I Get Off (Inc 2 Outtakes) by BritPack Succubus (Incomplete 1 10)

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Fanfiction Based On Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series

Rated MA For Language and Sexual Situations

I Get Off

By BritPack Succubus

Summary: When Bella becomes Edward's assistant and moves in across the street, what will happen

when he takes in the view? And not just those of the skyline... AH, OOC, *Mature Adult for

Language and Graphic Lemons


Chapter One ~ I Get Off

You don't know that I know

You watch me every night.

And I just can't resist the urge

to stand here in the light.

Your greedy eyes upon me

and then I come undone.

And I could close the curtain,

but this is too much fun.

I Get Off ~ Halestorm

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When I began working for Masen Enterprises nearly six years ago, I was earning my business degree at the
University of Illinois at Chicago. Since I lived on campus, it was convenient with its proximity of a mile and half
and had a wonderful reputation in the community as being an excellent employer. I quickly found this to be true
in the benefits and perks offered to all employees. Although I started working in the mail room part-time during
the spring semester of my junior year, I was promoted once summer rolled around. Promotion from within was
top priority when filling vacant positions. I worked full-time through the summer and then back to part-time for
my senior year on the large PBX phone switchboard, finding it helpful to learn all of the employees' names,
departments and schedules.

As a catalyst for internal promotions, Mr. Masen was big on his people knowing as much as they could about any
and all positions within our organization of real estate and investment firms. He had always felt that a well-
rounded employee, possessing all the knowledge available, would only boost moral, increase productivity and
would be encouraging for public relations. One of our perks was being able to partake in - free of charge - all
training that was offered to the public for a fee, such as real estate and investment licensing and continuing
education courses. We were also encouraged to obtain our licenses, in either real estate, investments or both - at
the company's expense, no less- as long as we passed our tests the first time around.

This principle of working your way up within the company and through as many departments as possible was not
jettisoned in regards to the boss' son either. Edward Masen IV was obligated to start at the bottom and learn all
aspects of every department before being allowed to move on. He, too, sorted mail, answered phones, learned
accounting, created marketing, became licensed in both real estate and investments and even taught the courses
eventually. So, after twelve years with the company, it came as no surprise to hear that the rightful heir to the
Masen empire would step in as the new Vice-President of Operations. The best part? I had been asked to be his
Executive Assistant.

Since, I'd been through the gamut of accounts payable and receivables, human resource administration, had my
real estate license and was in the process of achieving that same goal in investments and securities, I had truly
earned this promotion. I could not be happier about the pay raise and increase in benefits, but the pride I felt in the
prestige of moving up to the top floor Executive Offices of Masen Enterprises was extremely gratifying in and of


Mr. Masen's son and I had met before, obviously, having worked in the same building all these years, but had
never really spoken more than a simple 'Good morning' or 'Good evening' in passing. I had been spending my
lunch hours upstairs with Jessica, another EA, learning some of the expectations and finer points of the job, so
when the day finally arrived for us to report to our new positions I was confident in my abilities, but still a little

I had my back toward the door as I bent over to unpack my things into the credenza that sat between my desk and
the wall of Mr. Masen's office. I heard a velvety voice behind me say, "Gooood morning," in an almost singsong

I rose abruptly, turned and accepted his outstretched hand as I replied, "Good Morning, Mr. Masen.
Congratulations on your promotion and welcome to your new office." I couldn't help flashing a wide grin as I
took in the fine specimen before me. He was breathtakingly handsome in a dark grey suit - if I had to venture a
guess, I'd say it was Prada - that he had paired with a brown shirt and an olive green and brown striped tie. His
eyes were beautiful green pools with gold flecks dancing about. He had dark unkempt eyebrows, unruly brown
hair with sunkissed highlights and sideburns that led the way to the most spectacularly chiseled jawline. He was
very pretty, but in a rugged, masculine way.

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It's a damn good thing I'm not sitting down or I'd fucking slide right off my chair! Yeah, not such a great first

He chuckled softly with a sparkle in his eyes. "Thank you, Isabella. I'm sorry, do you mind if I call you Isabella?"
When I shook my head, he continued, "Please, call me Edward. I'm not big on formalities with someone I'll be
working so closely with and besides, the old man is Mr. Masen. Trust me, one is more than enough." I
immediately took note of the change in my body when he finally released my hand. It felt cold, empty and alone.
Nothing like the surge of heat that coursed through my veins the instant he made contact with my skin, his long
fingers wrapping effortlessly around my entire hand.


After college I had moved back home to help my mom after she and my dad divorced. This way she wouldn't be
alone and struggling to meet her bills. I was able to save and invest a great deal, so it was win-win for both of us.
However, riding the train into the city with all of those people everyday was sometimes a real drag. On occasion
I'd get up extra early and make the hour long drive from Evanston by car. I loved my sporty red Volvo XC90, so I
delighted in the times that I could sink into the leather seats, crank the tunes and just fucking belt them at the top
of my lungs on the way to work.

About a month into my new position, I made the decision to move out on my own. My mom's boyfriend, Phil, had
just asked her to marry him, so she no longer needed me around taking care of her. Playing third wheel wasn't
really my thing and the money I was now making as Edward's assistant made it a no-brainer. One thing I was
certain of was that if I would be moving to the city, I wanted to be right in the heart of it. After scouring our
multiple listing database, I was only able to locate two available properties. One was a penthouse listed for sale
for one point two million dollars and the other was a one bedroom, one and a half bath apartment offered as a
sublet. There was no way I could justify a seven thousand plus dollar mortgage and the sublet was conveniently
located in the building across the street from my office.

When Edward returned from his meeting late Tuesday morning, he made a point of stopping at my desk to ask,
"So, how's the hunt going?"

"Eh, there's not much to choose from," I responded. "But I did come across a sublet right across the way," I said,
gesturing my arm back towards his office. "The current tenant has actually already left town, so it's now vacant.
There is a lockbox on the door and he'll call and let the doorman know my name, so I can go by and take a look

"That's great! Why don't you leave for lunch now and go check it out?" he said with a glint in his eyes.

What was that twinkle for? Was he fucking...excited?

I reached for my purse with a look of confusion and said, "Uh, okay. Thanks, Edward, I'll be back as quickly as I

"Take as much time as you need."

As I rounded my desk to leave, I swear that I saw the corner of his mouth rise into a half smirk. I could almost
feel his eyes burning into my ass which caused the tiny hairs on the back of my neck to rise and my lady bits

I exited our building and crossed the street at the light at Adams, then turned left to walk North on Franklin the
short distance to the entrance. I gave the doorman my name and informed him of the apartment number I would
be visiting. Once I was granted permission to enter, I passed into the marble floored lobby of the thirty-story
building. On one side of the large space was a concierge desk and business center that housed computers, fax
machines and copiers. To my immediate right was a small Citibank branch that was located next to the elevators.
Along the back wall was a beautiful lounge with floor-to-ceiling windows behind the bar.

I proceeded to the elevators and rode the glass encased vestibule up to the fourteenth floor taking in the city that
lie before me. The doors slid open revealing a long hallway of apartments on both sides. I found the one I was

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looking for easily as it was the very first door on my left. I input my code into the lockbox and it opened with a
click. Upon entering, I gasped. I had seen pictures on the MLS database, but they really did not do this place

I crossed the threshold onto solid maple hardwood flooring; the light and dark tones showcased beautifully in the
long room. On my left was a square chair and matching ottoman in a creamy beige color. It was draped with a
warm brown chenille throw with a book resting on the side table inviting me to curl up with it on a snowy
Chicago afternoon. Behind the chair was again floor-to-ceiling windows that ran the expanse of the room and
hooked a right snaking along the adjoining wall, as well. Past the reading nook was a good sized dining table with
six matching chairs in a rich brown mahogany wood. Beyond the table, an angular sofa in the same creamy beige
backed up to the windows. A rectangular glass coffee table sat in front and a large flat screen TV was mounted on
the wall opposite the couch. The walls were painted a dark burnt orange.

I took several steps into the apartment and glanced around the wall on my right. Closest to me was a deep coat
closet, followed by a washer/dryer area hidden behind folding doors, and finally a single door leading to the L-
shaped half bath. Directly across from these three spaces was the kitchen adorned in warm honey cabinetry,
stainless steel and black appliances and cream and brown granite counter tops.

The bedroom was located just beyond the kitchen sharing the TV-clad wall of the living room. The door was right
next to the kitchen and a queen sized bed was placed to my left with more floor-to-ceiling windows on the other
side of it. I definitely noticed a very nice recurring theme here, considering the nine foot ceilings, the windows
afforded the entire apartment an abundance of light. In front of me on the right was a dresser. I crossed the floor to
the opposite wall and slid the pocket door open revealing the master bath. Starting at my right and moving around
the space was a glass enclosed shower, another pocket door leading to a walk in closet, a granite topped dual
vanity, a toilet and a large jetted garden tub was just to my left. There were many small glass-block windows
positioned over the tub and toilet, allowing plenty of natural light in. The walk-in closet was interesting in that it
was only about four feet wide, but ran the entire length of the apartment parallel to the master bath, kitchen and
half bath. It also had several glass-block windows and plenty of overhead lighting.

A man by the name of Tyler Crowley was leasing the apartment from an investment company. He had no desire
to give up his lease contract, but needed to return home to assist his mother as his father had just passed
unexpectedly. The lease term was for six months with the option to renew at the end of the term depending on if
he would be returning or not. The rent was only eighteen hundred eighty seven dollars per month; which was a
steal considering the location and amenities. Unfortunately, Tyler still had several other people coming to view
the apartment as well, so I returned to my office to draw up a contract and await word on whether or not I would
be chosen.

Although I tried to remain calm and professional, I squealed with delight when Tyler called the following day to
inform me that I had been selected as the lucky one. He was faxing the signed contract back immediately and as
long as I sent him the deposit and first and last month's rent payments via PayPal right away, I was free to move
in that weekend.

Edward stepped out of his office when he heard my excitement, watching me with childlike enthusiasm as I
bounced up and down, clapping my hands like a child myself. His eyes flickered like a flame as I went into detail
about the entire property. I told him about the underground parking and storage units, the on-site dry cleaner and
indoor dog walking track on the second floor, not to mention the gorgeous pool, spa, sauna, and fitness center
located on the top floor. The look on his face reflecting my own fervor; which, not gonna lie, kind of fucking
floored me.


I was so ecstatic to get moved in and make the space my own that I spent a very long weekend unpacking boxes,
hanging pictures, and organizing closets and cupboards. To say that I was dragging ass come Monday morning
was putting it mildly.

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As I made Edward's coffee, black with two sugars, I made myself a double, straight up. I would have fucking
preferred a caffeine IV injection at this point, but this would have to suffice. However, when I handed Edward his
mug, his long fingers brushed mine lightly, which may have been the jolt I was looking for. I felt my nipples
harden at the contact and blushed as I straightened and the damn things stood out and waved at him.

"So, how's the new apartment?" he asked, averting his eyes from my tits. It was rather irritating how skillful he
was at maintaining proper decorum, when all I wanted to do was mount him on his desk.

I glanced instinctively out the window toward my building, realizing that the wall of windows just two stories up
encompassed my living room and bedroom. A wicked thought crossed my mind and I said, "It's perfect! I just
can't wait to get home, shed these stockings and heels for a comfy pair of sweats and curl up on the couch."

Was that inappropriate? Probably.

Do I fucking care? Nope, not in the slightest.

Edward simply smirked and nodded, not even attempting a response. I swaggered out of his office with a devilish
grin splitting my face. I had a few ideas up my sleeve to pique this man's interest. Let the games begin!


When the day was done, I returned to my new oasis after having stopped by the swanky lounge below. I needed a
little liquid courage and shamelessly enjoyed a few shots of Patron in addition to my Stella. Back in my place, I
turned on the lamp on my bedside table. The soft glow that it cast was soothing after the harsh glare of the office's
fluorescent lights all day. I walked to the window and took in the Chicago skyline, it was unparalleled at night. I
could see the AT&T Corporate Center to my right, the Sears Tower just kitty-corner to my left, and directly in
front of me, across Franklin street, was the prestigious Masen Building. Unfortunately now, due the late hour, all
the offices were dark, including Edward's corner location. He'd obviously gone home for the evening and I was
too late.

With resignation, I slowly peeled off my teal blue silk blouse and was spellbound by the beauty of the city.
Growing up in the suburbs, was really no comparison to what city life offered. I released the large black buttons
on my high-waisted pencil skirt and slid the zipper down, allowing it to pool around my feet. I stepped out and to
the side, drawing my eyes back to the world below. I was standing in my bra, panties, garter belt, stockings and
my favorite Christian Louboutin pumps, lost in thought...when I saw it.

A faint red glow sent tracers from side to side and then intensified in color briefly only to dim again. This pattern
repeated several times as I stood fixated, realizing it was coming from Edward's office, with a panic rising inside
me. I spun around abruptly, grabbed my skirt and realized that I had just flashed him my thong-clad ass. I ran for
the bathroom feeling mortified. Although, this had been my intention all along, I chickened out when I realized
that he actually was the one to give me a surprise by catching me completely off guard. I never imagined when the
window was dark that he would still be in his office.


The next day was spent with a constant flush on my skin, anticipating a comment or a glance. Obviously, I needed
to rethink my strategy, since he threw me for a loop as the unexpected voyeur. Luckily I had little contact with
Edward on Tuesday, as he was in back-to-back meetings all day. He actually returned as I was clearing my desk
and preparing to leave for the evening. We briefly ran over his messages, appointments for the following day and
documents requiring his signature. I got nothing from him other than an agitated tapping of his pen.

What the fuck was that all about?

I didn't see so much as a smirk or a raise of the eyebrows. I quickly gathered my belongings with a scowl and
rushed home, oblivious to the Autumn chill in the air.

I was so exhausted from the day of worry and humiliation that I kicked my heels at the door - something I rarely
do - and headed straight to the kitchen for a drink. Grabbing an ice-cold beer to soothe my soul and calm my

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nerves, I found some equally enjoyable tunes on my iPod to further unwind. I plugged my iPod into the dock
which resonated through the speakers of my stereo and throughout the apartment. I grooved to the easy beat of
Van Morrison. "Days Like This" was up first and after the day I had had, I could completely relate to the lyrics.
Eventually, it moved into a slow grind with "Ain't No Sunshine" as I made to my way to close the living room
drapes. I quickly took notice of what I now understood - or more accurately, hoped - to be the glow of Edward's
cigarette in the darkness of his office.

I detoured back to the kitchen for another beer as I headed to my room, intent on just getting comfortable for the
evening. Once again, I clicked on the lamp, glanced at the open windows when I realized that I could so do this, I
could muster up the courage and totally give the horny bastard a show. Just then, the song 'All Work And No
Play' began and I thought how appropriate it was to debut this crazy side of myself for my boss, of all people.

I strutted and swayed up to the huge wall of windows in my room. Unbuttoning my top with a slow precision, I let
the blouse fall from my shoulders and slither down my arms. I pulled my satin camisole from its confines at my
waist and lifted it over my head. I released the tiny button and slid the zipper down on my skirt slowly and
methodically. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband as I rolled my hips, provocatively releasing the fabric. I
slowly bent at my waist as the tune changed to "And It Stoned Me" giving a little rock to my rhythm. I popped my
hips from side to side as I expertly released each individual garter hook, rolling my stockings to my toes. I stood
and unleashed my tits from the tight constraints of my bra and unhooked my garter belt, allowing them both to
float to the floor. All that remained was my thong which I slowly eased down my legs with my ass in the air
facing the large windows. I turned in all my naked glory with a wicked grin plastered to my face and yanked the
drapes shut.


This pattern continued night after night with me feeling more and more adventurous as time went on. I would
always disrobe to some sultry music and eventually began exploring my body as well. Unfortunately, it was never
mentioned or alluded to at work. I knew that he watched me every night, or at least I assumed that it was Edward,
which was intoxicating and euphoric. I got off on the idea that he got off on watching me. Edward, however, was
always so polished and slick, never giving any indication that it was indeed him hiding in the darkness. He always
kept his piercing eyes trained on my own when we were engaged in discussion, never allowing them to roam over
my anxious body. When he took calls he simply gazed out the windows with a blank stare. He was never rude or
condescending, but he never once fucking acknowledged my little exhibition. And damnit I fucking wanted him

I wore some of my sexiest outfits in hopes of stirring the inner perv in Edward, but he didn't flinch, at least to my
discernment, which I considered rather acute. I did my best to arouse some interest, leaning over his shoulder
when discussing contracts, bending over at the waist when I "accidentally" dropped my pen. Unfortunately, it was
I that was left with a throbbing need between my legs. This whole time I spent trying to get a rise out of the fucker
and it was he that was teasing me. It was I that was lost in his very essence. The spicy combination of ginger,
basil and sage in conjunction with patchouli sent my desire into overdrive. And although I never witnessed
Edward smoking while at the office, the smell of it on him paired with the mental image of him sitting in his
chair, enjoying a stogy while ogling my body, sent sparks through my undersexed vajayjay.


Several weeks into our little game, I arrived home to a package on my doorstep addressed to "Isabella Swan". I
was only referred to as "Isabella" at work, so naturally, I was perplexed. I picked up the box as I headed inside
and grabbed a knife to cut open the taped seams. The sender info was an address that I did not recognize. No
company name was listed and I hadn't recently ordered anything that I could recollect. I tore the package open
like a kid on Christmas morning only to stop dead in my tracks at the sight of what lay inside. I'm not sure what I
expected, but I'm pretty damn sure it wasn't a dildo! Inside the box was a Rabbit Wild G-Spot Vibrator.

What. The. Fuck?

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I dropped the crude phallus at my feet and proceeded to my room. I went directly to the windows to draw the
drapes closed. I was pissed, what kind of sick motherfucker gets off on sending sex toys to random women
anyway? I noticed the flash of red and jerked my head abruptly in the direction of Edward's office throwing
daggers with my eyes. I observed a quick pattern to the vibrant red that I now attributed to him taking a drag of a
lit cigarette. There were three distinct flarings of his cherry. I cocked my head to the side in disbelief, then back to
the window and again saw three quick drags lighting the end of the cigarette in brilliant red. It suddenly dawned
on me that my boss was sending me smoke signals.

I stood tall, gripping the drapes in my hands, but debated actually closing myself off to this man. Instead, I
disappeared momentarily from his view as I walked back to the kitchen to grab another Stella and my new-found
friend. I figured, if he had the balls to send me such an item, then I should have the guts to show him how it
should be used. I promptly loaded the batteries into the device and grabbed a chair from my dining set. I
positioned the chair in front of my bedroom window and placed the vibrator on the floor beside it.

I programmed my iPod and began a slow strip for my audience. I discarded my platform pumps before inching
the zipper down on my black sateen cropped pants and shifting them to the floor. I lifted the dusty blue cashmere
turtleneck up and over my head. After carefully removing my black satin and lace thong panties and bra, I
positioned myself on the chair with one leg raised over the arm rest. My hands slowly lifted my long brown curls
from my shoulders tying them upon my head as the sexy licks of "The Sky Is Crying" by Stevie Ray Vaughn
began. I dragged my hands down the length of my neck, over my collar bone and along the sides of my tits. I
cupped each one, kneading the flesh with my fingers. I lifted one in the palm of my hand, feeling its delicate
weight and lowered my head to gently lick my sensitive nipple while twisting and pulling at the other with my
thumb and forefinger. I could feel the heat rising between my legs and glanced across the distance. I again saw a
pattern of three sharp ember glows and chuckled lightly at the though that with all the hot boxing going on, he
must be smoking through at least a pack tonight.

This only fueled the fire raging between my legs.

My right hand traveled slowly down my side and to my raised thigh. My freshly manicured finger grazed the now
very moist flesh between my legs. I sunk two fingers into my slick pussy before pulling them out to circle my clit.
My hips bucked involuntarily and I knew I needed no further encouragement to put this little bunny to the test.

I leaned over and picked up my new gadget from the floor beside me. As I experimented with the different
buttons, learning what they did and which did what, I looked up to see him signal me yet again. I could only
assume he was telling me not to stop; which I had no intention of doing at this point. I smirked, turned Bunny on
vibrate, and slid it back and forth within my folds. As it made contact with my swollen nub, my hips bucked again
without my consent. The large unit slid effortlessly into my now aching pussy and the smaller appendage bumped
my clit as I brought it in deeper. I came completely unglued; writhing and grinding in my seat as my toes curled. I
pressed the button that caused the shaft to begin swirling inside of me, adding another layer of pleasure to the
good, good, good, good vibrations. The swirling motion also allowed the tip of shaft to graze my g-spot, over and
over again, sending my brain into a spiral. I tossed my head back as my eyes rolled behind my eyelids. My back
arched and the nails of my left hand dug painfully into the armrest of the chair as my body was wracked with the
most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. The energy emanating from every pore of my body was electrifying.
It was as if I had gripped the fallen wires of a power line toppled during a storm. I cried out in pleasure as I came
hard upon removal of the tool.

I lay back on the chair trembling and spent, struggling to catch my breath. I pulled the dampened strands of hair
from my sweaty forehead and looked up, searching the darkness for his sign.

But, it never came.

I stood, closing the drapes and feeling disheartened that he seemed to have left before the final act. After cleaning
everything up, I climbed in between my cool, crisp sheets. My body begged for sleep, but my mind would not
allow it. I could not comprehend why a man...Edward at that...would send me such a provocative item and then
not enjoy the bounty of the harvest. Could I have been mistaken? Was Bunny not a gift from him? I wondered

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now, if I had been fooling myself about this mystery man in the dark. Even if it was Edward, was he even capable
of seeing me at all? Were his eyes trained on some other, more beautiful woman within my building? Or was he
possibly eyeing a man while he hid behind the anonymity of his obsidian suite? The myriad of questions
continued to barrage my mind, never allowing the full dormancy of slumber to overtake me. And don't think it
escaped my regard that I had screamed Edward's name as I came.


I returned to work the next day with a chip on my shoulder because he had bailed early on last night's
performance. I was no prude by any sense of the word, but I had never fucking bared all in this fashion for
anyone. I fully intended on giving him a piece of mind if he even remotely looked at me funny. However, he
never gave any indication that we were engaged in this little charade. Not so much as a sideways glance in my
direction beyond our usual and customary greetings, daily briefings, etc. This only made me slightly paranoid that
maybe it wasn't Edward after all. Maybe someone had been using his office after hours? As if it weren't bad
enough that I was giving my boss an erotic peepshow, the thought of it being for someone far more sketchy or
dangerous made my breath catch in my throat.


No, I chose to continue deluding myself and run with the thought that Edward was the real creeptastic peeper in
order to purge the other, less desirable, option from my brain.

I finally brushed off my irritation, realizing that I was being ridiculous. We were not in any kind of relationship.
He wasn't mine to be concerned with. Hell, we rarely even talked about anything unrelated to work. All I knew
was that I was enjoying this exhibitionist side of myself and was pleased that he seemed to be enjoying it as
well... or at least, I'd thought he was.

Maybe I was only fooling myself.

Late that afternoon, as sat at my computer drawing up some documents for Edward's meeting next week, I jumped
when he cleared his throat behind me. I had not heard him emerge from his office and here he was leaning on the
door frame with his arms folded over his chest and one leg crossed over the other. His dark tie was loosed slightly
and the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to above his elbows.

"I'm sorry, Edward, I didn't hear you. Do you need something?" I asked, desperately hoping he hadn't been calling
me while I was lost in my own thoughts.

"No... I was just pondering what a woman such as yourself does with her weekends?"

I was taken aback by the bizarre nature of this conversation, but who was I to dismiss it? I'd take any and all
opportunities to chat with the gorgeous fucker that was now all of a sudden curious about my...weekends?

With a chuckle I replied, "Well, I'm sure they're nothing compared to a weekend with Edward Masen."

"Ah, you really shouldn't make assumptions, Isabella. It's not quite as glamorous as you would imagine. I'll be
hanging out around the house and will maybe watch a few movies, nothing exciting," he said with a smile.

"That actually sounds really nice."

"How about you? Big plans for a romantic weekend getaway with your boyfriend?" His voice dropped minutely
on the last word.

"Psshh," I huffed, "I wish!" Funny, his face dropped, too, at that remark. "I'll be heading out to work on wedding
plans with my mom. She and her fiancee, Phil, are getting married in the Spring. My Sunday will be spent at the
spa. I'm getting a full body massage, which I desperately need, and a hot wax treatment." His eyebrows perked up
just then and I felt like I needed to clarify, "I mean, hot paraffin wax on my hands and feet. Keeps them soft and

He got that beautiful half smirk on his face that made me moist, looked at his feet and muttered, "Of course."

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"Besides, Edward," I said as he raised his head slightly and glanced at me through his long, dark eyelashes. "You
know what they say about assuming?" I deadpanned.

He tossed his head back with a full belly laugh and a twinkle in his eye and affirmed, "Touche."


I decided that tonight I'd give it another go in hopes of holding his interest this time. When I arrived home, I
poured myself a glass of sweet, orange muscat wine and repositioned the dining chair in front of the bedroom
window as I had the night before. I lifted my index finger towards the darkness beyond my window, a sign for
him to be patient, should he be watching. I'd be back. I cranked the heat in my apartment, then entered the
bathroom and turned the knob on the shower to scalding hot. I needed to relax, and this, in addition to the wine
was my ticket. Not to mention the little Bunny awaiting my return. I undressed quickly, climbed into the shower
and inhaled the thick steam into my lungs. I washed and conditioned my long hair before lathering up my entire
body with a slow and deliberate precision. I paid special attention to my nether regions, making sure she was all
kinds of swollen, sensitive, wet and ready.

I didn't bother toweling off after my shower. I simply slipped my feet into an old pair of leather heels and
sauntered back to the chair with my little friend in hand. I stood and faced the front of the chair with my back to
the window. I placed my right leg to the side of the arm and propped my left leg up with my heel digging into the
seat cushion. I arched my back, my ass jutting out wantonly before the large window. I peeked over my left
shoulder to see if he had, in fact, been patient and decided to stick around for the show. I saw the three distinct
flashes of his cherry then the short tracer of his settling hand and giggled with excitement.

My skin had dried quickly in the heat of the room, but my long hair continued to release intermittent trails of
water down my back that disappeared into the crack of my ass, before pooling with my arousal and causing
goosebumps to rise upon my flesh. I hit the remote to start off this session with a little "Pain" by Three Days
Grace. I licked the end of my toy to moisten the tip; glancing over my shoulder in his direction once again as I
now swallowed its length in full. I saw the flashes of color from Edward's office, rocked my hips as the guitar &
drums kicked in and slid Bunny up my inner thigh with a smirk. I pressed the button and laid the vibrating tool
along my folds, reveling in the sensations. I stroked it back and forth, covering it in the moisture that seeped down
my thigh while gently rocking my hips to the beat.

I bent at the waist, propping my left forearm on the back of the chair. This position gave my voyeur a bird's eye
view of my glistening sex and would allow him the ability to watch me penetrate myself with Bunny. Just as I
positioned the tip at my eager entrance, "Smooth Up In Ya" by the Bulletboys squealed through the stereo
speakers. I chuckled at this particular song selection and the timing. It must be fucking fate, I figured, so I did just
that...burying Bunny to the hilt.

Once again adding the twirling motion, I felt my knees begin to quiver with the multiple sensations. I slowly
pumped it back and forth within me, feeling the push and pull, swirl and twirl and the on and off pressure on my
throbbing clit. My hips were grinding in a circular pattern as the ache in my stomach begged for more. I shifted
my weight, removing my arm and resting my forehead on the chair back as I brought the middle finger of my left
hand to bathe in my drenched pussy. Once it was thoroughly coated, I reached around my backside and eased my
finger slowly into my ass. That was the "more" that I was looking for, I found, as I began to see stars behind my
eyelids. I was gasping for breath as my moans of pleasure became screams of ecstasy. I forced myself to continue
driving into each passage, although my legs were threatening to bow under the pressure. The trembling waves
rolled through my body, emanating from the tips of my toes and the top of my head. They raced toward each other
with a raging force; the promise of a cataclysmic crescendo. As the swells reached my lower stomach and the tops
of my thighs, I removed the vibrator, but left my finger in my ass. This allowed me to cum freely with an intensity
that shook me. I removed my finger with a final shudder.

Sweat beads slid down the side of my face and body, collecting to drip off my chin and hardened nipples. The
temperature in the room had now risen to sauna status. Although my legs felt like jello, they slowly carried me to
the thermostat across the room. I lowered the setting back down to normal before returning to the windows. I

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quickly unlatched the small wing window to allow some cool, fresh air to enter the space. I didn't see the red
ember glow which indicated to me that my spectator had checked out, yet again, before the final number.
However, I still had a glimmer of hope and felt that I needed to thank that man for the amazing gift of my purple
Bunny. I leaned forward and blew a kiss toward Edward's office window, silently willing him to still be there in
the darkness. I pulled the drapes, stumbled to my bed and collapsed into a deep slumber. My body was wracked
with complete exhaustion following the tensing, tightening, quivering and quaking of my muscles in the midst of
my ecstasy. And I drifted off delightedly, with a smug look on my face I'm sure, at the thought of Edward
stroking his cock at the sight of my graphic display.


Although the thought of going in to the office this particular morning was daunting, I was so relieved it was
Friday. I was exhausted from a long week of nightly shows and self gratification. However, I sucked it up and got
dressed, dragging my ass into work in the nick of time. I walked into the office with my shoulders back and my
head held high. I would not be humiliated or ashamed of my performance.

I wore a grey textured button-down pencil skirt with a cream silk crepe pleated blouse and my sexy black triple
strap Mary Jane's. I was too damn lazy to put my contacts in, so glasses it was for me today. My hair was piled on
top of my head in a loose twist with several wispy tendrils tickling my neck.

Unfortunately, the day passed without so much as a second glance from Edward. God, could I seriously be
fucking myself in front of the nighttime janitor?! I was resigned and somewhat defeated, but was still desperately
looking forward to tonight's show in the hopes that it was indeed for Edward. I had some berries, whipped cream
and chocolate syrup in my refrigerator that I was sure I could incorporate for a sweet treat.

Oh, the possibilities....

As the day came to a close, I finalized details with Edward regarding his management meeting early Monday
morning. "Edward, I'm about to head out for the weekend, but wanted to remind you of the meeting with Mr.
Whitlock, Mr. McCarty and of course your father Monday at seven-thirty am. Would you like me to come in

"No, Isabella, I think I'm all set. There is really no point in you arriving early, just stick to your regular schedule.
Thank you."

I checked my email one final time and set my phone on the evening setting. I pulled on my long, red, wool coat
and grabbed my bag. I gave Edward the customary "Have a nice weekend, Sir," with a wave. I nearly tripped over
my own feet in an anxious rush to get home and commence my evening "snacktivities".

I stepped onto the elevator with my head hung low, not paying attention to my surroundings in the mirrored
chamber. As I stared at my shoes, I spun around and plowed right into the chiseled chest of Edward Masen. He
wore a blue-grey Dior suit with a black, skinny tie over a white on white, pinstripe shirt. I loved this suit on him,
as his eyes took on the slate grey color and were absolutely mesmerizing. He had a five o'clock shadow at this
point and his copper brown hair was in wild disarray from running his hands through it all day.

Damn, my boss is fuckhot!

Is fuckhot even a word? Fuck, it is now. In fact, I'm fairly sure the dictionary would have his picture beside the

No doubt about it, Edward Anthony Masen IV was one fuckhot man!

I dropped my eyes again, blushed and apologized for crashing into him. He nodded with a smile and moved to my
side. It dawned on me, at that moment, that he wouldn't be spectating tonight which made the pit of my stomach
ache. As we descended to the lobby, the elevator stopped at each of the remaining eleven floors, quickly filling to
the brim with people anxious to start their weekend. Edward stepped behind me in an effort to accommodate the

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Once the elevator was at the height of capacity, my breath hitched when, all of a sudden, I felt a scruffy stubble
graze my ear. Edward's warm, throaty whisper caressed my skin as he declared, "I love seeing your little kitty
play so nicely with the new bunny."


I think my panties just fucking exploded.


Chapter Two ~ Nasty Girl

You see she makes her own money, pays her own bills

Always stays fly, keeps it so real

But behind closed doors she a nasty girl

Behind closed doors she a nasty girl

She got a crazy little figure, nice round ass

Walks so proper, talks with such class

But behind closed doors she a nasty girl

Behind closed doors she a nasty girl

Nasty Girl ~ Ludacris


I'd seen her around the building many times, the pretty girl with dark brown, chestnut hair that fell in waves down
to the middle of her back. She was lean and toned with a great ass and tits that looked like a perfect handful,
calling out for me to test my theory. Unfortunately, I'm a pussy and could never grow a pair big enough to
actually say more than two words to her. Instead, when she'd greet me with that beautiful smile all I could pull out
of my ass was, "Good Morning" or something equally as lame. Nice, Masen, you're such a dumb fuck!

However, when my father called me in to his office to discuss my impending promotion to VP of Operations, I
wasted no time in suggesting a certain brunette as my assistant. The old man agreed with me, wholeheartedly, that
Miss Isabella Swan was perfect for the position, although I could think of several positions she'd be perfect for.
The fact that she'd done everything my father expected of his employees, working in different departments,
learning various skills, taking courses and getting licensed in real estate and securities, meant she had the
commitment to succeed and represent the company as my great grandfather had envisioned when he created
Masen Enterprises over 65 years ago. As much as I would like to work on her and in her, I was just glad to have
the opportunity to work beside her. She was truly a credit to the company that I would one day call my own.

When the day finally came to report to my new job and my new office, I was giddy like a fucking school girl to
see Isabella. I walked in to witness her bending over with her supple ass in the air unloading her boxes. I wanted
nothing more at that moment than to unload in her hot box, but I seriously needed to banish that thought from my
mind as I was now this woman's boss. This incredibly sexy, curvaceous woman. Oh, fuck this was gonna be
hard...just like my dick.

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I outstretched my hand, more to grab her ass than anything, but figured I better disguise it as a handshake. I said,
"Gooood Morning."

What the fuck was that? Did I just fucking sing that shit? Could you be any more creepy?

She was absolutely stunning up close like this. Those gorgeous eyes looking back at me were like pools of melted
chocolate that I wanted to swim in. Just call me Augustus Gloop because I, too, am a glutton...for punishment
obviously. She greeted me with her full, beautiful smile as she congratulated me on my advancement. I barely
suppressed a laugh when she welcomed me to my new office. She was too damn cute for words.

She slid her hand inside my own and the warmth that emanated from her tiny appendage was intriguing. She had a
good firm handshake which was quite pleasing, but it was more the fact that I got chills the moment our skin met
that spoke volumes to me. This woman's touch was so titillating with the sensations running up and down my arm,
I could only imagine the excitement of her touching me elsewhere. Are my pants shrinking?

I advised her to call me by my first name and asked if I could do the same, then she graciously led the way to my
new office. Obviously, I knew where it was, my family had owned this building since before my father was born,
but I was glad to follow and take in all that the woman before me had to offer. She wore a conservative sheath
dress in royal blue with a cream ribbon around her little waist. The back was cut in a 'V' shape to allow me just a
peek at her delicate shoulder blades. My eyes followed the buttons down to where they ended on the round of her
ass. And below was a subtle slit splitting the indigo fabric ending at the middle of her thighs. I wanna be in the
middle of her thighs.
Her creamy complexion was heightened by the vibrant color of her dress. Her long legs were
bare and smooth and were completed by the sexiest pair of shoes I'd ever seen. Her adorable toes peeked out from
the front of the black stilettos, but the back had a royal blue strap that wove across a separate black strap.

She asked if there was anything I needed and although a million thoughts ran through my mind, I told her a cup of
coffee would be nice, "black, two sugars." And with that she left me breathless....with a boner.


A few weeks later Isabella mentioned that she was going to be searching for a condo in the general vicinity of the
office. I got a little excited at that idea, but stifled it in better judgement. I happened to know that the downtown
area had a lot offer in the area of great apartments.

When she returned from viewing a place located in the building right across Franklin, she came back with the
look of a kid in a candy store. She painstakingly described every last detail of the space and the amenities of the
building that housed it. She was so excited that I couldn't help but catch the fever. However, she was also fearful
that she would lose out on it to someone else. She was extremely anxious over the next day or so, but I was
confident for her. Not that my conversation with Mr. Crowley would hurt as I gave her a glowing review when he
called to verify her employment. So needless to say when she received the call that she had indeed been chosen,
her joy was palpable. I, too, was doing a little happy dance inside and she would be moving in promptly that
coming weekend.


The following week began with Isabella bringing my coffee at a snail's pace; she'd obviously had a long, rough
weekend moving. Our fingers brushed as she passed off the mug and I felt my dick twitch at the contact.
Apparently I wasn't the only one to notice the electricity between us as Isabella's nipples were rock hard and
straining against the fabric of her teal blouse. I quickly diverted my eyes from her tits to her cherubic face.
Unfortunately, the pink blush staining her porcelain skin did nothing for the struggle in my pants. Immediately, I
tried to deflect the tension by asking about her new place, as if I really needed to know, but I'd try anything at this
point to help quell the rage down south.

"It's perfect! I just can't wait to get home, shed these stockings and heels for a comfy pair of sweats and curl up on
the couch."

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Are you fucking kidding me? Now I've got to have the visual of her "shedding her stockings and heels" searing my
brain? Stop fucking with my mind woman!

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair as she fucking gave me a look that I could only describe as evil, giving her
hips an exaggerated sway as she retreated to her desk. This woman was all kinds of witchy and weaving her spell
on me. Little did I know what she had in store.


That evening I stayed late trying to get a few things accomplished for the day. However, the magic of that girl
kept consuming my every thought. So much so that I was half way to the lobby when I realized I'd left my dry
cleaning in my office.

Although the lights were off, the glow from the city through the two walls of windows was plenty for navigating.
The entire left wall of my office was covered in built-in cabinetry of dark burl wood. At the very end adjacent to
the window was the closet that I kept my overcoat, an extra suit, several dress shirts and a few ties in case of
emergency. I grabbed the bundle of plastic and cloth as I was bombarded by the visual image of the beautiful girl
and remembered her scent as she rounded my desk to hang them when they were delivered this morning. She
smelled so delicate with a slight floral element mixed with sandalwood and vanilla. I fought every urge to grab
her and pull her right down onto my lap; to make her feel what she did to me.

I closed the cabinet and spun around glancing instinctively at the building across the street. My eyes caught the
most magnificent sight known to man...a woman stripping...make that Isabella stripping.

You've got to be fucking kidding me?! Hello, Wood!

Umm...needless to say I could not look away. I knew it was wrong for me to watch the woman in the window. I
knew it was wrong to watch my employee disrobe. I knew it was wrong, but I shamefully continued to violate the
beauty with my eyes. I could not pry my eyes from her spectacular form.

Taking a seat in my chair, I grabbed the ashtray from my drawer that I kept handy for clients and the occasional
emergency drag, and lit a cigarette in complete disbelief and gratitude. I also conveniently happened to have a tiny
pair of binoculars in my desk. What I witnessed next made the ache in my cock tenfold what it was this afternoon.
She had removed her blouse and was sliding her tight skirt down over her milky thighs. Stepping out of the skirt,
she stood for a few minutes just staring blankly out the windows. I wondered what she was thinking, what she
was seeing. Was she thinking of me? Was anyone else watching? I did not like that thought one bit!

She was absolutely stunning standing there; staring in what seemed to be my direction. She wore nothing but her
lingerie and heels. I may have been drooling, not gonna lie. I took another deep drag off my smoke trying to calm
myself, when all of a sudden she turned, bending to grab her skirt and ran. I was suddenly petrified that she had
somehow seen me, somehow known I was peeping into her private world. I fought the overwhelming desire to
flee rapidly and waited patiently for her return. She finally did return, nearly twenty minutes later, wearing some
frumpy flannel pajamas covering her entire body and only to draw the curtains closed. Oh, shit, I think I fucked

Needless to say I was terrified what Tuesday might hold, but was pleased that I was tied up in meetings all day.
As I headed for my office, I prayed she had already left for the day. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, she
needed to review a few things with me prior to leaving. Just about everything she said went in one ear and out the
other as my brain drifted to the images of the night before. I tapped my pen nervously on the desk, fearful she
would call me out on my perversion. Luckily, mum was the word and she left for the evening as I retreated to the
sanctuary of my office.


Several weeks later, Isabella was performing her usual striptease as she gently slid her black cardigan sweater
down her arms and then untied the the knot of her red halter dress. She approached the window pressing her bare
tits into the glass as she arched her back to reach behind her and slowly slide the zipper down. The dress dropped

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to her ankles revealing only a pair of sheer pantyhose and yet another pair of those goddamn heels that screamed,
"Fuck Me!". She turned pressing her ass to the window with her legs spread and I was pleasantly surprised when
she bent at the waist to pick up her dress and I discovered the pantyhose were...crotchless.

Oh, fuck me! No really, FUCK ME!

It was at that moment I decided I needed to throw something into the mix. I went online and a found a little toy to
test her limits. Only time would tell if I had just made a terrible mistake. Lucky for me, the following week held a
pleasant surprise as Isabella arrived home to the package and embraced the vibrator I sent to her with seemingly
open arms. She gave me quite the show that night as she sat in a chair and introduced the new little bunny to her
soft kitty.

This woman was fucking driving me wild, so the next day I had to press some issues to test my limits, as well.
Although, I'm a big pussy and could never so much as ask her out for a drink, I had to know if she was taken. I
remembered she wore a silver necklace last week that held a heart and a skeleton key. I wondered who gave it to
her? Did someone already hold the key to her heart?

All day Thursday, my mind was scattered with the insanely erotic images of Isabella pleasuring herself with my
gift. That had to be the hottest fucking thing I've ever witnessed. By nearly days end though, I had to get some
answers. I shuffled my feet slowing towards Isabella's desk in anticipation of...something. I didn't have a fucking
clue what I would say, but I knew something was coming out of this mouth today. As her boss, I couldn't appear
too intrusive and as a man that wanted to get in her pants, I couldn't come across too possessive and scare her off.
I leaned against the door frame and just stared at the unsuspecting beauty before me. She typed away furiously at
her computer until I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry, Edward, I didn't hear you. Do you need something?" she asked, blushing. Apparently, I had caught her
off-guard. Oh, I need something alright.

"No... I was just pondering what a woman such as yourself does with her weekends?" Seriously? Is that the best
you got? Shut the fuck up!

"Well, I'm sure they're nothing compared to a weekend with Edward Masen," she said while fucking laughing at
me. I needed to turn this shit around somehow.

"Ah, you really shouldn't make assumptions, Isabella. It's not quite as glamorous as you would imagine. I'll be
hanging out around the house and will maybe watch a few movies, nothing exciting." Gee, way to make her all
hot and bothered about spending a weekend with you!

"That actually sounds really nice," she said with a big smile. Was she serious?

"How about you?" I said, unable to hide my curiosity. "Big plans for a romantic weekend getaway with your

"Psshh, I wish!" What the fuck was she telling me here? Did she wish she had a boyfriend or did she wish the one
she does have was more romantic?
"I'll be heading out to work on wedding plans with my mom. She and her
fiancee, Phil, are getting married in the Spring. My Sunday will be spent at the spa. I'm getting a full body
massage, which I desperately need, and a hot wax treatment." I raised my eyebrows at the new visual in my head
of her getting her kitty waxed and my hands giving her a truly full body massage. Shit, I'm dizzy!

"I mean, hot paraffin wax on my hands and feet. Keeps them soft and supple," she quickly refined.

My lips curled slightly and I looked at my feet, feeling embarrassed, "Of course." Silently praying she wouldn't
take note of the bulge that had formed in my pants.

"Besides, Edward, you know what they say about assuming?"

I couldn't help but laugh as she called me out with her snarky retort, "Touche." However, I do believe she just
gave me the bit of information I'd been hoping for. An excitement bubbled inside me and fear that I could no
longer use that as an excuse not to persue her. I would have to make a move sooner than later and with that

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realization I spun on my heel, quickly returning to my desk in hopes that she hadn't seen the panicked look that
I'm sure now graced my face. Quit being such a little bitch, dude!


I sat staring out the window for what seemed like an eternity. She was not attached to anyone. But would she be
interested in me? She performed for me every night. Or was it for someone else in my building? She accepted my
gift, crude as it was. However, there was no way to know it was from me. Was she hoping it was from someone
else? Do I confess my involvement in this little game? Will she think I'm some sick, perverted bastard? You Are!
It's so true, I should not be peering into her windows at night intruding on her private moments. For one, it's
inappropriate; two, I'm sure it's illegal; and three, my mother would kill me if she knew what her son was up to,
degrading a woman in such a way. Women seek me out, so the thought of me having to partake in a peepshow to
get my rocks off was absolutely ludicrous. I never even attempt to get my rocks off here in my office, so does that
make it better? No, I didn't think so.

If I thought the show I got the night before was hot, it was nothing compared to what was on this nights agenda.
As I took my usual position in front of the window in my darkened office, I fought the guilt and self-doubt I had
plagued myself with all afternoon. I pulled out the binoculars and my ashtray, preparing myself for what might be
in store tonight. I saw the light in the reading area come on and lifted the binoculars to see Isabella just closing her
front door, setting her purse on the plush chair and laying her overcoat across the back. She made a bee-line for
the kitchen and emerged with a large glass of wine. She grabbed the dining chair again and my heart began
palpitating with anticipation. She placed it in front of the bedroom window with the front facing me and she
gestured to me to wait. Not sure what that was about, but I'd sit still patiently because wild horses couldn't drag
me away at this point.

I quickly figured it out as she reached in to turn on the shower. She disappeared into the bathroom where I could
no longer see her, but then when she entered the shower, I could just barely make out her silhouette through all of
the steam. The thought of the water streaming in rivulets down her neck, over her tits and parting around her hard
nipples made my dick grow extremely hard. I could see that she had raised her leg onto the step near the door and
my mind envisioned those streams mingling with her soft kitty's hair, rushing past her sex and down her long legs.
My cock was now impossibly harder and straining painfully against the confines of my pants. Although I was
very adamant about not pleasuring myself in my office, there was no way I could handle the pressure of the fabric
digging painfully into my flesh for the duration of the show that had really yet to begin. Besides, I was simply
releasing the button and zipper to allow my dick to breathe, I wasn't actually touching myself. That could wait
until I got home as per the routine.

I sat back, lit a cigarette, and breathed a sigh of relief as my rock hard cock laid rigid against my stomach. Seeing
as how I preferred to go commando, I didn't have to wrestle with the extra constrains of cotton and elastic. I
noticed the shower door open and Isabella stepped out. I grabbed my binoculars for an up close look, but she
moved too quickly out of sight. Not two seconds later Isabella emerged from the bathroom dripping wet, wearing
a pair of fucking heels and carrying her new vibrator. My cock twitched at the erotic sight walking towards the
windows. She approached the chair, stepping in front of it with her back towards me. All I could see was her long
hair hanging wet and straight down her back nearly to the beautiful ass that greeted me. She positioned her legs so
that one leg was propped on the seat and the other was standing along side the chair. Isabella arched her beautiful
back, thrusting her delicious ass out towards me and glanced over her shoulder in my direction.

I gave her the signal that I had been using to show her that I was definitely along for this crazy, sexy ride. I took
three quick pulls on the smoke lighting my cherry with a flash. Isabella smiled and her shoulders shook slightly as
though she were laughing, leaving me lightheaded as all the blood throbbed in my dick with excitement. She
clicked something in her hand and her hips began moving, so I assumed she was playing some music as she so
often seemed to do. She looked back over shoulder at me again this time licking the tip of the dildo and then
plunged the whole fucking thing down her throat. My cock stood at full attention at the sight of that just begging
to switch places with the bunny. I gave her three flashes to encourage her to continue. I extinguished the cigarette
in the ashtray, and with one hand holding the binoculars, the other instinctively grabbed my cock when she slid

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that fucker up her thigh and ran it around her pussy. She was rocking her hips and sliding the vibrator back and
forth. With her legs spread and one elevated, her ass cocked back and the aid of my viewing tool, I had quite a
shot of her gratifying her sexual desires. I began slowly pumping my cock with a firm grip, no longer able to
contain my sexual desires.

She leaned forward on her arm and slid the dildo into her glistening pussy. Pumping it in and out as her knees
began to quiver. I continued stroking my cock at an even pace matching her own, until she fucking slid a finger
into her asshole. Oh, fuck me, Jesus! And she likes it in the ass too? I think I need to marry this woman! Well, so
much for slow and steady, I gripped my shaft tighter and the stroking became more frantic. My breathing was
broken as I furiously tugged on my dick; I forced myself to keep my eyes on the wicked enchantress as my
orgasm rose within me. I knew she was close as well and I didn't want to miss this for the world. My body tensed
and I gave a few more strokes before halting and shooting my load between my legs and onto the carpet below. At
the same time, Isabella removed the dildo and her body shuddered as her sweet nectar ran down her inner thighs.
What I wouldn't give right now to lap up every last drop of that!

As I sat completely exhausted and in awe of the girl that maybe, possibly could be mine, she crossed the room to
the thermostat and returned opening the small window. Her body was glistening with a sheen of sweat that
highlighted and emphasized the curves and contours of her magnificent form. Looking straight in my direction,
she blew a kiss, which caused my breath to catch in my throat and gave a strange ache in the pit of my stomach.
This nasty girl was a snake charmer as she exhibited a professed power to charm and fascinate me on every level.
I knew I had to finally man up and do whatever I had to do to make Isabella mine.


Friday passed in a blur as my mind reeled with all the images, thoughts and desires racing through my head.
Having plans to meet my family for dinner, I begrudgingly left the office when Isabella did. I stepped onto the
elevator behind her and she must not have been paying attention as she spun around and crashed into my chest.
She blushed and apologized causing me to smirk at how fucking adorable she was. I realized that now might be
the perfect time to give her some clue of my interest and inched behind her as the elevator filled. As our bodies
were pressed in the tight quarters, I couldn't resist leaning into her scent, into her silky hair, into her ear and
whispering, "I love seeing your little kitty play so nicely with the new bunny."

When her breathing stopped and was then followed with a sharp gasp, I knew I had her right where I wanted her.
The elevator doors opened with a ding at the main lobby and the people filed out one by one. I leaned in once
more, brushing her earlobe with my whiskers and said, "Enjoy that massage, Isabella." She stood rooted to her
spot, mouth gaping as I brushed past her and left for the weekend.


I met my parents and my sister, Alice, at The Italian Village at six o'clock for dinner. This was my first time
seeing Alice since she returned home from Europe. She had been studying fashion design at the Instituto
Marangoni in Milan. After successfully completing all of their Master's Programmes, she stayed on to travel
Europe, visiting all the big name fashion houses. Although, she had plans of creating her own line of clothing,
bags and accessories instead of working for one of them, she got inspired and loved rubbing elbows with the likes
of Jean Paul Gaultier, Louis Vuitton, and Christian Louboutin.

While I listened to Alice carry on animatedly about school, the places she'd visited and her designs, I devoured
my Chicken al Limone. She was so adorable and it reminded me of when we were kids. Although she was four
years my junior, she was never afraid to just jump right in to anything I was doing. No fear of hanging with me
and my friends and we never minded because she was always so funny and excitable keeping us plenty
entertained. I'm so proud of the woman she has grown to be. She's vivacious, confident, independent and a free
spirit. It'll take a strong man to live up to all that Alice embodies.

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Not surprisingly, my father eventually turned the conversation to work and asked how things were going. I
explained that everything was looking good, the department heads were staying on top of things; we didn't seem
to have any major issues at the moment.

"That's great, son! How are you and Miss Swan getting on?"

Keep it together, man. "Excellent! Isabella is doing a terrific job, she never fails to amaze me with her talents."
Yes, she is quite talented. "I'm very pleased with her performance." There's an understatement.

"Ooh, Eddie, I can't wait to meet her," Alice chimed, knowing that I hated that nickname.

When I rolled my eyes at her, my mom added, "She sounds delightful, Edward. I'm glad it's working out well for
you. It's very important in your position to have the right person under you."

Shit, no wood please with my family at the table. Trying to banish the thoughts my mother's statement conjured
up, I simply smirked and nodded in agreement.

After dessert, we said our goodbyes and when I kissed Alice's cheek, she promised to stop by the office soon.


I walked the short distance to the station, praying the cool, crisp air would clear my mind. Unfortunately, the
entire train ride home was spent with my mind swirling around the soft sound of Isabella's voice, the sweet scent
of Isabella's skin, the feel of Isabella's delicate touch, the images of Isabella at work and especially of Isabella at

Finally arriving home, I made a beeline for the shower. I needed desperately to release some of the pressure that
my mind had created. As the water heated, I quickly shed my suit; haphazardly discarding my clothes on the
floor. I stepped into the steamy alcove and breathed a sigh of relief as the hot water trailed down my skin.

With that, my dick was instantly hard, remembering the sight of Isabella in the shower last night. I propped one
leg on the built-in seat, using the same hand to steady myself against the tile. The other hand smoothed body wash
over the length of my unyielding member. I stroked my cock firmly, setting a solid pace. But as my mind
continued to flip through the images of Isabella is various stages of pleasure, the tempo increased. My grip rubbed
from the base of my cock to the tip, giving a gentle squeeze to the head on each pass.

All I wanted was to feel my dick sliding in and out of that glorious pussy. I wanted to pound into her fiercely,
feeling her body yield to mine. I wanted to feel her clench around my cock as she climaxed and her cum dripped
down my balls.

"Fuck, Isabella!" I cried as my tugging became feverish and my body convulsed with it's release.

I would finally be able to relax into my sheets with the hopes that the beautiful woman would grace my dreams.


After a long weekend of rubbing a few out, especially on Sunday when I imagined her full body massage and hot
wax treatment, I was so excited to return to work to see her, to touch her, to finally move this thing to the next
level. My feet carried me at hurried pace into the office and with a big grin I said, "Good morning, Isabella." I
looked like the fucking Cheshire Cat.

I was met with a forced smile and a simple retort of, "Good morning."

Oh no. Ohhh no. What the fuck is happening here?

I was afraid I must have frightened her, but I was also afraid of saying anything more and pushing her too far. I
decided it best to wait for her to make the next move, let her process the fact that she knew that I knew what was
happening here. I could be patient, maybe she was just a little embarrassed and we could ease into it gently.
Maybe the weekend without the release of her shows had her a bit on edge. She'd loosen up and come around
after tonight I'm sure.

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The day passed slowly in anticipation of the entertainment I'd grown to crave like a drug, the withdrawals of the
weekend wearing heavily on my patience. After Isabella excused herself for the evening in the usual fashion, I
shut off my lights and took my seat. I saw her enter the house, proceed to the kitchen for a beer and head for the
bedroom. I lit a cigarette in preparation for our little signals and held my breath. She switched on the lamp and
walked straight the window. I gave her the three familiar flares of the cherry to let her know I was with her. She
simply reached her arms up, grabbed the drapes on each side, staring directly at my window and whipped them

Holy hell, I have really screwed things up, haven't I?

Why was Isabella behaving this way? I thought she'd like to know that we were in this together. I thought she'd be
excited by my comment on the elevator. I had no idea how to go about fixing this and wasn't even sure that I

Unfortunately, the rest of week followed the same pattern.

The most I got from Isabella was watching her run on the treadmill in the living area of the small apartment.
However, I was such a horny bastard that even that was erotic to my perverted mind. She ran fast and hard, clearly
taking out some aggression, releasing some pent up energy. She stared blankly ahead with her iPod earbuds
keeping the beat, setting the pace. She ran for nearly an hour as sweat poured from her body, soaking the white
sports bra through the center of her tits. The exposed skin on her chest, stomach, arms and thighs glistened with
dampness. With the guilt of finding her workout a turn on, I chose to take that vision home with me to relieve my
own pent up energy.


I was oddly comforted by the fact that Friday meant I wouldn't have to endure this torture for a few days. At least
the weekend promised me a get away from the tense atmosphere of the office and the nightly disappointments that
I continued to subject myself to.

I was elated to hear the bubbly voice of my sister boom outside my office around eleven o'clock. She excitedly
gushed, "Hi, you must be Isabella, I'm Edward's sister, Alice!" She prattled on, "Isabella is a nice name, but do
you mind if I call you Bella? I just returned from Italy and Bella means 'beautiful' in Italian. It seems so fitting for
you. Ooh, Balenciaga?"

When she finally stopped talking long enough to take a breath, Isabella interjected, "Hi, it's so nice to finally meet
you. And no, I don't mind if you call me Bella as most people outside of the office do. And yes, it is Balenciaga."

Really? I did not know this about her. It suddenly dawned on me that there was a lot I didn't know about this
woman, she was a mystery to me. Sadly, she didn't seem to want to share any of it with me.

Just then I heard Alice say, "This is my friend Tanya, Tanya Denali. Tanya, Bella is Edward's assistant and he
speaks very highly of her."

I released a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding at their courteous exchange of pleasantries. I hadn't seen
Tanya in years since we'd hooked up for a night when I was in college. I'd seen this girl grow up with my sister
and never really thought twice about her until I ran into her after she'd been partying on grad night. She was
wasted and threw herself at me. She had been at a party at a hotel down the street from our offices and was
walking by trying to find her car. I thought it best if I drive her home in her condition.

Once we got to my car, I opened her door and she poured herself into my leather seats. I admit I took notice as her
already too short skirt rode up even higher. When I climbed in the other side, she leaned over the console
allowing me a nice shot of her tits. She went straight for my zipper and took it upon herself to release my now
growing cock. I wasn't gonna complain. Yeah, I should have felt guilty due to her inebriated state, but I didn't.

She lowered her mouth onto my cock and after a very harsh couple of minutes, I grabbed her hair, pulling her off
my dick before she drew blood. I moved my seat back, lowering it into the reclined position, signaling her to
climb aboard. I reached into the console and pulled out a condom and rolled it on. Meanwhile, Tanya sat up and

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unbuttoned her shirt revealing her bikini top from the earlier pool party. She reached up under her skirt quickly
removing the bottoms before climbing into my lap. She slid herself onto my length effortlessly and began what
would be a very short, rough fuck.

Once I came, she climbed back into her seat, stuffing her bikini bottoms into her purse while I discarded the
condom and righted my pants. It was all very rushed. No words were exchanged. No kisses given. It was clear
that she had set out specifically to get laid that day. And I figured it was a fair exchange, a ride for a ride.

When we arrived at her house, I said, "I'll let Alice know you a got home safely."

She smiled and said, "Thanks, Edward." And it was never discussed between Alice and I, although I assumed she

Fast forward six years and she's boisterously entering my office with Alice in tow and Isabella standing at the
door announcing their arrival. She came right up to me as I stood and planted a wet kiss on my cheek, pressing
her tits into my chest. I smiled a knowing grin and reached to kiss my sister's cheek. We all sat for a bit talking
about nothing of consequence when Alice invited me to join them for lunch.

Tanya's eyes lit up and she zealously added, "Oh, yes, Edward, please join us!"

I chuckled and agreed as we all rose to leave. I informed Isabella I would be back shortly, to which she ignored
me and told Alice it was nice meeting her. She hurled me the evil eye before looking back to her computer. I
noticed out the corner of eye that she was watching our exit as Tanya looped her arm in mine, grabbing my bicep
tightly with the other hand.

Due to all the yammering going on over lunch I returned a bit late to the office. Isabella simply disregarded me
and I was at a loss of what to do or say, so I didn't. I stayed a bit late gathering items to work on from home over
the weekend. As I loaded the documents into my briefcase, I turned to see Isabella's lights on and knew she was
home. I figured I'd stay for one cigarette although I knew I'd only leave crestfallen afterwards.

I was just lighting the smoke as Isabella approached the windows. I nearly cringed waiting for her to draw the
drapes. Instead, she reached under her hair with both hands at the back of her neck. She slid the zipper on the back
of her dress down as far as she could reach and then brought her arms down and behind her back to further it's
descent. The sleeveless, multi-colored dress loosened around her torso and she pulled it off of her arms and down
her hips towards the floor. I too dropped a zipper at this point, eager to finally be seeing the beauty that
mesmerized me.

She turned her back to me and I silently begged her not to walk away. Instead she reached behind her and grasped
the clasp at the back of her bra as I grasped my hardening cock. She released her breasts from the delicate fabric
and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her thong panties. She slid them down slowly and gently as she bent
at the waist to remove them carefully over her sexy heels. That position afforded me an amazing view of her
glistening sex which only caused my dick to twitch with want. I began stroking my cock slowly while reveling in
this long overdue experience.

Isabella rose at a leisurely pace and carefully pivoted back to face me. Her lips were parted slightly and her eyes
were heavily lidded as one hand began moving up her side towards her tits and the other slid slowly towards her
pussy. As each hand was just about to reach it's intended destination and the movement on my cock quickened,
she reached up and drew the drapes closed abruptly.

I waited with my dick in my hand completely dumbfounded until the glow of the light disappeared. My balls
ached for some relief, but I couldn't find it in myself to complete the task at hand, so to speak.

Isabella Swan, you will be the fucking death of me!


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Chapter Three ~ Phone Sex

I'm sorry baby I can't be there with you,

But I got a freaky idea,

'Cause girl I'm in a freaky mood,

So follow directions closely,

It's gonna be the bomb,

And before I let you go darlin',

I'm gonna make you come.

Phone Sex ~ Next


Umm...what the fuck just happened there? My body felt like it was on fire from his touch, his voice, his words.
But all of a sudden I was fucking petrified of what this might mean. I knew I wanted some acknowledgment of
this thing that was going on, but why did he have to do it in an elevator full of people? Why couldn't he have said
something while we were alone in the office? I was mortified, shocked and completely fucking turned on all at the
same time.

What if someone overheard his comment though? What would they think? I was fucking insane for doing
something so crazy when the truth of the matter was that there were probably others in the building at night that
may have seen me. What if word got out about it? What if someone picked up on our exchange? I knew the
trouble this could get us in at work and I needed to put a stop to it. Make that, I knew the trouble I could get in.
Edward was the boss' son, so I seriously doubted anything would happen to him, this was essentially his company
after all. However, the reprimand, probation, possible termination, and not to mention the horrible gossip that
would circulate was something I needed to consider more seriously.

Somehow Edward had just taken the upper hand, the control and something deep inside me did not like that one
little bit. I had quite enjoyed driving this bus and would continue to do so, damnit. Once I made it outside, I saw
Edward rounding the corner at the end of the block. I could have chased him, had it out with him, but I needed to
figure this shit out first. I needed to wrap my brain around what was happening in this cat and mouse game. No,
you need to just cut that shit off now!

The weekend was painfully long as I compared wedding invitation script and fonts, paper quality, verbiage, etc.
with my mom. I wanted to talk to someone about all the indecision in my head, but there was no fucking way I
was telling Renee I was a free peepshow stripper. Sunday was even harder as I tried to enjoy my massage, as
Edward so forwardly suggested I do. I flip-flopped back and forth between anger at his brash, bold comment in
the crowded space and my desire to have his hands all over my body.

Yeah, I started this shit, so I also needed to be the one to finish it. As much as I found Edward attractive and
would thoroughly enjoy a roll in the hay with him, I was getting too old for the fuck of convenience. More
importantly, however, he was my boss and what I had been doing was completely inappropriate. No, I really just
needed to swallow my pride and put a stop to this ridiculous situation before it got any further out of hand and
there was no turning back.


As Monday rolled around, I feared what the day might hold. However, I was sure I could stand my ground if need
be. My plan was just go in and act as though nothing had ever happened, just another day in the office. It was

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difficult, however, as Edward walked in proudly with a grin like the cat that ate the canary and said, "Good
morning, Isabella."

All I had was, "Good morning," in flat tone, trying desperately to plaster a smile on my face. I felt guilty, sad,
angry, and alone. I knew I could have this man for a quick fuck, but it was improper and, truth be told, I wanted
much more than he could ever give me. So with that, I drew the line in the sand.

Edward's smile dropped and his mouth fell open into a look of incredulity as he walked past me into his office. I
glanced back to catch his head shaking in disbelief. He thought he was gonna walk right in here today and have
me fawning all over him. I'm sure he was so used to always getting the girl that he wasn't sure what the fuck just
happened. Well, not this time.

I can get laid all by myself, I don't need to use my boss for such forays. I wasn't really sure what I expected from
Edward when I began my displays. However, when he took the opportunity to call me out on a crowded elevator,
I knew it was simply a game for him. Of course it was a game that I had started, but would ultimately end up
losing in the end. At this point in my life, I needed to find a man that had the same dreams that I had of marriage
and children. I was nearly seven years old when Renee was my age. I was starting to feel like the old spinster
amongst my friends.

I did my best to keep the day flowing in our usual fashion. I didn't want a bunch of animosity or tension weighing
heavily in the air. I just wanted to move on as though nothing had ever transpired between us. However, when I
returned home and went to my windows, I noticed Edward's signal to me. He had either misinterpreted my lack of
attention throughout the day or he was hopeful that I would change my mind. Unfortunately, I had to shut him
down once again as I reached up to close the curtains. There would be no more shows and, if I was being honest
with myself, that realization made my heart ache a little.

The entire week drew on in yet another painful fashion, for more reasons than just the awkwardness at work. I
couldn't find it in myself to seek self-gratification without the thrill of knowing Edward was watching. When I
thought about how I got off on him getting off on me with my shows, it really pushed everything into overdrive.
All my senses were heightened, it seemed. The nerve endings on every inch of my body reacted to the eyes upon
me. Without that thrill, I had no desire to masturbate. It just felt empty and pointless.

However, by mid-week, I was just about at my wit's end from lack of Bunny play. I was cranky and irritable and
needed a release. I even contemplated making a booty call to one of my old boyfriends, but that would only be a
temporary fix for a bigger need. I needed to sort shit out in my head so instead, I opted for a run to relieve some of
the pressure building inside me. I ran for a long time exerting all the energy I had, just pouring it all into the
treadmill. I would give it a beating since I was denying myself a banging.

Friday came as bittersweet. It meant a couple days off from dealing with Edward, but it also meant a couple days
without seeing Edward. As I prepared a memo to the executives per Edward's request, a couple of the prettiest
girls walked in. The brunette walked straight over to me and bellowed, "Hi, you must be Isabella, I'm Edward's
sister, Alice!" She prattled on, "Isabella is a nice name, but do you mind if I call you Bella? I just returned from
Italy and Bella means 'beautiful' in Italian. It seems so fitting for you. Ooh, Balenciaga?" Did this girl ever shut
the fuck up?

The fact that Alice knew the designer of my dress without looking at tags didn't surprise me, Edward had told me
all about her love affair with fashion. After answering all of her questions during her weak moment of pausing for
a breath, she introduced her friend Tanya. She was a beautiful girl, too, not quite as stunning as Alice, but pretty
nonetheless. However, it was what Alice said to her about me that made my ears perk up. She said, "Tanya, Bella
is Edward's assistant and he speaks very highly of her." He does? What did he tell his sister about me? And why?
And when?
Maybe he just put her up to this. Probably just some 'get in her pants' tactic he was utilizing. Typical
man. Nonetheless, I really liked his sister, she was sweet and seemed very genuine.

The other one on the other hand...was fucking annoying! As I escorted the ladies to Edward's office, Tanya
barreled past me with her arms outstretched to Edward and planted a huge kiss on his cheek grinding herself into

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him. Apparently, they were very well-acquainted. I didn't know what to make of that display, but I certainly felt
like I was intruding on something quite intimate. Interesting that he'd be engaging in this game with me and have
her on the side as well. Was I just another one he was trying to add to his legion of conquests? I simply spun on
my heel and retreated back to my desk. Hair standing on end, flush heating my skin, and bile rising in my throat.

Not long after, Edward emerged with both women, telling me he would be joining them for lunch. I irritably
brushed him off, but shared my excitement with Alice for having met her. She just seemed like so much fun.
Tanya, I could do without and Edward...well he was Edward. I was sure he was basking in the attention Tanya
paid him, with the promise of so much more. Grrrr...


Edward was gone for hours which only fueled my bitter mood. When he did return to the office, I ignored him
and he ignored me. Seemed to work just fine. Other than standard pleasantries, I kept to myself for the remainder
of the afternoon. I went home more wound up than before and was bound and determined to find some relief. I
approached the windows to the draw the drapes when I saw the flame from Edward's lighter. Although it wasn't
our usual signal I knew he was there yet again. I couldn't refrain from removing my clothing at that moment as the
desire and pull were too much for me to fight.

I unzipped my dress and removed it slowly. I turned my back to the windows and released the clasp on my bra
tossing it to the floor. I deliberately removed my panties jutting my ass to the glass. When I circled back around to
face him, and my hands began their usual foraging for flesh, I realized I was violating every rule I had created in
the last week. I drew the strength within myself to put a stop to this craziness and pull the drapes closed.

I put my shoes in the closet, washed my face and headed to bed, turning out the lamp as I laid down. I was still
riding a bit of a high from the buzz of teasing Edward. So, thankfully, my hands began to wander with an
eagerness I hadn't experienced in awhile. A drought causes a girl to get greedy is all I'm saying. Just as my hands
descended to south of the Equator, my goddamn cell phone rang.

Glaring at the display, I answered with a clipped tone, "I will not go show a property tonight, Edward! Don't even
think about asking me to. You take care of it yourself, I happen to know you're sitting there in your office right

"Whoa, whoa, wait, Isabella... that's not why I'm calling."

"What is it then, Edward? I'm kind of busy right now."

"I bet you are," he purred. I glowered in the direction of my windows willing him to feel my annoyance with his

"What is it that you want, Edward?" I asked, feigning a lack of interest.

He chuckled and said, "I can think of a few things."

Feeling provoked, I responded with a sharp, "Yeah, I bet you can. However, that's never gonna happen!"

"Isabella, please? What have I done to upset you? Why are you so fucking angry with me?"

I huffed, "You are a typical male, Edward, always out for one for thing and one thing only. However, I'm sure
you, coming from the privileged life you lead, have never been faced with rejection and now it's driving you mad.
Isn't it?"

I guess I figured if I couldn't have Edward the way I wanted him, I'd take out my aggression on him instead. It
was childish, I know, but I couldn't stop myself for some reason.

"It is, make that you are, driving me mad right now. I'll definitely own up the fact that I want you, Isabella, and I
don't like being told no. However, it's much more than that."

"Yeah, I'll just bet it is. Forgive me if I don't buy your lame ass attempts to get in my pants. I know what a man
like you is after, Edward. And you know what? I can get laid anytime I want. I don't need Rico Suave to get my

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freak on. I have my share of fuck buddies that will gladly drop everything to attend to my needs." It was harsh and
hostile, but I felt I needed to lay it all on the table. I was tired of dancing this dance.

"Isabella, you know nothing about me or what I want, so don't even pretend that you do. I do want you, but I'm
not that guy. Yeah, I've had a couple of one-night stands, but that's not what I'm after. I, too, could satisfy my
needs with a quick phone call if I wanted to. However, that's not really my style and I'm willing to do what it
takes to prove it to you. I just need you give me the chance," he begged.

"Hey, I'll admit I was a dumbass by starting this whole mess. However, when you called me on it in a crowded
elevator, at work no less, you scared the shit out of me. I obviously never thought everything through, the
consequences of my actions, the realization that you might act upon it and what might happen to my career and
reputation once everyone discovered that I teased my sexy boss into fucking me. Can you just please understand
that, Edward?" I pleaded.

"So you think your boss is sexy, huh?" he countered.

"Edward, please, I'm being serious."

"I am too, Isabella. Stop pushing me away and give me the chance to prove myself to you, prove myself worthy of
you. We can and should be all business in the office, I just want the opportunity to get to know you better outside
of it. That's not such a bad thing your know."

"I don't know, Edward, I'm too old for games. I don't have the time or the energy," I replied, a bit baffled at his

"I'm not looking for games either. Just you and I getting to know one another, it's as simple as that," he said
pointedly. "In fact, I overheard you telling my sister today that you go by Bella when you're not at work. Is that

He sounded vulnerable and honest, causing me to second guess my first instinct about him. "Yes, it's true. I've
always been known by my friends and family as Bella, for some reason Isabella just stuck at work and I never
bothered to correct anyone."

"I see," Edward said. "Well then, Bella, tell me about your family." I had to give credit though, he really was

And with that we chatted for what seemed like hours. It was nice feeling like he really did want to get to know me
for me.

Hmm...maybe I was wrong about him after all.


I woke early in a great mood for the first time in a long time. I wanted to get my get day started, chores out of the
way for the weekend and maybe be able to take in a movie on Sunday or visit with a friend. Something just to get
out and relax and not be so serious.

I unloaded the dishwasher, scrubbed toilets, and changed my sheets. As I was switching the laundry I heard my
cell phone ringing and ran to grab it from beside my bed. I was actually pleasantly surprised that it was Edward

"Hey, long time, no talk," I answered playfully.

With a slight chuckle, Edward said, "Good morning, Sunshine. How are you?"

"I'm good and you?"

"Excellent! I'm feeling like we made some progress last night and I was hoping we could continue the momentum
over dinner. What do you say, will you join me for dinner tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure that sounds nice," I responded honestly.

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"How does the Flatwater on Clark sound?"

"Perfect! I'll meet you there. What time?"

"Seven o'clock?"

"Great, I'll see you then. Thanks, I'm really looking forward to it," I said genuinely excited about the evening.

"Yeah, me too. Have a nice day and I'll see you soon."

"Bye, Edward."


I wore a simple off the shoulder jersey knit dress in mocha with a pair of black, patent heels. I let my hair dry in
natural waves and added a brown beaded cuff bracelet. Grabbing my coat, handbag and keys I rode the elevator to
the basement parking garage. It was bad enough living in the suburbs and riding the train most of the time, but
now that I actually lived in the city, I never got to drive my baby. This was a bonus of having opted to meet
Edward at the restaurant.

When I arrived I saw Edward standing outside near the entrance finishing a cigarette and the butterflies in my
stomach were suddenly all aflutter. I pulled up and the valet opened my door handing me a claim ticket. As I
stepped around the back of my car, Edward approached grabbing my upper arms and pulling me toward him to
kiss my cheek. I turned my head for him to do so, but he surprised me as he went in deeper and planted a soft, wet
kiss just below my ear. He inhaled deeply as he slowly pulled away and said, "Thanks for joining me tonight,

"Hi, Edward, thank you for inviting me," I said as I tried to gather my composure and offered him a smile.

Although it was much too chilly to sit outside, we were seated at a table next to the windows overlooking the
river. It was quite breathtaking as the lights from all the surrounding buildings cast a beautiful glow and danced
off the water. Edward's large hand was pressed gently into the small of my back as we made our way to the table
and then he stood behind me removing my overcoat and handing it to the host. He then held out my chair and as I
lowered myself down, he bent and whispered into my ear, "You look absolutely stunning in that dress. Every man
in here has is eyes on you right now." He smirked at me as he took his seat, seeing the heated flush on my cheeks
even in the dimly lit room.

Edward indulged my sweet tooth and ordered an excellent German Riesling and we shared an appetizer of Seared
Scallops and Calamari. And for dinner, being my father's daughter, I opted for the Grilled New York Strip Steak
while he chose the Pan Seared Halibut.

"Ah, it's so nice to see a woman that actually eats real food and not just rabbit food," he laughed.

"Way to slide the Bunny in there, Edward," I said before realizing what spilled from my mouth. I turned a bright
shade of magenta, I'm sure, but Edward played it off without embarrassing me further and we were able to just
laugh about it.

Dinner was easy and comfortable as we got to know one another on a different level, a different playing field.
Here we weren't boss and employee, we were simply Edward and Bella on what appeared to be a date... although
we weren't really dating at all. I still had doubts that that word even existed in Edward's vocabulary. Why would
it? He'd could have anything he wanted handed to him at any time.

I was keen to notice that women were always peeking at him out of the corner of their eye - for obvious reasons.
He had looks that exuded sex: his greenish grey eyes and long lashes, the near constant stubble on his perfectly
chiseled jaw, his kissable lips that turned up on the ends into the sexiest smirk, and of course the tousled hair that
looked like he just banged someone in the backseat of his car.

Shit, I need to stop this train of thought or I'll have a wet spot on the back of my dress.

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I, too, couldn't help but take in how sexy he looked tonight in his dark grey tweed sport coat pulled over a deep
blue button down. I was so used to seeing him in a full suit and tie that the sight of the flesh and hair of his chest
was tantalizing. His long legs were draped in the same grey tweed and he wore a pair of polished brown oxfords.

We talked for hours about anything, everything and nothing at all. He piqued my interest when after I told him
how my dad and I enjoy riding dirt bikes and quads he told me that he rides a Harley. That was something I'd
never imagined, but was completely intrigued by. I grilled him incessantly for details. He explained that it was a
Softail Fat Boy in Blue and Black Ice Pearl with polished chrome Bullet Hole disc wheels. He carried on
animatedly about the Twin Cam engine, the shotgun exhaust and chain drive, but when he got to the stroke and
bore, my mind checked out and went to thoughts of stroking his cock and how I wanted him to bore into me with

Thank, God, I was snapped back to reality when the server brought the check; which Edward quickly paid and we
made our way out to the valet. Our cars were brought up side by side and Edward once again gave a gentle kiss
under my ear. It was chaste in intent, but the connotation was exhilarating. I tipped the valet and slid into my SUV
as Edward sunk into his sleek, black Aston Martin Vanquish. I glanced over just as I was ready to pull out of the
parking lot and he rolled his window down. I did the same and he asked, "May I call you again tomorrow?" I
smiled, nodded and drove away.


Edward sure never wasted any time as my phone jarred me awake with his call Sunday morning. "Edward?" I said
with a groggy voice.

"Hey, Sunshine. Did I wake you?" I'm not sure where the new term of endearment came from, but I rather liked it.

"Uh, yeah, but it's okay. Why are you calling so early?"

"Well, I had a terrific idea that I thought you might enjoy," he said enthusiastically.

"I'm listening," I responded, still half asleep.

"How would you like to join me for a ride today? I thought we could have lunch at my place and then take a short
drive up North. It's going to be a beautiful day and unseasonably warm. What do you say, Bella, wanna ride my
hog?" he deadpanned.

"Ha, nice innuendo, Edward," I bit back. "I'd love to go for a ride, that sounds wonderful."

"Great! What time shall I pick you up?" he asked.

"Don't be ridiculous," I countered, "don't waste time and fuel driving down here when I can hop on the train and
be there in no time. I'm very familiar with the route, you can just pick me up at the station. I'll text you around
Highland Park. Around eleven o'clock good for you?"

"Perfect," he said, "see you then."

I rose and after making coffee, showered and dressed casually in jeans, a warm grey cowl neck sweater, and high
lace Doc Martin's. I threw on my leather jacket and made my way to the station. I made it to Lake Forest just
about right on time and as I stepped out of the station, I saw him. Edward sat astride the most beautiful two-toned
blue motorcycle and if I thought he was sexy before, this certainly topped it. I crossed the street pulling my hair
up into a ponytail to keep it from tangling too badly. Edward was relaxed into his seat with a grin on his lips,
Raybans shielding his beautiful eyes, a beanie on his head to corral his unruly locks and arms folded over his
chest. He wore a black leather jacket and had a pair of holey jeans on with none other than Doc's as well. Damn,
he is a man after my own heart after all.

I swung my leg over the back of the bike, propped my feet on the pegs and curved my body around Edwards,
wrapping my arms around his strong, solid torso. He started the bike and gave it a good rev before kicking it into
gear and shooting off down the street. With the vibrations between my legs, not to the mention the incredible

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scent of Edward enveloping my senses, I thought I might have an orgasm at any moment, especially when he hit a
bump. I realized I was grinding myself into the seat as we pulled up to a humongous house.

"Edward, this place is huge! Are you sure you live here alone?" I questioned with a disbelieving tilt of my head.

With a chuckle he replied, "Yeah, I got a great deal on it because it needed a lot of work. I opted to live here while
I fixed it up and I'll be putting it on the market in the Spring when the weather turns warmer. I obviously have no
need for a five bedroom house." He smiled and escorted me through the front door.

Upon entering, I was greeted by the biggest damn dog I think I'd ever seen. His shoulders stood nearly to my hips
and his head was the size of a watermelon. He was very friendly and of course had to lower his head to my crotch.
What the fuck, dude? Get out, you beast! I kind of figured with as moist as I was from the motorcycle ride that he
was going to plant his paws on my shoulders and mount me in some canine mating ritual. Edward informed me
that Riley was a Mastiff and although he seemed like a monstrous bloodsucker, he was really just a gentle giant.

The house was stunning and somewhere in the neighborhood of seventy five hundred square feet, so fairly
massive. It had two stories, plus a full basement and the backyard contained an Olympic sized swimming pool.
Edward had had to drain the green, algae ridden pool, have it resurfaced and replace the pumps before filling it
back up again. Most rooms in the house had to be completely gutted and redone as the previous owner had
destroyed everything when they were foreclosed upon. I never quite understood that, but I suppose desperate
times causes people to do desperate things.

I followed Edward to the kitchen that was lined in warm honey-toned wood throughout including matching panels
on the refrigerator. The counters were covered in tan and black granite as was the wooden island in the center.
Along the windows sat a simple farmhouse style table and chairs in the breakfast nook. Edward motioned for me
to be seated on a stool at the counter and he removed his leather to reveal a tight black Henley. Pushing his long
sleeves up over his muscular forearms, he proceeded to pull a wide array of lunch meats, cheeses, lettuce,
tomatoes, condiments and a package of rolls out. He asked me how I liked my sandwiches and went to work on
making one of the best damn grinders I'd ever had the pleasure of eating. He was right at home in the kitchen
which was a pleasant surprise, most men looked at you like a deer in the headlights if asked to pass the salt.

Between my moans of delight over the sandwich, his laughter at said enjoyment and our easy banter, it was
quickly time to leave. We cleaned up our small lunch mess, let Riley out to do his business and then hit the road.

The back roads and countryside were such a welcome escape from the chaos of the city. However, I often found
myself sinking into Edward, holding his waist tightly with my hands in his jacket pockets and laying my cheek
against his back. I wanted to crawl right inside his leather and feel his heartbeat against my chest, feel his heat
against mine. It was the most peaceful yet arousing experience. The tranquility of holding my body close to
Edward's assuaged my indecision, but the hum of the bike beneath me kept me on edge.

We rode to the small village of Gurnee and stopped on Grand Avenue at Oberweis' Dairy Store for some ice
cream. I got a scoop of Bubble Gum in a sugar cone while Edward opted for Mint Chocolate Chip in a cup and we
sat down at a small table in the corner.

"Why did you choose Bubble Gum?" Edward asked inquisitively. "That just seems so butterflies and Barbies."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shot back.

"Don't get me wrong, you exude femininity, but I would have pegged you for a girl craving something much more
rich and decadent."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe something like Chocolate Fudge Brownie."

"Nope, sorry to disappoint you. I'm just a simple girl at heart and this always reminds me of my dad. Sunday's
were daddy-daughter day and he took me out for ice cream and this was my choice every time," I told him. "Even

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though the frozen bubble gum pieces shatter into the consistency of chalk dust, you can eventually work them into
a some pretty good bubbles." I said with a boastful smile.

He smiled and nodded as he swallowed a bite of his Mint Chip. I got the best of both world's though as he spoon
fed me bites of his between licks of my own. He seemed to truly enjoy both, which I found quite comical and
totally male of him.

We didn't stay long as Edward insisted on driving me all the way back to the city. We pulled up right outside my
building and I climbed off the bike when he killed the engine. I turned to thank him and he reached up behind my
head and pulled the band from my hair, releasing the mess around my shoulders. He fluffed it a bit before
grabbing a handful at the nape of my neck and pulling me down to him. However, a kiss under the ear was not his
intention this time.

Edward's cold lips lay gently against my own in a controlled manner as he gauged my reaction. I felt myself
relaxing into him and his kiss grew in intensity as he tilted his head to deepen it, pulling me closer into him. His
mouth parted and his tongue laved my bottom lip sending a chill up my spine. I met him in the middle with my
own offering. Our tongues engaged, circled and threaded around each other in a sensual dance. Neither was
fighting for domination, only yielding to the touch of the other, melting into the soft caress.

I pulled away slowly as Edward groaned, his eyes still closed. I smiled at his expression full of longing as he
lazily lifted his heavy lids and grinned from ear to ear. With his hand still entwined in my hair he pulled me back
down for two more quick, chaste kisses. He released my hair and I stood upright licking my lips. I thanked
Edward for a fantastic day and he did the same before riding off down the street with a tiny piece of my heart in
his back pocket.


I went upstairs and took a long, hot shower to remove all the road grit from my skin and smooth the tangles from
my hair. Just as I curled into my reading nook with a good book and cold glass of wine, my phone rang. I had left
it beside the bed when I peeled my clothes off earlier. Returning to my room, I settled onto the bed when I saw
that it was Edward.

"Hey, you made it home fast," I said as I answered his call.

"I did. I was headed for the shower, but was anxious to hear your voice once more and didn't want to call too late.
I wanted to thank you for today, I had a really great time."

"Ooh, me too. I love the peaceful release of getting out of the city, feeling the wind in your hair and not having a
care in the world. The company just made it all the better," I said with a shy smile on my face. "And of course,
lunch was excellent and meeting Riley was...interesting."

Edward laughed and said, "He was quite smitten with you."

I, too, giggled and said, "What gave you that idea? The way he buried his nose in my crotch?"

"Well, he is a smart dog and I can't say that I blame him."

"Hmm, is that so? Well, I guess I should really let you get to your shower then," I said mocking him.

"Well, I just want to try one thing first," he said in a sultry tenor.

"Oh, yeah... and what's that, Edward?" Not quite sure where this was headed, but not really giving a shit either.

"Is your Bunny close, Bella?"

My breath hitched at his question and I replied, "Yes, I keep it in my nightstand. Why?"

"Because you're going to need it," he said definitively.

"I am?" I squeaked.

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Mmhmmm," he purred. "Now I'd like you to get naked and lie down with Bunny by your side."

I knew I should fight the urge to proceed, but it had simply been too long and the last few days with Edward had
been absolutely amazing. He did things to me that no other man ever had. Not only was he mindblowingly sexy,
but his voice telling me all the little details of how much his family meant to him and how he and Alice got into
trouble as kids and what classes he took in college, made the pit of my stomach ache with want and need.

I set the phone down momentarily to yank my camisole over my head, stepped swiftly out of my tap pants and
tore Bunny out of the drawer before lying down with my phone cradled between my ear and shoulder. "Ok,

"Are you ready, baby?" he asked, his velvet voice caressing the last word.

I hummed in response encouraging him to continue, "Good. Bella, I want you to lick your fingers and circle them
around your nipples. Are they getting hard? Standing up and begging for more?"

"Yes," I replied breathlessly.

"Mmmm...so is my cock, baby," Edward said seductively and I could not suppress the whimper that escaped my
throat at that moment.

"Now I want you to lick your tits, swirl your tongue all the way around your nipples and blow."

"You want me to lick them?" I asked sardonically.

"Come on, Isabella, do not play coy with me. You have the perfect tits for licking and I've seen you do it.
Remember?" he asked mischievously. I simply blushed at his words remembering that I had in fact done that for
him. He snickered as though he could see the heat rise on my cheeks. "Do it, baby, and then I want you to reach
down between your legs and tell me what you feel."

I did as Edward commanded and felt myself getting extremely excited from his words alone. Despite my earlier
conviction that I preferred to lead this crazy dance, the fact that he was dominating the situation right now was
such a turn on. I slid my fingers down through the folds of my flesh and responded to his request, "Mmmm,
Edward, my pussy is so fucking wet right now. So hot and slick."

I could hear Edward's breathing turn ragged and he groaned, "Fuck, Bella! I need you to do something else for
me. There is nothing I want more than to bury my face between your creamy thighs and taste your wet pussy. I
want to lick every last inch of your moist slit. Suck your fingers clean and tell me how you taste, baby."

I hummed again with my fingers in my mouth and with a smack, I replied, "I taste sweet, but salty... like ocean
water and honey." Edward nearly hissed at my analogy.

"Oh, yes," he breathed heavily. "Now bend your legs and lay them down to the sides so you're spread wide open
for me, baby. I want you to turn Bunny on a low vibrate and slide it back and forth between your lips because I
want it to be nice and wet."

I did as I was told and my sex was throbbing from the sheer eroticism of having phone sex with Edward. "Now,
Isabella, slide it in." To which I quickly obeyed. Fuck, I love this domineering Edward! I wasn't sure where he
came from, but I wanted to keep him in my pocket like my own personal pleasure toy.

I gasped as I thrust Bunny is as far as it would go and my hips bucked when the nub hit my swollen clit.

"Ohh, yeah," he whispered, "doesn't that feel good, baby? I want you to imagine that lucky little bunny is my
cock. Now, turn up the vibrations and add the motion. I want you to fantasize that it's me ramming my dick into
your sweet pussy fast and hard."

My head dropped back down to the pillow and my eyes fluttered behind my lids as the sensations overtook me.
The vibrations, the swirling deep inside me that kept grazing my g-spot, the liquid velvet voice breathing heavily
into the phone and talking dirty to me were going to quickly push me over the edge. I could hear Edward's
breathing ramp up and I had to ask, "Edward, please tell me what you're doing right now?"

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"Mmmm, baby, I'm stroking my big, thick cock imagining that it's sunk deep into your pussy. Feeling your wet
heat envelope me as your body takes every inch of me inside it. I want to feel your flesh stretch and mold itself
around my dick. Feel your muscles milk me for every last drop." As he spoke, my ministrations sped up and I
suspected that his did as well, as both of us were nearly panting into the phone.

"Ungh, Edward, yes," I whimpered breathlessly.

"That's it, baby, cum for me. I love that I can finally hear your beautiful voice while you get off. I want to hear
you scream my name as you do it. Come on, Bella, give it to me. I've gotten to see it. Now let me hear it. And,
fuck, I just want to taste it!" he exclaimed. And with that we both fell over the edge.

"Yes... fuck, Edward!" I cried.

Edward let out a deep guttural moan and grunted my name as his own climax ripped through his body. We were
both panting and trying to catch our breath when he said, "That was so fucking hot, listening to you cum with my
name on your lips."

"Wow... that was amazing," I responded, still struggling to regain myself. "Thank you, Edward, for that little treat.
Now, hit the shower, Masen!"

"Ooh, turnabout is fair play, it's your turn next time," he replied wickedly, inferring I would take the upper hand
in our play. "Good night, love"

After hanging up I stumbled to the bathroom to clean up and opted for the other side of the bed to avoid the wet
spot. I knew I would sleep well tonight after all the activity of the weekend and tonight's exertion. I knew I should
probably hate myself for what just took place, but I really didn't. I still wasn't certain about what this meant for us,
but for now, for this moment, I was at peace.


The following week was brutal as we had meetings with management and individual departments from nearly sun
up to sun down. Edward conducted each meeting while I took the minutes and drew up summaries for each
department head. We barely had time to eat and refuel, let alone carry on a conversation. We were both exhausted
by day's end and could only manage to drag ourselves home each night. Edward still called me once he got
settled, but the fatigue got the better of us and the expenditure of an orgasm via phone sex was not even

Somewhere in the middle of the mayhem, Alice stopped by the office and asked me if I wanted to go out to a club
with her on Friday night. I hadn't been out with girlfriends in ages, so I hastily agreed, not even entertaining the
thought that Edward may want to see me as well. However, because I had yet to make a decision about what to do
about us, we certainly weren't a couple and I didn't need to answer to him. Alice bounded down the hall with
excitement upon my acceptance before ducking into Mr. Whitlock's office.

I broke the news about Friday to Edward as an afterthought towards the end of our conversation that night. His
voice dropped at the understanding that I would not be available even to chat, but he was also eager for Alice and
I to get to know one another. I promised that I would call him Saturday morning and he simply agreed with


When it came time to leave work on Friday, Edward said he needed to tie up a few loose ends before the weekend
and did not depart with me. I reminded him I would call him in the morning and rushed home to prepare for the
evening out with Alice. I really needed a nice, long, hot soak in the tub to relieve some of the stress of the week
before I ventured out with Edward's verbose little sister.

Once I was sufficiently pruned like my grandmother, I dried off and moisturized allowing my body a few minutes
to cool and my skin to smooth itself out. I wore an electric blue strapless Hervé Léger bandau dress accompanied

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by suede heels with lattice-work straps of the same color. I left my legs bare and hair down, but added some
dangly earrings and a black clutch to complete the look.

I met Alice at the lounge in my lobby for a few appetizers before getting shit-faced. Being the fashion diva that
she was, she wore a vibrant pink dress with rouching in a one shoulder design. Black patent peep-toe pumps and a
matching clutch with silver jewelry to play off her dramatic make-up. She really was a stunning girl which came
as no surprise considering how beautiful her brother was. She chattered on incessantly and I decided right then
and there her new nickname would be Chatty Cathy. It was tough to get a word in edgewise, but it was hard not to
catch her enthusiasm for life.

I did have to ask her about the comment she made to her friend last week about Edward speaking very highly of
me. "When was Edward talking to you about me?"

"Well, my dad can never leave work at work and was grilling him a couple weeks ago at dinner about the new job
and how you were working out for him."

"Oh, so he was just talking about me in general in relation to his position then? Ok, makes sense," I said, my voice
laden with relief and disappointment at the same time.

"Yeah, but there was something about him when he spoke about you."

"How do you mean?" I asked knowing I should leave it well enough alone.

"Well, his face lit up, his eyes sparkled, his tone of voice was more animated and I think he may have even
blushed," she added with a smirk. She had that same mischievous grin he did which was unnerving. "You like
him, don't you, Bella?"

I simply suggested that we get going with a flush on my skin and she giggled and thankfully let me off the hook.
We paid our tab and had the doorman hail us a cab to hit the club.

Alice was on the guest list at the Bon V and had arranged for us to have Table Service. Our attendant escorted us
to our private area and I noted the large bottle of Effen Vodka and various garnishes on ice. However, as we
rounded the corner I also spotted Alice's friend Tanya seated at the booth with a drink in her hand. Alice hadn't
mentioned that she would be joining us, so I guess I was caught a little off guard.

Tanya stood to greet us both with hugs and a kiss on Alice's cheek and she looked absolutely amazing. She wore a
tight, champagne colored dress by the same designer as mine with a pair of black, lizard print Jimmy Choo
sandals and black and gold accessories. Her reddish hair was as untamed as she seemed to be. She was kind and
appeared genuinely pleased to see me, so I relaxed a bit although there was something about her that I still didn't

We sat and drank for a bit getting a good buzz on while appraising the goods and being catty about the
competition. We moved to the dance floor together acting as wild as high school girls at a cheer competition. We
jumped around, through our hands in the air and laughed hysterically. We danced for awhile fending off advances
of the men, giggling each time one of them left dejected before returning to our table.

We were all pretty lit when Tanya began asking me questions about Edward. I had no idea how long she had
known him but I assumed it had been for quite some time. She asked, not so tactfully, "So, are you fucking

I gasped and shouted an incredulous, "No!" To which she stuck out her bottom lip in a mock pout.

She gleefully responded, "Well you really should consider it because he is one hell of a lay." My back grew
impossibly more rigid with the uncomfortable situation. Why did this bitch find it necessary to rub this shit in my
I glanced at Alice awkwardly and she gave me an apologetic shrug. I sat speechless as I tried to process the
information before me.

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"I rode him like a fucking stallion on grad night and he loved every second of it," Tanya spewed shamelessly. "If I
were his assistant, I would so be taking "dick-tation" from under his desk on a regular basis," she continued
complete with air quotes on the word dictation.

"So what's your problem anyway? How could you pass up a fine piece of manmeat like that? Unless, of course,
you're a carpet muncher," she threw in with a venomous grin and a glint in her eyes.

Alice finally interjected, "Ok, Tanya, I think that's enough talk about Edward. We're not really interested in
hearing anymore about your escapade with my brother, nor does Bella deserve to be ridiculed by you."

Turning to me, she added, "I'm sorry, Bella, don't pay any attention to Tanya, she's drunk."

I finally had to remove myself from the distressing setting before I lost my shit and tore into Alice's best friend. I
made up some lame excuse about having an early showing in the morning, kissed Alice and darted for the door.

Climbing into a cab I had conflicting emotions. I was angry at Edward for not having told me about Tanya, but I
also had to temper that with the fact that we hadn't even gotten to those discussions yet. Another thing that
bothered me was the pure hatred for Tanya I felt as the jealously set in that she had been with the gorgeous man
when I had not. One thing was for sure, I never wanted that bitch to get her paws on him again! Finally, I realized
that I was tired of being cautious, of playing it safe where Edward was concerned. I was tired, drunk, irritable and
horny. About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was fucking hot. Second, there was a part of
him–and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be–that seemed genuine about his desire for me, as well.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in need of getting laid...like now.

Unfortunately, it was late and Edward would be miles away in that big house, but I knew I could have the next
best thing and call him for a little phone sex. I dialed his cell and, to my delight, he answered almost
instantaneously. "Bella, is everything okay?"

"Hi, Edward," I cooed. "I'm on my way home and just wanted, or more like needed, to hear your voice."

"Oh, yeah?" he asked with a husky timbre. "What else do you need, baby?"

I blushed at the realization that the cab driver could probably hear me, but I couldn't find it in myself to give a
fuck at the moment. "Mmmm, Edward...I need you. I need to feel you pressed against me. I need to feel you
inside me."

Edward groaned while I paid the cabbie and winked at the doorman as I entered my building. I marched straight
for the elevators eager to strip off my dress and continue this conversation with Edward and Bunny.

Edward's request was a near whisper, "Tell me how you like it, baby. Tell me what you want me to do to you."

The elevator signaled it's arrival and the doors parted. I stepped on staring at my feet with the phone to my ear not
wanting to make eye contact with anyone for fear my dirty thoughts would be evident. I turned to push the button
for the fourteenth floor when I was crushed against the wall by a sudden impact. I gasped and dropped my phone
as I looked straight into the voracious eyes of the man grinding himself into me. He pressed his lips furiously
against mine devouring me with his assault.

He glanced out the corner of his eye as his hand reached out and pressed the "door close" button and then the
number fourteen. As I fought for breath with the intensity and shock of it all, he moved his mouth roughly to my
neck. He nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin under my ear foraging a trail to my bare collarbone. I whimpered
breathlessly, "Edward, what you doing here?"

"I'm taking what is mine, Isabella," he growled and I felt my entire being surrender to him in that moment.

"But, no, what are you doing here...now?" I pressed.

"I waited for you. I wanted to make sure you got home safely. I saw you in this dress from my office and I didn't
like the thought of anyone else looking at you the way I do, having the thoughts about you that I do. So, I waited."
he breathed heavily into my ear as he pressed something very hard and very large into my hip.

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Is that a mag lite in your pocket, big fella, or are you just happy to see me?

He wedged his knee between my legs and kicked at my feet for me to spread them. Edward anchored his right
hand at the back of my head fisting a handful of hair and pulling me into another aggressive kiss while his left
hand made its way to my thighs. He pushed his hand roughly up my tight dress seeking the warmth within.
Pushing my panties aside, he forcefully sunk two fingers inside my aching flesh causing me to shudder. Edward's
breath stuttered as I cried out his name.

The ding of the elevator signaled a stop and he removed his fingers abruptly and stepped back. He bent to pick up
my phone and righted my dress quickly while down there. He adjusted his tie and we both glanced up to see that
we had arrived at my floor. We smiled at each other with eager impatience. I searched frantically for my keys but
ended up fumbling them. Edward snatched them up rapidly from the floor thumbing through each key until he
found the right one.

We both shook with the electricity of the moment and the realization that once we opened this door, everything
would change. There was no going back.


Chapter Four ~ The Animal

I don't feel the need

to behave anymore

and if you try to hold me back

I'll lick your bones

Pulsating fire

inside of my veins

you feed me

you need me

never let me go

The Animal ~ Project Pitchfork


"Are you coming, Edward?" Bella asked.

"Not yet," I replied with a sigh, "I've still got awhile. You go."

"Are you sure? Can I help?"

"No, I just want to tie a few things up first. Don't worry about me." I was pouting, but didn't want her to see it.

"Ok, if you insist. I'll call you in the morning," she said as she turned on her heel to leave. "Good night," she
purred as she looked over her shoulder and winked at me.

I was actually very excited that Bella was going to be spending some time with my sister, but I was secretly very
jealous that my sister was going to be spending time with Bella. I wanted to be the one entertaining her this
evening. I wanted to be the one monopolizing her time. I wanted to be the one she would be getting dressed up

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for. And I certainly did not want other men looking her up and down and dancing with her. My body is the only
one that should be pressed against hers, dancing or otherwise.

After I finished a few neglected tasks, I loaded my briefcase with items that needed my attention over the
weekend and called to check in with the dog sitter. Then, I shut out my light and waited. I needed to see how
Bella would be dressed for her girl's night out. Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I obviously needed
something more to slowly torture myself throughout the evening.

Damnit all to hell if she didn't look fucking stunning! She wore a strapless royal blue dress that was sexy but
elegant against her creamy complexion. My dick was instantly hard, but ached over the realization that someone
else may get to touch that body tonight. Although I had no rightful claim to Isabella, I was damn well going to
wait for her return. I could definitely tell myself that it was to make sure she arrived home safely, but my heart
knew it was out of pure jealousy and I needed to know if she'd bring another man home.

After Bella and Alice climbed into a cab and disappeared down the street, I made my way down the elevator and
out to the curb. I knew it would be a long night so I figured I'd get comfortable. I bellied up to the bar in the lobby
of Bella's building. She couldn't see me from the entrance, but I could make out the door from the reflection in the
windows. I ordered a drink and a sandwich to hold me over for the night.

As I sipped my Jefferson Bourbon, sinking back into the hard wooden seat, my mind began to wander to my time
with Bella. I thought of her breathtaking beauty at the restaurant and how proud I'd been to have her on my arm. I
thought of the fresh aroma of her skin when I kissed her neck. I thought of how right her body felt against mine
on the bike. I thought of the taste of her lips which still held a hint of bubble gum and mint. And I thought of the
sound of her sultry voice over the phone as she let me pleasure her with my words. Damn, I'm getting a boner in
the bar.

Luckily, my phone rang giving me a little relief, but only briefly. It was Bella, which had me worried that maybe
something had happened. She informed me she was headed home and basically wanted to play. The fact that she
was coming home - where I just happened to be - and feeling frisky enough to call me had me suddenly very
worked up. She told me she wanted to feel me inside her and that fucking drove the animal inside me nuts! I
needed to feel her from the inside and out. I needed to finally claim her as my own.

When I saw Bella through the glass as she entered the building with a devilish grin on her face and talking to me
on the phone, I could not hold back the urge to go to her, to take her. I stepped into the elevator silently behind
Bella and ravished her the second she turned around. I should have thought better of that approach but my brain
was now on hiatus and my dick was leading the charge. I kissed her lips roughly while pressing my hard-on into
her hip for the slightest bit of relief. When I moved to her sexy neck and exposed collar-bone, she asked me what
I was doing. I couldn't stop the caveman in me from responding that I was taking what was mine. Dude,
aggressive much?

After clarifying why I was there in that moment other than to clobber my woman over the head...with my dick, I
went in search of the golden ticket. I needed to feel her pussy, feel the heat, feel the wet within. The moan, the
trembling and most importantly my name that spilled from her lips told me all that was for me, because of me
letting the animal forge on.

Once I opened her door and we stepped inside, I locked it behind me. She turned to place her bag on the chair and
I grabbed her wrist. She gasped again as I spun her around with her back against the side wall and forced her
hands above her head. She complied easily as I crushed my lips to her with a force I could not contain. Holding
her hands high with one of mine I used the other to tug the hem of her dress up to her hips, exposing her lacy,
black panties. I yanked them down roughly and she moaned, adding fuel to my fire. I spread her legs and once
again probed deep within her folds. Bella's pussy was so hot and wet and just begging for more. I whipped her
around to face the wall with her hands still held high so I could remove the cumbersome dress that was in my
way. With shaky hands I slowly slid the zipper down, revealing the delicate skin of her back, laying wet kisses
down every inch as it was uncovered. Sliding the dress over her hips and to the floor, I now had my prey exposed.

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I led Bella to her room and with a growl ordered, "Lay down on your stomach." I positioned her so that she bent
at the hips over the edge of the bed and had her legs spread in a wide "V" with her feet planted firmly on the floor.
Although I knew she was good and wet, I wanted to taste the depths of her, so I proceeded to work it out of her.

"Bella, I'm going to make you cum so hard tonight you'll see fucking stars. And you're going to do the same for
me," I said, a little smug.

I reached into the nightstand beside me as I knelt on the floor. "Hmmm...what do we have here? Looks like kitty's
little friend wants to play too," I teased as I coated the middle finger of my right hand with her juices. I turned
Bunny on a slow vibrate and eased it into her pussy effortlessly as Bella's body began to quiver. As I pumped it
slowly back and forth making sure to bump her clit with the side piece, I began deliberately circling her anus with
my wet fingertip. He moans became more and more intense at the prospect of what might come. I eased my finger
in ever so gently, careful not to rush. I knew she enjoyed this kind of thing, but I didn't want to hurt her in the

Her breath hitched for a brief moment and I halted all movement to which Bella responded, "N..No...don't stop,
Edward. Please? Don't stop!" That was all the prodding I needed and I began a slow rhythm as her breaths came
in pants. I increased the speed of the vibrator and turned the motion on causing it to swirl inside her. I could feel it
spin around against my finger through her thin inner wall and knew what it must be doing to her g-spot. Fuck,
seeing Bella so exposed and vulnerable and completely at my mercy had me salivating like a goddamn vampire
about to strike. I vant to suck your pussy. You are one warped motherfucker, Masen!

It didn't take long for Bella's trembling to increase and her knees to nearly buckle as her orgasm rolled through her
body. I removed the dildo but left my finger just as she had shown me before. Her labored breathing was quick
gasps for air as she moaned and writhed in front of me; crying out my name as her cum ran down her milky
thighs. Her body shuddered as I slowly removed my finger and dropped my head to her legs. I wanted to lap up
every last drop of nectar this woman gave me. I slowly licked up each leg just to the apex and then dropped and
began again. Once each thigh was completely clean, I pressed the flat of my tongue on her clit. She jumped at the
contact on her swollen nub and I chuckled. I took my own sweet time drawing my tongue up toward her throbbing
pussy circling around the hole several times before sinking it inside.

"Ungh...Edward...that feels...that feels so fucking good." I moaned at her words and she squealed at the sensation
created by the vibrations.

I used the thumb of my right hand to rub gentle circles around her clit while I placed the middle and ring fingers
of my left hand into her pussy. Curling them down toward her pelvis I was able to stroke Bella's g-spot. Her
breathing ramped up again and her moaning intensified, so I figured a little dirty talk would only bring me the
mother lode.

"That's it, Bella, cum for me. I want to watch you cum. I want to see what I do to you." And with that she plunged
over the edge and my fingers dripped with her heat. I sucked the juices off before cleaning her once more with my

I told her to stay put as I washed my hands and retrieved a warm, wet washcloth from the bathroom. I returned to
clean her up and as Bella slowly regained her composure, I said, "Get up." I helped her gently to her feet knowing
she might be unsteady. She stood and looked at me with glassy eyes and a grin of contentment on her face.

"Undress me, Bella," I commanded. She looked me straight in the eyes, bit her lower lip seductively and
proceeded to unravel my tie. She methodically pushed each button of my shirt through the hole kissing her way
down my chest languidly. She tugged the shirt from my slacks and very carefully slid it back over my shoulders
and down my arms. I stood still as Bella reached up on her toes to kiss my neck and then as she glanced over my
shoulder she gasped. "What? What's wrong, baby?" I asked concerned.

She literally purred, "Oooh, nothing is wrong." She walked slowly around my body dragging perfectly manicured
nails along my torso until she reached my back. "This is fucking hot, Edward!" she exclaimed as her hands traced
my upper back from shoulder to shoulder.

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"You like that, baby?"

"I fucking love it. It's amazing and so incredibly sexy. Tell me about it?" she asked.

"The eagle symbolizes strength, pride and nobility and the scroll in his talons holds the Masen family motto. Dum
Spiro Spero means 'As long as I breathe, I hope' in Latin. It's to honor my family and where we've come from as
well as to represent my devotion to them and our future," I explained.

Wow, that is beautiful, Edward," she said as she began kissing across my shoulder blades and down my spine.
When she reached the small of my back and the waist of my pants she worked her way back around to the front
with her tongue. I hissed at the tingle left from the cool air on the wet trail as she moved closer and closer to my
cock. Bella knelt before me with nothing but her strappy, blue heels on and my dick reacted by knocking on my
zipper and begging for freedom. She politely obliged by releasing the button on my pants and very carefully
sliding the zipper down. Once my cock was free, my pants fell to the floor and I toed the heels of my shoes off
quickly so I could step out of them. Bella slid my socks off of my feet and I, too, was in all my glory. I glanced
down and saw Bella lick her lips as she eyed my offering.

Her eyes met mine as she grabbed the base of my cock and swirled her tongue around the rim of my head. A
groan escaped my throat and my eyes rolled back behind my lids for a brief moment at the realization of what was
finally taking place. I snapped my eyes open, not wanting to miss a second of this show. This would be Bella's
finest hour.

"Ohhh, fuck, Bella! You're tongue is so soft and warm," I groaned. Bella dipped her head to lay the flat of her
tongue on the underside and ran it firmly up the length of my cock. Once at the tip, she licked the clear liquid that
pooled and hummed with pleasure. Bella then parted her lips and wrapped them firmly around the head of my
cock with her eyes locked on mine. She proceeded to inch her way down, engulfing my shaft with her soft, hot,
wet mouth. When the tip hit the back of her throat she readjusted her position, allowing her throat to open further
and take in the full extent of my considerable length.

No woman had ever taken me that far. All the other bitches were content with bang, bang, gag...bang, bang, gag.
Not Bella. This woman was fucking amazing. The tight grip of her throat this far down was mind boggling. Her
muscles that held the head of my cock so tightly as she attempted to swallow nearly pushed me over the edge.
Once she found a comfortable groove, she gripped my ass cheeks and pumped my member into her mouth over
and over without fail.

"Yeah, that's it! Suck my cock, Bella, take it all."

I began grunting like the neanderthal that I am and warned Bella with a tug at her shoulders of what was coming.
Pun intended. But she stood firm in her position, never wavering. As my orgasm wracked my body, I held Bella
still and came deep into her throat as she seemed to prefer. She swallowed every last drop that I gave her and I
couldn't help but feel pride in my girl.

"Did you see stars?" she taunted as she stood with a smirk on her face.

Yeah, fucking stars and fireworks as my head felt like it was gonna explode. Pun definitely fucking intended.

"You, baby, are fucking amazing," I said as I laid her back, centering her on the bed. I took my time removing
each of her shoes and working my way back up her supple thighs. Bella shivered and goosebumps rolled across
her skin as my lips ascended her body. I kissed up from legs to her pelvis, planting a wet kiss on her clit. Then I
moved onward and upward with gentle, chaste kisses along her stomach, ribs and breasts. Paying special attention
to her nipples, I laved each one and sucked it into my mouth greedily. Her moans and the arching of her back told
me all that I needed to know. Bella was as immersed in this as I was. By the time I made it back to her mouth, I
consumed the words, the sounds and the breaths that Bella emitted with my own. Our kiss was passionate, needy
and full of want. It seemed as though we could not get close enough to one another.

My dick began to grow hard again with the heat and intensity of the moment and I rested it between her legs. She
was moist and warm as I slid it back and forth against her folds. We kissed and groped and fondled eagerly until

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my excitement could no longer be restrained. Bella raised her legs, pulling her knees into her chest. I placed the
head of my cock at her entrance seeking approval in her eyes. Her heavily lidded gaze and smirk told me she was
more than ready and willing.

I slowly began to penetrate her, careful not to be too forceful. I wanted to feel each movement and maneuver as
her body succumbed to my size. I wanted to feel her flesh stretch, expand and wrap around my mass. I took slow,
short strokes until Bella was able to fully accept all that I gave her. And once I was fully sunk, we both groaned
deeply. I pulled back until I was nearly completely out and then thrust into her heat with a long, full stroke
causing Bella to gasp and her eyes to roll back. When I repeated the action, Bella moaned, "Ungh, Edward, you
feel so good."

I pulled each of her calves up and rested them on my shoulders, allowing me a deeper angle into her sweet sex.
With an unhurried, steady pace, I looked into her deep, dark pools and said, "Mmmm...Bella, your pussy was
made for me, my perfect fit. You're so tight and wet and warm and it feels like home. Like where I belong."

Bella held my gaze and replied deliberately, "Yes, Edward, I was made for you."

With that statement alone, I could no longer hold back and allowed my movements to speed up. I began thrusting
harder, faster and deeper as my desire for this incredible woman craved to be sated. I wanted to consume every
part of her being, of her body. Bella's breathing sped and she moaned with each deep penetration. I panted,
"Oooh, you like that? You like my cock slamming your pussy?"

The pitch of Bella's voice rose several octaves as she whimpered, "Yeah, it feels so good. Don't stop, please?"

"I'll never stop bringing you pleasure, baby," I responded as my pace once again increased and I drove into her
with a renewed force.

"Oh, yes, Fuck me, Edward!" Bella nearly growled with her demands. She was so fucking hot as her tits jiggled
and bounced with each thrust. A thin sheen of sweat made her skin sparkle. She never looked away from my own
eyes although hers were heavily veiled, her lips were parted and her chest heaved with her desperate attempts to
breathe. As I devoured the sight before me, my eyes ventured down to where we were joined. Watching my large
cock fill her sweet pussy so completely was incredibly erotic. We became one in that moment; mind, body and

"Oh, yeah, that's it. I like the way you beg me to fuck your sweet pussy, baby."

I reached down and with the thumb of my hand rubbed small, firm circles on Bella's clit. She was losing control
as her moaning got louder, her breathing was erratic and her body began to quake. I continued to pound her pussy
as her orgasm overtook her. "Yes, Edward! Yes!" she screamed and pulled me over the edge with her.

"Ungh... Fuck, Bella!" I grunted as I spilled deep within her with an intense trembling of my own. I lowered
Bella's legs to my thighs and gently lay my weight down, resting my head between her breasts. Our sweaty bodies
slid against each other as we continued panting and tried to regain composure. Bella clamped her inner muscles
causing my now flaccid penis to slide out. We both chuckled and I think it was more so in acknowledgment of the
line we had finally crossed. What we had just shared was so fucking amazing, but there was no going back. I
think we both knew in our heart of hearts that everything had changed and nothing would ever be the same again.


I woke in the morning with Bella's head rising and falling on my chest with each of my breaths. My hand was
wrapped gently in her soft waves and her arm and leg were draped over my body. Nothing felt more right with the
world than waking with this woman in my arms. I let out a contented sigh and Bella began to stir. She tilted her
head up to look at me and she met my smile with a look of embarrassment ducking her head back down. I nudged
her head up again with my finger forcing her to look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"What have we done, Edward?" Bella groaned. "What have I done? I fucking slept with my boss for Christ's
sake!" She tried to pull away from me, but I wouldn't let her avoid this, wouldn't let her continue down this path. I

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pressed her back firmly to hold her still and braced her cheek in my hand. I looked deep within her eyes that now
threatened to spill over with unshed tears.

"Bella. Baby, please, don't talk like that. Outside of that office," I said gesturing to the window, "I am simply
Edward. I am not your boss. I am the man that wants to be here with you, that wants to hold you tight and never
let you go. Can't you understand that?"

"But, Edward, it'-," she began to object.

"No. No, 'buts', Bella. Knock that shit off! We are nothing more than a man and a woman that are lucky enough to
have found someone we enjoy spending time with and are attracted to. How we came to find one another has no
bearing on us. We need to continue to have our regular working relationship during those hours, but outside of
that we can cultivate and nurture this," I said waving a hand between us.

"Edward, are you sure? So much can go wrong with this situation. What if it doesn't work? What if people find
out and I get fired?" Bella asked anxiously.

"Baby, we'll never know if we don't try and I think we both want to try. And as far are your job goes, I'll
personally guarantee you will not get fired."

"You can-," she tried once again to sway me, but I cut her off with a kiss. A soft, gentle kiss; my tongue imploring
her to just understand and go with the flow. She was tense at first, but eventually her body relaxed into me and her
tongue reciprocated with a sense of surrender. Bella slowly pulled away and looked me square in the eyes as she
said, "Ok, Edward, I'm going to run with this. I'm going to follow my heart and trust that you won't hurt me and if
this all falls apart that I'll still have a job to come to. But, we have to keep quiet about it. Deal?"

"Deal," I assured her with a smile and another kiss to seal it.


After a fucking stellar blow job, Bella agreed to join me for an afternoon at my place. The weather had turned
overnight and the Fall we'd been having with above average temperatures was now gone. Instead, we were left
with a chill in the air under a near constant drizzle of rain.

We drove to the suburbs in her little SUV which was so perfect for her. Elegant and classy, yet sporty and
outgoing. Riley was so excited to see Bella again which brought a smirk to my face as I remembered her comment
about him burying his nose in her pussy. You're such a good boy, I've taught you well obviously. She had insisted
we stop on the way to get him a snack, so Riley was certainly no longer "man's" best friend.

Rather than kick the heat on, I built a fire in the living room, family room and master bedroom fireplaces. I made
salads for lunch and started a stew in the crock pot for dinner. I was pretty fucking self-sufficient, but I wasn't
opposed to sharing my skills with the right woman. As I cleaned up and prepared for an afternoon of movies,
Bella took Riley out for a quick break.

We settled onto the plush couch in the family room for a Jason Bourne marathon. You don't how good it felt to
have a girl that liked action adventure, as this was her suggestion. Doesn't get any better than that! For nearly six
hours straight I sat with my back to the arm rest, one leg up on the couch, the other foot propped on the coffee
table as Bella leaned back against me between my legs. I ran my fingers through her hair, kissed her neck, rubbed
her shoulders, wrapped my arms around her chest and laced her fingers with mine, anything to be in continual
contact with her.

When the last movie ended, I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. We sat down to large bread bowls hollowed
out and filled with a hearty beef stew and a couple of beers. Bella seemed to genuinely enjoy my cooking and I
wanted nothing more in that moment to continue bringing her joy, be it in the kitchen, the bedroom or life in

The rain had tapered off during dinner, so we decided to take Riley for a nice walk to stretch his legs, tire him out
and work off our meal. We walked leisurely from my home to the other side of the subdivision before the rain

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started back up. Although it was cold, we were in no hurry. Riley wasn't much of a runner as he was so big and
old that we bit the bullet and got soaked. We laughed and joked, told stories, and played chase. Something about
being with Bella was always so easy, so natural.

When we returned to the house, we dried Riley off with a towel and put him in his room for the night. He was out
like a light in no time. Then Bella and I made our way to my room to get warm and dry as well. I pulled a shirt out
of the closet for her as she hadn't planned on needing a change of clothes. While I stoked the fire, she slipped into
the bathroom to shed her cold, wet clothing. I told her we could throw them in the dryer. Bella stepped out
moments later with her clothes wadded in her arms, but that isn't what caught my attention. It was the bare feet
with beautifully painted toes, stretching along smooth, toned legs, up to my button-down oxford hanging loosely
over her curves with the sleeves rolled up; her gorgeous mahogany hair cascading down and around her
shoulders, arms and back. That was pure sex on a stick.

Although I immediately had a raging hard on, I took the wet clothes from Bella's grasp, grabbed a clean pair of
boxer-briefs from my dresser and made my way to the laundry room. I quickly stripped off my wet clothes and
added them to Bella's in the dryer before putting on my dry skivs. I poured us some wine and returned to the
bedroom to find Bella curled up in front of the fire. I handed her a glass of wine and then settled down next her.
For some this might have felt awkward or riddled with expectation, but it wasn't for us. It was just familiar and
unassuming. Even when Bella decided to get personal.

"So, tell me about your relationship with Tanya," she said, taking me by surprise.

"What relationship?" I asked.

"Oh, that's right it was just a fuck on grad night, right?" Ouch, she didn't fuck around and went right for the

"Yeah, that was pretty much it," I cringed at the memory.

"Well Tanya, who by the way, and pardon my french, is a cunt, felt so inclined last night to fill me in on on her
version of the details," she said batting her lashes. I chuckled and nodded for her to proceed. "She explained how
she rode you in the car and that if she were in my position she'd be taking "dick-tation" from under your desk at
every opportunity." I laughed even harder when she added air quotes to dictation.

"Hmmm...that's not such a bad idea, you know? I mean you, of course." Somehow she didn't find this amusing.

"Ok, ok, sorry. Yes, she offered up the goods one night when she was shitfaced and I was giving her a ride home,"
I confessed as Bella snickered at the innuendo of a 'ride'. "I didn't fight it, in fact I went along with it. Who was I
to turn down a free piece of ass when I was a starving college student. Haha," she wasn't laughing along with me.

"Anyway, it was the single worst sexual experience I think I've ever had. When she blew me, she raked her teeth
along my cock and I was terrified she was gonna bite me. Then she climbed on me and thankfully that was short
and not so sweet," I explained.

Bella started laughing and looked at me, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. Why?"

"Oh, I just think it's hysterical because she made it out to be this killer night that you couldn't get enough of."

My eyes were wide with incredulity as I laughed a good belly laugh and assured Bella that that was indeed not the
case. I told her I would own up to it if it was, but that Tanya was miserably embellishing the story for her benefit,
I'm sure. I've no idea why she felt so inclined to share that and cause trouble now, over six years later. What a
fucking bitch! I should have
never stuck my dick in that! Luckily, Bella relaxed when she realized that I'd told her
nothing but the truth.

We moved on to lighter subjects and she offered to rub my back. I rolled onto my stomach and Bella straddled my
butt. Her moist heat penetrated my boxers causing me to shift slightly to accommodate my growing distraction.
Bella's hands were warm and soft, yet strong and commanding on my skin. She ran them aggressively up my

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spine from my waistband to my neck and then delicately traced my tattoo. I grinned at the knowledge that she was
so intrigued by it and seemingly turned on. What could be better? Oh, yeah, Bella's hands all over my body. Bella
continued to knead the muscles of my arms, back and shoulders like bread dough which felt pretty fucking

As I relaxed into her touch and felt the day weigh heavily on my lids, Bella leaned over to my ear and whispered,
"Roll over." She didn't have to ask me twice.

Obliging the lady and rolling gently over as she lifted her body momentarily, my dick decided to salute her for her
kindness. She sat back down, gently resting her hot sex against the ridge of my eager cock. She ran her hands
roughly up and down my chest before settling them at my lower abdomen and looking me in the eye with a
crooked grin and a sparkle in her eyes. She lifted ever so slightly and lowered her body down towards my knees.
Running her fingers along the waistband of my boxers she gripped each side with two fingers and tugged them
gently down and off. Bella then climbed right back up toward me hovering as she's growled, "Shall I show you
how a stallion should be ridden?"

Although I was in shock, with pure excitement I responded, "Yeah, baby, show me how a real woman does it."

Bella reached down grabbing my cock and lowered herself slowly onto my member. She made short up and down
motions until she was able to take my full length deep inside her. At that point she settled all the way onto my
loins and I'd swear the tip of my dick was touching heaven. I placed my hand on Bella's thighs as she repeatedly
raised and lowered her body onto my cock adding a slight swivel to her hips. Not so much as to make my dick
feel like it would snap in two, but a sensuous grind adding to both of our pleasure.

"Oh, baby, that feels so fucking incredible," I moaned.

Bella stared me down with dark, intense eyes as her hands rose to her chest to slowly unbutton the shirt of mine
that she still wore. As each button was released my anticipation grew right along with my dick, I swear. After the
last one was freed, she spread the shirt wide revealing her gorgeous tits that I would bet were a large C cup. She
grabbed my hands abruptly and moved them to her chest laying hers over mine. She encouraged the rough
handling of her tits as she guided my movements. We squeezed, we pinched, we twisted, all of which caused her
to throw her head back in ecstasy as she continued to fuck me with more and more force.

"Yeah, like that, makes me so fucking hot!" she exclaimed increasing her pace.

Bella then moved my hands in front of me with my elbows planted on the floor at my sides and laced her fingers
with mine. Using my strength for leverage, she gently lifted off of her knees, careful not to remove herself from
my pole that she so gracefully danced upon. She moved her feet firmly under her so she was now squatting on my
cock, giving her quads a serious workout. Bracing herself with my hands, she continued doing deep squats on my
dick, never losing contact.

"Bella, you are fucking hot. Your pussy is so wet and tight and just grabs my cock each time you raise up."

The firelight danced over Bella's luminescent skin highlighting the peaks and covering the valleys in shadows. I
could no longer contain myself and sat upright grabbing her ass to assist in her momentum. I greedily sucked in
her nipples one at a time. Nipping, sucking, biting; delighting in the bounty. I was completely fucking insatiable
at this point, I felt like I would never get enough of Bella.

She continued to bounce on my cock and throw her head back in wild abandon moaning at the top of her lungs. I
held firm with one hand on her ass so she would not lose her balance or her groove while the other moved to her
clit. I was right on the verge of losing my shit and I needed her to cum with me, which I didn't think would take
much. Sure enough, although she struggled to keep her rhythm, Bella began trembling and crying my name as her
orgasm rolled through her body. Her muscles gripped my cock tightly and milked me for all I had. I released
Bella's tit and looked her right in the eyes as I came deep within her, chanting her name like a mantra in return.

Bella dropped back to her knees and her head hit my shoulder with a thud as she struggled to catch her breath. We
were both panting and sweaty, but couldn't help ourselves from emitting deep sighs at how fucking perfect that

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was. I pulled away from Bella and lifted her head, whispering a very serious, "You've ruined me for all other
women." She laughed, not realizing how true my sentiment was. In that moment, I could not imagine another
woman holding a candle to Bella in any way, shape, or form ever again.

Bella stood slowly, gently stretching her legs and holding a hand out to me. I took it gratefully and rose to my feet
as well. I kissed Bella softly then led her by the hand to my bed. I pulled back the covers and folded the sheet
down helping her climb into the softness. She scooted over toward the middle of the large bed, allowing me to
slide in next to her. Rolling over on her side facing away from me, I was able to snuggle up behind her, wrapping
my arm tightly around her waist and curling my body around hers. We seemed to fit so perfectly together in all
aspects of life, work, friendship, sex. Sometimes we seemed cut from the same cloth.

I leaned into Bella's ear and whispered, "Sweet dreams, baby," before drifting soundly off to sleep myself.


The next morning was another dreary one, but I was intent on starting it off with a bang. Although, Saturday
began roughly with all the angsty talk, Bella made it all better. That's right she fucking honked my bobo. So today,
I wanted to return the favor. She was still sound asleep on her back as I moved slowly, softly and quietly under
the covers. When I reached my destination I parted her legs gently and nestled in between them. Spreading her
lips with my fingers I wasted no time, running a firm path up her slit with my tongue. When I reached her clit, he
body jerked unconsciously. I heard a murmured "Edward" escape her plump, pink lips. To know my name rolled
off her tongue even in her sleep was intoxicating.

I swirled circles around her clit with my tongue and slid one finger inside her as I made a conscious effort to
gently rub my scruffy cheeks on her thighs. Bella's breathing increased from the slow, steady pace of her slumber.
She whimpered several times and began to stir. I felt a cool draft and glanced up to see her lifting the sheet with a
surprised smile on her beautiful, sleepy face. I smiled in return and said, "Good morning, Sunshine."

"Yes, it is a good morning. Wow, I couldn't think of a better wake-up call," she said with a thick, gravely voice.
"Mmm...," she moaned and dropped the sheet at the same time she dropped her head back to the pillow. I
chuckled and felt a sense of pride at her pleasure.

Resuming my task at hand, so to speak, I added a second finger into Bella's pussy as I sucked her clit into my
mouth. Holding the bundle of nerves tightly between my clamped lips, I flicked the tip with my tongue causing
her body to twitch each time. As I pumped my fingers back and forth, Bella's moans became more pronounced
and needy. She was nearing the top and I knew just what to do to help that along. I added a third finger, still
pumping vigorously while sucking and biting at her clit. When her body began really quivering I curled my
fingers upward stroking her g-spot and she came apart. "Uuuunnnggh EDWARD!" she screamed, gasping for
breath and thrashing about. She snapped her knees shut effectively holding my head in place as she added, "Yes!
Fucking Yes! Oh my God! So fucking good!"

Bella came all over my fingers, but it wasn't until she released her grip on my head that I was finally able to lap at
her sweet nectar. The fucking nectar of the gods! I cleaned her right up with my tongue as her breathing steadied,
she stretched her legs and let out a long, contented sigh. I smiled into her pussy as I rose, placing a chaste kiss on
her clit and made my up to her beautiful face. She had a perma-grin plastered on it and her eyes smiled with

I pressed my wet lips into hers greeting her, thanking her and allowing her a taste of the pure ecstasy I'd never be
able to get enough of. "Mmmm," she purred, "my turn." But I pushed off the bed just before she was able to get
her hands around my cock.

"Nope, that was my gift to you," I said with a smirk as she shot me a look of disbelief. I slipped on a pair of black
jeans and a black t-shirt, stepped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I leaned out the door to see Bella still
staring in my direction with her mouth gaping. I laughed and said, "You hop in the shower while I put Riley out
and feed him. I'll bring your clothes and we'll have breakfast when you're done. Oh, and feel free to use my
toothbrush if you like." I wiped my mouth on a hand towel, winked at Bella and left the room.

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I was standing at the stove tending to breakfast when Bella snuck up behind me wrapping her arms around my
waist and kissing my back. This is something I could fucking get used to. I stepped back gently and turned to wrap
her in my own arms. Her wet hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail and she smelled like my body wash. I bowed
my head to kiss her lips softly delighting in how natural this felt. I'd never felt this strong of an attachment to a
woman, but it didn't frighten me, it just felt right.

"Hey, baby, are you hungry? I've made us a large breakfast."

"Mmmm...yes, I'm starved and it smells amazing!" she exclaimed.

"Good. Have a seat at the table here and I'll dish it up." I piled our plates with homemade hashbrowns, crispy
bacon and veggie and cheese omelets. I figured after the last couple of days, we could both use the protein and
carbs. Bella oooh'd and ahhh'd through the entire meal and had no problem putting it all away. She was a lady in
public, an animal in bed and could eat like a man. All aspects that I adored about her.

Bella insisted on clearing the table, doing the dishes and cleaning up. I agreed but was adamant about helping.
She got real quiet as she ran her hands through the hot water filling the sink with bubbles. I wrapped my arms
around her waist and leaned my chin on her shoulder from behind. "What is it, baby? What's wrong?"

With a heavy sigh she said, "Nothing's wrong, in fact everything has been so wonderful that it feels so right!"

"I agree, wholeheartedly. But why are you upset, love?" I asked with concern lacing my voice.

She turned abruptly in my arms and buried her head in my chest. With resignation in her own voice she said, "I
just don't want it to end."

I lifted Bella's chin to force her to look into my eyes. "It doesn't have to, baby, not yet." I bent my knees slightly
and ducked in for a kiss, a hungry kiss. My mouth parted instantaneously and my tongue forced Bella's open as
well. I needed to show her my need, my desire; and for her to understand that I felt the same way. My tongue
swept desperately over hers, searching frantically for the validation of my feelings. Bella returned the kiss with
the same reckless abandon. Our tongues tangled and knotted, then unraveled and twisted again.

As Bella's hands hovered at my waistband, I reached down and grabbed her ass firmly dipping my hands deep
within her thighs. I lifted her so her legs could wrap around my torso. As I continued the kiss I spun her around to
the center island placing her ass on the cold granite. I moved my lips roughly to Bella's neck as I ground my
erection into her warm center and murmured, "Not ever." I'm not sure if Bella caught that, but it shocked me a
little at how true that statement was. I meant it though; I knew I'd never be able to give her up.


Chapter Five ~ Candyward

She was a hot assistant for a boss so fine

She moved across the street into his eyeline

She fucked herself right before his eyes

So he caught her in the elevator and blew her mind

He's a fuckhot boss

Gives her kitty gloss

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He's a sweet-talking, peen-wanking


Candyward ~ ilsuocantante

(set to the tune of Christina Aguilera's Candyman)


Wow! When I left the club that night to escape that snatch, Tanya, I had no idea what lay in store for me. Edward
was there, in my building, waiting for me and he fucking mauled me on the goddamn elevator. How hot was

He was extremely well endowed and really knew how to work that thing. After the incredible sex that ensued, I
was treated to a whole fucking weekend of it. Dear, Santa, I've been a very good girl this year. May I please have
more of

Edward was amazing in every way; he was obviously gorgeous and sexy on the outside, but the inside was just as
beautiful. He was kind, caring, compassionate, and had a strong sense of family. He adored his little sister, Alice,
which wasn't hard to do, and had the utmost respect for both of his parents. His family meant the world to him and
something about that, in and of itself, made my ovaries twitch. I thought of the words he mumbled into my neck
yesterday. I don't think he realized that I'd heard him say, "Not ever," in response to my wish that the weekend not
end. Could Edward possibly be having some of the same feelings that I am?

Shaking myself from those thoughts, I got back to my dilemma...what the fuck should I wear today to keep
Edward wanting more?
I opted for a bold look with a hot pink suit and knee length black boots to compliment the
pencil skirt. I couldn't believe how excited I was to get to work. I felt giddy like I was in high school again and the
quarterback acknowledged me at the big game or something. He made me feel special and I wanted to impress
him, but I also wanted to come across confident, independent and completely desirable.

I saw Edward's car pull into the parking garage as I crossed the street. He would only be minutes behind me and
that thought made my heart race. We needed to stay cool so as not to tip anyone off to our new status. Status?
was our status?

Arriving in the office, I put my purse in my desk and hung up my overcoat before turning on my computer and
preparing myself mentally for the day ahead. Edward entered several minutes later, startling me. I had gone to fix
us both a cup of coffee and was leaving his office after placing it on his desk. I was lost in my thoughts of the
weekend and staring at my boots as I barreled over the threshold and ran smack dab into the middle of his
muscular chest. I was rocked by the impact but Edward wrapped his arms tightly around my waist to stabilize me.

"Unf...Oh, shit, I'm sorry, Edward! I wasn't paying attention, I apologize," I explained.

"No, worries, Bella," Edward chuckled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just embarrassed I suppose," I said, trying to suppress the flush that heated my cheeks.

"There's no reason to be, happens to the best of us. How are you this morning?" he asked with the most beautiful
smile on his angelic face.

"Ummm..." I stammered and then lowered my voice, "better now."

Edward took a deep breath of my hair as he released his hold on me and said, "Agreed." He stepped aside
allowing me to proceed to my desk before entering his office. I was rattled by my blunder, but completely
electrified from his hold on me. Yeah, it is going to be one long fucking day!

I busied myself checking emails, returning calls, typing up notes from last week's whirlwind of back to back
meetings and thankfully time kept a steady pace. The drycleaner brought Edward's suits in around eleven-thirty,
right on schedule. When I entered his office carrying the bundle, Edward glanced up in my direction and grinned

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widely with a sparkle in his eyes. I crossed behind him as usual to hang them in his closet. I hung the items, knelt
to pick up a few stray hangers on the bottom of the closet and rose to my feet.

When I turned, I was taken aback; Edward had spun around to face me and was obviously enjoying the view. He
was leaning back in his chair with his legs spread wide and had a massive erection in his pants. I couldn't stop
myself from licking my lips as my mouth began salivating. I blushed and cleared my throat before proceeding
past him to deflect the situation.

"Bella," Edward said, stopping me dead in my tracks.

With a lump in my throat and unsteady breaths I replied, "Yes, sir."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

As I went to take another step, he said, "Oh, no, the pleasure is all mine," and I felt his hand quickly graze
between my knees and up my skirt.


"I was thinking of going for a cocktail after work. Care to join me?" Edward asked as the close of the day fell
upon us.

"Where did you have mind?"

"The lounge in your building sound good?"

"Actually, more often than not, there are people from work there. How about you follow about five minutes
behind me and join me in my apartment for a drink?" I suggested.

"Even better," he smirked.

"I only have my standard staples though, beer and wine. If you'd like something different I'll have to stop by the
lounge to pick it up," I said.

"Nope, that sounds perfect."

I raced home to make sure I'd picked up my dirty underwear, flushed the toilet and put the margarine back in the
fridge after my frenzied morning. And as if he had an alarm, Edward knocked on my door precisely five minutes
later. I crossed the room, peeked through the peephole and opened the door to the beautiful man I craved. He
stood there smiling, his dry cleaning slung over his shoulder with one hand and his briefcase in the other. I
stepped aside allowing him to enter and he leaned in to kiss me softly as he passed.

"Let me hang those up for you so they don't get wrinkled," I offered as Edward set his briefcase down near my
reading area. I took the bundle from his hands and rounded the corner to hang them in the coat closet by the
kitchen. Edward removed his overcoat and suit jacket and laid them over the plush chair before loosening his tie.

"Would you like a beer or a glass of wine?"

"A beer would hit the spot," he replied with a heavy sigh.

"I was thinking we could order a pizza, if you'd like to stay for dinner? Oh, wait, what about Riley? You need to
get home to him."

"Actually, I already made arrangements for the dog sitter to come by tonight and again in the morning," he said
with a sheepish grin and a slight flush on his face.

"Aha, I see. Pretty confident in yourself, aren't you?" I chided.

Edward slid his body up against mine, pressing me back into the counter, as his arms snaked around my waist and
he dipped to kiss me. His tongue immediately parted my lips and probed for contact with my own. I met his

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challenge, returning the same intensity. I wanted to let him know that I, too, was confident in his desire for me
and possessed the same passion for him. "I am," he said as he broke the kiss and stepped back with a sexy smirk.

"Pizza it is then," I said a little breathlessly and then rushed off to change into something more comfortable.


We settled on the couch, watching old episodes of Cheers and Hogan's Heroes while we enjoyed our pizza and
beer. Although Edward passed when I offered him some dressing to dip his in, when I forced him to try a bite
with my jalapeno ranch he devoured it and continued to dunk his pizza in the dip I had pooled on my plate. I just
laughed at him. He made me do that a lot, just laugh.

After we ate, I slunk down on the couch resting my head in Edward's lap. He softly ran his fingers through my
hair and I drifted off to sleep. It wasn't long before I felt the cool softness of my sheets as Edward placed me
gently in bed. He leaned over to kiss my forehead and asked, "Should I go?"

I grabbed his tie and pulled him down to my lips ghosting over his with a whispered, "Please stay." Our tongues
met for one quick pass and then he pushed off the bed to undress. I rolled over, content in the knowledge that he
would stay. Not long after, he slid in behind me, wrapped me in his arms and burrowed his face in my hair. I
smiled and sunk back into his body and sweet oblivion.


When I woke early the next morning, Edward was still sleeping soundly. I slipped out of bed quietly, went to the
kitchen to make coffee and tip-toed back to the bathroom for a shower. I stood facing the spray with my back to
the door allowing the water to run over my face and hair when I felt a cool draft and heard the door snap back
against the magnet. A smile graced my face as Edward snuck up behind me and pressed his body against my
back. He moved my hair to the side and kissed my neck through the streams of water flowing down over my head.
I sighed as I relaxed into his embrace.

I turned around in his arms and looked up at his beautiful, sleepy face with a smile. "Good morning, Handsome."

"Mmm, yes...it is a good morning," he said using my words from Sunday. I could feel his large erection pressing
into my stomach, but as he lowered himself to kiss me, I shuddered at the close proximity I was to heaven and
aggressively returned his kiss. Edward turned us and backed me against the side of the shower, causing me to
gasp and arch my back instinctively when it made contact with the cold tile. He chuckled and moved his lips
down to my chin, along the ridge of my jawline and to the sensitive area just under my ear. Chills ran up my spine
as he sucked at my skin and his hand cupped my breast. He pinched my nipple roughly and I felt him smile
against my neck when it immediately stood at attention.

Edward lowered himself to my tits, licking, sucking and biting at my erect nipples. I laid my head back and
moaned at the pleasure and the pain...the painful pleasure. He continued his descent and kissed down my ribs,
dipped his tongue into my belly button and positioned himself down on his knees, propping my leg over his
shoulder. Edward wedged his rough, scratchy face between my thighs and parted my lips with the fingers of both
hands. I gasped and bucked my hips as his tongue grazed my swollen clit.

Repositioning the hand he had around my raised leg, Edward held my folds open with two fingers freeing the
other hand to penetrate me with two of its fingers. "Ahhh...Edward," I forced out through shaky chords and
stuttered breath. Edward hummed at my words with my clit tightly clasped between his lips and the vibrations
caused my trembling knee to nearly buckle.

Adding a third, Edward thrust his long fingers in and out of me, fast and hard. My orgasm came on quickly and
rolled through my body with a thundering force. He continued his ministrations as I rode wave after wave of pure
ecstasy. My body finally relaxed some and my breathing slowed minutely. Edward gently placed my leg back
down as he stood slowly, still bracing me against the wall.

Once he got his footing, he grabbed both of my thighs, lifting so that I could hook my feet at the small of his back.
At the same time he maneuvered himself just right so that his cock slid easily into my aching pussy. I was still so

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near the top from the last ride that I cried out and came around him once he was fully sheathed and my clit was
pressed against his groin. My inner muscles clenched and released in rapid succession around his cock causing
him to groan loudly in response. I could tell my quick orgasm had him dangerously close to the edge himself, so
he stayed motionless until he could gather the strength to continue. He pressed me roughly into the wall but that
discomfort was the furthest thing from my mind as his hips began to gently rock back and forth. His cock filled
me so completely that the intense tug at my flesh with each push and pull was insanely erotic. The steam from the
shower mingling with the heat of our bodies and the smell of sex in the small space added to my arousal.

Edward increased his pace and began pounding my pussy the best he could while holding me so tightly. I gripped
his shoulders as my body slid up and down against the wall with the force of his movements. "Unnngh, oh my
God, it feels so good. Edward, you feel so good," I moaned as my eyes fluttered behind my lids.

"Oh, yeah? You like that, baby?" Edward growled through clenched teeth. "Your pussy feels so good wrapped
around my cock!" He continued grunting with each drive, "Never. Gonna. Stop. Ever." I secretly hoped he meant
what he said, because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I never wanted this to stop either.

Moments later, his body stilled as he spilled into me, calling my name repeatedly. The warm fluid and the pulsing
of his cock inside me sent me over the edge one final time. I gasped and cried, "Edward! Oh, Edward!" As he held
me in that spot, he crushed his lips to mine. Our tongues tangled and danced in an expression of gratitude.

Edward set me down gently and moved me back into the stream of water. I tilted my head back and he stroked
down the length of my hair. He picked up my shampoo, poured some into his hands and rubbed them together. He
lathered the whole mess before massaging my scalp with the pads of his strong fingers. My body stood limp,
completely relaxed by his touch. He pushed me back gently to rinse before applying conditioner in the same
manner. As the conditioner sat in my hair he whipped up a nice frothy foam with my body wash and scrubbed me
from head to toe careful not to miss a single crevice. I rinsed my hair and my body with his assistance before
returning the favor.

As I squeezed some of my honey almond shampoo onto my hand, I chuckled at the thought of any of the other
executives getting close enough to smell his hair today. "What's so funny?" he asked breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure how good it is that you'll smell like me today," I pointed out.

Edward joined me in laughter, but responded that it would keep his memory of this morning alive. "I'll probably
be hard all goddamn day!"

After lathering his gorgeous locks, rocking bod and monstrous cock, we both rinsed again and hurried out of the
shower so as not to be late.


Tuesday proved to be yet another long day as did the day after that and the day after that. It took everything I had
not to kiss him when he was close or slap his ass as I passed. I wanted to mount him in his chair. I wanted him to
bend me over my desk. I wanted to crawl under his desk and taste his huge cock. Working together while sleeping
together certainly proved to be quite the lesson in patience and restraint. I loved being near him all the time, but
not being able to lay my hands on him - or feel his on me - was pure torture.

He spent the rest of the week at home with Riley during the night which was understandable, but difficult. We
snuck in a few quickies at my apartment here and there either before work, after work or on a mutual lunch hour
but nothing could compare to the quiet, intimate moments that came from spending our nights together. The times
I laid my head on his chest and was lulled to sleep by the strong cadence of his heart. The times he coiled my hair
around his fingers for hours, even while he slept.

I loved the feel of his arms wrapped around me tightly at night. The warmth, the hum, the strength, the peace and
the safety that enveloped me in my slumber. The comfort of Edward's solid body holding me securely to him, his
body pressed against mine from behind. These were the things I missed when we were apart. These little things
that had nothing to do with the incredible sex we had were the ones that filled my mind when I was all alone.

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These were the things that made each coming day bittersweet. I got to quench my desire to see his beautiful face,
but not everyday allowed him to hold me like I needed him to.

Friday, however, was a relief as I fully intended on creating some alone time from five o'clock that evening until
Monday morning, if I could help it.

Mr. Masen entered the office around a quarter after eleven and gave me a warm greeting. "Good morning, Miss
Swan, how are you today?"

"Ah, Mr. Masen, it's so nice to see you, sir. I'm excellent, thank you. And you?" I replied.

"Very well, thank you. Is my son in?" he asked.

"He is. He's in his office and waiting for you, I believe," I said with smiling eyes.

"Great," he responded as he sauntered into Edward's office. Mr. Masen was a handsome man. I saw a lot of him in
Edward, though he was obviously older and slightly more weathered. He had the same grey eyes with a hint of
green. Alice's were a much darker grey, but a far cry from their mother's dark, chocolate brown eyes. I always
thought that brown took dominance, but not in this family.

Mr. Masen left only moments later telling me to have a good weekend. If he only knew how good it's going to be.

Edward's dry cleaning arrived shortly thereafter and as I entered his office, he said, "I've got to go meet my father,
Emmett, and Jasper for a business lunch. I should be back by two-thirty or so."

I nodded and proceeded to his closet to hang the freshly pressed clothes. As I attempted to turn I was caught off
guard as Edward had wheeled his chair right behind me and pulled me into his lap. "Edward!" I gasped. "We
shouldn't be doing this here."

"Relax, they've already left. I'm meeting them at the restaurant."

He nuzzled into my hair and whispered, "I've missed you." He pulled my hair to the side and began kissing the
back of my neck. I could feel his incredibly large erection in the crack of my ass grow impossibly bigger and

I sighed heavily and relaxed back into his touch. "I've missed you like you can't even imagine," I responded.

"Oh, I think I can. Will you spend the weekend with me and Riley again?" he asked.

"As if you could stop me!" I exclaimed and felt him smile into the skin on my neck. "I've been counti-," I began
again before I was so rudely interrupted.

"Well, well, well! Isn't this cozy?" I heard a familiar bitchy voice say. I jumped out of Edward's lap abruptly -
probably injuring his poor dick with the force at which I lunged off of him - and we both spun to meet the
disdainful, yet self-righteous look of Tanya. She was leaning against the door with her arms crossed over her
chest. Shit! I wonder how long she's been there? Fucking Bitch!

I excused myself quickly without a word, but I had no problem getting my point across with the look of death I
shot her as I left. I was barely out of the office before she slammed the door shut behind me. I turned with my jaw
on the floor when not five seconds later, Edward yanked it open saying, "That won't be necessary. Now, Tanya,
maybe you can tell me why the hell you're here," he demanded rather than asked. "And where is Alice?"

"Alice is down in Jasper's office, we came to discuss dinner next week."

Just then, Alice came bounding into the office and wrapped her arms around me. "Bella, I've missed you!"
Apparently, I'm popular with the Masen clan.

"Hi, Alice, it's so nice to see you again," I said, still a little miffed at her friend's rude entrance.

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As she walked into Edward's office, he asked, "What is there to discuss about dinner next week, Al? You know
that is mom's thing."

"I know but we were thinking if we could each bring something it might lift some of the burden. You know she
hasn't been herself since Aunt Victoria died," Alice responded.

With a heavy sigh Edward said, "You're right. Unfortunately, I've got to get to a meeting with dad and the other
executives, so just put me down for stuffing and I'll figure something out. Okay?"

"Other execs, huh?" Alice inquired nonchalantly.

"Yeah. Why?"

"No reason. K, love you, Eddie! See you next week," Alice shrilled as she made haste for the door dragging
Tanya behind her. "Bye, Bella, I'll call you!"

We never mentioned the awkward encounter with Tanya which was probably for the best. I'm not so sure I could
be civil when discussing that whore.


I sprinted home after work to pack a bag while Edward gathered a few things to work on over the weekend. When
I exited my building ten minutes later he sat at the curb in his black sports car. Fuck, everything about him is hot!

The drive to Lake Forest took about two hours and we stopped at Taco Bell in Glenview for dinner on the way. I
had plans for this evening and they didn't entail either of us cooking.

We were greeted with an enthusiastic Riley who really wanted to be excited to see me, but I think he just had to
pee like a racehorse. Edward took him out and let him run for a few minutes - it didn't take much to wear that
beast out - while I scooped his food and then went upstairs to the master bathroom to change.

Edward called for me as he entered his bedroom. I told him that I would be right out and for him to start the fire
and have a seat on the chair. Just before I exited the bathroom I heard Edward fixing a drink at the small mini-bar
in his room. Several ice cubes clinked into the bottom of the empty glass and then, what I assumed was the
Jefferson Bourbon he preferred, flowed quietly before I heard the bottle being set back down. I listened closely for
the sound of Edward flopping into the chair. I opened the door slowly and quietly and then heard Edward's lighter
as he lit a cigarette.

I stepped out into the small hall and rounded the corner to face him as he laid back on the pillows with his feet
propped on the ottoman. His eyes grew large with shock, but he smiled with pleasure and growled, "Oh, fuck!
Isabella, are you going to be a bad girl tonight?"

"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way," I purred with a wink.

"Oh no, I think you're very bad," he continued as I strutted over to him and lifted one leg to straddle his.

I bent over at the waist placing my hands on the arms of the chair to brush my lips against his as I whispered,
"Maybe later you can punish me. Until then, I plan to tease you."

I removed the whiskey from his grasp taking a large swig and intentionally dribbled some down my chin. I leaned
in for Edward to lick the trail from my collar-bone up to my lips. Not allowing him to kiss me, I lifted his other
hand to my mouth and took a deep drag from his cigarette. He looked at me with astonishment on his face as he
had no idea that I smoked. It was only on rare occasion, but I did know a trick or two. As I exhaled, I blew the
smoke into his mouth and he gladly took it as he kept his dark eyes glued to mine.

I tugged at Edward's tie, untangling the knot, and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it out of his pants and opening it
wide. I released the button on his slacks and slowly inched the zipper down allowing his monstrous cock to spring
forth. I licked my lips and fished an ice cube out of his glass with two fingers. I ran slow, tiny circles around his
nipples causing them to harden as cold water trickled down to his stomach. Placing the ice in my mouth, I bent to
take the head of his cock in it, as well. He hissed at the contrasting sensations as my warm mouth engulfed him

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and my cold tongue danced around teasingly. I lifted my head and took another long pull of his cigarette. I formed
an "O" shape with my lips as I locked and popped my jaw. Three heavy rings settled perfectly down his shaft.

I stood and raised my hands, "Three in a row, I win! I always rocked the ring toss," I exclaimed like a ten year

Edward grabbed my waist abruptly pulling me in for a kiss. "I think the winner deserves a big prize," he said with
passion heavy in his voice.

"Uh uh uhhh, not yet," I said shaking a finger and climbing off of him. I moved toward the bed and turned to face
him. "You stay put," I ordered as I eased the buttons through the holes on my jacket. All Edward had seen up until
this moment was my thigh-high stockings which were black with about six inches of red along the tops and had a
red Cuban heel that peeked out of my red and black stilettos. He had only gotten the tiniest glimpse of my
cleavage concealed behind the black, asymmetrical cut blazer. Holding it closed, I again turned my back to
Edward and then slid it down off of my arms, folding it once at the shoulders and tossed it onto his legs.

I crawled onto the bed on all fours with my ass in the air until I reached the pillows. I turned to lie on my back
against them revealing the rest of my outfit. I wore a black satin strapless corset edged in red ribbon with white
buttons down the front and frilly tulle along the bottom paired with a matching black g-string. Edward groaned as
he took it all in and my hands dipped below the elastic of my panties.

I was careful to make sure that Edward had a good angle from his front row seat while I began running my fingers
through the folds of my flesh. The anticipation, the sexy lingerie, the fuckhot man that I could so easily tease, all
had me extremely hot and wet. I slid two fingers inside my pussy and moaned at the realization of how good his
cock was going to feel if I was already enjoying this tiny bit of pleasure.

"Oh yeah, baby, that's it. You like that don't you? You like to finger fuck yourself while I sit here and stroke my
cock? You're a naughty little tease, Isabella," he growled. I noticed he always called me by my given name when
he was feeling domineering. Not that I minded, it was fucking sexy rolling off of his tongue as he snarled at me.

I slid my damp panties off and rolled over to the nightstand where I had stashed my little friend earlier. Edward
groaned as I rolled back over with Bunny in hand. I cocked my brow at him and taunted, "To make it even worse,
Edward, Bunny here gets to fuck me and you do not."

I giggled at the envious grumble he spewed under his breath. I wasted no time in getting back to my own pleasure
and turned Bunny on full power vibration. I added the motion as soon as it was deep inside me. My body tingled
from the stimulation, my nipples pressed firmly against the fabric of my corset, my eyes fluttered behind my lids
and I dug the heels of my shoes into the bed. Each time the little side nub bumped my clit, my hips bucked off the
bed and my breath hitched. My breathing became erratic as I neared my orgasm, my body writhed and my moans
were more pronounced.

As my mewls became more and more desperate for my release, Edward shot off the chair and snapped, "Fuck no,
that is mine and I want it!" He grabbed my hand and continued to pump Bunny into my pussy a few more times,
intensifying my insatiable desire. Just before I was about to lose my shit, he yanked the vibrator out and roughly
thrust three fingers deep inside me curling them into my g-spot and bit down on my clit.

I fucking screamed, "Holy Fuck, Edward!" as my pussy clenched around his fingers and my orgasm tore through
me like a freight train. He removed his wet fingers and held my lips open as wide as he could while he mashed his
face into my wet center. He was so animalistic that he literally slurped at my pussy, devouring my hot liquid. Note
to self: Edward has a thing for hot lingerie and cannot handle being teased. Good to know!

He stood and his pants fell to the floor while he ripped his shirt off. Stepping out of his pants, he climbed over me
with his socks still on. I snickered at that, but wanted him inside me so badly I couldn't have fucking cared less.
Just as I gripped his ass to pull him into me, he stopped. He grabbed my leg lifting it to his other side and said
gruffly, "Turn over. I want you on your hands and knees for me. And spread 'em wide." With that he lifted the
tulle ruffle on my corset and smacked my ass...hard.

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God I love it when he fucking gets rough and demanding with me!

Edward gripped my hips, digging his fingers into my flesh as he pulled me back toward him. He teased my
entrance with his head as he slid it around my dampness before finally finding purchase and forcing the
monstrosity that was his cock into me. Oh. My. God. He. Is. Huge. He could split me two with that fucker, but oh
what a way to go!

"Unnngh, Edward, your cock is so big! Oh my God!" I whimpered, breathlessly trying to accommodate his size.

"Oh yeah, baby, and I'm gonna fuck you so hard with it!" he grunted. He spanked me again, garnering a keening
cry from my throat.

Once he was fully sheathed and wet, he pulled out all the way to the rim of his head before thrusting into me
furiously. He hammered into my pussy with a frenzied momentum I had yet to see. My body was rocked with the
force of his movements and I could hardly catch my breath.

He groaned each time he pulled out and grunted with each propulsion. Neither of us could get a hold on our
breathing, our thoughts or our voices. It was purely carnal and we were both so far gone there was no chance of
coming down. The high we felt was better than any mind altering drug, or at least mine was and I assumed it was
the same for him.

We reached our breaking point and my arms and legs were trembling, our bodies were sweaty and we were both
gasping for breath. As if we shared the same brain, we both cried out in unison, "Jesus Motherfucking Christ!"
They say all good things must come to an end and our bodies convulsed with the rapture of our simultaneous
orgasms. Edward slapped my ass one last time as he held perfectly still and shot his seed deep inside me, I felt it
hot and forceful as my own body twitched uncontrollably.

Edward curled around me leaning over and kissing my back softly. He asked, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, I'm fine. I may be a little sore tomorrow, but it was so worth it," I said as I turned my head to smile at him
over my shoulder.

"Are you sure? Did I scare you?" He was really concerned about my reaction to his lack of self-control.

"Not at all. Turned me the fuck on though!" I giggled.

He relaxed some and eased out of me slowly. He ran his hands from the heels of my shoes, up along my
stockings, slid his thumb and forefinger along my garter straps, gently caressed my ass that I'm sure was red and
gripped my waist, rubbing circles on the soft satin of my corset. "This...all of it, was my fucking undoing," he said

Edward raised himself off the bed and stood. It was then that I spun around on my knees to embrace the man that
was my undoing. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders, I kissed the side of his neck, along his jaw and
finally settled on his soft lips. I sucked on his lower lip before biting it gently. My tongue darted into his open
mouth, seeking the warm softness of his own. My tongue folded over his time after time, softly expressing to him
without words how much he meant to me. I needed him to know that what we just shared was in no way
intimidating, only exciting, was in no way frightening, only exhilarating. I loved everything about our sexual
encounters. He took me to heights no man ever had. I can only hope I do the same for him in return.


We woke to a chilly morning and Edward quickly got the fire going before jumping in the shower. I stumbled
downstairs to let Riley out and to start some coffee. I was a little sore from last night's festivities, but I smiled to
myself at the remembrance of it. While I showered Edward ran out to Einstein Bros. for bagels and shmear.

We opted to take in a movie at the Kerasotes Theater just across the freeway in Vernon Hills. A new Harry Potter
flick had opened last night called Goblet of Fire. Neither of us were particularly into that sort of thing, but we
were curious what all the hype was about. It was really bizarre, but kept us intrigued. My interest was primarily

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held by the character Cedric Diggory. Although he was quite young, he reminded me of someone and was very

As we made our way back to Edward's house after the movie, I asked, "I wanted to surprise you with dessert
tonight and wondered if I could run in the grocery store while you wait in the car?"

"Well, you've piqued my interest, but how about you go after dropping me at the house? I've got some contracts to
go over for work and need to make a few calls to the agents."

"Are you sure you don't mind me driving your car?" I asked skeptically.

"Of course not," he said. "Besides, I've got great insurance," he added with a wink. Smartass!

A few hours after I ran to the store and Edward had finished up some work, we prepared for dinner. He wanted to
take me to a local place called The Grille on Laurel that came highly recommended. I dressed in some simple
ballet flats, slacks and a button down shirt. Edward was in a pair of black khaki pants, a dark blue button down
and his docs. He'd never been to this restaurant, but was very excited for the live piano music that was featured
Saturday evenings.

After we were seated and ordered, we started talking about our childhoods and families again. New little tidbits
were revealed about each of us, bringing us that much closer together. Edward then threw out the question that I
worried might chase him away. However, I knew I had to be honest with him and risk rejection now before I was
too far gone.

"Where do you see yourself in five years, Bella?"

With a heavy sigh I began, "Well, although I'm a little slow at the game, I'd love to be married with children in
five years."

"Really?" Edward asked tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, I've always wanted three kids and to be married to a loving, supportive man. I want to be able to raise my
children as a stay-at-home-mom but still have a great career. If that makes any sense?" I added, shaking my head.

"It absolutely does make sense," he said with genuine honesty. "My mom stayed home with Alice and I our whole
lives and never opted for another career. She had her work cut out for her with us kids though. Now that I'm older
I can appreciate that the choice she made to be with us, was her career choice. It was definitely a full-time job plus
lots of unpaid overtime."

"Yeah, I want to have a job that allows me the flexibility to be with my children, but also contribute to the
household and get out a bit. Maybe that's why I chose Real Estate," I shrugged. "What about you, Edward, where
do you see yourself in five years?"

"I'd love to be married to an amazing woman, like yourself, and have a few kids too. Or at least be working on
them...lots," he winked.

Wait? What? Did he just relate me to his future wife?

"Hmm, I guess I never took you for the marrying kind," I said.

"And why is that?" Edward asked.

"Oh, I don't know, I guess I always assumed you were the rich playboy type."

"And now that you know me better, do you still feel that way about me, Bella?" he pressed.

"Um, my preconceived notions of you change by the day...hour...minute even," I answered honestly. He certainly
never ceased to amaze me.

"Well, I hope they are changing for the better then."

"Much better," I said with a shy smile.

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After dinner we went over into the martini bar to listen to the live piano music and have a drink. Edward had a
Black 007 which was simply a gin martini, extra dry with a twist. I, however, opted for a classic dirty martini
myself, perhaps hinting at my dirty thoughts and plans for dessert. The music was terrific and very engaging as
we sat in a comfortable silence enjoying the ambiance.


Upon arriving home we took Riley for a little walk. It was cold out and you could tell that winter was definitely
on its way. We bundled up in our jackets, but Edward made sure to keep me wrapped in his arms for the duration
of our walk. That was the kind of bundling I preferred and made me anxious to get him home and into bed.

"Oh, hey," Edward said cutting into the quiet of the cool evening. "I almost forgot that my buddy Ben called while
you were at the store earlier."

"Yeah? Who's Ben?" I asked curiously.

"Ben and I have been friends since we were kids. He and his family live nearby and called to invite us over for
brunch tomorrow."

"Us?" I challenged with the quirk of my brow.

"Ok...me," he corrected, "but when I asked him if I could bring someone, he was all for it."

"Edward, I don't want to intrude on your time with your friends, I can just catch the train in the morning."

"Absolutely, not! I want you to meet my friends. They are a lot of fun and I know they'd love you. Please say
you'll join me, Bella?" he begged.

"Are you sure?" I whined. "Did you tell him about our circumstances?"

"Yes, I'm positive and no, I did not mention it. I wanted to leave that decision up to you. I am not ashamed of us,
Bella, and Ben and Ang will not judge you either, trust me."

"In that case, I'd love to go meet your friends, Edward." I looked up at him with a smile and he bent to lay a soft
kiss on my cold lips. "Thank you," I whispered as we approached the house.


Once inside, Edward went to get Riley settled while I made a bee-line for the refrigerator in the garage. I darted
past him as he was closing Riley's door and I bolted up the stairs hollering, "You stay downstairs!" I giggled and
glanced back at him to see him shaking his head in my direction.

I stopped at the linen closet to grab a flat, black sheet and went to the bedroom. I laid the sheet out on the floor
surrounding it with all the pillows I could find. I opened the bag of items I had picked up earlier from the store.
After transferring and prepping a few things, I arranged it all in a nice display on the side of the sheet and away
from the fire I had started.

I quickly stripped off all my clothes and bounded down the stairs to find Edward standing at the foot waiting for
my direction. His mouth hung open wide as my tits jiggled and bounced with each descending step. Reaching the
first step, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my tits and lips to him firmly, but briefly. I released my
hold on him and bent to grab the suspenders that dangled around his legs. I now dub these sexpenders! I turned to
head back up the stairs with his sexpenders in hand and said, "You... come with me."

Edward followed obediently, copping a feel of my ass and making me squeal as he touched, pinched and slapped
it all the way up the stairs. We were both giggling by the time we entered his room and as he rounded the
fireplace and took in the sight at the foot of the bed, I said, "Tonight, dessert is on you." He stared at me in awe as
I spoke, then to the spread and back to me again. He embraced me powerfully and immediately parted my lips
with his tongue. We kissed greedily as our tongues flitted with frenzied anticipation.

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I ran my hands up his torso and began unbuttoning his shirt. Once I peeled that off of him, I slid my hands back
down to his waist. Realizing he still had his fourteen eyelet docs on, I knew I needed to set him down first. I told
him to lie down in the middle of the sheet and he obliged propping his head on several pillows. He bent his legs
and I proceeded to untie and loosen the laces on his boots. With a good tug I was able to get them off and Edward
chuckled at me as I did so. With his legs still bent, I moved between them to make quick work of his pants. Those
fucking sexpenders turned me on, but I needed these pants off of him now. I released the button and slid the
zipper down to free his ever growing cock. I would never get enough of seeing the magnificence that was his
manhood. He lifted his hips slightly to allow me to ease his pants down. And when I did, I slipped his socks off as
well. I now had him exposed and right where I wanted him. Mmmm...let the "snacktivities" begin!

I reached into one of the chilled bowls and pulled out a large red strawberry. Due to the season, I'd had to buy
frozen and let them thaw in the fridge. I placed it in my mouth and rose to Edward's lips. He bit the other end with
a seductive look in his eyes. I moved down his chin and neck trailing the red juice along his skin until I reached
his nipples. I circled each bud as it pebbled with excitement before continuing my descent. I ran the strawberry
down the line of his sternum, circumnavigated and dipped inside his navel; then followed the trail that led me to
pure happiness.

Once I reached his now fully erect penis, I touched the strawberry to the tip scooping up his own juice that had
pooled there. I ran it down the length of his shaft and he hissed at the cold, wet contact. I then tightened my lips
around the berry crushing it in between them and releasing the remaining juice, letting it dribble down his balls.
They puckered and constricted before my eyes giving me a sense of empowerment at being able give him such

Next, I wanted to try some chocolate syrup. Edward's eyes never left my movements. He seemed fascinated by the
sundae I was making of him. I held the bowl in one hand and dipped my finger in with the other. I placed it to my
lips and sucked it into my mouth tasting the chocolate and making Edward squirm with the implication. I repeated
the process for Edward, allowing him to suck the chocolate off this time. He took my finger deep into his mouth
with his dark eyes trained on mine. His tongue swirled circles around it and then his cheeks hollowed with

"You are a dirty, dirty boy," I purred.

Edward hummed, "You have no idea."

"I do have a pretty good idea where you'd like this chocolate, Mr. Masen," I countered with a devilish grin
causing Edward to groan with the want and the need roiling inside him.

I dipped my finger once again and began following the same path as before with the strawberry. The chocolate
drizzled from my finger and trickled over his skin. This time I made a special trail - two actually - following the
groove of his "V". My gay friends called these 'cum gutters', but since that function was not necessary for my guy,
I figured I'd put them to good use for my own purposes. I got a little carried away when I got to his dick again. I
dipped my finger over and over watching the silky fluid ooze over his twitching cock. I spun thin spirals and
figure eights along the ridge. I tilted the bowl and immersed the tip of his dick completely creating my very own
dip cone. Dairy Queen has nothing on me! I dropped a marble sized bead of the sweet confection onto his balls
watching as it slid down and disappeared below.

Following the chocolate, I needed lots of whipped cream on my Candyward Sundae. I shook the can of spray
topping aggressively and chuckled as Edward watched my pumping motions with captivated eyes. He is so easy.
Popping the cap I gave a good squirt into my mouth before lowering to share it with Edward. I sprayed a small
amount into the divot at his throat parting his collarbone, I topped each nipple, I filled his belly button, created a
bonnet on the tip of his dick and a bustled skirt on his balls with cream. This shit is better than playing with paper

The final pièces de résistance were the maraschino cherries. I plucked the stems off and placed one at each mound
of whipped cream. I looked Edward in the eyes as I propped one cherry, stem and all, between his teeth. "Hold

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this for me, firmly but gently," I said as I leaned down to tear the stem off with my teeth. I held his eyes as I made
quick work of tying the stem into a knot with my tongue and grinning proudly at him. Removing the stem, I
leaned again toward him. This time I bit the cherry in half and then thrust my tongue into his mouth.

I chewed the cherry quickly before placing the flat of my tongue to follow the chocolate strawberry trail down his
chin and neck. Arriving at his throat, I swirled my tongue around the hollow gathering the cherry and whipped
cream there.

I sat on my knees at his side, so I first devoured the sweets on the nipple that was closest to me then reached over
to enjoy the other. I chewed the cherries, slurped the whipped cream and laved the chocolate and strawberry

I again followed the clearly defined trail with the flat of my tongue down the center of his chest and landing in the
pit of his stomach. I licked and slurped the contents from his navel before moving to the outside of his hips. I ran
my tongue along the right groove of his "V" stopping right at his pubic hair before moving to the other side for the
same treatment. I then returned to his navel to follow the glory trail down South.

Edward's near constant moans and groans became more pronounced as I neared the spot he so desperately needed
my lips to land. However, first I dipped my head deep between his legs and sucked his balls into my mouth.
Edward hissed as I rolled my tongue around one and then other clearing them of the melting whipped topping.

Rolling back up slightly, my tongue danced along the drizzled chocolate pattern that decorated the ridge of his
cock. Finally arriving at my intended destination, I sucked the chocolate covered head of his dick into my mouth
devouring every last drop.

Edward's hands had begun playing between my legs and now he tugged my hips gently towards him. I brought a
leg over to straddle his torso and backed my center up toward his head. His arms rose to my ass allowing me to
move closer to his face. He lifted his head propping several pillows underneath as my shorter stance didn't allow
me to hover directly over his face. As I resumed lowering my mouth onto his cock, I felt a cool tickle on the crack
of my ass and my pussy. He was drizzling chocolate onto my hot sex after having rubbed a bitten strawberry
along my folds. The final touch was the cold spray of whipped cream which he applied liberally.

He took a long swipe with the flat of his tongue from my clit to my ass illiciting a groan from me as
"Mmmmm...," escaped his mouth. He continued this process until I assume he had consumed all of the sweet
treats at which time he plunged his fingers deep into my pussy and flicked my clit with his tongue.

Meanwhile, I had Edward bend his legs again so as I deep-throated his cock I could fondle his balls, which he
really seemed to enjoy. We matched each others pace and as one sped up so did the other.

My body began trembling from holding this position, but mainly because of his manipulations of my pussy. He
removed his fingers only to replace them with his tongue and rubbed my clit with his thumb.

I knew I was getting close to my climax and I wanted him to cum with me. Remembering all the chocolate and
whipped cream that had melted and dripped from his balls, I moved my finger down to the crack of his ass. I ran it
back and forth and Edward let out a shaky moan with each pass across his anus. I began circling his asshole softly
which caused him to tense at first. Realizing the intense added pleasure he was experiencing, he relaxed some and
his body began to quiver. I was quite familiar with this sensation and knew he was within seconds of his orgasm.
Continuing my work down below I increased my rhythm on his cock. He ground my clit harder under his thumb
and then just as his dick began to pulse with ejaculation, he pinched my clit sending my mind and body into orbit.
We filled each others mouths with our respective gifts of appreciation and waited for our bodies to slowly relax.

I made quick work of clean up, running the dishes to the kitchen and disposing of the defiled sweets before
throwing the sheet in the laundry room. When I returned to Edward's bedroom, I heard water running in the
bathroom and peeked in on him. He was laying back in the tub and beckoned me to join him. I stepped in to face
him and saturated a washcloth to clean him up, as well. I wiped him from head to toe and then he did the same to
me. I turned and melted back into his chest and we both dozed until the water went cold. Drying off, we stumbled
to bed wrapping ourselves in each other.

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We woke up to the sound of pouring rain and one anxious dog barking his annoyance at us for sleeping in.
Edward pulled on some boxers and ran down to let Riley out while I dragged my ass into the shower. Today was a
big day for me...for us. This was our coming out, so to speak, at least in front of his dear old friends. Neither of us
had been able to say anything to friends or family, so as terrifying as it was, it was also liberating.

We drove just a few miles before arriving at his friend's house. They had a big, beautiful home on what I would
guess to be about an acre. As we ascended the front steps, we were greeted with an open door and warm smiles.
Edward led the way and gave a kiss on the cheek and a hug to a gorgeous, but wholesome girl with dark blonde
hair. She wore tapered Levi's rolled at the hem, a cream colored peasant top and a light pastel striped scarf.
Leaving her embrace he grabbed the handsome man behind her in a handshake and big bear hug.

Edward then turned to me to introduce us all, "Bella these are my good friends Ben and Angela Cheney." Turning
back to the couple he said, "Ben, Ang, this is my girlfriend, Bella." My heart jumped from my chest right up into
my throat making it difficult to speak. Despite my crimson flush, I was able to form two complete sentences, "It's
so nice to meet you both. Thank you for having me."

Just as they were about to respond, two very exuberant toddlers came crashing into Edward. "Uncle Eddie!" they
shouted. He let out a huge belly laugh as he bent and grabbed them around their legs. He lifted one in each arm
and they wrapped their chubby arms around his neck.

"Claire! Connor! How are my two favorite munchkins?" Edward asked with a huge grin.

"Awesome!" shouted the boy.

"We missed you," pouted the little lady.

"Aww, I know, Honey. I missed you too," he said laying his cheek on her soft curls as she snuggled up under his
chin. Edward walked with his bundles into the family room and sat down placing them on his knees. As the rest of
us filed into the room, Edward said to them, "I want you to meet someone very special to me. Connor, Claire, this
Bella." Looking up at me with a beautiful smile he continued, "Bella, these two amazing creatures are Claire and
Connor, my Godchildren."

"Hi, Bella!" they both chimed at the same time.

Laughing I said, "Hello. Your Uncle Eddie is right about you, you are amazing."

They giggled and again in unison said, "We're twins!"

"No way?!" I gasped in mock surprise and they nodded their heads enthusiastically. Everyone was rolling with
laughter as their excitement was contagious.

"Okay, you two," Angela chimed in, "go get cleaned up for lunch and then it's naptime." They both grumbled
their displeasure, but ran off to wash their hands and faces.

Following Angela into the kitchen I asked if I could help with anything. "Nope, got it all taken care of, thank
you." She had platters and platters of food laid out on the large center island with plates stacked on the end. The
feast included lox and bagels with large slices of tomatoes, tiny quiches that were definitely not out of the box
from Costco, Eggs Benedict, hashbrown casserole, a huge pile of perfectly crisp bacon and sausage links,
homemade blueberry muffins and chocolate pumpkin brownies. "Grab a plate and help yourselves," Angela

"This is a feast fit for a king, you've really outdone yourself," I said in awe of the display.

"Nah, Ang loves to cook and this is typical for her," Ben remarked. Nodding his head from Angela to Edward he
added, "You should see when her and Edward get going. Then it's a feast."

Edward snickered and said, "Yeah, I guess we do get a bit carried away don't we, Ang?"

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"Ah, he loves it," she replied, slapping Ben on the butt.

We all sat around the large table with the children flanking Angela. Everything was fantastic and the kids ate
more than their share of the hashbrown casserole opting against the Eggs Benedict and hollandaise sauce. They
were adorable and so full of energy, but you could definitely tell naptime was nearing as they yawned
intermittently and rubbed their eyes.

"So, Bella, what do you do?" Angela asked.

My stomach clenched knowing where this line of questioning was inevitably going to end up. "I'm an Executive
Assistant in the city," I said with a small smile hoping that would appease them both.

"Oh, really?" Ben chimed in. "Who do you work for?"

I pushed a sausage link around my plate absentmindedly as I struggled for the right thing to say. I looked up at
Edward through my lashes and swallowed hard. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I gave him a subtle nod to
help me out.

"Actually... Bella, works for me," he interjected. "She is my assistant. No one else is aware of our relationship and
I'm sure you both can understand that," he continued glancing at Ben.

Ben then nodded at Angela who smiled a huge grin and said, "We completely understand that. Don't be
embarrassed, Bella, Ben and I worked together too. We went through the whole secrecy thing for a very long

"Really?" I asked completely dumbstruck. I looked at Edward incredulously and he smiled and nodded Why didn't
you tell me?

"Yeah, in fact, it wasn't until I ended up pregnant that we knew we had to come clean. The weekend after we
found out, we flew my sister and her husband and Edward out to Vegas with us and tied the knot. Monday
morning I gave my notice and when I informed them of my name change I got a look of shock. It was kind of fun
seeing peoples faces as the news spread. To this day when we go to a company function, someone always rambles
on about how they had no idea we were even dating."

It was comforting to know that Ben and Angela understood our predicament and passed no judgement. We
enjoyed the rest of our meal sharing light conversation and witty banter as well as delighting in the occasional
silly entertainment from Claire and Connor. As their yawns became more exaggerated, Ben said, "Ang is going to
put the kids down for a nap. Would you like to stay and watch the game?"

Edward replied, "Nah, man, I need to get Bella home. She's traveling this week for the Holiday and has stuff to
take care of." He glanced at me and I looked down feeling guilty that he could not stay and spend more time with
his friends. Squeezing my hand that he held under the table he added, "And I need all the alone time I can get with
her." I blushed but could not hold back the wide grin that split my face.

"Okay, kids, naptime! Be sure and tell our guests goodbye as they'll be gone when you wake up." Angela wiped
their faces and laps before lifting them out of their seats. Then they each took off in opposite directions around the

Claire threw her head into my lap and screeched, "Bye, Bella! Will you come over again and come play with my
dollies in my room?"

"I'd love to, Claire," I said running my fingers through her ringlets. She looked up with a huge smile before
running around me to Edward.

Edward shared some cool dude handshake with Connor before Claire leapt into his lap catching him in the groin
with her knee. He lunged forward with an "Unf" and a long groan as he tried desperately to regain his composure
for the little girl that adored him.

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Connor came around to me and held his hand out to shake mine. I said, "It was very nice to meet you, Connor,"
and he reached up like he wanted to hug me. As I bent down toward him, he laid a big kiss on my cheek.

Edward was still talking an octave or two higher than normal as he told Claire he would miss her, told her to be a
good girl for mommy and that he'd come see her again soon. She stared as she listened to his voice intently while
she continuously rubbed his stubbly cheeks.

They both then tore off up the stairs screaming, "Bye, Uncle Eddie! Bye, Bella!" as Angela trailed behind them
shaking her head and smiling.

While we waited for Ang to return I noticed a picture of Edward and Ben hanging in the hall. Apparently, it was
from the weekend in Vegas. Ben was beaming as the proud new husband and father-to-be and Edward just looked
severely hung over. As we made our exit, I thanked them both for their hospitality and sharing their story with
me. Then Ben asked me, not Edward, if we'd consider a rain-check for watching a game, to which I quickly
agreed. Edward's friends were really amazing and I felt blessed to be so easily accepted into their circle.

As Edward drove me home, I stared out the window not really seeing any of the passing images. My mind was
occupied with thoughts of how far we'd come in so little time, images of our intimate moments together, but I
kept going back to our gathering with his friends. Although, we'd never really talked about exclusivity or what we
were to each other, Edward had just introduced me to some of the most important people in his life as his
"girlfriend". And as if that weren't enough, watching him with the children today made me realize that I had been
wrong about him on so many levels. I was discovering the man he truly was, and he was more than I could ever
dream of.


Chapter Six ~ Tumble Down

Have you ever seen the haunted ancient morning

sweep the stars out from the sky

Have you ever seen the dust wiped from your heart so clear

that you can see it shine

See it shine

As you walk through your pointless danger

You will go through twisted sorrow

But you will know that if you really saw the one

It would all just tumble down

Tumble Down ~ Marcus Foster


The drive back to the city was quiet; Bella stared out the passenger window nearly the entire distance. I wasn't
sure if I'd said something to upset her or if she had been uncomfortable with me telling Ben and Ang about our
situation, but I could have sworn she'd kind of given me the go ahead with her little nod. Maybe I read too much
into it and crossed a line? I really hope I didn't fuck this up!

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I reached over, taking her hand that rested on her thigh and giving it a squeeze, said, "Hey, baby, are you okay? Is
something wrong?"

Jumping slightly at the break in silence, she looked at me with a beautiful smile and said, "Yes... no! Everything is
great, perfect really."

I returned her smile and felt like I could finally breathe normally again. I never wanted to do anything to hurt this
incredible woman, to make her feel she deserved anything less than the pedestal she now sat upon.


Thursday came far too soon. I stayed overnight in the city with Bella and dropped her at the airport at six o'clock
in the morning. She was taking a four and a half hour flight to Seattle to visit her father for the holiday weekend. I
stood at the curb as the skycap took her luggage and held her in a strong embrace for probably far too long. I
kissed her soft lips, breaking only to gaze into her watery chocolate pools and then kissed her again.

I was bummed out that she would be away for so long, but she had planned this trip months ago. Plus, I knew
there was no way I could take her to my family's home... which pissed me the fuck off.

As I arrived at my parent's house my phone buzzed, signaling that I had a message. I smiled when I saw that it
was from Bella.

Landed safe & enroute 2 Dad's w/Jake
call me l8r?

Although I knew he was her step-brother, I was not very excited about her being alone with Jake. I'm not so sure
I'll ever be comfortable with her and another man of any relation.
I texted back,

I miss u

To which she quickly responded,

I can't wait, i miss u 2
tell Alice hi 4 me

And again I replied,

will do, baby

I entered the house and went straight to the kitchen, knowing exactly where I would find my mom. As expected
she was pulling fresh pies from the oven. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before placing my dish in the warming

"Hey, stranger, what did you make for us?" she asked, busying herself with the peeling of potatoes.

"Hi, Mom. I made your favorite stuffing, the one with sweet Italian sausage and mozzarella."

"Ooh, I can't wait, I'm starving!"

"Me too. How are you?"

"I'm okay, Honey, thank you for asking. I've missed my son, though. What have you been up to? Is your father
working you too hard?"

"No, work is fine, Mom. I've just been busy... around the house." I wanted more than anything to tell my mom
about the new woman in my life, I was so sure she would adore Bella as much as I did. But, our present
circumstances did not allow that. Deep down, I was starting to fear that we'd have to hide our relationship forever.

Relationship. I thought back to Bella's words as I held her in my arms Sunday night, "You introduced me to your
best friend and his wife today as your girlfriend."

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"I did. Does that bother you?"

"No! I was just surprised, I guess."

"But that's the way I think of you, Bella. I guess we never really discussed it, but I feel like you are mine and I
know that I am definitely yours."

Alice snapped me back to the present when she bounced into the room after joining my father for a cigar. "Hey,

Grrrr... "Alice, please, don't start with me so early." I admit I allowed Claire and Connor to call me Uncle Eddie,
but I wasn't having that shit from my little sister.

"Okay, okay...don't get your panties in a bunch, Edward!" She fucking loved antagonizing me whenever she got
the chance. Thankfully the doorbell rang, slowing her roll. "The Denali's are here!" she called as she ran for the
door. On second thought, I'd much rather Alice called me Eddie and teased me about my "panties" than deal with
Tanya today.

Eleazar and Carmen Denali had been my parents' friends for years; since Alice and Tanya were little and met at
dance class. Unfortunately, since Alice was back in the states, Mom had invited them to join us for Thanksgiving
dinner; which meant Tanya was joining us, as well.

I welcomed everyone with open arms, including Tanya, just as everyone else did. Although when she laid a wet,
open-mouthed kiss on my cheek, my body tensed and nausea flared in the pit of my stomach.


I was taken by surprise when, out of the blue, Carmen hit me with a personal question. "So, are you seeing
anyone, Edward?"

Knowing that if I said I was, I would have to explain to my parents, to everyone, about my relationship with
Bella. Although, I wanted to shout from the mountain tops that I was a lucky motherfucker and Bella had chosen
me, I couldn't. So, reluctantly, I lied and said, "No, Mrs. Denali, I'm not seeing anyone right now." I think the
feeling in my stomach at that moment was even worse than when Tanya kissed me.

Tanya's head snapped up at my reply with a look of bewilderment that quickly spread to a sly smirk. Thankfully,
Alice immediately changed the subject and started yammering about the Spring line that she planned to debut her
fashions with, taking the heat off of me for the time being.

After dinner, I went to the kitchen to help my mom with the preparations for dessert. I went into the walk-in
pantry to grab some pudding mix to fold into the the whipped cream. I smiled to myself at the thought that
whipped cream would forever be associated with Bella - and Bella's pussy - after the treat she gave me the
previous weekend. Great! Another fucking boner with Bella's name on it!

As I stood in the pantry trying desperately to think of anything but Bella, which wasn't working by the way,
Tanya entered and closed the door behind her. "Hey, what do you need, Tanya? I've already got the pudding mix."

Pushing me against the only bare wall, she ground her hips into my now softening, albeit far too slowly, hard-on.
As she tried to plant a kiss on me, I turned my head abruptly to the side and narrowly missed contact with her
overly glossed lips. "What's the matter, Edward?"

Pushing Tanya away, I stepped aside and bit out, "What the fuck are you doing, Tanya?"

"Come on, Edward, you know what I can do for you."

Trying to suppress a full-on laugh, I replied, "I know what you attempted to do for me, Tanya, and I know that
you've told Bella what you think you did. However, your fantasy comes nowhere near reality. I hate to burst your
bubble, but you were nothing but an easy, cheap lay to me. I know you felt the same way at the time, but for some

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reason you've changed your tune recently." Continuing, I asked, "You wouldn't be jealous of Bella now would

"That's preposterous, Edward!" She spat, turning on her heel and leaving me in the pantry.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment for having put Tanya in her place, I followed seconds later with a huge shit-
eating grin on my face as she quickly disappeared. Mom and I prepared the whipped topping and dished
everyone's pie before returning to the dining room. Glancing around the table, but not really listening to the
various conversations taking place, I smirked at Tanya. I knew it was childish, but it felt good to finally set her
straight. I was tired of her trying to come between Bella and I. She actually smirked right back, narrowing her
eyes at me, something I hadn't quite expected.


Excusing myself from the table to go smoke, I kissed mom on the cheek and assured her I would be back in soon
to help with the cleanup. I put my leather jacket on and headed out into the brisk fall air to have a cigarette. My
father followed shortly behind for his own tobacco fix in the form of a cigar.

"Hey, Dad."

"Edward," he said with a nod before biting off the tip of his stogy and spitting it to the ground.

We stood in relative silence for quite some time before he said, "Edward, are you and Miss Swan engaging in
inappropriate behavior?"

Choking on the inhale and the words that caught me completely off guard, I sputtered, "I beg your pardon?"

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's come to my attention that you two may be involved." He
halted the discussion as he heard voices emerging from the house. Alice and Tanya walked up to us as she kissed
my father's cheeks and thanked him for having her family to dinner. She had somewhere to be, apparently, and
had to take off early. Seeing the look of baffled irritation on my face, she waved at me and ran off down the drive
to her car.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Alice asked buoyantly.

"Oh, nothing, Al, Dad here was just asking me if I was fucking Bella."

"Edward! I asked you no such thing!" my father defended.

"No? You sure about that? Because that's how it sounded to me." I shook my head incredulously.

"Well, aren't you?" my not-so-helpful little sister chimed in.

"Alice! What the fuck?! No, I'm not fucking Bella, thank you very much."

"What?" she asked completely clueless to the situation at hand. "Sorry, Dad, what I meant to say was, although I
believe Edward is sleeping with Bella, it is so much more than just fucking."

Dropping my head and staring at the concrete, I could feel my father's eyes boring into me. "Edward, you know
what the liabilities are for a company like ours if she chose to place a complaint against you. How could you
jeopardize your job, the company, our family like this?"

"Dad, it's not like that. Alice is right, it's so much more than just a physical relationship for me," I admitted
without embarrassment or fear. "There is something so completely different about her, she is nothing like any
other woman I've ever been with."

"Including Tanya?" my dad asked causing me to gasp in shock. Shock that he knew something about our hookup
and shock that her name was the one he had chosen over all of my past girlfriends - not that she ever was one - to
throw back in my face. Then, something clicked in that moment.

"Tanya told you about Bella and me, didn't she?" I asked. "That fucking bitch," I seethed under my breath.

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"Wait! What?" Alice responded. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, Tanya was the one to bring this to my attention. But that is neither here nor there."

"The fuck it isn't!" Alice so eloquently replied. She may have been tiny and delicate, but one learned pretty
quickly not to cross her. "I looked the other way when she fucked my brother on grad night, but now she is
fucking with my whole family and my new best friend."

"Ali, that's not the point here. The point is that I can't have my children involved with my employees."

"Oh really?" she inquired. "What happens if he does?"

"Unfortunately, we'll have to let Bella go."

Alice gasped, "Dad!"

"There is no way I can allow that to happen, Dad," I interjected.

"We really have no choice. You've put me in a difficult position here, Son."

"Absolutely not. I will resign before I'll allow that happen and then it won't be an issue."

"Nonsense, Edward, don't be absurd."

"Interesting take, Dad. Does that apply to me as well?" Alice jumped back in, either in an attempt to incite a riot
or deflect the stress and anger roiling inside me.

"Alice, you've chosen not to partake in the family business, but I suppose that would apply to you as well. Why?"
he responded inquisitively.

"Well, then you'll need to fire your CFO on Monday, too."

"Pardon me?" My father was having trouble following along and was quickly getting agitated by this whole

"Yep! Sorry, Dad, but I've been fucking Jasper for weeks now."

"You've got to be kidding me?!"

"Nope," she continued. "We stayed in touch after meeting at last year's company Christmas party. So, I guess if
you've got a problem with Edward and Bella having a relationship then you've got a problem with Jasper and me,
as well."

"You're damn righ-" He was interrupted from the tirade that was sure to ensue by Carmen and Eleazar being
escorted outside by my mother. We all shared the usual pleasantries; saying goodbye and wishing them happy
holidays as they left.

Sensing the tension in the air, Mom said, "Okay, everyone inside... now." Once inside, she made us all sit down at
the table to hash out our issues. "What's going on?"

Dad cleared his throat and growled, "Well, apparently, your children have decided that it's okay to prey on my

"Dad, it's not like that at all and you know it," I scolded.

"Do I, Edward? I'm not so sure I know what the hell is going on here all of sudden. Right now, I'm thinking both
of my children have lost their minds."

We both reiterated our respective situations to Mom to catch her up to speed. She shook her head and looked at
Dad saying, "Ed, you know that they would never do anything to intentionally jeopardize the company. Don't be
so judgemental. There must be something very special about Bella and Jasper to have captivated them so.
Sometimes love just happens and the circumstances are completely out of our hands, you know that." She shot
him a knowing look causing him to nod his head and look down at his hands folded on the table before him.

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"You're absolutely right, Liz," he conceded. Dad had fallen in love with the girl from the wrong side of the tracks
which was an abomination to the family at the time. However, he stood firm in his belief that she was the "one"
and here they were 30 years later. "However, I cannot allow you to carry on a relationship with your own
assistant, Son."

"I understand the predicament this puts you in, Dad, but please allow me some time to figure something out. She
was terrified to get involved with me in the first place and I promised her that her job would be secure."
Thankfully, once again, mom's rationale had reengaged dad's sensible side. Now, what the fuck are you gonna do,
Masen?! I don't know, but I will do whatever it takes to keep Bella and make her happy.


After helping Mom clean things up and put away leftovers, I made the thirty mile trek home trying to sort this shit
out in my head. I had no clue what to do about work. All I knew was that Bella was quickly consuming my life
and that was exactly how I seemed to like it. I had never been with a woman that affected me so deeply. I knew I
didn't want to let her down and fall back on my promise to protect her job, but I also knew I could never stop this
and let her go.

As I wandered around the neighborhood with Riley slowly bumbling behind me, I pulled out my cell phone. It
was late enough now that Bella should be done with Thanksgiving dinner on the West Coast and I desperately
needed to hear her voice. Hell, at that point I would have even been content to just listen to all the messages she
had left me over the last several months. I had saved all the calls she had made to me, everything from advising
me of meeting changes back when she first started working for me, to a secret request for a lunchtime rendezvous
just yesterday. Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? I seriously have no idea.

The phone barely completed one full ring before Bella answered, "Hey, handsome." Something in my heart
melted into the fibers of my being with her words. I knew in that moment I would not - could not - let something
as trivial as our positions within a company, even if it was the very company I would one day inherit, keep us

With a heavy sigh into the phone at the sound of her voice, I replied, "God, you sound like heaven."

"Aww... I miss you too." She was right, I missed her something fierce and it had only been about fifteen hours
since I last held her in my arms. "How was dinner with your family?"

"It was alright, but I would rather have been with you."

"You sound down. What's wrong?"

"Nothing you need to worry about."

"Are you sure?" she asked, her interest piquing. "You know I'm always here to listen. Did something happen?"

"It was just a long day without you. We can talk when you get home, I want you to enjoy your weekend with your

"Okaaay," she replied, completely on to me.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" I asked trying to change the course of our conversation.

"It was nice. We went out to the reservation to spend it with Sue's family and it was good to see everyone again.
Seth is a sophomore in high school, Leah is attending college at the University of Washington in Seattle and Jake
has been promoted to manager at my dad's sporting good's store. Everyone has been really busy, so it was a treat
for us all to have a chance to reconnect and unwind, eat good food, and shoot the shit," she said with a smile in
her tone.

"That's terrific, baby! I'm glad you're having a good time. I know how much you miss your father," I trailed off,
again thinking of the confrontation I had with my own just hours before. "What do you have planned for the rest
of your vacation?" I asked, forcing myself to stay in the moment.

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"Sue, Leah and I are going shopping first thing in the morning in Port Angeles for the Black Friday sales. It's not
the Magnificent Mile, but we're all too damn lazy to drive all the way to Seattle to save a buck!" she laughed,
bringing a flutter to my heart and a jerk in my pants. Bella continued, "Jake agreed to cover Dad's shift at the store
on Saturday so he and I can take the bikes out. We're going to ride to a secluded fishing hole that was stocked this
past Spring, so we should come home with plenty for dinner. Sue still fries it up with her late husband's batter
recipe and Dad can't get enough."

I loved listening to Bella when she was so excited and animated, although I wished I was able to share those
experiences with her. We talked for a few more minutes as Riley and I made our way home. Not wanting to keep
her up late the night before the big sales, I said, "I'm going to head to bed and you should do the same. You had an
early start and a long day today and it sounds like you have more of the same tomorrow."

Bella yawned, "Yeah, I think you're right."

"I'm sure you want to be in top form to kick some ass at the stores," I chuckled.

"Damn straight! Bitches best beware, they know not of the shopping cyclone that is about to descend on their tiny
town." She giggled when I burst into a full belly laugh. My angel always kept me on my toes, that's for sure; you
never knew what might come out of that sweet mouth of hers. Annnd...cue the hard-on.

"Ain't that the truth. Goodnight, Sunshine."

"Sweet dreams, Edward," Bella said softly.

"You've pretty much guaranteed that for me."

She giggled, "Goodnight, love," and the line went dead.


I puttered around the house the next day after a fitful night of slumber. Although we didn't spend every night
together, I was beginning to grow dependent on Bella's body pressed against mine for a good night's sleep. I was
tired and irritable, still trying to figure this shit out with my dad. How was I going to make all of this work for
everyone involved?

I was serious when I told my father I would resign before I would allow Bella to be fired. I could walk into any
firm in the city and get a job on the spot, I was certain. However, Dad would have a conniption fit and it wasn't
something I wanted either. I had no desire to work for the competition against my own family's company. But I
knew I had to do something before he took matters into his own hands.

The phone rang, shaking me from my emo brooding. I answered and Ben said, "Hey, man, is your girl back yet?"

"No, she's out West near Seattle visiting her father. She won't be home until Sunday afternoon."

"You wanna come over for leftovers or something?"

"No, actually I've got a lot on my mind and I'm not so sure I'd be the best company for Ang and the kids," I
whined. I sound like a little bitch!

"Hey, I've got a better idea. How about you and I go out for a few beers instead?" He sounded pretty excited at
this prospect.

"You sure Ang won't mind?"

"Are you kidding? She'll be glad to get rid of me. Apparently, I have a tendency to screw up her routine with the
kids when I'm home from work."

"Alright, The Lantern around seven?"

"Yep, see you then," Ben confirmed.


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We sat at the bar and drank cold drafts while eating the classic bar fare of nachos, buffalo wings and onion rings. I
enjoyed spending time with Ben and the family, but it had been far too long since we were able to do this.

"So, what's up, man? You wanna talk about it?"

I dropped and shook my head, looking down at the bar. "My dad found out about Bella and me and he wants me
to fire her."

"Oh, shit! How did that happen?"

"I'm not sure if you remember Alice's friend, Tanya, or not, but she and her family were over for Thanksgiving."

"Isn't that the chick we joked about in college? The Denali Rough Rider, right?"

"The very one," I replied. "Now that Alice is home, she's been hanging around again and putting the moves on
me. She tried to intimidate Bella with her exaggerated version of our nearly nonexistent past and walked in on
Bella sitting on my lap last week. So yesterday, she decided to corner me and make her intentions known.
Apparently, she didn't like it when I turned her down and accused her of being jealous of Bella, because she ran
right to my dad and outed our relationship."

"Fuck, dude, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I promised her I wouldn't let her getting involved with me, jeopardize her job. I have to make good
on that promise, man."

"But if the old man wants you to fire her, what are your options?"

"You're going to think I've lost my fucking mind, but I told him I would resign first."

"The fuck?!"

"Ben, I don't know what the hell has gotten into me," I began, pleading my case. "If she were any other woman, I
wouldn't be in this predicament to begin with. Everything about Bella draws me in - her voice, her face, even her
smell. She's like a drug to me, like my own personal brand of heroin and I can't step away from the needle."

I glanced sideways to see a tiny smirk on Ben's face as he nodded his head. "I know exactly what's gotten into
you, Ed. You're falling in love with her."

"That's ridiculous, it's way too soon for that. We've only been seeing each other for three weeks."

"Yes, but you've been working together and getting to know one another for much longer." He did have a good
point there, I'd had my eye on her for years and we had talked a lot more since working so closely together. But
Continuing he said, "Besides, time has no bearing on the heart's desires. It's as though it has a brain of it's
own and refuses to listen to yours. Trust me, man, I argued with my heart for a long time. Deciding there was no
reasoning with it, I gave in, stopped fighting it, and realized I was hopelessly in love with Angela."

I sat in quiet contemplation of his words, trying to make sense of it all. I definitely felt like I had known Bella all
of my life. It certainly didn't feel like mere weeks since we had begun dating. Still, I couldn't process how
everything I felt for her could be love this soon. Though, I did know that I had never felt this way about any other
woman before her.

"I've been in love before... or at least I think I have, but this is so consuming it kind of freaks me out."


"I just don't want to hurt her."

"Hey, you never know, maybe she's the 'One'. Why don't you stop trying to rationalize it and let things fall where
they may?"

"Maybe you're right."

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"Of course I'm right, I've been there. Remember? Now, is Dad's beef because she works under you?"

"Nice pun, dickhead!"

"Heheh, I knew you'd like that," he said laughing and finding himself completely hilarious.

"Yeah, I think that's the main issue. It's more apt to look like sexual harassment if it all goes wrong, since I'm her
immediate supervisor."

"So, there's your answer to that problem too, just find her a new position within the company."

"That's what I'll have to do, but ultimately the decision is up to her. I personally requested to have Bella as my
assistant and then pursued her and put her in this situation. I don't want her to feel like I set her up for the fall."

"I understand that and I think she will too when she realizes the sacrifice you're willing to make for her. She's a
smart woman and I'm pretty sure she's as in to you as you are to her, if you know what I mean?"

"No, I don't know what you mean."

"I saw the look on her face when you introduced her as your girlfriend, with the way you were with the kids, and
when you shot us down to be alone with her. I'm willing to bet that she's falling in love with you, too. Come on,
Masen, can't you see it?"

"I guess I was too busy staring at her rather than really noticing how she was looking back at me."

"Well open your eyes, man, you might be surprised at what you see. The whole experience is much nicer once
you do."


I spent the next day and a half digesting everything Ben said to me. Am I falling in love with Bella? It seemed far
too soon, but on the flipside it seemed like it had been such a long time coming.

Her flight was due to land at a quarter to five, so I made special arrangements for Francesca's on Taylor to deliver
dinner to her apartment at seven o'clock sharp. I ordered an Insalate Caprese to share as an appetizer, her favorite
Ravioli ai Funghi and the Pollo al Limone for myself, adding the Tiramisu to complete the meal. I knew Bella
would be tired from driving to Seattle and flying all afternoon, so rather than drag her out to a romantic dinner, I
would bring the romance to her instead.

I had ordered flowers before she left which had arrived via Federal Express the day before. I kept them in the
fridge overnight and laid the blooms on her seat for the drive. I had requested two bunches of ten long-stemmed
Calla Lilies in a light pink blush color, reminding me of the flush Bella's porcelain skin took on when she was
embarrassed or aroused. I was crazy with excitement to finally see her, finally touch her. It seemed as though she
had been gone forever and I wasn't looking forward to an additional separation the following week when I had to
go to New York for business.

I wanted to meet her inside the airport, hug and kiss her, carry her bags and hold her hand, but she wouldn't allow
me to do so for fear of running into someone from work traveling the same day. Little does she know everyone
will know tomorrow and I hope she doesn't hate
me for it.

As I pulled into the passenger pickup area, I spotted her immediately. She was one of the first people standing on
the long sidewalk with her bags beside her. She waved and I flashed my lights to let her know I had indeed seen
her. She stood tall in a beige sweater with long sleeves and a black belt tied around the waist, tight blue jeans and
dark brown boots. Loose waves fell around her shoulders and framed her beautiful face.

Staring at her there, anxiously anticipating my arrival, I thought back to the words of my mother and my best
friend. Mom had said, "Sometimes love just happens and the circumstances are completely out of our hands," and
Ben added profoundly, "time has no bearing on the heart's desires," and it was right then that it struck me; they
were both absolutely right. Love is out of our control and will take us by surprise when we least expect it. The

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walls I had built with past failures, disappointments and fear were tumbling and I was beginning to see that
Isabella Marie Swan just might be the "One".

I pulled over to the curb, quickly placing the car in park and jumped out to grab her bags. She smiled and
sheepishly said, "Hello." I smirked at her knowing once I had her out of the public eye, she was mine, all mine.
After throwing her bags into the trunk, I went around to open the door for her. I bent down to grab the flowers and
handed them to her as she sunk down into the seat. She smiled, glancing at me through her dark lashes as the
beautiful blush matching the lilies graced her faced. When I moved around the car and slid in next to her, she said,
"Thank you for the flowers, Edward, they are beautiful."

"Not nearly as beautiful as you are, Bella," I said as I grabbed her hand, lacing our fingers. "Do you have any idea
how much I missed you?"

Mumbling under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear her, Bella whispered, "Nowhere near as much as I missed

"What was that?" I asked, wanting to hear her say it louder.

"Oh, I just said that I might have a good idea," said spat out trying to cover her tracks, but the crimson veil gave
her away. I chuckled, knowing her little secret and raised her hand to kiss the back of it. I inhaled her delicate
scent that was seared deeply into my olfactory memory. I reveled in the satiny softness of her skin pressed against
my lips. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to press my lips to every inch of her supple body.


Before I knew it, we were at Bella's place. Letting her out at the curb, I unloaded the bags for the doorman to have
sent up and then darted across the street into my spot at work. I grabbed my bag and briefcase before making my
way up to Bella's apartment. She left the door unlocked, so I let myself in, dropped my things in the chair by the
door and went in search of my perfect drug. I found her emerging from the bathroom and drying her hands on a
hand towel. I enveloped her in my arms and lowered my lips to meet hers. This was the spark - the rush - I so
desperately craved.

It was only moments of tasting her sweetness before a knock sounded at the door. Knowing it was someone
bringing up her bags finally, I told her I would get it. I tipped the man and dragged her luggage to the bedroom,
laying the bags out on the bed for her. "I've ordered dinner, but it won't be here for awhile. Why don't you get
unpacked while I run you a nice warm bath?"

Bella's head shot up as if she had never expected me to say such a thing and then the astonished look on her face
quickly melted into a big smile, "I would absolutely love that right now. Thank you, Edward."

I began drawing her a bath, adding liquid bubbles as she flitted about between the bedroom, bathroom and closet.
I shut off the water and left the bathroom to find Bella standing at the side of her bed in front of her nearly empty
suitcase. I wrapped my arms around her waist, leaned in to kiss her neck and told her that the bath was ready
when she was. She sighed, relaxed back into my embrace and laid her head against my shoulder as she once again
thanked me.

I went to prepare for dinner by setting the table and then poured two glasses of white wine. In the bedroom, Bella
had put away all of the luggage, her boots lay beside the bed and I found her disrobing in the bathroom.

I stood quietly watching as her hands untied the satin belt at her waist. Pulling the sweater open and back, it slid
gently off her shoulders and to the floor. I listened as she popped the button on her jeans, slid the zipper down and
shimmied the tight fabric down her legs revealing a delicate satin and lace thong. Her arms crossed, her hands
grasping the bottom of her cream camisole by the hem and lifted it over her head. She reached behind and made
quick work of the clasps of her bra before hooking her thumbs into the elastic of her panties and easing them off.

Bella then spotted me standing at the door with a longing in my eyes, two glasses of wine in my hands and a
boner in my jeans. When she smiled it reached her chocolate orbs with a twinkle, inviting me to enter. Stepping
slowly into the hot water, she sat and laid back before lazily opening her eyes. I handed her a glass of wine before

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closing the lid on the toilet and taking a seat. As much as I wanted to do dozens of other things in that moment, I
knew we needed to talk first.

"What is it, Love?" she asked, always so perceptive. "I know something is bothering you."

"Well, I didn't want to say anything the other day and ruin your vacation with your father, but everything is about
to change." I sighed and dropped my head, not able to look into her eyes and see the disappointment I was about
to place there. "My father knows about our relationship, he's not happy with me and wants me to change the
circumstances immediately."

With a gasp, Bella cried, "What?! You told him, Edward? Why would you do that? I thought we agreed to keep
this under wraps! There goes my whole fucking career!"

"Wait, Bella! No, I did not tell him and I made a promise to you about your job. We just have to figure out a few
things and we can make it work."

"If you didn't tell him, then how the fuck did he find out?"

"Tanya told him. She got pissed when I brushed off her advances and ran to my dad."

"That fucking cunt!" Bella shouted. "I will beat her fucking ass, I swear to God!"

"Bella, baby, calm down. Honey, I know you're angry, I'm fucking pissed about it too, but we need to figure out
how we're going to move forward and handle this. We've got some decisions to make first."

"What, like where I'm gonna fucking live after I lose my job? Or maybe if we should just end this now or wait
until morning after we've had a good fuck?"

I sat my glass of wine down and knelt to the floor, grabbing Bella's face in my hands. She had large tears
streaming down her cheeks and her eyes were filled with anger and hurt. I couldn't allow her to continue down
this path of thinking or bear the brunt of our difficult situation at work. Forcing her to look me in the eyes, I
pleaded, "Baby, listen to me. Let's get a few things straight right now, I am never letting you go, you are so much
more to me than just a good fuck and you are not going to lose your job. Can you please just believe me?"

"I want to, Edward, I do. I'm just scared of what's going to happen to us and to my job," she sobbed.

"We are going to be okay. And I've already told my father that I will resign before I will permit anything to
happen to your career with our company," I said still holding my world in my palms. I would not let this disaster
that I created tear us apart.

"That's crazy, Edward!" she said shaking her face from my grasp. "You can't resign, it's your company."

"It's not mine yet and I will do whatever I have to do to hold on to you and keep my promises in the process."

"Isn't there something else we can consider? There has got to be a better way out of this mess."

"Well, actually, Dad's main concern is the fact that you're my assistant. He didn't say anything about you working
in another office. He really couldn't once Alice announced she was fucking Jasper Whitlock... her words not

Bella's eyes grew to the size of saucers as she exclaimed, "What?! You've got to be kidding!"

"Nope, she said they've had a long distance thing going since Christmas of last year. Came as a shock to all of us."

"I wondered why she was always coming and going from his office. Makes sense now. Oh, poor Mr. Whitlock,
not only does your dad hate me now, but he'll have it out for him, as well."

"My dad does not hate you, he's only thinking of the company from a legal standpoint. I assured him that I
pursued you and that I'd promised you that your job would be safe no matter what the outcome was."

"So... if I switched departments or positions I could keep working for Masen Enterprises and not have to give you
up in trade?" she asked her face lifting somewhat.

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"That's exactly what I'm saying, baby. And just so you know, I would walk out tomorrow if it were the only way I
could keep you, family business or not."

Blushing and looking as though she'd really like to say something completely different, her response was, "I heard
that Mr. McCarty's Executive Assistant, Jessica Newton, gave her notice just before the holiday weekend."
Continuing to ramble and divert the attention off of herself, she went on, "Her husband, Mike's job is transferring
him to their Los Angeles office. He went on ahead to find a place to settle into before she goes out with the kids. I
think she's going to stay home with them since he'll be making quite a bit more money with the new position."
Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, she looked up to see the grin on my face, "What? News travels fast
around there. I'm sure tomorrow will be a buzz with the news that I'm fucking my boss."

Leaning over, I braced myself near her face with my hands on the side of tub to kiss her moist lips. When I pulled
away smiling, I whispered, "But it's a good fuck, remember?"

Splashing me in the face, she blurted, "Edward, you can be such an ass sometimes."

"Oh, but you love it," I said as I once again heard a knock at the door. I dried my face with a towel, told Bella,
"Dinner's here," and ran out to get the door.


Bella emerged from the bedroom about ten minutes later wrapped in a royal blue silk robe that played beautifully
off her skin. Her hair was pulled up in a tight twist at the back of her head revealing the long lines of her neck.
"Edward, this is amazing!" she said as I pulled out her chair. I had transferred everything onto plates which I laid
out with her silverware and glasses of wine and water. I trimmed her flowers and placed them in a vase in the
middle of the table surrounded by candles. "I can't believe you did all of this for me."

As I sat and placed my napkin in my lap, I took her hand and said, "I would do anything for you." I kissed the
back of her and set it back down softly on the table. She had no idea how true my words were, so until I could get
up the nerve to tell her how deep my feelings were, I would have to show her with my actions. Tonight was about
comforting her and assuring her that everything would work out in the end and it would be well worth the

After we enjoyed a delicious meal and pleasant conversation about Bella's trip to Washington, I excused myself to
clear the table, load the dishwasher and returned with a large piece of Tiramisu. I sat the plate down in front
myself and held only one fork in my hand. The pout on Bella's face was adorable. Cutting through the decadent
dessert with the fork, I raised it to my open mouth. Her mouth, too, hung open, however it was in disbelief. I
closed my mouth into a smirk and turned the utensil to meet her lips. She rolled her eyes at my trickery and
indulged my desire to feed her. Her full lips formed around the sweet treat and slid along the tines as I slowly
pulled the fork from her mouth. I felt a stirring in my jeans and I'm sure her smirk meant Bella noticed my
discomfort. She persisted with her teasing as I continued to feed her every last morsel. My eyes unable to leave
her lips and her tongue that kept darting out to lick the remnants and crumbs.

Increasing the pressure in my pants, Bella reminded me, "Tonight's the last night you'll get to stay with me for
awhile. Rose will be here tomorrow evening and will be sleeping with me."

Groaning, I stood to add the plate to the dishwasher and heard Bella giggle as I tried to discreetly adjust myself.
When did these jeans get so fucking tight?! I approached her from behind, running my hands up and down the
smooth fabric on her upper arms. When I bent to kiss her bare neck, I felt goosebumps rise on her flesh. I smiled
into the hollow under her ear and whispered, "May I take you to bed?"

Bella literally shivered at my words; pulling out her chair, I offered her my hand. I blew out most of the candles
but was able to wrap my fingers around three still burning. I lead her into the bedroom and set the candles on the
nightstand. I switched off the lights, taking in the sight of her in the soft glow.

I took Bella's face in my hands and bent to kiss her warm lips. The kisses were chaste at first, just soft and tender.
However, as my hands slid down her long neck, my tongue snuck out and lapped at the sweetness remaining from

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dessert. Bella moaned and parted her lips as her tongue floated effortlessly across my own. Deepening the kiss
with a tilt of my head, my hands snaked under the collar of her robe, loosening the gathered fabric. My hands
moved outward, sliding the silky material down her arms and slowly unveiling the curve of her full breasts.

Pulling gently away from her swollen lips, I trailed wet, open-mouthed kisses back along her jawline, under her
ear and down the strained tendons of her neck. I kissed around her collar-bone to the hollow at her throat and
began my descent down the center of her chest. Removing her arms from the sleeves, I was able to completely
uncover the splendor of her tits.

I pushed Bella down gently to sit on the edge of the bed so I could kneel on my knees and continue my roaming.
Using my tongue, I slowly trailed it around the outer edge of her right tit following the outline across, down, and
under to where the two met. I then continued under, up, and around the left one to end at the center of her chest
again, forming an upside down heart with the path.

Cupping each breast and feeling the weight in my hands, I first took one and then the other into my mouth. I laved
the nipples with my hot tongue then blew cool air over the moist flesh to watch it tighten and pucker. As I nipped
and sucked one nipple with my mouth, I pinched and kneaded the other with my hand. Bella moaned softly and
threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck. This brought my attention back to her hair. I raised
back up to kiss her and pulled the pins from her hair to release it. The Mahogany curls cascaded down around her
shoulders forming large ringlets along her arms and back.

I laid Bella back to rest on the bed and untied the belt at her waist, pulling her robe completely open. I stared at
the glimmer that the candles flickering beside me and the lights of the city behind her created as they danced upon
her skin. I watched the heaving of her chest with each anticipatory breath. As I went to work the robe out from
under her hips, she propped a foot on the edge of the bed to lift and shift, providing an easier removal. However,
she also afforded me a glimpse of more radiant flesh in the form of her glistening wet pussy.

I stood and quickly tore my shirt over my head and then unbuttoned my jeans. I forced them down my legs and
kicked them off to the side of the room before kneeling in front of Bella again.

I brought her tiny foot to my lips and inhaled the soft lavender rose of her bubble bath as I kissed along the top.
My lips trailed over her ankle, along the side of her calf and lifting her leg straight and high, I kissed the
underside of her knee. She flinched slightly at the contact, but my lips continued their path along the inside of her
thigh until I reached the top. Still holding that leg up, I began the same pattern on her other leg starting at the top
of her delicate foot. Once I reached the apex of her thighs, I placed each leg over my shoulders resting her heels
on my back.

Placing chaste kisses all around the outer edge of her pussy, Bella's breathing increased subtly. It wasn't until I
spread the flesh before me that it became increasingly obvious. I could tell that she had missed this as much as I
had. Sliding a finger up and down through the moist heat I took a long deep breath. The scent was a combination
of the soft florals from her bath mixed with the hot aroma of her sex. Dipping my tongue in to taste her, I
remembered back to how she described it to me, "I taste sweet, but salty... like ocean water and honey." Other
than the faint lingering taste of the bubbles, I could not have described it any better.

I ran the flat of my tongue slowly along the length of her pussy and pressed firmly on her clit with each pass. Her
hips jerked slightly, but once I eased two fingers inside her she began softly gyrating her hips in circles. Using the
very tip of my tongue and drawing patterns all along the inner folds and around her clit teasingly, I carefully
pumped my fingers in and out, feeling her body tense and relax from the inside with my movements. Bella's
moaning increased and her fingers were woven tightly into my hair. I began flicking her clit with my tongue
causing her tiny bucks to become more pronounced. Sucking the flesh into my mouth tightly and adding another
finger caused the moans to become mewls. Cries of pleasure escaped her lungs as I curled my fingers deep inside
her. Her screams were a melody to my ears - the chorus, my name - as she came slow and hard, her body
shuddering with each wave of euphoria that rolled through her.

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I removed my fingers gently, kissed her clit softly and rose to kiss Bella's lips, her legs still hitched over my
shoulders. As I slowly inserted the head my cock into her tight pussy, I brought my still wet fingers to her mouth.
I traced her plump lips, coating them with her juices. She lapped eagerly at them and then sucked each of my
fingers into her mouth, moaning as her eyes pierced mine. As fucking hot and erotic as this all was I didn't want to
get overly excited, I wanted to make this special. Even if I couldn't say the words aloud, I wanted Bella to feel all
the love in my heart for her, pouring from my body.

I leisurely rocked my hips, entering her bit by bit. Her body finally accepting my full mass as it filled her to
capacity. I pulled all the way out quickly before pushing back in very slowly and repeating the motions time and
again. Bella began sobbing and whimpering for me to increase the intensity. I began thrusting continuously into
her, gently but with a faster pace.

Sucking a nipple into my mouth, I reached around her leg to place my thumb on her clit. Her chanting of, "Yes,
yes, yes!" became loud and furious as she threw the name of God and myself into the mix. The soft, warm inner
walls of Bella's pussy massaged my dick as she began to cum. Her muscles clenched and yielded around my cock,
effectively eliciting the same response from me.

I'd never felt the desire to tell a woman I loved her in the heat of passion before, but at that moment I felt more
connected to Bella than I ever had. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Our bond, deep
and intense, made clear by the look in our eyes as our gaze was locked on one another.

Kissing her softly, I eased my now flaccid cock from it's warm cavern. I lifted up, shifted her leg around my body
and lay down beside her. Pulling her over against my chest, I kissed her forehead and smoothed her long hair
down her back. Finally breaking our comfortable silence, I said, "And for the record, as arousing as the thought of
two women is, I don't think I could handle sharing you, even with your best friend." Bella just smiled up at me,
kissed my lips softly and nuzzled her head against my shoulder, drifting quickly off to sleep.


Chapter Seven ~ Head Over Feet

Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole

You're so much braver than I gave you credit for

That's not lip service

You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it

It's all your fault

You are the bearer of unconditional things

You held your breath and the door for me

Thanks for your patience

Head Over Feet ~ Alanis Morissette


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"Thank you for calling Edward Masen's office, Isabella speaking," I said, answering the phone first thing Monday

The commanding voice of Mr. Masen greeted me, "Good morning, Miss Swan. I saw that Edward was in bright
and early this morning when I pulled into the garage. Now that you are in as well, I'd like to see the both of you in
my office."

"We'll be right down, Sir," I said, trying desperately to swallow the lump in my throat. It was the moment of truth
and I was terrified. I mean, realistically he couldn't just fire me, but he could make my life a living hell.

I walked into Edward's office and he could tell immediately something was up by the look on my face I assumed.
"What's wrong?"

"Your father called and wants us both to come to his office right away."

Edward sighed, "Well he doesn't waste any time; let's get this over with. And don't worry, baby, you know I won't
let anything happen to you." Edward stood and ushered me out the door before him with a gentle hand on my
lower back. I felt a noticeable relaxing of my tense muscles at his touch, calming my nerves somewhat.

As we walked down the long corridor paneled in dark wood, Edward asked, "So, you want me to suggest you as
Jessica's replacement then?"

He reached for the door handle to his father's office and turned to look at me inquisitively. With a heavy sigh I
replied, "Yes, I think that would be best for everyone." He nodded and smiled as I inhaled a deep breath to
compose myself.

Stepping in and crossing the room to the desk of Mr. Masen's Executive Assistant, Edward said, "Good morning,
Charlotte. Isabella and I are here to see my father."

"Of course, Mr. Masen. He and Ms. Garrett are expecting you, go on in. Good morning, Isabella."

I smoothed the front of my slacks and looked up, smiling at the older woman. I feared what she might already
know and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. "Good morning, Charlotte. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?"

"I did, thank you."

Edward opened the door to his father's large office and escorted me in. Mr. Masen sat with his back to the wall of
windows facing the company's Director of Human Resources, Mary Garrett. Standing, he extended his hand to me
first and then to Edward. We turned to greet Ms. Garrett in the same manner when he said, "Have a seat."

"Dad, I-" Edward began, but was quickly cut off by his father.

"Edward, please, let me speak and then I'll give you both a chance to talk when I'm finished with what I need to
say. First of all, I owe you both an apology for the way I handled myself the other day. Miss Swan, I know you
weren't there to witness our confrontation, but I'm sure you've heard all about it by now." I nodded and lowered
my gaze to my lap, unable to hold eye contact with him in my shame.

"I was honestly not prepared for you to confirm the rumor, Edward, and when you did I wasn't thinking clearly. I
spoke emotionally charged nonsense and suggested that you fire Miss Swan for something that you were both
inappropriately engaging in, ultimately insinuating that she bear the punishment." All of a sudden I was terrified
that he was now going to permit Edward to proceed with his resignation. He went on, "However, we all know that
is not the proper way to handle this situation.

"I pulled your employee file, Miss Swan, and have poured through all of your history working for our company.
Your attendance is flawless, your performance evaluations are stellar, and your productivity reports and
continuing education are very impressive."

"Thank you, sir." Although the circumstances of our meeting were horribly humiliating, I was very proud of my
accomplishments and my career.

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Mr. Masen nodded and continued, directing his attention to Edward. "I did a lot of soul searching this weekend,
son. You've got a great head on your shoulders. Although I wouldn't say that the decision to become involved
with your assistant was the smartest thing, I also know sometimes affairs of the heart can't be denied. And to see
and hear that Miss Swan here makes you happy like no other woman ever has makes me realize that you're more
like me than I care to admit sometimes. Your mother and I went through a lot to be together and I understand why
you are willing to make the sacrifices that you are for her. I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say here is that I
was a jackass and I would certainly hate to lose either of you.

"That being said, it's come to my attention that we have an opening within the company for a position with the
Marketing Director. Mr. McCarty is losing his Executive Assistant and I think it would be a good position for
you, Miss Swan. It would be a lateral move to which you will be able to transition seamlessly. Unfortunately, I
cannot allow you to remain working for Edward and I want this transfer to take place immediately. Ms. Garrett
has some paperwork you both need to complete and Mrs. Newton will be switching offices with you until a
permanent EA for Edward is in place." Edward and I smiled at one another that the plan we had formulated had
come about without a mention from either of us. Mr. Masen was the mastermind, or so he thought, and we were
fine with that.

When he appeared to have successfully completed his speech, Edward spoke again, "Dad, that's a fantastic idea! I
- we - appreciate your understanding and willingness to work with our situation."

"Yes, thank you, sir," I added. "I do want to apologize for putting you in this difficult position, Mr. Masen. I never
meant for any of this to happen and my career with Masen Enterprises means a great deal to me. However,
Edward, has become such an important part of my life that I can't say that I regret my decision."

"I know what you're saying, Miss Swan. I put my parents through hell to be with Liz. It was never intentional to
hurt them or go against their wishes, I just knew it was the right thing for us." It was so endearing to see the
personal side of Mr. Masen and his love for his wife. There was so much of him in Edward, I was discovering.
"So, yeah, I get it and I'm pleased that we can now all be on the same page. I want my son to be happy and if it's
with you then your relationship deserves to be on the up and up, no hiding and feeling guilty for something that is
clearly meant to be. Now, I do insist that things be strictly professional at work and it may not be easy for some
people to accept, the concept is extremely taboo to many. However, as long as the lines can be maintained, I give
my blessing and I'm very happy for the both of you."

After signing some forms acknowledging that our relationship was consensual and agreeing to hold the company
blameless, we made our way out of his office with more handshakes and a pat on the back for Edward. Alice sat
waiting on the couch, thumbing through a finance magazine and looking as bored as could be. When she saw us
emerge with smiles on our faces, her features relaxed somewhat and she jumped up to hug me. "Bella! Fuck, I'm
so sorry about everything that happened, but trust me, it will be dealt with."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Alice. You do need to call me though, because we have a lot to talk about."

Mr. Masen grabbed Alice around the shoulders turning to escort her into his office and told Charlotte, "Mr.
Whitlock should be along any minute, please send him." I grinned as Alice grimaced over her shoulder at me and
rolled her eyes.


Moving to my new office was bittersweet. When I walked out with my things and Edward's eyes upon my
retreating form, I felt a huge tug at my heart. I was going to miss seeing him constantly and knowing every detail
of his day, but that could be a good thing, too. It could make our time together that much more special and less
centered around the crap at work.

Edward's father was right in that this would be a very smooth transition for both myself and Jessica. They already
had someone they'd like to replace me with so Jess could train her before leaving for L.A. Emily Young from
Accounting would be learning the ropes up here part-time while training a new person to fill her shoes. This
whole chain thing is crazy when you work for a company that likes to hire from within.

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Although I had met Mr. McCarty before at formal events and passed in the corridors, meeting him on more of a
personal level was... interesting. I was unpacking my things when he appeared, surprisingly quietly, out of his
office. He smacked me on my back, scaring the holy shit out of me, and squeezed my shoulder saying, "Hey, kid,
welcome to the dark side! You can call me Emmett and I'm gonna call you kid. Any objections?"

"Well, actually, Emmett, I would prefer Isabella or Bella, if you wouldn't mind," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Alright, alright...fair enough, Bella it is then. So I hear you're hooking up with Eddie? Not that it's any of my

"You're right, it is none of your business."

"Hey, I'm just glad he's finally getting some," Emmett said, raising his hands defensively, "he was getting pretty
bitchy there for awhile. Anyway, nice to have you, Bella. I'm outta here for a couple hours, take messages and I'll
get back to them when I return. I gotta do some shopping for my girl."

I wasn't sure what to think of this guy. On one hand he seemed very nice and I'm sure things could have been
worse, but on the other he was a crass motherfucker. Which I secretly kind of liked.


Once I got things put away and organized, I took the opportunity to make some brief plans for the evening. I
didn't need to be to the airport to pick up Rose until eight and I knew that Edward would be heading home for the
night. That thought made me a bit sad, but I was also glad to see my best friend. We hadn't seen each other since I
flew to New York over Labor Day.

Knowing Edward was at lunch with a colleague, I opted to text him instead of calling.

Join me at my place after work?
I've got a surprise for you.

I made my way to the kitchen to grab my lunch from the refrigerator and found the space to be empty. Of course,
since this was the Executive Kitchen and only the big shots and Jessica, Charlotte, Maggie and myself had access
to it, it wasn't that surprising, but it was a relief. I wasn't quite sure I was ready to face the onslaught of stares and
whispers yet.

As I wandered back to my new office with my sandwich in hand, my phone buzzed signaling that I had a

Id love to
What’s the surprise

I laughed at Edward's attempt to pry information from me.

If I told you,
it wouldn't be a surprise.
Nice try. ;-)

I imagined that he, too, was chuckling as my phone buzzed again,

u cant blame a guy for trying

He was really too adorable for words. He spoiled me rotten, was willing to make huge sacrifices for me and
always made me smile. He really was the perfect man. He was my version of Superman... all Clark Kent at work
and a real superhero in bed.


I stepped into the elevator and just as it was closing, an arm reached in to halt the doors. I'd know that hand
anywhere. My girly bits got a little tingly just thinking of the things those long fingers have done to me. A smiled
formed on my face just as the sexy boy attached to them stepped in and stood beside me.

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As the elevator made its descent and filled with people, I noticed more whispering and stolen glances from the
women than usual. Knowing exactly what they were talking about, I looked up at Edward and rolled my eyes.
Edward cleared his throat loudly bringing an end to the discussions abruptly. I looked up again to see a proud
smirk curling the ends of his lips. I blushed and looked back down to the floor, but couldn't help feeling pretty
damn proud myself. He wasn't afraid to let our relationship be known and he wasn't afraid to stand up for me or
my honor. Fuck, I think I love this man! Wait! What?

As we stepped into the cold, dark evening and out of the Masen Building, Edward looked down at me, took my
hand in his, and walked towards my apartment with a huge smile on his face. His father may have understandably
said we had to be all business at work, but outside of that we could just be Edward and Bella, boyfriend and
girlfriend. He was definitely making a statement in that moment and I felt giddy that we were able to finally come
out. I also couldn't really give a rat's ass about all those catty bitches and their gossiping, they were just jealous
that I was banging the hottest guy at work. The taboo part, as Mr. Masen referred to it, was that it just so
happened that he was the boss' son.

We rode the elevator up of to my floor, still quietly holding hands. I felt safe, warm and loved with his large hand
surrounding mine. It was liberating not to have to hide anymore and a bit empowering as well. As I unlocked the
door, Edward kissed the back of my neck sending chills down my spine and creating an ache between my legs. I
opened the door, leaning against it for Edward to enter, saying, "Have a seat," and motioned toward the
overstuffed chair by the door.

He lowered to kiss me chastely with a smirk as his brows knit together wondering what I was up to. Bending to
switch on the lamp, he set his briefcase down beside the chair as I tossed my purse on the table. We both shed our
overcoats and he sat down as instructed and propped one foot on the ottoman. His arms were spread high and
wide upon the sides of the chair as he eyed me suspiciously, watching my every move.

As I removed my blazer, revealing my snug, white cami below, Edward's eyes narrowed and focused on my chest.
Moving between his legs, I lifted my leg to push the ottoman out of the way. I knelt before him and reached to
loosen his tie and unhook the top button, wanting him to be more comfortable.

His eyes darkened as they stared into my own and I said, "You've been so amazing to me, Edward. You stood up
to your father on my behalf and you were willing to surrender an awful lot for me." The look in his eyes told me
that he'd do it all over again, too. "You gave me the most incredible welcome home a girl could ever ask for. So I
just wanted to give you a little something in return," I purred as I released his cock from his trousers. A crooked
grin spread across Edward's face as he realized exactly what his surprise was. "But, since you are a man that has
everything, I hope this will suffice?" I said as I ran the tip of my tongue slowly up from the base of his cock to the
top of the head, lapping at the pre-cum that had pooled there.

Edward groaned and leaned his head on the back of the chair momentarily before lifting it again to keep his eyes
on the prize. My tongue ran circles around the rim of his head and flicked at it teasingly. My hand began pumping
his shaft purposefully as I sunk down lower to lap at his balls. The skin puckered around them and I took one into
my mouth, rolling it around gently before moving to the next. I rose back up, gripped the base of his cock firmly
as my tongue made another long pass along his length.

Positioning myself higher above Edward's groin, I sucked the head of his cock greedily into my mouth. I could
have sworn he actually hissed at me as he breathed in sharply at the sensation. I relaxed my throat and carefully
worked up and down to finally get the full extent of his manhood into my mouth. I could tell Edward was hoping
to gain purchase in my hair but my ponytail hindered his efforts. He'd set his hand lightly on my head, stroke and
pet it, then move them back to the arms of the chair, grasping them roughly.

I sucked firmly on Edward's cock, occasionally ceasing to tease with the tip of my tongue again. I'd hear him
groan and then gasp each time I stopped one motion and started another. These sounds were music to my ears,
knowing he truly enjoyed what I could do for him. Knowing I could please my man in this way, only spurred me
on to continue my expression of gratitude.

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Edward and I worked in tandem, as my pace increased, so did his breathing; as his moans grew more pronounced
and he gripped the chair tighter, I sucked harder and gently massaged his balls. As Edward's dick began to twitch
under my lips, I could feel his seed rising to the surface. He let out a loud groan, "Unnnngh... fuck Bella! You are
so fucking amazing. I swear, I am the luckiest goddamn man on the fucking face of the earth."

With a huge sense of satisfaction at his words and knowing he truly meant them, I smiled and rose to kiss him.
Looking into his dark eyes, I whispered, "Edward, I..." I paused not really sure I could say what my heart wanted
to say without sending him running for the hills. "I think you're pretty fucking amazing as well," I added,
chickening out.


Although we never got around to having dinner, Edward rummaged through the kitchen for something quick to
make as I pulled on a pair jeans and a sweater. Racing out the door with sandwiches in hand, we rode the elevator
to the basement garage and hopped into my car. I drove across the street to the garage at work so he could get his
own car and head home. Pulling in beside his, I put my car in park and leaned my head back on the seat with a
heavy sigh, turning to watch him leave. Leaning over the console, he wrapped his large hand around the back my
neck with his thumb stroking the skin in front of my ear. He leaned in to kiss me, his warm lips pressing softly to
mine. His tongue swept gently between my lips, caressing my own languidly. He pulled away with a sexy smirk
and a twinkle in his eyes. "Good night, baby. Please drive safely. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night, love."

Following me out of the garage and onto Adams, he stayed cautiously behind me as we entered the freeway and
for approximately eight miles until the I-94 branched off to the right towards Lake Forest. I continued on the I-90
around to the left towards the airport to pick up my best friend. As he began to pull away he flashed his lights in
my rearview mirror and for some reason that brought a huge smile to my face.

Old Metallica always had a way of getting my blood pumping and "For Whom the Bell Tolls" never failed to put
me in the right frame of mind to deal with my crazy best friend. I had my "Ride the Lightning" CD blaring and
not wanting to miss Rose's call if there was a delay with her bags, I had placed my cell phone between my legs.
Not two minutes after Edward had turned off, my phone vibrated bringing another big shit eating grin to my face.
He sent me a text that read,

I miss u already
is it morning yet?

Not wanting to continue this conversation on the road, I giggled at him and his sweetness and set my phone back
down. Shaking my head, I still couldn't believe how perfect he was. He was thoughtful and considerate; not to
mention incredibly sexy and always went out of his way to make sure that I was happy and well taken care of. Oh
he knows
exactly how to take care of me alright and that definitely makes me very happy!

As excited as I was that Rose was coming home, having her stay at my place for an indeterminate amount of time
might drive me crazy with sexual frustration. It's pretty sad that I lived directly across the street from my office
and if I wanted to have a nooner, I'd have to rent a hotel room to get it on with my boyfriend. However, if that was
our only option, so be it. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


As expected, Rose stood in the passenger pickup area with a cart loaded well over capacity with luggage and
duffel bags. This girl had so many clothes and shoes, but she was a pro and had it all down pat. She may be
beautiful and get paid really phenomenal money to look good, but she was no prima donna. She was down to
earth, caring, friendly to everyone unless crossed. If you were Rose's friend she loved you passionately. However,
if you got on her bad side, look out - she didn't take anyone's shit, refused to kiss ass and hated people that were
two-faced, which was interesting considering her line of work.

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Rose was literally bouncing with excitement as she saw my car approach. I pulled over to park and practically
bolted from my car to see her. We hugged as tight as we could for the longest time. We knew each other like
sisters, but we were better than siblings. We never really fought because we were always open and honest with
one another and we just got each other. We thought each others' thoughts, we completed each others' sentences,
we were each an extension of the other. We had been this way since day one. When I unexpectedly found myself
having to move into the dorms freshman year, Rose was my assigned roommate. We were inseparable from that
day forward. And since I was in a really bad place then, she ended up being my healer and saving grace.

We loaded her things, made our way home and gabbed incessantly for half of the night. Rose knew I was dating
someone, but we hadn't had much time to really talk over the last several weeks, so she had no clue who it was or
how we had met. I explained in detail how I started stripping for my boss and gave him nightly sex shows. Told
her about the toy he sent me, about his smoke signals, and what happened when he fessed up to being my voyeur.
She laughed hysterically, giving me high-fives as I knew only Rose would and said, "Haha, I love it. You're such
a little whore and therefore my soulmate." There was no embarrassment with her, only fun and certainly no such
thing as too much information.

I filled her in on how we were outed by a twat that thought she had some rightful claim on Edward. This made
Rose's demeanor change and she grew protective of me. "B, I will cut any bitch that fucks with you, you know
that right?"

"It's actually not the worst thing that could have happened." I told her all about the events that took place at work
that day and how I had been transferred to Mr. McCarty's office. I explained that Mr. Masen was now okay with
us dating and it was actually a good thing that we didn't have to hide anymore. She relaxed some then, but I knew
Tanya would never stand a chance if she ever encountered Rose, that's for sure. I kind of like the sound of that.

"So when do I get to meet this stud that has my girl's hooha singing?"

"Soon, I promise." And with a giggle, I added, "But, you're really lucky I love you so much, because you are
seriously cockblocking me here. My hooha needs lots of rehearsal time."

Although we had slid into my clean, crisp sheets hours earlier, we didn't actually fall asleep until around two-
thirty in the morning. It was always like a fucking slumber party with us. We could stay up until all hours of the
night when together, sleep very little and get back after it again the next night.


Rose and I made plans to go to lunch together. We met outside my building at noon and walked the block and a
half to Salad Spinners on Monroe. It was an excellent day for a fresh salad and a nice warm cup of soup. I didn't
want to stretch my first lunch away from Emmett's office too long so we ate quickly and made our way back.

I invited her up to the Executive floor to check out my new office and to meet Edward. While Rose looked around
I called Edward to see if he had a free minute. He said he would be heading to the same meeting Emmett would
soon be leaving for so he'd come down to introduce himself before they left.

Rose was sitting on the couch along the wall and I sat at my desk as Edward sauntered in. This was the first
chance I'd had to see him all day and I wanted nothing more than to run to him, wrap my arms around his neck
and kiss him for days. Unfortunately, that was not an option at the office, so instead, I stood and said, "Edward,
this is Rosalie Hale, my best friend." With a sweep of my arm in her direction, Edward stepped to her with quick,
long strides and extended his hand.

"Rosalie, it's great to finally to meet you. I'm Edward Masen. Bella speaks often and very highly of you."

"She better!" she quipped. Then turning on her polite, professional side said, "Hi, Edward. Please call me, Rose."
Leaning around Edward and still holding his hand she gaped at me and added, "Hot Damn, you weren't fucking
kidding!" And there was the true Rose I knew and loved.

Dropping her hand, Edward flashed Rose that killer smirk of his and asked, "Do I even want to know what that
was about?"

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"Why not? Bella told me how pretty you were and she wasn't shitting me, you are a very pretty man."

"Well, thank you, but I really think she's the beauty in this relationship." He turned to me and smiled as I blushed
and bit my lip to restrain my desire to molest him in my office.

Luckily, Emmett broke me from the dirty thoughts that were threatening to overtake my brain. He stepped out of
his office and swung his jacket over his left shoulder, holding it in place with one strong finger. "Hey, Eddie, you
ready to..." Emmett trailed off as the sight of Rose caught his eye. "Well, well, well, who do we have here?"

"Hello, sexy beast!" Rose exclaimed as they both made tracks towards each other. Sliding her hand into Emmett's,
she added, "I'm Rose. Are you single?"

"Rose!" I gasped. "What the hell are you doing? That's my boss, are you trying to get me fired?"

"What's the problem? You're fucking your old boss and I want to fuck your new one."

With a bellowing chuckle Emmett said, "Yeah, what's the problem? Don't worry, Bella, I'm rather enjoying her
direct approach. I like a woman that cuts to the chase." Emmett bore his searing gaze into Rose's, "It is definitely a
pleasure to meet you, Rose."

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine," she purred, eliciting an extra twinkle from Emmett's eyes.

"Well, it certainly could be. I'm Emmett and yes I'm si-," Edward's tapping on his watch tipped Emmett off that
they were going to be late to their meeting, so he finished with, "so going to be late. I'm sorry, but we have a
meeting to get to. Don't be a stranger, Rose." And they made their way out of the office.

Turning to her, I snapped, "Rosalie Hale, what the fu-"

And then I was the one being cut off as Emmett poked his head back around the corner from the hall and said,
"Rosalie, huh? I like that." He winked at her and then disappeared. Fuck my life!


Rose and I had a great week of going for manicures, pedicures, massages and waxes, ordering way too much take-
out and carrying on about Edward and Emmett. She lived life by all those silly clichés - life is not a dress
rehearsal; life's short, play hard; live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse. She lived life to the fullest and
was not afraid to go after what she wanted.

That philosophy pissed her parents off when she dropped out of college to pursue her career with Ford Models
full-time. That philosophy also explained her forwardness with Emmett. I had seen her flirt shamelessly with guys
before and even have her way with a couple of them, but never had she come right out at first glance and nothing
more than a half a dozen words and say she wanted to fuck one of them. Something about Emmett really
captivated her. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that he was really fucking hot. He stood well over six
feet tall, had short sandy blond curls, piercing blue eyes and appeared to be extremely well-built under those
button down shirts.

Rose apparently grabbed his attention as well and he occasionally asked where my man eating friend was. She
was stunning at five feet eight inches tall, long bleached blonde hair and ice blue eyes, light olive-toned skin and
big boobs. I mean, what's not to like, right? She could definitely chew Emmett up and spit him out, but he didn't
seem to mind and I was starting to think she was interested in much more than that.

Late Friday afternoon Rose came strutting into my office after a photoshoot, looking hotter than ever. Under her
black leather jacket she wore an adorable white tank top emblazoned with huge red lips, blue jeans with large
cuffs and black peep-toe heels. Her long hair held loose curls that were gathered slightly at the nape of her neck
and of course her make-up was flawless; touched off with bright red lips to match her top. She was waiting for me
to get off of work and flipping through a real estate magazine when Emmett emerged from his office. "Bella, I'm
gonna take off. I've got to go pick up Katie."

"Hey, sexy beast. Who's Katie?" Rose asked Emmett, surprising him as he hadn't noticed her on the couch.

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"Well, if it isn't Rosalie, the man eater," he grinned.

"Man eater, huh? Is that a fantasy or a request?"

"It can be whatever you want it to be."

"You didn't answer my original question there, big fella. Who's Katie?"

"Katie would be my little girl. She's at grandma's and I need to drop her off at her mother's for the weekend."

"Ah, I see. So does that mean you're free for the evening?"

"I am. What did you have in mind?"

Looking at me, Rose said, "Hey, B, let's go to Juniors! I'm dying for some greasy food, good beer and a game of
pool. We haven't been there in years." Then turning back, she asked, "Sound good, Emmett?"

"Sounds perfect, I'll meet you there in about an hour."


We spent hours at the place we practically lived at in college. We played several games of pool and although Rose
is really an excellent player, she persuaded Emmett to coach her on the fine art of the long shot. She'd lean all the
way over the table with her ass in the air and Emmett would fold over the top of her to help her line up the shot.
They may as well have just had butt sex right there in the middle of the bar.

Rose and I had several shots each, the guys only joining us for one as they were both driving, and more than a few
pitchers of beer. Neither of us were feeling any pain, but we were both feeling very frisky. Rose had straddled
Emmett's lap and was licking his neck causing him to actually giggle like a girl. Me thinks the big guy is ticklish. I
sat sidesaddle on Edward's lap with my legs crossed tightly around his hand that was inching it's way up my skirt.
Edward nuzzled his nose into the side of my neck and up along the shell of my ear. Even above the roar of the
noisy bar, I heard him loud and clear, "I want to fuck you, Isabella, and if we don't leave soon, I'm gonna bend
you over that pool table, right here in front of everyone."

Knowing we had a long drive ahead of us, I jumped up and abruptly shouted, "Time to go!"

Rose leaned back to address me, arching her back and shoving her tits into Emmett's face. "I couldn't be more
ready," she said with a devious smile.

Edward had left his briefcase at the office and we pulled into the garage to run up and grab it before making the
trip to Lake Forest. We would also have to run over to my apartment so I could pack a bag for the weekend. As
we waited for the elevator, my phone rang. "Hi, Rose, we'll be over in a minute to grab my bag. We needed to
pick up Edward's briefcase at the office."

"Actually, the apartment is all yours, B, I won't be home tonight."

"Are you still with Emmett?"

"Yes," she giggled and then muttered Emmett's name while trying to cover the phone. "Okay, I'll talk to you
tomorrow. Love you," and she ended the call.

We stepped into the elevator, Edward pushed the button for the twelfth floor and pressed himself against me.
Kissing me aggressively, he lifted my skirt and then knelt before me. He pulled my wet panties down and worked
them over my shoes before licking at the crotch and stuffing them in his pocket. He hiked my leg over his
shoulder and buried his face between my thighs. He ran his tongue up between my folds and sucked my clit into
his mouth. It had been far too long and I nearly came in that moment, but the elevator doors opened. Unlike when
he surprised me in my elevator, we knew we were alone as it was nearly midnight but jumped nonetheless. With a
groan from both of us, he lowered my skirt and took my hand leading me into his office.

I stood facing his desk as he moved behind it to grab his briefcase. "We have the apartment to ourselves. Rose
called to say she'd be staying with Emmett tonight. Is it okay if we stay in the city?"

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"I like the sound of that. What are you staring at?" Edward asked, noticing my intent gaze across the street.

"I can't quite tell but I think those people are going at it," I said pointing one floor below us in my building.

Reaching into his desk drawer, Edward handed me a tiny pair of binoculars. He rounded the desk and slid in
behind me. His hands grabbed me around my midsection and yanked my blouse out from the waist of my skirt.
His hands moved slowly up my stomach and cupped my lace clad breasts. He ground his now apparent arousal
into my ass and growled into my ear, "You like to watch, Isabella?"

Pushing my ass back against him, I moaned, "Mmm...yeah."

Edward's hands moved down to my thighs and pushed my skirt up around my hips. Shoving my shoulders gently
down, I rested my elbows on his desk and continued to watch the scene unfold before me. "Tell me what you see,

Again Edward dropped to his knees and buried his face between my thighs. He licked at my lips and sucked at my
clit before forcing two fingers into my wet pussy. "Tell me, Isabella, what do you see?"

"She's on her knees sucking his cock," I grit out with a hitched breath.

Edward bore down on my clit with the flat of his tongue and moaned, the vibrations sending chills up my spine.
His fingers pumped more forcefully within me and curled around toward my pubic bone, making me all kinds of
crazy as they caressed my g-spot. "What else do you see, baby?"

"He just pulled out and came all over her face and tits."

Rubbing my clit with his thumb he continued stoking my g-spot and said, "You like that, baby?

As I came, my answer came out with dual purpose, "Yes! Yes!"

Edward stood and quickly unfastened his trousers, rubbing the head of his cock in the moisture that was now
running down over my clit. Once his dick was thoroughly coated, he was able to plunge all the way into me
without a second attempt. I let my hands fall and dropped my head with the feel of him completely filling my

Holding one hip roughly, he grabbed a fistful of my hair with the other hand and yanked my head back. "Watch,
Isabella!" I returned the binoculars to my eyes as Edward held tight to my hair and vigorously pounded my pussy.
"She's got nothing on you, baby, but I want you to watch her fuck him. Watch her pussy swallow his cock, just
like yours is doing to me right now."

Edward's shirt kept getting in the way, so he released his grip on me to unbutton it and throw it to the floor. I
couldn't resist the urge to look away from the hot sex out the window to the fuckhot sex behind me. I twisted my
back to look fully over my shoulder and watch Edward thrusting into my pussy. The muscles on his chest,
abdomen and arms flexed in the glow from the city. It was a like a sexy black and white photo come to life. I
groaned with pure desire. This fucking god is fucking me doggy style on his fucking desk while he encourages me
to watch another couple fucking.
Does life get any fucking better than this? Fuck yeah it does, right about now!

Edward licked him thumb and stuck it in my ass, bringing me to a whole new level of ecstasy. I started moaning
uncontrollably with every breath and every thrust. My voice was stuttering as my body shuddered. My words
came out choppy, "Edward...so good...fuck me...fast...hard!" This just made him slam into my pussy with more
and more force each time, which was exactly what I had hoped for.

I wasn't able to focus on the couple across the street anymore, it was all about the man driving into me from
behind. The room was filled with the sounds of my moaning, his grunting, our skin slapping and the squeaking of
my hands on the surface of his desk as he drilled into my body. I was pretty damn sure that the tops of my thighs
might be bruised in the morning from ramming against the desk but it was so worth it.

No longer able to hold off my orgasm, I let the vibrating waves roll through me. My brain was numb, but every
other nerve ending in my body was buzzing. My walls started clamping down on Edward's cock and I could feel

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them milking him of his own orgasm. I heard my screaming of his name throughout the building as though I were
standing outside myself. Completing our melody of sex, Edward added, "Gah...fuck yes, Isabella! So fucking

He collapsed onto my back, his sweat permeating my blouse, the heat of his skin searing into mine. One hand
wove into my hair caressing my scalp as the other ran up and down my extended arm. His prickly cheek rested
between my shoulder blades as he gradually regained a normal breathing pattern. "You have no idea how long
I've wanted to bend you over my desk."

I giggled, "It's been a fantasy of mine for quite awhile, too."

With a chuckle he revealed, "That's one thing I love about you, you've got hot fucking fantasies and you're all too
willing to make them a reality."

Ummm...did he just say he loves me? No, dumbass, he said he loves your fantasies. Oh right, of course.


Chapter Eight ~ Crazy Love

I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles

And the heavens open every time she smiles

And when I come to her that's where I belong

Yet I'm running to her like a river's song

And when I'm returning from so far away

She gives me some sweet lovin' brighten up my day

Yes it makes me righteous, yes it makes me feel whole

Yes it makes me mellow down in to my soul

Crazy Love ~ Van Morrison


I woke with my dick in my hand and the fleeting memory of Bella bent over my desk in my head. However, I had
no desire for Rose to walk in on me doing something about it. I'd be saving that shit for later when I knew we'd
definitely be alone. I quickly jumped up and pulled on my trousers from the day before and padded into the
kitchen to make coffee. I knew Bella would want to shower before we left and I'd have to fight the insane urge to
climb in with her, but I really just wanted to get on the road before Rose made her way home from Emmett's.

I finished dressing after Bella fought me to either climb back in bed with her or join her in the shower. I whipped
us up a quick batch of eggs and a couple slices of toast as she showered, dressed, and packed an overnight bag. I'd
get cleaned up once I got home and had guaranteed privacy and some fresh clothes to change into.

We ate in a flash, hopped in my car and made the journey to Lake Forest in no time flat considering the snow that
had fallen overnight. Bella offered to walk Riley while I jumped in the shower myself. We had to be at my parents
by noon for lunch per my mother's insistence and it certainly wouldn't go over well if I showed up in yesterday's
clothes, smelling of stale booze and sweaty sex.


The end of the table closest to Mom was reserved for the "fresh meat", or more appropriately, Bella and Jasper,
while Alice and I kept Dad at bay should he have another outburst like last week. Apparently, Jasper and Alice
had a meeting with Dad that was just about identical to ours. He put his foot down and told her to be quiet, which

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isn't easy with Alice, gave them his blessing, and made them sign the same forms as Bella and me, although Alice
didn't even work for the company.

As I expected, Mom adored Bella and really fell for Jasper's smooth southern charm as well. They carried on
animatedly and just about ignored the rest of us However, Bella kept a tight hold on my hand under the table. She
was excited about meeting my mom, but was nervous about making a good impression. On the rare occurrence
that she'd let my hand go in a fit of laughter with my mother, I'd rub her shoulders reassuringly, quietly telling her
that she was making an amazing impression. Watching her interact with my family so naturally was comforting.
She seemed to fit right in, like she was the piece to a puzzle we had no idea we were missing.

I encouraged Bella to sit and chat while I helped Mom clear the table and clean up. Once inside the seclusion of
the kitchen Mom said, "Edward, you have really done well for yourself. Bella is wonderful!"

"I'd have to agree, Mom. She really is something else."

"Well, not only is she beautiful, she is so genuine and down to earth. She is everything I imagined for my son, not
at all like Tanya."

When my gaping jaw caught her eye, she continued, "Yes, we knew all about you and her years ago. We simply
hoped it wasn't true or that you would at least gain some sense. Tanya is absolutely the wrong type of woman for
you, but you were an adult and needed to learn that on your own. Unfortunately, that little mistake came back to
bite you in the ass last week. Didn't it?"

"Ugh yeah, that she did. But without that little learning experience, I wouldn't be here today enjoying lunch with
my family and Bella. So, I guess everything works out in the end."

The girls joined us outside when we stepped out to smoke. They were so funny as they all "pretended" not to
smoke, but consistently stole drags from ours while we talked. Alice would sneak tiny puffs of Jasper's cigarette
and both Bella and my mom would grab my hand and inhale deeply from my own before going on about the
current topic. Smooth, ladies, very smooth.

"Jasper, do you ski?" Mom asked.

"No, ma'am. If my feet aren't hanging over the side of a horse, they're always on solid ground." Alice giggled at
his Lone Ranger mentality causing us all to chuckle at his expense.

"But you're willing to learn, aren't you?" Alice said.

"Well sure. You know I'd do anything for you, sugar."

Alice's smile turned to pure elation as Jasper expressed his desire to make her happy in any way. She actually
squealed a bit and started bouncing on the balls of her feet. I'd swear she was fucking fifteen again, the
cheerleader in her begging to get out. She never could hold still in between her cheer sets during the football

Turning to Bella, Mom asked, "Bella, how about you, dear? Do you ski?"

"I do. I've cross country skied for years and started snowboarding a few years ago. I love it."

"Oh that's wonderful! We have an avid skier and one willing to learn. We're headed to our cabin at the end of next
month if you all would like to join us." Mom was always excited for Alice and me to join them on vacation, but
the prospect of us bringing our significant others was even more tantalizing. "Oh, Ed, do you think they could all
get time off?"

"I'm sure we can work something out, Liz." Dad seemed to be enjoying this as well.

After everyone was in agreement that we'd be hitting the slopes with them, we went inside to warm up by the fire.
We drank coffee and enjoyed Mom's homemade Italian cheesecake. It was her grandmother's recipe from the
home country and never failed to get rave reviews. We chatted for another good hour or so before making our
way to leave.

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Mom, being Mom, sent Alice and I home with a whole cheesecake each and insisted we share with Bella and
Jasper. We both stood, desserts in hand, and turned to look at each other with evil grins. "Very funny, you two.
You damn well better share or you'll get no more from me."

Bella laughed, "Oh oh oh...denied!"

Rolling my eyes at her and my mom's giggling, I used my free hand to slap her on the ass and direct her to the
door. Apparently, Bella had made a stellar impression on my family and would certainly be welcome back with or
without me. I kind of like the thought of that.


Bella and I enjoyed a light meal and then went out to walk Riley. Being the big, lazy oaf that he was, he wasn't all
that fond of Winter and the cold, wet snow that accompanied it. As we returned to the front yard, Bella thought
she'd be daring and nailed me in the back with a snowball. Arching my back, I yelped in mock pain and Riley
decided to get into it, barking and jumping all of two inches off of the ground. Bella and I laughed at the sight of
the behemoth getting animated for a change.

I wound up and hurled one at her, intentionally missing her pretty little face. That only fired her up, though. This
girl was not one to back down from a fight and I knew I was in for it. She began pile driving me with good, solid
snowballs... until I chased her ass down. I tackled Bella around the waist and she fell into the fluffy white drift
that had accumulated against a bush in the wind. "Edward! Damn you!"

"What? You were annihilating me, I had to retaliate the best way I knew how."

"By taking me down?"

"Taking you down or going down... either way always seems to work for me," I said flashing her the smirk she

"Unf! Edward, don't tease me like that!"

"Who said I was teasing?"

Just then, Riley decided he wanted to join in the fun yet again and laid a bit wet kiss on her, beating me to the
punch. We laughed and rolled around in the snow with the beast for a bit before we were all soaking wet and

Entering the house, Riley detoured straight for his room and his warm bed. While Bella began stripping her
clothes off piece by piece beginning at the door and heading for the living room. "You, Masen, have gotten me all
wet!" she growled. She pulled her sweater over her head and revealed the damp fabric of her bra, her nipples were
erect and straining from the cold. "And you will be warming me up." Bending over to peel off her tight, wet jeans,
she added, "From the inside...out."

I was laughing hysterically with a huge chubby pushing uncomfortably against my own jeans as she was stuck
with her pants down and her Sorels still tightly laced up around her calves. Bent at the waist and trying
desperately to untangle the knots, she hopped several times before crashing over the arm of the couch in a fit of

Sidling up beside, I untied her boots one by one and placed them on the floor. I had a feeling that her socks were
the only thing warm and dry on her. There was a lot of cold and wet and I'm pretty sure there was also a little spot
of hot and wet. Thank you, baby Jesus!

I removed her damp jeans and her socks, then began taking in the sight before me in the dim light. The light from
the foyer shone brightly behind me but the only illumination inside the room was from the fire. My eyes trailed
from her legs hanging over the side of the couch, along her thighs which lead to the Holy Grail, up from her
abdomen to her beautiful, ample breasts and as they did, I could see the goosebumps rise along her velvet soft
skin with my eyes' movement. The gentle orange glow cast upon her skin only amplified the look of the pebbling.

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Licking my lips, my eyes continued their ascent up Bella's body, relishing her own full, plump lips and finally
landing on her heavy-lidded, sultry brown eyes. The periphery of my vision was caught by the anxious rise and
fall of her chest with her heavy breathing. She grinned wickedly and curled her index finger at me several times
signaling me to join her.

I bent quickly to remove my own boots, yanked my coat off, ripped my shirt over my head and peeled my own
wet jeans off as fast as I could without falling on my ass. I knelt down in front of the couch and leaned in for a
kiss as my hand cupped Bella's tits. Kneading them one by one with my left hand and weaving my right tightly
into her hair. The moans that escaped her lips as my fingers tangled and pulled spurred me on further. I fucking
love that she likes it rough!

I moved my mouth to her left tit and sucked her nipple into my mouth tightly. Bella whimpered and arched her
back. I blew on it and then flicked the hard nub with my middle finger. I noticed she ground her hips into the side
of the couch with a squeal, as her legs were still up and draped over the arm. I spread her legs, her left one
actually falling along the front of the couch and to the floor allowing me just enough room to slide my head in. I
continued playing with her titties with my right hand as my left held her folds wide open for my tongue to swipe
from her clit to her ass repeatedly.

Bella's hips bucked each time I hit her clit nearly causing me to bite my tongue more than once. I loved how
worked up I could get her, and knew exactly what she'd really enjoy. Rising from the floor, I said, "Don't move,
I'll be right back."

"But, Edward?"

"No, just trust me. I have a little surprise for you."

I returned to find that she had indeed obeyed me and that gave me a few ideas. Kneeling back down in front of the
couch to Bella's side, I said, "Close your eyes, baby." Again, doing as she was told, I quickly prepared her

Sliding my right arm under her right thigh, I placed my middle finger through the key ring sized hole on the end.
Reaching around and under with my left hand, I pulled Bella's ass cheeks apart to open her to me. I sucked her clit
into my mouth and flicked it continually with my tongue while clamping down tightly with my lips. She was
writhing and jerking with her excitement.

Pressing my weight over her abdomen more prominently to hold her in place, I smoothed more lube over her
asshole and slid the soft jelly anal beads in slowly. Her body trembled below me and as the beads gradually
increased in size, I knew she would cum at any time. As I got to the last ball, I still held her clit in my mouth and I
moved my left hand to plunge my fingers into her pussy. Her muscles immediately clenched around my fingers
and just as I pushed the last bead into her asshole, Bella lost it.

Through her gasps for air to fill her lungs, "Ohhhhhh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," escaped her lips in a breathy
whimper. I kept my fingers moving and continued to lick her clit with the flat of my tongue as she rode the many
waves of her orgasm through to completion.

I sat up and leaned over the other direction to share her sweet taste. I stuck my wet fingers into her mouth and she
sucked at them greedily. I licked her lips and pressed my tongue into her all too willing mouth. She was ravenous
and reciprocated aggressively. I could tell she was still teetering on the edge with the anal beads still buried deep
inside her.

I pulled her towards me to roll off of the couch and as she stood I placed a soft kiss on her pussy. I rose and kissed
her warm mouth before wrapping my fingers tightly into her hair and yanking her head back to devour her throat.
Between nips to her pulse point I growled out, "I want you to ride my cock, Isabella."

I turned to sit back on the couch and pulled her down into my lap. Straddling my legs, Bella wasted no time
getting busy. She slid effortlessly onto my incredibly rigid shaft. Her hands fell behind her to rest on my thighs as
my own grasped her ass firmly. I sucked her right tit into my mouth and worked her hips up and down on my

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cock with a steady motion. This position never failed to allow me passage into the absolute depths of Bella's

Her nails began to dig into my flesh as her bouncing sped and became more rough. Her tits jiggled and swayed as
I watched her begin to come unhinged. Her breathing was ragged, her sounds of pleasure coming more frequently
and her pussy was clenching and releasing my dick more rapidly. I grabbed the ring from behind and slowly
removed the beads from her ass and that was all it took. As I observed her open mouth spilling profanities, her
eyes rolled up inside her head and her heavy lids fluttered shut, I wanted to completely consume her. I wanted to
engulf her entire body, inhale her every breath, taste her every flavor, but in return I wanted to give the same of
me. As those thoughts filled my brain and the sight of her ecstasy stole my vision, I lost my own resolve and came
hard, essentially warming her from the inside out as she'd demanded of me.


After stopping off at Starbucks for some warm liquid energy, Bella and I made it to Ben and Angela's just in time
for kick off. We all sat down to watch the Bears take on the Green Bay Packers on our home turf. As expected,
Ang had a great spread of homemade chili, nachos, several dips with chips and veggies and of course beer and

As Ben and I kept a close eye on the game, Bella and Angela talked non-stop like old friends. Bella was nearly as
comfortable with her as she was with Rose. She explained the whole situation with Tanya - which Ben had
already mentioned to his wife, how we talked it all through, the meeting with my father, her transfer and the relief
she now felt at no longer having to hide.

She caught my attention when I heard her say, "Hey, so I was thinking about getting a few couples together on
Saturday evening after Edward returns from New York. Would you and Ben be up for joining us? I'd love it if you
did," she said excitedly.

"Really? Oh, gosh we haven't been out with friends in ages."

"Just another reason you need to come out with us then!" Bella said in a sing-song tone.

"Well, we've got the Brunswick company Christmas party on Sunday, but I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind a
little extra time with the kids." Then turning to face us, Angela asked, "Ben, what do you think? You wanna go?"

"Yeah, definitely. See if the kids can spend the night with your parents or I can call mine, either way."

"Okay," Ang said with a sparkle in her eyes. "Oh, I'm excited, this will be so much fun!" I hadn't seen Ang this
happy in a long time. "Honey, can we stay in the city that night?"

"That's a great idea, babe. I'll call and make reservations after the game."

During halftime the kids woke from their nap and came barreling down the stairs. As I held my arms out to them
with a big smile on my face, they ran right past me and into Bella's arms instead. Hey now, where's the love for ol'
Uncle Eddie?
They hugged her and kissed her cheeks, greeting her eagerly and she smiled at me apprehensively
as if to apologize for getting their attention. I just shook my head and laughed. I can't say that I blame them, she is
easy to love.

The game resumed and the kids were full of energy. So, Bella took it upon herself to bundle them all up and take
them out back to play in the snow. It had quit snowing overnight and the sky was clear and sunny, but still very
chilly. I found my eyes wandering away from the big screen television quite often to watch the activity outside.
Bella chased them, they chased her, they all threw snowballs in various directions and laid down to make snow
angels. I thought how appropriate that was seeing the three angels of my life leaving their mark in the snow as
they had on my heart. I couldn't love those kids anymore if they were my own children and I loved Bella more
and more everyday. Someday I would even openly share that love with her.

Watching Bella play so freely and comfortably with the kids was enlightening. I knew she wanted a family, as did
I one day, but seeing it in action like a sneak peek of what could be, made my heart race. It was exhilarating and

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terrifying all at the same time. Imagining her running, playing and interacting with our own children made my
heart yearn for that future and that thought scared the living shit out of me.

The game ended well with Chicago beating Green Bay nineteen to seven. Although we all had a great time, I
needed to get to the airport for my six o'clock flight to New York. I used to look forward to these conferences,
seeing old friends and colleagues, sharing ideas, learning new tricks of the trade, but somehow it just didn't hold
the same appeal this time.


Since we were now free to be seen together in public, Bella insisted on escorting me as far as she could go in the
airport. After parking my car and unloading my bags, I proudly walked hand in hand with my girl. She was so
fucking beautiful, always turning heads and I have to admit I was more than a little smug that I was the lucky
bastard she was fucking. Of course I secretly hoped that it was much more than fucking on her part, because I
knew it was so much more for me. I mean, bending her over my desk was a hot fantasy come to life and I'd never
get enough of that, but the slow, gentle love making like when she returned from Washington was equally as
fulfilling; either way I was pouring all of my love for Bella into the moment, into the act itself and into the woman
that I loved.

We went to check my bags in for my flight to New York and Bella kept herself folded into my side. I was not
looking forward to letting her warm little body go for even a second, let alone the entire week.

Noticing the security line was surprisingly short, I stopped and wrapped Bella into my arms, holding her tightly.
The moment I dreaded was upon us and I needed to memorize the feel of her body pressed against mine and the
smell of her hair under my cheek. Lifting my head, I raised her chin, allowing myself to sink into those chocolate
pools. I looked deeply into her eyes for a long period noting the golden flecks that flickered in the fluorescent
lighting. Only now I was able to discern how glossy they were and recognized that Bella was fighting back tears.
She was as sad to see me go as I was to leave her, I just knew it, I could feel it.

Threading my fingers through her silky hair and cupping the back of her head in my palm, I bent to kiss Bella's
soft lips. This, too, I needed to memorize, the taste of her sweet tongue as it caressed my own. I needed to take her
breath into my lungs, feeling refreshed and invigorated as it gave me new life.

"Baby, I better get going."

"Ok," she said somberly.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too, Edward. Please call me when you get settled into the hotel."

"I will, baby." I leaned in to kiss the shell of her ear and whispered, "I love you, Isabella." I didn't wait around for
her to say anything, I didn't want her to feel obligated to return my sentiment. She would say it when she was
ready, just as I had. I simply looked her right in the eye, gave her the smirk she adored and backed away. I turned
and proceeded to security, removing my shoes and my jacket, pulling my laptop from the bag and placing
everything on the conveyor; never once looking back at her. The last picture I had of her in my mind was the
stunned look on her face, jaw dropped and eyes wide, making me chuckle under my breath. Did she honestly think
that I didn't love her?


Chapter Nine ~ I’ve Fallen In Love With You

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I've fallen in love with you

Please, tell me, tell me what else was there to do

When feelin' lips like yours and looking into eyes like yours

Oh, I might as well face it

'Cause it's true

Yes, I've fallen in love with you

Oh, my beating heart wants you

And my empty arms need you

Don't you go, please stay

And never try to send me away

I've Fallen In Love With You ~ Joss Stone


Edward kissed me softly as we stood near the security check point at the airport. Now that I was finally able to
publicly share my affection for him, I had to let him go. It was only a week ago that we were hiding as he picked
me up from this same airport. A lot had happened in that week, but ultimately it had all worked out for the best
and our relationship was stronger for it. Only now we would be apart for yet another week while he attended a
convention in New York City.

As I struggled to fight back the tears threatening to invade my eyes, I also fought the overwhelming urge to
declare my love to Edward. Get a grip, Bella. If you start that shit now, he's likely to run and never look back.
Yeah, that little nugget of information was best stored away until much further down the road.

"Baby, I better get going," he said as he removed his tender lips from mine. I needed to keep that soft skin of his
strong lips at the forefront of my mind.

"Ok." I was completely pouting like a five year old sentenced to bed without dessert, but I couldn't hide it. After
all we had been through over the past week, this separation felt like punishment.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too, Edward." There was no doubt about it, Edward would be taking my heart with him when he
left. "Please call me when you get settled into the hotel."

"I will, baby," he said, trying to comfort me, I'm sure. As he ducked his head toward my neck, I assumed he was
going to kiss the soft spot under my ear like he so often did. However, he gently pressed his lips to my ear and
whispered, "I love you, Isabella."

Say what? Come again?

I froze, completely rooted to my spot, my jaw dragging on the floor, staring wide-eyed as Edward backed away
smiling and turned to leave. He just voiced aloud my own thoughts and here I stood unable to utter a word, nor
was I given a chance. I could have been angry about that, but I knew Edward was giving me space to come to my
own conclusion and he wasn't just saying it to hear me say it in return.

I watched intently as he took off his coat and shoes and then pulled his laptop out, but he didn't look back at me. I
would have mouthed the words so he would know, so he wouldn't leave wondering. As he stepped up to walk
through the metal detector it dawned on me that I had another alternative. Pulling out my cell phone, my fingers
flew over the keys and I pressed 'send'.

Standing on my tip-toes, I could just see him as he retrieved his belongings. Tears streamed down my face,
attempting to cloud my vision, but I saw him as he opened my text to see my own heartfelt words.


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He turned to look at me and I noticed the most beautiful smile on his face as I wiped my tears and waved to the
man that I loved, who loved me.

As I turned to leave I was nearly mowed over by a giant steamroller by the name of Emmett. "Whoa! Sorry, Bella.
Hey, call me if you need anything, I'll be back Wednesday." Spinning around to continue his sprint to security he
called over his shoulder, "Bye, Rosie, I'm glad you enjoyed my parting gift!" His bellowing laughter could still be
heard as he threw his items on the conveyor.

Shaking my head, I turned as Rose wrapped her arm around me and we made our way to the exit, leaning our
mopey heads against each other.


After slinging Rose's bag into the trunk, we hopped into Edward's Vanquish and sped off away from the airport
and toward Lake Forest. I told him to cancel the dog sitter for the week, that I would stay at his place and tend to
Riley. Rose would be joining me for the first few nights while Emmett was in New York for the marketing
portion of the convention. Apparently they hit it off really well and spent the entire weekend together, most likely
in bed.

Rose was giddy about us getting to play house in the huge place during Edward's absence. She was excited to
explore and burst through the door before I could prepare her. I heard Riley give one commanding warning as
Rose stepped back closing the door quickly. "Dude, there is a fucking horse in the house and I'm not sure, but I
think it just barked at me!"

Laughing, I pulled Rose's bag from the trunk and stepped through the door in front of her. "Rose, meet Riley."
Patting his large head, I soothed his fears and crooned, "Riley's not a horse, he's a big baby. Aren't you? It's okay,
buddy, this is Rose." He stepped forward to check her out and I said, "He's gonna want to sniff your bits so relax
and imagine it's Emmett. They're about the same size anyway."

Once Riley granted Rose entrance, he followed closely behind her with his nose in her ass. More than once, when
she would stop abruptly, his face would collide with her crack. I couldn't stop from laughing hysterically and
eventually Rose found it comical as well. "This boy knows a good thing when he smells it."

"Right. That or fresh sex. Don't trip or he might try to give Emmett a run for his money," I snickered.

Slugging me in the back, she snapped, "Eeew, you are fucking nasty!"

"And you fucking love it!"

I gave her the grand tour before we bundled up to take Riley out. Rose and I walked arm in arm as she carried on
endlessly about her sexcapades with Emmett. One thing about us was that nothing was off limits, so Rose left no
detailed untouched. I heard all about the ride home from the bar, the night and weekend following and the car ride
to the airport tonight. I now had the complete visual of my new boss and a newfound appreciation for him as well.
Anyone that could take on the Man Eater with such stamina and skill was tops in my book.


The next morning Rose and I rode the train into the city. She had errands to run while I held down the fort in the
office. For lunch Mom came into the city as well and met us at my apartment with take-out in hand. We all sat
down around my table to catch up.

"So, Rose, how long will you be home this time?"

"I'm actually here to stay, Renee. I'm car shopping now and B is going to help me find a place soon."

"That's terrific news! But what about your modeling?"

"There's plenty of work to keep me busy here in Chicago and I'll just travel to New York, L.A. and Milan when
the need arises."

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"I'm so glad you'll be back home again, Rose. And it's a huge relief to know that Bella won't be alone anymore
now that she's living back in the city."

"Haha, I wouldn't say she's alone, Renee. She's got quite the protector these days." I shot Rose the look of death
that meant that I was going to beat her ass in about two point five seconds if she didn't shut her trap.

Turning her head in my direction with a stunned look on her face, my mother said, "Oh really? Care to tell your
old mom about this new 'protector' you have?"

Rolling my eyes and feeling like a total shit, I sighed heavily and began, "His name is Edward... Masen."

Mom's eyebrows drew together in contemplation and she asked, "Masen? Why does that sound so familiar?" I just
pursed my lips and nodded my head out the window toward the building across the street. Her face lifted and her
eyes grew wide as realization dawned on her. "You don't mean..."

Rose and I both nodded, with her throwing a wicked snort into the mix. I just wanted to reach over the table and
slap the bitch. "Yes, Mom, I do mean the very same Masen. Edward is the owner's son."

"Isn't he the one you got the promotion to work for?" Mom asked incredulously.

"Umm... yeah. That's the one. We started dating a few weeks ago. However, Mr. Masen thought it would best if I
wasn't working directly under Edward anymore, so I'm now working for Emmett McCarty. He's our Director of

"Oh. Okay. Is that a good thing?"

"Actually, yeah, it's a great thing. Edward and I are very close and this situation allows us to be open with our

"Tell her what he told you yesterday!" Rose blurted out and my face turned a completely new shade of crimson.

I kicked her under the table and said, "If you don't shut the fuck up, I--"

"Isabella Marie Swan! Watch your mouth and tell me what the hell he said," she interjected, adding a giggle to her
stern face.

"Fine, I hate you both right now, just so you know. He told me he loved me." However, as I uttered the words out
loud to my mom, I couldn't help but smile wide when I heard my voice form them.

"Ohhhh, Bella, that is wonderful! I'm so happy for you, honey."

"Thanks, Mom. I'm pretty happy for me too."

The rest of lunch was spent with me gushing over Edward, Rose gushing over Emmett and Mom gushing over her
wedding details. I'm sure Edward would be relieved that he missed this lunch. It did make me miss him all the
more, though, and I couldn't help but text him as I made my way back to my office.

I love you!
That is all.


The first half of the week went by far too slowly as my contact with Edward was slim. He knew that Rose was
staying with me, so aside from an occasional text or quick call in the evening, we didn't really talk. Emmett was
due home from New York on Wednesday afternoon so Rose stayed in the city. From that day on it was just Riley
and me with that big house all to ourselves.

Finally on Wednesday evening, while I lay in bed after taking the "horse" for his walk, my phone buzzed,
signaling a message. When I saw that it was from Edward I got a little giddy knowing that I could read and
respond without Rose reading over my shoulder or, better yet, I might get a chance to actually talk to him without
Rose eavesdropping. I loved her dearly but she could sure be a real cockblock sometimes.

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are you alone

Shivers slid down my spine at the thought of what he might have in mind. I typed back quickly.

I am.
Call me?

I settled back into the large, plush pillows as I waited for Edward's call. Instead, he messaged me again. What the

nope not tonight
look in the nightstand
call tomorrow night with details
i love you Isabella

Again I say, what the fuck? Dropping my phone to the bed and groaning in frustration, I rolled to my side and
opened the nightstand drawer. Inside were two small boxes. The top one contained a brand new iPod that, when I
pulled it out, was fully charged and had music already loaded onto it. The second box held a little gadget called
the OhMiBod iPod Vibrator, tucked neatly into a velvet pouch that matched my new pink iPod.

Edward, you just think of everything, don't you?

Lying back and getting comfortable, I connected the iPod to the vibrator, turned it on and inserted it into my
pussy. Thumbing through the tunes Edward had pre-loaded, I opted to begin with "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak.
Oh, wow! My breath was nearly taken away as the vibrator began to pulse with the beat of the music. What a
fabulous new way to enjoy my favorite music. Next up was "Fallin'" by Alicia Keyes and the sultry thump of the
drums paired with the rhythm of the piano was really getting the blood flowing to my nether regions. It was the
beat and crazy sound effects of Ginuwine's "Pony", though, that brought on my orgasm. My body trembled and
my breathing stopped as the waves shuddered through me.

Don't think it didn't cross my mind as to whether or not I'd get away with using it on the train.


Rose called the office Thursday afternoon as Emmett and I were going over a few things from the convention
before heading home. After confirming the details for our couples' night out on Saturday, she asked to speak with
Emmett. Surprisingly, he opted to take the call on my phone and not in his office for some privacy.

"Hey, Rosie! How's my man eater?" As he listened to her response, his face lit up and he chuckled, "Haha, true.
You are definitely that and an excellent one I might add." I had no idea what she said to him, but my guess was
that it was crude as hell.

As I continued to eavesdrop on what felt like a one-sided conversation, he said, "Just wrapping things up for the
day. Do you have any plans for this evening?" Glancing at my watch, I heard, "Edward's window, huh? Yeah, I
think I can manage that. Should I ask her where he keeps the binoculars?" Emmett looked down at me with a big
fucking grin on his face and I could feel the flush heating to the outer edges of my ears.

Yep, it's official, Rose, I will beat your ass!

"Great, I'll see you soon," he laughed and then hung up the phone. As I shook my head and dropped it to my desk,
Emmett said, "I think it's pretty cool what you did to Edward, B. Don't be embarrassed."

B? He knows about my shows and now he's calling me B, too? Ugh... Fuck. My. Life.

I couldn't wait to just get home to Edward's house and away from this awkward exchange. I just wanted to spend
some time with Riley, relax and unwind. Edward would be home in forty-eight hours and it couldn't come soon
enough for me.


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After a small meal and our nightly walk, I sunk in between the cool, soft sheets of Edward's bed to do some
reading. I had picked up the English translation of Marquis de Sade's Philosophy in the Bedroom and was looking
forward to the quiet peace Edward's home provided to sink my teeth into it. It came highly recommended for it's
erotically explicit tale of debauchery during the French Revolution.

I had been reading for a couple of hours when my phone buzzed on the nightstand. Edward's message read:

why haven't you called me
i need details

I laughed at how adorable he was and the fact that I could clearly tease him quite easily. Relenting, I dialed his
number and he picked up nearly instantaneously. "Bella? What took you so long? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine, Edward. I just got wrapped up in some reading. I'm sorry," I responded with a grin.

With relief in his tone, he said, "Oh, okay. I was starting to worry about you. How was your day?"

"It was fine. Lonely without you, but fine. How was yours?"

"Crazy busy, but quiet without Emmett," he chuckled.

"Ugh, speaking of Emmett... apparently my supposed best friend sold me out and told him about my window

"Oh yeah, he mentioned that to me the other day."

The other day? And you're just now mentioning something to me? Cut off, I say... Cut Off!

"What? Are you serious? And you didn't feel the need to say something to me before?"

"I'm sorry, baby. I just blew it off and didn't dignify it with a response."

"Well, he has probably defiled your office in ways you don't care to imagine tonight, just so you know."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have no desire to imagine any of that and will actually need a lobotomy to purge the
thought from my brain. Thanks, though," he added, sarcastically.

Continuing, he added, "I would, however, enjoy some details on what you found in the nightstand."

"Details, huh? Like how someone left me a brand new iPod in the drawer?"

"Uh, yeah... what else?"

"Oh and a vibrator?"

"Yeah. And?" he asked impatiently.

I loved torturing Edward. "And how said vibrator plugged into said iPod?"

"Yes, Isabella! Why are you fucking playing mind games with me?"

"I'm sorry, Edward. Were you more interested in how that vibrator reacted to the music that the new iPod put

"Yes, baby." I could tell he was trying to calm his nerves from my blatant disregard for his hornied frenzy.

"Oh, silly me. Why didn't you just say so? Ok, so you want to know about how the vibrator thumped and pulsed
inside my pussy then?"

"Uhhhh...yeah, that I definitely want to hear about."

"I see. And would you also like to know how the rhythms caused my flesh to pebble and my pussy to ache? Or
how the sensation caused the breath to catch in my throat? Or maybe how the walls of my pussy were convulsing
with need around it until I came hard?"

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Edward groaned loudly and I could tell by his breathing pattern that we was nearing his point of satisfaction.
"Edward, do you want to know how my pussy clenched around the vibrator desperately searching for you?"

"Unngghh... yes, Bella, tell me what you felt."

"You mean about how my body trembled and jerked as the orgasm tore through my body like a fucking tidal
wave? How my extremities literally numbed from lack of blood flow because it was all in my pussy?"

"Yes, that's what I want to hear, baby." Edward's breathing was labored.

"Yeah, I could tell you all about all that, but can you guess the most exciting and stimulating part, Edward?"

"What was it, baby?"

"The most... erotic moment... was..."

"Yes, Isabella, tell me! That's it, baby!"

"When it hit me that you love me and I. Love. You."

I heard a huge sigh on his end of the phone, one of complete satisfaction. Apparently, those three little words were
rather powerful, helping to sate Edward for the evening. "Baby, you have no idea how much I love you and how
good it is to hear you say it, out loud."

"Oh, I think I do, love," I said with a contented smile on my face.


The following day started off horrifyingly as Emmett walked in and said, "Hey, B, that's a great little setup you
and Eddie have there! Last night, when Rose took her bra off, I was t--"

Putting my hand up abruptly to stop him from verbally vomiting his orgasm all over me, I shouted, "Do. Not.
Want. Emmett!"

He gaped at me for a moment, before chuckling loudly and slapping me on the back. "Alright, alright! I guess all
this is not necessarily for the faint of heart," he said gesturing down the length of his body with his hands.

Rolling my eyes and turning to remove myself from under his large palm, I added, "Right." His booming laughter
just continued to resonate, even after he stepped into his own office. I just shook my head, eager to get the day
over with, and got to work.

Edward called around lunchtime to let me know that they had a late night at the convention, urging me to just get
some sleep and he'd call me in the morning before the final day began. Luckily, Saturday was a shorter day for
him and he'd be home by early evening.

As I pulled up to the large gates of Edward's neighborhood, sitting in the warmth of his car, it dawned on me that
I'd be at the airport laying my eyes on his gorgeous frame in approximately twenty-four hours. I wanted nothing
more than to wrap myself in his arms, inhale his scent, and tell him how much I loved him while looking into his
beautiful eyes.

Riley went outside briefly to do his business while I threw together a salad for me and some kibble for him. After
we ate, I bundled warmly and we set out on our evening walk, but it was so damn nippy out that our pace was
quicker than normal. Arriving back home, Riley settled in for the evening, curling into his comfy bed and drifting
quickly off to sleep.

I poured a glass of wine and went upstairs to draw a hot bath to lose myself in. Sinking into the fluffy bubbles, I
laid my head back and closed my eyes. I replayed the scene from the airport the previous weekend over and over
in my mind and then got excited for the following day. As I imagined touching Edward, smelling him, tasting
him, I was brought back to the present by my phone on the side of the tub. Taking it carefully into my hands, I
read the text displayed on the screen.

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get some rest
you're gonna need it
see you soon i love you

I blushed at his comment and was suddenly even more giddy than before. I finished my wine, climbed out of the
tub and dried off with a big fluffy towel, before sinking into the soft cotton sheets of Edward's bed. The cool
temperature against my warm, flushed skin sent shivers up my spine. It didn't take long for me fall into a deep

I could feel Edward's strong arms encircle my waist as I stroked his muscular forearms. He breath was hot
against the back of my neck as he planted soft kisses along my pebbled skin. Slowly moving his hand from my
belly up to cup my breast, I arched my back and ground my ass into his waiting erection. I felt it slide between my
thighs and I tilted my head deeper into the pillow to allow his tongue greater access as he moaned into my neck
and nipped the flesh.

Unfortunately, I felt myself emerging from my dream state, desperately trying to hold onto the feelings. Although
I'd have the real thing before long, I wasn't yet ready to give up his arms around me, his lips and tongue upon me,
or his cock within me... which I'm sure is exactly where my dream was headed.

Letting out a long, exasperated groan at my mind's failure to keep me entertained, my body suddenly stiffened. I
actually felt those same arms tighten around me, along with the vibration of Edward's voice against my neck as he
asked, "What's wrong, baby?"

Wow, my mind really is playing tricks on me. That just seemed so real, but I'm pretty fucking sure that I'm awake
or damn close to it.

"It's me, Isabella, wake up."

Realizing that I was clearly hallucinating, I went to sit up, only to find myself locked into my position. I turned to
look over my shoulder and sure enough, Edward was there. There was a fire burning in the fireplace and the light
flickered across the angles and planes of his magnificent face as he lifted his head and flashed that sexy fucking

Maybe I wasn't dreaming after all. Maybe I had died and gone to heaven.

...right, because I'm sure there is lots of sex from behind going on in heaven, Bella.

Speaking of sex from behind, I pressed my ass back and, sure enough, still felt Edward's warm shaft nestled
against my pussy. "Edward, is it really you?" I asked.

Thrusting his hips forward and back, effectively coating his dick with my wetness, he too groaned, "Mmmhm...
I'm home, baby."

"But what about... how did you..." I stammered.

"I bailed early. There was nothing important they needed me for tomorrow so I took the red-eye to get home to

"Oh, Edward, I'm so glad you're home." Reaching up and behind, I grabbed ahold of his neck, pulling his lips to
mine. Whispering against the soft flesh, I murmured, "I love you."

With a heavy sigh, he crooned, "Ohhhh, Isabella, you have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that out loud
and in my arms. I love you, baby."

He kissed me softly and slowly, savoring the moment. This was finally our chance to show our love fully and
openly to one another. There would be no holding back or covering the emotion with something wilder to mask
the love - no holds barred, so to speak.

Breaking the kiss, Edward reached down between my legs and hoisted my knee up and back to rest my calf on
his. Dipping his hips some, he was able to embed himself with minimal effort. Once he was sufficiently sheathed

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inside, he gently pushed me to my stomach. Rolling with me and never losing contact within, he laid on top of
me, my legs squeezed tightly shut between his. With the weight of his body on mine, I was only able to arch my
back and lift my ass a tiny bit. He felt bigger than ever as the new position afforded a tighter experience for us

Twining his fingers with mine and holding my hands up beside my head, Edward began a smooth, steady rhythm.
Using the scruff of his chin to brush the hair back off of my ears, his hot, moist breath caressed my senses. In a
low voice he said, "Ungh, Isabella, you are so tight and hot and wet for me. It never gets old. In fact, I think it
only gets better and better. Although, I'm not sure it'll get any better than right now, knowing that you love me."

"I do love you, Edward, and I can't imagine loving anyone more."

"I'll never let you go, Isabella, to even make it possible for you to love another."

"Never, baby, I'm yours forever."

He laid a big kiss on my head as we both neared the peak together. I tightened my inner muscles around his shaft,
milking his arousal from far beneath the surface. When he thrust deep and then held motionless, his hot seed
caused my own body to shudder with ecstasy. It was slow and relatively quiet, but it was absolutely perfect.
Everything about making love with Edward was just so right.

As carefully as possible, Edward lifted his body off of mine causing me to groan at the loss of his weight, his heat
and his manhood. He flopped over onto his back and pulled me to him. Resting my head on his chest, I could still
feel his heart pounding strongly. Lifting my chin with his forefinger, he bent his head to meet my lips. He kissed
me languidly before pulling away and whispering, "I love you, Isabella, never forget that."

"And I love you, Edward. Remember... yours forever."


We spent the majority of Saturday morning in bed enjoying the feel of each other's bodies, the rush of each other's
touch and the joy of each other's love. It was as if the blinders had been removed and we were exploring one
another for the first time, with new eyes and a fresh heart.

Making our way back to my place late in the afternoon, we began preparing for the evening. Emmett's daughter
had a sleepover with a friend so Rose opted to get ready at his place and give Edward the peace he needed to feel

The plan was to meet everyone at the lounge in the lobby of my building for a quick bite beforehand. Edward
ordered a BLT sandwich and a tall hefeweizen while I opted for a salad and a glass of wine. Soon Alice and
Jasper arrived, followed not long after by Rose and Emmett. Angela and Ben were the last to show after dropping
the kids at Grandma and Grandpa Weber's for the night and driving into the city. We all enjoyed some good eats
and began to get our drink on.

Feeling no pain, we hopped into a few cabs and made our way to the club. We left the men in the dust to pay the
drivers as all of us girls sprinted to the restrooms. Luckily Alice knew the bouncers and they waved us through as
she pointed out the boys for quick entrance as well. Dashing quickly to the bathrooms, I beat them all and did my
business in a flash. Waiting in the hall, I pulled out my phone to text Edward and find out where they were hiding
or if they had even found us a table yet.

As I typed the final letters with my head down, I noticed a sexy pair of Jimmy Choo's step extremely close.
Hitting send, I knew exactly who was invading my space. None other than the bitch that I stormed out of this
same club to avoid just a month earlier... Tanya Fucking Denali. I lifted my head, stood up tall and rolled my
shoulders back. I was no pussy and I would not back down to her or let her intimidate me.

"Hey, Lauren, look what the cat dragged in."

"Fuck you, Tanya! I'm in no mood for your bullshit tonight."

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"Huh. Out trolling for your next sugar daddy? Did little miss secretary get dumped on her ass when the boss found
out his son was playing with his shiny new toy?"

"Oh, someone's gonna end up on their ass, Tanya, and it sure as fuck isn't me. Now I suggest you step off and take
your skanky ass back to whatever rock it is you crawled out from under."

"Aren't you cute?" she crooned patronizingly. Moving in closer to my face she added, "I'm sure Edward just saw
an easy target in the girl who wanted to sleep her way to the top."

That was my breaking point. I pushed back against her shoulders aggressively, causing her to stumble a bit as I
clarified, "You've obviously got shit twisted in that delusional mind of yours. You, my dear, were the easy lay that
was taken advantage of, not me. You are the one that Edward could care less about. Me, on the other hand, he
loves me."

As Tanya began to lunge back at me, Alice, Angela and Rose emerged from the bathroom. I was ready clock her
ass as Alice stepped between us and said, "No, Bella, don't! Tanya's just a trashy piece of shit that is so not worth

"Fuck you, Alice, mind your own fucking business!" she spat.

"Oh hell no." I heard my best friend grumble from beside Alice. "The way I understand it is, you are the one that
needs to mind her own fucking business!"

"Who the fuck are you?" Tanya snapped.

"I'm your new worst enemy, bitch!" Rose turned ever so slightly to look at Alice and myself as she kept an eye on
Tanya. "This snatch may not be worth it, but B is worth it and this shit is gonna stop now!"

Oh shit! Here it comes.


Chapter Ten ~ Hollaback Girl

So I'm ready to attack, gonna lead the pack

Gonna get a touchdown, gonna take you out

That's right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired up

So I'm gonna fight, gonna give it my all

Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you

That's right, I'm the last one standing, another one bites the dust

Hollaback Girl ~ Gwen Stefani


We paid the cabbies and made our way into the club. Apparently, my little sister had some pull here and cleared
us prior to racing inside. We entered and stood just inside the doors as our eyes adjusted to the light. We were
directed by a club host to an area that contained booths with table service. Emmett used his brawn to force out a
of couple of guys that were clearly far too young to be in the club in the first place, let alone taking up valuable
table space.

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Ben and I went in search of the restrooms in the hopes of finding Bella, Ang and the others. As we were about to
round the corner into the hallway, I could hear Rose yelling about being someone's worst nightmare, which had
me concerned.

Just as the girls came into view, Bella stepped around both Alice and Rose and knocked Tanya on her ass. She fell
back into her friend’s arms and tried to stand but was stunned and unable to gain her footing.

"Bella!" Alice said excitedly.

"Bahahahaha!" Rose bellowed. "Fuck yeah, that's my girl!" she added with a fist pump.

"I couldn't let either of you fight my battle for me. I'm a big girl and can handle this cunt on my own," Bella

Turning to Tanya as she stood slowly, Bella said, "You need to stay the fuck out of my life, Edward's life, and
Alice's for that matter. Do I make myself clear? I'm tired of you trying to fuck shit up over a fucking pipe dream
of being with Edward. It's never gonna happen, so give it up right the fuck now!"

I went over to put my arms around Bella as I was feeling really fucking proud of her in that moment and wanted
to help stress her point. "That's the fucking truth, Tanya. Nothing you do will ever separate us, so stop with the
shit already. If anything, you've only forced us to create a stronger bond, so it seems to be backfiring for you."

Wrapping my arms tightly around Bella, I spoke in her ear loud enough for Tanya to hear, "I love you, baby." She
laid her head back on my shoulder, told me the same, and turned to kiss me softly on the lips. Our display
infuriated Tanya and she grabbed her friend’s arm, staggering past us in a huff.

"Fuck you... all of you!" Tanya shouted as she made her way for the exit.

Bella removed herself from my embrace as she reached to give Rose her requested high-five and said, "Goddamn,
that felt good!"

"Let's go celebrate my badass girl," I said, draping my arm over her shoulder and leading her back towards the

"Oh my God, Bella, that was so fucking awesome!" Alice roared.

We all laughed and made our way to the table to enjoy the evening with friends as intended. Granted the likes of
Rihanna, Ciara and Jennifer Lopez were not my cup of tea, but the ladies all seemed to enjoy the beats. They
danced together: bouncing, bumping, and grinding, which made us guys completely appreciative of
whatthefuckever the DJ wanted to play.

After many songs and several drinks, a sexy tune came on and Bella dragged me by the collar of my shirt to the
dance floor. She spun around with her back against my chest and her ass pressed into my cock, causing it to grow
almost painfully harder with want.

Her hips swayed from side to side and she ground them into mine, pushing back into me more aggressively with
each chord of the seductive beat. She threw her head back onto my chest and emphasized the one word in the
lyrics that obviously held her attention... Lick. I gotta say that it grabbed my attention as well, especially with
Bella voicing it in my ear as if commanding me to drop to my knees in that instant.

I'll fucking do it in a heartbeat, babe, just say the word!


It was such a relief to finally say goodbye to our friends and hop in the cab. It had been a long evening full of
excitement and I was hoping for a little more excitement back at Bella's apartment. Thankfully, Rose would be
staying at Emmett's house again and we'd have the place to ourselves.

As I turned to tell Angela to give her parents my regards, Bella slid into the back seat and gave the cabbie her
address. I climbed in beside her and as soon as I shut the door, Bella began kissing on my neck. Before long she

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had spun herself around and straddled my thighs. Licking up my neck and around the perimeter of my ear, she
whispered in a husky voice, "Hey, Masen, I wanna try something different tonight. You game?"

As I smoothed my hands up her bare thighs, only to discover that Bella wasn't wearing any panties, the cabbie
snapped, "Ma'am, I'm sorry but you'll have to take your seat!"

"Are you game?" Bella reiterated more boldly as she ground her naked pussy onto my crotch.

"Uh...yeah, of course," I stammered.

She got a wicked grin on her face as she dismounted my lap and noticed the erection straining against my pants.
Baby, at this point you could ask me to walk Riley down Michigan Avenue in my birthday suit and I'd agree, just
so you know.

Arriving home, we rushed past the doorman and caught the elevator as it was closing. Having to ride with a
fellow tenant and his yappy dog, Bella simply eyed the floor with a smirk on her face. What the fuck have you got
up your sleeve, woman?

When we entered her apartment she shrugged off her overcoat and reached for mine as she went to hang them
both in the closet. She was quiet and elusive as she filled a couple glasses of water for us and made her way to the
bathroom to undress and prepare for bed. I sat on the edge of the bed, still fully dressed and not really sure what to
expect, as she emerged. She stood completely naked, aside from her rhinestone encrusted black heels, with one
arm propped above her resting on the door frame and her weight shifted onto one leg.

"Bella?" I asked inquisitively.

She silently walked past me, reached into her nightstand, and then turned to me. "I want you..." she said as she
held out a tube of lubricant, "to fuck me in the ass tonight."

"Really?" I asked maybe a tad too enthusiastically.

"Yes, really. Now fucking get naked, Masen, and give me what I want," she growled at me as she positioned
herself in the middle of the bed on all fours.

Oh, Jesus motherfucking Christ! I'm going to have to have a little talk with Santa about how Bella's naughtiness is

I think I shed my shoes, socks, shirt, and trousers in record time as they all flew in different directions around the
room with my eager excitement. I reached into the nightstand for a little something I noticed in there when she
opened it before. Rounding the bed, I stroked my cock as I took in the site of Bella's glistening pussy, sparkling
just below the tight pink hole she had raised to me in offering. I had always dreamed of filling her ass, and
knowing that she really enjoyed a finger and the anal beads, I imagined it would happen someday. I just never
realized it would be this soon or simply demanded of me. Fuck that's hot!

Sidling up between Bella's legs, I placed the toy by her sexy ass shoes and plunged my cock into her dripping
pussy. I couldn't help it, I needed to be sheathed inside her wet heat if even for a moment. I gave her several
rough, hard thrusts knowing I'd have to be slow and careful soon enough. Bella squealed in delight and rocked her
hips back into me aggressively.

The sound of skin slapping on skin and Bella's sloppy wet pussy only heightened her arousal. She was grunting,
moaning, and whimpering as she writhed before me and ground her hips against mine. "Ah, fuck! Edward, I can't
stand it any longer, I need you to fuck my ass...now!"

She handed me the lube as I slowed my pace. Squeezing a generous portion onto her ass and my fingers, I first
eased one finger, then two, inside her. I pumped them slowly, twisting and spreading them to loosen her up and
prepare her for my size. She had told me previously that she had never actually had anal sex before but would like
to try it one day. I knew that is was something that I needed to be patient at; calm with small, even movements.
Her ass grew slick as her deep moans gained in intensity, and her hips rocked into my hand begging for more.

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When I felt she was ready, I removed my cock from her pussy and coated it with lubricant, not that it needed any
more than her juices that already heavily covered it. Reaching back, I retrieved the tiny silver bullet that lay
beside her feet and slid it inside her pussy. Just as I used one hand to turn the vibe on low, I pulled the fingers of
my other hand from her ass. Her body shuddered at the loss of one sensation and the tingling of a new one.

I spread Bella's knees further apart, which positioned her pelvis lower toward the bed and provided me better
access, and began to ease my cock into her ass slowly... gently. My head was spinning at the feel of how fucking
tight she was, her warmth engulfing me with a firm squeeze, slowly creeping up the length of my cock. I took my
time as Bella's body gradually opened up and accepted my shaft in this new location.

"Uunnnnggghhh..." was all I could manage to mutter as my mind spiraled and my eyes rolled. My body tingled
with the reality of what I was doing and how Bella was giving me her complete trust in such an intimate way.
Bella's body was in a constant state of motion; it jerked and trembled as my dick penetrated her ass, and the tiny
bullet shaped vibe tickled her from the inside.

Once her ass completely surrounded my cock and I was able to create a smooth rhythm, Bella began rocking back
against me again with each thrust. It wasn't as rough as before, but she really seemed to enjoy being fucked in the
ass. She alternated between having weak, wobbly elbows, having to drop down onto her forearms and propping
herself back up and throwing her head back in ecstasy.

When I could feel the urge to cum rising inside me, I curled around her body and grabbed a handful of her hair
when she threw her head back. I whispered in a husky voice, thick with need, "Ohh Bella, I love fucking your

As I reached around to add a clit rub to the mix, Bella moaned, "Oooh, yeah... fuck my ass, Edward. Fuck me
hard!" She began pushing her hips back into me more forcefully as she became more and more comfortable with
and erotically charged by the feeling of my cock filling her ass.

I'd always heard that anal was one of the most intense experiences and created the best orgasms in both men and
women. And, if I was being honest, I couldn't deny that I was curious myself. However, to feel an orgasm that
was bigger, better and more intense that than what I already felt with Bella was unimaginable.

Bella's gyrations paired with the vibrations in her pussy and the tight grip she had on my dick, finally took it's toll
on me and I lost my fucking mind. I came deep within her ass and felt her body tense as she too came. Bella
literally screamed my name over and over as her body was wracked with the longest, strongest, and what
appeared to be the most amazing orgasm. Her body shook, her breathing was erratic, and beads of sweat dripped
from her nipples. As she tried to calm herself and come down from the high, she chanted in a breathy whimper,
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God."

I carefully pulled out and my now flaccid cock dropped, looking as exhausted as I felt. I removed Bella's shoes
and crawled around her to lay on the bed, gently gathering her down to my chest. "Baby, are you okay?" I asked
as I brushed sweat soaked strands of hair from her face.

She nestled her body into mine and murmured, "Oh my God, that... that was the most incredible experience of my

"Really? I'd always heard that it was good, but could never quite imagine an orgasm getting any better."

"Oh yes, Edward, I can't even explain to you how insanely intense that was."

"Baby, I know something like that takes a huge amount of trust on your part and I want to thank you for that."

"I trust you with my life, so giving you my ass was an easy decision." She giggled and looked up, kissing me
chastely on the lips.

"Bella, I'm being serious."

"I know you are, Edward, and so am I. I trust you with every fiber of my being and love you even more."

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"And I love you, baby. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Anything."

"Would you consider going away with me? I don't have it all figured out yet and I want to surprise you, but I need
to know if you'll trust me with a big trip over the holiday while the office is closed?"

"Ummm... sure. I'd love to. And, Edward, just so you know, I'd follow you to the ends of the earth."

This made me so unbelievably happy to know that I could treat her to something special and not have her freak
out or be angry with me. My mind went to work immediately after I pulled her in tight against my body and
kissed her long, slow and deep. This woman owned me completely as though I'd signed my soul over to the devil.
The only difference was that she was my angel and I was convinced she was sent from up above.

I am the luckiest motherfucker on the face of the earth!!


The week flew by in a frenzy of playing catch up from being gone to New York the week before. Emily did a fine
job of holding down the fort, but there were still plenty of items that needed my attention, including meetings that
were planned and projects to implement. Bella also began showing properties to Rose during her lunch hour,
limiting our time together to the evenings. It did, however, give me the chance to call in some favors and make
plans for our trip and also to get out and do some Christmas shopping.

Saturday was another hectic day as we all prepared for the company Christmas party planned for that evening.
Bella insisted on dressing at her place with Rose rather than at mine.

Assuming Emmett would arrive in his Jeep to pick Rose up, I made arrangements for a limo to take Bella and I.
When we pulled up in front of her building, I jumped out to escort Bella from her apartment. I was raised to be a
gentleman and couldn't imagine calling her down to meet me at the car.

Alice would be proud of my choice in tuxedos as I opted for a traditional black Dolce and Gabbana with a long tie
instead of the more formal bow tie. I did my best to tame my crazy ass hair but knew that Bella loved it wild
anyway, so soon gave up on that mission impossible. Knocking on her door, I shifted my weight from foot to foot,
as nervous as a teenager before his first dance.

As the click of the locks sounded, my heart began pounding more rapidly in my chest with anxious anticipation.
The door swung open and Bella stood before me in the most beautiful dress, a long strapless gown in a dark
midnight blue color. She was absolutely stunning! Her hair was curled into long ringlets, cascading around her
creamy white shoulders, her makeup was dark and smoky with deep red lips, and her feet were adorned with
strappy heels. Despite the freezing temperatures outside, she opted for a simple lightweight wrap around her
shoulders, grabbed her bag, and pulled the door closed behind her. She hooked her arm into mine as I lead the
way to our awaiting car.


Shortly after arriving, my father asked us to join him and my mother once we got our drinks. They waited at an
empty table on the outskirts of the room away from the flow of traffic, which worried me a bit, but they both
sported huge smiles.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" I asked apprehensively.

"I wanted to let you both know that I took care of Bella's legal issues with Tanya."

Bella and I glanced at each other in confusion and back at my father in surprise and curiosity. "What do you
mean, Ed? Tanya is was pretty adamant about making me pay for assaulting her last week."

"I realized that and although I don't condone resorting to violence, I can certainly understand such a reaction when
one is backed into a corner." My dad was showing how much he cared for Bella by taking this stand and that
pleased me tremendously.

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"I took the initiative by contacting Eleazar. Since we've known each other for so long, it couldn't hurt to give it a
try. It may not have been the nicest thing to dredge up the past, but I simply reminded him of a few events where
Tanya's lack of better judgement might be a bit humiliating if brought to light."

Bella gasped and covered her mouth as she laughed. "Ed, you're not serious?"

"I won't be getting into the details, but, as I expected, it was enough for Eleazar to talk some sense into his
daughter and have her drop the suit."

"Oh my gosh, that is wonderful news! Thank you so much!" Bella jumped up excitedly and ran around to hug my
dad. He looked a bit uncomfortable at the display but relaxed and told her she was quite welcome.

"I do recommend that you both keep your distance from her, and I'll advise Alice to do the same. We don't want to
provoke her any more and run the risk of her changing her mind."

"Absolutely, Dad, that makes perfect sense. We'll make every effort to steer clear of Tanya from here on out."

"Yes, absolutely. And thank you again, I really appreciate you doing all of this for me."

"Of course, Bella, it's nothing. But you really should be thanking Liz as it was her suggestion that I do so in the
first place."

"Really?!" Bella once again jumped up and ran around the table, this time wrapping my mom in a tight hug. "Liz,
thank you so much for helping me."

"You're very welcome, Bella. Everyone knows that I am the voice of reason in this family," Mom stated proudly
and then laughed. "And besides, we love you, you're a part of this family now too and not just because my son is
in love with you."


The evening was pleasant as we ate, drank, danced, and mingled with our friends, family, co-workers, and their
significant others.

During dessert, Emmett decided to share a little something with us from his recent trek in search of the restroom.
Apparently, as he meandered down the hall, he was busy texting his daughter and opened the wrong door. He
began to chortle loudly, reliving the events in his head.

"And you won't fucking believe what I stumbled upon!" Still cracking himself up, he continued, "I interrupted a
blowjob in progress!"

"Seriously?" I asked, stupefied.

"Yeah. The dude was backed up against the mop bucket with his eyes closed and his pants around his ankles
while a brunette on her knees was bobbing her head with wild abandon."

The girls all gasped and said in unison, ".God!"

"Ha! With the exception of maybe Alice, you ladies can't tell me you wouldn't do the same fucking thing after a
cocktail or two."

They feigned shock and offense, but both Bella and Rose blushed at the realization that Emmett was dead on with
that remark. I smirked at the thought when I noticed Alice and Jasper sharing a similar look at each other as if
hiding something.

"So anyway, you should have seen their faces when I cleared my throat," he bellowed. "His eyes snapped open,
and her head whipped around with absolute mortification imprinted on her face. I literally saw his dick deflate in
that moment."

Rose smacked him in the arm. "You're such a cockblock!"

"I know, but I couldn't let it continue."

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"Was it one of our employees?" I wasn't even sure if I wanted the answer to my own question.

"Two actually. What the hell is it about your assistants, Eddie?"

"What? It was Emily? With who?"

"Sure was. Some guy from Acquisitions. He was acquiring something alright," Emmett snorted. "You got some
kind of black magic juju in that office of yours that makes all these women so horny?"

"Hey! Bella resembles that remark, Em," Rose teased, and they both burst out in more laughter.

"Fuck you, Rose! And fuck you too, Emmett!" Bella snapped.

"Aww...sorry, B, sometimes the truth hurts," Emmett added, not so helpfully.

"It sure the fuck does, asshole!" Bella flipped them both off, blushed, and began giggling with the rest of us.

The party was a success and a good time was had by all. My father and I presented awards to many deserving
employees based on merit and length of service as a show of gratitude, closing out the evening. I couldn't
remember having this good of a time at one of our company functions in the past. I was quite certain it was due to
the magnificent woman on my arm and the happiness she infused into my life.


Crawling into the back of the limo, Bella asked the driver to roll up the privacy screen.

"Yes, ma'am, I'll gladly take care of that for you," he responded with a tip of his cap.

"What are you up to?" I asked as I took my seat next to her.

Bella cocked a brow at me and smirked.

Hey, I thought that was my signature knock 'em dead move? That's fucking hot coming from her too!

"I've been wanting to try something since coming home from the club last weekend, and you hiring a car presents
the perfect opportunity."

"Oh, really? And what might that be, beautiful?"

"Well, why don't I just show you?"

Bella turned to double check that the driver had indeed closed the privacy screen and then gathered the skirt of her
dress up enough to lift her legs and climb onto my lap. The dark blue layers of silk fabric pooled around us as
Bella straddled my thighs like she had in the cab a week before. Her soft, gloss covered lips pressed into my own
in a slow, sensual kiss.

Bella cupped my face in her hands and my hands once again wove their way under her dress and like last time,
discovered she wasn't wearing any panties. When I looked at her questioningly, Bella reached into the pocket of
my jacket and pulled out a sexy little pair of neatly folded lace panties in the same deep blue as her dress.

How the fuck did those get in there?

She blushed and said with a shrug, "They weren't doing me any good anymore." She carefully unfolded them and
then revealed to me that they were completely soaked by slowly running the crotch over my lips.

"Mmmm..." was all I could manage as I darted my tongue out, tasting her on my lips, and then she leaned in to
aggressively devour the remainder from my skin.

My hands slid around the swell of her thighs to see if she was still as aroused as she so obviously was before. The
entire inside of her upper thighs were coated with her slick juices.

"Fuck, Bella!"

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Gripping two handfuls of my hair, she began kissing me again with a frenzy, tilting her head more than usual to
deepen the kiss and delve further into my mouth with her hot little tongue. She flexed her hips to grind her pussy
into my lap and tried to get my hands to move closer to her center. I gladly indulged her desire for friction by very
easily sliding my fingers into her pussy. I began with my usual two but quickly found that she wanted more. With
each rotation of her hips she pressed into me harder, willing my fingers to go deeper and needing more. I added a
third finger and Bella's moans of pleasure were growing hoarse and gravelly. When I added a fourth finger, I
knew that was about all I could take.

I pulled my fingers out abruptly and briskly moved them to the fly of my trousers. I yanked the zipper down and
very nearly tore the button off in my ardent attempt at getting get my cock out and inside of her as quickly as

I grabbed Bella's hips, the tips of my fingers digging into her flesh at the back of her ass, as I pulled her up and
over to sink my cock within her heated walls. The very walls that instantly gripped my dick and began fluttering
around it. Bella was so worked up she came simply from my cock filling her completely. The feel of her hot fluid
running down over my balls was fucking fantastic, but I needed more.

Bella started bouncing on my cock immediately without me even having to guide her; she was fucking horny as
hell and needed so much more herself. I reached behind and unzipped her dress allowing it to fall from her firm
titties. They, too, bounced and jiggled in my face as I struggled to catch one in my mouth. Bella took hold of one
and brought it to my lips without missing a beat in her rhythm. I clamped onto her nipple tightly with my teeth,
and her pussy once again clamped onto me. She let out a scream of primal lust and ripped at my hair as she came

Rising slowly, Bella removed herself from my cock causing me to whine, in the most manly way of course.

"Shhhh...don't worry, I'm not finished with you yet, Edward," she said seductively, standing the best she could to
remove her dress.

Bella then lifted her left leg and crossed it over to the other side of my legs, placing her heel-clad foot beside my
left thigh. She crouched low with her ass towards me, allowing me to grab her waist, steadying her movements as
she placed her other foot alongside my right thigh. Gripping my left arm for leverage, she reached down with her
other hand between her legs, grabbing my cock and guiding it back to her entrance.

Utilizing her killer quad muscles, Bella began a slow momentum of rising and lowering herself onto my shaft.
Her pussy was so warm and the feeling was mindblowing with the alternating sensations of pushing the skin
tightly over my cock as she sunk low onto it and pulling it back with a strong suction as she rose again. Not to
mention, the fact that we were rolling down the highway with another man in the car added extra excitement to
the already naughty position we were in.

Once Bella had her balance and was sure I wouldn't let go, she began fondling her body as her pace increased. She
ran her hands up over her tits and, from what I could tell as I was behind her, she was pinching, plucking, and
pulling on her nipples roughly. I then felt perfectly manicured nails on either side of my cock. She had moved her
hand down to rub her clit and gave my dick a good squeeze between her fingers in the process, feeling it glide in
and out of her slick pussy.

"Fuck me, Bella! Fuck me good and hard, baby."

Bella's mewling was stuttered as her movements quickened and her clit was assaulted. "Oooooh, yeah... I love
fucking your big cock, Edward!"

"That's it, baby, talk dirty to me. I love your filthy fucking mouth!"

I, too, began groaning louder and more frequently as I neared my orgasm. Bella's walls were beginning to pulse
around me again, so I knew she may beat me to it. Instead, I held tightly to her waist with one hand and lubed up

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the middle finger of my other by passing it through her wet pussy and stuck it in her ass. I held it stationary so that
as she bounced on my cock she also got the same steady movement in her ass.

"Fuck, Edward, I'm gonna cum so fucking hard, and I want to feel you shoot your load deep inside me when I

Hearing her moan the words 'fuck', 'hard', and 'load' in the same sentence did me in. I did as Bella asked, releasing
deep within her tiny body as she gripped my cock firmly and pulsed around it, enjoying her own orgasm right
along with mine.

She leaned back against my chest, her hair clinging to the sweat covering my skin. We were both so completely
winded that the car was filled with a symphony of gasping breaths. Bella turned her head to the side, whispering
under my chin, "I love you so fucking much."

Lifting my head from the back of the seat and placing a small kiss to her heated forehead, I responded, "I love
you, baby."


Chapter Eleven ~


I Get Off Outtakes – Everyone Gets Off

Outtake #1 ~ Ball-In-Hand


Rosalie Hale, or Man Eater as I liked to call her, the best friend of my new assistant waltzed into my life three
days prior and I had been a goner ever since. She had infiltrated my thoughts during the day and starred in my
fantasies each night.

Rosalie was stunningly beautiful, which is why her chosen profession as a model made perfect sense. She had
wavy blonde hair that cascaded down her back, a rocking bod with long legs and big tits, and perfectly kissable
lips that wrapped around words straight out of a sailor's mouth. My kind of fuckin' broad!

As I was heading out Friday afternoon, I was caught off guard when I heard her sultry voice. I was telling Bella
that I was taking off to get Katie and hadn't seen her friend settled on the couch behind me.

"Hey, sexy beast. Who's Katie?"

Turning at the heavenly sound, I said, "Well, if it isn't Rosalie, the man eater."

"Man eater, huh? Is that a fantasy or a request?"

Unngh...I've got a healthy piece of manmeat I'd love to watch you eat.

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"It can be whatever you want it to be," I responded, trying to convey my desires without being too inappropriate -
not my strong suit.

"You didn't answer my original question there, big fella. Who's Katie?" I detected a hint of something in her tone.
Was that just... jealousy?

Surprisingly, I chose not to string her along and make her sweat it out. Instead, I let her know promptly who Katie
was to me. I wasn't quite sure if that would chase her away like the rest, but I felt the need to be honest with her.
"Katie would be my little girl. She's at Grandma's and I need to drop her off at her mother's for the weekend."

"Ah, I see. So does that mean you're free for the evening?" she asked, seeming a bit relieved by my revelation.
Not even the slightest bit taken aback that I had a child.

Once again the bold, confident woman had grabbed the reins by asking me out first, but I couldn't have been more
happy about that. "I am. What did you have in mind?"

Looking past me to Bella, Rose said, "Hey, B, let's go to Juniors! I'm dying for some greasy food, good beer and a
game of pool." I was convinced right then that she was truly my soulmate. Glancing back up at me, she asked,
"Sound good, Emmett?"

"Sounds perfect, I'll meet you there in about an hour."


I raced out the door and to the elevator, literally sprinting to my car once the doors opened into the parking
garage. Not wanting to keep the goddess that I was pretty sure was gonna be quite the sex kitten waiting, I called
Katie's cell to tell her I was on my way and to be ready.

Pulling into the driveway, my daughter sat waiting on the cold step with my mother behind her holding the screen
door open. I jumped out and ran around to lay a kiss on her cheek, saying breathlessly, "Thanks, Ma, love you!"
and rushed Katie into the car, tossing her bags in the back seat.

"Daddy, what's the big hurry?"

"Daddy's got a date, baby!" I said a little too excitedly.

Always my little cheerleader, Katie encouraged, "That's great news, Dad! I can't wait to tell Mom, she thinks
you'll never find anyone because your standards are too high."

"Well first off, having high standards is not a bad thing. And most importantly, I think I have every right to have
high standards when it comes to the mother of my little girl and any woman that may be in her life in the future." I
tilted my head to look down at my sweet girl, flashing her a grin that showcased my deep dimples. Katie used to
love to put her chubby fingers in them when she was younger. She just smiled back at me, very nearly a mirrored
image of myself.

My daughter was eleven years old and my best friend. She was tall with the same tight curly blonde hair and blue
eyes as mine. Her mother was pretty, but I was quite relieved that I didn't see her every time I looked at Katie. I
had enough baggage to deal with in regards to Tia that I was glad I didn't have the constant visual reminder as


I had a great time meeting up with Edward, Bella and my new best friend, Rosalie, at the bar after work. We did
just as she wanted to do and ate greasy food, drank cold beer - the laughter growing in frequency with each shot
the ladies added to mix.

It wasn't until we started a heated game of pool, couple against couple, that I began to grow really uncomfortable.
Watching Rosalie bend over to take shots, either angling her tight ass in my direction or leaning over from across
the table to show me her voluptuous tits, was very nearly my undoing. When she was left with an awkward shot
that was a stretch, she asked me to help her line it up. As she laid across the table, I folded my body over hers,

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both of us groaning as my dick rubbed against her ass. We pretty much threw the game after that, anything to get
it over with and hopefully out of the bar sooner, rather than later.

With a pretty fucking amazing chick perched on my lap, grinding her hot jean clad pussy onto my rock hard cock
and licking my neck, I teetered back and forth between near spontaneous combustion and giggling like my
daughter and her friends as she seductively tickled me with her tongue.

Bella announced that they were leaving and Rosalie thrust her gorgeous titties into my face and purred, "I couldn't
be more ready." The sound and the words shooting straight to my dick.

Pulling out of the parking lot, I took off in the opposite direction of the office and therefore Bella's house where
Rosalie was staying. She was leaning over licking the ridge of my ear and whispered, "Where are you taking me,
sexy beast?"

"Well, let's just say that game of pool was a tad uhh... inspiring."

"Oh really?" she purred again as she pinched my nipple through my shirt.

I gritted out, "Yes, really, and I've got a table at home that's begging for some play."

She squealed and sat back into her seat. "Well step on it, big fella!"

As we arrived at my place she figured she had better let Bella know that she wouldn't be home. With a few
intermittent moments of silence on her part as I could only hear her end of the conversation, she began with,
"Actually, the apartment is all yours, B, I won't be home tonight."

I was too impatient to wait for her to get off the phone, so as she told Bella, "Yes," I picked her up and slung her
over my shoulder to get her inside and get her naked as quickly as possible. She smacked my ass and giggled,
"Em!" Seemingly more eager now, she finished the call with, "Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you."

I kicked the door shut behind me and carried her straight to the game room, bending to prop her on the edge of the
pool table. Placing my hands beside her thighs and leaning to press my lips to hers, I sucked her tongue into my
mouth. It was soft and warm and tasted of tequila and cinnamon. It wasn't timid though, her tongue was as strong
and domineering as the mouth it resided in.

Reaching inside the lapel of her leather jacket I pushed my hands back and over her shoulders to extricate her
from it. She had on a tight little tank top with what I would swear was an image of her own luscious lips. When I
stood to remove my overcoat, she pulled the hem of her shirt up and lifted it over her head.

"In a bit of a hurry?"

"Em, quit wasting time here and bend me over this fucking table already!"

"Fuck, Rosie! You don't have to ask me twice," I growled as I quickly unfastened my belt and kicked my shoes
off under the table.

Hopping down, Rosie did the same, revealing a lacy g-string to match the sexy bra her round breasts were spilling
over. I dropped my pants to the floor and stepped out of them before grabbing her from behind as she worked her
feet out of her tight jeans.

Gripping her hips, I pressed my erection into the crack of her ass and groaned at the heat. As she stood back up, I
pulled away to undo the clasp on her bra. I needed to finally see her tits, to touch them, to taste them. Sliding my
hands around, along her ribcage and under the elastic band, I wrapped both hands around them and nearly came
with the contact. Her skin was so soft and warm and her tits large and firm but not unnaturally so.

Reaching up and pulling her hair out of the way, Rosie granted my tongue access to lick the taut expanse of her
neck. She leaned her head back against my shoulder as I whispered into her ear, "Rosie, do you like my tongue on
you?" When she moaned, I added, "I want to taste your pussy, baby, I want to run my tongue through your slit.
Will you let me do that to you?"

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"Em, I will definitely let you do that, but right now I just need you to fuck me and fuck me hard!"

That was all I fucking needed to hear and I'd be damned if she didn't come prepared. Rosie held a foil wrapper up
between her middle and forefingers. I took the packet and stepped back, but she turned and immediately dropped
to her knees. Curling her fingers around the waistband of my boxer briefs she pulled them down in one fell swoop
and quickly took my dick into her mouth.

She worked it back and forth in an effort to moisten my shaft, mentioning something about me needing
lubrication too, to which I responded, "Rosie, baby, don't talk with your mouth full." Chancing a glance down at
her with my adorable grin, she rolled her eyes at me and went about her business until she had fully devoured my
whole dick. Yep, there's the man eater I wanted to see!

Once she was pleased with how well she had me lubricated she took the foil packet from my hand and tore it open
with her teeth. She rolled the rubber on expertly, stood and lowered her thong. I spun her around and pushed her
down over the black railing of the deep burgundy fabric covered table.

Standing between her legs - looking all Risky Business in my button down shirt and socks - I kicked Rosie's feet
out to the sides a tad wider and positioned myself at her entrance. Pressing the tip of my dick slowly and carefully
into her pussy, I backed out again and she whined at the loss, "Emmett, do not tease me!"

I chuckled and pushed back in, further this time, then pulled back but stopped at the ridge of my head. Thrusting
forward again, I was very nearly in tears from the sheer comfort and warmth and softness. It was like being
wrapped in the fucking best Snuggie ever made, one that was made for me alone.

Once I was fully buried in Rosie's pussy, I began to increase my pace and drive. She grunted with each forward
push, thrusting back against me as we collided. "Oh, yeah... you like that don't you, baby? You want me to fuck
your pussy hard, Rosie?"

"Fuck yes! Give it to me, Em, fast and hard!"

Grabbing her hip roughly with one hand and a fistful of hair in the other, I started slamming into her with an
animalistic force. Her sounds morphed into whimpers as my balls slapped her clit and the whimpers to full blown
cries as her orgasm began to grip her. "Yes! Oh fuck yes! Goddamn, Emmett, that is so fucking good!"

As her walls tightened and pulsed around me and her liquid heat consumed my dick, I felt my own impending
release rising to the surface. "Ungh... fuck... ungh... oh fuck..." was about all I could grunt out as I held my breath
and rode out the ecstasy.

Similar to earlier in the evening, I folded my body over Rosie's, kissing her back and shoulders while I worked to
catch my breath. A few minutes later, I stood, pulled out of her slowly and removed the condom, tossing it in the
wastebasket to my side.

Holding Rosie in place with my hand on her lower back, I knelt down on my knees behind her. Licking up the
inside of her thighs to the swollen flesh before me, I announced, "Time for round two!"


Outtake #2 ~ Soaked


As I finished shaving my legs, I stood with my foot resting upon the seat in the shower. Holding the massaging
shower head in my hand, I rinsed, dragging the stream from my foot, over my calf, and up along my thigh, the
pulse catching my tender flesh between them, causing me to jump at the sensation.

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Deciding that I rather enjoyed the feeling, I did it again and again, my body convulsing with each pass over its
sensitive bud. Spreading my lips, I directed the hot water directly within the delicate folds of my sex. The pulsing
action of the massaging head combined with the heat of the water was incredible.

Concentrating the spray back on my clit, I moved my hand up the length of my torso, sliding up the flat of my
stomach, over to the gentle curve of my hip, along my tiny waist, back across my ribcage. I finally cupped my
firm breasts, first one and then the other, rolling the nipple of each between my thumb and forefinger causing it to
pebble with excitement. My nipples became more sensitive as I twisted, tugged and plucked at the erect peaks.

My hand then began descending my body, down my side, and over the round swell of my ass. I gripped my
cheeks roughly, kneading the flesh and giving it a few good smacks. Running my middle finger up and down
along the crack of my ass, I began swirling it around the puckered skin of my asshole. My quiet moans were now
growing in pitch and intensity as I eased my finger in gently. I pumped it slowly and circled it inside to quickly
bring myself to orgasm.

With my finger in my ass and the hot water battering my clit, I cried out, "Yes! Oh, God, yes!" My voice quivered
as the moans continued to roll out of me with each wave of my euphoria.

I hurried through the rest of my shower and emerged, wrapping myself in a fluffy white towel. I patted my
flushed skin lightly before twisting the towel around my head turban style. I moisturized and applied my favorite
Ombré Rose perfume to my wrists, behind my ears, and in the bend of my elbows and knees. This shit was hard to
come by and extremely expensive, but I couldn't help indulging myself in something so exquisite.

I fastened my garter belt into place and added a thong before carefully rolling my nude stockings up my legs.
Placing first one foot and then the other onto the bench that sat at my dressing table, I secured the clips of the
garter straps around the top of my stockings. Not wanting to ruin the bottoms, I put my black satin heels on. The
instep was criss-crossed with black velvet and a black velvet ribbon tied around the ankle. My white, knee-length
cocktail dress hung on the back of the door until I had my hair and make-up complete. It was strapless with
ruching along the bust and a black ribbon that tied around the middle.

Standing with my feet shoulder's width apart and bending at the waist, I turned my head upside down to blow dry
my flippy hairstyle. As I neared completion, I felt large, cold hands slide around me, grasping my breasts and a
firm shaft pressing against the crack of my ass. I started at the contact and realized that I must not have heard the
doorbell and Jasper had let himself in, only to discover my ass in the air in greeting.

Turning off the blow dryer, I felt and heard him mutter into my back, "I think we'll be a li'l late to the Christmas
party this year, sugar."


I stood slowly and turned in his arms. "Oh, yeah? You got a little something for me, cowboy?" I moaned as my
hand went right to his dick, grasping his large erection purposefully.

"You can fuckin' bet on it, but it ain't little," he snarled back through clenched teeth. "But first I'm gonna taste that

He pushed me back roughly into the bathroom counter, grabbing the delicate elastic of my panties and tore them
from my body. Jasper knew how fucking turned on I got when he was rough with me.

"Fuck yeah! Taste it, J, lick my fucking slit!"

Pushing my thighs apart with one propped slightly on the counter for better access, he buried his face between
them. He literally growled as he shook his head from side to side, grinding his face into my slick flesh.

"Mmmmm... your sugar tastes as sweet as Tupelo honey. And you're so wet, so fuckin' turned on. Aren't you?"

Jasper was greedy and I loved that about him. He never could get enough of me. Running his tongue over the
length of my pussy, he sucked my clit into his mouth roughly and darted his tongue in and out of my hole.

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Standing, he took my nipple into his mouth, scissoring his sharp teeth across the tip as he shoved three fingers
into my pussy and thumbed my clit.

I threw my head back as my hips ground and gyrated of their own volition, eagerly pleading for Jasper's fingers to
go deeper, pump harder and faster.

I dug my nails into his scalp in an attempt to hold him in that position, biting my nipples and fucking me silly
with his fingers.

"Fuck, Alice, I love that you're a lady in the streets and such a freak in the sheets."

Grabbing his head between my hands, I pulled his lips to mine, hissing at the sharp pain of his teeth dragging my
nipple as far as it would go in the process. The pain that was so fucking delicious that my pussy clenched with the

Biting Jasper's lower lip sharply, I said, "Let's get freaky, J!"

He yanked his fingers from me abruptly and grabbed my hips, spinning me around to the wall near my dressing
table. He lifted my leg so that my shoe rested on the tabletop and forced my hands above my head, holding them
in place with one of his. With the other hand he unfastened the trousers of his Jean Yves tuxedo and pulled his
cock from his boxers. There was no time for further pleasantries as he pressed into me fast and furiously.

"Ah, fuck yeah, that's exactly what I wanted. Fuck me, J!"

He grit out, "I plan to coax out your true freak later, but for now I just need to feel your tight pussy clamping
down on my dick."

Concentrating, I clenched the muscles inside my pussy firmly around his dick each time he pulled back. Jasper
really had to put more effort into a full thrust but we both loved the feeling of my pussy grabbing him like a tight

"Uhhhh... that's what I needed, sugar, your tight pussy squeezing me like a vise."

"Ohhhhhh, J, it feels soooo good. Fuck me fast and hard, baby."

He continued to pound me with such a force that my planted foot lifted off the floor and my back ground into the
wall painfully. I'd definitely end up with bruises but it wouldn't be the first time, and I rather enjoyed these kind.

It wasn't long before Jasper came deep inside me and we both cried out in ecstasy. As we stood, still joined and
trying to compose ourselves, he rested his sweaty forehead against my shoulder. His head began to bounce as I
lost myself in a fit of giggles.

"What the hell is so funny?" he asked, raising to look me in the eyes.

"I just find it comical how everyone thinks I'm such a goodie-two-shoes."

"Ha! Yeah, if they only knew."



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