Afternoon Delight Outtakes (2) by Ahelm COMPLETE

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Afternoon Delight – Outtakes

By Ahelm

Outtake 1. The Visit

Author's Chapter Notes:

I am going to admit this to you all.

I get a kick out of writing lemons now. I don't know why. Perhaps because for months, I didn't think I
could. Maybe I'm a perv. Or maybe I'm a a weirdo. Or maybe I'm just extra happy with Rob's new haircut
*rawr*. All this to say that I decided to write this dirty little one shot as an aside to Chapter 5 (Later That
Day) of my story "Afternoon Delight".

Why? Because I love Alice and Jasper and they deserve a little fun time, too. hahaha.

I'm dedicating this to my dirty minded friends hammondgirl and bloodredlust and Kim (though I can't
remember her pen name. Lame I know.)

Anyway. On with it!

Oh, and Stephenie Meyer owns all things Twilight.

I looked in my rearview mirror as my best friend opened the door to her vehicle and sat down, a goofy
smile on her face. I was really, truly happy for her. God knows she and Edward had taken long enough to
confess their feelings for one another. I was glad they had both developed the backbone necessary to
use their words and be adults about the situation.

Besides, Bella really needed to get laid.

It was a crass thought, but it was the truth. She was moody and quiet and it had been nearly a year since
she and James had broken up or whatever it is that happens when you’re only having sex with someone.
Edward and Bella would work out, I just knew it. And they would have mind-blowing sex on top of
everything else.

“Speaking of mind-blowing sex …” I muttered to myself. I plugged my iPod into my car stereo and knew
the shuffle function would give me a good playlist to serenade me on the way to Jasper’s office. I hadn’t
been completely honest with Bella when I told her I had errands to run.

I smirked as “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon came on, and turned the volume up. My instinct had, once
again, been proven right. My iPod was in sync with my brain, because the next track to play was “She’s

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So Heavy” by The Beatles. As I pulled into the parking lot at Jasper’s architectural firm, I was singing
along. “I want you, I want you so bad …”

I stepped out of the car and walked in, knowing my appearance wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary.

Lauren Mallory was there, working the front desk. “Hi, Lauren,” I said brightly. “I’m here to see Jasper.”
She nodded and when she moved to call him, I stopped her. “No, let me surprise him.” And with that, I
smiled and walked down the hallway, stopping short at his doorway.

I knocked lightly. He answered, sounding lost and distracted by something work related. “Come in.”

I slid through the crack in the door and pushed it closed behind me. He didn’t look up until he heard the
lock click and I said, “Well, Hello, Major Whitlock.” It had been years since he had been active in the
military, but it was an effective way to get his attention.

He snapped his head up, his lips slightly parted and I grinned. As I pulled my sunglasses away from my
eyes and placed them in my purse, he smoothly said, “Hello, Mrs. Whitlock. To what do I owe this
surprise visit?”

I hung my purse on the doorknob and then removed my coat and the turtleneck I had on underneath it.
Then, I unbuttoned my slacks and let them fall to the floor. I silently moved to stand just across his desk
from him and witnessed his eyes move up and down my short frame. I knew he would appreciate the
lovely set of lingerie I was wearing. Black satin, trimmed with lace. Classic. Jasper was kind of old
fashioned that way; complicated negligees had never been his thing, and I did what was necessary to
keep him happy.

He grinned with one side of his mouth. “This is a first,” he said.

I nodded. I had never before come to his office expressly for sex. “I figured you could use a distraction
from all your hard work.” I smiled and walked around his desk. As I neared him, I grabbed his tie and
pulled him down to me with one hand. I latched my mouth on to his, quickly parting my lips to accept
his sweet tongue. We parted and as I unbuttoned his pants with both hands, he reached up and
loosened his tie. I pulled it over his head and kept my eyes on his as I unbuttoned his shirt.

His pants fell around his feet. He made a clicking noise with his tongue. “Why, Alice Whitlock. You
naughty girl.” His slight Southern drawl was clear and present and I almost launched myself at him, it
was so sexy.

He turned away from me and walked to a couch he kept in his office. He had deemed it necessary
because there were several days in which, instead of taking a lunch break, he simply took a nap. The
knowledge that the couch was here had been one of the catalysts for my little visit. The other being that
I was wildly, intensely attracted to my husband.

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He took a seat and leaned back against the oversized pillow on the couch and, with a single finger,
gestured for me to come to him.

I walked, moving to remove the heels I was wearing. He shook his head. “Leave them. Please.”

Always a gentleman, even in the most ungentlemanly of circumstances, I thought and continued moving
toward him.

I placed one knee on the couch, near his waist, and leaned over him. As I did, he put his hands on my
hips and swiveled me toward him, which required me to pull my other leg over him. The result was my
legs straddling him. Not that I minded. I could feel him, already hard and ready for me.

He sat up and grazed my collarbone with his tongue and, wordlessly, reached around me and unclasped
my bra. He pulled it away from me, revealing my already erect nipples and, keeping his eyes on mine,
flicked his tongue around each one. I closed my eyes at the sensation.

As I leaned into him, kissing him with all my might, there was a knock at the door. “Um, Mr. Whitlock,
Sir? You have a call on line four.” Lauren called out.

Jasper caught his breath. “Send it to voicemail, Lauren.”

There was something erotic about knowing so many people were just on the other side of the door. We
both felt it. He growled in my ear, “Alice.”

I pulled slightly away and felt a devious look appear on my face as I looked at him through my eyelashes.
“Yes, Mr. Whitlock?”

He growled again and attacked my lips with his. He pulled me to him and, with me on his lap, turned so
that his legs were bent over the couch. Suddenly, he stood, his hands cupped under my ass, turned
around and laid me down on the couch. Then, he made quick work of removing my panties and lay
down next to me as he removed his boxers.

As he pressed his lips to mine, he slid his fingers into my center, which was quickly becoming more and
more sensitive and I moaned into his mouth.

He knew me.

He knew that I liked it when he alternated between stroking me and encircling my clit.

He knew I liked it when he gently caressed my breasts, ensuring that I stayed aroused.

He knew I liked it when he let me see his eyes rake up and down my body.

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And I knew he liked it when I stroked him, so I did. “Alice,” he said again. He rolled his eyes back into his
head in pleasure and then parted his lips in a quiet groan.

“Jasper, please,” I whispered. “I came here to feel you inside of me.”

He slowly opened his eyes and it was, without a doubt, one of the sexiest things I had ever seen him do.
The lust was plain as day in his crystal blue eyes and his blonde hair fell over one eyebrow. He stared at
me for a moment and when he spoke, his voice was overflowing with desire. “Whatever you want.”

He moved to position himself over me and I moved my legs to give him room. As he adjusted, I saw the
scar on his neck he had been so nervous about when we first met. I pushed myself up on my elbows and
kissed him there, at the place where his neck met his shoulder.

Jasper looked at me, knowing why I had kissed that specific location. “I love you,” he said.

“I love you,” I said, settling myself back into the pillow.

As he pressed his perfect cock into me, I groaned in pleasure. I arched my back, and he slid a hand
underneath it, no doubt enjoying the sensation it gave him to have my body angled that way. He rocked
back and forth, each time pressing just that much more into me. As he quickened his pace, I wrapped
my legs around him and he removed the hand that had been under my back to the side of the couch,
near my shoulder.

He gasped. “Alice. Alice, I’m going to cum.”

I grinned and said quietly, “That’s what I came here for, baby.”

And when he finished he collapsed on top of me with a final shudder. I nipped at his ear and then kissed
his neck.

We lay that way for a moment while we both collected ourselves.

“You didn’t finish,” he observed.

I shook my head as he pulled out of me and stood. I glanced at his still hard cock and smiled. “That’s ok. I
came here for you.”

He helped me up and helped me gather my clothes. We both dressed and I checked the mirror. Luckily,
my hair always looked crazy, so a quickie on the office couch hadn’t made a huge difference.

I pulled my coat on and walked to the door. As I unlocked it, Jasper grabbed my hand, causing me to
turn to him.

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He leaned in and gruffly whispered, “You’d better be prepared for tonight. It’s not fair that you didn’t
cum. Not fair at all.

He stepped back and I looked at him and pursed my lips. “Whatever you want, Jazz.” My mind was
already abuzz with things to be ‘prepared’ for.

I smiled, backed out of his office, waved lightly at Lauren and walked to my car.

I’d be prepared all right. As I drove away, the smile on my face would not fade.

Chapter End Notes:

So there you have it. Told you AxJ deserved some fun as well. Hope you liked it!

Once I get chapter 9 posted, another one shot will be posted as well ... Time for a little Rose & Emmett
action. WOO!

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Outtake 2. Fiend

Author's Chapter Notes:

Not my characters, and I can GUARANTEE you Stephenie would not like what you are about to read.

*clears throat*

This is a Rose and Emmett Lemon and it goes along with chapter 9 of "Afternoon Delight" to explain
Emmett and Rose's snarky responses when Edward and Bella ask what they named the bar.

You have been warned.

Rose and I were finishing up at the bar. There were really just a lot of finishing touches to be done to
the place and we were alone. The bar looked good, I had to admit, and I hoped the opening, scheduled
for next week, would bring in lots of business. Alice said she thought it would. I was only slightly
worried; there were tons of upscale bars that could be compared to our little place, but I hoped we
would stand out.

Having said that, we still hadn’t decided on a name, and that was part of the reason that the only noise
in the bar was the steps Rose was taking as she moved back and forth and the clinking of bottles as I
moved the liquor around, looking for the best presentation on the back bar. We had argued about a
name earlier and I’d pissed her off by suggesting several I knew she’d never go for, things like Rat and
Skull. I’d even said, “Why don’t we just call it BAR. You know. All caps.”

I was kidding, but I really should have known better. She lost all patience with me then. “Damn you,
Emmett Cullen. You’re an idiot. Don’t talk to me,” she spat and turned away from me, her honey blonde
hair flying around her shoulders.


I turned around to admire the bar. The tiling we had chosen was perfect. It was a beautiful swirled
pattern and covered the entire bar top.

“You know,” I said quietly, “This tile was a really good choice, baby.”

She stiffened, so I knew she heard me, but she did not respond.

I stared at her hot ass in those painted on jeans and got an idea. It was a long shot, but I had to try.
Maybe I was thinking with Little Emmett. I don’t know.

I walked to the front entrance and locked it.

Then, I walked to Rose and put my hands on her hips, and as I did so, I saw her pinch her lips together

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and cross hear arms. She still said nothing.

I leaned over her shoulder and whispered, so close to her ear that I could feel my breath bouncing back
at me. “I’ve got an idea, baby,” I said.

“Go away, Emmett.” She kept her stance and stared at the wall where she had just hung a sconce.

“No,” I said simply, as I lowered my lips to her neck and licked her. I kept my eyes open, and therefore
saw when her lips parted slightly in reaction. “I’ve got an idea, baby,” I repeated in my most charming
voice. Not that it had ever really worked on Rose. She was the one lady who could deny me when I used
it and therefore she was the one woman I had to have.

She swallowed lightly and, as she continued to stare at the wall, I saw her raise one eyebrow. “What,
Emmett,” she said, her voice steely.

“How about you and I christen this place here and now?” I whispered, kissing her in a different place
between each word. After I finished speaking, I nibbled her earlobe, and that set her off.

She whipped around and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. Her lips were ferocious and the
power behind her movement made me very nearly lose my balance. I growled as she hopped up,
wrapping her legs around my midsection, and I positioned my hands on her ass, holding her in place.

As she moved to suck on my neck, I walked quickly around the bar and sat her on the counter just
behind it. As soon as I put her down, she made quick work of pulling my polo shirt over my head and
tossing it to her side. In turn, I ripped her shirt over her head and she unbuttoned my pants.

There was a mirror that covered the entire back wall in the bar, and I was grateful for it, because the
next thing my Rosie did, as I removed my pants and shoes, was get on her knees on that counter and
remove those jeans. She laid them on top of my shirt, and in the mirror, I saw her ass in all its glory. She
was only wearing a tiny black thong and a lacy bra to match.

“Damn, Rosie,” I muttered.

“Over here, Emmett. Now,” she commanded.

And when my Rosie commands me, I listen.

I moved to her and she slowly pulled those sexy ass panties down and a moment later, plunged her
hand down my pants. My little friend was already ready for her, and she smiled with satisfaction.

Suddenly, she jumped down from the bar and sat in a chair we had sitting just in front of the cash
register. “I want you to use your tongue, Emmett.” Then she paused and, as she took her bra off, she

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whispered, all throaty and fucking sexy as hell, “Please.”

Of course I moved immediately to oblige her.

As I knelt before my goddess, she pushed her ass further along the seat of the chair and spread her legs
for me, and I breathed in her scent. Without hesitation or foreplay of any kind, I slid my tongue along
her center and she moaned, which only encouraged me to keep up the good work. When I could feel her
getting close, I kissed up her stomach, and then circled one of her nipples with my tongue. “Ugh,
Emmett, please,” she growled, and her lips crashed into mine.

We parted for a moment and she stood, motioning for me to take the chair. My boxers were already on
the floor, and when I sat down, she quickly followed, straddling me and grinding onto me, sheathing me
completely inside of her. “Fuck, Rose!” I shouted.

“Mmm,” she hummed as she began to writhe on me, moving back and forth in a perfect rhythm. When
she scraped her perfectly manicured nails down my chest, I groaned and pressed my hands onto the
small of her back.

In one move, I stood. My strength had always been an asset when it came to things like this.

I sat her back on that counter and as she balanced herself with her hands, I rocked my hips back and
forth, almost removing myself each time, and pushing all the way into her on the return. We kept it up
for a while, literally bumping and grinding until I spoke.

Gruffly, I said, “I want you to cum, baby. Come on now.”

She grabbed my hand and pressed my thumb into her clit.

I got the hint.

I circled it and as I did, I increased and decreased the pressure with which I did so until she finally cried
out. “Oh, fuck, Emmett. Oh my …” Her voice fell away as her orgasm exploded around my cock. Little
Emmett was a happy camper.

The feel of her slick center was enough to push me over the edge and I came moments after she did.

Before I could pull out of her, she kissed me with a fervor.

As I removed myself, she grabbed her underwear and pulled them on. I handed her bra to her and as we
dressed, she said, “My Emmett, a sex fiend.”

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I snapped my head up, meeting her eyes and I saw that she had the same thought I did. The name of the
bar would be Fiend. It was only fitting, after all.

Chapter End Notes:

Dirty, dirty Rose and Emmett. Oh, come on. You knew with those two there would be no foreplay, no
sweet nothings, no fluff. And you liked it. Admit it. LOL.

And, thanks to my beta exrtaordinaire, HammondGirl, for sharing your dirty mind with me. P.S.

Reviews are just fabulous.


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