what?

“We met at one of those free ‘Make Your Money Grow’ seminar

things. Cuthbert had gone along to see if the advice was any better
than the kind of information he was giving to his clients. Actually,

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knowing Cuthbert, likely he was there to prove to himself that he
knew more than these people did.”

Once again Basil gave a little giggle and even over the noise of

the other diners Ed could hear Basil tapping his feet in a rhythmic sort
of beat. The band was on a break, but there was still canned music
playing. Ed noticed Basil’s boots were keeping in time to it.

He pulled his wits together and asked, “And was Cuthbert’s

advice better?”

“Actually, it was about the same. We were basically told to find

some property situated where its value was certain to rise, or to invest
in a growing and successful business. Roland said it’d be smarter to
do both together, and Cuthbert said it’d need to be something we
understood so we didn’t have to hire a bunch of managers to help us.
By the end of our conversation we’d moved to a coffee shop and
came up with the plan. A business manager, an accountant, a builder,
and an interior decorator. The Paint Store was perfect for us.”

“It’s perfect for me, too. I really believe I can do this job and do it

well,” said Ed.

In his mind he was thinking, “I wouldn’t mind you doing me

either.” Just thinking it was making him blush so he concentrated on
eating some more of his fries and salad. Just then Basil’s boots
stopped their tapping and two masculine legs wrapped themselves
around his legs. Ed looked up, startled, and saw the mischievous grin
on Basil’s face and the naughty gleam in his eyes.

Ed’s breath caught and his heart pounded. His dick pressed

against the front of his pants, tenting them as far as they’d go. Ed
leaned over the table to hide his erection, but that movement just
nudged his body closer to Basil’s, increasing his problem.

“You’re going to be an awesome addition to The Paint Store. I

knew as soon as I spoke to you, Edward, that you were perfect for that
job. The chemistry between us is just a wonderful bonus. You feel the
chemistry, don’t you?”

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It wasn’t just the chemistry Ed could feel. Basil’s foot—without a

boot on it—was sliding up his leg inside his pants. Basil’s toes were
teasing the skin of his calves, and then of his knee. When Basil
couldn’t reach his foot any higher up Ed’s leg, Ed gulped a lungful of
air in relief. His dick was just about to combust and he was sure
people would be able to see what was happening underneath the table.

Basil leaned forward. “You didn’t answer my question,” he

whispered. Right then Basil’s foot settled on his lap, and his toes
began to stroke along the ridge of Ed’s cock. It was over the fabric of
his neat black dress pants, but it might as well have been his bare
skin, the sensation was so intensely carnal.

Ed snatched up the carafe of water and poured himself a glass,

sucking it down so fast he was lucky it didn’t make him cough.
“Yes,” he said. He wasn’t too sure whether he was agreeing he could
sense the chemistry between them or to what was inevitably going to
happen next. But hell yes, he was ready to get naked and horizontal
with the sexy interior decorator, as soon as possible.

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Chapter Three

Basil had to hide his excitement. The moment he’d seen Edward

in his prim and proper clothing he’d known there was a much
brighter, more exciting personality deep inside. Edward’s reactions
just now proved it. Basil couldn’t wait to free Edward from the
constraints of his life, and also from his clothing. He knew he’d look
delicious all nicely bare, but they hadn’t finished their meal yet and he
wanted at least one more dance as well.

Reluctantly he removed his foot from its comfortable position

teasing Edward’s cock and balls, and slid his foot back inside his
boot. He lifted his leg up and crossed it over his other knee so he
could slide the boot zipper back up. Zippers were much better for
romance than laces.

As soon as the band returned to the stage he took Edward out onto

the dance floor and held him tightly. Edward was only a few inches
shorter than him, and once he took his boots off, likely they’d be the
same height. He liked that they were so evenly matched. Everything
would line up perfectly in bed.

He gripped Edward’s ass, massaging his tight little butt cheeks as

they danced, and deliberately brushed his body over that lovely rigid
dick. So many delights soon to be unwrapped. When the music ended,
he asked, “Is your car just in the parking lot here? Can you follow me
to my condo?”

“Yes and yes.”
Basil held Edward’s hand as they walked to his car. “Mine’s the

candy-apple red Ford over there,” he said.

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“I might have guessed it wouldn’t be white or silver,” said


Basil laughed. Already Edward was showing his sense of humor

and coming out from behind that wall where he hid his personality.
“Wait until you see my condo. You’ll love it.”

“I do like our uniform. It’s wild, but—I don’t know, friendly and

welcoming perhaps, as well as appropriate.”

Basil hugged him. “I knew you were perfect for me. You see

beneath the surface to what is really there. Hurry up and get in your

As soon as he slid into the driver’s seat of his car, Basil unzipped

his skintight black jeans and released the pressure on his dick. Fuck,
he hadn’t been this hard before. His poor shaft was getting strangled
in there. He screeched his tires leaving his parking space and drove to
the exit. Edward was already there, waiting back a bit so Basil could
lead the way. Basil waved at his soon-to-be lover and zipped out of
the driveway. He made sure Edward was right behind him before
merging with the traffic. He longed to plant his boot hard on the
accelerator and race home, but a speeding ticket would spoil the
atmosphere of the day. Besides, he didn’t want to lose Edward and he
was almost certain the man would refuse to disobey the speed limit.
Well, one thing at a time. Bed was first.

He parked where there were two vacant spaces side by side and

took the visitor card out of the glove compartment of his car, then
locked his car and handed the laminated card to Edward. “Display
that on your dashboard.” Edward turned it over in his hand curiously,
and did as Basil had said, before following him into the building.

Basil was aching to get Edward into his condo. He was in so much

of a hurry it’d been a struggle to zip up his jeans. But he’d take them
off again real soon. He tapped his feet while they waited for the
elevator, and was relieved it was empty when it finally arrived.
“Soon, soon, soon,” he told himself as it rose slowly to the tenth floor.

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He almost ran down the hallway to his condo, flinging open the

door, urging Edward inside and then slamming him against the wall to
claim his lips. Gods the man tasted delicious. Basil leaned his poor
aching dick hard against Edward’s cock, and ground his hips as he
jammed his tongue into Edward’s mouth. Edward responded by tilting
his lips so their noses weren’t mashed together, and lightly moving
his own tongue into Basil’s mouth.

Basil kept his dick rammed hard against Edward’s, and fisted the

blond’s hair, realigning their mouths to plunge his tongue still deeper
into Edward’s mouth. Their chins rubbed together and he felt the
faintest rasp of beard against his chin. Edward was so blond even with
their faces mashed together Basil could barely see the beginning
growth of his beard, but his skin could feel it and he loved the hint of

“Bedroom, now,” he ordered, grabbing Edward’s hand and

practically dragging the man down the hallway to his bedroom. He’d
spent a hell of a lot of time and money making this room perfect. It
had to express him as he truly was. Not only the flashier outer
appearance, but the true depths of his personality in all its many
layers. But this wasn’t the time to talk colors and designs. It was time
to fuck.

He pushed Edward onto the bed and kneeled over him, hastily

unbuttoning his shirt, and unzipping his dress pants. Helpfully
Edward kicked his shoes off, and wiggled his ass so the dress pants
slid smoothly down his legs. Basil tugged them off and then stripped
his own clothing off as fast as he could finally clambering up on top
of Edward and taking possession of his mouth again. This time they
kissed more slowly, but it was even more erotic with them skin to
skin and their cocks pressing together.

He held Edward’s face in his hands and looked deeply into his

pale-blue eyes. “First we’ll take the edge off, and then we’ll fuck
slowly, carefully, and thoroughly. You okay with the plan?”

“Hell yes.”

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Basil sat up and pulled Edward up until Edward was almost on his

knee, their cocks together again. He wrapped both his hands around
both cocks and began fisting them together. Edward just stared at him
and gasped.

“Hot, eh?”
“Fuck yes. Let me help.”
The moment Edward’s cool hands reached his dick, Basil almost

came. Edward’s touch was light and gentle, almost teasing, but
fiercely erotic as well. Just the fact that his dick was rubbing against
Edward’s was enough to keep him on edge, but they were both in too
much need to waste time. One after the other they fisted their joined
dicks until they were both breathing heavily.

“I can’t. I’m going—”
“Let go, lover. Come now,” Basil ordered, giving the cocks an

extra twist with his hands. Cum poured from Edward’s dick and Basil
relaxed, spurting stream after stream of seed himself, the two lots of
cum blending together over their joined hands, cocks, and bellies.
Fuck, that was an erotic sight to see.

Once again he kissed Edward, pushing him flat on the bed and

climbing over him, their mouths still joined. When they parted to
breathe, Basil grinned at him. “That feels better. Now we can fuck

* * * *

Edward grinned up at Basil. “I guess ‘slow down’ and ‘take your

time’ are not phrases you ever pay attention to,” he said. He was still
breathing hard, his chest pounding from the crazy sprint from the
doorway, to the bed, to ejaculation.

“Life’s too short to waste time.”
Basil had said something almost the same as that in Pinky’s. Just a

few weeks ago Ed’s life had stretched out before him endlessly with
no hope and no purpose. Now he could relate to Basil’s opinion.

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There were things to do that he had to find time for. He hadn’t yet
reached the stage of having to cram more things into his life, but he
could imagine that a successful person like Basil would have many
calls on his time. It was pretty amazing really, that he was prepared to
spend time with him.

“Can you spare me five minutes to admire your body?” asked Ed.

He wanted to kiss every inch of Basil, but it seemed as if a couple
more hours of his time were out of the question so five minutes would
have to do.

Basil rolled onto his back and spread his legs wide. Ed noted that

the man’s cock was still half-hard. “Five minutes, eh? Convince me.”

Ed was up for the challenge. He trailed his fingers over Basil’s abs

and ribs, loving the defined chest muscles. Basil was slender but fit
with lean, wiry muscles. Ed guessed a lot of dancers were likely built
that way. All that heel-toeing around the place must make their bodies
all lean muscle with any sign of fat instantly burned off by the

Ed flicked glances up to Basil’s face but the man lay there with a

hint of a grin and gleaming gray eyes. At least Ed knew what color his
hair would be if it wasn’t purple and green. The curls surrounding
Basil’s long, straight cock were midbrown and his skin had a faint
hint of color to it. It wasn’t exactly tanned or olive, but it wasn’t as
white as his own.

He loved the little dip at Basil’s hips. Like Basil’s muscles, it was

a lot more defined than his own body. He slid partly over Basil and
licked a line up Basil’s sternum all the way to his chin, kissing the
merest hint of a dimple there, before licking back down again, but
stopping at Basil’s bellybutton. He dipped his tongue inside and
rimmed it, once again looking up at Basil’s face. The grin was wider
now. Basil was thinking about the analogy between the bellybutton
and somewhere else. Good.

Once again Ed licked upward and this time he stopped to suck on

both of Basil’s nipples, one after the other. Basil was so outrageously

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flamboyant Ed wouldn’t have been surprised if the man had tattoos or
piercings, but there were none he’d seen so far.

Finally he scraped his teeth on Basil’s skin downward again, until

he came to Basil’s cock. He rolled his balls in one hand and held the
shaft in the other while he sucked his lover’s cockhead. It was
incredibly carnal tasting their cum mixed together. It made his own
dick harden up fast, thinking about other things they might do this

Ed licked up and down Basil’s shaft then sucked his balls one at a

time, before filling his mouth once again with Basil’s cock. Damn, the
man tasted delicious.

This time when he looked up, Basil grabbed his arms and said,

“My turn now.”

Obediently Ed lay on his back and waited to see what might come

next. He wasn’t left in suspense for long. As he was coming to
understand, Basil only had one speed—fast-forward. Basil held Ed’s
legs wide apart and inserted his body between them, flinging them
over his shoulders as he bent forward to kiss Ed’s lips and then his
dick. Basil gave his cockhead one long, hard suck, and then gripped
his ass and kissed around the entryway.

Even while Basil was face down over Ed’s cock one of his arms

reached out and opened the nightstand drawer, rummaging among the
items inside and pulling out a tube of lube. Ed giggled. “You might
find it faster if you looked up.”

“I’ve got it.”
Ed had to admit he was right. The tube in Basil’s hand was lube.

In no time the cap was dropped back onto the nightstand and Basil
was squeezing the gel over his fingers.

Ed grinned, raising his hips into Basil’s quick thrusts. It was no

wonder Basil was always tapping his feet and dancing around. He was
like a cat on a hot tin roof, incapable of standing still or even slowing
down. This might be the fastest fuck on record but it would definitely
be one to remember, Ed knew that.

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Soon his hips were pumping in time with Basil’s fingers and he

was more than ready for Basil to fuck him.

“I’m ready.”
“I want our first time to be good. I want this to be special for you,

Edward, because you’re special to me.”

“You’re very special to me, too,” replied Ed softly, kissing Basil.

Basil had thrown him a lifeline by taking him out of unemployment
hell and offering him a job. Not just any job, but one he knew he
could do and do well. Apart from that he was the sexiest, most
confident man Ed had ever met. Nothing fazed Basil. He danced and
raced through the day spreading light around him wherever he was.
That also meant a lot to Ed. His parents loved and supported him, and
had tried their best to help him. But seeing Basil had been a real eye-
opener to Ed. It showed him what a gay man could do and be

Ed didn’t really care about success, but he longed for peace and

joy. And right now he was certain they could both be found in The
Paint Store and in Basil’s bed.

Basil rolled on a condom. Ed had half expected it to be neon

colored but it was just a regular one. Then Basil held his butt cheeks
apart and pressed his cock at Ed’s entry. Ed helped him as soon as he
breached the entry and almost immediately Basil had wiggled deep
inside until their bodies were pressed together.

“At last,” gasped Basil pulling out and driving deep.
Ed understood how hard it’d been for the other man to take it

slowly, and how much Basil had wanted it to be good for him to slow
himself down like that. He leaned up and kissed Basil’s mouth. In
seconds the kiss had gone viral, their tongues thrusting in each other’s
mouths as their hips pumped in unison as well.

Ed gripped Basil’s sides, but couldn’t help stroking and petting his

skin and touching his thighs. They were totally delicious thighs. Not
thick and muscular, but with a lean strength that Ed could appreciate.

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Next, he licked a fingertip and stroked the almost dimple in Basil’s
chin. “That’s so sexy,” he murmured.

“I’m glad you like it.”
Basil pumped harder and faster into Ed until his body inched up

the bed on every stroke. Only when the pillow was rammed hard
against the headboard were they stable. His cock was already leaking
pre-cum and he knew the end was close, so he let go of Basil’s sides
and tugged on his nipples.

Basil’s eyes sparkled with mischief and he began swiveling his

hips. His dick nudged Ed’s prostate and it was Ed’s turn to gasp. Basil
gripped Ed’s cock and began tugging on it. Ed pinched on Basil’s
nipples again and they both groaned.

And then it was all over. Basil’s cock found Ed’s little gland again

and Ed came, spurting cum in the air. Basil lifted Ed’s ass even higher
in the air and slammed into him again and Ed felt the burst of heat in
his ass. He reached up for Basil’s head and pulled him down for
another of those totally delicious, teeth-clanging, nose-mashing kisses
that drove him wild.

* * * *

Half an hour later they were showered and dressed, and Basil

grabbed Edward’s hand. “Tell me what you think,” he ordered. He
stood Edward in the center of the living room, then tapped his
shoulder to turn him slowly in a circle so he could view the entire
effect of the room. Basil wouldn’t term it a showpiece exactly. It was
more a statement of who he was and what he wanted out of life. The
colors were unusual, but he liked them.

He stepped back so he could watch Edward’s face, moving with

him as his lover rotated, looking at the room a segment at a time. It
was suddenly desperately important to him that Edward understand
what the room signified. Never before had he really cared what
anyone else thought about his home. It was designed to please

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himself. But now, today, he couldn’t think past the need for Edward’s

“It’s very different, but I’d be shocked if it wasn’t. It is you,

though. That zigzag silver stripe across the wall, that’s your spirit
completely. Nothing straight or square could ever describe you. But a
silver lightning flash is perfect.”

Basil sighed in relief. “I knew you’d understand. I knew you’d

appreciate it,” he said, totally forgetting his fears of only a minute
before. “Now, let’s a have a drink. Coffee? Tea? Beer?”

“Coffee, please.”
“Follow me.” Basil led the way into the kitchen. He didn’t do a lot

of entertaining, but he did occasionally bring clients here to show
them fabrics and designs, so he kept his pantry full of a range of
things to cover most tastes.

He pulled a bag of miniature cookies out of his pantry, and put

them on the table with the coffee. “Now we can be comfortable.”

They talked for hours and Basil was stunned when the light in the

room dimmed and he needed to turn the overhead lights on. It was
totally out of character for him to sit still for so long, yet it didn’t
seem like long at all.

Edward stood up. “I need to go home now. Thank you for a

wonderful day.”

“We’ll do it again next week. Same time, same place,” said Basil.

A whole week? How could he wait that long? But he knew he had to.
They both had their regular lives to live as well. Actually he had a
damn full week ahead of him, with a lot of clients he’d had to put off
because of the opening of The Paint Store to squeeze in this week.

Edward gave him the most beautiful smile. “Noon at Pinky’s. I’ll

be there.”

Basil’s dick stretched and stood up. Damn it was going to be a

long week.

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But as soon as they met up at the gay bar, it was as if no time had

passed at all. They talked, they laughed, they danced, they ate, and
then they went to bed and fucked like bunnies.

Afterward he held Edward in his arms, and once again they talked.

He told Edward about some of his clients, and Edward spoke about
the store and the people there. But before too long, Edward’s hand
was gripping his dick and his ability to converse faded away.

Edward slid down the bed and sucked his cock deep into his

mouth. But Basil had a better idea.

He turned himself upside down and leaned onto his side.

“Together,” he suggested.

“Trust you to be unable to lie still for five minutes.”
“Five minutes? You mean I have to go that slowly?”
Edward laughed. Basil loved his laugh. He’d been so sober and

restrained when they’d first met, but his new self-confidence was
helping him to loosen up and now he smiled a lot, his true personality
shining through. Edward was a quieter sort of person, but he had a dry
wit and great sense of humor. He was the perfect foil for Basil’s own
need for constant movement. Only with Edward could he slow down
and smell the roses. Well, smell the man’s musky, sexy scent anyway.

He concentrated on licking up the side of Edward’s dick, getting it

all nice and wet. There was still some cum dotted on it from his
previous orgasm, and Basil licked it all up. He loved Edward’s taste.
Like the man himself, on the surface it was bland, but when he licked
it slowly and savored it, there was a faint tart undertaste to it. Just like
Edward, whose personality was hidden behind his sober facade for
anyone with the patience to look for it.

Basil sucked Edward’s cock deep into his mouth. He couldn’t

swallow him down completely in this position but it was surprising
how much he could take. Basil’s fingers were busy rolling Edward’s
balls to keep him on edge as he sucked. Basil pressed his body into
Edward’s. Although Edward’s skin was pale, it wasn’t at all feminine.
His muscles were visible as he moved, along with his veins, shining

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blue though his white skin. Even his blond hair, despite being almost
white, had darker threads of gold hidden among the strands. The more
Basil looked at Edward, the more there was to learn about him. He
was like a painting, with hidden depths, and Basil planned to reveal
every single one of them.

But not right now. Right now it was time to bring this game to a

climax. He almost giggled at his mental pun. But that was when
Edward inserted a finger into his ass and began searching for his
prostate gland. Oh, fuck, he didn’t want to come just yet. He wanted
Edward to come. Two could play that game, though.

Basil sucked Edward’s cock again, pulling it deep into his mouth

and hollowing his cheeks for some extra pressure. Only then did he
slide a finger inside Edward’s ass, twisting it this way and that for
maximum effect. He had to let Edward out of his mouth a bit so he
could breathe properly, but he kept his finger in Edward’s dark
channel. Of course, Edward was doing the same to him, so it was
going to be quite a challenge to send his lover off the cliff first.

Basil rolled Edward’s balls and scraped a fingernail up and down

the side of Edward’s cock. The moment he licked the head he knew
he’d won. One good suck and Edward shot his seed into Basil’s
mouth. A mere two seconds later he lost control over his own dick,
but it was all good. Edward was in his arms shaking in release.

“I want you to stay overnight next weekend. I want you in my bed

and in my arms all night,” he said to Edward.

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Chapter Four

Ed absolutely loved his job. Robyn and Ainsley were very

friendly and the three of them had become like family, sharing the ups
and downs of their days together. Even though the store had been
open for several weeks, and the curiosity seekers no longer dropped
by, they had developed some good relationships with local tradesmen
and builders as well as with the people of the neighborhood, so the
store was never empty of customers. This, in turn, meant the other
staff were happy, because they were getting regular shifts to work.
First thing every morning Ed had a teenage boy, Henry, work for a
few hours to restock the shelves for him because he was busy making
lists of all the things Robyn would need to order more of. The three of
them together spoke with sales staff and made joint decisions of what
new lines to sell in the store, and mostly, so far, they seemed to be
guessing correctly.

Each morning Ed put on his sunshine-yellow uniform with

pleasure and he didn’t even bother to hide it under a coat anymore. He
was happy to work for The Paint Store. He liked that although the
details of every day differed, there was routine and dependability in
his life as well. He had tasks he did first thing in the morning, and
others he did in the afternoons. He took his meal break at the same
time each day, and enjoyed walking around the neighborhood or
spending time wandering around a nearby mall. This was a nice
neighborhood with a lot of family homes, which was an ideal location
for a paint store, but also a safe place to go walking.

It was midmorning and Ed had just finished checking the store for

what needed to be reordered. Henry was out back in the storeroom

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loading a trolley to begin replenishing the racks and Ed had the list in
his hand to give Robyn so she could start sending out the orders when
he heard a loud, cross voice at the front of the store.

It was most unusual to hear anger. The store was generally a place

of friendliness, and the closest Ed recalled hearing to anger was the
occasional parent demanding a child stop touching the stock. Not that
a kid could hurt paint cans very easily.

“Your useless, pathetic, inferior-quality paint roller has ruined my

wall. I spent hours and hours painting that wall and there are chunks
of foam embedded in the paint. They came off the roller. The new
roller you sold me. I absolutely demand a refund on the paint and the
roller right now. Right now!”

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir. No problem, sir. I just need the faulty

roller and your receipt and I’ll do that immediately.”

“Here’s the receipt. You can see right here is where I bought


“Yes, sir. I do see. Thank you. Do you by any chance have the

faulty roller with you, so I can send it back to the manufacturer?”

“The roller? I threw it out in the trash of course.”
“I’m really very sorry, sir, and I’ll give you the refund instantly,

of course, but would you please be able to bring me the faulty paint
roller? I need to return it to the manufacturer.”

“Why should I go home and come back again? I told you it’s

faulty. Now give me my refund right now.”

“Yes, sir, there is absolutely no problem about giving you a

refund. I can do that immediately. But I need the faulty roller to return
it to the manufacturer. There may be an entire batch that is unfit for
sale and we need to show the manufacturer the problem. Let me
summon my supervisor to explain everything to you.”

Edward hurried to the front of the store. Ainsley’s voice was soft

and helpful, but the man’s was getting louder and more aggressive
every time he spoke. Ed could see that it might be a nuisance to go
home and get a paint-covered roller out of the trash, but surely he

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wouldn’t want anyone else to have the same problem he’d had. Surely
he’d want to get the rollers recalled if they were all unfit for sale.

The man leaned over Ainsley, who was sitting on her stool at her

cash register, and placed a meaty hand on the thigh of her coveralls as
he screamed right into her face.

“Listen here, you stupid little bitch. Give me back my money right

now or you’ll answer to me.”

Thinking only of Ainsley, Ed ran forward, and tapped the man’s

shoulder. “Stand back, sir. We’re helping you as best we can. Let me
contact our supervisor while Ainsley processes your refund.”

He looked over at Robyn, who already had her cell phone out.

Thank goodness Robyn was a fast thinker.

Just then the man jumped backward and screamed.
Ed scuttled away from him, his heart pounding with fear but he

didn’t know what had happened. The man was holding his hand in the
air staring at it. Edward didn’t understand.

Then Ainsley stood up and her voice was no longer sweet and

comforting. “If you ever touch me again like that I’ll have you jailed
for assault. I’m going to take a photo of my leg right now to show the

Ainsley handed the man’s receipt to Edward and marched down

the aisle toward the storeroom. Robyn gave Ed her cell phone and
hurried after her friend.

Oh shit. Now it’s just me. What the fuck do I do now? No, it’s not

what I should do, it’s what he did do.

“What did you do to my staff member?” asked Edward, his voice

as stern as he could make it.

“I didn’t fucking touch her. All I want is my money back.”
“Yes, sir. You’ve already been told that a refund is guaranteed.

We’re in the process of contacting our manager to explain everything
to you. We just need to send the roller back to our supplier. Are you
able to get it for me please so we can have this all sorted out really

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quickly? I’m sorry you’ve had to wait but we’re working on it right

“No, I fucking can’t. I threw the fucking thing away.”
Ed didn’t know what to do. He’d never been in charge of anything

before, far less an angry customer who couldn’t follow the rules.
Should he just give him the money anyway, and if the owners of the
store objected pay them back out of his own pocket? Or should he
hold out for the return of the faulty equipment? He felt that maybe he
should. Because if the entire batch was inferior they’d have an endless
stream of people wanting their money back, which would be really
bad for the credibility of the store.

Taking a deep breath, Ed said, “Sir, I know it’s a nuisance for you

to have to go home and get the roller out of the trash, but we need to
think of other people. If the entire batch of rollers is faulty, we have to
stop selling them, otherwise more people will be just like you, with a
wall they just painted not looking good. Can’t you see that for the
sake of everyone else it’d be really helpful if you brought the roller
back? You are assured of a refund and my supervisor will be here to
speak with you personally very soon.”

“You brainless pansy. Can’t you see that little bitch just broke my

finger? I’m going to sue this store for a million dollars.”

“Broke your finger? I’m sorry, sir? What happened? How could

Ainsley break your finger?”

The man whirled around and stared at Ed. His face was red with

fury and his left hand was curled into a fist. He was still holding his
right hand out in front of him and the middle finger did look slightly
swollen but Ed still didn’t understand. He really hoped whoever
Robyn had called on her cell phone would ring back soon because he
was completely out of his depth here.

He looked up and noticed half a dozen customers standing around

staring. Oh shit. That wasn’t good for business. Fortunately all the
staff had been trained how to use the checkouts. Henry was standing

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just behind him. Ed hadn’t noticed him appear from the store room
but evidently he’d heard all the shouting and had come to help.

“Henry, log Robyn off her cash register and log yourself on, then

please help any of these customers here who need service. I’ll make
another call to our supervisor right now.”

He put the receipt and Robyn’s phone into one of the pockets of

his overalls and took out his own cell phone, but as he did one of the
customers stepped forward.

“Perhaps I can help you. My name’s Nicholas O’Hare. Detective

Nicholas O’Hare. From where I was standing I had an excellent view
of you, sir, grabbing the thigh of the woman on the cash register. I
agree wholeheartedly with her, that what you did is called assault.
Why don’t I go back to your home with you, help you retrieve the
missing paint roller from your trash, and bring it back here? I can
witness you getting your refund and caution you about manhandling
strangers. Unless the lady intends to press charges.”

“You can forget all about the paint roller. That’s chickenfeed.

That little bitch broke my finger and I’m going to sue this store for a
million dollars.”

“Well, sir, you’re welcome to try. But I’ll be testifying in court

that what she did was self-defense,” said the detective.

Henry was sitting at Robyn’s checkout but no one was buying

anything. Everyone was watching the drama unfold. Ed’s gut was
churning with fear. He was worried about Ainsley. Had this man hurt
her? Was she really going to be sued? What should he be doing next?
Ainsley surely should be his first consideration but he needed to
smooth down this angry customer as well.

To Ed’s great relief Max arrived just then and stared around at the

crowd. He looked piercingly at the angry man and said, “Mitchall.
Causing trouble again?”

“Hall. What are you doing here?”
“One of my staff asked me to drop by to help out with a customer.

I assume that’s you. What’s gone wrong this time? Were there only

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one hundred, ninety-nine sheets of toilet paper on the roll that said it
had two hundred?”

Huh? They didn’t sell toilet paper. Ed longed to tell Max

everything and leave him to make the decisions, but now that he was
here it was time to get everything back to normal. Ed crossed to
Henry’s checkout and walked among the customers.

“Okay, everyone, Mr. Hall is solving the problem there now. How

may I help you? Do you need any help? Can I serve you?”

Henry started ringing up a customer’s order and Ed directed

another customer to the rack of different grades of sandpaper. The
others dispersed and in a few minutes the store looked like normal. Ed
heaved a huge sigh of relief. He wiggled his shoulders to release the
last of the tension and walked toward the back of the store wanting to
know if Ainsley was all right. Robyn met him part way down the

“Is Ainsley okay?”
“She’s fine. Furiously angry at that b—customer, but she’s fine.

There were some red marks on her thigh though, even through the
overall, and we took a picture of them. Did she break that b—man’s

“What did he do to her? What did she do to him? I couldn’t see

anything from where I was standing, except him leaning over her

“He gripped her leg and dug his fingers right into her skin. The

four finger marks are clear on her leg. Likely she’ll have a bruise
tomorrow. She used both hands to force his middle finger up and
backward, which made him let go. She said there was no snapping
sound so she didn’t think his finger was broken but it served him right
if it was. She learned how to do that in self-defense class, but never
thought she’d need to use it at work.”

“Hell no. And she’s okay? She doesn’t need to go to the

emergency room?”

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“No. I’ve left her drinking sweetened coffee and eating a couple

of candy bars. Once that man leaves the store she’ll be okay again. It
might not be good for her to see him though.”

“I agree. Thanks for looking after her, Robyn.”
“You had the hard job, sorting out the customer.”
“Max has arrived to do that. I’m so glad you asked him to come


Together they walked down to the front of the store. Apparently

the man, Nicholas, had told Max all about the event, because Max
came and patted both Robyn and Ed on the shoulder.

“You both did great. Well done. Robyn, call in someone to take

over Ainsley’s shift and tell her to take the rest of the day off to
recover. Make sure she has a friend to look after her. Ed, come and
tell me what you saw.”

Ed recounted the drama to Max, who said, “That sounds the same

as what Nicholas said. He and I will accompany Mitchall to his house
to get the paint roller and look at the wall. But it wouldn’t surprise me
at all if it’s just a beat up. The man is a serial pest. He’s always
complaining about something. Nicholas said we should get a court
order to stop him coming back to the store. Apparently several local
businesses have done that. I know he’s banned from entering the

Ed just stared at Max. “He’s banned from shopping? Because he


“His whole life is dedicated to finding things that are wrong with

everything. Supplies, products, food. He’s been declared a serial pest
by the courts. After what he did to Ainsley, we don’t want him back.
You did very well, Ed, handled him well.”

“It was all Ainsley. I was just there.”
“But being there, supporting her, not being afraid yourself, was

very important. Right. I’ll be back shortly, but I expect there’s no real
problem with those paint rollers.”

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Ed stared after Nicholas, Max, and Mitchall as they left the store.

There’d been yelling and screaming, and he hadn’t dissolved into a
puddle of fear and trembling himself. He hadn’t gotten sick, he’d
coped with it. Of course, Ainsley was the hero here, not him, but it
was the first time he could ever recall not being ill when people were
shouting at him. The Paint Store had done that for him. It had given
him the confidence not to crumble under pressure.

* * * *

Basil held Edward’s hand as they wandered around the flower

show. He’d hesitated about suggesting the outing to Edward as it was
so stereotypically gay an activity. But hell, he was unashamedly gay
and didn’t care what anyone thought about him. Edward didn’t
pretend to be straight, he was certainly nowhere near the closet, but he
wasn’t so upfront about his sexuality. Not that straight men couldn’t
admire flowers, of course.

Still, Edward had been perfectly happy to come with him, and

here they were.

“I’m going to use tubs of flowers as the centerpiece when I redo

The Paint Store display windows next. I’ll use the colors of the
flowers to draw attention to the colors of the paints,” said Basil.
Already his mind was flooded with ideas. He liked to change the
window design every two weeks, but he also liked to have the next
design planned before his self-imposed deadline rolled around.

“Asters would be good then. They come in pink, blue, purple, and

white, so that gives you quite a good range of colors,” said Edward.

“Butterflies love asters, but I couldn’t have them in the store. I

don’t think they’d be very happy indoors.”

“No, you’d need to confine them to the window area, which

wouldn’t be very fair.”

“If I hung a very fine mesh cloth at the back of the window likely

it would work, but you’re right. Butterflies deserve to be free to fly

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wherever they want to go.” Nevertheless Basil filed asters away in his
mind. There were occasions when butterflies could be added to a
design he was planning. One that was large but still enclosed. Did
they need water or did they drink from the plants? He’d have to find
that out. Butterflies. Oh, they brought so many ideas to his fertile

Basil danced a few steps up and down in front of the asters as they

moved to the next display. Goldenrod. Now that would look amazing
with The Paint Store uniform.

Around and around they walked, slowing down to look at some of

the displays, chattering idly about everything as they went. But
Basil’s mind was full of new plans. The flower show had been
inspirational. He’d gotten dozens of ideas from it.

“I haven’t seen sunflowers quite like these ones before. The ones I

think of are a brighter, stronger, golden yellow,” said Edward.

“Lemon Queen perennial sunflower it says. But sunflowers are

very suited to the store.”

“Well, there’s the uniform of course, but the store is bright and

happy. Sunshine yellow is a good match for it,” said Edward.

“Despite the incident the other day?” Basil had worried about

Edward over that. Of course, it was Ainsley who’d been targeted by
the bullying customer, but Basil knew how much Edward hated
fighting and abusiveness.

“Yes. The Paint Store has given me self-confidence and that

hasn’t diminished because of one troublesome customer. Henry came
up to support me when Robyn went into the store room with Ainsley.
We managed but I was very glad when Max arrived.”

“Well, he is rather a huge figure of a man.”
“His size was good, but it also helped that he seemed to know the

troublemaker and knew how to deal with him. Even the fact there was
an off duty police detective in the store at the time was amazing.
Although I’m not looking forward to having to go to court to get the
restraining order against the customer. Mitchall, his name is.”

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Basil let go of Edward’s hand and pulled him against his body for

a hug. “You’ll be fine. Besides, likely only Ainsley will have to give

“That’s true. But I’ve never been inside a court before, and you

know how nervous I am about speaking in public.” Basil hugged him
again. He wished he could help Edward. Speaking in court would
have been fun for him. He’d have lapped up every second of drama
and publicity. But Edward was a very different person from him.
That’s why he loved him so much.

“You will be fine. You’ll cope with everything because Ainsley

needs you to be there. Although I still think it unlikely you’ll be put
up on the stand.”

They walked around some more and Basil made mental notes

about the clematis, which had white flowers and was really fast
growing. Something that grew fast could be useful indeed. He also
liked the Mexican sage, which had reddish-purple flowers. That color
was stupendous and would lift a lot of designs from ordinary to
extraordinary with the addition of a couple of potted plants.

The afternoon was wonderful, but by the time they climbed into

his car for the trip back to his condo, Basil was so aroused he had to
unzip his jeans.

“Feeling a little needy are you, Basil?” asked Edward, gently

lifting Basil’s engorged dick out of his tiny electric-blue briefs.

“Around you, Edward, always.”
“Why don’t I take the edge off for you then?”
Without waiting for an answer, Edward bent right over Basil’s hot

dick and sucked the head into his mouth. Basil wiggled his ass farther
out of his jeans and gripped the steering wheel as if he was about to
drive away.

Edward paid no attention to him, concentrating on his balls, which

he was rolling in his palm. Then he sucked first one and then the other
into his mouth scraping his teeth lightly over the sac.

Basil gasped and muttered, “Gods, yes. Do that again.”

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Edward did, and followed it up by licking a wet line up the shaft

of his dick, before sucking the cockhead some more. When he scraped
his teeth along the ridge joining the head to his shaft, Basil groaned.
“I’m not going to last if you keep doing things like that.”

“But you aren’t meant to last. This was just to take the edge off

until we get home, remember.” With that naughty comment Edward
sucked him hard and deep, and Basil exploded, leaning back in the car
seat and pumping his hips up into Edward’s mouth.

“Now you.”
“Hell no. Not in a public parking lot where someone could see


“But someone could have just seen you suck me off right then.”
“Yes, but my face was hidden in your crotch. No one would know

it was me. But if you suck me they’ll see my face.”

Basil shook his head. “I don’t see how the difference matters.

Whether you give it or accept it it’s still a blow job. But fucking will
be even better and we can do that when we get home.” Basil leaned
over to kiss Edward, loving the taste of his cum on his lover’s mouth.

“So sexy,” he muttered.

* * * *

Edward had noticed Basil use the word “love” several times. He

wondered if it was just a word, much like the lurid colors he wore
were just the outer package. He was sure he was falling in love with
Basil, but found it almost impossible to believe such an outrageously
flamboyant personality hadn’t decided he was incredibly boring as

Ed knew he was growing. The fact he hadn’t fallen apart with

Mitchall at work proved that. Also, he knew his parents had noticed
the changes in him. His mother no longer hovered around him and his
dad had even looked at him with approval, instead of pity, sometimes
lately. But that didn’t help him know whether he could tell Basil he

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loved him and wanted him to meet his family. And then there was the
court case to face. It was all very well to say Ainsley would be the
one in the spotlight. He knew that and was very grateful for it.
Although he was saddened that Mitchall had hurt her. That was so
unnecessary and even vile.

But none of that allayed his fears. There was still the possibility

he’d have to take the stand and people would fire questions at him and
yell at him and he was likely to dissolve into a useless, stammering,
crying mess. And if he did that the abuser would win and he would
have let Ainsley down. He’d never be able to forgive himself if he
failed her.

It was all too much for him to think about just yet. Much better

just to enjoy these hours with Basil. He was so looking forward to
spending the night with Basil. To holding his lover in his arms for an
entire night, to sleep beside him, was going to be heavenly.

* * * *

It didn’t matter how often they fucked or in how many different

ways, Basil couldn’t get enough of Edward. He loved Edward
wholeheartedly, and knew Edward loved him as well. It was so
exciting to see how much the man had come out from behind that wall
that’d hidden him, and had grown and developed as a person. That
was the only thing preventing him from asking Edward to move into
his condo. He wanted Edward to keep growing in his own strength
until he was fully self-confident, before they officially became a unit.
He wanted them to be equal partners and he wasn’t sure Edward
could see himself that way as yet.

They went straight to the bedroom and undressed. As always Basil

dropped his clothing where it landed and grabbed the tube of lube and
some condoms from the nightstand while Edward took off each item
of clothing carefully, folding it tidily, and placing it on a chair, his
shoes neatly side by side underneath the chair.

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“Life’s too short to be tidy,” he grumbled at Edward then pushed

him face down on the bed.

Basil sat on his thighs and got to work on his ass, lubing around

the entry and opening him up. Edward’s ass was cute. It was taut and
flat, the muscles there just under the surface like with all his body.
And his skin here was very white. It was easy to know that this ass
had never seen sunlight.

With two fingers of his right hand deep inside Edward’s ass, Basil

smoothed the palm of his left hand over Edward’s pale back. His skin
felt so good to touch, and his happy little fidgeting was an impressive
sign of how much he enjoyed Basil’s touch and wanted to be fucked.
Edward was so restrained normally, the fact that he let himself signal
his need was amazing indeed.

He gave Edward’s mighty fine ass a hard slap and rolled off him

to drop the lube onto the nightstand and sheathe his cock with a

Edward surprised him by turning over onto his front and pulling

Basil down into a kiss. As always, it began with their teeth clashing
and noses knocking, until Edward gently turned his head and they
could kiss more leisurely. Basil took his time, running his tongue
behind Edward’s teeth and over the roof of his mouth.

When he ran out of oxygen he slowly licked his way down

Edward’s body until he reached his dick. He flicked his tongue over
the head, pleased to notice a pearl of pre-cum in the eye already and
then drove his dick into Edward’s ass, rocking backward and forward
until he was seated balls-deep inside his lover. Edward planted his
feet flat on the mattress and grasped Basil’s hips and then Basil began
pumping in and out of his deliciously hot ass.

Edward’s ass was perfect. Boiling hot and tighter than hell it

gripped him enough to make the withdrawal and reentry a mind-
numbing experience every time. Edward was also an involved partner,
petting and stroking Basil’s skin in unexpected places, as well as his
taste for kissing. Basil liked that. He loved kissing Edward, too.

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Without slowing down his pumping, Basil snatched a pillow and

shoved it under Edward’s ass for more leverage. Now he could jack-
hammer in and out faster and harder, the extra little bit of lift an
amazing help.

Edward held his shoulder with one hand and reached for his own

cock with the other. Aha. He always did that when he was close. Basil
gripped Edward’s cock as well and together they tugged on it. Just
knowing that Edward was getting ready to climax was almost enough
to tip him over the edge, but Basil held on, wanting Edward to come

“Now. Come now,” he yelled. Just as if the words were the key

that unleashed the geyser, Edward’s cum spurted out of his cock.
Basil slammed harder into his ass and again, and then his own dick
exploded in release. He lay flat on Edward’s belly, mashing his dick
between them to kiss his lover again.

“I love you, Edward,” he whispered, even though he hadn’t meant

to say anything yet.

His dick gave another happy spurt of seed inside Edward when he

replied, “I love you, too.

Basil rolled them both onto their sides and pulled Edward’s blond

head down onto his own chest. As soon as the fucking court case was
over he was going to ask Edward to move in with him. He wanted his
lover in his bed always, every night of the week. But he couldn’t undo
the progress the man had made by asking him yet, dammit.

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Chapter Five

Ed was almost sick with nerves. He was dressed in a sober black

suit, white dress shirt, black dress shoes, and restrained pale blue
necktie. For the first time in his life he’d have preferred to be wearing
his sunshine-yellow overalls. He shoved his hands deep in his suit
coat pockets to hide the fact they were trembling, drew in a big
breath, and smiled at Ainsley. “We’re thinking of you, Ainsley.
We’ve got your back.”

Robyn hugged her. “Don’t let that bastard scare you,” she said.
Their attorney waved Ainsley to the door, and Cuthbert Lewis,

Roland Clarke, and Basil followed her in. Basil was wearing a
brocade jacket in a gold, burgundy, and green paisley pattern over
tight burgundy jeans. Today his boots were moss green, as was the
thin sweater he wore under the jacket. Despite the colors, Edward
thought he looked elegant and refined, almost like a rich gentleman
from the olden days. Basil’s boots were jiggling and tapping as he
looked back and gave Edward, Max, Henry, and Robyn a wave.

“I hope everything’s okay at the store with all of us here,” worried


Again Edward had to deliberately take a deep breath before he

spoke. “Everyone on the team is really good. I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
He found, having said it to reassure Robyn, that he actually believed
it. The staff was a great team. They did look out for and help each
other and even though ordering new stock wouldn’t happen today, the
teenagers who restocked the shelves this afternoon would make a list
of what they used. They would all manage to get through today. Just
as long as he didn’t break down and make a fool of himself inside the

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court. He had to be strong for Ainsley. She needed to be his priority

It seemed to be a very long time before Robyn was called and he

began to wonder if the case wouldn’t finish today. If they’d have to
come back again tomorrow. He wasn’t sure he could go through all
this waiting again. And then his name was called. He stood up, his
legs suddenly wobbling. He did his now familiar breathing exercise
and followed the official into the court. The attorney had told them
only to look at him or at the person asking the question so Edward
fixed his gaze on the attorney and didn’t look anywhere else in the

He was asked to give his name and then to explain exactly what

he saw. The attorney asked him a few questions.

The defense attorney asked, “My client’s finger was clearly

broken. Why didn’t you call the paramedics?”

“Objection, your honor. There is no evidence that the defendant’s

finger was broken.”

“No further questions.”
“The witness may step down.”
And that was it. He was free to sit in the court.
He was so relieved not to have had to answer that question he was

almost shaking in relief. Scarcely able to believe he didn’t have to
answer a single question from the defense, Edward walked to the back
of the courtroom and sat down beside Robyn.

Max Hall was next and he was asked a lot of questions and made

to wait outside in case there were more questions later. Henry, like
him wasn’t cross questioned at all and came to sit with him and
Robyn. Next was the off-duty policeman, Detective Nicholas O’Hare.
That was when Mitchall’s case completely unraveled. Detective
O’Hare mentioned a whole swathe of orders from the court about
Mitchall not being allowed to visit the mall, and various restaurants,
and businesses. He said he’d been listed by the court as a serial

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litigator. And he pointed out that whereas Mitchall had no evidence to
show his finger had been broken or even sprained, Ainsley had
photographic evidence of bruises on her thighs where Mitchall and
grabbed her leg through her clothing to try to terrorize her.

Fifteen minutes later the case was over. Mitchall was fined,

ordered to pay all the court costs, and warned away from The Paint
Store and all its staff.

“Should you choose to violate this court order you will be jailed.”
Ed turned to a grinning Robyn and said, “Wow.”
Robyn high fived him and Henry. “I’m so pleased for Ainsley,

and it’s just what that bastard deserved.”

“A celebratory drink is in order, I believe,” said Roland.
They all followed him one block down the road to a small bar and

Edward sat back in the booth, watching everyone else laughing and
happy. The court case was over. Mitchall would never be back, and
Ainsley was vindicated in her actions. It was all very good and he was
thrilled and excited at how it went. Not that he planned to go to court
again. But he hadn’t collapsed. He hadn’t been sick, and he had
answered the questions he was asked, even if they were only easy safe

People moved around in the booth getting more drinks, and Basil

was beside him, pushing him into the corner. “I’m proud of you,
Edward,” he said, kissing him on the lips in front of everyone.

Ed could feel the color flooding his cheeks, but he kissed him

back anyway. He loved Basil and it didn’t matter if people found out.

Some people bought food, others bought more drinks. Tucked in

the corner of the booth, Edward was content to do whatever Basil
wanted, so he nibbled on pretzels and peanuts, drank another beer,
and then ate enchiladas with some of the others. One by one they left
until only he and Basil remained.

Basil slipped a hand up his thigh until Ed was wiggling trying to

encourage Basil’s fingers to touch his rigid dick. “It’s time to go
home and take this scene to a proper conclusion,” said Basil.

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“My parents will be waiting to hear about the court case though.

Likely I should have told them already. They knew how nervous I
was about it all.”

“Have you got hands-free for your cell phone in your car? Tell

them on the way home and then tell them you’ll be staying the night
with me.”

“I can do that, but I’ll have to go home to get my uniform before


“That’s okay. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow as well, but tonight is


Ed liked the sound of that. A night together.

* * * *

Basil tapped and danced his way along the sidewalk back to the

parking lot where they’d all left their vehicles so many hours before.
It’d been a damn long day but it’d been worth it. That serial pest had
been warned off, and Ainsley didn’t need to worry about him trying to
frighten her ever again. And Edward, his very own Edward, had
braved his fears, stood up straight, and spoken firmly. Basil had
known he could do it, had known that underneath a timid exterior
Edward really did have the heart of a lion, but he also knew how
difficult it had been for his lover to take the stand and speak. But he’d
done it and done it well. His voice had been calm and clear. He hadn’t
sounded overconfident, but he hadn’t trembled noticeably or wavered
either. In fact, it was perfect when the accused was a bully. Edward’s
sober, measured response had shown Mitchall up for exactly what he
was. A small-minded, mean, acquisitive bully.

Ainsley had been brilliant as well. She’d kept her back turned to

Mitchall the entire time except when she was asked to point to him,
and that turned shoulder spoke so clearly of her desire not to have to
face him again.

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And now Basil was about to go to bed with his lover for a whole

night once again. Some time tonight he’d ask Edward to move in with
him. Perhaps they should invite Edward’s parents around for a meal
so they could see the condo. Cooking wasn’t Basil’s favorite thing but
he wasn’t completely helpless in the kitchen. Besides, he could
decorate a dining table with flair and panache.

Basil longed to stomp his moss-green boot firmly on the

accelerator and race home, but that wouldn’t make Edward drive any
faster, and although his condo was absolutely divine, it wasn’t home
anymore unless Edward was there with him. And that was a truly
amazing point. He was twenty-eight years old and had been sexually
active for ten years. In that time he’d had four serious relationships,
yet with none of them had he felt how he did with Edward. Edward
was as much a part of him as were his design skills and love of
dancing. Even when he was absorbed in a work project he’d look up
and think, “Edward would like…” or “Edward would say…” He was
attuned to Edward in a way he’d never been to anyone before.

Basil had been drawn to Edward as soon as he’d seen him waiting

in the employment line and every night he thanked all the gods in the
pantheon that he’d pulled his lover out of the line and gotten to know
him. It was Kismet. Fate. They were destined to be together and
tonight he’d tell Edward. But first he’d fuck him. Just seeing Edward
was enough to make him hard. Being next to him in the booth at the
bar had been torture. He’d had half a mind to duck under the table and
suck him off. Only the thought that Edward would be horrified had
stopped him.

He parked at the condo and impatiently heel-toed up and down the

sidewalk as he waited for Edward. Edward kept the visitor’s parking
permit in the glove compartment of his car. Soon he’d be able to get a
proper permit sticker of his own. Basil two-stepped down the
sidewalk a little way and then back again as Edward locked his car
and joined him. Then, hand in hand, they rode the elevator up to
Basil’s condo. He took Edward straight into the kitchen, pushed him

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face-first at the table, and pulled those prim and proper dress pants
down. Underneath, Edward was wearing a boring black pair of boy
shorts. But now wasn’t the time to talk to him about dress sense. He’d
do that later. Now was the time for fucking.

He unzipped his boots and tugged his jeans down his legs before

hurrying into the bedroom for the lube. He coated the head of his cock
heavily with lube and then eased a couple of slippery fingers into
Edward’s ass.

Edward crossed his arms on the table and leaned over, spreading

his legs wider, wiggling his ass so lasciviously that Basil’s eyes
nearly crossed trying to prevent himself from coming. He really
needed to learn self-control. Or maybe it’d be simpler just to fuck
more often. Yeah, twice as much fucking. That’d work.

Basil rested the naked head of his dick at Edward’s entry then

pressed his body against Edward’s back. In his rush to fuck he was
still half-dressed, but it didn’t matter. He couldn’t wait any longer.

“Edward, I love you. I want you to live with me, and I want us to

fuck bareback from now on,” he said almost whispering in his lover’s
ear. These things meant so much to him, but he needed Edward’s
approval to continue.

Edward turned right around to look at Basil. “I love you, too. I

think I’ve loved you from the very day we met. You looked so free,
so happy, so in control of your life, and I wanted all those things, too.
And then I realized that what I really wanted was you. I’m happy to
fuck bareback. That’s the logical next step. And I will move in with
you, soon, but we need to talk a lot more about that first. Right now,
it’s time you used that lovely, thick cock properly.”

Edward slammed his ass back forcing Basil’s dick deep inside.

Basil nearly lost his control on the spot. His dick swelled full and the
urge to pump and come almost overwhelmed him.

“Hell, wait a minute. At least let a man get one stroke in first,” he


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There was a faint snort from Edward, and Basil realized the man

was actually giggling. He’d seen Edward smile, and then he’d learned
to laugh. But he’d never giggled before. Basil’s heart filled with joy
for his lover. Edward had come from oppression and defeated it. He
had a job, and he’d regained his self-respect because he’d learned to
conquer his fears. Basil couldn’t wait to see where Edward’s growth
and development would take him next.

Nothing was impossible in the future. Nipple rings, tattoos, purple

and green hair, all of them were on the table for Edward now that he’d
risen to the challenges of his life. But right now, what was on the
table was Edward, and Basil had an ass he needed to fuck.

Hastily he pulled his coat and sweater off, dropping them on the

floor. He fumbled for the necktie Edward was wearing and Edward
helped him undo the knot. Basil dropped the tie to the floor and
reached around Edward’s body to unbutton his shirt. Edward was
already working on the top fastening, so he started at the bottom,
finally tugging the fabric from between them.

Ah, at last they were skin to skin, and Basil took a moment to rub

his chest over Edward’s sleek, pale back. Only then did he grip his
lover’s hips and withdraw his dick from Edward’s ass until only the
head remained inside him. This time Basil controlled the pace, sliding
back inside, and then pulling out again. He managed several slow,
even strokes, before Edward’s arms bent backward and gripped his
sides, holding their bodies tightly together. Basil groaned. So much
skin to skin contact was absolutely wonderful. Perfect. Stupendous.
But it was also torture. It made his dick ache to fill his lover with his
seed. But it was too soon. He needed a little more time.

Basil reached both arms around Edward. One hand gripped his

dick firmly and began stroking it from root to tip, root to rip, root to
tip. His other fingers pinched Edward’s nipple, pulling on it to
elongate it, and then rolling the tiny nub, before tugging again, all the
while moving in time to his fisting Edward’s cock.

Ed rested his head on the table and groaned.

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Basil rubbed a finger over Edward’s cockhead, feeling the drops

of pre-cum there. He smoothed the tiny beads of moisture into the
skin before beginning his relentless tugging and slow, steady fucking
of Edward’s ass.

Slow definitely wasn’t his speed, but he loved the idea of driving

Edward insane with lust, so he did his best to maintain as many
different sensations at once as he could.

Edward was fighting back though, pushing his ass back onto

Basil’s cock and twirling his hips in a way that sent Basil’s dick into a
frenzy. When Edward reached behind himself and gripped tightly
onto Basil’s ass, the game was almost over. Basil pumped into
Edward hard and fast. Edward swirled his hips in that devastating way
of his, and they both exploded together, Edward’s cum covering their
hands and Basil’s seed filling Edward’s ass.

Basil lay over Edward’s back, breathing heavily and still gently

stroking Edward’s dick. “Now that’s what I call fucking.”

“Hell yes.”
“Now let’s go take a shower and do it all again in my—our nice

comfortable bed.”

Edward laughed. “Why not? Let’s do it.”

* * * *

After his shower Ed tied a towel around his waist and sat on the

end of the bed. He wanted Basil with all his heart. He’d loved him for
weeks now and was ready for this next step of being together full-
time. They were both adults and knew what they wanted, but he also
needed to explain some things to Basil. He wanted, no needed, Basil
to understand some things from his viewpoint as well.

He looked down at the bedding, and then looked up again at Basil.

“I will move in with you. I already told you I love you, but I just need
to explain where I’m coming from. About my family.”

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Basil stopped tapping a foot on the floor and sat on the bed cross-

legged. “Go on.” He smiled reassuringly and Edward drew strength
from the man he loved, just as he’d done ever since they started

“I’ve known I was gay since I was a kid. My parents have always

accepted that and supported me. They’ve stood up for me and done
their best for me always. But, I guess, they don’t really understand
me. I’ve never questioned their love, but they never seemed to be able
to comprehend just how hard some things are for me. As soon as I
saw you, I knew you had that complete acceptance of yourself that I’d
never had.”

“But you’ve gotten it now. You understand yourself and accept

yourself now. Because now you know that inside you’re strong and
can do whatever you have to do.”

Ed grinned. “‘Know’ is likely too definite a word. Now I’m

willing to have a go. I had to be brave for Ainsley today, and I
managed to do it. I simply couldn’t let her and The Paint Store down.
Now I know I can succeed, you’re right. I’ll be starting from a better
place next time I have to face a challenge.”

“So what comes next?”
“The next step is for you to meet my parents. I think neutral

territory would be best, somewhere out of town so they don’t need to
worry about the neighbors staring at them. Once they know you as a
person I think they’ll be a lot more relaxed about our relationship. I
mean, I’m twenty-five years old. They can’t stop me from doing
whatever I want to do. But they’ve always done their best for me, so
I’d rather proceed with their approval. Or at least without their
disapproval, if you know what I mean.”

“Of course I understand. You choose the place, time, date, and

we’ll have dinner with them and talk. But make it soon. I want you to
move in as soon as possible. We belong together, Edward.”

Edward leaned over to kiss Basil. “I’ll leave here in enough time

tomorrow morning to ask them for tomorrow night when I do go

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home to pick up my clothes for work. They were both thrilled about
the result of the court case, so maybe it’d be good to keep the positive
news coming.”

“So they’ll think I’m positive news?”
Ed thought Basil was teasing but he answered seriously anyway.

“They’ve always wanted me to be happy, so yes.”

They lay together on the bed holding hands discussing possible

dinner venues. In the end they decided on a restaurant up in the hills a
little way that was well-known for good food, and a pleasant
atmosphere. The last thing Edward wanted was a low quality meal
interfering with his news.

And then they made love slowly and sweetly. In all the times

they’d fucked they’d never really done it slowly before. Basil lived
life in the fast lane, and Ed was always so hungry around him it had
never seemed to matter. But now they were happy, contented and
relaxed, and long, slow lovemaking was the perfect conclusion to a
day cram-packed with excitement.

* * * *

Ed arrived at his parents’ home before seven already showered.

He changed into his uniform, packed an overnight bag, and then went
into the kitchen where he knew both parents would be eating

He kissed his mom on the cheek as he’d done every day of his life

as far back as he could remember, then put two slices of whole wheat
bread in the toaster, and sat at the table.

“Dad, Mom, I’m going to move in with Basil. Basil King from

The Paint Store.”

“The interior decorator you’ve told us about? The one who likes

to dance?” asked his mom.

“Yes, that’s right.”
“The one who has green-and-purple hair?” added his father.

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“Correct.” Ed jumped up and took his toast, which was ready,

placed it on a plate, collected a knife from the cutlery drawer, and sat
down again.

“You’re an adult now and you choose your own friends. We can’t

prevent you from living with whomever you choose,” said his mom.

“And when this romance dies, likely in a week or two, we’ll

welcome you back home again. But try to keep your job. Don’t get so
tied up in the man that you lose your job,” added his dad.

“What do you mean? We won the court case yesterday. The job is

fine. I get on really well with Robyn and Ainsley.”

“And we’re so pleased you do. It’s wonderful that you work with

people who can see what a caring person you really are,” said his
mom, smiling at him.

“This dancer, interior decorator. People like that are like

celebrities. They change relationships like an ordinary man changes
the oil in his car. And that’s fine. If you’re attracted to him and him to
you, I don’t have any problem with that, even though I wish you’d
find a nice steady man and settle down for life. But—”

Ed was hurt. His parents already thought Basil would stop loving

him in a few weeks’ time and they hadn’t even moved in together yet.
Ed wasn’t stupid. He knew love could die. Hell, half of all marriages
ended up in divorce. But there was no reason why he and Basil
shouldn’t be one of the lucky ones whose relationship succeeded.

“Basil and I hoped you’d have dinner with us tonight so you could

get to know Basil better. Once you meet him you’ll see why I love
him.” Ed wanted to say something about how Basil had helped him
find his inner strength, but he didn’t have the words for it right now.
He didn’t want to hurt his family or drive a wedge between them
either. They’d done their best to be good parents. They’d always
loved him. It wasn’t just their fault that they’d never understood him.
Part of the problem had to have been him as well.

“Thank you, son. Of course we’ll meet you for dinner,” his mom


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Ed jumped up, kissed her, and raced off to work completely

forgetting he’d never actually eaten his toast.

* * * *

Garabaldi’s was an Italian restaurant nestled in the foothills,

maybe half an hour out of town. But instead of having the old-style
red gingham tablecloths and peasant dresses on the serving staff, it
had a sleek modern interior, all glass-and-chrome tables and chairs,
highly polished wooden floors, and paintings on the wall in narrow
black frames. Basil deliberately chose a table far enough away from
the dance floor and band that they’d be able to talk, but not so far
away he couldn’t drag Edward onto the floor if they needed some
time alone.

He’d also moderated his clothing somewhat, although not as

muted as he’d worn for court, this time teaming his black boots with
lilac narrow-legged dress pants, and a lime-green shirt under a pale-
pink-and-lilac vest. The colors also looked rather good with his hair,
he thought. Soon his roots would start to show and he’d have to
decide whether to change his color scheme or not. Since purple and
green had won him Edward, he was inclined to repeat the colors.

But that decision was a couple of weeks away yet. Right now he

had to win over Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. Having seen Edward’s white
shirt and black dress pants, he wasn’t at all surprised when his father
arrived dressed exactly like that, and his mother was wearing a classic
little black dress. At least she was blonde like her son, and black
looked okay on her. Basil had never been unable to understand the
legions of people who wore black when it looked ghastly against their
hair or skin. He only ever wore colors that suited him. Fortunately,
with gray eyes, most colors were possible.

He stood up and danced around the table to greet Edward’s

parents then sat again as a server came across with the drinks list. He
ordered Sazeracs for himself and Edward, stressing they be made the

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old-fashioned way. After Edward’s parents had ordered, they began a
slightly stilted conversation about drinks, which was gradually
moving along well by the time the drinks actually arrived. Then they
talked about the food on the menu, and about the weather.

Finally he moved the topic onto Edward as a child, and at last the

conversation flowed fast and lightly around the table. Basil loved
hearing the stories and also began to see more of just how bravely
Edward had fought against being bullied. He’d used the classic
advice, which his family had given him, and basically it hadn’t
helped. Sometimes the only way to stop a bully, as Ainsley had so
ably demonstrated recently, was to fight back.

When the dance music began he danced first with Edward,

pleased to have his lover back in his arms where he belonged, and
then he’d danced with his mom. She was light and delicate on her feet
and a pleasure to dance with, but he was careful not to get too
adventurous in case her husband complained. He wanted to win them
both over, not to show off his talents.

Over dessert Edward’s mom asked about his earlier life.
“When I was a child I was told thin, short boys like me had only

two career options in life. To be a jockey or a ballet dancer. I knew
nothing about horses, so I chose dancer, and studied jazz ballet and
tap dancing all through school. I even won a few competitions. But by
the time I was in high school I’d learned there was a career called
interior decorating. As I looked into it I discovered I had a flair for
mixing and matching colors and fabrics. So I studied, got my degree,
and that’s what I do.”

“You obviously do it reasonably well if you’re able to buy into a


Edward looked down at the table as his father spoke. There was

no need for him to be embarrassed.

“I do all right. I’m not rolling in money, but my business is

successful and I have regular clients who come to me over and over
again. In my business, word of mouth is really important. I don’t

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reuse ideas. I plan rooms, or homes, or whatever I’m asked to design
for that particular person. So the colors and fabrics, design, everything
works for them. That’s why I’m a success. The person relates to their
home, or office. They’re happy and so they’re successful, too.”

“I think we should order coffee now.” Edward jumped into the


Basil patted his hand. “It’s okay, Edward. I don’t mind the

questions. I love you, but so do your parents. They need to know I’ll
look after you properly, and I will. Although, you’re doing so well at
the store likely you’ll get a pay raise soon anyway.”

They all laughed and ordered coffee.
Edward’s father spoke slowly. “I really think you might be exactly

what our boy needs. You do understand him.”

His mother nodded and smiled, her eyes, so like Edward’s,

shining with happy tears.

Basil was content. Edward’s parents might not be his greatest fans

but they accepted him because he loved their son. Problem solved.

He would have loved to dance with Edward again but he knew

once he got on the dance floor and held precious Edward’s delicious
body against his they’d be fucking in ten seconds. So it was better to
spread his legs wide, let his poor tortured dick have a little breathing
space, and save the fucking for later. Although they might not
necessarily make it all the way home. The parking lot here wasn’t an
option, but there were plenty of side roads in the foothills. The GPS
should be able to point them to a dead end nearby where he could
fuck Edward’s brains out and set a date for him to move into the

* * * *

Basil pulled down a narrow rutted track and stopped a few

hundred yards off the road, underneath a big tree.

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Ed stared at him. “Okay, I’ll ask the obvious question. Why have

we stopped here?”

“Because it’s time to seal our love. You need to tell me you’ll

move into my condo tomorrow. Well, no later than Sunday. I love
you. You love me. Your parents have met me and aren’t going to kill
me, so it’s time.”

Ed’s heart went from pitter-pat to flat-out racing. “Basil, I do love

you so much.” He gripped Basil’s head and pulled them together until
their lips touched. Basil still tasted of coffee and he supposed he did,
too, but all he could think of was that they were going to be together
at last. His parents’ attitude had scared him at first, but they’d agreed
to come and had enjoyed the night. They’d accepted Basil,
flamboyance and all. The relationship would work. And anyway, he
and Basil were the only people who really mattered in the end. And
they loved each other.

Breathlessly they lifted their lips from each other and unzipped

their dress pants. Boots and shoes were kicked off, underwear
followed the footwear into the footwell of the car. In seconds Ed was
sitting on Basil’s knee, and the two of them were rolling their cocks
together, tugging on them together, the few drops of pre-cum
lubricating their strokes.

Ed knew he wouldn’t last long but that was okay. They were

going home together and would have all night every night to go slow
in the future. If they wanted to slow down. Right now fast suited him
just fine.

Basil claimed his lips again and as they kissed cum spurted over

the combined hands.

“Fuck. Zero to one hundred in two seconds,” Basil said with a


Ed laughed. “That was just to take the edge off, right?”
“Fuck yes. I love you, Edward.”
“I love you so much. You’ve given me a whole new life and we

can spend it together.”

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“We will.”




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Berengaria is an award-winning, best-selling, multipublished

author of erotic romance with over one hundred published digital,
print, and audio books. She writes contemporary, paranormal (magic,
ghosts, vampires, fairies, dragons, and werewolves), futuristic,
medieval, and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different
kinds of romance so that is what she writes: MMF, MFM, FMMM,
FFM, MM, FF, and MF. Whatever the characters need for their very
hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.

For all titles by Berengaria Brown, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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