Abductor by Peachylicious (Incomplete 1 8)

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Author of 10 Stories

1. Prologue
2. Chapter 1: Burning Bright
3. Chapter 2: Glimpse Of Hell
4. Chapter 3: The Beginning of Deception
5. Chapter 4: Raise Your Hands
6. Chapter 5: And The Puppet Moves
7. Chapter6:Never Get Involved With A Woman
8. Chapter 7: Change of Heart



- English - Angst/Romance - Bella & Edward - Reviews:


- Updated: 09-20-09 - Published: 05-05-09 - id:5042260

Author's Note: This story strictly Edward's POV. Read Abduction for Bella's POV. You don't need to read both to understand,
they could each work as separate stories, though it would probably be better to know both POVs.
Rated M for language, violence and future lemons.
Disclaimer: I am not Stephenie Meyer. I don't own these characters, but the plot is mine.
Horns blared, cars zoomed by and headlights flooded the room before I was left alone in the darkness yet again. I numbly
stared off in the distance, gazing at nothing in particular. My bare back rested against the leather sofa, the fan overhead blew
my hair in a disarray and cigarette smoke arose from the ashtray on the coffee table.
Bright lights once again filled the room as another car passed. I blinked and glanced down at the coffee table in front of me.
A wide range of guns were scattered along the table near the ashtray. I reached for a magazine clip and fingered it
My eyes closed as an image of a person running away with their back to me flashed in my minds eye. Another flash of
pleading wide eyes…tears streaming down…trembling lips…screams…a voice begging for their life. Bang. Silence. A thud.
No movement.
My eyes snapped open and I grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels near the unlit lamp on the side table. The alcohol burned
down my throat as I greedily swallowed until there was nothing left. Eager to put the endless images of blood and death at
A fuzzy warmth spread throughout my entire body and I shoved the 10 round magazine clip inside one of the guns. My
heavy lidded eyes drooped and I gingerly raised the gun and pointed the barrel against my temple. My finger grazed the
trigger. Just needed to squeeze. One squeeze and it’d all be gone. The memories. The never ending shouting and pleading.
The shootings. The stabbings. The strangling. The blood. I didn’t want it anymore. It was eating away at me. Bite by bite.
Consuming me. Drowning me. I wanted it out of my head.
My finger on the trigger twitched.

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A shrill ring echoed in the room.
My heart rate accelerated and I exhaled a long breath before lowering the gun. I threw the gun off to the side, not caring
where it landed or if it went off. My chest constricted painfully as I leaned forward with my head bowed. The ringing
continued in the background and then ceased. A moment of silence before the sound filled the room once again.
I breathed heavily through my nose before I pushed myself off of the sofa and wobbled for a moment before I stumbled
towards the offending object releasing the incessant ringing.
I clenched my jaw before I grabbed the silver phone and pressed the green button.
“What?” I breathed out, agitated.
“New assignment,” the man on the other line said in a deep grainy voice.
My eyes closed and my jaw tightened. “Who?”
This was my life. No questions. No stalling. Just do.
“Isabella Swan. Twenty-two years old. American. Politician’s daughter. Snatch her and keep her in a secluded area for a
couple of days and then bring her in alive. Toss her around if you must but keep her uninjured. Strong possibility she’ll put
up a fight. The team is being assembled as we speak. Lie to the girl. Make her believe she’s safe and will be unharmed. Tell
her you’re there to protect her. Let her get a false sense of security with you. Details provided within the email attachment.”
“When?” I asked in a deadpan voice.
“Two weeks. You’re on the next plane to Italy. Map the place out and develop a plan. You’re going to meet a man named
Marcus and let him believe he’s in charge. Dispose of him once the girl is secured and has your trust. You’ll bring her back to
Ireland with Black and two others.”
I eyed the fallen gun hungrily. One shot and it’d all go away. One shot and it’d be over. Welcomed by the arms of the devil
Edward,” my mother leaned against the doorframe and watched me ride my bike back and forth on the street. “Time to come in. Get
cleaned up. Your father will be here shortly.”
I whined and grumbled at her. I wanted to continue riding my bike. The other boys in the neighborhood were allowed to stay out until the
streetlights went on.
Now,” she demanded before retreating back into the house to finish cooking dinner.
I growled and jumped off of the bike before throwing it down in the center of the yard. I stomped all the way up to the house and slammed
the door shut.
Enough of that,” my mother chastised.
I ignored her and trudged up the stairs to take a shower. I was seven years old and the only thoughts that consumed me were fitting in
with the other boys. They picked on me for being a momma’s boy and never being able to play after dark. I resented her for that.
After my shower, I dressed slowly and drops of water fell from my hair. I didn’t bother to dry it. I heard a door open and shut from below
and knew my father was home. With a loud sigh, I made my descent down the stairs and grumpily entered the kitchen to see my father
greet my mother with a chaste kiss.
His eyes turned to me and narrowed. “What’s that out on the lawn?” he asked in a stern voice.
I swallowed hard. My bike. “I’m sorry, sir.”
Put it away before it goes in the garbage.”
Yes, sir,” I nodded and walked past him to the front door.
Why is your hair wet, boy? Do you want to catch a cold?”
I paused at the door and looked up at him. “No, sir.”
You can go to your room for the rest of the night for your ignorance,” he said nonchalantly, “without dinner.”
Edward,” my mother spoke to my father in a disapproved voice.
It’s time the boy learned how to be a man,” he replied. “Men put their things away. They don’t leave them on the lawn to get stolen.
Men don’t walk outside in the cold with wet hair.” He turned to look back down at me. “Are you a man or a boy, son?”
A man,” I replied in the deepest voice I could muster.

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What does a real man do?”
Take the punishment without complaint,” I recited.
He’s seven years old,” my mother shook her head at my father.
He ignored her and nodded his head at me. “That’s right. Show me you can take it like a man.”
Yes, sir.” I ran outside to grab my bike and put it in its proper place. I would prove to my father that I was a man and could handle doing
manly things, like staying out past dark. I had to earn it. And I would. I’d prove myself. I’d work hard to be accepted.
I went to my room with an empty stomach and sat in the small closet with a flashlight so I could read my comics. I had to hide in there
otherwise dad would see the light under the crack of the door and I’d get in more trouble. Men didn’t read comics, he had said.
After several minutes, I heard a car pull up in front of the house and my interest was piqued. I shut off the flashlight and scrambled out of
the closet to peek out of the window. A black van was parked out front. The door slid open and three men jumped out wearing all black.
My eyes widened when I saw the objects in their hands. Guns.
I raced to my bedroom door, intending to warn my parents not to open the door, but I knew it was too late when my hand touched the door
knob. Someone pounded on the front door while I threw my bedroom door open and snuck to the top of the staircase. I looked down and
saw my mother at the door. She couldn’t even utter a word before there was a loud bang and she fell to a quiet death. My eyes nearly
bugged out of my head and filled with tears. A pool of blood swarmed around her.
The three men entered the house when my dad rushed to the front door and halted when he saw my mom lying on the floor, lifeless. The
men surrounded him.
Your deadline has approached. What do you have to offer us?” One of the men in all black asked.
I crouched down so I couldn't be seen and started to hyperventilate.
I-I n-need more t-time,” my father stuttered with his hands raised.
Wrong answer.” A man raised a gun to his forehead.
I gasped for air and cried.
Two of the other men wandered around the house. One of them twisted their head to look up the stairs. I ducked out of the way.
Who else is here?” he asked.
No one!” my father shouted. “I swear, it was just me and my wife.” He had spoken loudly, clearly warning me.
With all the courage I could work up, I crawled back to my room and locked the door. I ran back into the closet and hid behind the clothes
on the hangers.
Footsteps ascended up the stairs and I held my breath. Silent tears continued to seep from my eyes.
The bedroom doorknob rattled. “It’s locked,” a strange mans voice called down to the others.
Alone, huh?” I heard one of the men from downstairs say.
I always lock that door!” my father screamed. “There’s nothing in there!”
The door was kicked in and my heart pounded. I couldn’t hold my breath anymore so I covered my hands over my mouth.
Someone entered the room.
I snapped my eyes close. Please don’t find me.
I opened my eyes and peeked through the small opening in the closet. The man in black crouched down and checked underneath my bed.
His head twisted to look at the closet. I muffled my squealing and tears poured harder. Don’t find me. Don’t find me. Let me be invisible.
The closet door was yanked open. I pressed my back against the wall, hoping the clothes hanging on the rail would hide me. Don’t find
A hand reached through and separated the clothes. There was no barrier between us. I screamed.
NO!” my father screamed from downstairs, hearing me scream, he sounded restrained. “He is an innocent boy!”
I’m a man, daddy. Men take their punishment without complaint.
I sucked in a breath and demanded my tears to vanish. No more crying. I was a man.
I was yanked forward and dragged to the top of the staircase. I could see my dad being held back.
Run, son!” my father looked up at me.

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I shook my head. “I’ll be a real man for you, dad.”
No, Edward!” he cried. “You’re a boy!”
I’ll be brave,” I tried to sound strong but my voice quavered.
You sons of bitches!” My father struggled in the grasp of the man behind him. “Let the kid go!”
The tears refilled my eyes. Men don’t cry. Don’t cry, Edward. Don't show weakness.
The man standing in front of dad raised the gun and pulled the trigger.
I blink and gasped. Dad fell to the floor. I growled, spun around and punched the man next to me in the gut. “I’ll kill you!” I seethed.
“You killed my family! I’ll kill you all!” I punched and kicked. Becoming weaker. The tears burned and slid down my cheeks.
When I became too tired to keep hitting, the man pulled off his ski mask and revealed his blonde hair and blue eyes. He grinned down at
me, as if my entire life hadn’t just been destroyed.
Hello, Edward,” he said with a smile. “I’m Carlisle.”
I shook my head, back in the present. “I got it,” I told the man on the phone. “Where is Carlisle?”
“Resting,” the man replied. “He’ll be waiting for you when you return with the girl.”
Carlisle had become a mentor. A surrogate father. He was there for me since the day my parents were killed. I learned of my
biological father’s betrayal to his family. He sacrificed us by not repaying his debt. I released my anger by working out,
building up muscle and becoming strong so that when someone else would attack me or those I loved, I’d be able to fight
back. Hatred consumed me. I was pissed at the world and everyone in it. No one was innocent. No one.
Everyone had a hidden past and a secret agenda. They were all liars and thieves. Everyone had evil inside them.
I was initiated into Carlisle’s company at the age of 16. I killed people for a living. Bad people. Corrupted people. People who
deserved to die. I had tortured, I had murdered…I was just as bad as those I killed. I didn’t deserve to live any more than
they did.
I was many things: Liar. Murderer. Kidnapper. But one thing I wasn’t was untrustworthy. I was loyal to Carlisle and the
company. I’d never betray those I loved. I’d die for those I loved. There was an incredibly small list of names on my love list,
but nonetheless, it proved I was capable of love and devotion.
After I hung up the phone, I received the details on Isabella Swan and started my research like a good assassin. She wasn’t a
target. She wasn’t scheduled for termination. She was a pawn. Bait.
I scoffed as I read the email. She was surrounded by betrayal and deceit and I’d bet a million dollars that she’s unaware of it.
Two more weeks and her world would plunge all around her.

Some of the missing pieces in Abduction will be found in this chapter.

I had five simple fucking rules. Five rules I had abided by for eight years. Five rules that I had lived by as if they were laws
and I was an obedient citizen. Until now. I broke every fucking rule for her.

Chapter One - Burning Bright
You know you’re fucked up in the head when you wake up in the middle of every night drenched in sweat and breathing
heavily because you swore you heard shouting and screaming coaxing you awake. I could sense a looming presence over my
bed each night. Ghostly whispers echoed in my ears; blood curdling screams from my past conquests.
I swiped a hand over my damp face and blinked several times before my eyes adjusted to the pitch-black room. Another
fucking unfamiliar room in some fucking foreign country while on yet another job that will undoubtedly end in bloodshed
and another soul added to my growing collection of haunted memories.
One of these days I was going to crack and complete the task of blowing my brains out. I’ve tried numerous times yet

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something always managed to interfere. Whether it was a shrill ring snapping me back into reality, a smoke alarm blaring
from the neighbors’ or someone barging into the room, a distraction managed to arise each and every single time.
The lingering memories of a man gasping for his last breath before his bright eyes turned dull and his body fell limp would
forever haunt me. I yearned to end my misery and fade into nothingness so it could all disappear.
One of these days I'd grow some fucking balls and end it all, or one of my subjects would put up a fight and save me the
I shoved myself up in a sitting position on the stiff mattress before reaching over to the lamp on the nightstand and switched
it on.
A yellow glow illuminated the room and I shut my eyes, shielding them from the offending brightness. After several
seconds, I reopened them and slid off of the bed. I slinked over to the round table near the window overlooking a street
crowded with Italian shops and pulled out a large manila envelope stuffed with photographs and various articles relating to
my newest subject.
I pulled out the large black and white photos and sat down on one of the four wooden chairs with purple cushions. My
fingers traced the outline of her face, her full pouty lips, button nose and huge doe eyes. I had studied her face far longer
than necessary. Her features were engrained in my memory.
She was young and led a safe and sheltered life. It was one of the few cases I truly dreaded, not for myself, but for the
Usually I pitied myself for the cruelty I inflicted on others but there were special instances when I genuinely regretted what I
was about to do because another life was going to be snatched by the hands of man when they didn’t deserve it. It was rare
for us to kidnap and dispose of the young and innocent. Technically she wasn’t our main target. But nonetheless, her young
life would be cut short. We weren’t known to set free hostages after we’d held them long enough for them recognize our
voices or see our faces. Though one special circumstance was made seventeen years ago.
She was being used as an example because of her father’s inability to play fairly.
I had followed her for days, ever since she arrived in Italy. Her shy glances and the faint pink that tints her pale cheeks only
further proved that she was innocent. Just as I had been when my father betrayed my mother and I. I had an overwhelming
urge to protect her and ship her off Egypt or someplace where neither of the companies involved would find her. Her
situation was hitting too close to home. I felt as though I could relate to her. I knew how she was going to feel once she
discovered the reason behind her kidnapping.
I shook my head.
She wasn’t a person. She was a subject.
I closed my eyes and exhaled.
Rule number one, the most important rule: no attachments. Do not feel for the subject.
Rule number two: do not make it personal. No intimate discussions with the target. Don’t view them as a person, but instead,
focus on the bad they’ve done and the people they’ve hurt and betrayed. They’re not whole. They’re simply a subject.
Rule number three: do not hesitate. When it comes time to pull the trigger, you pull the trigger. Do not look into their eyes
and read their emotions instead of pulling the trigger. Do not freeze up.
Rule number four: if an assignment goes awry, terminate the subject immediately and move on. When complications arise,
such as a distraction from another company, close the case and get rid of the target.
Rule number five, do not risk your life to protect the subject. If an accident occurs and the subject’s life appears to be
endangered, let it happen, do not prevent it. Do not take any leaps to ensure their safety.
I opened my eyes, my emotionless mask firmly in place. It was time to get to business. She wasn’t a girl; she was only a
My company, Carlisle’s company, operated a lucrative business. We murdered corrupted politicians, criminals and anyone
that our clients paid big bucks for. In a way, we liked to think of ourselves as saving the world by taking out someone who
wished to destroy people for their personal gain or satisfaction.
The Volturi, the company we teamed up with for the particular recent assignment, functioned differently. Everyone was fair
game in their eyes. If they were offered large amounts of cash, they’d squat down and drool at their clients’ feet.

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The Volturi were hired by Mr. Charlie Swan to kidnap his own daughter and hold her hostage until he gave the green light.
Why would a man pay millions of dollars for dangerous assassins to have their way with his daughter? For personal gain
and publicity, of course. When word would hit the United States that the politician’s daughter had been seized and held for
ransom, sympathy votes would come pouring in. And in the end, he’d appear as the hero for heading to Italy himself to
rescue his daughter, and the American people would look at him with pride for his courageous behavior and for his
unconditional love for his only child.
The Volturi were ordered to kidnap her, video tape her and send it to the press. After that, they planned on holding onto her
until daddy dearest faked a fight to save his little girl.
That was where we decided to come in. One thing we were intolerant of was a corrupted and evil politician. We planned to
intercept once the Volturi would put down their guard. Isabella Swan was to be used as bait for her father and then we’d
murder her in front of him. After he watched his little girl die, all because of his ignorant plan to stage a kidnapping, we’d
allow him to wallow in misery and guilt for a couple days before ending his life so he could face the wrath of his dead
But first we’d show the American people who the real Charlie Swan was. We’d prove that he set the entire thing up and
they’d turn their backs against him. He’d never be able to walk among the public again.
Once we destroyed his reputation and he came after us, that was when we’d kill the girl.
There was just one problem with that: the Volturi. We had made a truce with them, merging our companies together for this
one assignment to prove our loyalty. Though we had every intention of killing their man, an Italian named Marcus, so we
could continue with our plan. It’d take hours, perhaps days until they discovered that they’d been betrayed and came after
us. We’d have a new mortal enemy. I figured we’d be back in Ireland by the time they discovered what we had done, and we
could sort out our defenses once we returned home.
Tonight was the night the abduction was to occur.
Jacob had entered Miss Swan’s hotel to distract the woman that was attached to her hip just minutes ago. Marcus flipped out
a phone and rang the girl’s room, knowing that her advisor had just been detained.
I leaned against one of the pillars inside the hotel while Marcus concocted a plan to get her outside of the hotel alone. My
eyes lit up when a familiar brunette strolled into the lobby and approached the front desk. I followed her with my eyes,
watching her speak to the young man behind the counter, an employee named Jasper Whitlock. I studied his name and face
because he would be one of the witnesses in Isabella’s abduction. I might have to pay him a visit if he recognized any of us,
and I’d snatch away his memory with my favorite handgun.
Marcus approached the girl and led her away from the front desk. Real fucking smooth, jackass. Approach the girl in front of a
potential witness. Fucking idiot.
I watched their exchange, unable to hear what they were saying. The girl looked skeptical, like she sensed something out of
the ordinary. Smart girl.
Marcus’ eyes shifted to mine, he silently told me that the girl was far more difficult than he imagined. Isabella followed his
gaze and her eyes landed on me. Our eyes locked until Marcus regained her attention. I took that as my cue hustle out of
there and met James and Jane near the van.
The moment I approached them, I realized there were two extra presences that should not have been there. Jacob was setting
a young woman into the van. The woman I recognized as Isabella’s sidekick.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” I demanded. “You’re supposed to be inside keeping her distracted.”
Jacob looked at me with raised eyebrows. “Marcus said to drug her and bring her with us.”
“What the fuck for?” I barked.
“Marcus,” Jane chimed in, “wants to use her as leverage.”
“Come again?” I raised an eyebrow.
“If the Swan girl doesn’t cooperate, Marcus wants to use that girl,” Jane pointed at the petite unconscious woman, “to get her
to speak.”
I sighed and ran my hands over my face. “That was not part of the plan.”
“I realize that,” Jane snapped. “But what were we supposed to do? Marcus and the Volturi are under the impression that
they’re in charge. Carlisle said to obey them for now.”

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“That’s just peachy,” I shook my head and groaned in frustration. “Now we have two innocent women to take care of.”
“It’s time,” James said, snapping his phone closed.
James and I made our way to the front of the hotel, where we heard Isabella speaking to someone on her mobile.
“I’m already outside!” she screeched into the phone.
James quietly jogged behind her.
“Okay,” she said, “I’m heading ba…” she released a piercing screaming that startled me and nearly made me jump back ten
I walked over to her, hidden in the shadows, and watched her spin around. It took a few seconds before she sprinted towards
the street. I chased after her and grabbed her from behind. She continued screaming and kicking so I covered her mouth as
James approached her with a cloth in his hands. Once I removed my hand, James held the cloth over her mouth, successfully
drugging her and knocking her out. She fell limp in my arms.
I grabbed a fist full of the white cloth and threw it back at James. He pocketed it as I carried the subject towards the van. Her
legs dangled over one of my arms and her head lay limp over the other arm.
I gingerly placed her beside the other girl, securing her inside the van so she wouldn’t be thrown around when the van was
in motion.
I looked over at the others and nodded my head once.
“Let’s go.”
Author’s Note: The days Bella can’t remember are in the next chapter.

Author’s Note: Thanks for the reviews, and sorry for the wait. I had to venture into dark territory while I worked on this
chapter. Edward is one twisted dude with creepy thoughts.
Chapter Two - Glimpse Of Hell
Marcus drove the van to our next location as I sat in the front passenger seat and numbly stared straight ahead, occasionally
glancing up at the rearview mirror. Jane was in the back, having a staring contest with Isabella’s personal advisor, as Isabella
remained unconscious. The woman, whose name I learned was Alice, had woken as James and I grabbed Isabella, and
apparently she attempted to warn the girl, but then Jacob caught her and knocked her out again. So when Alice came back to
consciousness, she had a few strong words and rather vulgar suggestions for what we should do to ourselves, and since
then, she and Jane hadn’t looked away from each other.
James and Jacob were both half asleep, each leaning against opposite windows with Isabella lying in between them.
As a new hour drew near, my eyes drifted shut, and before I knew it, I was sucked into my own personal prison. Shackled to
a chamber wall as my previous victims loomed nearby, eyes locked on me as if I was a piece of meat and they were starving
men slowly withering away until they were as thin as skeletons, and taking a bite out of me would fatten them and cause
their eyes to brighten with new life. They leered at me before simultaneously lunging at me and clawing at me, each
desperate to devour me. Their jaws unhinged as they plunged their teeth in my flesh and tore me into pieces, leaving only
my eyes intact so I could witness their process of dismembering me. They destroyed me as I had destroyed them.
It was a vicious cycle that would never end. The only difference was I ruined their physical forms while they caused
emotional and mental disturbances deep with inside me.
My eyes snapped open and flickered to the glowing numbers on the dashboard. I had been asleep for less than twenty
minutes, and that dream had been tame compared the usual ones. I often wondered if my dreams were a glimpse of my
future in hell. Would I arrive at a thorny gate with demons perched in every direction while the lives I snatched greeted me
with a fire blazing in their eyes as they licked their lips and sneered at me, hungry for an eternity of playtime? Would I be
forever lost in my dreams once my heart stopped beating? While unconscious, did I travel to the other side while my
physical body recharged? There was only one way to find out, and I wasn’t opposed to welcoming the inevitable sooner
rather than later.
I had no intention of extending my pointless existence after the assignment ended. Killing the girl would be my last task

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before I joined her in the next world. Though I was certain we’d merely cross paths as she traveled upwards and I descended
to my destination. We’d pass by each other on separate escalators, a blinding white light waiting at the top of hers, and
flickering flames at the bottom of mine. As my journey to the end came to a halt, I’d probably hear a fucking harp play from
above, and I’d glance up to see a thousand angels wrap their arms around the girl before I’d be forced to face the other
direction, where the gate covered in black vines with sharp pointy thorns would stand.
The car slowed as it turned onto a gravel path leading towards a vacant hideaway house, our temporary residence until
Marcus was able to carry out his plan of squeezing a plea from Isabella on video, thus narrowing our time to terminate him
and take over.
The van bounced as Marcus drove over debris on the gravel. The movement evidently coaxed the sleeping beauty awake
because a surprised yelp escaped from her lips. My eyes darted up to the rearview mirror as she lifted herself up and her
eyes shifted back and forth restlessly, soaking up her surroundings, snapping the pieces together.
“Bella,” Alice called out from the middle section of the van, looking back at her friend.
“Alice,” Isabella returned, her voice dry and hoarse. “What’s going on?”
The short black haired woman glared at the back of Marcus’ head before she redirected her attention to Isabella. “We’ve been
taken against our will,” came her hollow reply.
“What?” Isabella asked in a high pitched voice as the van came to a stop.
I jumped out of the van before I wrenched the sliding door open and beckoned Jane and Alice to get out.
“Move,” I said in a deadpan voice with an expressionless face. There was no life in me, no spark. So why pretend?
Jane grasped Alice’s forearm and dragged her out of the van while Isabella’s eyes grew impossibly large and she began to
throw a fit.
“What are you doing?!” Isabella screeched louder than necessary, causing my bitter mood to swell. “Who are you people?”
She screamed as James grabbed a hold of her and forced her towards the opened door. “Let me go! Alice!”
Alice struggled against Jane, prompting Marcus to help restrain the feisty woman. “Stop touching me,” Alice growled.
Upon hearing Alice’s demand, Isabella had another emotional outburst, and as James pushed her out of the van, she lifted a
leg and kicked him in the shin. He spat out a curse before he knocked her down on the ground. I stepped forward and
looked at James with my head cocked to the side. He was wise enough to ease off the helpless victim and met my gaze. My
nonverbal threat registered with him as he nodded his head once. I was capable of things that no human should be able to do
without a lifetime of guilt eating away at them, like maggots feasting on a corpse; and I was not immune. The deadweight of
my guilt pressed against my chest harder and harder each day.
Marcus kicked in the door to the house that desperately needed to be repainted. Despite the poorly lit area, the only source
of light was coming from a lamp attached to one side of the doorframe on the exterior of the house, it was obvious that the
paint was chipped and peeling, giving away it’s old age and evident lack of maintenance.
With our attention plastered on Marcus and Jane dragging a hysterical Alice through the opened door, no one noticed when
Isabella had developed the clever plan of sneaking off into the middle of nowhere. We heard the tiny pebbles scatter across
the gravel and our heads snapped in Isabella’s direction. We caught her retreating form bounding into the waist high grass.
James sprung forward, followed by Jacob and I.
A breeze caused the long grass to sway and dance underneath the moonlight. The audible rustling buzzed in my ears as I
concentrated on listening intently to the nature in attempt to narrow down Isabella’s whereabouts. Crickets chirped and
snakes rattled the grass as they slithered along the ground.
We trekked through the field and split in separate directions. The long blades of grass brushed against my bare arms, tickling
my skin, and I kept a leisure pace. I paused occasionally, whenever I caught a nearby movement from my peripheral vision,
and studied my surroundings. I languidly glanced from one end of the field to the next. I kept my cool and felt my heart beat
steadily and rhythmically. I needed a clear head if I wanted to succeed in recapturing the girl. Anger and agitation would
only blind me and make the task more difficult.
The breeze picked up as I continued scanning the field. The deeper I went, the darker it got, making me rely more on my
other senses. I crept through the grass without flinching or cringing when a bug smacked into me. Insects, spiders and
snakes didn’t bother me. I was bigger than they were, and certainly more deadly.
“Over here!” I heard a shout from across the field. “I got her!”
I froze in place before retreating towards the sound. I could clearly hear the girl struggle as she released a piercing scream,

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fueling my desires to either silence her indefinitely or rescue her from James’ clutch.
Normally the thought of putting her out of her misery wouldn’t have surfaced in my mind, but she was becoming a
nuisance. This was simply a job and she was only complicating it. But I had to remind myself that normal people would not
stand idly by and wait around to be terminated while remaining calm and obedient. She was only reacting to a situation that
triggered her instinct to tell her to run for survival.
Jacob had beaten me to where James and Isabella wrestled on the ground. She kicked, screamed, thrashed and spewed out
insults. James pinned her beneath his body so she was flat on her back, and he held her wrists above her head. She shook her
head and lifted her torso, arching her back, and shouted for him to let her up.
“James,” came my nonchalant toned voice as I stood in front of him.
He raised his eyes towards me but kept his head lowered, dangling over Isabella’s face. Our eyes met, his face was contorted
into a menacing and vicious expression, and he panted heavily. It was quite clear that Isabella had exhausted him and put up
quite a fight.
Jacob moved to the side of them and bent down to help James lift the girl up, though she had to weigh no more than 110
pounds. They worked together because she looked as though she wanted to continue to brawl, and though any one of us
could easily handle her, it was annoying to hold her back. Her belief that she could fight us off was comical at best, but her
spirit intrigued me. Crushing her physically would be as simple as tying shoe laces, but conquering her mentally - that
would take much more effort.
The fact that she refused to be defeated mentally and emotionally was something I rarely saw. I’ve witnessed grown men,
men who’ve committed horrible crimes, break down and bawl. Tears would stream down their faces as they promised to
sacrifice any material thing for their life. But this girl, not a tear, she didn’t resort to begging or bribery. She wanted to kick
our asses despite the fact we were bigger and stronger.
She had a strong will, and that was a trait I always admired in others.
I killed and I wanted to be killed. I would put up no resistance to the termination of my life. I didn’t want to live, and I
certainly didn’t deserve to live. So coming across a person willing to risk everything for another shot at life was baffling
and…something I wished I could feel. How could a person want to exist so badly? In this world, there was nothing worth
living for. There was nothing to keep a firm grasp on me, nothing to make me never want to give up.
What was holding her here? How could a woman whose own father would jeopardize her safety want to stick around?
Certainly she wasn’t aware that it was he who had betrayed her, but nonetheless, she had to be suspicious of a man like that.
His name and the actions he took looked good on paper, but underneath the exterior, there had to be a greedy and evil man
itching to erupt and reveal his true colors. One would think his own flesh and blood would sense it.
We traveled back towards the pathetic hideaway house in silence. Silence from Isabella only meant one thing, she was
thinking, and thinking hard. Most likely conjuring up an escape plan. She could try her hardest, but she’d fail. She was on the
execution list, and I obeyed the lists down to the last word. My world was centered around lists, assignments and five rules. I
detested them, but I lived by them. It was my life. My duty. My job. It defined me.
James and Marcus had taken Isabella down to the basement, doing Lord knows what to her. I knew they weren’t harming
her, though, because Marcus was under the impression that we were to care for the girl. After all, his firm was ordered to
stage the kidnapping, make it appear real, but it wasn’t real. It was all for show. Of course the girl didn’t realize that.
It would be best if she remained ignorant to what was really happening because it would be pointless to allow her to believe
she would be okay in the end. The Volturi had every intention of handing her back to daddy, but we didn’t.
She was a good girl, but we needed set an example for anyone else considering doing what Charlie Swan had done. I still
believed that no person was entirely innocent, but she was innocent of the worst imaginable crimes. She, however, was not
sinless. No one was. There were bad qualities about her, and the same could be said of every person.
I went over the impending events in my mind. In only a matter of days, Isabella would give her plea for rescue, even if it
wasn’t truly needed, it was for the American public, and after that, it would be time to take out Marcus. Shortly thereafter,
we’d depart Italy and head back to Ireland. After informing Mr. Swan about our disruption in his plans and baiting him with
his daughter, we’d wait for him to arrive and then strike him the hardest. By killing his daughter.
I ran my fingers through my hair as my jaw clenched. I was so fucking sick and tired of killing. Just one more, I told myself.
One more and it’ll all be over.
A loud thud from below jolted me back to reality and I shot up from my chair. Jacob, Jane and I scrambled down the
basement stairs and watched in astonishment as a petite twenty-two year old woman terrorized two grown assassins.

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She threw objects at them and warned them to back off. James was bent over at the waist, gripping his leg in agony.
Whatever she had done to him, it must’ve hurt like a bitch. Marcus ducked and dodged the items she threw. With a quick
movement, he lunched forward and tackled her to the ground, causing her to smack her head against the concrete.
Hours later, Isabella was hysterical. Perhaps I had been wrong about her mental strength. She was hyperventilating and
seemed to have gone into shock.
I grabbed a couple of Alprazolam, along with a bottle of water and handed it to her, hoping it would calm her down because
she was beginning to make me feel anxious, and that wasn’t easy to do.
After she swallowed the pills and drank her water, she was out in a matter of minutes. Finally.
Over the course of the next two days, we kept Isabella in the basement, unchained, and had Alice stay in her own room,
chained. Carlisle gave me free reign over what I wanted to do with her, and I had decided to simply set her lose someplace.
Of course I couldn’t do that until Marcus was dead. He still believed he was in charge, and he wanted to use Alice as bait. I
doubted she would be used.
Isabella slept most of the time, and I kept feeding her Alprazolam so she wouldn’t get worked up again. Marcus said we
were waiting for the green light to take Isabella’s statement for her father on camera.
Waiting was dreadfully annoying.
“It’s time,” Marcus said, stepping behind me.
I stood up and followed him towards the basement door. Ready to get the day over with.

Author’s Note: The chapter could’ve been longer, but it would’ve been unnecessary and boring to go into detail about what
Edward did to pass the time. And now the rest of the chapters will match up with Bella’s POV. The chapters won’t match up
but the events will. Chapter three of Abductor is chapter two of Abduction. By the way, Alprazolam (or Xanax) is known to
cause memory loss. So they didn’t poison her or beat the memory out of her, it was a side affect of the anti-anxiety

Chapter Three – The Beginning of Deception
The rusty hinges on the basement door creaked loudly as it opened, and I followed Marcus downstairs, where James was
watching over Isabella.
We had each taken multiple turns to look after her. Since I was adamant that no restraints were to be used, Marcus came up
with a compromise: we had to take shifts and babysit Isabella. She was asleep the majority of the time, but I humored him
The last time I saw the girl was about twelve hours ago, and she had been sleeping. She was still dressed in a blue gown
despite being held captive for nearly three days. I didn’t have the ambition to undress her and place her in new clothes. That
wasn’t part of my job description.
I did only what had been specified for me to accomplish. No more, no less. The first task had been completed. Isabella was
taken into our custody. Next came the killing of Marcus, followed by our retreat to Ireland, then sending a taunting message
to Mr. Swan, and finally, ending a twenty-two year old woman’s life.
“She awake yet?” Marcus asked as he reached the bottom step.
I followed a couple steps behind, and once Marcus had finished his descent down the stairs, I noticed Isabella. Lying on the
Either she fell or she felt adventurous and wanted to sleep somewhere else.
James sat in a chair a few feet from where Isabella had taken to a spot on the floor. It had been a couple days since she
injured him, but he still had a slight limp when he walked. I imagined he’d be able to walk normally within the next twenty-
four hours. “Certainly is. When do you want to get this thing started?” James replied.

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Isabella moved, obviously awake, and slowly sat up before glancing over her shoulder to look at me. Her brown eyes burned
into mine, and I stared back. If she weren’t so filthy and her hair wasn’t tangled, she might’ve looked beautiful.
There honestly wasn’t a doubt about the fact that she was attractive, but I think I might have been slightly biased since I
admired her spirit and determination, and it made her appear more appealing in my eyes. I’d seen prettier women, but they
didn’t have a quarter of the feistiest she possessed. That was possibly Isabella’s best personality trait.
That line of thinking only reminded me that she wasn’t a faceless subject. She was a woman with a life and animated
I refused to think like that.
So I focused more on the fact that she was camping out on the hard concrete floor even though there was a bed beside her.
“Why is she on the floor?” I asked James.
“She fell,” he answered. His smug carelessness was one of the things I hated the most about him.
James and I shared a long history together, and he annoyed me more often than not. Normally I worked alone, but since the
Volturi would only trust us as a team, I was forced into the group project. I didn’t mind Jacob. Besides Carlisle, Jacob was one
of the first men I’d prefer join me on an assignment. James, on the other hand, was good at the job but extremely irritating.
He had a holier than thou attitude, and often believed he was entitled to more than his fair share.
Jane was the newest addition to the company. We had a six month initiation process. Every year, at least four or five new
hopefuls would go through our trails. Only one of them would be accepted. Those that weren’t welcomed into our company
were killed on the spot. If a person wasn’t with us, they were against us.
The same went for those that wished to leave the company. Once a person wanted out, they could rely on the fact that they’d
be dead within minutes. The company was for life. After a person sold their soul, they could no longer buy it back. Freedom
was a word I’d never experienced, nor would I have the opportunity to in the future.
The future was blank anyway. It ended when the assignment ended.
Though Carlisle was a father to me, he would not hesitate to take me out if I disobeyed or tried to escape the business. My
fate had been decided the day he murdered my parents and took me under his wing. He could’ve killed me, the decision I
wished he had taken, or he could’ve trained me into becoming one of his men, the decision he chose in the end.
Yet I could not despise him for that. He gave me what my biological father was incapable of showing me. Unconditional love
and support.
DNA could kiss my ass, because for all intents and purposes, Carlisle was my father.
I allowed irritation to seep through as I responded to James. “And you couldn‘t bother helping her up?”
“Didn’t have the energy.”
“Since she’s awake,” Marcus spoke, “why don’t we start filming now?”
I glanced down at Isabella and noticed that she looked sickly pale. I knelt down beside her and eyed her. The color had been
drained from her. She looked like a corpse. “She needs rest.”
I ran my fingertips over her neck, and up the back of her head, along her scalp, so I could determine if there were any lumps
or bumps. I wouldn’t be surprised if she hadn’t fallen, but if James had knocked her out of the bed for amusement. Wouldn’t
put it past him.
“She can rest afterwards,” Marcus said.
I discovered a knot on her head as she winced. “You’re right. She might have a concussion.” I looked up at Marcus. “We need
to keep her awake.”
Marcus nodded his head once, satisfied that we were going with his plan.
Isabella made a noise so I turned back to look at her. “Oh, trust me, that definitely won’t be a problem,” she said. “I’m not
sleeping with strange men surrounding me.”
That was an odd thing to say since she had been with us for almost three days and we hadn’t done anything remotely
inappropriate. Perhaps kidnapping wasn’t a common hobby for most of society, but we hadn’t harmed her without her
initiating it. And even then, it was merely self defense. “We’re not going to hurt you. That’s not part of our job description.”
She looked me as though I were insane. “Job description? Who are you? Where am I?”
My brows furrowed. “You don’t remember?”

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“Obviously not.” Her face showed absolutely no emotion, and her eyes gave no indication that she was lying.
I looked back at Marcus. “She has a concussion.” He didn’t look quite as convinced. Isabella had been with us for days, but
she suddenly didn’t remember anything? It wasn’t very believable, yet her eyes confirmed she was telling the truth. I had
looked into those eyes for days. I knew when she was and wasn’t lying. She wasn’t lying now.
“How do you know?” Isabella asked. “Are you a doctor?”
I turned my attention back to her. I didn’t need a doctoral degree to guess that she had a concussion. She had a bump on her
head, and she couldn’t remember the past few days. “You hit your head, you appear disorientated and you have temporary
memory loss.”
Her eyes flickered back and forth wildly, searching mine. “Who are you?”
I shook my head and sighed. I wasn’t in the mood to discuss the recent events in detail. I was about to stand up when I felt a
small and soft hand wrap around my wrist. Her touch sparked something within side me. Something I hadn’t felt in years.
And scared the fuck out of me.
Scaring an assassin was not easily accomplished.
“Where am I?” she whispered as she released her hold on me.
I decided to get straight to the point. She’d remember eventually, anyway. “Isabella, we’re holding you for ransom.”
Her eyes widened and she appeared to be shocked. She was definitely not an actress, so her reaction was genuine. That
confirmed that she had temporary memory loss. “You kidnapped me?”
I decided to slip into my emotionless façade and show no remorse. No regret. She could not witness my weaknesses. I was
not supposed to appear as a human in her eyes. I was a monster. A murderer. “Just following orders.”
She looked deep in thought before speaking again. “Why?”
“Because people do what their bosses tell them to." No emotion. No regret. No weakness.
“No. Why was I kidnapped? I’m no one important.”
Because your fucking father craves publicity and has completely disregarded your safety.
Marcus answered the question. “You’re not, but your father is.”
“Does he know about this?” she asked.
The woman had no fucking clue. I wanted to pull out the file and show her exactly how much papa Swan knew about her
current situation, but that would only complicate my job. I didn’t need to witness her emotional breakdown. It was better for
her remain unaware.
Marcus and Isabella were talking back and forth but I couldn’t bring myself to pay attention. That was until she practically
“Days?! I’ve been asleep the whole time?”
James attempted to hide the humor he found in her statement by covering his chuckle with fake cough. He was getting a kick
out of the fact that she couldn’t remember anything. Since I knew him well, I knew he was considering playing a mind game
with her, to make her believe we had done things we hadn’t.
I wasn’t interested in games so I quickly squashed whatever he could be possibly conjuring up. “Not exactly.”
“Why can’t I remember?” she asked.
Perhaps it was due to an unconscious mechanism to repress the memory. Or a side affect of the pills I had shoved down her
throat. Or she really did hit her head hard enough to cause memory loss. Maybe a combination of all three. “Concussion,” I
answered out loud. It was a simple one worded response. Since I hated verbal communication, it was the best answer I was
willing to supply her with.
“Why is my body so sore?” she asked. “It can’t all be from my fall.”
I forgot to mask my disgust with myself, and hoped she had not noticed. “It’s not.”
“What happened?”
We kidnapped you and your friend. Chased after you in a field. Locked you in a basement. Doped you up with medication used to treat
anxiety. Should I continue?
“I’d prefer that you don’t remember.”

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She looked terrified as she spoke the next words. “Please tell me that you guys didn’t…” her quiet voice trailed off.
“You know…” She glanced at the bed.
How the fuck did a bed explain wha…ah. Then it came to me. She referred to us as strange men and mentioned she was not
comfortable sleeping in a room with us nearby. She claimed her body was sore, and now she stared pointedly at the bed.
I was in a despicable profession, and I had killed many people, but I had never sexually assaulted a woman, and would
never do so. Committing rape was another reason for execution in Carlisle’s company. It was simply not allowed.
The thought of me forcing myself on a woman sickened me, and I couldn’t control my reaction. “Fuck no! What kind of a
man do you think I am?” I had hoped to remain nonchalant so she would think of me as man without morals. But I had
ruined it.
Then I remained what Riley had said on the phone. “Make her believe she’s safe and will be unharmed. Tell her you’re there to
protect her. Let her get a false sense of security with you.”
I wanted to avoid Isabella’s outbursts as much as possible, and since appearing as a cold, heartless criminal would only make
her fear for her life, I could pretend that she would be safe. I could make her believe I could be a potential friend. I could gain
her trust, and then use it against her.
I was going to hell anyway, why not thoroughly make sure I deserve it and deceive a future victim? At least that way I
wouldn’t have to avoid looking into her accusing eyes. If she didn’t beg or cry for her life, the job would be easier. I’d feel less
guilty. I could even trick myself into believing that she wanted to die, and that was why she fell into my trap. I could make
myself believe that she knew everything all along, but she just went along with it so she could die in the end.
Isabella’s voice brought my back. “The kind of man who kidnaps women?”
Lie to her. “One.” Good. “This is as new for me as it is for you.” That sounded believable.
“I think you may have a bit more information on your side.”
Correct. “True.”
“Care to share?” she asked, hopeful.
Which part? That your father hired the Volturi to kidnap you? That my company will take over and eventually kill you? “I think I’ll
“Privileged information?”
“Something like that.” I looked up at Marcus to gauge his reaction to my conversation with Isabella. She didn’t sound
hysterical, so that was a plus. Marcus appeared to have approved what I was doing. So I looked back at her. “You’ll find out
“Now would be great,” she muttered.
Pretend to be friendly. What do friendly people do? Flash a wide smile? No. Not in this situation. Smirk? Yes. Smirk. I smirked. “We
can’t make it that easy for you.”
“How long are you keeping me?”
“Until my bosses’ demands are met.” Until you’re dead.
She sighed. “Great.”
Why was she so calm? Was she feeling okay?
“What?” she asked.
You’re not screaming or throwing things. What the fuck happened to you? “You’re handling the news rather well this time.”
“This time?”
I nodded my head in response.
“So you told me all of this before?”
Yes. I nodded.
“And I reacted badly?”

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I nodded again.
“Which would explain the sore body?”
You were the cause of your own sore body. Shouldn’t have overreacted.
But don’t change. I like that about you.
Fuck. No. She’s a subject. Show no emotion. She will be killed, and I will do the killing. She’s a subject. Subject’s do not have
personalities. Subjects are not real people. That’s why they’re called subjects.
“What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.
I’m your murderer. “Lots of things.”
She looked ready to pass out so I reached out and steadied her. The physical contact brought me back to the memories of her.
The last woman I had touched. She was the opposite of Isabella. She was fragile and delicate. She never fought.
I could still see her crystal blue eyes. I could hear her tinkling laugh.
I was looking at brown eyes. Not blue. I was hearing a question, not a laugh.
“What’s your name?”
Odd question. “Why do you need to know?”
“You know my name. Though I would prefer if you call me Bella instead of Isabella."
Let her get a false sense of security with you. “Edward.”
“How old are you?”
An even stranger question. “How many questions are you going to ask?”
“Enough to last the entire day if you keep delaying your answer.”
Let her see you as a human. “Twenty-four.”
“What do you normally do for a living? Are you just starting out in the kidnapping business or…”
No. I’ve been killing since I was sixteen years old. Thanks for asking. “I think that’s enough questions for the day.” I began to rise
so we could carry on with the plan.
“Wait,” she called out.
I paused.
“My friends, Alice, Emmett and Rosalie. Where are they? You didn’t hurt them, did you?”
Alice is locked up stairs. Chained to a bed. With a brand new assassin keeping her company. “They’re all fine and safe. You’re the only
one we snatched.” I was certain I already had a special spot in hell reserved for me. I was on a first class ticket to the deepest,
darkest section.
“I can’t imagine what they’re doing now. And my dad…”
What about the fucking pathetic asshole?
“My dad…this is going to kill him.”
The man was probably singing in the shower now that he knew his plan was in effect. “Your father is a piece of scum.” My
tone gave it away, Isabella. Put the fucking pieces together.
She glared at me. “You don’t know anything about my father.”
I know how much he paid to have his daughter, you, kidnapped. “I know enough.”
“Obviously not! He’s a great man! He’s done a lot of good things. I can’t even think of a single bad thing he’s ever done.”
“I can.” I had to restrain myself from revealing the truth. I couldn’t blow it. I had to keep my mouth shut.
“You don’t know anything! Is that why you kidnapped me? Because you guys don’t like my father? You’re pathetic!”
“If only you knew…” Stop. Do not tell her.
“Knew what?! Don’t even try to justify your actions.” She was getting worked up. I needed her to calm down.

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“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Marcus had enough and decided to interrupt. “It’s time.”
“Time for what?” Isabella asked Marcus but kept her eyes on me.
I didn’t look away from her as I spoke to Marcus. “You sure you want to do it now?”
“We should have done it yesterday.”
I looked over at him. “Try not to hurt her this time.” I didn’t care if she kicked and threw punches again. She was small. She
couldn’t do much damage, but we could. We needed to gain her trust and cooperation. She would most likely retaliate if we
offered her body a few more black and blue marks.
“That was nothing compared to what James did,” Marcus said, amused.
“It was an accident!” James shouted.
I was still blurry on the details, but there was a reason why Isabella freaked out once she was dragged into the basement. I
didn’t care enough to get more information about it.
James limped over. His leg appeared to be better than I remembered.
“Besides,” James said. “I think she did more damage.”
Her mouth dropped open. “I did that to you?”
Marcus chuckled. “It was amusing to say the least.”
I couldn’t say the same. I only saw the aftermath.
Marcus pulled out his phone to call a man that was in the same fucking house as us. Apparently walking up a few stairs to
converse with someone was overrated. “Jacob, it’s time. Let’s get it set up.”
After he hung up, Marcus turned to Isabella. “Time to start the waterworks.”

Author’s Note: I think this chapter was a lot less dark than the last one. I don’t want to keep repeating that Edward is a
haunted man and only wants to die, but just remember that he still feels that way, even if I don’t mention it in every chapter. I
really did have to think like an assassin when I wrote the last chapter. I didn’t go back into that exact mind-set while I wrote
this. You’ll probably be able to tell when I really dig deep into his head because the chapters will be darker. Also, I don’t like
the first few chapters in Abduction, so I probably won’t like the next couple chapters in this story either. But I do like the
more recent chapters in Abduction, so this story should get better as well.
The updates until chapter eleven will be coming fairly quickly, like maybe twice a day, but don’t forget to review!

Author’s Note: Sorry. Everyone is probably like, ‘WTF? It’s been almost two days woman! Where are my four chapters?!
The woman Edward referred to in the last chapter is a vital part of this story. No, she’s not going to suddenly pop up…but
he’s going to get random flashbacks about her (the kind you only see in movies and in stories but never in real life).
Just writing this makes me want to church everyday because I feel guilty for thinking like Edward. I don’t know how real life
assassins/hitmans could live without going insane. So if you’re secretly an assassin, contact me! Ha. Right. No, actually, stay
far away.

Chapter Four – Raise Your Hands
“What do you mean it's time to start the waterworks?” Isabella asked.
Marcus was neither interested in explaining nor wasting more time, so he retreated without a word, and went upstairs to
help Jacob with the camera.
Isabella turned to me. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Could a lifeless man feel? Though my heart continued to beat, I was already dead in the sense that I had ceased to live. I

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resembled the grim reaper closer than I did any civilized human. Though I’ve been dead inside for years, I felt something
odd as I watched as Isabella’s features contort into confusion.
She was completely unaware that she chose when, where and how we took each action from this point on. The performance
rested upon shoulders. All we could do was direct and hope we pulled the right strings to make her act accordingly. Those
who believed we ran the show were incorrect. We only made the arrangements and created the foundation for which she
must build on.
She decided if a punishment was or wasn’t needed to nudge her in the direction we wanted her to take. I hoped she was wise
enough to obey.
But then I started to wonder, would obeying make her wise? The quicker she responded to our demands, the sooner she
would cease to exist.
I wanted to remain silent and take Marcus’ example. Hell, I would’ve preferred to remind her that she wasn’t in a position to
ask questions. But since I decided to go with Riley’s suggestion, I answered her truthfully. “They’re setting up a camera to
take your plea.”
“My plea?”
Was it really that difficult to understand? I told the girl she was being held for ransom, and she expected to just sit around
and chat with the kidnappers? “Your request for your father to pay your ransom.”
“He won’t negotiate with terrorists,” she said.
“We are not terrorists.”
“I guess not. But you are international kidnappers. You can’t be trusted.”
I had heard a similar line before. It was spoken the first night I drowned in self-hatred.
I don’t trust him, Edward,” she warned me. Her blue eyes were wide and filled with fear. “Please, just stay with us for awhile. I don’t
want you alone with him.”
He’s my father!” I replied, offended that she thought low of him. Carlisle was loyal and devoted to me. I’d never turn my back on him.
Edward, listened to me,” she begged, tears brimming in her eyes. “When you were in the yard, I saw him, I saw your dad. I saw what he
did. He…”
Shut up!” I snapped. “You don’t know what you saw.”
I know you don’t want to believe me because you love him. But Edward, I swear to you, I saw him attack that man!”
The other guy instigated it.”
No, Edward. He didn’t. I saw them. Please come wit…”
I forced myself to look away from her. I loved her, but I wouldn’t listen to her talk about Carlisle that way. She had no fucking idea what
was going on. If she was frightened by that tiny incident, then she’d despise me once she discovered I was no different from him. “I’m
going inside now. I’ll give you the night to calm down, but don’t bring this up again.”
No, Edward, don’t…”
I left her standing alone in the front yard and opened the door to my house. As soon I stepped inside, I noticed Carlisle leaning against the
wall beside the door with his arms folded across his chest.
Edward,” he said in a knowing tone.
I swallowed thickly.
He had heard everything.
I flushed the memory away. It would do no good to remember what had happened. The past was in the past.
My voice was filled with pain and regret when I spoke. “I am only doing what has been asked of me.” I wasn’t referring to
just this assignment.
She looked doubtful. “Were you forced to kidnap me? Did they press a gun against the back of your head?”
I clenched my jaw and looked away from her.
“Didn’t think so,” Isabella said after my silence. “Only miserable lowlifes would agree to abduct an innocent woman.”
No. A miserable lowlife would hire a group of highly trained assassins to kidnap his own fucking daughter. She had no

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fucking idea how lucky she was that we had interfered. Aro, the top executive of the Volturi, wasn’t known for only the high
profile flashy assassinations he had committed, but he also ran a side business. The things she would have seen if we hadn’t
joined the assignment was far worse than what we had planned for her. The least she could was show a little fucking respect.
“You should be a bit more grateful. You don’t realize how lucky you are that I agreed to this.”
She rolled her eyes. She fucking rolled her fucking eyes! “Lucky? To be kidnapped by you three idiots? How so?”
Ooh, the woman was pushing it. I was THIS close to driving over the fucking edge. I hadn’t felt so much rage in years. “If it
weren’t for us, you would have been handled by a man who is well known for his involvement in human trafficking. You’d
be a sex slave right now if it weren’t for our intervention.”
That was an exaggeration. It was true that Aro also dealt with human trafficking, but he wouldn’t have subjected her to it.
Not if he wanted Charlie Swan’s money deposited into his bank account.
I could tell by the look in her eyes that she had believed me. “You said you boss ordered you to kidnap me.”
“Why? Who is he?”
“Someone who cares enough to not subject you to slavery.”
“What are you planning on doing to me?” Her tone made my throat tighten and my chest felt heavy.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Liar.
“Too late," she whispered.
Fuck. I hated myself. I wanted to hand her a gun, tell her where to aim and when pull the trigger so I dropped onto the floor,
lifeless. “Let’s go.”
“Why are you making me do this? You’ll never release me.”
I jerked Isabella off of the floor. “Do me a favor. Don’t assume things. In fact, just don’t think.” I dragged her towards the
basement door with the least amount of force I could use to ensure she wouldn’t escape. “Do as you’re told and you’ll be
fine. Thinking will only cause you behave irrationally and act out. The results will not be pleasant if that happens.”
She shot me a nasty look. “I thought you said you weren’t going to hurt me?”
“I’m not. I will do my best to protect you from injury. My job is to look after you.” Liar. Liar. Fucking liar.
“Looking after me? Is that what you call it?” She attempted to pull her arm out of my grasp, but I wasn’t having any of that.
“You’re all seriously deluded and sick individuals.”
Yes, we are. Now shut the fuck up. “Would you prefer your other option? Being used as a pleasure toy?”
The woman had just admitted that we were fucked up and dangerous, yet she continued to fight? She had a severe problem
accepting she was mortal. For all she knew, I could pull a knife out on her. A normal person would do what they were told if
they wanted to live. Why was she egging me on?
“You probably made that up,” she said.
Man. What a sheltered life she must’ve led. “You’re incredibly naïve, you know that?”
“You’re a disgusting bastard, you know that?”
Yep. “Shut up and stop jerking away from me. Keep it up and I’ll have to tie you up and place a gag in your mouth.” Not
really. I’d just throw her over my shoulder like a caveman and force her to listen.
She looked ready to plunge a sharp object into a vital organ. “I hate you.”
“I couldn't care less.” Because no one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself. “Keep your mouth shut until I give you
permission to talk.”
She whipped around to face me. “You can’t command me to do anything. If I want to talk, I’ll talk.”
I covered my hand over her mouth. Yeah? Try to talk now.
I dragged her into the room where Marcus and Jacob where. They were standing in the corner behind the camera.
Isabella didn’t attempt to talk, but she did reach up and clawed at my hand with both of hers. When she realized that
wouldn’t work, she tried twisting back and forth, hoping my grip would loosen.
Didn’t work.

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I was bigger.
I was stronger.
Then she took me by surprise and jammed her pointy elbow against my stomach. Fucking hurt like hell. I held on to her as I
doubled over in pain. If she had done that to any other man in the business, she would’ve been out cold before she could
even blink.
She tried speaking then but the words weren’t clear. I stood up straighter and held her with my other arm as I pressed her
back against my chest. My breathing was still ragged from her blow to my stomach as I bent head down and whispered into
her ear. “Do that again and the consequences will be severe.”
I’d hit her over the head with a club if I had to. I didn’t receive pleasure in harming women, but she was encouraging the
urge to give it a try.
Marcus noticed our presence and decided to join us. “Glad to you could finally grace us with your presence.”
I pulled her into the center of the room as I spoke. “She’s just as difficult as ever.” Understatement.
“She certainly is a firecracker,” Marcus said. No shit. He glanced back at Jacob. “Jacob?”
“Ready,” Jacob replied.
“Good.” Marcus looked down at Isabella. “Isabella, please take a seat.”
She lifted her head up until it was practically resting on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. Behave, I tried to communicate
with just a look. She nodded her head, understanding, but I was unsure if she’d truly obey. If she didn’t, we’d have
to…convince her to listen. I didn’t want to take it to extremes, but with Marcus still alive, I had no choice. I removed my hand
so she was free to talk and backed away from her.
“Isabella.” Marcus tried regaining her attention. “Over here, please.”
Isabella followed his orders and sat down on the chair in front of the camera that was facing her.
As Jacob finished getting the camera ready, Marcus stood beside me.
“After we take her statement,” he said, “load up the van and we’ll meet Aro at the mansion.”
I knew that we would not being doing that since he was scheduled to die when he got what he needed from Isabella. We
needed her to cooperate for him because the video was important. We needed to prove that she had been kidnapped to the
American public, and then we’d show who staged the kidnapping.
“What do you plan on doing with Isabella’s advisor?” I asked.
“Kill her.” He shrugged. “She’s not needed.”
I restrained myself from punching him. “What was the point of bringing her along?”
“Persuasion,” he answered.
“You hadn’t used her,” I replied.
“Wasn’t required.”
“There were other ways to convince Isabella to behave. Dragging another innocent into it was unnecessary.”
He chuckled. “The disposal of the black haired woman would be a way to achieve an added bonus from Mr. Swan.”
“You honestly believe he’d pay more for you to kill one of his employees?”
“He has no choice in the matter,” Marcus said with a sly smirk. “If he wants to daughter back intact, he’ll do it. Even then, I
wouldn’t be opposed to see the way her body would bend and move.”
My hands balled into tight fists. Fucking bastard. He needed to go. Soon. Isabella better hurry up with the fucking plea so we
could get rid of the pompous ass.
Jacob signaled that it was time to start recording. Marcus and I sat down in the chairs beside the camera, out of view, so we
could watch Isabella and remind her not to screw it up.
“Isabella,” Marcus said, “I need you to do me a simple favor. Talk to you father. Tell him how much you wish to be home and
safe and warm. Away from all the cruel dangers you are currently faced with. Tell him to pay the money and you will be
released. Do not screw this up, Isabella. It is very important. You do not want to see me upset.”
Do it. Listen. Obey. Behave.

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She looked deep in concentration, obviously over thinking the situation. Just act, Isabella. Do not think. Act.
She looked towards the camera and spoke with a quivering voice. “I’m ready.”
Jacob began recording.
“Dad,” Isabella started, her eyes filled with unshed tears but she blinked them back. “I don’t know what’s going on or what’s
happening to me. I woke up in this strange place…and there are four men.”
Marcus stood up, ready to strike if she said something she shouldn’t.
“I know three of their names,” she continued. “Edward, James and Jacob. There is also an Italian guy. Edward is Irish and
twenty-four years old. He…”
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!!
She ruined it. She fucking screwed it up.
Damn it!
Marcus lifted Bella out of her chair and yelled at her. “That is not what I told you to say!”
“Go to hell,” she said bravely.
Ah hell. The woman had a serious death wish.
Marcus pushed her against me, and I steadied her in my arms. “Show her how we discipline those who do not follow orders.
Repeat the punishment until she shows respect and worships us.”
“That’s going to take a hell of a lot of discipline,” Isabella retorted. “What are you going to do? Cut me? Remove my fingers?
Do your worst. You can’t force me to demand money from my father so you can kill me the moment you receive it.”
Shit. Why the fuck had she done that? I didn’t want it to get to this point. “I told you not to think or assume. I told you I
won't hurt you.”
“And you’re a damn liar.” Yes, I am. But I didn’t want to fucking hurt you this way!
“Edward! Show her the punishment,” Marcus demanded.
I looked back to Marcus, and he was fuming. I had no choice. “I told you to listen to me,” I told Isabella.
I dragged her back down to the basement but she lost her balance and fell down the last few steps. She was so fucking
breakable. I rushed over to her and lifted her up before I led her to the bed.
“What the hell happened to your ‘I won’t hurt you’ speech? You’re such a liar,” she spat.
“I won’t hurt you!” Not yet. “The punishment isn’t physically inflicted on you!” Alice had a purpose after all.
“Then why the hell is it called punishment?” she shouted.
“I lied about one of your friends being safe.” Keep that spot in hell nice and toasty for me. “To show you how we discipline
people, we’re going to be forced to slowly torture you friend until she’s near death.”
James chose the perfect time to make his appearance with a woman thrown over his shoulder.

Author’s Note: I’m going to get the next chapter up as soon as possible. I really want get this story caught up with Abduction
so I can start posting more chapters in Bella’s POV. My goal is to have chapter 11 of Abduction up in five days.

Author’s Note: Thanks for the reviews, and thank you all for being understanding! I really am trying to get these chapters
out as soon as I can. But it’s hard with my current situation.
Yes, Edward was once in love, but I don’t think that should ruin the story. The man is a murderer, he kills for a living, and he
intends on killing Bella, but the fact that Edward loved someone before her would be a bad idea? Sorry, but that’s not
something I’m going to change. The biggest reason why Edward is drowning in self-loathing has to do with the girl he once
loved. Otherwise he would be an emotionless hardcore assassin. What happened between Bella and Edward in chapters nine
and ten in Abduction were a HUGE step for him, and it would not have happened if it weren’t for his past love.

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Chapter Five – And The Puppet Moves
When the proper strings were pulled, the puppet followed the lead and became yours to control. Marcus’ belief was that we
needed to skip the small trials that would help us discover how each pulling of the strings would get Isabella to react,
instead, he wanted to get straight to the grand finale without warming her up first.
I knew exactly how many people I’ve killed in the past. Death stayed with a man for eternity. I remembered each face, each
plea and when they took their last breath. So I knew I’d never forget this moment. I’d never forget Isabella’s terrified
expression when she discovered what we had been hiding behind a closed door.
“Let her go! If you do anything to her, I will never forgive you,” Isabella’s scratchy voice echoed through the whole basement.
I hid behind my mask and stared down at her. “I’m not seeking your forgiveness.”
Her eyes were glazed over with tears, and if looks could kill, I’d have dropped dead in less than a second. “You lied to me.
You said they were safe and that you only took me! You’re a liar! I can never trust anything you say!”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I was disgusted with what we were about to do, but she was overreacting. “Stop being so
“Melodramatic?! I have every right to be! I’m being held captive by four idiots and now you’re threatening to hurt my best
Do. Not. Show. Remorse. “It’s not a threat.” I was surprised by my hardened tone, but also proud. I couldn’t show her my
weakness. “It’s a promise.”
She thought she could outsmart me by attempting to run past me but I knew what she was doing and my arms shot out to
stop her. My arms cradled around her small waist and I pulled her against me. I bent my head down to whisper in her ear. “I
told you not to do anything stupid or the consequences would be severe.”
The warmth through the fabric of her dress scorched me and I instantly recoiled. Our position was oddly intimate and it
shouldn’t have felt that way. I’ve held a few people against me while they struggled for their lives, but I had never felt I was
crossing boundaries.
I almost laughed out loud. Boundaries. Since when did an assassin have boundaries? All assassins have boundaries, I answered
myself. That was why we referred to our targets as subjects. That was why we pretended they weren’t whole people. That
was why we shied away from as much personal information about the subject as possible. We were professionals, and it was
only a job.
We didn’t perform intimate killings, such as stabbing and strangling. We normally shot them from a distance. Though there
were certain circumstances which required us to be up close, like with the current assignment.
I moved Bella backwards, until her knees hit the mattress and she was forced to sit on the bed. She was being a bit difficult so
I had to use slight force to get her to sit still. Once it didn’t appear as though she’d scratch my eyes out with her claws, I
leaned over her and placed my hands beside her thighs, one on each side. My face was only a couple inches from hers. Once
again, it felt intimate. Too personal. Too close. I felt myself slipping into a dangerous place.
“Look at me,” I commanded.
Her eyes lifted up and met mine. I nearly gasped. Isabella looked at me the way she had.
I trusted you,” her broken voice whispered and she stared at me with hurt and betrayal.
I told you to let it go,” I reminded her. “I told you to drop it. Why didn’t you listen?!” I growled.
Are you going to kill me?”
My eyes snapped closed and I clenched my jaw. “No.”
I heard her breath a sigh of relief.
Get out of here,” I said softly. “Out of Ireland. Out of Europe. And don’t come back.”
Edward,” she began to protest.
My eyes snapped open. “Don’t. I want you gone. Now.”
I can’t leave!” she cried. “What about my family, my…”
You have to!” I shouted. “If you don’t go, he’ll kill you!”

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Come with me,” she begged.
I shook my head. “No. Now go!”
I won’t leave without you!”
Damn it!” I shouted and turned away from her. “You have to!”
No, Edward.”
I spun back to face her. “Do you want to die?!”
She approached me and placed her hands on my shoulders. “No, but I don’t want you to die either!”
I won’t. I’m his son. But you…you have to leave! Now!”
You’re eighteen, Edward,” she told me. “You can leave him. You’re an adult now.”
I pushed her hands away. “Don’t you get it? I’m exactly like him! I will always be like him!”
No,” she protested. “You’re nothing like him. You’re good, Edward. I wouldn’t have been with you if you weren’t.”
No, I’m not goo…”
There was a pounding on the door. “Edward!” his voice shouted from the other die.
I glanced around the room. There was no other way out.
I was brought back to reality when I heard Isabella’s voice.
“This is about my father and I. Alice has nothing to do with this. Let her go…please,” she begged.
I shook my head and lied to her. “My job, as I have said multiple times now, is not to harm you. I am protecting you.
Whether or not you choose believe it, I don’t care. Marcus is under the impression that the only way you will cooperate is if
we damage something you love.” It worked for me.
“You won’t get anything from me if you hurt her!” She paused for a moment. “And who the hell is Marcus?”
“The man upstairs,” I answered. “I regret having to do this but I did warn you more than once. Even Marcus warned you.
We do not receive pleasure by hurting people but we need you to follow directions.” I didn’t want this to happen. This was
supposed to be a simple job. The last job I’d ever do. I didn’t want to be stuck here anymore. I wanted to die. I deserved to
die. She was dead, and it was my fault. I should’ve died. Not her.
“Don’t you understand that I can’t?! I cannot ask my father to spend so much money on me! Not only because that money
could go to the less fortunate, but because when you do receive the money, you’ll kill me!”
What the fuck? She wanted her father to donate money to a charity instead of paying to save her life? Seriously? What the
hell was going on inside her head? She needed professional help.
“I’ve already told you not to think about this, just do it. I can’t recall how many times I said I AM NOT GOING TO HURT
! Killing implies hurting. We are not going to kill you. We’ve been given strict orders not to let anything happen to you.”
Until we reach Ireland.
“You already broke those orders!” she yelled. “I woke up today with a concussion! And my body was…is…sore.”
Yes, your body is sore because you’re a feisty little thing. “You were the cause of your own pain.”
“I was not!”
Were too! What the hell were we? Five years old? “Yes, you were. You don’t even remember what happened so, please, shut
the hell up." She was, by far, the most outspoken and brave woman…person…I had to deal with. It was ridiculous. And I
was envious. I wanted to know how she was able to be the way she was. But I’d never know. Because she was scheduled for
execution, and because I wasn’t allowed to get close to her. Subject. Not human. She’s a thing. Just a thing. "You talk too damn
“You’re the liar, remember? First you said my friends were safe…but…hello! You just dragged Alice down here!”
I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. I wished she would shut her mouth. That would make the entire situation more

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bearable. Every minute I was reminded that she wasn’t a thing. Things weren’t passionate and energetic. She needed to stop
asking about her friends. Things didn’t have friends. “The rest of them are safe,” I lied.
“As if I’d believe you.”
“Do me a favor.” I opened my eyes, and knelt down on my knees in front of the mattress. I raised my hands and gently
wrapped them around her upper arms. “Obey us and I promise that you will be released soon.” Please. Just listen. Stop making
me think of you as a normal woman. Stop making me hate myself more and more each second. Stop being so fucking…likeable.
“Didn’t we already go over this?” she asked
“Yes.” Now fucking calm down and OBEY me! “We have. Over and over again. Stop fucking talking and do your damn job.”
Uh oh. I think I angered the kitten. Her face reddened and she shoved her hands against my chest, trying to push me away.
But I only held her tighter. “My job?!” Damn. Her tone could make a grown man crawl into a dark corner and cry his tough
little eyes out. “You are calling this my JOB? No. NO! You kidnapped me. I am being held here against my will. I owe you
I had an overwhelming urge to pick her up and hide her some place where no one could ever harm her. That thought pissed
me off so I jerked my heads towards James and gave him the signal. Do it. Just fucking get it over with.
“You’re not really going to hurt her, are you?” I could hear the tears in her voice. “Please don’t! I’m sorry!” I looked at her
and watched as fat tears rolled down her cheeks.
Kill me. Someone. Anyone. Fucking killing me.
“Alice,” Isabella tried gaining her friends attention. But I knew it was futile. Jane gave her a strong sedative. “Alice, can you
hear me?”
I heard Alice mumble something behind me, but I couldn’t make a word out.
“Alice. Alice, I’m so sorry. I am so very sorry.” Stop crying, baby. It’s not your fault. The fact that I referred to Isabella as baby
barely registered with me. “NO!” Isabella tried squirm out of my grasp. Calm down! You’re making this worse than it is! I won’t
let it get too far. Just calm down!
“Don’t hurt her! Please! I’ll do it! I’ll do whatever you want! Just let her go! NOW!”
I wanted to shout at James to stop. I wanted to cover Isabella’s eyes and tell her it would be okay in the end. I wanted to save
her. I wanted to protect her. And I didn’t know why. I failed the last time I tried protecting a person. I’d fail again. That’s what
I was. A failure.
Isabella was close to getting loose so I tightened my hold on her as she leaned back and slowly lifted her leg to kick me. I
don’t think so.
It hasn't been properly used in years but I wasn’t going to let her damage it.
I lifted myself up and crawled onto the bed, on top of her. I pressed my legs against hers so she would be unable to attempt
to kick a very sensitive area again.
“Don’t. Move,” I demanded. I felt like I was invading her personal space again. I felt like we were about to get a little too
close for comfort. There was a reason I hadn’t had sex in years. I couldn’t do it without thinking about her. It was too painful
to be that close to a woman.
Alice released a piercing screaming and I winced. She kept shouting, “stop,” over and over again.
“Stop it!” Isabella cried. “I swear that I will listen to you! But only if you stop right NOW. PLEASE!”
Isabella’s eyes met mine again. It was like looking into a mirror when I saw all of the pain that reflected in her eyes. If she felt
even an ounce of what I felt, then I could never continue to hurt her. I’d let her go.
Alice screamed again, and Isabella cried harder.
“STOP! Edward!” She was begging me to help. “Make him stop! Please! I am begging you! I will do anything. I understand
now! I won’t screw this up again. I promise!”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I couldn’t watch her struggle like that. It brought back too many painful memories, but I couldn’t throw
everything away for her either. If I told James to stop, I’d be on the path to breaking other rules. I couldn’t break any of my
five rules. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.
I glanced at James, and saw what Isabella was watching. Fucking awful. “James,” I said. “That’s enough.”
He didn’t hear me, or at least he pretended not to.
“God! Edward! Make him stop!” She was crying so hard that she was shaking. It unbelievably heartbreaking. Please stop
crying like that, Isabella. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.

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I pushed myself off of Isabella and approached James. “Enough!” I shouted.
James glared at me before lifting the scalpel up, and threatened to jam it into Alices' flesh.
“No!” I heard Isabella scream from the bed.
I gripped James’ wrist before he could plunge it into Alices’ body. He knew I wasn’t supposed to stop him yet. He knew I was
beginning to break the rules.
“That is enough,” I told him.
“Does she look nearly dead to you?” James asked.
The bedsprings moaned, and I snapped my head in Isabella’s direction. She had left the bed and was coming towards us.
“Get back on that bed!” James ordered.
She ignored him and knelt down beside Alice. Her eyes roamed over Alices’ wounds and I watched with a grimace on my
She looked so fucking broken when her eyes turned to me. The light dulled. Her spirit began to crumble.
“I’ll do whatever you ask,” she whispered.
I wondered what it would take to conquer her mentally and emotionally, and we had done it. We finally weakened her. Yet I
wasn’t overjoyed by it. The look in her eyes showed me that she wouldn’t fight anymore. And I didn’t like it. At all.
Alice reached for Bella. “Bella?”
“I’m here. I’m here, Alice. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you, but I promise you, I’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of
this. I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again.”
“Bella?” Alice called out again.
“Yes, Alice, it’s me.”
“Bella? Help…Bella…help.”
It was too painful to watch. I had to look away.
I heard Isabella cry loudly. “I’m sorry, Alice.”
“Fucking bitch is barely hurt,” James muttered before he walked towards the stairs.
I looked back at Isabella and Alice. I needed to bring the girl upstairs so Jane could take care of her. I started to pick her up,
but then Isabella’s voice stopped me
“What are you doing?” she snapped.
“I’m bringing her to Jane,” I answered.
“Jane?” she asked.
“She’ll stitch your friend up.” Make her new again.
“How many people are in on this?”
More than you’ll ever know. “Enough.”
“Will you let her go? Please? You don’t have to do this again. I’ll listen. I promise.”
Yes, but I can’t let you know that. You’ve just begun to accept your position. You can’t bounce back…no matter how much I wish you
“It’s not up to me.”
Her eyes lowered to the floor, and I couldn’t help myself. I offered her hope.
“But I’ll try.”
I left her downstairs, alone. And carried Alice back to her room where Jane was waiting.
“You stole my friend,” Alice accused weakly as I placed her down on her bed.
“I stole you too,” I told her.
“We’re the bad guys.”

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“Bella is good,” she said. “Don’t hurt her.”
I didn’t feel like lying, so I didn’t say a word.

Chapter Six - Never Get Involved With A Woman
I slid down the wall, sitting on the cold tile with my knees up to my chest. My lips were dry and chapped, my eyes were
bloodshot from lack of sleep and my hair was all over the fucking place.
I bowed my head and gripped my hair. It was just one more fucking assignment. Just one more. I’d done this before. I could
do it again. One more it would be over.
Bella is good. Don’t hurt her.”
What else could I do? I had absolutely no choice. I had to finish the job. My nails scraped against my scalp and my forehead
pressed against my knees. I had to fucking man up. I couldn’t lose it over some woman. It wasn’t my fault that she was in
this position. It wasn’t my fault that her father had placed her here. I wasn’t my fucking fault.
But it was my fault that I was here now. It was my fault that I accepted Carlisle’s lifestyle eight years ago. It was my fault that
the first and only girl I had fallen in love with was killed seven years ago. She was just seventeen fucking years old.
I had lost my first girlfriend and vowed to never get involved with another woman again. I’d never drag a woman into my
world. Falling in love with me would be a death sentence, and therefore, I refused to get close to a woman. If I ever fell in
love again, I was afraid my selfish side would win and I wouldn’t be strong enough to push her away.
I should have known better to pursue a girl in the first place. I should have known that she’d eventually discover that
something was off about my family. We were killers and she was a normal girl, so of course we lived differently and I’d
forgotten how strange it looked to outsiders. I had gotten careless and forgot to cover up our lifestyle. I invited her over
when I knew that wasn’t wise.
Carlisle had said it was okay for me to date her, as long I would never reveal our family secret. He said if she ever found out,
we’d have to get rid of her. I promised that she would never learn about us.
But then she saw Carlisle kill a man and she freaked out and turned to me. She assumed I didn’t know what he was and she
wanted to protect me from him. But she didn’t know that he and I were the same. And he had overheard us arguing.
I knew I had to make her leave. I wouldn’t risk either of our lives. I didn’t want her to die because of me. She was the only
person outside of the company that I had cared about and I wanted to her to be safe. It was okay if we couldn’t be together
anymore, I only wanted to protect her.
And I couldn’t even do that.
I wondered what she’d say about me now if she could see me. I was a different person back then. I had more optimism. I had
a life planned. Working for Carlisle was about family loyalty. It was about repaying the man who could have possibly saved
me from a terrible childhood when I was a boy.
My biological father had never raised a hand to me but he had never showed me how it felt to be loved and wanted, not the
way Carlisle had. Carlisle treated me like a son. How a son should have been treated. Sure, he also had a habit of murdering
people and that wasn’t something most children could say about their fathers, but I felt accepted. For once in my life, I wasn’t
expected to be someone else. I was accepted for who I was.
I owed it to him to prove my gratitude.
Was it worth it? A voice inside my head asked.
Let’s see, I refuse to get involved in relationships. My closest friends are assassins. I’m suicidal. No. It wasn’t fucking worth it.
I couldn’t change the past. There was no use dwelling over it.
You can change the future.
Fuck off.
I cleared my throat and pushed myself off of the floor. This was fucking ridiculous. I didn’t usually sit down to ponder my
feelings. The girl was affecting me far more than she should. I had to end this. The sooner, the better.
I went back to the basement and noticed that Isabella was sitting in the same spot I had left, looking utterly hopeless and lost.

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“Are you ready?” I asked, referring to our video taping session. We had a deadline. It had to be released by today. Charlie
Swan wanted it out as soon as possible. He claimed that he didn’t want his daughter here for too long, just long enough so
that the media would go crazy over Isabella’s abduction so he could then catch a flight to Italy and play hero. Shouldn’t have
fucking used your own goddamn daughter.
Because of him, I had yet another face to add to my haunted nightmares.
She wiped her face and nodded. “Are you going to let Alice go now?”
“She’s resting at the moment,” I replied honestly.
She whispered in a broken voice, “That’s not what I asked.”
I hated seeing her like this. I much preferred her feisty spirit. At least I knew she had a fire burning inside her then. I hated
being around weak and emotional people. I had seen too many of them. I needed to change the subject. “When you’re done
taping your statement, I’ll prepare a shower or bath for you.” She snorted. “What?”
“Nothing,” she replied in an unconvincing tone. She stood up and approached me. “Can I see her? Alice.”
I turned from her, unsure if that was a good idea and headed up the stairs. “Later.”
She followed me upstairs and I led her back to the room where the camera was on standby. Jacob’s eyes met mine and we
both knew this was fucked up. We had never killed an innocent woman before, and delaying it made it more difficult for
everyone involved.
Without my instruction, Isabella numbly sat down on the chair and stared up towards the camera pointed at her face. Jacob
sighed before he moved behind the camera and I stood beside him. Isabella’s eyes met mine and I hoped she wouldn’t screw
this up again.
If she did anything stupid, her friend wouldn’t make it through the night.
Her eyes focused back on the camera as Jacob switched it on. I noticed that her eyes glossed over and knew it would work
well for sympathy purposes but it still felt wrong.
She parted her lips and began her performance. “Dad…I’m…I need your help. I’ve been kidnapped, and I’m…I’m so scared.
Please, just…just do whatever they ask. My…” she paused for a moment, tears tumbled down her cheeks and she took a
deep breath. “My life depends on it.” She wiped away the tears and turned her attention back to me. “I don’t know what else
to say.”
Jacob shut off at the camera as I offered her a weak smile. “That was good enough, Bella.” I remembered the name Alice had
called her and thought that by referring to her as Bella, it would put her at ease.
I had hoped that this was all Marcus had planned for her because I was sick of watching the light dim from her eyes with
each minute that passed. I didn’t want her to go through this anymore than she did, but there was nothing I could about it. I
couldn’t lift her over my shoulder and carry her home.
I bent down beside her and examined her face and body. She was filthy and needed a shower so I told her I’d grab some extra
clothes and she could clean up. When she glanced at me, it was as though she was seeing something beyond me. Looking
through me rather than at me.
I led her to the bathroom and handed her some clothes that I had grabbed on the way. Her father had informed us of her
clothing size and demanded that we buy her a few new articles so she wouldn’t be stuck in the same outfit the entire time.
Such a caring father.
As she washed up, I went to find Jacob and sat down beside him.
“You look like a hell,” he mumbled.
“You’re not fairing much better yourself,” I replied.
“This is fucked up, man.” He exhaled deeply and rubbed his hands over his face. “If they didn’t have my daughter…” He
shook his head. “I’d be long gone by now if I hadn’t gotten caught.”
“You were fortunate enough to get off with a warning.”
I dropped his hands and his face hardened. “A warning? No, a warning would be, ‘Bad move Jake, don’t do it again or else’,
not ‘Your little girl is dead unless you complete this task’. They’re going to threaten me with her life for each assignment they
want me to be in on.” He leaned back and growled. “I was so fucking close, man. We were on our way to freedom.”
I scoffed. “Freedom? What the fuck is that?”
“I don’t remember, but God I’d love to have it.”

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Exhibit A - Jacob Black, good man, widowed, four year old daughter. He joined the company for revenge, not thinking about
the consequences, he wanted to get back at the people who had murdered his sisters and father. He wanted to avenge their
deaths and had no intention of killing anyone else, just those responsible. He tracked one guy down to Ireland, and that’s
when he discovered our company. I had just joined the company and he was a bit older than I was, he approached my father
and wanted to hire him to kill the men responsible for the death of his entire family, but of course we didn’t work that way.
We killed corrupted and powerful people, not psychotic murderers. Carlisle made him a deal, if he would join the company,
we would track down the killers and exterminate them. So we did exactly that. In fact, the first man I killed was one of the
men who had tortured his sisters. But after the job was finished, Jacob wasn’t free to leave. He had sold his soul. He was with
us for life.
He eventually fell in love with a beautiful Irish woman, married her and had a child. We were allowed to date and marry as
along as our partner never found out about what we did. Jacob was pretty good at hiding it and had a decent marriage.
Unfortunately, his wife passed away from a fast spreading disease, and before she died, she had made him promise to take
care of their daughter. Jake had been planning an escape ever since, but he was caught when he finally tried to pull it off. The
only reason Carlisle hadn’t killed him was because he felt compassionate about his situation. Carlisle lost his own wife and
knew how painful that was, so he left Jake off the hook. He did, however, threaten that he’d kill his daughter if he got out of
line again.
If Jake had never fallen in love, he wouldn’t have to worry about the safety of his daughter right now. This was why I could
never be with a woman. I did not want to be in his position.
Even James had fallen in love and was now divorced. His wife, a woman named Victoria had discovered her husband’s
secret and left Ireland for good. Only Jake, James and I knew that Victoria was aware of what we were and we all vowed to
keep it a secret. I had a soft spot of her and thought of her as a sister, it would destroy me if she were ever killed because of
We couldn’t have stable romantic relationships in our profession. It simply wasn’t possible for us.
I jumped to my feet when I heard Isabella scream my name from the hall. I stepped out of the room and saw James carrying
her over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” I asked, causing James to halt and Isabella to lift her head up and look at me. He turned and faced
“Bringing her back to the basement,” he replied, staring at me curiously. “Why so concerned?”
He knew I normally didn’t get involved in anything besides the actual killing and the fact that I was showing an interest was
unusual. “Put her down. I’m taking her to see her friend.”
“Why? Who the fuck cares what this bitch wants?”
I sighed and grabbed a hold of Isabella, pulling her out of James’ arms and placed her on the floor.
“I’m going to kill you before I get out of this,” Isabella threatened.
James tried not to laugh “Who said you’re getting out of this?”
She glanced up at me. “Aren’t I?”
Fuck you, James “Do you want to see your friend or not?”
She snapped her mouth close and nodded her head.
“Follow me.” I turned and led her to the room where we were holding Alice.
“Edward,” she whispered just as I was about to turn the doorknob. “You will let her go, right?”
I couldn’t lie to her anymore. Not today. I needed a break. So I ignored her and opened the door.
Jane was sitting on a chair near the bed and smiled up at us. “You must be Bella.”
Isabella didn’t respond, she ran straight for Alice. I stood back, not wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation. It was the
last time they would be together. The moment was theirs.
After several minutes of hushed whispers, I moved in closer. “Time’s up.”
“Can’t I just stay here?” Isabella begged.

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“Why not?” she demanded.
“Because I said so.”
“That’s not a good enough answer. You’re keeping me trapped here anyway so why can't I just stay with Alice? Why are you
trying to separate us?”
I wasn’t trying to keep them apart. The real reason why I needed Isabella downstairs was because we had to kill Marcus soon
and then release Alice. If Isabella stayed up here, they’d refuse to be apart and I’d have to drag Alice along with us. That was
not something I wanted to do. “Alice needs her rest. You’re a distraction.”
“A distraction from what? What does she need her rest for? Do you have more fun activities set up for us?”
“Do you want us to free her or not?”
She stared at her friend for a few seconds. “Yes. But how can I trust you? You lied once already. You said you only took me
but apparently you had her here all along.”
I wanted to rip my hair out. “I’m not going to have this conversation with you again.”
“What conversation?! A conversation is two people talking back and forth. All I’ve done was ask you questions and you
always reply so evasively.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. She was driving me insane.
“Oh, am I annoying you now?”
I stared down at her. “I’ve asked you repeatedly to stop talking.”
“Sucks not getting what you want, doesn’t it?”
And Miss Firecracker was back. I was torn between rejoicing that I didn’t have to see the tears anymore or being worried
because I drawn to her strength. “There’s a difference here.”
“And that is?”
“I’m the kidnapper and you’re the hostage.”
Jane began laughing and Bella glared at her.
“Something funny?” she asked.
“You two…ah, the things sexual tension does to people,” Jane replied.
Was she fucking insane. Sexual tension? No. More like the girl ignited a spark that caused me to want to leash out on her.
There was nothing sexual about it.
“You heard me,” Jane said.
I was uncomfortable with Jane’s comment so I dragged Isabella out of the room and back to the basement. She needed to rest
because we had to leave in a few hours.
When I went back upstairs, I argued with Jane about how we were going to kill Marcus. She insisted that we just knock him
out, I told her no. We needed to kill him. She was almost as bad as Isabella was.
James ended the debate when he picked up the shovel propped up against the wall, called Marcus over and plunked him on
top of the head. Jane gasped and I arched a brow at James. He certainly wasn’t known for his patience so it shouldn’t have
surprised me.
James dragged his body out back, shot him a few times and then dug a hole to bury him. Jacob kept muttering that this
would all be over soon and he could go back to his daughter. Jane was practically sobbing so I had to leave the room and
helped James.
A few hours later, we prepared to leave and Jane was acting odd and antsy. It was her first assignment so I brushed it off.
Jake was supposed to drop Alice off somewhere, but Jane volunteered. I supposed it was because she wanted some space
from us. The woman was going to have to grow thicker skin if she was going to be apart of this company.
James was worn out from the killing, digging and filling in the hole so he climbed into the car, anxious to get going. Like I
said, he wasn’t a patient person.
Jane and I bickered over how to deal with Alice. I said we should drug her and hope she’d develop amnesia like her friend
and leave her outside of a hospital for someone to find. Jane wanted to just pick her up and leave her on the side of the road.
Her humanity was to be envied.

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Jane shook Alice awake, scaring the girl to death. “BELLA!” she screamed.
I sighed and pushed Jane out of the way so I could lift Alice up and carry her to the car. Jane followed me out, yelling at me
to walk quicker. I made a mental note to ask Carlisle to never assign Jane and I together again. That is, if I ended up not
killing myself anytime soon.
I turned to Jacob and asked him to bring Isabella upstairs. It was time to get on our way to Ireland.

Author’s Note: I’m aware that I suck because I take forever to update, but I’m trying!
Chapter Seven – Change of Heart
I couldn’t begin to describe what it was like to wake up and realize that my life hadn’t been a bad dream. Many times I’d
wake up and curse up a storm because it was real. Every thing I had done, the killing, the lying…all of it, it had actually
It was one those moments when one would feel surreal and the surroundings would be hazy and you’d just pray to snap out
of the nightmare and wake up to a new day, but you couldn’t wake up, because it was really happening.
So many times I’d wish I had the ability to go back in time and change the past. Back to when I was a child, to before my
parents were killed. I didn’t care if my father wasn’t a good person, maybe I wouldn’t have grown up to kill people. I’d never
know, but I desperately wished I could figure it out. I wanted to know the alternate reality.
I could only imagine how it felt for Isabella. She had led a sheltered life, she had privileges I couldn’t even fathom for myself,
she had thought she was escaping to Italy for a relaxed vacation, but before she could register what was happening, we
appeared and disrupted her perfect life. We had the ability to destroy her, to her end her life. That sort of power should
never reside with a single man. A life wasn’t ours to take without battle. Though Carlisle would argue that it was a battle. We
were doing this for the greater good, he’d say, but we’d both know it was a pile of shite.
We held lives in our palms, and we smashed our hands together and watched as another soul collapsed. The devil was
brewing a particularly hot spot made specifically for me. I could imagine a red face with a wicked grin etched on, he was
awaiting my arrival for playtime.
As Jacob went down to retrieve the girl, I sat hunched over with the heels of my palms smashed against my brows. The
bright lights inside of the house had made my head pound, but I was too lazy to dim them, so I opted for closing me eyes
and internally complaining.
Voices below gradually grew louder, and I knew they were on their way upstairs. I pushed myself up the moment I heard
Isabella speak.
“Who is it up to?”
I walked out of the room. “Jacob,” I called to him. He left Isabella standing in the hall and stood beside me. “Jane will meet
us along the way to France, but if anything should go wrong, drive to Giovanni’s.”
“Expecting any problems?” he asked.
“I don’t know what the fuck we’ll come across, but something isn’t sitting right with me. Be prepared for anything.”
He nodded and left to pack up the van.
I heard light footsteps tap on the wooden floor and kept my eyes on the girl. “Where’s Alice?” a soft voice asked.
On the side of a road somewhere. “With Jane.”
She wasn’t satisfied. “And Jane is where?”
“With Alice.” I hid my smirk.
She folded her arms across her chest and gave me a stern look. “You’re not funny. Tell me where they are.”
Ah, the girl was either brave or didn’t have a wise bone in her body. “I thought we already established our roles.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Huh?”
I gestured to her. “Abducted.” I pointed at myself. “Abductor.” It was simple, really. “I don’t answer to you, you answer to
She looked annoyed. “This would work so much better if you’d play fair.”

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Play fair? I couldn’t even control the laughter.
“What?” she asked.
Silly girl. “Fair? How in the world did you come to the conclusion that a kidnapper should play by the rules?”
“You could try to be original. I thought maybe you’d break the cliché. But…apparently not.”
Name one kidnapper that would give the victim free reign. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“Sure you are.” We stared at each other until she shifted uncomfortably. “So…uh…now what?”
She couldn’t even bother to try to hide her thoughts, I could see straight through her. “Do I end your misery and kill you
now? You still don’t believe I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Why would I trust an abductor, as you called yourself?”
“Haven’t proved untrustworthy yet, have I?”
“Uh, yeah. Are you forgetting when you lied about my friends being safe?”
Women. Just let it go. It’s been a few hours already, it was time to move on to new material. “You’re the type of woman who holds
onto a grudge for ages, aren’t you?”
“Watching a friend being cut up is pretty hard to forget.”
Cue the surrender position. “Well, I didn’t do it.”
“You’re the one who encouraged it. You were right there and you didn’t do anything to stop it.”
Women also left out some vital details to make their argument appear stronger. “Ah, I believe I did put an end to it.”
“Yeah, after she was already badly damaged and I forced you to.”
“You didn’t force me to do anything.”
“Then why’d you listen?”
“I’m a good person.” My father just rolled in his grave.
“I’d like to dispute that.”
“That’s your choice. I can’t force you to change your opinion, and quite frankly, I couldn’t care less about what you think of
If the girl were stuck with someone other than us, she’d have a bloody mouth by now. Her father clearly never taught her not
to talk back to a man with a gun.
The door opened. “All ready,” Jacob called before retreating.
Bella said, “Will you tell me where we’re going?”
I shook my head.
She rolled her eyes. “My goodness, what are you so afraid of? You know I’ll discover where we are by the time we get there.
Who are you afraid that I’ll talk to?”
You haven’t a clue what is about to happen.
“You’re doing this just to irritate me, aren’t you?” she asked. “Asshole,” she whispered when my reply was a smile. What a
“Why do you need to know?” I asked. “How does having the knowledge of where we’re going help you?” It was like the
question, ‘would you want to know when, where and how you’ll die?’ How would that information make a difference? The
person would spend all of their time trying to prevent it, while unknowingly string together the events that would end their
“I was just curious,” she replied.
When she spoke, I could see Lau…her in my head. Curiosity was what had destroyed the last bit of happiness in my life.
“Curiosity will get you killed,” I said aloud.
“Edward?” Jacob popped back inside.

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We made eye contact before we went back out. “Let’s go,” I told Isabella.
“Are you bipolar?” she asked while keeping firmly in place.
“Not that I’m aware of. Are you?”
“Not that I’m aware of.” She followed me to the door but suddenly stopped short. “Um, where are the other people?”
“What other people?”
“James and that Italian guy.”
“James is waiting, and Marcus is…” dead. “Not around.”
“Not around?”
I stepped outside, and when I didn’t hear the princess behind me, I faced her and whistled and nudged my head towards the
van. She stood her ground with a stubborn look on her face. I sighed and reached for her before I jerked her forward.
“I can walk without you touching me,” she whined.
“You weren’t doing a very good job of it.”
I dragged her to the van, slid open the door and pushed her inside.
“Could you treat your package with a little more respect?” she shouted as I shut the door.
I slid into the passenger front seat. “You’re my package now?”
“I don’t know the technical terms.”
Jacob got into the van and stared the ignition before pulling out.
“Okay,” Isabella began, “I know you don’t want me to know where we’re going, but could you at least tell me where Alice is?
I leaned against the headrest and shut my eyes, preparing for a long, relaxing drive.
“Jacob?” I heard her ask.
“Fucking relentless,” I mumbled. I added, “Jane is setting her free.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
Jane. Is. Setting. Her. Free. How many fucking meanings could that possibly have? “What do you think I mean? We’re letting her
“How do I know that’s the truth? How do I know you’re not really going to kill her?”
“You don’t.”
“Can I see her?”
Can you shut your mouth for five minutes? “No.”
“Mmm.” I tilted my head to the side, pretending to think about it. “No.”
“I’ll be…nice if you let me see her.”
Oh, boy. Well, if Isabella Swan promises to be nice, that completely changes everything. Lets throw away my assassin lifestyle for the
spoiled girl sitting in the backseat.
“Well then, that changes my mind completely.”
Psh. “No.”
“You’re a jerk.”
I’ve been called worse. “You break my heart.”
“I’m not talking to you for the rest of the ride.”
I can only hope. “Is that a promise?”
“In that case, I won’t stop talking until we get there.”

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Good, maybe you’ll lose your voice along the way. “Have fun.”
“I can get really annoying,” she warned.
“You mean, we haven’t seen the annoying side yet?” I looked at Jacob in mock horror. I didn’t even want to know how much
worse it could get.
I felt something nudge the back of my head. “Oops,” a false sweet voice said.
Oh, good, I’ve always wanted to travel back in time to my childhood. I peeked back, so I could look at the girl. “You are really…” A
movement beyond the annoying girl caught my attention. Behind us, a car window rolled down, an arm stuck out, a gun in
hand. “Get down!” I shouted.
“What?” she asked, confused, and then the bumper of the car collided into the back of our van. “What the hell?!”
“Stay down!” I reached in the glove department and pulled out two guns. Fortunately, I didn’t have to knock James up side
of the head with the butt of one of the guns because I heard wake up and mutter, “fucking son of a bitch.” I handed him a
gun the moment the car rammed into us once again.
“Jesus!” Isabella shouted.
“Volturi?” Jacob asked.
Isabella was wrong, Jacob was correct.
“Yeah,” I said as I crawled into the back and pushed Isabella off of the seat and onto the van floor. “Stay,” I demanded.
“Can you tell me what’s…”
A shot fired and I ducked. When I glanced up, a hole made a lovely appearance inside the back window. I crouched down,
made sure Isabella stayed down, and began to fire back at the Volturi. I held on to the seat as Jacob swerved and dodged
traffic. James knelt beside me and aimed at the car behind us.
It didn’t escape my attention that the Volturi discovered where we were just after we had killed Marcus. Someone had to
have informed them. We had a spy either in the company or among us. “Once we lose these guys, abandon the van and then
we’re on foot,” I told Jacob.
The man in the car behind us was shot in the arm and pulled himself back in the car. The driver, clearly upset, nearly lost
control and Jacob dodged the attack.
Another car merged onto the road and scraped against the van. James faced that direction while I worked on taking care of
the car behind us. When the glass shattered, we ducked to avoid the glass shower and resumed our defense against the
attackers. I knew they wanted Isabella, and they weren’t using all they had.
We zoomed towards the street which would lead us to Giovanni’s apartment.
“Jacob!” James shouted.
Jacob turned sharply into an alley and made various twists and turns to lose our tail. I lowered my arm and tucked the gun
inside my waistband. Isabella was still on the floor, looking frightened to death. “Bella,” I said, noting to myself to call her
that name whenever she appeared to be afraid. I wrapped my hand around her wrist and pulled her up. “When the doors
open, run. Don’t look back. Just run.”
She nodded, and I was about to ask if she were feeling alright when Jacob slammed on the brakes and James reached across
us to slide the door open. “Go!” he shouted.
Bella jumped from the van and I quickly followed. I stayed behind her, my hands pressed against her back so she wouldn’t
slow down or fall. If she tripped, I’d be there to lift her up.
I guided her from behind, when I wanted her to turn, I’d lean her in that direction. She picked up quickly and followed
instructions well. My legs burned from the run, but I knew we couldn’t stop. Not until we were clear of the abandoned van.
Once we were far enough, I wrapped my arm around Bella and nudged her towards an alley. Four distinct sounds of panting
could be heard, and I waited to catch my breath before I spoke. “Get Carlisle on the phone,” I told Jacob.
Bella was practically wheezing, and in that moment, I saw her for what she was. A young woman just starting out in life. I
knew for certain that she was terrified of death. This wasn’t like the other assignments.
I couldn't kill her.
I wouldn't.

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I’d tell Carlisle that it was off. The job was done with. I’d fake her death if I had to, but I wouldn’t kill her. She didn’t deserve
I made my way to her. “Are you alright?” I asked.
She was still gasping for air. “What the hell is going on? Why are people trying to kill us?”
I couldn’t tell her the truth, though each time I lied, a hard lump made developed in my throat. “They’re pissed.”
“Yeah, I kinda got that feeling, too,” she retorted. “But why are they trying to kill us?”
“Long story.”
Jacob handed me the phone, and I grabbed it before I walked a way down the alley for privacy. Bella didn’t need to hear
what I had to say.
“Carlisle,” I spoke into the phone in a hushed voice. “I’m developing a new plan.”


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