Next Weekend plus outtakes by definatelystaying COMPLETE

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Storyid: 4610662
Name: Next Weekend
Author: definitelystaying

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Chapter: 1

Prologue - Fantasies

Bella POV

"Okay, it's your turn." I told him, smiling. I love when it's his turn to pick a fantasy to live out. I
love being the one to fulfill his desires, to excite him like no one else can. It gives me a
wonderful sense of power.

"I don't know. I can't really think of one right now." He said quickly – too quickly. The obvious
swelling in his jeans told a different story.

"Is it embarrassing to you?" I asked softly. "Sweetheart, I'm your wife, you can tell me anything.
You know the agreement, if it's something I don't want to do – I'll just tell you." I said, running
my fingers through his hair.

He laid his head back against the back of the couch, feeling my fingers in his hair. "I love it
when you do that." I took the opportunity to begin kissing his neck, soft open mouthed kisses –
grazing the skin softly with my teeth. He moaned, and started to stroke my hair. I moved
downwards, pushing his T-shirt up his chest. As I kissed his chest, he pulled his shirt off and
threw it onto the floor.

I moved down onto my knees on the floor in front of him, insinuating myself between his legs.
He kept stroking my hair as my kisses trailed down over his stomach to the top of his jeans. His
fingers tightened as I opened his jeans. He lifted off the couch and I pulled his jeans and boxers
down past his knees. I blew a stream of hot air across the head of his erection, and his hips
twitched in anticipation.

I leaned forward, and ran my tongue slowly from the base to the tip, covering every inch of the
underside of him. He groaned loudly, grabbing the couch under him tightly with both hands. I
knew this was one of his favorite things for us to do. This was the first time I'd ever tried to use
that to my advantage.

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"Edward?" I asked, innocently up at him.

"Yes, Bella" he said with his eyes still tightly closed.

"Will you tell me now, what your fantasy is?" I asked with a smile in my voice.

"Oh God, Bella.. Don't do this to me. I.. I can't tell you." He said softly.

I ran my tongue firmly over the tip of him, covering every bit of the overly sensitive areas. He
whimpered softly, and pushed his hips forward. So, I took him into my mouth, gently pushing
him as far as he would go.

"Mmmmmm.. Bella. That feels so good, you have no idea." He said, his voice strained. He
started moving his hips, pushing himself in and out of my mouth building up a rhythm. After a
minute, I started to hum letting him feel the vibrations and he moved.

"Bella.. You are so fucking good at that." He said as he increased his speed slightly. "I love it
when you suck me like this, baby. I love to watch your lips around me as I slide in and out of
your mouth." At that point right there, I knew that I had him.

I pulled back slowly, as he looked down at me confused. I looked right into his eyes and said
"Tell me. Now. Or I won't let you finish."

"Oh fucking hell, Bella." He said, grabbing the couch so hard that his biceps strained with the
effort. "Damn it.. Fine. Please just don't stop."

I put my head back down, sliding him into my mouth. He started his rhythm again, and then took
a deep breath – like he was trying to gain strength from it.

"I want.."

He started moving more urgently into my mouth, and I sucked harder – almost trying to pull his
confession from him.

He tried again..

"Please, I want you to.."

I used one of my hands to stroke the part of him that wouldn't fit into my mouth. I used the other
to lightly massage his balls.

"Oh God, please.. I can't.. "

I pushed his legs wide apart, and massaged the insides of his thighs. He pushed one hard thrust
into my mouth and finally voiced his darkest secret as he exploded into my mouth.

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"I want you to dominate me. I want you to tie me up and force me to serve you."

Edward's POV

"I want you to dominate me. I want you to tie me up and force me to serve you."

Oh. My. God. I can't believe I just told her that. She's going to think I am a complete freak now. I
can't even look her in the eye. At that moment, she crawled up into my lap straddling me. She
put a hand on either side of my face, and pulled it up to look at her. As I looked into her eyes, she
kissed me softly. "Thank you for telling me." She said quietly kissing my forehead, my cheeks,
and finally my nose.

She got up slowly, and reached for my hand. "Let's wash you up and get you to bed." She did
just that, she took me into the bathroom and rubbed me down with a warm wash cloth and then
laid out sleep pants for me to change into. I stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes, splashing
cool water on my face. By the time I came into the bedroom, she was in bed – in her pajamas,
ready for sleep. I was surprised after what transpired in the living room, but too ashamed to talk
to her about it. I snuggled into her back and pressed my face into her hair. "I love you." I
whispered into her ear. "I love you too, baby." She said back over her shoulder to me.

The next week was sheer hell. We didn't make love once, which is not like us at all. The first
night I came home to a note saying that she had to run some errands and wouldn't be back until
late. After that she spent her evenings on her laptop, closeted in the den. It's like she was
purposefully avoiding me. I knew I shouldn't have told her, and I couldn't bring myself to talk to
her about it. Well, tomorrow I'm going to have to. I can't live like this. It's Saturday and we
always do something special.

When I woke up on Saturday morning, Bella wasn't there. I started to feel the lump rise in my
throat. Was she going to leave me? Damn it.. Damn it.. I can't do this, I can't breathe without her.
I walked downstairs to find a note from Bella.


I had some errands to run today, I have some things to pick up. Go ahead and have dinner
without me, I'll be home around 7.



Oh god, Oh god, Oh god.

I had dinner alone – just a turkey sandwich. I didn't think I could stomach much more. I was
watching TV for something to do when she came in around 6:30.

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"Good, you're here. I'm going to go take a shower." She said with a smile. I can't take much more
of this.

At 7:30, I heard her call from upstairs. "Edward, could you come up here, please?" I was out of
time, and I didn't want to face whatever she was going to say to me. But, I knew that I had to. It
was time to get this over with, and I trudged up the stairs.

When I walked into our bedroom, I wasn't quite prepared for what I saw. Bella was standing near
our bed in a black leather corset and leather thong, with black stiletto heels – and nothing else.
Her hair was partially up but still cascading down her back. She looked nothing short of glorious.
There was a table that I was sure hadn't been there before with a series of objects under a white
towel. There was also a straight-backed, armless wooden chair by the window.

"Take off all of your clothes, and place yourself on your knees in front of me." She said in a
strong, confident voice.

I was too stunned to move right away, and I delayed too long. "NOW." She said loudly, in that
same confident voice. With shaking hands, I unbuttoned my shirt and slid it onto the floor. Next,
I removed my shoes and socks, quickly followed by my jeans. I stood before her in my boxers
and then started towards her. "Everything, Edward." She said with a slight sneer in her voice. I
swallowed and removed my boxers, throwing them in the pile with the rest of my clothes. I felt
more than naked, I felt exposed – my soul bared to her.

I dropped to my knees at her feet. She smiled down at me, and put a hand under my chin –
stroking my face. "What a good boy you are", she said. "But I will have to punish you for leaving
your clothes on the floor. Do you want me to punish you, Edward?" I looked up at her,
dumbfounded. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"The answers you may give are as follows: if the answer is yes, you will say 'Only if it pleases
you, Bella.' If the answer is no, you will say 'Not unless it pleases you, Bella.' It is my pleasure
only that matters to you now. Do you understand, Edward?"

"If it pleases you, Bella." I said, barely recognizing my voice.

"Very good," she said with a smile "you learn quickly. You may get a reward tonight after all.
For now, however, you must be punished. Hold out your right arm, Edward." I was slightly
afraid, but more excited than I have ever been in my life. I held out my right arm to her, and she
buckled a wide leather cuff to my wrist. There was a metal loop embedded in it. She asked for
my left arm and repeated the process with a similar leather cuff. Then she told me to spread my
legs farther apart and walked behind me. From what I felt, she was attaching similar cuffs to my
ankles. I was terrified and exhilarated by the prospects.

"Stand, Edward." She said, pulling lightly on my hair. I felt a shock shoot through me at the
slight pain of it. She walked over to the new table, and pulled the towel off of it. I gasped. She
smacked my ass almost instantly and said "You will not make a sound unless I have given my
permission, do you understand me, Edward?" I nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak. On the

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table there was an assortment of adult toys, some I recognized, some I didn't. The largest item on
the table was a flat leather paddle. I felt my already hard erection twinge a little at the sight of it.

She walked over to the table and picked up three metal chains. She took the first and linked it
through the metal ring of my left cuff and then through the right. She kicked off her shoes and
stood on the wooden chair, and attached chain to a new hook in the ceiling. My arms were
stretched over my head, but it wasn't uncomfortable. The second chain secured my left ankle cuff
to a new round metal semi-circle bolted to the floor. It folded down when not in use, and couldn't
be seen in the carpet. She repeated the process with the right. I was now bound and helpless,
naked in front of her.

The table was behind me now, and she picked up something that I couldn't see. I felt, rather than
saw the blindfold go over my eyes. She leaned up and softly whispered in my ear. "The safe
word is red. If I'm hurting you, or you want to stop – that's all you have to say." And she softly
kissed my cheek. I don't think I have ever loved her more than I did at that moment.

Bella's POV

"The safe word is red. If I'm hurting you, or you want to stop – that's all you have to say."

I was shocked when he first told me what his fantasy was, shocked but excited. I was totally
game. I spent the first night after work at an adult toy store with Rose figuring out what different
things were, and deciding what I'd need to make his fantasy come true. The rest of the week, I
spent my nights on the web – researching things I wanted to try. I made sure we hadn't been
intimate because I wanted this night to last a long time for him. I wanted to fulfill his fantasy
every way that I could.

He was trembling in front of me. I stroked his face, trying to soothe him. "Are you ready for your
punishment, Edward?" I asked softly in his ear.

"If it pleases you, Bella." He replied, just as softly - his head down, obedient. God he looked hot
like this – naked and helpless, completely exposed to me. There was a softness in his face, a
vulnerability that I don't think I'd ever seen before.

I walked to the table and picked up the cock ring. I rubbed the warming liquid on it, and then
moved in front of him. "You will not achieve a release until I give you permission, is that
understood?" He nodded. I slid the ring over him until it rested near his pubic bone. He sucked in
a breath as it slid home, but otherwise did not make any other sound. "Very good, Edward." I
said, stroking him softly. His head fell back, and he pushed his hips forward straining them
against my hands. "Not just yet." I said, smiling.

I moved back to the table, and picked up the leather paddle. "You will want to brace yourself for
this, Edward. Put your feet solidly on the floor and bend your knees slightly." He trembled
harder, trying to figure out what was going to happen to him. I took the paddle in my right hand,
and swung it. It made a satisfying smacking noise as it made contact with his bare flesh. He cried
out at the sensation.

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"Didn't I tell you not to make a sound, Edward?" I asked harshly.

"I.. I'm sorry Bella." He said, his voice strained.

"Do you want me to gag you, Edward?" I asked him quietly, my lips next to his ear.

He moaned softly and said "Not unless it pleases you, Bella."

"It just might" I said "we'll come back to that later." And I saw him relax a little. "Shall we
continue with your punishment then, Edward?"

"Only if it pleases you, Bella." He whispered, embarrassed.

"It does please me, Edward." I said, running my hands across his back down over his buttocks.
"It pleases me greatly." He shuddered, and I smacked him with the paddle again. He didn't make
a sound. I paddled him over and over, increasing the strength of each swing until I saw that his
skin was turning red.

"Did you like that, Edward?" I asked, turning to look into his face. "You may answer yes or no."
He was panting, his face red, and tears were streaming from under the blindfold. I reached up to
stroke his face, and he leaned into my palm. I leaned against him, pulling his head down onto my
shoulder. "Yes." He whispered in my ear.

"You deserve a reward, you took that very well. You may orgasm when you feel ready, and
silence is not required." I said. I reached down and pulled off the ring. He was so hard after his
punishment, he deserved a release. I dropped to my knees in front of him, still bound, still
blindfolded and took him into my mouth. He gasped loudly at the contact, straining against the
cuffs on his wrists. I knew that he wanted to touch me, to put his hands in my hair. He moaned in
frustration as I reached behind him, rubbing the tender skin of his tormented buttocks, pushing
him harder into my mouth. I bobbed my head back and forth, sucking him, never breaking
contact with his skin, pushing him toward his release. Finally, he threw his head back and uttered
a loud "FUCK!" and called my name as he exploded into my mouth. When I stood, he was
breathing like he'd just run a mile. He was shaking, hard. It was starting to overwhelm him. That
was good, I was trying to make him use the safe word. I wanted to see where his limits were.

I stood up, and pulled the blindfold off of his eyes. He blinked a few times and then looked at
me, his eyes were wild. I stood on the chair and removed the chain from the hook but I didn't
remove the chain from the cuffs. I also released his ankles from the floor. I grabbed the chain and
pulled him towards the bed.

"Lie down on your back and put your hands above your head." I fastened the chain around the
iron intricacies of the headboard and then clipped the rings on his ankle cuffs together, binding
his legs together. I stood up next to the bed and while looking straight into his eyes, pulled the
thong down and off leaving the heels on. I climbed back on the bed and straddled over his waist.

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"Are you going to do your best to please me, Edward?" I asked, looking down into his face. "Yes
Bella, I would do anything to please you." He said, earnestly. "Well, maybe I should start." I said
with a wicked grin down at him. I reached down and unhooked the first few catches of the corset,
baring my breasts to him. I closed my eyes and rubbed them with my hands. He strained against
the cuffs, trying to reach me.

I let my head fall back as I trailed my hands down over my corset, then rubbing them up and
down the insides of my thighs. He watched, fascinated as I began to rub my clit with my fingers.
I moaned softly, and started to grind my hips against his stomach. I was starting to find my stride
when I caught sight of his face. It looked torn, almost pained. "Is there something you wanted to
say, Edward?" I asked, trying to figure out his expression. He nodded. "What is it that you want,
Edward?" I asked, removing my hand from between my legs and putting it to his lips. He opened
his mouth, licking my fingers almost reverently. He closed his eyes and said "Please.. Bella… "

"Tell me what you want, Edward." I said sternly, pulling my hand back. 'You've been fairly
well-behaved this evening – who knows, you just might get it. Well, if I think it would please
me, anyway." I said with a smirk.

"I want.. " he said softly, and took a deep breath. "I want you to straddle my face and let me
please you." He finished, his eyes closed. I smiled, because that's actually what I had in mind. I
balanced using the headboard, and moved up to position myself. It was a little awkward with his
hands bound over his head, but I pushed myself down until he could touch me if he strained his
head up. I looked down at him and said, with more calm than I felt – "Don't disappoint me,
Edward." I spread my legs wider over his shoulders, and pressed myself onto his waiting mouth.

I had never been in this position before, always a little nervous about him pleasing me with his
mouth. I didn't quite understand why he would enjoy that, but he did. He practically assaulted me
with his tongue. I was so turned on by the evening's activities that it didn't take long for my
orgasm to start to build. I rocked my hips gently into his face, and absently let my hand fall
winding my fingers in his hair. That spurred him on, and he began to suck my clit. I whimpered
and moaned above him, not recognizing the sounds coming out of me. I cried his name as my
orgasm hit me. I came almost violently onto his face. I was shaking as I climbed off the bed.

I sat in the wooden chair to collect myself. I wanted him so badly now, but I had to wait. There
was still one more thing I wanted to try – one more thing to try and break him, to try and make
him use his safe word. I made my way back to the bed. He was looking at me curiously, but I just
smiled at him. I unhooked his ankle cuffs from each other and told him to get on his hands and
knees. There was enough chain between his wrists that I didn't have to reposition it for him to
change positions.

I pulled his left leg back so that I could attach the chain to his ankle cuff and the bed post, and
the repeated the process with his right. He was on his knees and forearms now, his legs spread
because of the way his ankles were bound. He shuddered violently as I ran my hand up the back
of his leg. He had never been so exposed, and I had never explored him like this before.

I went over to the table, and picked up the few things I would need. I knew that he couldn't see

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me because he was facing in the opposite direction. I purposefully laid the cold plastic against
his leg and his head shot up. I leaned down and whispered in his ear – "Remember, the safe word
is red, and I want you to use it if you feel uncomfortable." And I ran my fingers through his hair
as he let his head drop back down.

Edward POV

"Remember, the safe word is red, and I want you to use it if you feel uncomfortable."

I was shaking, I could feel it. I had no idea what she planned to do to me but whatever it was, I
knew I would never utter that word. I never wanted this to end. I couldn't even process what I
was feeling, except that it felt so incredibly good. She didn't think badly of me, she set all of this
up just to fulfill my desires. God, I wanted her so badly right now, but I knew that I was at her
mercy. I had never been more at her mercy than I was right now. On my hands and knees, bound
to our bed, naked and open - I felt so vulnerable.

I felt her exploring me with her hands – the backs of my legs, my inner thighs, between my legs
– stroking softly. It was maddening. I don't think I'd ever been as aroused. Her soft hands moved
to my aching buttocks, and I felt her pinching and stroking the tender skin. I moaned softly at her
touch. She must not have heard, or cared because she didn't rebuke me. She picked up the cold
plastic object that had touched my leg and I felt something wet being applied to me – one finger
slowly and methodically pressing into me, inside me. It was everything I could do to hold my
hips still as she violated me with her finger. I couldn't get my head around the sensation. It didn't
hurt, it just felt.. different.

I thought she would stop there, but she didn't. She picked up something else off the bed, and
suddenly I felt something foreign being inserted very slowly into my rectum. She had applied
something to make the penetration easier, but I panicked. I didn't say the word, but I jerked my
hips forward. She leaned forward and stroked my hair softly. "Shhhhh… It's okay, baby. I'm not
going to hurt you. If you want me to stop, just say the word. Otherwise, you need to relax."
Slowly, I relaxed my muscles, which had clenched with the pending invasion. I didn't know if I
wanted this, but I knew I didn't want to stop. I also trusted her with my life, I knew she wouldn't
hurt me.

She slowly began again, but this time I didn't move. It felt strange, but not painful as she inserted
it – whatever it was. Finally, she stopped and moved it slightly. It started to vibrate. I moaned
loudly throwing my head up, and arching my back. I didn't care about how it looked, the
sensations were too strong for me to think. She released my legs and turned me back over, very
slowly – carefully holding whatever she had inserted in place. I could feel that it wasn't fully
inside me and that it was flared at the end so that it wouldn't go any farther in. I laid back, feeling
it secured against the bed.

Without a word, she straddled me and pushed herself down onto my straining erection. Without
thinking, I looked up at her begging. "Please, Bella.. Please untie me.. I have to touch you." She
grinned down at me. "You forget your place, Edward. I'm comfortable now, so I won't get up for
the gag, but.." and she smacked my outer thigh with her hand. I jerked up into her at the surprise

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of it.

"God, Edward.. That feels so good. I can feel the vibrations of the plug against me." She said as
she began to move above me. The sensation was too much, and I closed my eyes. I couldn't
watch her riding me, I didn't know how long I would last as it was. She sped up her movements
and I pushed my head back into the pillow, trying to control myself.

She leaned forward, her lips next to my ear and said "Let go, Edward. Don't fight it."

Bella POV

"Let go, Edward. Don't fight it."

His jaw was clenched, and his eyes closed tightly. I knew that he was fighting tooth and nail to
hold out. He always controlled himself so tightly so that I reached my orgasm before he did.
Tonight I really wanted to witness his total abandon.

I leaned down again, and stroked his face. "I want you to lose control, baby. I want to watch your
face." And then much more sternly. "Cum for me, Edward." I watched as he made a visible effort
to unclench his jaw and he slowly opened his eyes. He watched me as I rode him. I moved my
hands up to cup my breasts, looking right into his face. I moved my hips faster, harder against
him. I could feel my own orgasm coming, but I fought against it.

He started to moan, almost rhythmically with my movements. His mouth opened, and he gasped.
Then suddenly, he threw his head back into the pillow and dug his heels into the bed. He arched
up off the bed, driving into me and cried out. His face was strained, almost as if he were in pain.
The force of his orgasm was so strong that he shuddered violently beneath me before falling back
onto the bed. He was panting, and gasping – tears streaming down his face. It was almost as if
the physical and emotional climaxes were too much for him.

Gently, I climbed off of him, and rolled him to his side. I removed the plug slowly and felt him
shudder again. Then I removed the restraints from his wrists, and he pulled me into his lap. He
buried his face into my neck as he tried to calm himself. I stroked his face, his hair, soothing
him. I kissed his neck, his jaw, and the finally his lips ever so softly. I put my forehead against
his, and he stroked my face. "I love you so much", he said earnestly. "That was.." he began. "My
God, there are no words for what that was.."

"Mmmmm.. Edward?" I asked shyly, not looking into his eyes.

"Yes, my beautiful Bella?" he asked, kissing my neck.

"Can it be my turn next weekend?"

There are a lot of stories about a dominant Edward, but very few on a submissive one.

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Chapter: 2

"Can it be my turn next weekend?"

Chapter One - Next Weekend

Bella POV

I knew what was coming. I had been preoccupied all week with the prospect of what Saturday
night would bring. He hadn't mentioned anything to me, anything at all – but I knew he hadn't
forgotten. I even casually mentioned that I had some errands to run to see if that would elicit a
response. He said that was fine, he would be home around 7:00 and to have dinner without him.

Saturday morning, he kissed me good-bye and told me to have a good day. Now I was nervous –
I knew he was interested in reciprocating the fantasy. That meant he had something planned, one
of his famous surprises. But really, how much of a surprise could it be if I knew what was
coming? Only.. I didn't really know what was coming, did I? Well, not exactly. I arrived home
that night around 6:00, and saw a note on the dining room table.

My Bella,

In our bathroom, I have left instructions and what I want you to wear tonight. I will arrive at
7:00, go upstairs and prepare yourself for me.

All my love,


I made my way to the bathroom upstairs and found another note. With the note were a single red
rose, a black leather blindfold, a pair of long black leather gloves, and two leather cuffs.

My darling Bella,

This is all you will be allowed to wear this evening. Once you are ready, buckle the cuffs onto to
your ankles and tie the gloves together – the wrist of the first to the elbow of the second and vice
versa. Go into the bedroom and use the chains there to bind your ankles to the bolts in the floor.
Put on the blindfold, and slide your arms into the gloves so that your arms are folded behind
your back. Touch nothing in the room.

Wait for me precisely as I have requested or you will be punished most severely.

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Oh my. Just thinking about his instructions, the way he phrased his demands, I knew this was
going to be a night I wouldn't soon forget. I was slightly apprehensive, but I couldn't wait for it to
start – so I jumped in the shower to prepare myself for him.

It was 6:45 by the time I was in position. I thought back over the last few minutes, smiling to
myself. He had replaced the bulbs in the lamps with red bulbs giving the room an eerie cast. I
had a hell of a time trying to get my arms in the gloves after they'd been tied, but I could not
disappoint him. I couldn't imagine what he meant by "punished most severely".

I heard the door downstairs open. Good, he's early, I thought to myself. I froze as I heard the
voice call from downstairs – "Hey Bells? Edward? You guys here?" Emmett. Oh God, please,
not Emmett. If he saw me like this, I would never.. ever live it down. I heard him moving around
downstairs, and then I heard heavy footfalls coming up the stairs. I couldn't move, I couldn't
think. I couldn't do anything but let the humiliated tears flow down my face.

I heard the bedroom door open, and then a gasp. My breathing hitched and I began to tremble. I
heard footsteps coming closer, and then behind me. I held my breath as I heard a voice next to
my ear say softly "My beautiful Bella, I would never let another man gaze upon your naked
beauty." I shook more violently as I came to the realization that it was Edward behind me, and
not Emmett.

He moved around to stand in front of me, and brushed my tears away with his hands. "Shhhh..
My Bella, it's all right." And then he moved in closer, and I could feel his fully clothed body
against my naked skin as he whispered my own words in my ear "The safe word is red. If I'm
hurting you, or you want to stop – that's all you have to say."

Edward 's POV

"The safe word is red. If I'm hurting you, or you want to stop – that's all you have to say."

I knew I had shaken her by letting Emmett call out before he went home. I knew that once she
started to calm down, she would be furious – defiant. That was exactly what I wanted. I was
almost surprised that she didn't give me the safe word right then, ending my little game. But one
thing that I had learned in our years of marriage, something she may not even be aware of
herself, was that my sweet Bella was a bit of an exhibitionist.

I slid my hand slowly up her inner thigh, causing her to jump. "Let's see what you really thought
of my little display." I said, smiling. As my hand slid in between her legs, I felt how excited she
had been at the thought of being caught like that by my brother. Not that I thought she was
attracted to him, it could have been anyone catching her – bound, naked, and helpless and she
would have reacted the same way. Her face turned scarlet and she hung her head, knowing that I
could feel her arousal. "Hmmm.. " I said, slowly, "It looks like you were quite interested in my
brother finding you like this, weren't you?" She shook her head in humiliation and defiance and

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looked away from me. "I think it's time we show you who you belong to, isn't it Bella?"

I took her face in my hands. "Answer me!" I said forcefully to her. "And be sure to answer me
properly, you made up the rules after all." She looked up, her face looking where she thought I
was. "Only if it pleases you, Edward." She said, her tone insolent. I smiled to myself.

I pulled the straight-backed chair over to where she stood, and positioned it so that I could pull
her across my lap without removing the bonds on her legs. I sat down in the chair, still fully
clothed and looked up at her. "Lie across my lap, Bella. " She bent down until she felt where I
was, pushing her stomach onto my legs. She moved as gracefully as she could with her hands
folded behind her back. I held her steady as she let her weight fall into my lap. I could feel her
arousal, hot against my leg as I told her "Open your legs." I ran my hands over her naked bottom,
up and down the backs of her thighs, and then between her legs. She whimpered softly as I
touched her. "You will not make a sound unless I have given my permission, do you understand
me, Bella?" She nodded.

I ran my hand along the soft supple skin of her buttocks, and then pulled my hand back. I let it
snap forward with a resounding smack. She jerked, but otherwise did not make a sound. I
spanked her over and over, delighting in the sound of my hand coming into contact with her skin,
and the heat radiating from her reddening buttocks. She had started to sob quietly, more from the
humiliation than the pain, I'd be willing to bet. It must be excruciating to be naked and bound
over your husband's lap, spanked like a naughty school girl. That thought made me painfully
hard, and I looked over to the mirror on the dresser and found that I could see her face in it. What
I saw made me harder still. Her face, intense with her conflicting emotions, was red - tears
streamed down her cheeks.

"Very nice, Bella." I said softly, as I stroked her skin. "I think you deserve a treat, don't you?" I
asked, smiling. "Only if.. if it pleases you, Edward." She managed, panting with the effort of
trying to stay in control of herself.

I moved the chair to the left, pulling the bindings on her legs taut as I pressed my forearm
between her shoulder blades. She literally could not move as she tried to squirm in my lap. I
reached back to the table behind me and picked up a long, hard, plastic vibrator. I held it up in
my hand, and flicked it on. She froze, recognizing the sound – knowing what was coming. She
unconsciously spread her legs farther apart.

"Like that, do you?" I asked as I ran the vibrator over the backs of her legs. As I ran it slowly up
her inner thigh, I asked her again – more forcefully this time – "Do you, Bella? Answer me." She
strained against my arm holding her shoulders down and panted "Only if it pleases.." she cried
out as the cold, hard, plastic came in contact with her arousal. Tracing very slowly along her
outer folds, I said calmly – "I'm sorry, Bella. I didn't quite catch that?" She could hear the smile
in my voice. She balled her hands into fists against her back and yelled defiantly, "Only if it
pleases you, Edward!" as the vibrator slid into her.

Her head jerked up, and she tried harder to squirm in my lap – but her efforts were in vain as I
held her fast against me. As I moved it in and out of her, I slowly tormented her. I made sure that

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I pulled it almost all the way out, touching her clit before I pushed it back in. She started to
moan, and I told her – "This is a reward, Bella. You may orgasm when you are ready, and silence
is not required. Is there something you wanted to say to me?"

"Please!" she managed. "Please, Edward." She tried again to move in my lap, spreading her legs
wider, aching for the release. "What, my Bella?" I asked, smiling. "Tell me what you need."

"Harder", she cried out unable to stop herself. I repositioned the vibrator in my hand, holding it
more securely and pushed it into her hard. I pulled it out almost instantly, and thrust it into her
again. She moaned my name, and let her head fall down, her hair shielding her face from view. I
decided to let her lie as she felt comfortable, and concentrated on bring her release. I knew there
was something I wanted to try, a test for later. I wasn't sure how she would react, but she was so
turned on right now it was the best time to try. I moved my hand from her shoulder blades to rest
it between her buttocks. I spread her open with my fingers and she gasped. I slid one finger into
her gently, and I continued to thrust the vibrator in with the other hand.

"Yes!" she cried, "Oh, God…" and I started to move both my hands in alternating rhythm. Her
whole body tensed, and then shuddered violently as her orgasm ripped through her. She
screamed my name, and as she came down from her high, went limp across my lap.

I reached back and replaced the toy on the table, and then leaned down to release the chains on
her ankles. Next, I untied the gloves from each other, but left them on. I stroked her hair as she
lay winded across my lap, trying to collect herself. I pushed her hair back from her face and said
"I'm not quite finished with you, love. Are you ready to continue, my Bella?" She shifted in my
lap, and said softly "Only if it pleases you, Edward." I rubbed her tormented buttocks with my
right hand and said in a low voice "You have no idea how much it pleases me, my Bella." And I
lifted her off my lap to stand before me, and removed her blindfold.

Bella POV

"You have no idea how much it pleases me, my Bella."

As I stood and the blindfold was removed, I caught sight of his erection straining against his
jeans. I remembered my own experience last weekend and knew without a doubt just how much
it pleased him. He pulled me to the center of the room and gestured to his jeans, I saw a large wet
area on his right thigh. "You must have enjoyed your reward; you have soiled my jeans in your
arousal." I blushed and looked down. I did enjoy my reward, immensely. He put his finger under
my chin and made me look up into his face. "Undress me, my Bella." He said, sternly. "Show me
your devotion."

I reached down and slid my hands under his T-shirt. I ran my palms up his chest, pulling his shirt
up. He shivered as my hands moved up over his nipples, and he sighed. I pulled it over his head,
dropping it on the floor and kissed his chest softly. "Very nice, Bella." He breathed in my ear as I
reached for the button of his jeans. I pulled them down, noticing that he wore nothing
underneath, and held them so he could step out. I threw them aside, and kissed along his lower
abdomen. I trailed soft, wet kisses over each hip and down his legs. To show my devotion

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properly, I also placed tiny kisses on his bare feet and then stood before him. He watched me,
fascinated by my display. He reached out and pushed my hair back over my shoulders.
"Beautiful." He whispered.

He regained his composure, and walked around behind me. He picked up something from the
table, and I felt him working with my gloves behind me – binding my wrists together, as if they
were in handcuffs. Moving back in front of me, he said almost in a growl, "On your knees,
Bella." His tone, and the look on his beautiful face made me shiver and I lowered myself first to
one knee and then both. I was trying to keep my balance with no hands to catch me if I fell. He
pushed again my inner thigh with one of his feet. "Open your legs. Wider. You must always be
open and willing to serve me." He slid both his hands into my hair and pushed himself into my
mouth. His hips began a slow rhythm, and I heard his voice above me as he moaned out "God,
Bella.. Your mouth feels so good on me." He increased his pace, but was careful not to push too
far into my mouth since I couldn't use my hands and he was holding my head tightly in his
hands. He groaned loudly and pulled out of my mouth. I looked up at him, unvoiced questions in
my eyes. "I had a slightly different idea for my release, Bella." He said, and winked at me.

He released the binding on my wrists, and helped me stand. He told me to lie on the bed on my
back, and bound my arms and legs to the posts. I was naked and spread open to him on the bed,
bound and vulnerable. He then went back to the table and picked up a few things I couldn't see,
and returned to the bed. He straddled over my stomach and set what I recognized as the warming
liquid next to me. He held something that looked like a chain in his hands. I didn't understand
since I was already bound, but then I saw the ends of the chain and shivered. "Good," he said,
with a sneer in his voice. "You already know what these are, I don't need to explain myself." He
took my left breast in his hands roughly and teased my nipple with his fingers. It went hard
almost instantly, and he applied the clamp to it. It was uncomfortable, but not overtly painful. He
went through the same process with the other clamp, and then pulled lightly on the chain. I
gasped and closed my eyes tightly against the pain. It was only a slight pain, but it served to
heighten my arousal. "Do you like that, Bella?" he said softly. My face reddened as the blush
swept over it, and I nodded – my eyes still closed. "So do I." he said, pulling on the chain again.
My back arched a little at the sensation, and I pushed myself up into him. He moaned at the
contact, and I felt him lean forward to pick up something from the bed. My eyes shot open as I
felt the warming liquid being spread between my breasts underneath the chain. I looked up at
him, and he said almost sheepishly – "You have the most beautiful breasts, I've always wanted to
try this." Then, remembering his role he added "I am going to press your breasts together and use
your body to pleasure myself. Then I will cum all over your pretty little face." When he finished
preparing me, he asked "Are you ready for me, my Bella?" I looked up into his face and replied
"Only if it pleases you, Edward."

He moved up and placed his straining erection in the middle of my chest. He moved the chain
connecting the clamps higher to keep it out of the way. Winking at me, he gave it a little pull as
he did so. I moaned as he grabbed my breasts and pushed them roughly together. The clamps
pulled at my nipples and he started stroking himself between my breasts. I looked up as his head
dropped down and he let out a low moan. He started pushing faster, gripping my breasts harder –
the look on his face was priceless. "Fuck, Bella." He said, his voice strained. "This feels so.. I
can't describe it. It's so hot, so soft." Then he looked down into my face. "Close your eyes,

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Bella." He said quickly.

Edward POV

"Close your eyes, Bella."

I looked down into her face. This was so good, I'd never imagined it would be like this. As she
bit her bottom lip, waiting for it, I lost it. I pulled up from between her beautiful breasts, and
stroked myself inches from her face. I shot myself over her cheeks, her nose, her chin. She
looked so hot with my cum all over her face, I almost did it again. I fell onto the bed, sitting next
to her. She didn't move. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom, wetting down a washcloth
with warm water and grabbing and hand towel. Her head turned at the sound, and I cleaned her
face. I leaned down to kiss her and whispered in her ear, "Thank you." She smiled, her eyes still
closed. I reached down and slowly removed her nipple clamps. She cried out as they came off.
The guy at the shop said that they would make her very sensitive when the clamps came off. I
rubbed her breasts with the hand towel, and she moaned, arching her back.

I leaned down, putting my face next to hers and said very low into her ear "I'm going to fuck you
now, Bella. Would you like that?" She moaned as her hips came up off the bed, and said "Only if
it would please you, Edward." I looked down into her face and asked "Are you going to please
me, my Bella?" She strained, pulling herself up as much as she could still being bound and
spread on the bed and kissed my cheek. "Yes, Edward."

I removed the chains on her wrists and ankles from the bedposts and repositioned her at the very
bottom of the bed on her hands and knees. I spread her legs wide and bound her again to the
bottom bedposts. I placed a pillow in front of her and told her to lean forward, pulling her hands
behind her. I used the small chain to link the metal rings on her gloves, binding her wrists
together. She looked so sexy in this position as she laid her head on the pillow, her still slightly
red buttocks in the air for me. God, I wanted her. I went back to the table and picked up a slightly
larger version of the vibrating plug she had used on me and returned to the bed. She couldn't see
what I had.

"Are you ready for me, my Bella?" She moaned and pushed her hips back. I took that as a sign of
consent, and grabbed the warming liquid from the bedside table. I put it on my fingers and
started to rub between her legs. She squirmed, pushing back against my hand. I wanted her to be
completely aroused before I tried to go any farther. She moaned, arching her back, "Please,
Edward" she said softly. I smacked her ass with my hand to remind her to be quiet. That seemed
to turn her on even more. I held pulled my hand back and put more of the liquid on it. My other
hand was on her buttocks, spreading her open to me. She jerked but didn't speak as I spread the
liquid, and then inserted one finger slowly into her. I pulled back and put more liquid on my
fingers and then pressed two fingers into her. She moaned loudly, pushing her hips back into my
hand. I very slowly moved them in and out of her, preparing her. She whimpered as I pulled
them out. Finally, I rubbed liquid on the plug and started to insert it into her rectum. Where I
jerked forward away from her when she did this to me, she pushed back towards me – pushing it
in deeper. My angel appeared to like being invaded, violated in this manner. It made me
unbearably hard to watch it slide all the way in. I flicked the switch to turn it on, and she cried

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out. She moved her hips in rhythm, seemingly unconsciously as her head pressed harder into the
pillow. I had reached my limit.

I pressed my stomach against her buttocks, holding the plug in place and plunged myself into her
– hard. She grunted almost animalistic and I drove into her again. I grabbed her hips in my hands
and pulled her back against me, trying to drive myself in deeper. "I love fucking you from behind
like this, I can get so deep." I said, unable to restrain myself. "I can feel that plug in your ass
vibrating against my cock. It feels so incredible." I was gripping her hips so tightly that I knew I
was going to leave bruises, but I couldn't stop. I drove into her over and over, feeling her tighten
around me with each stroke. She screamed by name and shuddered, I felt her clench around me
tightly. She slammed back against me as she came, and I couldn't hold out anymore. I reached up
and grabbed a fist full of her hair, and pulled – not hard enough to hurt her, but hard enough for
her to pull her head up as I exploded inside her. I pressed her down into the mattress with my
weight, holding myself inside her as I pressed my forehead into her back, panting. Finally, I
picked myself up off of her, and pulled out. I pulled the plug out of her, and she trembled.

I removed the cuffs from her ankles, and the gloves from her arms and she fell forward onto the
pillows. I tossed the stuff onto the floor and laid down next to her. She snuggled into my chest as
I put my arms around her. She reached up to kiss me and said softly, "Now I know what you
meant when you said there were no words. My God, Edward."

I chuckled, and pulled her tighter against me, stroking her hair, and asked – "So, what do you
want to do next weekend?"

Okay, so I already have an idea of what they'll be doing next weekend - it will either involve a
public locale, or a third party.. Review and let me know if you're interested in me continuing
the story.

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Chapter: 3

"So, what do you want to do next weekend?"

Chapter Two – Hot Neighbor Guy

Bella POV

As we lay on the couch, my head in his lap watching TV I thought about his question. It was
really his turn to pick a fantasy since I chose his dominance as my last one. He said that it just a
continuation of his request since it was as much his fantasy as it was mine. So, I thought about
what I wanted. Well, more how I wanted to phrase it. I had no idea what he was going to think of

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this, he was so reserved around other people.

"Edward," I said slowly, not meeting his gaze. "Our agreement is that if you don't want to do
something, you'll just say no – right? You won't get mad or anything?" He pulled me up from his
lap and looked into my face.

"Love, after what you did for me – I don't think there is anything you could ask for that I
wouldn't do for you." He said with open honesty in his face. "That was so.. incredible, I can't
even describe what it meant to me."

"You may change your mind when you hear this." I sighed. "Do you remember Tuesday night
when I came home from the library?" I asked softly.

"Of course I do, you threw my books off of my lap and dragged me to our bedroom and nearly
took me against my will. Well, except for that fact that I was very willing. I had no idea what had
gotten into you, but I wasn't complaining. Not at all." He grinned and kissed me softly.

"Yeah, well. You know that guy Jacob across the alley from us?" I asked, resigned. He nodded.
"Tuesday in the library, he came up behind me.." I felt Edward's arms tense around me. "Stop, he
didn't touch me." He relaxed slightly. "Without making any kind of physical contact, he leaned
down and whispered in my ear – 'You have no idea how much I want to bend you over this desk,
push up that little skirt, and fuck you until you beg me to stop." At that Edward tried to stand. I
pushed him back onto the couch and said "Listen to me." I looked into his face, he was furious.
"Edward." I said softly, stroking his face. "What he said turned me on, yes. I'll admit that. But all
I thought about in that moment was coming home to you, and wanting you to do that very thing
with me." I'm not attracted to him, Edward. He nodded, and took a deep breath.

"What is it that you had in mind, Bella." He said, his eyes still closed..

"Well, I want him to know who I belong to." She said, with a slight smile in her voice. "I want to
have sex in the hot tub in the back yard where he can see us. The privacy fence should shield us
from everyone else, but since his house is the only other two story, he would be able to see over

He looked at me, in complete and total shock. He swallowed and opened his mouth, but nothing
came out. He closed his eyes and tried again "You… You want to have sex in front of one of our
neighbors?" He asked, shakily. I nodded, and straddled over his lap. I was surprised to find him
hard beneath me. "Who are you?" he asked, breathless.

I giggled, and said "I'm your wife, Edward."

"And I'm the luckiest Bastard ever." He said, pulling me hard against him and kissing me. When
the kiss finally broke, he leaned forward pressing his forehead to mine, panting. "Why is it that
your fantasies seem to be as much for me as they are for you?"

I pulled back, surprised and looked at him. "I thought for sure you'd say no." He grinned and said

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"Well, I guess that's why we made our little agreement, so that we could explore each other more

"Thank God for that." I said, pulling his face back to mine, kissing him fiercely.

Edward POV

"Thank God for that."

God, I love this woman, I thought a little while later. I couldn't believe it when she said she
wanted to have that guy watch us having sex. I briefly wondered if I should talk to the guy about
it. I'd hate for him to call the cops or something while we were doing it in the back yard. It would
certainly get back to Charlie – her father, the cop – and then he would kill me for sure. He was
already furious with me for marrying Bella while we were still in school anyway. Bella and I
were made for each other, as we're finding out more and more recently, so we didn't really see a
need to wait.

So, I thought about what I knew about Jacob Black. He was a football player for the college we
all attended. He was arrogant, cocky, and outspoken. I knew he was adventurous as well because
I'd witnessed a few of his own exploits by accident, since he never seemed to close his curtains.

"Love, I'm going to go on my run. I'll be back in a while." I called to her, making up my mind. I
grabbed my iPod and a water bottle to keep up the pretense, and then jogged around the block to
his house. There was music blaring from his open front door, so I knocked hard on the door.
"Hang on!" I heard from inside, as the music came to a sudden stop. He came to the door in a
pair of shorts, sweat pouring over his chest, his hair wet. "Hey man, I didn't meant to interrupt
you, sorry." I said, with more bravado than I felt. "It's okay man, I was just working out. I got a
game on Sunday." I nodded, and he opened the door inviting me in.

"I think I know what this is about." He said, suddenly as he handed me a beer from the fridge.

I couldn't help but grin, and said, "I bet you don't."

He said. "Yeah, I didn't know she was married until she made that abundantly clear before
streaking out of the library. I'm sorry man, I couldn't help myself – she is.. beyond words."

I grinned again. "Yeah, I know. I have no idea how I got so lucky, but that's not really why I'm

He looked at me confused. "You're not here to scream at me for sexing up your wife?"

"Actually, I should thank you for that – you wouldn't believe what she was like when she came
home. I'm surprised you didn't hear us." I said, smirking.

"Oh man, don't tell me that!" he whined. "I have enough trouble keeping that girl out of my head
without that mental image."

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"What if it weren't just a mental image?" I asked, finally getting around to the reason I was here.

His eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Not that, big boy – calm down. You don't get to have sex with my wife." He slumped. "She
wants you to watch us." He brightened again almost immediately.

"Are you kidding?" he said, finally.

"Nope. We kind of have this agreement where we tell each other our fantasies and we try to
fulfill them for each other. This week, that was hers." I looked up, and he looked sad – almost
pained. "If you don't want to do it, it's okay man. I just wanted to give you the option so you
didn't call the cops on us or anything."

"It's not that.. I just wish.." he said, sheepishly. "I just wish I'd met her first." I looked at him,
taken aback. "She's the kind of girl that I could have built a life with. Not like the airheads
around here that I usually get together with."

"So," I said, not sure how to answer that. "The deal is that you can watch, your second floor
would probably give you the best view. You can't approach us, you can't speak to us, and you
can't touch. This is a one-time thing, man. We're not looking for any kind of sharing. Got it?" I
said, almost regretting coming over here. But, it was for Bella, I could handle this.

"Almost," he said, grinning. "Can I watch from your back yard?"

I thought about that for a minute. What would Bella think of him being that close? Well, she
started this, I mused. "Yes." I said finally. "I'll set you up a chair near the back fence. It will be
close enough so that you can enjoy the view, but far enough so that Bella doesn't feel

"One more thing," he said, unashamed. "You said I can't touch. You meant her right?" I looked at
him, confused for a second. He couldn't mean me? Then it clicked.

"Dude, I'll be watching her." I said with a smirk. "Do what you need to do. Besides, she'll
probably love knowing that you're doing it because of her." He nodded. "Saturday night, about
7:00?" I asked.

"Wouldn't miss it." He said, grinning.

Bella POV

I walked out onto the deck in Edward's favorite blue bikini. I glanced nervously at Jacob's house.
The lights were on, so I knew he was home. I wonder if he would ever look out the window and
see what we were up to. I had thought about dropping him a hint, but I couldn't work up the
nerve. I guess I'd just have to wait and let fate take its course.

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I turned on the jets of the hot tub and was climbing down into the inset tub when Edward came
out. He was holding a bottle of wine and two glasses in one hand and a canvas tote in the other.
"What's in the bag?" I asked, curious. "You'll see later, I guarantee it." He said, grinning. Well
then, I thought to myself as he popped the cork on the wine. He handed me a glass and held us
up to clink with mine. "What shall we drink to?" I asked, smiling at him. "Multiple orgasms." He
said with a smirk.

I moved over to straddle his lap in the tub and kissed him softly. "Not just yet, love." He said,
and I down up at him surprised. "Why?" I asked as he looked over his shoulder toward the back
fence. Just then I heard the latch on the back gate and looked over Edward's head in the same
direction. Jacob walked into our yard and nodded at Edward. Edward nodded back, and Jacob sat
in a chair I hadn't noticed by the back fence. He was dressed in just a pair of gym shorts with a
white towel thrown over his shoulder.

I looked down at Edward, shock on my face. He said "Well, I thought as long as we were doing
it, we might as well do it properly." He grinned as my lips crashed against his. "I.." kiss "can't.."
kiss "believe you..´kiss "did this for me." Kiss I managed, between kisses. "And he's okay with
this?" I asked.

Edward grinned widely at that point. "Okay? He looked like Christmas had come early. What do
you think the towel is for?" I blushed. "Don't get shy now", he said and pulled at the tie on my
bathing suit top. As he threw the top onto the deck, I looked up at Jacob, knowing that he could
now see my naked breasts. He was only about 25-30 feet from me across our small yard. His
eyes lit up as they bore into mine, and he shifted in the chair. I closed my eyes and ran my
fingers through Edward's hair as I felt his lips on my breast. His hand was teasing the other,
rubbing it hard with his palm. My head dropped back and I moaned, I knew Jacob could hear me.

I started grinding my hips against Edwards, unconsciously. The thought of being watched was
making me so hot. Edward pulled me down so that his lips were next to my ear and said, in a low
husky voice "Do you really want to give him something to watch, my Bella?" I loved it when he
called me that, his Bella. It reminded me of him taking me for his own over and over last
weekend while I was bound and naked. I nodded. Edward slid around to the side of the hot tub
with me still on top of him. Now Jacob was to our side instead of Edward's back. Edward pulled
himself up out of the pool, dropping his trunks in the process. He put his legs on either side of
me, and leaned back on his hands. "You know I love watching as your lips slide up and down my
hard cock, Bella. I bet he would too.." He said, a little louder than he needed to.

I moaned at that, I couldn't help it. I felt myself getting wetter as I got on my knees on the seat of
the tub. I wrapped my arms around his lower legs and buttocks. My arms touching the deck he
was sitting on. I licked the head, teasing, playfully. He shifted his weight so that he was leaning
on one hand, and using the other to pull my hair back from my face. His hand rested on the back
of my head, and he let out a long low moan as I pushed him farther into my mouth. He let out a
low "Fuck, Bella." as he touched the back of my throat. I pulled in a deep breath through my
nose, and though my throat was burning, I didn't move. Slowly, I pulled back, tightening my lips
around him as I moved. He was panting now, and he managed to ask me "Are you trying to kill

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me, Bella?" I moaned around him in response. "Oh God.. You are trying to kill me." He choked.
At that I pushed my head down fast and hard, plunging him into my mouth as far as I could and
then pulled back again. I repeated this over and over, sucking him hard and feeling his hand
tighten in my hair. He never tried to control my movements, I think he was too stunned to move.

All of a sudden, he let go of my hair and lay back onto the deck. He pushed his hips up into my
face. "Damn Bella," he said, his hands finding my hair again. "That feels so fucking good. I love
fucking your mouth. I'm going to fuck you everywhere tonight, so your jock back there knows
that every bit of you is mine." I moaned around him again, a long low moan – causing my lips to
vibrate hard around him. He grabbed my hair tightly, and thrust his hips up, shuddering as he
exploded into my mouth. He cried out my name, and let go of my hair falling back against the
deck. I didn't release him from my mouth, and ran my tongue over the quivering head. His body
jerked convulsively as I stroked him roughly with my tongue. He jerked his hips back and sat up,
pulling me up with him. "Stop Bella, stop.. Please.. It's too.." he panted. "It's too much.. You're
going to give me a heart attack."

I grinned at him. "I never thought you'd beg me to stop pleasuring you with my mouth." I said
with a giggle, glancing over at our visitor. He was stroking himself through the shorts. "Like
that, did you?" I asked him. In response, he stood and dropped his shorts, kicking them to the
side. His huge erection sprang free from his shorts. He sat back on the chair with his legs apart,
and began stroking slowly.

Edward POV

"Like that, did you?"

At first, I thought she was talking to me, and then I saw her looking at him. I looked over and
saw him drop his shorts and sit back down. True to the agreement, he didn't speak. He didn't
need to, that gesture pretty much said it all. I was peeved. I looked up at my wife, and I know she
could see the fire in my eyes. She blinked and said "Edward, I.." I grabbed her and spun, letting
her take my place on the deck. As I pushed her back, I ripped off her bikini bottoms so that she
was naked. "I said that I would never let another man gaze upon your naked beauty, but
apparently you don't have a problem with it." I said roughly pushing her legs apart. I was fuming,
and she knew it. She tried to pull away, but I held her fast. "It better be MY name you scream
when I make you cum all over my face, Bella." I said as I wrapped my arms around her thighs,
pulling her open and pressed my mouth to her waiting sex. She struggled for a minute, but then
feeling my tongue on her, she melted onto the deck. As I increased my pace, twisting my tongue
in frantic circles around her clit, she tried to buck her hips off the deck to meet my mouth. I was
still holding on to her legs, holding her open to me. I released one of her legs, and plunged two
fingers into her as I took her clit in between my lips sucking.

Her hips bucked wildly as I moaned against her, she could feel the vibrations on her clit. I threw
her legs over my shoulders, thankful that we chose tonight to do this. Everyone else would be at
some social on campus, I hoped anyway. Otherwise, the rest of our neighbors were about to get
an ear full. I pulled my slick fingers out of her, and slid them under her. As I slid first one, then
two fingers into her bottom, her back arched and she cried out. I used the other hand to put two

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fingers back into her, penetrating her fully as I sucked. She almost screamed my name as her
hips bucked wildly against me. Then she called, almost frantically, lost in her pleasure "Fuck,
Edward.. I love it.. I love it when you touch me like that. I love feeling your fingers inside my
ass like that.. It makes me so hot. I want to feel all of you in my ass like that. God, Edward it's
so.. so.." and then she tightened around my hands and her legs shook violently on my shoulders.
I kept my tongue on her, just as she had on me after her climax subsided. I pulled my fingers out
and held her open with my hands. She shuddered again, and pulled away. She curled up on her
side, panting on the deck.

I glanced over at Jacob, and he was stroking himself hard into the towel. His head was back and
his eyes closed. I poked Bella, and pointed. She looked up and watched in fascination as he
neared his first orgasm. As we watched, he dropped something from his free hand that I
recognized as a jar of Vaseline. He started stroking his hard cock with both hands, and slid
farther down in the chair. His hips came up slightly to meet his hands, and the towel fell to the
ground. He didn't bother with it as he stroked himself faster. I glanced over at Bella, she was still
watching him. After a minute, he stroked himself faster and his mouth fell open. We heard a loud
grunt and a moan that sounded an awful lot like "Bella" as he shot himself over his stomach and
chest. As he started to regain his composure, he opened his eyes and saw Bella watching him. He
winked at her, and she giggled.

"Oh hell no!" I said, suddenly furious again.

Bella POV

"Oh hell no!"

I looked over to see the enraged look on Edward's face. Oh hell, I shouldn't have giggled. But it
was funny, I couldn't help it. I had never seen anyone other than Edward do that before.
Knowing that he was doing it because of me was a serious ego boost, but not at Edward's

I stroked his hair and tried to kiss him, but he was having none of that. "You want to give him a
show?" he growled at me. "We'll give him a fucking show! We'll show him that I can please you
better than anyone – including him. I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk. I'm going to fuck
your pussy until you cum. Then I'm going to grant your request and fuck your ass until I do. I'm
going to drill into you every way that I can until you realize that you are MY WIFE. And he's
going to watch every fucking minute of it." He practically yelled at me. I was shocked. I'd never
heard Edward like this. He bent me over the back of the hot tub so that I was facing Jacob. Jacob
looked like he was ready to intervene when I shook my head a fraction. I wasn't scared of
Edward – not in the least. I was so fucking turned on by what he'd said, and how he'd said it that
I couldn't wait to feel him inside me.

Edward leaned over me and grabbed the canvas bag he'd brought out with him. He turned it over
and dumped it onto the deck. I saw a box of condoms, a jar of Vaseline, one of our large plush
bath towels, and two smaller hand towels. He spread the bath towel in front of me, and pushed
my upper body down onto it so I was laying face down on the deck with my hips on the edge and

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my feet spread so that each was on a different bench seat in the tub. I could feel that Edward was
standing right behind me, his feet between the two bench seats. He grabbed the hand towels and
rolled them up. He tilted my face up, and put one of the rolled up towels under my chin. He
repeated the gesture and added the second towel. "Open your eyes, Bella." He said in a hard
voice. I did ask he said, and looked right at Jacob. "I want you to watch him while I fuck you. I
want him to see your face as you cum for me, over and over. Are you ready, Bella?" he asked,
seemingly indifferent.

I couldn't nod, so I said "Yes, Edward." I could hear the sneer in his voice as he said "Yes, what?
Tell me what you want. Tell me you want me to fuck you, Bella. Tell me loud enough for your
friend to hear you."

"Stop teasing me, Edward." I said loudly. "I want you to fuck me hard!" and with that, he
slammed into me from behind. I hit the side of the hot tub with the force of his thrust, and I knew
I'd have a bruise. I cried out in pleasure as he started a hard rhythm. "Yes, Edward.. Please…" I
moaned, my eyes closed. "Please, what?" I heard him ask, breathing hard. "Faster, please,
Edward. Make me cum." I pressed my palms into the towel as I felt him pick up his pace, and
looked at Jacob. He had seated himself in the chair again, and when our eyes met he started
stroking himself again. He watched me as my husband took me, a slow smile spreading over his

Edward reached over and grabbed the other items from the bag. He dipped two fingers into the
Vaseline and then slid them into my ass. He slid them in and out in time with his thrusts. "Yes!" I
cried over and over as I felt my orgasm rip through me. Edward, who had not reached his own
climax pulled out of me quickly and put on one of the condoms. He spread the Vaseline on
himself – stroking a few times - and before my orgasm had completely finished, I felt him
pressing against my rectum. He leaned forward, and whispered softly in my ear. "You tell me if
I'm hurting you, Bella and we'll stop. I want this as much as you do, but it would kill me if I hurt

"Please Edward, fuck my ass." I said softly in response.

He groaned loudly, and used his hands to spread me open to him, and then pushed forward
gently. I felt him penetrate me and I moaned. There was a little pain, but mostly I felt like my
whole body was on fire. I pushed my hips back, urging him to continue. He pushed in farther,
slowly and stopped again. Again, I pushed my hips back in response. Soon, I felt his legs against
the back of my thighs, and he stopped, letting me adjust. Then he slowly pulled back and pushed
forward again. The friction was incredible. I couldn't believe it could feel that good.

I moaned his name, and cried up at him, "That feels so good. Harder, please Edward, harder."

Edward POV

"That feels so good. Harder, please Edward, harder."

I couldn't explain in that moment how good it felt, she was so tight, so hot. I started moving in

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and out of her faster, harder as she asked for. I knew I wasn't going to last very long. I had never
felt anything like this. It was taking every bit of control that I had not to slam her against the side
of this hot tub and fuck her as hard as I could.

I slid my hand around her waist and started rubbing her. I wanted her to orgasm with me. She
gasped as my fingers came in contact with her, and I felt how wet she was. She was moaning,
whimpering unrestrained now. Her face still pointed toward the guy in the yard. I wonder if she
even remembered he was there. Her body started to shake, and she tightened around me,
squeezing me inside her. It was the most intense thing I've ever felt, and I said quickly, "Who
makes you cum like this, Bella?" She moaned my name. "WHO BELLA?" I barked out as I
slammed into her one last time. "YOU, EDWARD!" she screamed, "Only you!" and with that I
exploded into her ass.

I heard the back gate creak as he left. Bella and I had slid back into the water, panting. My legs
were shaking when she sat in my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder, and reached up to kiss
my neck. I held her to me for a few minutes, my heart rate slowing. Finally, she turned to me,
running her fingers through my wet hair and asked "You can't really think that I would want
anyone but you? It's so much more than sex, Edward. I couldn't have this kind of connection..
this kind of love.. with anyone else. You have always been the only one. You will always be the
only one."

"I love you, Bella. More than words could ever do justice to." I said, kissing her softly. She
shifted on my lap and winced. "Oh God, Bella are you alright? I know I went over the top, I'm so

She smiled at me. "Baby, I wouldn't have traded one second of tonight. It was so beyond
amazing. But I think we're going to have to cuddle till next weekend. Besides," she giggled.
"You did warn me that I wouldn't be able to walk."

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Chapter: 4

She smiled at me. "Baby, I wouldn't have traded one second of tonight. It was so beyond
amazing. But I think we're going to have to cuddle till next weekend. Besides," she giggled. "you
did warn me that I wouldn't be able to walk."

Chapter Three – Hot Neighbor Girl

Edward POV

I had no idea what Bella had in mind for tonight. She said that it was a continuation of last

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week's fantasy. If that's the case, then why am I naked and tied to a chair? If she brings him in
here, I'll break my promise to myself and use that damn safe word just so I can break his jaw. So,
here I sit in the wooden straight-backed chair we'd been keeping in here, my wrists bound behind
my back, my ankles bound to the chair, and a blindfold over my eyes. She had left the room a
few minutes ago, but with the music on, I couldn't hear anything outside this room.

I heard the bedroom door open, and footsteps coming toward me. It sounded strange, like there
was more than one person. "Bella?" I asked, my voice hoarse. "I'm here, Edward, and I thought
we'd established that you do not speak until I give permission?" I nodded, and dropped my head
– obedient. "See what I mean?" she said with a giggle. I heard a corresponding giggle, and my
head shot up. "Yes, Edward," she said. "We have company." I felt her hands run softly through
my hair. "Say hello to Bree, Edward." I started to panic. Bree? The blond from down the street?
Oh my God, she didn't. No, please tell me this isn't happening. I'm naked and tied to a chair for
God's sake.

"WHAT the HELL, Bella?" I yelled. And before I could get the safe word out, I felt something
lacy being shoved into my mouth. It smelled faintly like.. Bella's panties. I felt something being
tied around my head to keep them in place. "Edward." She said, "Calm down and hear me out. If
you still want to stop, I'll untie you and send her home. Okay?" I didn't move. She pulled the
blindfold from my eyes and I stared at her, my eyes and cheeks blazing. As I watched, she pulled
Bree in front of her, both of them facing me. They were both wearing baby tees and short cotton
skirts. It looked like neither of them was wearing anything underneath. Slowly, Bella pulled up
Bree's T-shirt, and started to fondle her small breasts. She massaged them, and then pinched her
nipples, hard. Bree moaned and dropped her head back to Bella's shoulder. Her hands went to
Bella's hips, pulling her closer. My breathing accelerated, I could not believe what I was seeing.

Then, Bella's hand pulled Bree's face to the side and their lips locked in an open mouthed kiss.
They stood there like that, kissing, their mouths moving against each other for several minutes.
Then, they both looked at me, and Bree giggled. "I think he liked that." She said, looking down
at my obvious erection. Bella grinned and nodded, and then she looked at me. "Now that we
have your attention, Edward – I was saying that Bree and I were talking the other day, and it
seems we share certain .. interests. I asked her if she'd be interested in coming over and playing
with us. She agreed. The ground rules are that you two cannot kiss on the mouth, and cannot
have intercourse. But I do want to punish you both for the way you watch her when she's out in
that skimpy bikini top and shorts doing yard work." She walked over to me and started to undo
the gag holding her panties in my mouth. She ran her fingers through my hair after she untied it,
and I closed my eyes. She pulled the material out of my mouth and told both Bree and I – "The
safe word is red. If I'm hurting you, or either of you want to stop – that's all you have to say."

Bella walked over the Bree and said "I want you to strip for me, Bree. Go pick out a song, and
put it in the CD player by the window. Pick something sexy, if your strip tease pleases me, you
may get a reward after I punish you for teasing Edward."

Bella POV

"Pick something sexy, if your strip tease pleases me, you may get a reward after I punish you for

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teasing Edward."

The look on Edward's face is priceless. He looks so torn – like he shouldn't be turned on by the
thought of Bree stripping, but he is. A few minutes later I heard the familiar beginning notes of
Roadhouse Blues by The Doors. "Nice choice, Bree." I commented. She grinned and me and
started to move. She had a nice body – she was short and trim, athletic. Her soft blond hair was
straight and shoulder length. She started to move her hips first, closing her eyes, getting into it.
Her hands moved up her stomach, pulling up her T-shirt. She rubbed her breasts, moaning softly
and then pulled her shirt off, throwing it off to the side. She moved like she was made for this –
teasing us with her hips, her eyes, her legs. Finally, she rolled her hips, turning away from us and
bent at the waist, her legs slightly spread. She pulled her skirt down off her hips, and ran her
hands down her legs as it fell. I heard Edward moan beside me, and then shoot me a furtive
glance. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked back at Bree – sheepish.

I grinned and said to Bree, "Before you take off your panties, why don't you come over and give
Edward a nice lap dance." He looked at me, panicked, and she giggled and came over. She
straddled one of his legs and put her hands on his shoulders. She closed her eyes and started to
grind her hips against his leg. Edward tensed, looking anywhere but at the nearly naked girl in
his lap. Bree looked up at me, questioningly. I nodded. She put her mouth next to his ear and said
"What's the matter, Edward? Don't you like me?" Her voice was soft and seductive. He groaned
loudly and looked at me. She leaned forward and pressed her naked breasts against his chest, still
grinding her hips. He whimpered. I giggled and told her – "Okay, I think we've tortured him
enough. You've done well, Bree – stand up." I pulled her to about 2 feet in front of Edward, and
knelt to pull her panties off. She stepped out of them, and smiled down at me. I stood at said to
her "Now, undress me, Bree."

Bree walked over to me, and kissed my neck as she said, softly "Yes, Miss Bella." She pulled my
shirt over my head, letting her palms graze up my sides as she pulled it up. I felt goosebumps
where she touched me. She walked around behind me, and pulled down my skirt. She placed
soft, open mouth kisses along my spine, and across my bottom as she let it fall to the floor. I
looked up at Edward, and he appeared to have stopped breathing. "Edward?" I asked, quickly. He
looked up at me with nothing short of awe in his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Okay, Bree, I think it's time for your punishment now." I said, grabbing her hand. I pulled her
over to the table, and turned her away from me. I picked up my leather gloves, and helped her
put them on. I folded her hands behind her, and tied them in place. I couldn't resist wrapping my
arms around her and playing with her nipples while she was helpless like this. Her head dropped
back on my shoulder and I said softly in her ear, "You have beautiful breasts, Bree." She moaned
softly, and said just as quietly, "So do you."

I pulled her over to where Edward sat, his eyes never leaving us. I positioned Bree across his lap,
making sure his erection was pressed firmly against her soft stomach. I rubbed the backs of her
legs, and her bottom while Edward watched. "Are you ready for your punishment, Bree?" I asked

Edward POV

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"Are you ready for your punishment, Bree?"

I could not believe she was doing this to me. I had a naked girl – not my wife - across my lap,
my hard cock pressing into her stomach – I know she could feel it. Now she was going to spank
her, across my lap. It was everything I could do not to cum right then. I closed my eyes tightly,
willing myself to calm down. And then I heard it - the paddle striking her soft, tender buttocks. I
could see it clearly in my mind. She jerked in my lap, my cock rubbing against her. Oh God.. Oh
God.. Oh God.. And then Bella started spanking her in earnest. I could hear her soft cries,
whimpers as she rocked in my lap. As she rocked, her stomach stroked against me. The
combination of the soft friction, and the sounds she was making was too much for me. I threw
my head back, my eyes still tightly shut, crying out as I came against her stomach.

"Edward!" I heard Bella's voice above me, and I opened my eyes. "What bad manners, you have!
I bring you home a new toy, and you got her all dirty." She pulled Bree off of my lap, but didn't
untie her hands. She stood her a few feet from me, and I saw Bree wink at me as Bella went into
the bathroom. She came back out with a wet wash cloth and cleaned Bree's stomach, and then
she used it on me. I got hard again almost at once as she stroked me with the wash cloth. She
threw it into the bathroom and then came back out, looking at Bree. "Oops," she said, grinning.
She looked down at Bree's naked hip and said "I missed a spot." She knelt in front of Bree, and
licked my cum off of her hip. I groaned, and closed my eyes again. "You behave yourself,
Edward." Bella said sternly. "Bree is going to get a reward now, and I'm going to punish you for
your lapse." She walked over to the table and pick up something I couldn't see. She knelt in front
of me and for a minute, I thought she was going to take me in her mouth. Instead, she put that
damned cock ring on me. "Now you behave." She said, grinning up at me. I sighed.

She pulled Bree to our bed, and laid her on her back. She moved up to look into her face and said
"This is a reward, Bree. You can orgasm whenever you feel the need, and silence is not
required." Bree nodded. Bella started by kissing Bree full on the mouth, their tongues entwined
and I felt myself twitch. Bella moved down and Bree strained her body up to meet her mouth.
With her arms bound, there wasn't much she could do. Bella licked and stroked Bree's breasts,
teasing her nipples with her teeth. Suddenly, Bella jumped up and ran over to the table; she
brought back the nipple clamps and the large plastic vibrator. She looked down at Bree and
asked "Want to have some real fun?" Bree giggled and nodded. Bella pulled Bree's nipples
roughly in her fingers, and as they hardened, she attached the clamps. She turned the tiny screws
making them tighter. Bree moaned, and said softly – "Wow.." Bella looked down at her and said,
"I know – I love these." Then she kissed her way down her stomach, and used her hands to
spread Bree's legs apart.

Then, while I was tied helpless and naked, I watched my beautiful wife press her lips to another
woman's sex. It was the hottest fucking thing I'd ever seen. Ever. Bella moved her hands down to
hold Bree's legs open, her fingers spreading her sex wide for Bella's mouth. Bree started to buck
her hips off the bed, moaning and whimpering unrestrained. Bella reached over for the vibrator
and after turning it on, slid it slowly into Bree. She held it deep inside of her, and kept her mouth
against Bree's sex. After a few minutes, Bree's head pressed back into the pillow and she arched
her back, crying out. She started to shudder, but Bella held firm. Bree was twisting on the bed,

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the sensations too much for her. She was screaming Bella's name now, begging – for what I
wasn't sure. I thought about begging too at this point. I was so hard, and the pressure from the
cock ring was starting to get painful.

Bree's back arched again, and she called out "Bella, please.. please.. I can't.. It's too much..
PLEASE… Fuck!" and she shuddered. It was like Bella was keeping her in one long orgasm.
Bella pulled back, and pulled the vibrator out of her, turning it off. Bree rolled onto her side,
pulling her knees up to her chest. She was panting, and still whimpering softly. Bella reached up
and untied the gloves for her, she wrapped her arms around her knees.

Bella got off the bed, and came over to me. I looked up at her, pleading.. She looked down at me,
smiling. "I think poor Bree needs a rest. Are you up for making me feel like that?" She looked
down and saw my erection straining up at her. "Looks like you are.." and she giggled. "Only if it
pleases you, Bella." I finally choked out. She stroked my face. "If I take off the ring, can you last
long enough to please me, Edward?" I thought about that for a minute, and nodded. She reached
down and pulled off the ring, then straddled over me in the chair. I closed my eyes, and she
leaned down and whispered to me "Let's give her a show, baby." Then, she slammed down on
me pushing my aching cock deep into her.

Bella POV

"Let's give her a show, baby."

I glanced back and saw Bree reposition herself on her side so she could watch us. I was molded
to Edward, my breasts pressing against his naked chest, our hips welded together while I grinded
against him. "Mmmmmm.." I moaned in his ear. "You feel so good inside me, baby." I started to
rock faster, as I leaned down to capture his lips with mine. I wasn't sure how I felt knowing that
he was tasting another woman on my lips.

With his hands tied, he couldn't do anything but sit as I grabbed the back of the chair, stabilizing
myself. I loved this position, he got so deep, and I could grind my clit against him as I moved. I
knew I wasn't going to last long, I was already so hot from thinking about Edward watching me
give Bree multiple orgasms on our bed. I dropped the dominating façade and put my head on his
shoulder. "Oh God, Edward.. Oh God.." I moaned over and over, my climax building. He
dropped his role too, his voice low and seductive in my ear "Cum for me, my Bella. Cum hard,
baby." And then he took my earlobe into his mouth, moaning and I lost it completely. I crashed
my hips against his, over and over my orgasm ripping through me. I bit his shoulder as I
shuddered on top of him. He cried out, nearly screaming my name as I felt him explode inside

Slowly, I stopped moving on top of him. I leaned down to untie his hands, and his arms went
around me at once. "My God, Bella." He said softly in my ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw
Bree pick up her clothes and dress. She came over to us then, and kissed Edward on the cheek.
He blushed. She gave me a long open mouthed kiss and said "Give me call if you want to play
again, that was awesome. See you!" She waved and left the room.

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I climbed off of Edward and removed the restraints from his ankles. He picked me up and carried
me over to our bed, and laid me down gently. Joining me on the bed, he pulled me into his arms
and stroked my hair. "Now I know how you feel about Jacob." I said, chagrined. He pulled back
to look into my face. "Bree is a cute kid, but she doesn't hold a candle to you. You are a goddess.
You are beautiful, sweet, loving, and so fucking sexy. I can't believe what you did for me today.
That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen. If I'd have had a heart attack right then – like I
thought I might, I'd have died a happy man." He said, earnestly. "And besides," he said with a
grin, "I prefer brunettes."

"Well," I said, a little sheepish, "it wasn't just for you. I was curious, she was curious and it kind
of went from there."

"Well," he said with obvious sincerity. "After what I just saw, I'm never going to be able to
watch her do yard work again. All I'll be able to see is you two in bed. I'll never leave the

I giggled at that. "Hmmmm.." I said, teasing. "We'll just have to think of something to do one of
these weekends to take your mind off of it."

Okay, I know all of story fans are girls and all – so some of you might not really appreciate
this chapter. But, I'm not really one for conformity – I write what… strikes me. ;)

If you didn't like this chapter, don't give up hope. Bella was curious – it happens. I'll try to
come up with a completely different track for next weekend.

I had a request for video taping them, but I'd already used that in Until Spring Break. If you
have any other ideas, review and let me know. If it.. inspires me.. I'll try to work it in.

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Chapter: 5

I giggled at that. "Hmmmm.." I said, teasing. "We'll just have to think of something to do one of
these weekends to take your mind off of it."

Chapter Four – Butterflies

Edward POV

Since she said that last weekend was a continuation of her fantasy the week before, that makes
this weekend my turn. I hadn't mentioned anything to her; I just went back to the shop and talked
to the guy who recommended the clamps. I had an idea, but I hadn't been sure how to pull it off.

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He was helpful, eager almost. I think he's living vicariously through me. But, he had exactly
what I needed – so I won't begrudge him. I had told Bella to be ready at 7, that I would be taking
her out to dinner. I asked her to wear the midnight blue dress that I loved so much. This request
was two-fold. First, I loved that dress on her, it is so soft and that color… My God… Second, I
just wanted to make sure she was wearing a skirt.

I stood ready in the living room having donned black pants, and her favorite forest green button
down. She was a vision as she came down the stairs. Her hair softly curled, her makeup done
lightly, and that dress with those heels. I almost scrapped my plans and took her over the back of
the couch. I felt myself harden at the thought. And then I thought of the other accessory I had for
her to wear tonight. I walked over to her and took her in my arms, kissing her roughly. "Down
boy!" she said, laughing. "We haven't even had dinner yet! I didn't get all dressed up to stay in."

"I have another accessory for your beautiful outfit tonight, if you wouldn't mind wearing it." I
said, smiling at her. I pulled it out of my pocket then, and held it out to her. She looked at it,

"Is it something for my hair?" she asked as she looked at the item in my palm. I could see where
she would think that. It was a piece of plastic with black elastic bands. But she was so innocently
clueless, it was so hot.

"Not exactly." I said, huskily in her ear. "Shall I put it on you, then?" I asked, kissing her neck.
She nodded, still confused. I dropped to my knees in front of her, and reached under her dress,
my palms pressing against her legs as they traveled higher. When I reached her lacy panties, and
began to pull them down, I heard her breath catch and she said "Edward!" But, she didn't stop
me, so I held them as she stepped out of them. I set her panties on the couch and disentangled the
elastic bands from the little plastic butterfly. I held it up for her to see, and she gasped. She was
too stunned to stop me as I attached the bands around her legs and pulled it up. As I watched, the
little plastic butterfly covered her sex, pressing against her. She moaned softly, and I reached
back for her panties. I slid them up her legs, slowly – making sure to touch her as much as
possible and secured the butterfly against her with them.

I stood up and winked at her, taking in her still shocked expression. Finally, she smiled and
asked "And what do you intend to do with that, Edward?" I grinned, unashamed and said "I'll
show you at dinner." I held out my arm to her, and she linked hers with mine. "Shall we?" I
asked with a smirk.

We walked out to the Aston Martin, and she raised an eyebrow at me. "I thought this car was
only for special occasions?" I opened the door for her, and then leaned down to whisper low in
her ear "I have a feeling tonight is going to be very special." She shivered, and sat gingerly in the
seat. I raced to the other side, and sat next to her. I loved that she was going along with this. I
pulled away from the curb and decided to test her resolve. I reached into my pocket and fingered
the remote for the butterfly. As I turned onto the main road, I hit the lowest setting. She gasped
and grabbed the seat tightly. Her breathing accelerated, and she closed her eyes. "If you don't
stop that, you're going to get the back of my dress wet." She moaned softly. I turned it off, and
said a silent thank you for wireless technology. Then, I pulled over to the side of the road and

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grabbed a towel out of the back seat. I leaned over and whispered in her ear – "lift up, love." She
did, and I spread the towel underneath her, pulling her skirt up to her waist. "Better?" I asked,

"Edward…" she moaned. "Are you going to torture me all night?"

"That was the plan." I said, grinning – and resumed the lowest setting.

"Fabulous" she said sarcastically, and let her head rest against the back of the seat. By the time
we reached the restaurant, she was grinding her hips against the seat and panting. I parked in the
back lot, and decided to help her out. I leaned back against the door and watched as I pressed the
button for the next setting. She moaned and spread her legs wider. I looked around and saw that
we were alone. I slid closer to her, and whispered in her ear "Does that feel good, my Bella?"
She nodded, not opening her eyes. I rubbed her breasts through the dress and asked "Do you
want to cum before we go into the restaurant?"

She started to tremble, her eyes still closed, and said, "Y… Yes... Edward… Please… But there's
no room for us to…" I moaned softly in her ear and said, "No, love... This is all about you." And
I pressed the highest setting. My hand flew to her mouth as she opened it to cry out. I heard her
moaning, whimpering against my hand as she ground her hips against the seat. I said softly in her
ear, loud enough for her to hear me over her muffled cries, "Ah, Bella... I want you so badly right
now... You look so hot with your skirt hiked up like that… I want to bend you over the hood of
this car and just take you over and over." I squeezed her breast hard with my free hand and her
back arched, and she screamed against my hand. Slowly, I hit the button for the first setting,
feeling her shudder and calm. Then I turned it off and released her mouth with my hand only to
capture it with my mouth. She kissed me hard, panting.

After she calmed, she took a few deep breaths and reached down. At first, I thought she was
going to pull the butterfly off – but she just removed her panties. She shoved them into my other
pocket and then threw the towel into the back. She pulled her skirt down and opened the door to
get out. I took a few deep breaths of my own, thinking unpleasant thoughts, willing my erection
to go down and got out to join her. As we walked up to the door, one of the valets smirked at me.
I looked at him, wondering what he suspected and then followed his grinning gaze. Bella's blue
lace panties were visible half way out of my pocket. I grinned and blushed, shoving them deeper.
I put my hand on her back as we entered.

I tipped the hostess a $50 to sit us in a back booth, and sat next to Bella. She rested her head on
my shoulder and I kissed the top of her head. She looked up and me and smiled as she said,
"Well, you're nothing if not creative. I'll give you that." I grinned at her and we picked up our

After the waitress came and took our drink order, Bella leaned closer to me. She kissed me softly
below my ear and said in a low, throaty voice "I want you so badly right now. Was that your
intension with this little… accessory tonight?"

Bella POV

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"I want you so badly right now. Was that your intension with this little… accessory tonight?"

Even though it wasn't on, I could still feel the butterfly pressing up against me beneath my skirt.
With the lack of panties, I was also getting a nice breeze. Thankfully the tablecloth was long, and
no one could see. Well, two could play at his little teasing game. I picked up my wine glass, and
then slowly moved my other hand onto his thigh. He stiffened and then picked up his own wine
glass. The restaurant was dim, thankfully, and I slid my hand slowly up his leg. He nearly
choked when my hand rested on the hardening bulge in his trousers. He scooted slightly lower in
the booth and reached down to unbutton his pants. I now know why he chose this restaurant with
its deep booths and high tables. No one was able to see as I pulled his underwear out of the way
and his erection sprang free. I stroked it softly beneath the table. He put his elbows on the table,
and his head in his hands, closing his eyes.

"Would you like some water sir?" I heard the waitress ask him, and his head shot up. "Uhmmm
no.." he said, clearing his throat as I tried not to laugh. "I'm fine, thanks." He glared at me as I
laughed out loud. "You could have warned me she was coming." He said in a low growl.

"Not a chance." I laughed. I saw his hand move down, and I thought he was going to pull my
hand away where it was still stroking him. But he put it in his pocket, and I felt the vibrations
start again.

"Still think it's funny?" he asked with a smirk. I pressed my legs together to muffle the sound that
I was sure everyone could hear. I looked around wildly, and Edward whispered to me "I can
barely hear it, love. No one else will be able to." I tried to keep my hips still as the vibrations
radiated through my sex. I could feel the pressure building, and I squeezed him under the table.
His breath caught, and the vibrations stopped. I looked up at him, and then saw that the waitress
was coming back with our dinner. I pulled my hand above the table, and unwrapped my
silverware, laying my napkin in my lap. Edward did the same, but tucked himself back into his
pants as he adjusted the napkin.

We ate in relative silence. At random intervals, he would hit the button and then turn it off just as
quickly. I was starting to near my breaking point when the waitress brought our shared desert. I
dipped my finger into the whipped cream, and let him suck it off – his eyes closed. I licked the
chocolate mousse off the spoon with long, languid licks, and he moaned. I leaned over and
whispered in his ear "I'm going to the ladies room. I'm going to leave the door open a little. If
you're not in there in 60 seconds, I'm grabbing the first bus boy I see. I'm going to pull him in
there and beg him to fuck me senseless." With that, I got up and made my way into the ladies

Edward POV

"I'm going to the ladies room. I'm going to leave the door open a little. If you're not in there in
60 seconds, I'm grabbing the first bus boy I see. I'm going to pull him in there and beg him to
fuck me senseless."

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Oh. My. God. I thought we'd go home and take care of our issues. It never occurred to me that
we would do it here. I just wanted to tease her, and then take her home. I looked around, the
place wasn't crowded. Would anyone see me going into the women's bathroom? I left a large bill
on the table so that the waitress wouldn't think we ran out, and made my way to the back
hallway. I looked around, and didn't see anyone so I went into the bathroom.

She pushed me against the door, and locked it. Her mouth found mine and she kissed me hard.
She was wild in her need, moaning against my mouth. I pulled back slowly and said "Love, we're
going to have to be quiet." I pushed her against the cold tile wall, and pulled her leg up to wrap
around my waist. I turned the butterfly on low and she ground against me. I could feel the
vibrations against my cock, already painfully hard. "Bella, that feels so…" I said hoarsely as I
pressed her harder against the wall. I reached down and unbuttoned my pants for a second time
tonight, and pushed them down a little to free my straining erection. I was about to pull her other
leg up when she pushed me back. "What?" I asked wildly, thinking she'd heard something.

She went over to a small bench across from the sink and put one knee on it. She let her other foot
stay on the floor, her leg incredibly long stretched that way because of her beautiful heels. She
reached back and pulled her skirt up, and I had the most incredible view of her buttocks, and the
black elastic bands. She leaned forward and I could see the butterfly against her sex. I came up
behind her and thrust myself into her forcefully. She stifled a moan, and I felt the butterfly as it
vibrated against her. I reached down into my pocket, now around my knees and hit the second
setting. I took her hard from behind, and I could feel the butterfly vibrating hard against me. It
was taking everything I had to hold out, it felt so good. She put her forehead on the bench, and
both hands over her face as she started to tremble. Her hands went to her mouth as I felt her
tighten around me. I could hear her trying to be quiet as her orgasm swept through her. I saw the
flush of her cheeks, and felt her start to spasm around me deep inside of her.

I gave one more hard thrust, pulling her hips back against me hard and felt the vibrations even
stronger between my legs. I exploded into her, locking my jaw against the low guttural cry I
wanted to utter. I reached down and turned off the butterfly. I stayed inside her for another
minute, and then slowly pulled away. She whimpered softly at the loss of contact, but didn't
move. I pulled my clothing together and pulled her skirt down. She stood, and turned – resting
her head on my chest. "Oh wow.." she said, softly.

"Wow, indeed." I said, grinning. "Now we have to get out of here, so we can get home. I am so
not done with you yet, and I don't want to be arrested just now." She giggled and went to the
mirror, straightening herself. Then, she went to the door and unlocked it. She peeked out and
nodded to me as she left. I walked over to the door and opened it, peeking out. I saw our waitress
come around the corner. She looked up and smirked at me. I smiled, blushing and went to find
Bella – hoping the tip I left would keep her from anything drastic.

I found Bella by the door, and she took my hand. I was just about to push the front door open
when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and found a man in a suit standing behind me, my
waitress walking away. My eyes went wide, and I stammered out "Is.. Is there a problem?" He
smiled, relaxed and said "No sir, your wife just left her bag." He handed it to me and I practically
drug Bella to the car as she laughed, my heart hammering. She giggled throughout the 10 minute

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ride to our house.

I pulled the Aston Martin into the garage, and watched the big door close. I went over to her side
of the car and opened the door for her. She smiled and said "Thank y.." before I whirled her
around. I had the zipper down, and her dress off of her before she could react. I reached behind
her unhooked her bra as I pushed her down onto the hood of the Vanquish. I pulled the bands off
the butterfly and flung it onto her dress on the floor. I grabbed her wrists in each of mine, and
then held them in one hand over her head and I reached down to unfasten my pants with the
other. I entered her swiftly, almost brutally thinking about our public encounter. I held her wrists
above her head as she wrapped her legs around me. I could feel her heels digging into my ass,
but I didn't care. I fucked her hard across the hood of my ridiculously expensive sports car. I
grunted and moaned wildly, animalistic. I didn't notice whether she came or not when I cried out
loudly and felt my orgasm flash though me. I collapsed on top of her, my breath heaving, both of
us covered in sweat.

"Edward, are you okay?" she asked softly when I didn't move. I stayed still, my breathing
coming more under control. I nodded.

And there we lay across the hood of my car, her completely naked and me nearly fully clothed
still inside of her. Finally, she giggled in my ear and said "Well, this was certainly a special
occasion. I'll have to think of something really interesting to top this…"

Thanks for the suggestion guys! I hadn't thought of the wireless remote.

By the way, I know that Chapter 2 is broken – I'm working on it. For some reason, it won't let
me upload it again. Maybe someone up the ladder has taken an issue with my story?

Remember to vote for 'Fantasies' in the Dirty Talking Edward contest on LeechLover85's
profile. Help me make it to the next round! Thanks!

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Chapter: 6

And there we lay across the hood of my car, her completely naked and me nearly fully clothed
still inside of her. Finally, she giggled in my ear and said "Well, this was certainly a special
occasion. I'll have to think of something really interesting to top this…"

Chapter Five – Invasion

Bella POV

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I hate it when Edward is on call at the hospital, especially on Saturday nights. I know that the
experience will help him get into medical school, but I hate sleeping alone. Maybe I could visit
him in the call room, I thought sheepishly. No, that probably wouldn't help him keep his job. I
sighed, nothing to do now but try and get some sleep. Then, I thought about last weekend and the
restaurant. I thought about the way Edward had taken me – there was no other way to put it –
with abandon over the hood of his precious car. Damn, now I was alone and aroused. I pulled my
t-shirt and pajama pants off, and began to rub my breasts. I was thinking about how Edward had
rubbed them through my dress in the car. I can't believe we had sex in a restaurant. I won't be
able to go back there now without wanting to visit that restroom… with him. I can't believe we're
so in tune with each other, though he did pale when I told him about the fantasy I wanted to try
next. Too bad we couldn't get to it tonight.

I sighed and pulled my panties off, laying them on the bed next to me with the rest of my clothes.
I'd put them back on when I was finished. I thought back over the last few weeks, and what we'd
done together. I thought about violating him with my fingers while he was bound and helpless. I
thought about the way he had tortured me over his lap the next week. I rubbed my sex harder
with my fingers while I thought about being bent over for Jacob in my back yard. I kept my
favorite for last. As I started to tremble beneath my own touch, I thought about the look on
Edward's face as I spanked Bree in his lap. As I felt my own orgasm approaching, I thought
about how he had completely lost control as he came into her stomach. With that, I cried out in
my own pleasure feeling my own wetness on my fingers. I moaned and pulled up the covers. I'd
get dressed in a minute.

I woke with a start to a strong hand covering my mouth, and my t-shirt over my eyes. I struggled
wildly as I felt kind of material being forced into my mouth. It smelled kind of like… kind of
like my panties. I could taste myself on them from my earlier arousal. I heard a ripping sound,
and felt the tape going over my mouth, holding my panties in place. I felt the T-shirt being tied
over my face, covering my eyes. I tried to push him off of me but he grabbed my wrists and held
them together. I heard another ripping noise and felt my hands being bound with another length
of tape. He pushed my hands over my head and ripped the blankets back. I heard him suck in a
breath, and then I heard his voice low and gruff in my ear as he lay on top of me "Waiting for me
were you?" I struggled, shaking my head violently. He held my hands tight, still bound with the
tape and used his other hand to spread my legs. I felt his hand between my legs, and then heard
his voice in my ear again "You're already wet for me. Nice." I screamed into the tape, but it just
came out as a muffled, strangled cry. No one would hear me.

Edward POV

"You're already wet for me. Nice."

I looked down at Bella. She looked terrified. God, I hope this is her role playing. It's killing me
to watch. I told her that I got called in to the hospital so I could surprise her. That was the whole
point of the fantasy, really. I was surprised to find her naked – maybe she knew the on call thing
was a ruse. I hope so. But I feel so... conflicted right now. Feeling her struggle underneath me,
dominating her like this is really turning me on. But the look on her face, I thought she was
supposed to enjoy her fantasy? Her scream just tore right through me. I don't know if I can bring

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myself to even pretend to violate my own wife like this. It feels wrong, no matter what my body
may be telling me. Okay, I told myself… One tear from her and this is over. I don't care whose
fantasy it was.

I held her hands over her head, and rubbed her breasts with my hand, squeezing them hard – first
one and then the other. I pinched one of her nipples, and then said in her ear "Do you like that?"
She didn't move, or make any other sound. I pinched the other nipple harder and said, "Do you
LIKE that?" She shook her head violently, and made another noise behind the gag. "Well, let's
try this." I said, sickened with myself, and shoved my hand between her legs. She twisted, and
then I moved my hand more gently. I stroked her softly between her legs, feeling her getting
wetter. I couldn't bring myself to hurt her. Her breathing accelerated and I spread her legs farther
apart, holding them with my knees. I stroked her faster, and I saw her arch the tiniest bit. I leaned
down and said to her "But you do like that, I can feel it. You're getting even wetter for me, aren't
you? You're opening up to me like a little flower." She moaned, and shook her head again – not
as strongly this time.

I pulled back and said loudly to her, "I wonder if your husband knows what a lucky man he is.
Do you think he does?" She didn't move. "Tell me!" I said, and pinched her nipple. She cried out
behind the gag at the surprise of it. She nodded. "Pull your knees up to your chest and spread
yourself open for me, little flower." She shook her head and tried to roll away. I smacked her on
the ass and growled in her ear "Don't make me hurt you. Or maybe I should just wait for him to
come home. Maybe he'd like to watch." Shaking, she pulled her legs up. "Nice." I said in a low
voice. "I'm really going to enjoy this." I pulled my sweats down to my knees and lay down on
top of her. I pressed her knees to her chest, and pushed into her. She was so wet, I slid in easily. I
put both hands on her bound wrists, and pushed her hard into the bed. I drove into her over and
over until I felt her start to shake beneath me. I felt her tighten around me, and she cried out into
the gag. It sounded like she screamed into it, but I couldn't make out what she said. I kept
moving inside her, feeling no real need for release. I changed positions slightly to thrust deeper
into her. I knew I was hitting that special spot when her chest and face flushed. A second orgasm
over took her, and she practically lifted me off the bed as her back arched and her muscles
tensed. This time I heard her scream through the gag.

I climbed off of her and as gently as I could, and pulled my sweats back up. I removed the tape
from her mouth. I pulled her panties out and threw them on the floor. She was panting, gasping
wildly. I grabbed my pocket knife off the side table and cut the tape from her wrists. She pulled
the T-shirt off of her eyes and wrapped her arms around me. "Wow, Edward." She gasped into
my neck. "You really did scare the hell out of me for a minute there." She laughed shakily.

Bella POV

"Wow, Edward." She gasped into my neck. "You really did scare the hell out of me for a minute

And he had. I woke up completely disoriented. I had no idea he was going to come home tonight
and do this. I had asked him to of course, when we talked about it being my turn, but I really
thought he was at the hospital. He buried his face into my neck, and as he wrapped his arms

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around me I realized he was shaking. And then I realized something else, something I'd missed
during the wild throes of that second orgasm – he hadn't finished.

"Edward?" I asked softly. He didn't answer. I tried to pull back and look into his face, but he just
held on to me tighter. "Honey, what's wrong?" I asked, starting to get a little alarmed. And then I
heard his voice, soft, muted against my neck. "Please don't ask me to do that again." He was still

"Edward, it was just a game - just something to try. Talk to me, please." I said, my own voice a
little shaky. I didn't realize that it would affect him like this. I thought he knew it was just a game
– like playing doctor/patient, or teacher/student – just role playing.

He still refused to pull his face up and look at me as he said "You looked so terrified. You
screamed like you thought you were really being…" He heaved in a breath and whispered, "It
felt like I was really… l couldn't… I couldn't…" and then I felt the tears on my neck. "Shhhhh…
Baby, it's okay…" I said, stroking his face, his hair. "Why didn't you just say no? I would have
understood. Honey, we don't have to do everything we dream up." I said softly. "I never want
you to do something you're not comfortable with."

He pulled back then, and looked at me. I wiped the tears from his face with my fingers. "I didn't
know that it would feel like that. I thought it would just be like we were making love, but you
were tied up. We've done that. And I know that there have been times that I have been aggressive
with you, but I would never… I could never…"

"I know, baby." I said softly, and then kissed him slowly. "We won't try anything like that
again." I pushed him onto his back, still kissing him softly. I stroked his face, and asked "Can I
make it up to you?" He thought for a minute, and nodded. I pulled his T-shirt up and off, and
wrapped my arms around his neck while he pulled off his sweats. I laid him back down gently,
and reached behind me and began to stroke him with my hands. He closed his eyes, and put his
hands on my hips. Once he was hard again, I moved myself back, and slid down onto him. He
opened his eyes as he watched me ride him. I didn't care at all about my pleasure; I just wanted
to make him feel good. He took both my hands in his entwining our fingers, and said "I love you,
Bella." I looked down at him, and smiled. "I love you, Edward." I rocked faster and harder on top
of him. He closed his eyes tight, moving his hips up to meet me. "That feels so good, Bella." He
said, and I could feel his hands starting to shake in mine. He was gripping my fingers harder
now. I tightened my muscles around him, moving faster. He moaned, and pressed his head back
against the pillows. I said softly, "Let go, baby." He let go of my hands, and grabbed my hips. He
pushed me down against him, grinding our hips together. He moaned my name, and then drove
up into me, his head pressing harder against the pillow as his orgasm washed over him.

I laid down on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt him kiss me softly on top of
the head. We fell asleep soon after without a word about next weekend. I wondered if he would
want to continue talking about our fantasies after this, or if I'd ruined the game. My insides ran
cold at the thought.

Yeah, I know this one was disturbing – that's the kind of stuff that rolls around in my sick

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twisted little head. ;)

Hell of a cliff hanger though, isn't it? Should I continue? Should it continue into escalating
levels of depravity? I just can't decide…

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Chapter: 7

I laid down on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt him kiss me softly on top of
the head. We fell asleep soon after without a word about next weekend. I wondered if he would
want to continue talking about our fantasies after this, or if I'd ruined the game. My insides ran
cold at the thought.

Chapter 6 – The Box

Bella POV

We hadn't mentioned the agreement or the events of last Saturday, and I was starting to worry. I
was worried that we weren't talking about it; I was worried that I had taken things too far. I didn't
know how to approach him about it. He'd been at the hospital all day, rare for a Saturday, and we
hadn't made any plans for tonight. I sighed and started dinner. At least I could do that much for

I had just finished lighting the candles on the table when he came in. He dropped his stuff in the
living room and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and began kissing my
neck. I sighed, happy that he wasn't upset. Then he said low in my ear, "Do we have a few
minutes to talk before dinner?" I nodded, and kissed his cheek.

He pulled me to the living room, and sat down on the couch next to his bag. He pulled me into
his lap, and kissed me softly. "I have been thinking about last weekend," he said softly. "I think
maybe we should amend our agreement a little." I nodded, saddened at what I thought would be
a loss in our level of intimacy. "We have been trying to take our pleasure to higher and higher
places, but I think we may have lost sight of what the agreement was supposed to be about. The
point of the whole agreement was to enhance our relationship by living out our fantasies. I think
we've been missing the relationship part of that equation the last few weeks. I propose we try
something a little different." He said, pulling a black box out of his bag. "This is actually a
suggestion box, but it will work for our purposes. I'd like to use these slips of paper in the front
to write down things we'd like to do together. On Saturday morning, we'll pull one out of the
box. If we both agree, then we'll do what's on the paper. If not, we'll toss it and pick another one.
For example," he said, taking out a piece of paper and pulling a pen from his bag. "I'm writing on
this one – 'sensual massages'. I drop it in the box, and now we have a suggestion."

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I took the box from his lap, set it on the table and then straddled him. I leaned down to kiss him
softly, sweetly. I ran my fingers through his hair, and then wrapped my arms around him and
held him to me. "I thought…" I said, softly, my face against his neck. "I thought maybe you
wouldn't want to… I thought I ruined it…"

He leaned back, looking into my face. "Love, you didn't ruin anything. I should have known that
even pretending to hurt you would bother me. I love you, so much. If we do it this way, there
won't be any pressure to think up new ideas. We'll always have ideas, and it will always be a
surprise." He finished, smiling. "Would you like to try?"

"I'd love to." I said, smiling down at him.

"I thought we could spend tonight coming up with some ideas and putting them in the box. Then,
if you're interested," he smiled and leaned in to whisper, "we could make love in front of the

Just then, we heard the timer going off in the kitchen. "Dinner first?" I asked, smiling back.

He took my earlobe between his teeth, and moaned softly in my ear. "Mmmmhmmmm.. and then
desert." Then he brought his lips to mine in a long lingering kiss.

Edward POV

"Mmmmhmmmm.. and then desert."

It wasn't that I didn't love the things we'd been doing lately, well with the exception of last
Saturday, but I couldn't image where it would escalate to if we let it continue. I came up with this
idea after seeing the suggestion box in the break room at the hospital. This way we could suggest
little things and big things alike – and we would do them all.

We ate at the table, talking comfortably. I filled her in on my day at the hospital; she filled me in
on her day at the library. It was nice to just spend time with her. No matter what else she was to
me – my wife, my lover, my racquetball partner, she was also my best friend. When we finished,
we did dishes together, playing in the water and laughing.

We settled in the living room to start our new project. I lit a fire and then sat on the couch. She
laid with her head in my lap, the idea box on the table next to us. We sat like that for nearly two
hours, adding slip after slip of intimate ideas to the box. I thought of dozens of things that I'd like
to do with her – some overtly sexual, some not. I wanted to take a bath with her. I wanted to
drizzle honey over certain areas of her body and spend a long time licking it all off. I wanted to
play doctor with her. I wanted her to dominate me again, taking it farther and testing my limits. I
wanted to go skinny dipping at the beach. And, though I'd probably never have the balls to put it
on a slip of paper and drop it in the box, I wanted her to invite Bree back for an evening. There
were so many things, and now we'd get to do them all.

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After adding dozens of ideas to the box, she rolled to her side pressing her face into my jeans.
She blew hot air hard against the front of them. I shivered and laid my head back on the back of
the couch, grinning. She looked up at me. "Liked that, did you?" she giggled. She did it again,
this time pressing her lips against the fabric. "I wonder if it would feel better for you without the
jeans in the way." She mused, and unfastened my jeans, pulling the zipper apart. She put her lips
on my boxers and blew again. I moaned softly. It felt really nice. I also like seeing her brown
curls spread across my lap. She began kissing me through my boxers, and I rested my hand on
her back. She looked up at me and smiled innocently. "I think I'm ready for my desert now."

"Me too." I said, and moved to get up. She got up with me, and we walked over to the fireplace. I
grabbed a plush blanket from the closet and spread it out in the floor. I reached for her, tracing
the contours or her face with my fingers. I kissed her then, trying to convey the depth of my love
for her. She responded in kind, wrapping her arms around my waist. We kissed like that, long,
slow, and deliberate for an immeasurable time. She felt so right in my arms.

We slowly took each other's clothes off, kissing and touching every bit of the newly exposed
skin. I didn't break the kiss and I pushed her back onto the blanket. I lay on top of her, kissing
down her neck, over her shoulder. Her breasts were beautiful in the firelight. As I touched her,
teasing her, I reveled in the sounds of her excitement. I loved listening to every moan, every
sigh, and every sound that indicated that I was pleasing her. As I started to move lower, she
pulled me up so that her lips were against my ear. She whispered to me in a low, seductive voice
"Make love to me, Edward."

I sat up, cross legged on the blanket, and pulled her on top of me. She wrapped her legs around
my waist and slowly slid down onto me. I moaned at the feeling of her warm, wet sex taking me
in. We enjoyed a brief moment, locked like that – before we started to move in unison. Our arms
wrapped around each other, and my lips at her neck, I felt so close to her. She was everything to
me. She let her head fall back, her long hair cascading down her back as she moved with me. I
heard a long, low moan escape her lips before she whispered, "I love you, Edward.."

Bella POV

I love you, Edward…"

I couldn't explain the complexity of emotions that were building in me. It was more than just a
physical gratification, though my body tingled beneath his touch. It felt so… intimate to be this
close to him; to hold him against me, and look into his eyes while we made love. This was the
ultimate expression of my love for him, and I knew that he felt it. I started to move a little faster
as I felt my orgasm building. I didn't feel the overwhelming need that accompanied it after we
had been teasing each other. It was more of a fire that was spreading through me. When it hit, it
wasn't so much of an explosion as a climax. I clung to him, my face next to his as I cried out in
the sensation. He gripped me more tightly, and moaned my name. Then, he pushed my hips
against him, holding me there as he shuddered beneath me. He lifted his head from my neck and
captured my lips in a lingering breathless kiss. "I love you, Bella." He said, softly.

So many of you asked for a sweet lemon after the last chapter – so here it is.

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Now – the box is for all of you too… Any idea that occurs to you – just send me a review (or a
PM if you're shy) and put a suggestion in the box. Be sure to let me know if you want credit
for the idea when I use it – if you don't, it will just say anonymous. I will try my best to do your
ideas (and mine – I have a few more ideas in the box) justice. This should keep the lemonade
flowing for a while. ;)

Also – I'm still in the running for the Dirty Talking Edward contest – right this second, I'm in
3rd place! So, if you like this series – the first chapter is entered under the name Fantasies. I'd
love it if you voted for it. Just go to LeechLover85's profile and click Vote Now.

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Chapter: 8

Idea Box paper reads: Edward as cop sexing up a handcuffed Bella in the cruiser

Idea suggested by: .Tx

Chapter Seven – Yes, Officer?

Bella POV

"Oh great!" I thought as I saw the lights flash in the mirror. I reached down to pull my license
from the pocket of my bag. I wasn't paying any attention to the cop until he knocked on the
driver side window. I rolled it down, fear battling with annoyance, and without looking up asked
"I'm sorry officer, what seems to be the problem?"

"Ma'am… I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle." My head jerked up at his soft, velvet
voice and I smiled. How the hell had he managed this? Emmett – it had to be. He's the only cop
that Edward knows well enough to make this kind of request. I suppressed a giggle – it sure
wasn't Charlie. He opened my door and said "Please ma'am, out of the car."

I felt a wave of heat flood me as I complied. He put his hand on the small of my back as he let
me to the borrowed cruiser. I saw him glance around quickly and then he pushed me face down
on the front of the car. He pulled my hands behind me and cuffed me quickly. Then, he leaned
against me – his arousal evident against my ass. He pulled back and ran his hands up my legs,
and then under my skirt.

"I could haul you in." he said, low and husky in my ear. "But, I have a feeling you could…
distract me from that objective." I gasped, feigning shock. He put me into the back of the cruiser,
adjusting his erection as he walked back to lock our car. I giggled, watching his discomfort – and

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then he slid into the driver's seat.

"Please officer…" I said, pleading. "My parents will kill me if you take me in." I suppressed
another giggle. "Isn't there anything I can do to change your mind? Please?"

He pretended to think for a minute, and said "You have beautiful lips. They would look even
better around my hard cock." Wow, that was subtle, I thought. "A long, slow blow job might
make me forget about your indiscretion." He mused.

"But… But… Officer", I stammered. "I've never…" I said, innocently.

His eyes lit up and he said "Okay, we'll go ahead in then." He made to grab the radio on the dash.

"No!" I said quickly. "I'll… I'll… do it, officer."

Edward POV

"No! I'll… I'll… do it, officer."

This was so hot. I couldn't believe Emmett hooked me up like this. He laughed when I told him
my idea. He said that he understood - Rosalie made a really believable hooker. Wow. I so didn't
need to know that.

That innocent school girl thing was making me nearly pop out of my borrowed uniform. I'd have
to add a very detailed idea to the box when I got home. The thought of her in a plaid skirt and
knee socks had me speeding to the service road by the highway that Emmett said I should take
her to. I parked back off the road and looked around. It was deserted. I climbed in the back,
making sure to leave the window down – I didn't want to get stuck back here with no interior
door locks.

I unbuttoned my uniform pants, and slid them down along with my boxers to reveal my painfully
hard erection. Her eyes widened, and she asked shyly – "Can you take the handcuffs off first?" I
turned her, and released her hands.

She looked down and said "What should I do?"

I almost broke the role by laughing, but instead I said – "Open your mouth." Her jaw dropped
open, and I pushed her head down. "Take it in your mouth." I said, almost in a growl. "Now, lick
it – suck it like you would if you were eating a Popsicle on a hot day." As she tentatively obeyed,
I leaned back against the seat. "That's it baby." I moaned as I entangled my fist in the back of her
hair. I started to move her head up and down, feeling my cock slide in and out of her mouth.
"Suck it harder." I said in a low, strained voice. God, even pretending she had the hottest, most
perfect mouth. "Fuck, baby – you're a natural." I groaned. She started to move her head faster,
sucking harder. My hips came up off the seat, driving myself into her mouth. "Yeah, let me fuck
your mouth. I'm so close… I'm gonna cum in your mouth, and you're going to swallow like a
good girl, aren't you?" I asked. She moaned around me, it was too much – this was so good. I

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cried out a loud "Fuck!" as I exploded into her waiting mouth. I held her head as she swallowed.
"Now, lick me all clean." I said, and she complied. "That's it, baby." I said as I let go of her head.

My breathing was still coming in heaves when she looked up at me shyly, not speaking. I
grabbed her wrists and cuffed her to the wire cage that separated us from the front seat. I leaned
forward and slid my hand up her leg. I reached her wet panties and breathed in her ear "Did that
make you as hot as it made me, baby?"

Bella POV

"Did that make you as hot as it made me, baby?"

With his hand in my panties, I'm pretty sure he already knew the answer to that question. But, I
softly replied "Yes officer. I feel warm, and… and… I have a tingling, well… down there." I was
trying my best innocent school girl voice, but I thought I'd failed miserably. I was wrong – his
response was immediate. He had me on my knees in the seat in an instant. I was straddling him,
but facing the front of the car – away from him. He pulled a pocket knife from his uniform pants
and carefully slit both sides of my panties, pulling them off.

I held onto the cage that I was now cuffed to as he grabbed my hips with a growl. He pulled my
skirt up and tucked it into the back waistband. He moaned, "You have the hottest ass. God, if we
had time…" and then he slid into me. "Fuck, you're so tight." He said, thrusting up harder into

"I've never… I've never done that before officer." I said, as I pushed down onto him. That
seemed to unhinge him, and he thrust into me with wild abandon. I met his thrusts
enthusiastically. God, he was so hot in that uniform. I wonder if I could get his to use that night
stick? Just thinking about it, I could feel my orgasm building.

"Officer, it feels… it feels…" I said as he reached up and slid his hands under my sweater,
pulling my bra over the top of my breasts. I felt myself tighten around him as he pinched both
my nipples hard. Quickly, he slid his hands down. He held me open with the fingers of one hand
while he stroked my clit hard with the other. "Yes…" I moaned over and over, and then nearly
screamed as my orgasm tore through me.

Edward POV

"Officer, it feels… it feels…"

I was so close; I knew I had to get her off soon. I felt her spasm around me as I pinched her
nipples under her sweater. Her little innocent virgin thing was making me tingle. I had taken her
virginity myself, but still there was something about the role she was playing that made me… I
felt it rage through me at that point, and I grabbed her hips hard. I slammed into her rapidly,
calling her name as I came.

I collapsed back onto the seat; panting and she rested her head on her cuffed hands and said

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"Wow…" I said laughing, "doesn't quite cover it, love." I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Does that mean that I'm not going to the station, officer?" she asked sweetly as I removed her
cuffs. "No, ma'am." I said, smirking. "I think you've earned a second chance. But you should be
good from now on."

"Wasn't I good, officer?" she said with a smirk of her own.

"Oh yeah, baby." I said with complete honesty. "You were very good."

I LOVE your suggestions – a few of them I had thought of, but didn't know if they would be too
over the top. I'm glad to know I'm not the only sick puppy in the group. Some of them I will
combine because they'd just go well together.

Krissf and Rissi06 – Thank you for your suggestions for Butterfly. It was a hell of a lot of fun to
write. You were the first idea box selection (before there was an idea box)!

Faerie kitten & Alejandra111 – I think I'm going to combine your ideas for the next chapter. I
mean they work so well together. ;)

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Chapter: 9

Idea Box paper reads: Edward dominates Bella & Bree

Dom/sub Idea suggested by: faerie kitten

Hot Wax Idea suggested by: Alejandra111

All other twisted smutty ideas are mine.. ;)

Chapter Eight – Leather, Rubber, & Wax

Edward POV

I have to admit, I was very pleased when Bella pulled this particular slip. I was surprised that she
had put it in there in the first place, because I didn't dare. Now however, Bree & Bella were

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naked, bound, and helpless in our bedroom. I had opted for gags instead of punishments today.
They both looked so incredibly hot with the little red rubber balls in their mouths, held in place
by leather ties. Bella was bound with the leather cuffs on her wrists over her head, and matching
cuffs on her ankles bound to the floor. She was bound as I had been that first time. She was
stretched, but not uncomfortably. Bree was on her knees at my feet, her arms folded in the gloves
behind her back. She looked up at me then, expectantly. I reached up and pulled off my t-shirt.
When I looked back down at her, she was smiling. I smiled back, and then looked at Bella –
there was a fire in her eyes now – watching my interaction between Bree & myself.

I reached down and unfastened my jeans. I pulled them down slowly and saw Bree's eyes light
up. I had foregone underwear today. When my jeans had been discarded, I stepped closer to
Bree. I grinned at her as I reached back to untie her gag. As she opened her mouth to stretch her
jaw, I took advantage and slid my hard cock into her mouth. I heard a quick intake of breath, and
then a soft moan. As I took her head into my hands and let my head fall back, I heard Bella. She
was trying, in vain, to get out her bonds. It sounded like she was growling behind the gag, but I
couldn't be sure.

Bree's mouth around me felt so different from what I was used to. It was smaller, but she made
up for it by moving it faster and harder around me. I tightened my grip on her hair and let out a
long, low moan. Even her hair felt different against my fingers – soft and straight instead of
wavy like Bella's. I began to buck my hips against her waiting mouth. I couldn't deny it, it felt so
good. I looked down at her then, she had her eyes closed and her hips were moving in time with
mine. It looked like she would be touching herself, if her hands weren't bound. She was so
aroused by sucking me – it was so hot. I actually let out a deep, bass grunting sound as I let go
and filled her little mouth. I pulled back slightly and she cleaned my softening cock with her
tongue. I shuddered slightly at the heightened sensation. I reached down and replaced her gag.

I looked down at her then and noticed that she was watching Bella, who was apparently fuming.
I asked Bree with a smile in my voice, "Would you like to please Bella now?" She nodded, and I
helped her move until she was between Bella's bound legs. I removed her gag again, and she
leaned up to kiss Bella's thigh. I saw Bella once again struggling to get loose. I smiled and came
up behind her. I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her breasts as Bree's mouth traveled
up to her wet sex. I felt Bella jerk slightly as I pinched her hard nipples and Bree's tongue snaked
up into her, slipping between her wet folds. Bella's head fell back on my chest as Bree stroked
her with her tongue. She started moving her hips softly against Bree's face. I let one hand slide
down her back, over her buttocks, and then down farther between her legs. I used two fingers to
enter her and heard her moan behind the gag. She bucked her hips back against my hand and
then forward into Bree's face. She moaned unrestrained and with a practiced eye, I saw that her
orgasm was fast approaching. I slid my wet fingers from her and spread her beautiful buttocks
with my other hand. I slid my wet fingers into her rectum, slowly, gently. I heard her breathing
change to more of a pant around her gag. I moved my fingers faster in and out of her as she
began to tremble. Her legs shook violently under her as her orgasm washed through her and she
cried out into the gag. Listening to the wild, out of control tenor of her voice made me hard
again. I loved to listen to her lose control. The nearly animalistic noises she makes when she
comes are what generally bring about my own orgasm. I just can't seem to control myself when
her control fails.

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I stepped around in front of Bella and pulled Bree to her feet, replacing her gag quickly... She
was standing a foot in front of Bella when I leaned down and put my mouth next to her ear. She
shivered as I said softly, "What a good little slave you are. I think you deserve a reward. Should I
tease you until you cum, Bree?" She moaned softly, and nodded. I dropped my voice a little
lower and asked, knowing she couldn't really answer, "Do you want me to lick your sex, or use a
toy?" She nodded fervently. "Do you want me to lick your sex AND use a toy?" I teased. She
shivered and nodded again. I picked Bree up in my arms and laid her on the bed. She
immediately spread her legs open to me in anticipation. I went to the table and found a
realistically shaped vibrator – the jack rabbit, they called it. It was firm, but the texture was soft.
I made my way back to Bree, setting one of the small lit candles on the bedside table. I set the
vibrator down between her legs, and then pushed them wider apart. She moaned and arched
slightly, already excited. I started by leaning over her, being careful not to let anything vital
touch – Bella had been very specific on our boundaries, and they were fine with me. I kissed her
neck softly. She moved her head to the side, giving me better access. I bit, and sucked at the
tender skin causing her to arch her back more. So, I moved lower, capturing one hard nipple in
my mouth while kneading and teasing her with my other hand. She began to whimper softly
behind the gag.

My mouth trailed down and I laid soft, open-mouthed kisses along her stomach. When I moved
to her hip, she started to squirm on the bed. I settled on the bed between her open legs and placed
my cheek against her inner thigh. She gasped, and I chuckled at her. I kissed and nibbled the
very tops of her inner thighs. Her loud moans began to sound more like pleas as her hips came
off the bed.

I pressed my mouth against her hot, wet sex and blew a stream of air across it – she whimpered
loudly. I laughed again, and then dipped in for a taste. I pulled her open with my fingers and
assaulted her with my tongue. "Do you like that, Bree?" I asked, mockingly?

Bella POV

"Do you like that, Bree?"

I didn't know what was worse – being completely turned on at the sight of my husband
pleasuring another woman with his mouth, or not being able to do anything about it. As I
watched, Edward grabbed the rabbit and turned it so that the 'ears' would press against her
bottom. He slid it gently into her, allowing her to get used to its size. Then, he turned it on. It
began to twist and vibrate inside her, and she ground her hips against his hand. He leaned down
and started to tease her with his tongue as he thrust the vibrator into her faster. After a few
minutes of increasingly hard thrusts, she began to shudder slightly. She was close now. Edward's
head snapped up and he pushed the vibrator into her and held it there. With his other hand, he
reached towards the bedside table carefully grabbing the candle. He blew out the flame and
waited until Bree began to shudder harder. He stroked her sex with his long fingers, and then
tipped the candle carefully letting hot wax spill across her breasts. She screamed behind the gag
and arched her back sharply. He stroked her harder as she shuddered violently. He put the candle
back on the table, and she fell back onto the bed – her eyes tightly closed.

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"Bree?" he asked softly. She opened her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" he asked, real concern in his voice now.

She nodded. He pulled the vibrator out and set it on the bed before reaching up and untying the

"Holy hell that was so hot!" she said, panting. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard before." He
laughed and rolled her so that he could remove her gloves.

He relit the candle and then said to Bree – "I have an idea for Bella that I was wondering if you
could help me with." She looked puzzled and then he pulled her in and whispered to her for a
few minutes. Her cute little face pulled up into a wicked smile and she nodded. She walked
behind me to the table, out of sight. Edward picked up the gloves that Bree had been wearing and
then came over to me. He removed the leather cuffs from my wrists, letting them hang on the
chains. He rubbed my arms for a few minutes, giving me goose bumps. Then, he folded my arms
behind me, lacing up the gloves. He bent and removed the cuffs from my ankles as well. He led
me to our bed and lay down on his back. I made to straddle him, but he turned me around and
pulled me down on top of him. My back was to his chest, and I could feel him hard against my
lower back. I moved my hips to grind against his softly, as was rewarded with a low groan in my

Bree came back then, and laid a few things on the bed that I couldn't see. I saw her putting on
some kind of harness and I couldn't figure out what she was doing until I saw her affix a
vibrating attachment to the front. If she were a guy, I'd have said she looked well hung.

"Lift her, Edward." Bree said smiling. I felt my buttocks being lifted in the air and then fingers
spreading some kind of lubricant between them. Then I heard Edward hiss in my ear, and
guessed that it was being applied to him as well. He put his hands behind my knees and pulled
my legs up and out. I was spread open before Bree, and she began using her vibrator – teasing
my sex. I moaned loudly, and dropped my head back to Edward's chest. Bree slid into me then,
fucking me with her toy – her hips slapped against my inner thighs. When she moaned with me, I
realized that the vibrator would press against her to when she thrust into me. She was starting to
move in hard controlled thrusts, and I bucked my hips trying to drive her deeper.

I felt Edward reposition himself underneath me, and I gasped as I realized his intention. He
released his hold on one of my knees and used the hand to position himself at my rectum. I felt
him start to push slowly into me. I had never been penetrated so fully like this before. When his
hand returned to my knee, I was unsure of what to do. They coordinated their movements, and
soon I was overcome by the sensations of their alternating thrusts. Edward pulled my legs father
apart and they both thrust into me in earnest – each seeking their release. After what felt like
mere minutes, I was screaming into the gag as my orgasm ripped through me. It was so intense
that my muscles locked, and I arched in sheer pleasure, biting down on the rubber ball in my
mouth. Neither Edward nor Bree slowed as my orgasm subsided. Bree leaned forward and
massaged my breasts as she drove into me. There was nothing I could do as they continued to

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fuck me, and hard. I was bound, gagged, and spread open to them. I heard Edward right in my
ear, his voice strained as he fought to hold out – "Bella, your ass is so tight… God, it feels so
good." He moaned loudly and continued. "I love to fuck your ass. It makes me so hard just to
even think about it." He panted in my ear, "I'm so glad I set up that camera in the closet. I'm
going to love watching this later." I closed my eyes at his words and didn't notice Bree move
until I felt the searing pain across my chest. I screamed into the gag as I came again, pushed into
orgasm by the heat of the wax on my aching nipples. It was better than that clamps, more
intense. I felt Bree shudder above me as she came, no doubt spurned on by my display. She
slammed into me a few more times, and then collapsed onto the bed next to us. Without the need
to synchronize with Bree, Edward grabbed my hips with both hands and thrust harder and faster
into me. I heard him gasping, moaning uncontrolled as he pulled my hips hard against him –
giving me one more thrust as he exploded into my ass.

"Holy fucking hell." He said as he rolled me gently onto the bed on my stomach. He rolled onto
his side with a little effort, and removed my gloves and gag. I lay there unmoving trying to catch
my breath. He leaned down and said softly in my ear, "Are you okay, love?" I nodded, and he
pulled me against his chest and kissed my hair. He said low in my ear "I love you." And I held
him close, still breathless. "Wow, Edward." I said softly into his chest. He laughed.

"Bree, are you okay?" he asked, pulling her into his chest on the other side and kissing her on the
head as well.

"Slightly better than okay." She giggled and reached over to stroke my hair, pulling it away from
my face. We lay together, worn out but completely satisfied in the warm afternoon sun that was
streaming in through the windows. As I drifted, I felt glad that Edward had put this idea in the
box. It was a hell of a lot of fun.

Bree POV

Wow, am I glad I found that suggestion box. I'll have to slip a few more ideas in there before I

Sorry, I know you're used to an update a day - or something crazy like that. I have about 40
stories on alert and I've been catching up on my reading.

I'm also almost done with Spring Break (a one-shot sequel to Until Spring Break) - I'll have
that up soon. :p Yummy.

And thanks to Joba whose reviews never fail to crack me up - thanks for reading.

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Chapter: 10

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Bree POV: Wow, am I glad I found that suggestion box. I'll have to slip a few more ideas in
there before I leave!

Chapter Nine: Say It Isn't So

Edward POV

I dodged Bree again leaving for work today. I can't believe she's been so persistent lately. She's
making us both crazy. Yeah, we had a couple of good nights but that's all it was. I'm really
looking forward to getting home tonight and spending some quality time with Bella. I think I'll
ask her if we can forego the box tonight and just have a real date – just Edward and Bella. I miss
just spending time with my wife, without expectations.

The last couple of weeks, we've been using ideas from the box. We'd played doctor/patient,
therapist/patient, teacher/student – but it's all the same game really, just with different clothes.
We're coming to the end of the semester, and I think we'll go away for a week somewhere. Just
us. Just to be together.

Today was slow at the hospital, and my boss let me out early. He's a great guy like that. He
knows that I don't need the money, just the experience and the internship on my resume. When
there's nothing happening, there is no real reason for me to hang around. I got home, anxious to
talk to Bella about going on vacation when I heard a booming voice from the back yard.

"You girls coming or what? I'm getting lonely out there." He laughed.

I peeked around the side of the house to see Jacob Black in our hot tub. What the freaking hell? I
couldn't tell if he had trunks on or not at the angle I was seeing him. I walked into the house,
intent on finding Bella to see why our neighbor was hanging out in our hot tub, and saw a bottle
of wine with three glasses sitting on the table. It looked like the wine had been opened and was
resting. For some reason, this made me slightly wary.

I heard a noise from upstairs. I ran for the stairs and took them two at a time. My heart was
hammering in my chest, and not from taking the stairs. I stopped when I heard Bree from the
other side of the door.

"We're almost ready, Jacob. Geez… Keep your pants on." Then she giggled. "For a few more
minutes, anyway" and I heard another giggle. Bella. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. Bella,
MY Bella, was here alone with Jacob and Bree while I was at work. She didn't say anything to
me about it. It was pretty obvious from Bree's little remark that they were here for sex. The pain
in my chest actually took my breath away as I threw open the bedroom door. What I found
wasn't encouraging. Bree was naked and standing near the bed. Bella was reaching for her
bathing suit top. They both looked up at me, stunned.

With all of the venom that I could muster, I looked at my wife – the love of my very existence -

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and spat out "Don't get dressed on my account. I'm sure Jacob is waiting!" First shock, then pain
crossed Bella's face as she started towards me and I turned for the door.

Bella grabbed my arm and cried "Edward, wait!"

I shrugged her off… and I ran. I could still hear her screaming my name, begging me to come
back as I slammed my Vanquish into drive, and took off.

My, oh my... Wonder if you were expecting that? I know this is a ridiculously short chapter.
I'm working on the next one - it should be up soon. I felt like I was neglecting you, so I posted
this first part to keep you interested. :)

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Chapter: 11

I shrugged her off… and I ran. I could still hear her screaming my name, begging me to come
back as I slammed my Vanquish into drive, and took off.

Chapter Ten: What Have I Done?

Edward POV




It's been seven days since I found Bella in our bedroom. I've managed to avoid all of her calls. I
took a leave from work so that she couldn't find me there. In other words, I have been hiding -
there is really no other word for it – in Emmett's basement.

I can't believe she would do this. I know she enjoyed the games we play with each other – but
this… this is a whole different matter. She was going to have sex with two other people – and
she didn't want me to know. She hid it from me. She lied to me. I don't know what I'm supposed
to do now. I can't live without my Bella. She is everything to me. I can't breathe without her. I'm
going to have to talk to her. I just don't know how we are supposed to get past this.

My cell phone rang then, and the hospital's main line flashed on the caller ID. Damn it. This is
the last thing I need right now. I sighed. I knew I was going to have to answer it even though I

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was on leave.

"Hello?" I said, resigned.

"Is this Edward Cullen?" a non-descript female voice asked.

"It is." I said, confused. Why would the hospital, my employer, not know who they called?

"Mr. Cullen, are you related to an Isabella Cullen?" she asked, a note of sadness now evident in
her voice.

Oh God… Oh God… Bella… Oh God… Not Bella…

"I'm her husband." I choked out. "What's happened? What's wrong?" I begged, starting to panic.

"Mr. Cullen, she was brought in by ambulance to the ER a few minutes ago. One of your
neighbors found her unconscious on the deck. Can you get here soon, or is there someone else
we should call?" she asked, hesitantly.

"I'll be here in 10 minutes!" I shouted, snapping the phone shut as I sprinted for the door.

Another little chapter to keep your interest up. The next chapter will be longer – I promise, but
it may not be up tonight. Wow – two chapters, and no sex… Hmmmmm…. This story may
develop an actual plot after all. I mean, you can only write about the same acts over and over
again for so long without it getting… redundant. ;)

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Chapter: 12

"Mr. Cullen, she was brought in by ambulance to the ER a few minutes ago. One of your
neighbors found her unconscious on the deck. Can you get here soon, or is there someone else
we should call?" she asked, hesitantly.

"I'll be here in 10 minutes!" I shouted, snapping the phone shut as I sprinted for the door.

Chapter Eleven – Surreal

Edward POV

I skidded into the ER though the ambulance bay doors, bypassing reception. Eric, another intern,

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called out to me "Hey, Edward! I thought you were off this week, man!". He grinned at me, until
he saw my panicked expression. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned now.

"Eric, they brought in my wife. My Bella. Do you know where she is?" I asked, real fear evident
in my voice. What was I going to do if she were… I can't lose her. We're going to be fine, I told
myself. We're going to get through this. All of this.

"Did she pass out, or slice open her hand?" he asked, moving towards the curtained area reading
the intake board. God, why didn't I think of that? Eric was a nice guy, but I was in no mood.

"Passed out." I said quietly, hoping my guilt didn't show through too much in my voice. I didn't
want to get into explanations with him right now. I just wanted to get to Bella.

"She's in curtain 3." He said, going back to his work. "Come and find me when you know
anything, okay?" I nodded and ran for curtain 3. She was lying on the small bed with her eyes
closed; she had an IV and a bandage on her forehead. I reached down and stroked her hair. She
looked so pale, so fragile. Just then, Jacob walked around the curtain. I felt my temper soar, but
he must have been the neighbor that found her, and for that – I was begrudgingly grateful.

"What happened?" I asked, taking her hand – it was cold as ice. I looked up at him, his
expression was murderous.

"Her idiot husband went off half-cocked and ignored her for a week." He said, seething. "He
wouldn't return her calls, and she stopped eating, stopped sleeping. She finally collapsed on the
deck while taking out the trash. She hit her head" he indicated the bandage, "on the table on the
way down. " Then his voice started to shake. "She went down less than six inches from the hot
tub. If she'd have fallen just a little to the right… She… She would have drowned." He finished,
with pure contempt in his voice.

"Oh my God." I said softly, my legs buckling. I landed hard in the chair next to her bed. I had
almost lost her. She could have died. She wasn't eating? She wasn't sleeping? I never once
checked on her. It had to have been as bad for her as it was for me, and I hadn't even checked to
see if she was okay. I just wallowed in my own self-pity. I was disgusted with myself.

"Did you ever figure out what you actually walked in on, anyway? You jackass?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I said, stung by his accusation. "I found my wife and another woman
naked in our bedroom preparing to come down and have sex with you. What was I supposed to

"You were supposed to find Bella setting me up with Bree. Bella didn't feel comfortable just
sending us off on a blind date, she wanted to mediate and make sure Bree felt at ease. Why?
Because she's selfless like that! She picked out a bottle of wine, and suggested that we all get in
the hot tub. She and Bree were up there changing into their suits. Then Bree and I could go out
together afterwards if we wanted. It was a spur of the moment thing. And, well… It worked.

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Bree and I have been getting together all week. I came by to thank Bella – thank God – and I
found her on the deck." He said his voice grave.

"Oh Bella." I choked out, the tears now starting to fall. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry..." I brought her
hand up to my face and held it there.

"She finally found out that you were at your brother's. That bitch of a sister-in-law of yours is
some piece of work. She had Bella in tears more than once. I was going to come over there and
kick your ass myself, but she said that my being involved would only make things worse. So, I
just kept an eye on her, and watched her slowly fall apart." He said, furious now. "I tried to get
her to eat, she just cried. I tried to get her to sleep, she just sat staring. She kept telling me how it
was all her fault, how she had started the whole game and now she was getting what she

The attending came around the curtain. I knew him in passing, but I couldn't think of his name
right then. "Mr. Cullen?" he asked, looking down at Bella's chart. "Yes, I'm Edward Cullen." I
said finally taking my eyes from Bella's face. She looked so frail. She'd lost weight, and her eyes
were sunken and shadowed. My poor Bella. I felt so ashamed. I would do anything to make this
up to her. Assuming she even still wanted me after this. Because of me, and my lapse of faith in
us – she was in the hospital.

"Mr. Cullen, your wife is just dehydrated and malnourished. We will be keeping her overnight
for observation, and starting her on a liquid diet. Can you tell me, has she been ill recently?" he

I shook my head. "We'd gotten into an argument last weekend, and I was staying with my brother
until things cooled down. I had no idea she'd been… in such a poor state until I talked to Jacob a
moment ago." He looked closely at me then, and must have noticed the shadows under my eyes
as well. "Are you doing okay, Mr. Cullen? I don't want you to end up on the floor too." He said

"No, I'm okay." I replied sighing. "I'm more worried about her." I wasn't about to divert any of
his attention away from Bella. I had eaten and slept, at least some, over the last week. She was
more important.

"Well, we've given her something to help her sleep, and the IV for rehydration and nutrients.
We'll be moving her up to a room soon. I'll make sure the nurse brings her in some broth when
the medication starts to wear off."

"Thanks." I said suddenly exhausted after coming down from the adrenaline high. I held Bella's
hand, and waited for them to prepare a room for her. I would stay right by her side until she was

Bella POV

"Edward?" I asked, my voice a little shaky. I could see someone lying in the recliner next to my

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bed. It couldn't be him though. I'm sure he never wanted to see me again.

"Oh Bella!" he said, jumping off the chair and taking my hand. "Bella, I'm so sorry… I love you
so much… Baby, please… Please don't hate me… Please tell me you won't leave me…" he was
talking so fast, it was hard to catch. I tried to sit up, but I just felt so weak. Where the hell am I?

"Leave you?" I asked, confused – only really catching that last part. "Why would I leave you?
You left me, there's no reason for me to leave you". My head was spinning. It was a little hard to
keep his face in focus.

"No!" He said, a little too loudly. "No, Bella. I just went crazy when I thought… Well… I was
coming home yesterday when I got the call from the hospital. Even if you had been planning
to… Well, I wanted to work things out. I love you so much, I couldn't be without you. But, Jacob
explained about setting him up with Bree. Bella, I am so sorry. I don't know I could have
thought…" He stuttered out, tears in his eyes.

"Edward, with the stuff that we've been doing lately, I can understand how that thought could
have crossed your mind. I just couldn't face that you wouldn't talk to me - that you wouldn't let
me explain. I didn't know if you'd ever let me." I said, looking down at the blanket. Him hiding
from me, shutting me out hurt more than anything.

"I know." He said, softly. "I just needed time to calm down first."

"Where are we, Edward?" I asked, starting to focus on the room. It looked like a hospital room.
Why would I be in the hospital? I tried to think back to the last thing I remembered from before I
woke up here, but it was all so hazy.

"You're in the hospital, love. You passed out on the deck. Jacob found you, and called an
ambulance. You've hit your head and you're dehydrated. They're keeping you overnight for
observation." He said sadly. "But why weren't you eating, or sleeping, Bella?"

"I don't know." I said honestly. "I just didn't think about it, really. All I could think about was
that… that you had left… I felt sick."

He nodded. "I know, baby. I did too. If it weren't for Rosalie, I doubt I would have eaten either. I
just did it to shut her up. I guess I understand, but I can't stand thinking about how close I came
to losing you… Losing you forever…" his tears finally falling now.

"Well." I said, trying to lighten the mood. "We're moving at the end of semester when we
graduate, right? Let's not get so friendly with our new neighbors, okay?"

It worked, he laughed. "Fine by me. By the way, when Jacob found you on the deck, he was
actually coming to thank you for setting him up with Bree. Apparently, they've hit it off rather
well." He winked.

"Thank God." I said, sighing. "Now maybe they'll drive each other crazy instead of us. Can you

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help me with this tray? I should probably start working on this stuff before someone comes in to
check on me. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." I pulled the cover off of
something that smelled like chicken soup and drank slowly. It felt good and started to fill up my
stomach. I was feeling less dizzy now. We sat talking about plans for what we would do after the
semester was over. Edward had his choice of several medical schools, and I was thinking about
going for my masters in English Literature. I liked the idea of writing for a living, but I also liked
the idea of college level teaching. We were kicking around different post graduate options, when
a doctor came into the room. "Hello Mrs. Cullen, I'm Dr. Garrett. How are you feeling?" He
asked, kindly.

"I feel better. I think I'll be able to keep down this broth that the nurses brought me, and I was
going to work on some ice cream next." I smiled up at him, and he nodded.

"That's very good." He said, writing in my chart. "Well, your lab work looks good, and the
laceration on your forehead seems to be healing well. We will be able to release you to your
husband later today. He will have to keep an eye on your for the next 24 hours to make sure there
are no lasting effects from the concussion." He looked at Edward, and Edward nodded at him.

"One last thing, the dehydration and malnutrition don't seem to have had an effect on the baby –
but you will have to be much more careful from now on." He said, more sternly.

Blank shock crossed my face at the same time it crossed Edward's, and we both croaked out a
single word at the same time.


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Chapter: 13

Blank shock crossed my face at the same time it crossed Edward's, and we both croaked out a
single word at the same time.


Chapter Twelve – Nursing Care

Bella POV

"Dr. Garrett, are you sure?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking. "I'm on birth control pills, and I
haven't had any kind of symptoms, or anything?" I reached out for Edward's hand, it was steady.
I had never even considered the possibility that I could be pregnant. I don't think that Edward

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had either, but he seemed to be taking it better than I was. My mind was reeling.

"Yes, Mrs. Cullen, I'm quite sure. We performed several tests when you arrived, including a
pregnancy test." He looked through her chart, and frowned. "That's odd." He said suddenly.

"What is it?" Edward asked, his voice anxious.

"These patient numbers are slightly off." He said, offhanded and handed the chart to Edward. He
looked at it for several minutes and his face fell slightly. "This pregnancy test is for the wrong
Mrs. Cullen – that's why the patient numbers don't match but they both say 'Cullen'. This test is
for my brother's sister Rosalie – see… Cullen, R. not Cullen, I."

"Oh! I see." Dr. Garrett said. "Mrs. Rosalie Cullen must have been the woman who cut her hand
in the ER. They must have been concerned about pregnancy for x-rays, or another course of
treatment. I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding. As I said, you'll be able to leave later
today so long as you continue to improve." With that, he swept from the room.

"Bella?" Edward asked softly. "Are you okay?" He climbed into the small bed and wrapped his
arms around me. He pulled my head into his chest. I nodded. "I can't believe he screwed up that
kind of bomb shell, honestly – but I'm… relieved." I finished in a whisper.

"Really? Have you thought at all about us having children?" He asked, his voice low.

"Honestly? Not really." I said, looking up at him. "I wanted to end up getting my PhD, and for
you to become a doctor. I wanted us to have time to be Bella and Edward, and get our lives
together before we even thought about kids. Have you thought about having kids?" A baby? My
God, what a thought. I was barely old enough to drink, and I almost became a soccer mom. Not
that there's anything wrong with soccer moms – it's just not what I would have chosen for myself
right now

"I'd love to have a little girl with your eyes playing on a swing in the back yard." He said
earnestly. I couldn't believe we were having this conversation. We were still in the 'honeymoon'
phase of being married. We had sex on every surface in the house. What would happen if we
threw a baby into that? Can't we just be Bella and Edward? Does baby always have to make

Edward POV

"I'd love to have a little girl with your eyes playing on a swing in the back yard."

Was I disappointed? If I was truthful with myself, I'd have to say that I was slightly disappointed.
In the span of 30 seconds, I'd gone from being a father to being an uncle. I was shocked when
Garrett first mentioned the word baby, and my heart soared. Sure, I was terrified. How was I
going to get through med school and a residency with a kid? But a small part of my mind did see
that little girl playing hopscotch in front of the house. She had my color hair, up in pig tails and
her mommy's beautiful eyes. I could see her clear as day. I was surprised to hear that Bella

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wasn't the least bit happy. Wasn't it the woman who was supposed to go crazy over the thought
of a baby?

She had been released from the hospital a week ago, and we hadn't really talked about it again. I
knew that now wasn't the right time to bring it up though – not with everything she'd been
through in the last few weeks. I wanted us to get back into some semblance of normality. I
wondered vaguely if she'd pulled something out of the box, or if we were done with that now. I
was a little relieved, but also a little disappointment. I did like the games we played – maybe just
not every weekend. In a few weeks when things calmed down, maybe we could sit and talk about

I came in from my shift and threw my keys into the basket. I took off my shoes and headed
upstairs to see Bella. I hadn't seen her downstairs, so she must be in our room lying down.
"Bella?" I called as I climbed the stairs. "In here." She said, her voice coming from our bedroom.
When I opened the door and caught sight of her, I gasped. She was standing next to the bed in a
pristine white nurses uniform, complete with little white hat, white stockings, and white heels.
Her hair and makeup were done to perfection, and she looked gorgeous. I just stood there, gaping
at her. She smiled and walked over to me. "Hello, Mr. Cullen. I heard that you took very good
care of your wife last week while she was convalescing. So, I think you should be taken care of
just as well. I'll be your nurse this evening, my name is Bella." She said in a low murmur. I made
to kiss her, still seemingly unable to speak. She chastised me at once. "Mr. Cullen." She said
reprovingly. "Put this on and get into bed." She handed me a standard hospital issue gown. "I
need to take a shower, uhmm… nurse Bella. I'll be right back." I said quickly. She grabbed my
hand and said "I don't think so, Mr. Cullen, not in your condition. I'll give you a sponge bath."
Oh. My. God. This was going to be so good. We hadn't made love in over two weeks. I love my

She left the room for a minute. I ripped off my clothes, and threw on the miniscule gown that she
had provided. I laid back on the bed. She came in then with a basin and wash rag. She really was
going to give me a sponge bath. A little tent started to rise in the gown barely covering me. She
noticed, and smirked down at me. "Mr. Cullen, you seem to have put this gown on backwards." I
grinned at her. "I thought it would be easier if it tied in the front, for the sponge bath and…

She put the rag into the water and rung it out thoroughly. She attended to wiping down my arms,
and hands. The rag was a little rough, but overall it was pleasant. I knew that this would in no
way prevent me from showering later, but I loved the fact that she was touching me. She opened
the gown just enough to put her hands inside of it. Next, she started paying particular attention to
my nipples. She ran the rough cloth over them, already hard from being wet in the cool air. I
closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the pillow, getting in to the sensation. I moaned
softly as she moved to my stomach, finally laying the gown completely open. I shifted my hips
as she ran the rag over each of my legs.

"Mr. Cullen," she said suddenly business-like. "You seem to have developed a new symptom.
I'm going to have to give you a quick examination." She threw the gown back over my chest, but
left it open at the waist. She ran her fingers lightly between my legs. "Are you feeling any

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discomfort?" she asked, innocently. It took everything I had not to laugh. "Uhm… No." I said,
smiling. Her soft hands moved farther up, between my legs, massaging lightly. "Any discomfort
here?" she asked again. I moaned, my hands grabbing the sheets, and my 'no' coming a little
strained. "You seem to have some swelling in your genital region." She said, clinically. "There is
an unorthodox therapy that I can try, if you'd like." I nodded, not opening my eyes. Then I felt
her small, soft hands start to stroke me. My grip tightened on the sheets, and my breathing

"Well, that doesn't seem to be working at all." She said softly. "It's causing an increased heart
rate, and rapid respiration." She removed her hands, and I groaned at the loss of contact. "Let's
try something a little different." I heard a smile in her voice. The next thing I felt was her taking
me into her hot, wet mouth. I forced myself not to speak or react, but it was very difficult. I
redoubled my grip on the sheet as she took me in as far as she could. "Hmmmmm…" she said,
and I drew in a quick breath. She pulled back and said "That should have provoked some kind of
reaction. Maybe I should stop and …"

"Oh God… Bella, please don't stop…" I begged, and then groaned as she bent down and slid me
back into her mouth. She used her soft hands to spread my legs farther apart. The exposure felt
so… erotic. She stroked me with both hands where I wouldn't fit in her mouth. I bucked my hips
up off the bed, my pleasure unrestrained. "Baby, that feels so fucking good…" As my hips came
off the bed again, she slid her hands underneath me and squeezed my ass. "Fuck, Bella…" I said
loudly as her mouth moved faster and harder on me. When she moved her hands back to my
cock as she sucked, I couldn't stop myself. "I'm gonna cum… Bella… Yes, baby… Please…" I
cried, exploding into a mind blowing orgasm. I gripped the sheet so hard I thought it would rip in
my hands. She ran her tongue over me one last time, making me shiver, and then smirked as she
got up off the bed.

"Well, that treatment appears to have worked. Your swelling has subsided." She said, pleased
with herself. "Now, stand over here so I can finish my examination." I stood up, my knees a little
weak and walked to the end of the bed where she was. She reached down, cupping my balls in
her hand and said "Okay, now… Cough, Mr. Cullen." I looked at her incredulous until she
squeezed, then I coughed almost involuntarily. "Good." She said, in a professional tone. "Now,
turn around and place your palms on the bed." I shivered again as I did what she asked. I had a
feeling I knew what was coming.

Bella POV

"Now, turn around and place your palms on the bed."

He did as I asked without hesitation, and I saw a shiver run down his spine. I pulled his gown up,
exposing his buttocks. I ran my hands slowly up the backs of his legs. "Nice muscle tone." I said,
trying to sound detached. He moaned softly as I ran my fingers over his buttocks, and his
muscles tightened. I moved my hands around to his front, trailing them over his stomach while
pressing my uniformed body against his naked bottom. When I stroked my hands downward
towards his legs, I brushed his erection. "Well, it looks like your swelling has returned, Mr.
Cullen." I said, removing my hands and stepping back. "Maybe I should go get some ice…"

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He spun, grabbing me and turning so that I fell onto the bed laughing. My bottom was on the
edge of the bed, and he grabbed my legs, pulling them up. He reached up and grabbed my
panties under the skirt of my uniform – pulling them off roughly. Then he threw my legs over his
shoulders and pressed his upper body close to me. He pulled my top open and pushed my red
lace bra over the tops of my breasts. "You're such a fucking tease…" he growled in my ear and
he rubbed my breasts. I moaned as he started to tease my nipples. "Did all of your teasing make
you wet for me?" he asked as one of his hands moved down to stroke my sex. "Well, you are
very wet for me, aren't you?" Then I felt him enter me in one swift hard stroke.

He held my legs in place high over his shoulders as he drove into me. I shifted my hips up just a
bit, and then he was hitting that spot. I couldn't stop myself before I cried "Yes… Baby…. Right
there.. Fuck Edward… Please…" He pounded into me, harder than before. Then he released one
of my legs, and slid his hand down to stroke me. "I'm so fucking close…" he moaned. "so tight
like this…" I looked up, catching his eye and slid my hands over my breasts, teasing my nipples.
He closed his eyes, and locked his jaw trying desperately to stay in control. I screamed as I came,
the sound ripped from me with the intensity of my orgasm. I felt him grab my hips with both
hands and hold me still as he continued his thrusts. He let slip one shuddering groan as he gave
one last thrust. He held us in that position for an immeasurable moment as his orgasm subsided,
then he collapsed on the bed beside me. He threw his arm around my waist, and buried his face
in my hair.

"Wow…" he said, out of breath. He turned his head and kissed me softly on the cheek. "Oh, and
in case I forgot to tell you… You look so fucking hot in that uniform…" He moaned softly and
pulled me closer to him. "One more thing…" he said, smiling..

"What's that, baby?" I asked, kissing his cheek.

"I love you, my Bella." He said, holding me tighter. "Forever."

"I love you too, Edward. Now, let's go take a shower…" I said with a wicked grin.

Okay, MLynn1985 - I want my freakin' e-cookies for not making her pregnant! (No PM'ing
MLynn either - she was never going to be pregnant.)

Seriously, though - I'm not really a kid kind of girl. I just needed some drama to get some kind
of plot going so I could write more smut in good conscience. You can't play naughty nurse in
front of your kid, even if it's in the womb - that's just wrong, isn't it?

Sorry for all of the f'bombs in this one. I've been reading Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003
and it must be rubbing off. Freaking awesome story!

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Chapter: 14

A/N: I know, I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. If you're a fan of "A Whole New Life" then you'll
know I was finishing it up. So, while I may need to be punished – I'll try to please you by posting
a longer, harder chapter than usual.

Chapter Thirteen – Lessons

Bella POV

"You wanted to see me professor?" I asked in my sweet girlish voice. He looked up from his
desk, the firelight playing on his glasses. The scholarly academic look was so hot. I only hoped
he was as … inspired by my own attire.

"Ah, yes… Miss Swan… Take a seat." He said, looking back down and finishing the paper he
was working on. I sat in the hard wooden chair, watching him. I tried to sit still, but I fidgeted
slightly, causing my short skirt to ride up an inch or so on my bare thighs. He noticed, and his
eyes widened infinitesimally.

"Okay, Miss Swan." He said, finally looking up. "I called you in here because it was obvious in
class earlier this week that you were trying to gain my attention. These efforts were wholly
inappropriate, and I feel it is something we need to discuss." He fixed me in his gaze and I
sighed. This wasn't going well at all. "Furthermore, I have requested that you be transferred to
another section." My head shot up and I looked at him imploringly. "There is another section
with a different instructor during this same time period; your schedule will not be adversely

I looked down at the floor and said "Yes, Professor Cullen. I'm… I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to
upset you. I'll be going." I finished softly, and stood up.

"Miss Swan…" he said, touching my arm, "Bella." I looked up into his face, and was surprised to
find that he looked conflicted. "I have to ask you – why? You had to have known that I couldn't
enter into an inappropriate relationship with one of my students, even if…" he faltered.

"Even if?" I asked softly.

"Even if… if it were possible that you were attracted to me like that." He said looking at the
floor. "You are beautiful and brilliant – you have a wonderful future ahead of you. Why would
you be attracted to me?" I swallowed my fear and took his hand, bringing it to my face. I looked
directly into his eyes, and leaned into his palm. He sighed, and pulled my face up to his and

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kissed me softly. I turned so that he was in front of the wooden chair and pushed him down into
it. I straddled his lap, and his hands went to my thighs, just under my skirt. He ran his hands from
the bottom of my lacy boy shorts down to the top of my knee socks. He groaned softly into my
mouth as I kissed him. I ground my hips against his growing erection, and he finally broke the

Edward POV

"You look so fucking hot in this outfit." I said in a growl, breaking out of my unconvincing
professor role. I didn't want to play games anymore. I couldn't take much more teasing, and that
skirt was just sinful. Well, not to mention the fact that my father would be furious if he came
home and found us doing it in his study. The combination of those factors had dialed up the
intensity of the encounter, and I wanted her so much it was almost painful. Only one more thing
to add to the excitement factor, I thought as I pulled the digital camera out of my bag.

"Stand up, Miss Swan." I said, trying not to let my voice crack with the intensity of my arousal.
She stood in front of me and I took in her 'uniform' fully. She had her hair up in a pony-tail held
there with a simple red ribbon. I wanted to pull her hair down and hold onto it firmly, guiding
her mouth over my hard cock. Her white button down was almost too small for her, and the red
lace bra she wore underneath was visible if I just peeked down. The shirt hugged each and every
one of her curves and was short enough to show her flat stomach. I wanted to grab each side of
the shirt and pull it violently apart, popping off the buttons as I slammed into her. Then there was
the skirt… God, the skirt… It was short, and black and red plaid. It was pleated so when she
moved, I got a better glimpse of her creamy thighs. I wanted to throw the hem up over her back
as I bent her over the desk. The knee socks, though innocent enough were so fucking sexy. I
wanted to feel them on my shoulders as I buried my face between her legs. I snapped a few
posed pictures of her in her school girl outfit. I would definitely be using these to stroke off at
some point in the future. Of that, I had no doubt. Maybe next time I could get her to put her hair
up in pig tails, so naughty…

"Take off your panties and hand them to me." I said in a low, gruff voice. She looked at me with
a smirk and then turned. Bending at the waist to give me a delicious view of her ass, she hooked
her thumbs around the top of her boy shorts and started to pull them down. Tantalizingly slowly,
they dropped over her rounded buttocks and then down her toned legs. She bent even further, and
I needed to adjust myself, my Dockers entirely too tight now. I snapped a few more pictures of
her as she bent in front of me. I moaned as I pulled the camera away and reviewed them on
screen. She stepped out of her panties, and picked them up. She held them out for me, and I put
them to my face for just a second before putting them in my pocket.

"Now, I want to see what I'm risking my job for. Sit in that winged back chair behind the desk
and put one leg over each of the arms." She smiled and then walked over to the chair. Sitting
down daintily at first, she shifted and pulled her skirt up from under her. She shivered as her skin
touched the cold leather. She twisted and threw one leg over the side and then repositioned and
threw the other leg over the other arm. She was now sitting across the desk from me, spread wide
in the chair. I put the camera up to take a few more shots and she smiled. She was such a little

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"Nice." I said softly. "Very nice." She smiled, and pulled her skirt up a little higher so that my
view was completely open. "Show me how you want me to touch you." I said in a low voice.
Looking directly into my eyes, she began pinching her nipples through her shirt. She reached
under her shirt and pulled her bra up over her breasts, and then resumed teasing her nipples. I
snapped a few more shots of her exposed breasts, and her tantalizing teasing display. Her hips
began to roll softly against the chair, and she closed her eyes. As her fingers moved down over
her exposed stomach, she hissed softly and moved her hips more urgently.

"Does it excite you that I'm watching you touch yourself?" I asked softly as her hands slid
between her legs. She used one hand to hold herself open to me while the other stroked her wet
sex. I could see that she was very wet, very excited by the glint of moisture on her fingers as they
moved. I reached down and unbuttoned my pants to relieve the pressure on my nearly painful
arousal. I held up the camera again, but this time I started taking video. I would watch this again
later, maybe we could watch it together. Maybe I could watch it while she was on her knees in
front of me. Yes, I liked that idea.

"Mmmmmm….. Edward…." She moaned softly as she slid her fingers inside of herself. The
sight of her pleasuring herself, in combination with hearing her moan my name destroyed my
resolve completely. I had to have her, now. We would explore each other more fully later, but for
now I wanted to take her right here across my father's desk. As I stood up, her eyes opened and
she watched me walk toward her. I set the camera on a nearby shelf and set it to take a picture
every 10 seconds. I would get some really nice candid shots that way. I could always delete the
ones that didn't come out.

I reached out silently for her hand, and she offered it without hesitation. I pulled it to my mouth
and licked her fingers. She moaned as I sucked them, knowing that I was tasting her on them. I
pulled her up out of the chair, and bent her over the desk. She reached back and pulled the back
of her skirt up, baring herself to me. I just stood watching for a moment, she looked so damned
hot –spread and bent over the desk, her skirt hiked up. Just then the camera flashed again, and I

I pushed my pants and boxers down to my knees roughly, and grabbed her hips in my hands.
Rubbing myself against her slowly from behind, she moaned and pushed her ass back against
me. "Tell me what you want." I said in her ear.

She cried out in frustration "I want you to fuck me hard, Professor." She said, drawing out the
word 'professor' into three syllables. "I want you to drill me into the desk and make me cum hard
around you." I groaned softly at her words, and thrust my cock into her. She responded with an
open mouthed moan of her own, and drove her hips back against me, pushing me deeper. I
checked the mantle clock over the fireplace and then did as she asked and drilled her into the
desk. We didn't have a lot of time for niceties. I grabbed her hips hard in my fingers, leaving red
marks as I drove into her. She was panting and crying out as I hit that spot over and over.

"Turn your face this way, toward the camera. I want to see the pictures of your orgasm when we
get home." I said pulling her pony-tail lightly to get her to turn her head. The camera was

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positioned to the side, and slightly back from us. It would be a nice angle to get her expressions.
I think I may just have a new screen saver for my laptop.

I kicked her legs farther apart, and pushed her hard against the desk with my thrusts. I felt that
tingle start to build in my stomach and I moved faster, deeper into her. Her sex tightened and
pulsed around me, and then she grabbed the far edge of the desk and cried out my name. Her
muscles locked and she suddenly felt so fucking tight. The added friction of her spasming around
me caused me to orgasm violently, exploding into her. I kept thrusting into her until my orgasm
subsided, and then I collapsed onto my forearms, my forehead against her back. "Fuck, Bella." I
said, panting. "That was amazing."

As I stood up on shaking legs, and grabbed the camera, turning it off. I had just put it in my bag
when I caught a flash of light on the far wall and turned around. The light had reflected off of my
father's car, now in the drive. I pulled my boxers and pants up quickly as Bella straightened her
clothes. I quickly wiped down the desk and chair while Bella lit a nearby candle. We were just
reaching the bookcase when the door opened.

I looked up, and said "Hi Dad. We were just looking for that book on neurological dysfunction
that you and I were talking about. I'd like to use it for my next paper." I lied wildly. He quirked
one eyebrow at me, and then walked slowly to the bookcase. He pulled down the book in
question and handed it to me. I took it, and we made to leave.

"Edward?" he asked suddenly. "I'd love to read that paper when you've finished. I find
neurological dysfunctions fascinating, especially from the perspective we discussed." I nodded,
trying to figure out what class I could write a paper for with that particular subject. "Oh, and the
next time you want a book from my library, feel free to stop by. But you might want to hide
Bella's panties a little more carefully in your pocket to avoid… impropriety." He smirked. "Now,
since my study already smells like sex, I think I'll go find your mother." Damn, that was so
. He couldn't have just yelled? Ewwww… At least I had 50 or so shots of our encounter to
console me…

"Let's go home, Bella. I have something to show you on the computer." I said, winking at her.
We walked hand in hand out of my father's study, and then out of my parents' house.

When we got to the car, she pushed me up against it hard. She leaned up and asked me in a low
voice, "Will you let me see the pictures while you're on your knees with your head between my
legs?" I moaned - the sound coming from low in the back of my throat. My arousal was rising
again thinking about the pictures, and about pleasuring her.

"Let's see how things go." I said softly. "I may not make it that long." She giggled. "I was
thinking maybe we could pick up some takeout first." I told her with a wicked grin as she
climbed in the car.

"Oh…" she said softly, a surprised but amused expression on her face. "I just felt a draft.
That's… amazingly pleasant." She grinned, as I lay my head back against the seat rest and closed
my eyes. It was taking everything I had not to reach over and put my hand under her skirt. As an

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alternative, I laid my hand on her naked thigh. She sighed, and I started the car.

By the time we arrived at our favorite Chinese place, my hand had traveled higher on her thigh to
just under her skirt. Her skin was so soft; it felt nice under my hand. I got out of the car
reluctantly, and opened her door for her. She got out slowly, careful not to give any of the
passersby a show. I grinned at her, and she gave me a rueful smile back. We went in and placed
our order. It was busy, even for a Saturday night. So, I sat on the end of a bench full of people,
and she sat down on my lap. She had shifted her skirt from under her, and I could feel her heat
through my pants. It was maddening. The material was starting to get a little damp when our
name was finally called. We took our bag and nearly ran for the car, and home.

I popped in the memory card for the camera, and we cycled through the pictures while we ate.
We stopped every so often to delete a bad image, or save a really good image to a folder. By the
time we'd gone through all of the images, we were finished with dinner. She grabbed my hand
and led me to the rug in front of the fireplace. "You have something I want." She said with a sly
grin and reached for my belt.

"Eager are we?" I asked, grinning back at her.

"Uh huh." She said as she pulled down my pants and boxers. I stepped out of them, as she slid
her hands under my shirt. "Mmmmm… I love the way your chest feels under my fingers." She
sighed. "I love touching every part of you."

"I love the way your fingers feel on my chest." I said honestly, as she pulled my shirt over my
head. "And I love it when you touch me." I breathed as she started to get to her knees.

"Wait." I said quickly, pulling her hands so she stood up. She looked at me puzzled, and a little
offended. "I had a different idea." I pulled the rest of her clothes off quickly so that we were both
naked in front of the fire. She watched me, a little skeptical but I then I lay down on the rug.
With my hands on her legs, I turned her so that she had one foot on either side of head. She
smiled down at me as I relished the view, and then understanding dawned in her eyes. She knelt
straddling my face and leaned forward. I used my fingers to open her and my tongue entered her
as she took me into her mouth. I groaned loudly into her sex. It was difficult to concentrate on
what I was supposed to be doing with the feel of her mouth around me.

She moaned around my hard cock, sending vibrations up to the base of my spine. I lifted my hips
off the floor involuntarily, and she sucked harder. I pulled her hips harder against my face, and
attacked her wet sex in earnest. I slid two fingers in as my tongue teased her. She started to grind
her hips against my face, silently begging for release. She sucked hard on my cock, stroking the
base with her hands. She knew that the more excited she made me, the more excited I would try
to make her – and she was dead on. I fucked her with my fingers, as I sucked her clit into my
mouth. She cried out sharply, but the sound was muffled as she pushed me deeper into her

After I slid one wet finger into her ass, she pulled her face away from me all together and just
stroked me with her hand. She was panting and groaning, unrelenting in the expression of her

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excitement, and unaware of anything but her arousal. She bucked hard against my hands,
pushing my fingers still deeper into her. She lay her head on my thigh and concentrated on
finding her release. Soon, I felt her hands stop moving and she wrapped her arms around my
legs, holding me tightly as her animalistic sounds grew louder. She was begging me without
words as she strained against my fingers. I moaned around her clit, sending the vibrations
through her and she stiffened. Her orgasm tore through her, and she stopped all movement, her
muscles locked in an effort to prolong the feeling. Her wet sex pressed hard against my face as I
continued to run my tongue over her clit. She was trembling now in the aftershocks of her
orgasm. I wrapped my arms around her hips and squeezed quickly, and then she rolled off of me
onto the rug panting.

"Holy hell, Edward." She sighed with her arms over her face. I grinned and rolled to face her,
kissing her shoulder softly. She got up onto her knees, and crawled over me until she was
kneeling between my legs. "Sorry about that, you distracted me." She said before her mouth was
once again firmly around my hard cock. I arched, and wound my fingers in her hair.

I thought about the pictures we had taken earlier, especially the ones of me pounding her into the
desk. I moaned loudly, and let myself feel her sucking me before asking softly "Bella? Can we…
I mean, I'd really like to…" I faltered. How do you ask the question?

She pulled away from me, just licking the head and said "Edward, whatever you want." She
sucked the head in deeply, and then pulled away again. "What do you want to do, love?" she
asked, licking again.

"Okay, first, it's difficult to concentrate with you doing that." I chuckled, and then I voiced my
desire "I'd love to have anal sex." I finished lamely.

She nodded, and then giggled. Pulling back again, she looked at me and asked with a smirk
"Who's giving and who's receiving?" I looked at her for a minute, not understanding. Then it hit
me, and the surprise must have registered on my face.

"Is that something you'd like?" I asked, unsure. "Would you want to… to take me like that?" I
know I blushed three shades of red thinking about her taking me with one of her strap-on toys.
The thought made me hot – very hot, which pushed my other thought back to the front.

"I'd like to try that, yes." She said honestly, getting up. "I'll be back in a second."

I panicked as she left the room. I didn't really mean right this second. This was something I'd
need to prepare myself for. I'd never been invaded like that. She came back less than a minute
later with a bottle of lubricant, but no toy. I was relieved.

"I think I'd like to try that too, just not right this second." I said as she lay down on her back. I
pulled her legs up high onto my shoulders, and put the lubricant on my fingers. I slowly slid my
fingers inside of her ass, and she closed her eyes – moaning softly. When her hips started to
move against my hand, I added a little more lubricant to my cock and then pressed the head
against her tight opening. She pulled her knees up, opening herself further to me and I entered

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her slowly. After moving my hips against her in a few slow deliberate strokes, I was buried deep
inside her.

She dug her fingers into my arms, her head rolling back, and with a deep groan said "Yeah,
baby… I love it when you fuck my ass like this… It makes me so fucking hot." Then she moved
to meet my thrusts as I moved faster. "Yeah, harder… Fuck, Edward…" I moved a little harder
into her, not wanting to hurt her. She reached down and started to stroke herself. She spread her
legs wider, and pressed her fingers hard against her clit as she rolled her hips. I caught some of
the things she was mumbling, and those random things fueled my need for release even more. I
love it when she's so turned on that she has no filter, she just says whatever comes to mind.
"Yeah… Fuck my ass…" and then "Fuck me hard…" Absently, I heard her cry out as I exploded
into her ass. I knew she had gotten there too, but in that moment all I could focus on was my own
release. I strained to drive myself deeper with that last thrust, shooting my cum deep into her ass
as I nearly screamed with the sensation of it.

I pulled out quickly and collapsed on top of her, panting into her neck. She wrapped her arms
around me and kissed my cheek, her breath coming in gasps against my face. "God, I love you."
She moaned into my shoulder as I started to get more control of my limbs. I wrapped my arms
around her and rolled onto my back, bringing her with me. I kissed her, softly but deeply as her
hands cradled my face.

"As I love you." I said between kisses. "You are the best thing that could have ever happened to
me, love. You are everything I have ever dreamed of. I am the luckiest husband on earth." She
giggled, and snuggled up into me with her face pressing against my neck. We laid there for a
long time, just enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms.

Idea Box: Teacher/Student

Patent Peekaboo Poses: The 69 positioning

Goodbyeiloveu: Teacher/student – catholic school outfit

Carlisle's study, the camera, & going for commando Chinese – all me. ;)

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Chapter: 15

A/N: Okay, graphic doesn't even begin to describe this chapter. I alluded to it in the last chapter,
and the previous chapter quote gives a fairly good indication of what's coming. So, don't flame
me if you don't like the content, because I did warn you. The graphic content is in between the –

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marks so you can read around it if you'd like. Oh, and while I had been planning on this since I
wanted to do it in Fantasies – someone else actually suggested it too.

A/N: This is all Bella POV – Edward is a little too overwhelmed to think clearly and couldn't
give a coherent POV. Or, it just came out much better from her POV.

"Is that something you'd like?" I asked, unsure. "Would you want to… to take me like that?" I
know I blushed three shades of red thinking about her taking me with one of her strap-on toys.
The thought made me hot – very hot.

Chapter Fourteen – Square Pegs

Bella POV

I knew that for this to have a chance of working, I was going to have to get him really excited
first. From my own experience, I knew that it wasn't uncomfortable if I was so horny that I didn't
care what else happened. So, I laid him down on the bed, all of our clothing gone, and kissed his
chest. Straddling over his thigh, I pressed my wet naked sex against his skin, and he moaned
softly running his fingers in my hair. "It feels like you've started without me." He said,

"Don't worry." I replied with a wink. "I'll catch you up in no time." I said as I took his nipple in
my teeth. He arched his back in response, his hands gripping harder in my hair. I took my time
with first one then the other nipple. I knew that I was having the desired effect because he
bucked his hips up, pushing his erection against my soft stomach. He moaned loudly at the
friction it created, and then I slid down making sure to create more friction. He felt my soft cheek
sliding over his stomach, and it tensed. Finally, my mouth was just inches from his erection. I
lifted it gently and he hissed. I pulled his balls into my mouth, running my tongue over them, and
sucking on them lightly.

"Oh God, Bella… Please… God…" he choked out as I massaged his inner thighs and continued
to tease him. When I finally took him into my mouth, his hips came up off the bed. "Yeah,
baby… fuck…" he moaned as his hips found a rhythm and he slid in and out of my mouth. I
grabbed the KY warming gel from where I'd set it on the bed. Pulling him gently to his side, I
kept sucking him as I applied the gel to my fingers. I pushed him deep into my mouth and slid
one finger tentatively into his rectum. He rolled this time and was then straddled over my face.
His gentle thrusts into my mouth pushed my head back into the bed while I continued to slide
first one, then two fingers inside of him. I heard him moaning loudly, and he moved his hips
faster. I added a third finger, stretching him open to make my penetration easier.

As I felt him spasm and tighten around my fingers, I knew his body was ready. I pulled myself
from under him, and he groaned. He stayed in the same position, on his hands and knees. I
grabbed the strap on toy from the end of the bed and fastened it quickly adding lubricant to it.
"Are you sure, baby?" I asked him softly.

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"Yeah." He moaned softly. "Do it."

I pushed my hips forward slowly, just enough for it to enter him. He hissed softly, but made no
other noise. Then, he started to push his hips back against me. I let him set the pace. He pushed
back cautiously, so that it slid in a fraction more with each movement. Finally, after a few
minutes my skin touched his, and we stopped. He spread his legs farther apart and arched his
back, a good sign that this was completely turning him on. I saw his hands move up to fist the
pillow that his forehead rested on. He moaned loudly, and I asked him "Edward, are you okay?"

"Uh huh" he said, breathlessly. I saw his hands tighten on the pillow, and he pushed back again
gently. "Please…" he said in a low, soft voice. "Don't stop…"

I put my hands on his hips and gave a tender squeeze, and then pulled back gently and entered
him again – only this time, I started a gentle rhythm instead of pausing. He moved his hips
minutely higher as I pushed into him. After a few minutes, I heard him whimpering into the
pillow. There was no coherency to the sounds as they flowed in time with my rhythm. I'm not
sure he even realized he was making them. They grew louder as I gently pushed harder into him,
and he grabbed the pillow tighter, the fabric of the pillow case now pulled taught.

Then, I heard his voice, strained and quiet, "So close… please…"

"Please what, Love?" I asked just as quietly. I wanted to know what he needed to push him over
the edge. I loved making him lose control.

"Just a little… faster…" he moaned. I picked up the pace gently, and reached around his hips
taking his straining erection in my hand. His whimpering grew completely uncontrolled, and he
rocked his hips back to meet mine. I stroked him in time with the new rhythm we'd set, and I
could feel it almost jerking in my hand. He was close, very close.

"Oh God… Oh God…" he whimpered and moaned, his lips just inches from the pillow. "Bella,
please…" I don't know what he was pleading for, but I tightened my grip and stroked him faster.
Even his whimpers were pleading now as they increased in volume and frequency. Suddenly he
cried out "Fuck… Ahhhh.. Fuck… I'm coming…" and as I heard a loud ripping noise, I felt him
pulsing in my hand. I stopped the rhythm and began to pull out slowly as his orgasm coursed
through him. By the time he started to go limp in my hand, I had moved all the way back and out
of him. He collapsed onto the bed, panting and whimpering softly. I removed the toy and tossed
it onto the floor before I lay down next to him. I brushed his hair out of his eyes, and studied his
face. It was the perfect picture of distress.

He didn't move for a full ten minutes while he recovered from his experience. He didn't speak; he
didn't even look up at me. He just panted into the pillow, whose case had been ripped in half with
the force of his orgasm. Finally, he got up and walked over to the dresser. He pulled out the four
leather cuffs and without saying a word and came back to the bed pushing me down onto my
back. He straddled my chest quickly and pushed my hands over my head. I tried to resist,
half-heartedly, having no idea what he was planning. He got the wrist cuffs onto me and then
quickly stood up and rolled me over. He clipped the cuffs together effortlessly. I felt rather than

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saw the ball gag going into my mouth and being tied behind my head. I cried out in protest, but
the cry was muffled almost completely by the gag. I felt him putting the cuffs on my ankles now
too, and then he clipped those together as well.

He grabbed a pillow from the bed and walked out of my line of sight. I could hear him moving,
but couldn't see what he was doing. After a few minutes, he walked back over to the bed, and
picked me up by my waist. He stood me on my feet and then reached down and unclipped the
cuffs on my ankles. He turned me around and I saw the wooden straight backed chair. The pillow
he'd grabbed was on the seat and a different strap on was strapped on top of the pillow. The
realistic looking vibrator attached to the strap was pointed straight up.

Leaning down until his lips were at my ear, he said in a low voice "Since you had such a good
time dominating and humiliating me." I whined imploringly through my gag. I wasn't trying to
humiliate him; I just wanted to please him. "Now it's your turn. You are going to work yourself
on this toy until you find your release, and I am going to watch you." He pushed me over to the
chair, in spite of my muffled pleas and connected my ankle cuffs to the rings in the floor under
the chair. He held the toy as I lowered myself down onto it. I was completely turned on by what I
had done to him, so it slid in easily. He held me in that position and unclipped my wrists. He
bound them to the chain over my head so that my arms were stretched. Then he stood off to the

I closed my eyes and started to work myself on the phallus strapped to the chair. Pushing
forwards and backwards, and up and down I finally found a method that not only pushed it
deeply into me but also slid it lightly against my clit. I knew that I would be able to make myself
orgasm like this. Finding my stride, I started to move faster. It wasn't until I felt the hard slap of
the paddle on my naked buttocks that I realized that Edward had moved behind me.

"Nice." He commented as I cried out with another stinging slap of the paddle. "Very nice." He
said as he spanked me over and over. My ass was on fire now. I worked myself harder,
whimpering imploringly against the gag, desperate to know what I had done to displease him.
The tears began streaming down my cheeks, now flushed with my efforts. "Beautiful." He said
softly. After what seemed like an impossibly long time, the paddling stopped. My stride never
faltered, as I worked myself mercilessly and panted into the gag.

After a moment, I felt his hands move around me and then begin stroking my breasts. I moaned
loudly into the gag as he teased and tormented my nipples. He pinched them, and rolled them
roughly in his fingers. All the while, I never slowed the rhythm of my hips on the chair.
Suddenly, I felt his lips at my ear and his breath on my neck. "I can't even tell you how fucking
hot you look like this. Your ass is red, and your face is flushed. You're bound naked and helpless
just for me. You make me so fucking hard." To emphasize that point, I felt his erection press
against my back.

"Does it feel good? Do you like fucking yourself for me like this?" I moaned against the gag. I
was getting so very close now. His words, and the lust in his voice were just fueling it higher.
And then he was gone from my side again. I closed my eyes, trying desperately to find my
release. I heard him walking back to me, but I still didn't open my eyes, and then behind my

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closed lids I saw it – a flash. My eyes flew open and I saw that he had the digital camera and was
taking pictures of me. I was mortified, but at the same time it excited me still further. After he'd
snapped at least a dozen images, he threw the camera onto the bed and grabbed my waist, stilling
my movements. He reached to the toy inside me and all of a sudden, it was vibrating. I let out a
scream behind the gag, and he released me.

I plunged myself still harder onto the chair, the vibrations causing me to tighten around the toy.
It wouldn't be long at all now. He stood in front of me, and reached down to start stroking
himself. I was mesmerized by the sight of it. He was masturbating, watching me. I watched him
for just a minute more until the sensations were too much and I threw my head back. I stopped
moving and let my orgasm wash through me, spurred on by the vibrating toy buried deep inside
me. I panted into the gag and looked up. Edward's face was ablaze with lust and flushed with his
own impending release. I saw him tighten his grip, and noticed faintly that he'd used some kind
of lubrication causing his hand to slide effortlessly as he stroked himself. He was groaning now,
his eyes closed. Without warning, he started to cum over my chest. I watched as he released onto
my naked and waiting body, his head thrown back with the pleasure of it.

He reached forward and put a hand on my shoulder to steady himself as his orgasm subsided.
"Holy fucking hell." He moaned softly, and then reached down to turn off the toy that was still
vibrating gently inside me. He untied me and pulled the toy out, setting me back on the pillow,
then went into the bathroom. I heard the faucet start as he began to fill our large bathtub. As the
water filled the tub, he quickly cleared up the mess from our encounter, and then picked me up
and carried me into the bathroom. After testing the water and turning off the taps, he set me
down and got into the tub. I quickly climbed in after him and settled myself into his open arms. I
leaned back against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry about that." He said slowly.

"Don't be." I said, giggling. "That was… I don't know what that was… It was definitely hot, and
I certainly enjoyed myself. I'm just not sure what brought that on?"

He sighed and tightened his arms around me. "I… Well, I liked what you did to me. I don't think
I've ever had an orgasm quite that intense before. But it made me feel… well… a little
emasculated. When it was over, I felt a powerful need to… to take control." He kissed my neck

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way. You also said that you felt humiliated. I never meant

"Shhhh…" he said softly. "You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't do anything I didn't ask for,
and you certainly didn't do anything I didn't enjoy." He reached up for a wash cloth and the body
wash and started rubbing it over me. "It's something that I would like to try again, actually.
Maybe not often, but sometimes…"

"I just want to please you, Edward." I said softly.

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He wrapped his arms around me again, and kissed my cheek. "You are amazing, my Bella. I love
you." He said softly in my ear.

"I love you too." I said giggling a little, "my Edward."

Idea Box: "Bella pegging Edward"

Ppinecone: Edward being taken by Bella

The retaliation – all me.

A/N: There is another I want to do – Edward/Bella/Jasper – but I think that may be a little much
for people. So I may just do that as a one-shot. After the firestorm I got hit with for the
Bree/Edward oral sex – I'm not putting another full-blown threesome in here. Pun totally
intended. ;)
If you want to read a good one, try mayafandom's The Arrangement - totally
freaking hot. All I Ever Knew is hott too, but it's just JxE minus the B. :)

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Chapter: 16

A/N:Before we do anything else, I have to say thanks to all of you guys who read this. I just
surpassed 500 reviews. You have no idea the warm fuzzies that gives me. :) Oh, yeah, and the
more warm fuzzies I have, the more I can pass on to you.. So, thanks so much! :)

There is another story I want to do – Edward/Bella/Jasper – but I think that may be a little much
for people. So I may just do that as a one-shot. After the firestorm I got hit with for the
Bree/Edward oral sex – I'm not putting another full-blown threesome in here. Pun totally
intended. ;)

A/N: Well, once again you guys surprised me – most of my reviews were practically begging for
the E/B/J threesome – so here it is. It will go for three chapters (a long weekend, if you will). Oh,
and thanks to antiaol for explaining the reasoning behind the fact that it's okay for Bella to do
Jasper, but Edward can't receive oral from Bree. Not being married, and being gender
indiscriminant ;) I didn't really get that.

So – on with the story…

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Chapter Fifteen – Closer

Bella POV

"Jazz!" Edward called as he opened the front door, and then stepped aside to admit a truly
striking man. He wasn't as traditionally gorgeous as Edward, but he could certainly hold his own.
Jasper Whitlock was tall with wavy blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing tight
faded blue jeans and a Led Zeppelin T-Shirt, comfortable clothes for the flight no doubt, but they
looked good on him. And probably just as good off of him…

"Jasper, this is my wife, Bella." Edward said, putting his arm around my waist. Oh yeah…
married… Edward…
I reached out my hand to shake his, but he picked me up in a hug.

"Nope, no handshakes for Eddie's best gal." He squeezed me in his strong arms, and then said
"Nice to meet you, darlin'." God that accent was freaking hot. Okay, think about something else

"Hey Jazz, wanna go out to a club later? You up for it?" Edward asked, grabbing his bag off the
floor to take it up to the guest room.

"Sure, man." Jasper said with a grin. "You know I'm always up for goin' out. What about you
Bells? You want to go drinkin' with us losers later?" he asked with a wink. Oh, hell yes. Would
you both do body shots off of me? Please?

"Someone has to keep you two in line, I suppose." I said, smiling. "You two get loaded and God
only knows whose bed you'd end up in."

"The only bed we'd end up in is yours." Edward said running his hand lightly over my bottom. I
looked up at him with a smirk, wondering if he caught what he'd said. We'd end up…

"Let's get ready, go out and have a nice dinner, and then go clubbing for a while." He said,
wrapping his arms around my waist. He leaned down and murmured softly in my ear "Love
you…" I kissed him softly and ran upstairs to get ready.

We spent a couple of hours at dinner eating, drinking wine, and telling stories about Edward and
Jasper's childhood. Edward was such a good boy when he was younger, it really wasn't a
surprise. It was Jasper that was the rebel and got them into trouble.

"You remember after homecoming junior year? Emmett almost caught us…" Jasper asked,

Almost immediately, Edward turned red and said "I don't think Bella needs to hear that story,
Jasper." He gave Jasper a significant look. It bothered me that Edward stopped Jasper from
finishing his story. Was there something that Edward felt the need to keep from me? We'd never
had secrets before. It hurt a little to think that he felt the need to censor his childhood friend.

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We left soon after that and went to our favorite club. After a few drinks we hit the dance floor.
At first, I tried to dance with Edward and Jasper equally so that Jasper didn't feel left out. When
the alcohol had taken a good hold, we started dancing together. I knew I was in trouble when
Closer from Nine Inch Nails started, and both guys pressed me tightly between them.

You let me violate you…

You let me desecrate you…

You let me penetrate you…

And at that, I lost myself in the feeling of Edward's hard lean body pressing into my front and
Jasper's hot muscled body pressing into me from behind. It was a delicious kind of torture. I put
one hand on Edward's hip, pulling him harder against me and one back around Jasper's neck,
fisting his hair. No one else on the dance floor existed apart from the three of us.

I wanna fuck you like an animal…

I wanna feel you from the inside…

I wanna fuck you like an animal…

I felt them, both of them, hard against me now. Jasper's erection was pressed into my lower back
and Edward's into my stomach. It was a euphoric feeling, knowing that both of these Gods
among men wanted me. Dancing with me was making them hard, making them as hot as it made
me. Edward's hand moved down from my back to my ass, and he gripped it hard. I looked up at
him and his eyes were on fire, smoldering into mine. He leaned down and kissed me hard as
Jasper pressed into my back.

Jasper's hand moved up from my waist, under the thin shirt I was wearing. He stopped moving it
just below my breast, and my body was on fire. I was so conflicted. I wanted his hand higher, I
wanted him to be touching me – but it wasn't Edward's hand. Jasper's lips were at my neck, he
wasn't kissing it, just breathing hard against my skin. It was maddening.

Except for timing our slow sensual movements, I'd forgotten completely about the song. I looked
up in time to see Jasper give Edward a look, and Edward nod. Edward leaned down on the other
side of my neck and murmured softly in my ear. "Baby, do you want for us to take you..." he
paused and then added "home?" I moaned softly, pressed myself harder against him and nodded.

Jasper brought his lips to my ear, and after grazing my earlobe gently with his teeth said "Do you
feel how hard we are for you?" in a low husky voice. To illustrate his point, he pressed his
erection against me. I nodded, and Edward caught my lips quickly with his. Jasper let his fingers
move higher with Edward's body to block anyone's view. He ran his hand over my breast, and
then teased my nipple with his fingers. I moaned into Edward's mouth, and he pulled back

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"Let's go." He said to Jasper, and nearly pulled me off the dance floor. Jasper was right behind us
as we made our way to the car. Edward opened my door for me, and in minutes we were off. I
took the opportunity when Edward put his arm around my shoulders to tease him a bit further. I
put my hand on his thigh, and he sighed loudly. I noticed that he was still hard from our dancing
exploits. I decided to have a little fun with him. I let my hand trail higher up his thigh and
surprisingly he did nothing to stop me. We had a third party in the car, and he was going to let
me play. I thought about Jasper watching us from the back seat, and it emboldened me.

I reached over and opened his jeans. He hissed but made no other movement or sound. He lifted
willingly as I pulled his jeans and boxers down just enough to free his straining erection. I
whispered a quick "Don't kill us." in Edward's ear. I knew Jasper couldn't see what I was doing
but he certainly heard Edward's low "Yeah… baby…" as I sucked him into my mouth. I ran my
tongue over him, and then sucked hard as I stroked him with my hand. His breathing accelerated,
and he moaned loudly into the quiet of the car. Each time that he would turn, or slow down I
would pull back and run my tongue hard over the head. After a few minutes, I felt him pull off
the road completely.

Edward POV

"That feels so fucking good Bella." I moaned as she continued to give me one of the best blow
jobs ever. I knew that part of the reason for the level of excitement was that Jasper was watching,
but I didn't care. When I pulled the car over and put it in park, I began lifting my hips off the seat
and thrusting into her mouth. She responded by squeezing me harder with her fingers. Then, I
felt it, and I was too fucking far gone to care. Jasper had leaned forward in his seat and was
pinching my nipples through my shirt. The added sensation, and the knowledge of who was
causing the sensation flung me over the edge, and I thrust my cock into her mouth as my orgasm
tore through me. I pressed my head back into the headrest, and cried out. I grabbed the wheel so
hard, it's a wonder it didn't splinter in my hands. I came into her hot mouth for what seemed like
forever, but yet not nearly long enough. She continued to lick my softening cock, and I
whimpered and pulled her away – overcome by the sensitivity.

Jasper slid back into his seat just before Bella pulled my boxers and jeans back up. She winked at
me as she scooted back over into her seat. I panted as I put the car into drive and finally we made
it back home.

Before I could get out of the car, Jasper had opened Bella's door. She grinned and was in the
process of thanking him when he leaned down and threw her over his shoulder. She squealed in
protest, but he just smacked her on the bottom. She moaned and the quick spank and I heard him
murmur to her "Well, that's good to know…" After I unlocked the door, he carried her upstairs to
our bedroom and I was right behind him.

He set her down and then leaned forward and kissed her neck softly. She looked at me, her eyes
wide. I nodded and she turned her head to kiss him fully. I knew that I should be jealous that
another man was kissing my wife, but it's Jasper. He's like a brother to me, and he only wants to
please us both. It's more about the emotion than the sex for Jasper – he wants to be closer to
Bella and me.

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I heard him say in a low quiet voice in her ear "Is it my turn now?" and then he winked at her.
She didn't bother looking to me for permission this time, but pulled his t-shirt up over his head.
She traced her tongue over the tattoo on his pectoral, and then lightly over each nipple. I settled
myself in the wooden chair by the bed and watched them. His eyes closed as her teeth closed
over his nipple, and he moaned. "Mmmmm… That's nice, darlin'." He drawled in his accent, and
began to run his fingers through her hair. He looked up at me and asked "Don't you wanna play
too, Eddie?" He smirked at me as Bella unbuttoned his jeans.

"Nope. I wanna watch." I said, and I found that it was true. I was usually so… preoccupied while
Bella did this to me that I never really watched. I wanted to watch her expressions, and reactions.
I loved watching and hearing her reactions when she was aroused. It's so erotic.

Jasper stepped out of his jeans, and then put his hand on Bella's cheek. She grinned up at him,
and then holding his gaze pulled him forward so that his erection slid into her mouth. He gasped,
and his hands slid back into her hair. As she bobbed her head back and forth, letting him slowly
fuck her mouth, he moaned "Christ, Edward you weren't kidding." Then, looking down at her he
said "Bella, baby this is fucking incredible."

She moaned softly around him, and his head fell back. Her hips started to move in time with her
mouth, and it was so fucking hot to watch. Her hands went up between them and I barely saw her
start to stroke him with her fingers. His hands tightened in her hair, and I saw the muscles in his
arms and chest tighten as well. He was grunting softly, panting as he slid in an out of her mouth.
Within minutes he had pushed deep into her mouth and let out a low "fuck" as he came. She
continued to tease him even after he'd finished like she had with me. His hands started to shake,
and his body jerked once as he pulled away from her. "My God, woman." He said as he grabbed
her hands and pulled her to her feet. She giggled, and then as if remembering that I was watching
quickly looked at me. I smiled and she relaxed.

I looked up at Jasper and said "Well, I think she deserves a turn, don't you think Jazz?" He spun
her so that she was facing me, and pressed up against her from behind.

"Oh yeah, she's definitely earned at least two orgasms." He said low in her ear, and she closed
her eyes. I shed my clothing quickly, and then pressed up against her front – just like when we
were dancing. Only now, we could get much closer, and more intimate. She moved her hand up
to his hair as he stood behind her, and he kissed her neck, moaning softly as she pulled her hair a
little harder to bring him closer. I reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it up
and off. Jasper's hands came around to her stomach tracing lazy circles in her skin. Her head
dropped back against his chest, and I reached for the button of her jeans. As I pulled them down,
I placed slow soft kisses on her now bare thighs and her other hand went to my hair.

I stood again and looked at her, she was breathing heavily, and her eyes closed as Jasper caressed
her stomach. I nodded at him and he reached behind her to unclasp her bra. I pulled her panties
down and off, and within seconds she was a naked goddess before us. I went to pull the
bedclothes down to the end of the bed as he picked her up in his arms. He laid her in the center
of the bed with her head on the pillows, treating her like something very precious – and of course

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she is.

We situated ourselves on either side of her, and each took the hand closest to us in one of ours.
We held her hands over her head, and placed identical kisses down her exposed arms.
Goosebumps erupted over her skin as we reached her shoulders. Our mouths explored lower, and
watching each other's movements we both caressed a breast with our free hands. Her back
arched, and she gasped. Her hips made very subtle movements against the bed, as we teased her

Our free hands moved farther down over her hips to her thighs and finally to her knees. We each
pulled a knee up and out, over our hips. She was spread open on the bed, one knee over each of
us as we lay next to her. Our free hands moved from her knees up the insides of her thighs, as we
each took a nipple between our teeth. Her hips were grinding harder against the bed as I slid my
fingers lightly over her clit, and Jasper slid two fingers into her. She cried out and rode Jasper's
fingers with wild abandon. Apparently all of our teasing tonight had paid off, she was so hot for
us. As I slid my wet fingers in circles over her, she whimpered and I put my lips to her ear.

"Does that feel good, baby?" I asked softly, while Jasper kissed her other ear. She nodded
fervently, her eyes tightly closed. "You're so wet." I continued, moaning softly. I felt Jasper's
hand speed up as he fucked her with his fingers, so I sped up too. I rubbed her clit hard and fast,
and felt her bucking her hips harder in response. Very soon, she was grunting, and moaning –
panting with the onslaught of sensations. We were still holding her hands over her head, pinning
her to the bed while we brought her off. Her breasts were pink, and her face flushed as she
arched and writhed on the bed.

I moved quickly and replaced my fingers with my tongue. Jasper continued his ministrations, as I
sucked her clit. She spread her legs farther apart, and pushed her hips into my face. "Thatta girl.
Let go darlin'" Jasper said low against her neck, and he stopped his fingers deep inside her as I
felt her body start to spasm. She came hard into Jasper's hand, and I kept my tongue hard on her
clit even as she started to still.

Her legs trembled against us violently, and she cried out "Fucking hell, Edward!" in a second
less powerful orgasm. When I still didn't move my mouth, she pulled back from me and lay on
her side facing Jasper. He wrapped his arms around her. I chuckled and moved up to lay behind

I wrapped my arms around her waist and asked "Too much, love?" She shuddered in Jasper's
arms, and I leaned down and pulled the bedclothes up over us. We slept in a pile of naked limbs,
warm and satisfied.

A/N: In the next chapter – Jasper takes charge, and we find out what Edward didn't want Bella to
know at dinner.

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Chapter: 17

I wrapped my arms around her waist and asked "Too much, love?" She shuddered in Jasper's
arms, and I leaned down and pulled the bedclothes up over us. We slept in a pile of naked limbs,
warm and satisfied.

Chapter Sixteen – Major Whitlock

Bella POV

I woke up with a serious headache, covered in naked limbs. What the hell? I looked around and
saw a naked Edward snuggled up on one side, and a very naked Jasper snuggled up on the other.
Then, last night came back to me. We drank, we danced, and then… Oh… Then I gave Edward a
blow job in the car in front of Jasper. Then… Hmmmm… Then we came back here and I… Oh
no… I did the same for Jasper. Edward is going to kill me. He is going to kill Jasper. He nearly
took Jacob's head off and Jacob was only watching.

I slid out from between them and grabbed clothes from the dresser with shaking hands. Dressing
quickly in the bathroom, I went downstairs and put on coffee. He had left me when he even
thought I was going to sleep with Jacob. He's going to leave… I can't handle it if he leaves
again… I'll never drink again, I swear to God…
The coffee was nearly ready when Edward came
down. I was standing by the sliding glass doors watching the rain fall. The raindrops on the glass
mirrored my own tears. He came up behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Morning, love." He said softly.

The thought that he may never call me that again caused the tears to fall in earnest. My shoulders
shook slightly, and I heard his anxious voice in my ear "Bella, love, what is it?" Again, that
sentiment made the tears come harder. He turned me in his arms and I buried my face in his
chest. He held me tightly to him, and stroked my hair. "Baby, please…" he said softly, rubbing
my back. Then I felt him chuckle softly. "Does this have anything to do with the extra naked guy
in bed with us this morning?" I nodded slowly. He pulled back from me, and put his fingers
under my chin lifting it so that I looked at him. "Do you regret what we did last night, love?" he
asked softly, sadly.

"Do you?" I asked him, watching his face.

"Not at all." He said softly. "I love you, and I love Jasper – just in different ways. I… Well… I
don't have a problem expressing that love with either of you - so long as you're okay with it." He
finished, kissing me on the forehead.

"Aweeeee…" we heard from the doorway. "You make me tingle too, man." Jasper said with a
grin. "What's up with all this moroseness?" He asked looking between us. "Y'all want breakfast?

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I'll cook."

I broke out into giggles at his admission that Edward makes him tingle, and tried to get them to
sit down while I cooked. Jasper wouldn't hear of it, he said that breakfast was the only meal he
could cook, and that it was part of his southern hospitality. He made absolutely fabulous steak
and eggs, and then we went into the living room and piled on the couch.

We sat talking for a couple of hours, telling him about Edward's life (and by default, my life)
since we started college. We told him how we met, and fell in love. The opposition of our
families when we got married brought a little chuckle from him. He couldn't imagine Edward
doing anything to go against Carlisle "you are definitely one hell of a gal" he said rubbing my
legs as they lay across his lap. My upper torso was leaning against Edward, and he was stroking
my hair. It was a nice lazy afternoon. After getting married, we started talking about the
arrangement we'd made – the fantasy arrangement. We told him about Bree and Jacob and how
that whole fiasco turned out. When we told him about Carlisle's study, his face got eager –
almost like a little boy anticipating a present. "Can I see the pictures?" He asked, looking from
me to Edward.

Edward looked down to me, "what do you think, love?" he asked.

"Honestly, Edward – he's already seen me naked, what's the difference now?" I asked with a
laugh. So, Edward went to get the laptop and I stayed on the couch with Jazz. He moved my feet
and then moved over on the couch to sit in the middle between Edward and me. Edward came
back and sat the laptop in Jasper's lap, and then dropped onto the couch next to him. They found
the folder with the pictures, and Edward used the camera software to put them up as a slide
show. I watched as image after image of me, and then of us, appeared on the screen. Some of
them were relatively tame, like the ones of me in the school girl outfit. Others were not, like the
video of me pleasuring myself in Carlisle's office chair. That particular video ended and Jasper
peeked over at me with a hungry expression.

I stifled a groan as the next set of images started to come onto the screen. They were pictures that
Edward had taken of me 'working myself' on the chair last weekend. My hands were bound over
my head, and my eyes were closed as I tried desperately to achieve an orgasm. Then, we watched
the video he'd taken. I didn't know he'd put it on video, but we watched as we both achieved our
mutually exclusive releases.

"Fuck me…" Jasper said slowly as the video ended. We both looked at him surprised. "What?"
he asked innocently. "That was so dang hot. Who knew you guys were freaky like that…" I
giggled and Edward rolled his eyes. "Hey," he continued. "Tell me more about this 'suggestion
box'. Can anyone put a suggestion in?" he smirked.

"I never really thought about it." I said. "Why, did you want to put something in the box, Jazz?" I
asked with a grin.

"Maybe…" he said, grinning. "But it wouldn't do any good 'less it was the one y'all drew
tonight." I looked at Edward, he was grinning too.

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"Okay, Jazz. Since you're the guest, you write down your suggestion and pull it out of the box."
Edward said. "That way we're sure to get to it while you're here. But remember, all parties have
to agree." He warned.

"I think you're the only one that might balk, boy." Jasper said with a challenge in his voice. He
cocked one eyebrow at Edward.

"Dude, I'll do whatever you put in there." He said confidently. I looked at him incredulous. He
looked back at me "Have I ever said no to you?" he asked.

"No, actually." I said, thinking back. "You're right, you haven't."

"Fan-freakin'-tastic!" Jasper said, walking over to the idea box and grabbing the pen and paper
there. He wrote down just a few words. "Do I have to go through the motions of putting in the
damn box?" he asked.

"Give it to me." I said, and he walked over and put it in my hand. I opened it, and gasped. I
looked up at Jasper, and he grinned.

"You in darlin'?" he asked, smirking.

"Hell yeah, I'm in." I said laughing. "I can't wait to see Edward's face." I handed the paper to
Edward, his eyes lingering on me for a moment before he looked down at the paper. He

"You already agreed, boy." Jasper said with a laugh. "You gonna back down?" Edward shook his
head and laid the paper on the table. It read: Jasper dominates Edward and Bella

Edward POV

I had to tell her now; she was going to find out eventually anyway. I had no doubt what Jasper
had in mind if I was at his mercy. "Jazz, go ahead up to the bedroom. The stuff you're looking for
is in the top drawer of the dresser. Go through it and decide what you want to use. I'm going to
talk to Bella for a minute before we come up." I said slowly.

"Is this about your junior homecoming?" Bella asked, perceptively. I nodded.

"It's not something to be ashamed of, Edward." Jasper said disapprovingly. "I'm not." Then he
turned around and climbed the stairs.

"You and Jasper made out in high school?" she guessed. I nodded.

"We kissed, and did some fondling. We got off a few times." He looked down at the floor,
embarrassed. "After what we did last weekend, I thought maybe you'd think less of me… as a
man if you knew."

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"Edward Anthony Cullen." She said, and jerked my chin up. "Number one, I love that you're
inventive and open to experimentation when it comes to sex. I don't know what I'd do if you
weren't. Number two… Well… The thought of you and Jasper.. together… kindofturnsmeon."
She finished in a rush.

"Well, that's probably a good thing, because I think you're about to see it." He sighed, and took
my hand leading me upstairs.

When we got into the bedroom, Jasper was standing in just a pair of jeans. He'd set up the table
with various object, but like Bella he'd covered it with a towel. "Get everything straightened
out?" Jasper asked, and I nodded. "Great." He added, still looking upset. I walked over to him
and put a hand on his cheek.

"I'm not ashamed, Jasper." I said honestly. "I just thought I should tell her before she sees it."
Then I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, gently. At first he didn't respond, but then his
mouth opened and he kissed me in earnest. I turned my head slightly to the side, and felt his
tongue slide into my mouth. I moaned into his mouth, and felt his hardening erection pressing
against my own.

"Wow…" Bella said softly. We broke the kiss and looked at her, curious. "Sorry." She said a
little sheepishly. "You said me kissing Bree was hot. That's nothing compared to that kiss. My
God." She said making a show of fanning herself. Jasper and I both laughed, and he gave me one
last soft kiss.

"Okay, missy – let's start with you." Jasper said getting back to business at hand. Bella looked
surprised, and smiled. "Strip." He told her, grinning. She started to comply and then he looked at
me. "You too, pretty boy." So, my wife and I took our clothes off for him.

Once we were both naked, he had Bella put her hands up and lace her fingers behind her neck.
He placed the wrist cuffs on her, and snapped them together to keep her hands behind her neck.
He added the ball gag, and then helped her lie on the bed, and grabbed some kind of strap. I
couldn't tell what it was until it was in place. The middle was behind her shoulders, and the ends
were strapped to her knees. It was holding her legs up and apart, like a sling. There was no way
she could put them together or down. Then he put nipple clamps on her, and she moaned loudly.
"There, darlin'." He said in his slow drawl. "That should keep you nice and still while I'm playin'
with Eddie here." He lifted her head and put a pillow under it so she could watch.

Jasper POV

Man, Bella looks so hot bound and gagged like that on the bed. But, as hot as she looks, she can
wait. I've been dreaming about this since high school. I was going to have fuckin' Edward Cullen
on his knees in front of me. I nearly came just thinkin' about it.

I grabbed the other set of leather cuffs and took great pleasure in binding his hands behind him. I
loved the way his arms strained as he tested his bonds. I left his legs unbound, I was anxious to

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"On your knees, Edward." I said with a smirk. I didn't want any shaking in my voice to betray
my role, but I felt like a high school boy screwing the prom queen. I felt my hands shaking as I
watched him kneel before me. He looked up at me through his lashes, his soft hair falling over
his eyes. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I unfastened my jeans, and pulled them
down. I'd worn nothing underneath. I kicked them off to the side, and stood right in front of him.
I reached up and stroked his cheek.

"Open." I said simply, and he did it without hesitation. He closed his eyes as I slid my hard cock
into his mouth. My hands found his hair, and I waited until he started to move his head back and
forth and then found a slow steady rhythm. I moaned, and let my head drop back as he sucked

I groaned loudly and said "Fuck, you give great head for a straight guy." He faltered for a
minute, but I didn't break the rhythm. He moaned softly, and as I looked down I noticed that his
hips were moving in time with mine. He was getting off on this too.

I felt my orgasm approaching much too soon. I knew it was because of the boy on his knees in
front of me. God, it was everything I'd dreamed of and more. But I didn't want to finish in his
mouth. I knew Edward, and that would completely freak him out – and then our little game
would be over. So, I pulled back slowly, stroking his cheek with my hand. "Very nice." I told
him earnestly. I walked behind him and disconnected the clips on his wrists. "Go over and get
your girl ready for me. Make sure she's nice and wet." I told him and went over to the table.

When I returned a few minutes later, Edward was on his knees in front of Bella with his face
between her legs and his perfect buttocks in the air. I had a wild impulse to slide into him from
behind, but again I didn't want to scare him. He knew I was bi, but he didn't know how big a part
of that decision he was. So, I gave him a bare-handed slap on the ass instead. He jerked, but
didn't move him his position. I rubbed the red mark I'd given him, and he moaned softly against
Bella's wet sex.

"Help me lift her, Edward. I want you to lay behind her." I told him, and he moved quickly. We
picked Bella up and he slid onto the pillows, and then he helped me lay her in his lap. She lay
with her back against his chest, still with the sling holding her legs up and open. Her arms were
still bound behind her neck, and the gag was still firmly in place. Her eyes widened, and she
moaned imploringly. "Don't worry, darlin'." I said, putting on the condom and positioning myself
between her open legs. "We're gonna take very good care of ya." Then I slid slowly into her and I
pulled the chain of her nipple clamps. Her back arched, and her head fell onto Edward's chest.

"I think she's had these on long enough." I told Edward, and he reached forward and removed her
clamps. She whimpered and writhed as he massaged her breasts.

"Does that feel good, baby?" I heard him murmur in her ear. She moaned again and nodded as I
found my rhythm and began to pound her in earnest. This was nice, but it felt like something was
missing. I looked up into Edward's eyes, he was watching me. I wanted us to cum together, I

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realized suddenly, even if we weren't having sex with each other.

I pulled out of Bella, and she whimpered with the loss. "Untie her, Edward." I said as I went to
the little table I'd set up and picked up the lubricant. When I got back to the bed, Bella's sling had
been thrown to the floor and while she was wearing the wrist restraints, they were no longer
tethered. He had also removed the gag.

"Straddle over Edward." I told her, and she moved quickly to reply. "Now, slide yourself down
onto him, but don't move." I said sternly. She nodded. She and Edward both moaned loudly as
they got into position. I could see that it was taking every bit of their self-restraint not to move.
"Now lean forward, darlin'." I said softly and she moved forward and began to kiss Edward.
"That's nice…" I commented as I applied the lubricant to her ass with my fingers. As I slid my
fingers in and out of her, she started to move – she just couldn't help herself. Edward's hands
went to her waist and his eyes closed. I watched them for a few minutes as they made love, they
were both so beautiful.

I straddled Edward's legs and grabbed Bella's hips to halt her movement. "Hang on just a second,
darlin'." I said softly and then spread her open with my hands and slid very slowly into her. She
grunted and moaned unrestrained feeling both Edward and I inside her. Then we all started to
move. We were like a symphony – for the first few moments, warming up, it was disjointed.
Then, we came together in a perfect harmony that took our very breath away. I watched Edward's
face as Bella rode him, every pleasurable expression – I saw every moan, every breath escape

Bella POV

There were no words to describe the pleasure I felt in that moment. Even with the
experimentation with Bree and Edward, it never felt like this. I had no emotional connection, no
attachment to Bree. But this… The onslaught of emotion, and physical pleasure was more than I
had expected. I felt loved, and desired, and most of all – very very… fulfilled. They were
alternating strokes in and out of me, and I wondered briefly if they could feel each other. But
really, the feeling was so intense that I couldn't think of anything else.

Edward POV

I looked up again, past my beautiful wife – possibly more excited than she had ever been before,
and saw Jasper watching me again. The look of love and adoration on his face was unmistakable.
I knew in that moment that he was in love with me. I suppose I've known it since high school.

At that moment, I felt Bella start to tighten around me and I closed my eyes again. I could hear
her just inches from my ear – she was moaning, and grunting, and panting wildly. I don't even
think she was aware of anything apart from the intensity of the experience. All I heard from her
with any coherency was a whispered "fuck me harder, Edward" and I thrust my hips up in reply.
As I felt her orgasm start all around me, I moved my hands back from her hips to stroke Jasper's
thighs. His eyes closed, and he moaned my name softly. Bella was too far into the throes of her
own orgasm to hear him.

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Jasper's sounds also became more animalistic as he threw his head back and thrust hard into
Bella for a few quick strokes. The sight of both of them losing themselves completely just above
me pushed me towards my own release. I closed my eyes tightly, and grasped Bella's hips as
Jasper fell to our side. I thrust her hips down onto me hard as she continued to pant and cry out
above me. Then, I remembered the look on Jasper's face as he exploded into her, and I came with
wild abandon. I cried out Bella's name as my orgasm exploded though me.

She rolled off of me onto the bed on my other side, and I was then lying between her and Jasper.
I looked over at Jasper, and his eyes opened to find me watching him. He leaned forward and
kissed me softly. I turned to the other side, and Bella too kissed me softly. I pulled them both to
me, and then they kissed softly above me. It was a sweet, and tender moment – and I wondered
briefly what things would be like after he left tomorrow and we were once again parted.

A/N: No, Jasper isn't in the army. His occupation is really inconsequential. The title of the
chapter is Major Whitlock because of his dominant nature in the bedroom. ;)

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Chapter: 18

I looked over at Jasper, and his eyes opened to find me watching him. He leaned forward and
kissed me softly. I turned to the other side, and Bella too kissed me softly. I pulled them both to
me, and then they kissed softly above me. It was a sweet, and tender moment – and I wondered
briefly what things would be like after he left tomorrow and we were once again parted.

Chapter Seventeen – Jasper's Goodbye

Bella POV

We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking. It was almost like we didn't want to go to
sleep because sleep would just bring tomorrow so much faster. We didn't want to waste any of
the time we had with Jasper. But we were exhausted from our evening activities and finally fell
into an easy sleep.

The next morning Jasper was up first. I found him in the kitchen already starting to make
breakfast. It was sausage gravy and biscuits today – such a good southern lad. Then, I caught
sight of his face. He looked sad, defeated almost. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms
around his waist. He looked down, and gave me a half smile. I reached up to stroke his cheek. He
leaned down and caught me in a surprisingly tender kiss. His hand stroked my cheek as he kissed
me, and I felt myself melt into him.

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When the kiss ended, I kissed him softly on the cheek and pulled away to start the coffee. No
words needed to be exchanged, I knew how he felt. I would miss him too. It was odd, really.
We'd only met two days ago, but already I knew that part of me would go with him when he

Edward came down a few minutes later, and hesitated in the doorway. Then he walked over to
Jasper and placed a tender kiss on the back of his neck. Jasper reached one hand back and
touched Edward's leg. I noticed the single tear fall from Jasper's eye before Edward pulled away,
but I don't think Edward did. I saw in his heartbroken expression that Jasper was in love with
Edward. It pained me to know that this sweet, sensitive, beautiful man was hurting. I wondered
briefly how Edward felt. I knew that Edward loved me and that our bond was unbreakable and
permanent – but I didn't want Edward to be heartbroken when Jasper left.

We spent the day in again, we didn't feel the need to waste our few remaining hours in the
company of other people. I made us an early, quiet dinner and we ate in silence. None of us
could articulate the emotionally charged atmosphere at the table. Finally after the dishes were
cleared, I couldn't take anymore. I grabbed Jasper's hand in one of mine, and Edward's in the
other. Jasper couldn't help but smile at the look of determination on my face. I pulled them

Jasper POV

I agreed with Bella, wholeheartedly. I wanted to make love with them again before I left. I
wanted that memory to hold inside me until I saw them again. Deep down, if I was honest, I
knew it wasn't just Edward that I loved. Over the last few days, I had come to love Bella too –
not like a soul mate, but more as a really close friend. I would miss the way she laughed so
easily, and the way that she made me laugh. And I would miss Edward, much more than I had
since he moved here. That thought made my heart cinch painfully, and I grabbed Bella's face in
my hands and kissed her.

Edward came up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck softly
and she moaned into my mouth. She pulled away slowly after breaking our kiss and winked at
me. I quirked an eyebrow at her, and she led Edward to the bed and laid him in the middle. She
came back and led me to one side while she took the other. "I think it's Edward's turn to be in the
middle, don't you?" she asked me. I looked down at Edward, he looked a little panicked for a
second, but then relaxed. I nodded at her, and she lay down next to him, and kissed him. I
watched them kissing for a few minutes, and then Edward took my hand. He didn't look at me,
and didn't break Bella's kiss – he just held my hand. After a minute, he pulled it towards himself,
and slid my hand under his shirt. He moaned softly into Bella's mouth as I explored his chest
with my fingers.

I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt, and pulled it up slowly. Bella broke their kiss and I pulled the
shirt over his head. She moved down to kiss his chest, and I put a hand on the side of his face and
kissed him softly. His hand slid up my arm and then into my hair. He pulled me closer,
deepening the kiss as Bella moved down over his stomach. He moaned into my mouth, and I felt

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myself harden. He lifted his hips as Bella pulled down his jeans and boxers leaving him naked. I
felt him moving his hips and writhing on the bed and I knew that Bella had taken him into her
mouth. I took her hand and pulled her up; she seemed to understand as we quickly disrobed and
switched places.

I looked up and saw her teasing his nipples with her fingers as she started to kiss him. I
positioned myself between his legs and kissed the insides of his thighs. I knew he could feel the
scruff on my face against his soft skin. He moaned and his hips bucked. I trailed my fingers over
his hips, and his stomach – tiny whispering touches. I kissed his balls, and then used my tongue
over every exquisite inch of them. When I pulled them into my mouth and began to suck on
them, Edward put his hands in my hair. I thought for a moment that I might be in heaven, but
then I heard something to confirm it. I heard Edward Cullen moan my name.

"Mmmmmm… Jasper… Please…." He begged, moaning softly. I had been waiting so long to
hear him say my name like that. I knew I couldn't deny him anything, so I softly licked the head
of his cock. I wasn't sure what Bella was doing, because in that moment the only thing that
existed was Edward. I pushed my head farther down, and pulled him completely into my mouth.
He whimpered softly as he hit the back of my throat, and I felt my lips touch the base. I
wondered if anyone had ever been able to take him so deep, he was so big. I pulled back slowly,
and he bucked his hips again. I started a long slow rhythm taking him deep and then pulling back
until just the head was inside my lips.

My own cock was so hard it was aching as I kept up the furious rhythm. I wanted so badly to
please him, to make him lose that careful control and cum hard into my mouth. I reached down
and stroked his balls with my hand. I felt Bella move to his side, and heard him whimpering,
moaning unrestrained. Then he said softly "…so fucking close, baby…" I didn't know if he was
talking to me, or to Bella, but I didn't care. I slid my hands underneath him and felt his tight
buttocks in my hands. I massaged them lightly, pulling him closer to me. I felt his hands tighten
in the back of my hair, and then everything locked – his grasp on my hair, the muscles in his
buttocks, his legs, everything. I took him deep into my throat and heard his strangled cry as he
came forcefully into my mouth. As he finished, he stroked my face with his fingers and I moved
up to lay my head on his stomach. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I could feel him trying
to catch his breath.

Bella leaned down and took my face into her hands. She lifted my head and kissed me so
tenderly. She kissed my lips, my cheeks, my neck. Then I heard her soft voice in my ear. "It's
alright baby. It will all work out.", and then she kissed me again. As we kissed softly on our
knees, Edward repositioned himself and I felt Bella gasp into my mouth. We looked down and
Edward winked at us from his position between Bella's legs. He took Bella's hips in his hands
lightly and pulled her down. She moaned and pushed back from me, just a little – enough to go
down onto her hands and knees and take me into her mouth.

Suddenly, I had nothing to do but feel. I could feel Edward's legs pressing against the insides of
mine as I straddled over his thighs. I could feel Bella's mouth on my aching erection, her hands
on either side of Edward's waist as he lay beneath us. I could feel her moaning, and the
vibrations of her lips as Edward teased her with his mouth. I could feel Bella's soft hair in my

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hands as I stroked it. Above it all though, I could feel the overwhelming emotions that
accompany making love with someone you care about.

I looked down and saw that Bella was grinding her hips slowly against Edward's mouth. She was
moaning loudly and more forcefully against me and it was having a profound effect. My hips
were moving of their own accord as I slid my cock in and out of her mouth. She began to
whimper and I imagined that his fingers had joined his mouth, just as Bella's hand had joined
hers. She was stroking hard at the length of me that wouldn't fit in her mouth, and I moaned a
soft "fuck, darlin'" as she trembled in front of me.

She went back to all fours on the bed, and I held her head more firmly in my hands sliding
myself in and out of her mouth in a few more hard thrusts. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt
myself explode into her mouth. She moaned again, and my legs trembled. I reached down
beneath her and stroked her breasts, teasing her nipples as she let me fall from her lips. I could
hear her clearly now as she whimpered and panted. "Come on, baby." I said softly. She nodded
and closed her eyes tightly, letting her head fall. She was concentrating on the feeling of my
hands on her breasts, and Edward's tongue on her sex. It didn't take long before I heard her
crying out. I loved the sounds she made when she came, totally out of control.

I took her into my arms and brought her down on the bed between Edward and me. I lay down
on my back with her head on my shoulder. She lay on her side with her arm around my chest. I
didn't want to look at Edward; the experience we had just shared was too real, too raw. I could
still taste him. So when he moved to lay his head on Bella's hip, kissing it softly, and then I felt
his hand on my stomach, the emotion of it was too much for me. I looked away from them as the
tears finally came.

We laid there, just holding each other in silence and I tried to control myself. After a few minutes
Bella squeezed me tightly and leaned forward to kiss my neck. I kept my face turned away.
"Jazz? Baby?" Bella asked softly. Edward looked up and caught sight of my tear stained face
before Bella kissed me and swiped away my tears. He got up from the bed and came around to
the other side. I turned my body to Bella's as she threw one leg over my hip. I felt Edward lie
down behind me and wrap one arm around my waist. He kissed my neck softly, and he caressed
my chest.

"Bells?" he asked softly and Bella looked up at him. "I think it's Jasper's turn in the middle, don't
you?" She nodded quickly and kissed me tenderly. I felt him trail open mouthed kisses along my
neck, and I moaned softly. He slid down and ran his tongue along my spine, between my
shoulder blades, and then back up to my neck. I heard him whisper softly in my ear "I want you,
Jasper." I reached back and ran my fingers through his hair while he continued to kiss my neck.
"Can I have you? While you make love to Bella?" he asked with a smile in his voice. I nodded
around Bella's continued kiss. Bella giggled and rolled onto her back, pulling me on top of her.

I put my forearms under her thighs, and pulled her legs up as I slid easily into her. "Oh God
Jasper." She sighed as I started to make love to her. Edward got off the bed and went over to the
dresser. Bella wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I rolled my hips against her. Then I felt
Edward's weight on the mattress behind me. He used his soft hands to spread my legs apart and I

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never broke my stride with Bella. Then I felt his fingers spread open my buttocks and slide into
me. I moaned loudly and Bella kissed me, and then put her lips to my ear. "Tell me what he's
doing, baby." She said softly.

"He's… he's using his fingers to make me ready for him." I said in her ear, feeling my face heat
up. I pressed my face into her neck and moaned as his fingers slid in and out of me as I slid in
and out of her. The feeling was so intense. Then I felt his legs touch the backs of my thighs. "Oh
God…" I moaned in her ear. Very slowly, he entered me. I felt his hands on my hips, and I
stopped moving inside Bella until I felt his hips press against my buttocks and he was deep
inside of me. My "Oh God…" came out as a whimper this time.

"Is he inside you?" she whispered and I nodded. She moaned and started moving her hips up into
me. I regained myself and moved my hips in time with hers. Soon, as I slid out of her Edward
slid into me and we built up a steady rhythm. I couldn't hear Edward over my own and Bella's
cries. I couldn't think clearly with the absolute pleasure coursing through me. I thought for sure it
would be me that reached my climax first with the overload of sensations I was feeling, but it
wasn't. It was Bella. Hearing me whimpering in her ear as her husband took me from behind was
too much for her. Her nails scraped over my back as she tightened around me. She shuddered
violently as she cried my name. I held her tightly as her orgasm took her, and she nearly lifted
me off of her with the force of it. As her movements slowed, I turned my head and murmured in
her ear "Love you, darlin'." She kissed my cheek as she panted and said "Love you too, cowboy."

She giggled and then scooted farther up the bed. She rested on the pillows and pulled my head
onto her stomach. She ran her fingers through my hair and caressed my shoulders. I wrapped my
arms around her waist, and spread my legs a little farther, bracing myself as Edward started
thrusting into me harder.

Edward POV

I heard Bella's cries as she came underneath Jasper. I heard Jasper's whimpers as I made love to
him. That's exactly how I thought of it; I was making love to Jasper. I saw Bella moving up on
the bed, and she winked at me as she stroked Jasper's hair. He spread his legs farther apart and I
started to thrust into him harder. I held his hips and closed my eyes, just feeling him around me. I
couldn't really deal with the confusion of emotions that I felt now. All I knew was that I wanted
for him to feel the feelings I had for him. The tears on his face when we were lying there earlier
tore at me. It wasn't fair that I had both of their love and he felt that he had no one.

I felt him pushing back against me, trying to drive me deeper. His moaning and gasping were
uncontrolled now. He pressed his forehead against Bella's stomach as a sheen of sweat covered
his pale body. He was getting very close, as was I. I heard him cry out an unbidden "Oh… Oh
God… Edward…" as he tightened around me and came hard onto the bed. The sound of his
passion, of him moaning my name undid me. I thrust hard into him for two, three, four quick
deep strokes before I moaned a quiet "Jazz…" and buried myself into his him as I came. I
shuddered, and laid my head on his back, gasping.

As I pulled out of him, Jasper collapsed next to, almost on top of Bella, panting. She continued to

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stroke his hair as he started to calm himself. I laid down next to them on Bella's other side and
wrapped my arms around her. The arm under Bella was wrapped around her waist. The other
was on Jasper's back. He was lying on his stomach with his face turned away from us. We lay
there in each other's arms for a few minutes, and then I set the alarm for 9:00, so we could make
sure to get Jasper to his flight on time. We had already arranged for one of Bella's friends to pick
us up at the airport. We had decided that we would ride there with Jasper in his rental. We
wanted to spend as much time with him as we could before his plane took off.

When I woke up, it was dark out. I checked the clock and it read 8:45. I kissed Bella's shoulder
softly and then looked over her. Jasper was gone. I looked in the corner, slightly alarmed now as
his bags were gone too. I extricated myself from Bella, and threw on a pair of jeans quickly.
When I got downstairs, I saw him leaving a note on the table with our keys, and then he picked
up his bag.

"Jasper." I said softly, and he looked up. "You weren't just going to leave without saying
anything? Were you?" It hurt that he was just going to slip out into the night. He nodded, and
then the hurt must have registered on my face.

"Edward, I…" he said slowly. "I wanted to go before I saw… the regret in your eyes for what
just happened." I saw the spasm of pain shoot across his face before he looked down at the

I ripped his bag from his hand and threw it on the ground. I put my hand on his face and forced
him to look me in the eye. "You think I regret making love to you, Jasper?" He gasped. "Okay,
you may not look at it that way – but I do." He closed his eyes.

"I … I wanted to look at it that way – I just didn't think…" he said, but stopped as we heard Bella
coming down the stairs.

"What's going on?" she said softly as she saw us near the door.

"Jasper was trying to leave without saying goodbye." I said, the hurt evident in my voice. She
looked between us, her eyes filling with tears. She didn't say anything, so I continued our

"Jasper, Bella is my soul mate, and I am totally in love with her. I won't deny that, but I love you
too. You've been my best friend for over a decade. You were my first kiss." I said softly.

"I got up to go to the bathroom." He said softly. "When I came back, you guys were wrapped
around each other. You looked so perfect, so beautiful together. It made my heart ache. I had to
go. So, I packed up my stuff."

Bella walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Jasper, you are welcome to stay with us
anytime you want. We both love you, so much." He nodded, and the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell could that be?" I said softly as Bella opened the door.

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"Hey Bells! I just wanted to drop this off before I headed…" Alice started, but then caught sight
of Jasper and stopped dead. "Well, hello there." She said, smiling.

"Hello there yourself, darlin'" Jasper said softly.

Alice looked at Bella wide eyed and said. "Where the hell have you been hiding him?"

"Texas." I said smirking.

"Jasper is Edward's best friend, he lives in Texas." Bella said, elbowing me in the ribs. "Jasper
Whitlock, this is my best friend, Alice Brandon."

"The pleasure is all mine." Jasper said, taking Alice's hand and kissing it.

"Oh my…" Alice said softly. "Bella tell me he's not the one you're taking to the airport." She
looked wildly at Bella.

"I'm afraid so." Bella said sadly as Jasper pulled out his cell phone. He used his speed dial and
winked at Alice.

"Hey Mike, it's Jazz. Listen, remember that database conversion we went through last month.
The one I where stayed overnight doing the disaster recovery? You said you owed me big? Well,
I know we're between projects right now, and I need a few days." He paused, and his grin
widened. "A week would be perfect. I'll see you a week from Monday. Thanks, man we're
officially even." He hung up the phone and looked at Bella.

"Sorry, I guess I should have asked you first. Do you mind if I stay a little longer?" he asked
sheepishly, taking Alice's hand. "I'd really like to get to know this little lady a little better."

He looked at me for a long moment, and I nodded. "I think that would be a great idea." I wrapped
my arms around Bella, and she snuggled into me. I wanted nothing more than for my best friend
to find what Bella and I have. If anyone deserved it, it was Jasper.

A/N: I know this is terribly long, but I couldn't leave Jasper unhappy. I love Jasper, and now he's
found Alice. Maybe they can all play together. ;)

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Chapter: 19

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A/N: Be careful what you wish for Vi0lentSerenity – here's your flashback. (And since you
gave me such a good review – I'll give you three.)


Jasper POV

"Jasper, I don't think this is a good idea." Edward said as I slid into his bed with him. My own
camp bed was set up just a few feet away, but right now I wasn't thinking about sleeping.

"What?" I asked him. "You can't tell me that you're not horny, Edward. I saw you and that
Jessica chick on the dance floor. If you'd have been naked, you'd no longer be a virgin." I said
with annoyance.

"Yeah?" he countered. "Well, what about you and that Lauren chick?" he said defiantly. "You
actually disappeared for a while there." That was true enough, but it wasn't to do what he was
thinking. She'd gone to the john, and I was behind the bleachers in the gym… watching him as
he danced. I didn't want him, or anyone else, to see me. No one needed to know how obsessed
with Edward I was, not even Edward. I was afraid that would be the end of our experimentation,
maybe even the end of our friendship.

"I wasn't off doing her, if that's what you're insinuating." I said slowly, gauging his reaction. He
relaxed visibly. "She went to the john; I went out to get some air." Obviously only half of that
was a lie, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. "Do you want me to go?" I asked, defeated.

"No." he said softly. "I don't know what this is that we have, but I'm… I'm not ready for it to be
over." He rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling. I put my hand on his face, and made him
look at me.

"You're my best friend, Edward. I don't know what this is either, but I would never hurt you. You
know that, right?" I said, earnestly. All I wanted was to love him, and cherish him and keep him
happy – but he could never know that. He nodded, and I leaned forward slowly and kissed him.
He never initiated our sexual contact, but he didn't shy away from it either. He kissed me back
and slid his leg in between mine. I felt myself hardening against his thigh, and I moaned into his
mouth. He could get me harder with one kiss than any girl I'd ever met.

Tentatively, I reached forward and pulled at his t-shirt. He looked at me with wild eyes.
"Jasper?" he asked softly.

"I want to touch you Edward, can I?" I asked him, stroking his stomach through this shirt. We
were both wearing t-shirts and boxers, anticipating going to sleep.

"I… I guess so." He said, and let me pull off his t-shirt. My hands roamed shamelessly over his
bare chest. His muscles were defined and felt amazing under my fingers. Deciding to press my
luck, I slid my hand over his stomach and down the front of his boxers. He gasped and grabbed

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my arm as my hand went around his stiff erection. It was then that we heard Emmett coming up
the stairs.

"Hang on Rosie, I promised mom I'd just check and make sure they got home okay." He said,
and we heard a slap and then Rosalie giggle.

I sprang off the bed and into my camp bed. I had just slammed my head down onto the pillow
and pulled the covers up when the door opened, and Emmett peeked in.

"Yep. They're asleep, I'm all yours baby." He said and growled at her. I gagged as he shut the

"Uh, goodnight Jazz." Edward said shyly when I didn't make any move to return to his bed.

"'Night Edward." I sighed, and rolled over on my back.

After a few minutes, I heard the unmistakable sounds of Edward masturbating. I closed my eyes,
and tried not to moan. Whatever happened, I didn't want him to think I was listening because
then he'd stop. I heard very soft slapping noises as his hand worked his erection. I heard him shift
slightly on the bed. I heard his breathing accelerate. My own hard on was starting to get painful,
so I slid my boxers down and stroked myself quietly. I wondered if he would listen to me like I
was listening to him. I could tell when he reached his climax because I heard a grunt and a
whispered "fuck.."

At that single word, I ripped off my t-shirt and pressed it to the end of my cock. My mouth
opened in a silent scream, my back arched, and I came hard into the t-shirt.


Edward POV

"We'll be right back." I told my parents as I grabbed Jasper's sleeve and drug him upstairs to my
room. "Please tell me what's wrong, Jazz." I said after the door closed.

"No." He said flatly, looking anywhere but at me.

"Jazz." I repeated softly, pushing his hair back out of his eyes. "We aren't going to see each other
again until at least Christmas – maybe longer if our breaks don't coincide. I can't stand to think of
you mad at me until then. Would you at least tell me what I've done?" I said, starting to get
angry. Jasper was the one person that I was closest to in the world. I couldn't stand knowing that
he was mad at me for something, and he wouldn't let me put it right.

He sighed. "I'm not mad at you, Edward. You haven't done anything wrong."

"Fine." I said. I turned and opened the door as he sat on the bed. I walked out of the room and

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closed the door. I stood on the other side for a few minutes, wondering if I should go back in –
and then I heard it. Jasper was crying on the other side of the door. He was crying like his heart
was breaking, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. Whatever was hurting him, he
refused to let me in. No matter how he thought that was protecting me, it hurt like hell.

I hugged my parents goodbye, and walked out to my car. I took one last look up at my bedroom
window and saw Jasper watching me. I got in my car and headed for UW. Tomorrow, Jasper
would be heading for Texas A&M. I didn't know when I would see him again.


Jasper POV

"I'm getting married!" Edward practically yelled into the phone. "Her name is Bella, and she's
beautiful, and smart, and... she's wonderful Jazz." he sighed. Yeah, wonderful, I thought bitterly.
Why couldn't I have just told him how I felt? Oh yeah, because he'd never speak to me again.
Whoever this Bella chick was, I hated her already.

"That's great Edward." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

"I...Well... I was wondering if you'd be my best man, Jasper?" he asked, tentatively. And there it
was. I knew it was coming when he said the words, and I also knew there was no way I could
watch him get married to someone else.

"When?" I asked, wondering if I could make up a fast enough excuse.

"June?" He said slowly.

"The whole month of June?" I asked, exasperated.

"June 15th." He said, sounding sad. I knew that he was reacting to my tone. He thought that I
was mad at him, just like he thought I was mad at him when we went off to college. I wasn't mad
then, and I'm not mad now. I'm fucking heartbroken.

"I don't know, Edward." I said slowly. "I'll have to check and let you know, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, Jazz." He said defeated. He knew that I wasn't going to do it. He just didn't know
why, and I know it was hurting him. How much would it hurt him to know that his best friend
was in love with him and couldn't work up the balls to be there on the biggest day of his life?

"Hey, Edward, I have to go. I'll email you later." I said quickly. I couldn't stand to hear his
disappointment in me.

"Sure Jazz." he said again, and I heard the phone disconnect.

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Chapter: 20

He looked at me for a long moment, and I nodded. "I think that would be a great idea." I
wrapped my arms around Bella, and she snuggled into me. I wanted nothing more than for my
best friend to find what Bella and I have. If anyone deserved it, it was Jasper.

Chapter Eighteen – Getting Acquainted

Jasper POV

"Jasper that was fantastic." Alice said as she pushed away from the table.

"Would it be terribly bold of me to say that I'd love to hear that from you frequently?" I asked
with a roguish grin. Alice giggled.

"You'll have to earn it." She said with a wink. It was Thursday night and we had spent nearly all
of our time together since we met on Sunday. I was completely smitten with her, and I had a
feeling that she felt the same way. I only hoped that she would continue to feel that way after
everything I had to confess to her.

"Why don't you go set up a movie while I clean up. We'll take the wine with us." I told her, while
gathering our dishes off the table.

"Jazz, you cooked, the least I can do…" she started but I cut her off.

"Nope. Number one I made the mess, it's only right that I clear it up. Number two, I… I like
doing things for you, darlin'" I said, almost shyly. She crossed the room and wrapped her arms
around my waist. I leaned down and kissed her softly.

"I love it when you call me that." She said grinning. Then she turned and danced gracefully into
the living room.

She was sitting on the couch with the DVD remote in her hand. "Ready?" she asked with a
devilish smile on her face.

I sat down next to her, and pulled her into my lap. I rested my head on her shoulder, and softly
kissed her neck. I murmured quietly into her ear "Yep. I'm ready now." She let out a tiny moan,
and pressed against me. She hit play on the remote and I almost laughed out loud at her choice.

"Threesome?" I asked, incredulous. After my weekend with Edward and Bella, this was the

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movie she decided to pick. The irony was almost palpable.

"What? I love this movie." She said, looking at me. Then her face softened and she said "I don't
care what movie we watch, or even if we watch a movie. I just want to be close to you."

She turned and straddled my lap, putting her small delicate hands on both sides of my face. She
kissed me softly, almost reverently. I felt myself hardening beneath her. No one had been able to
affect me like this so quickly, no one except… Edward. Did that mean that I could feel for this
tiny girl what I felt for him? Maybe I could pour all of my tender affections for him into a
relationship with her. I could love her the way that she deserved to be loved.

"Ali, baby – we should talk first." I said, my breath coming in gasps. I wanted to tell her about
my relationship with Bella and Edward, and… and… God, I couldn't think with her moving
against me like that.

"Are you dying?" she asked, and I shook my head. "Do you have a disease?" I shook my head
again. "Are you pregnant?" I rolled my eyes at her. "Well, then whatever it is doesn't matter right
now. I want to make love with you. Everything else can wait." She pulled off her shirt to reveal a
beautiful red lace bra that complimented her complexion beautifully. I reached behind her and
opened the bra, pulling it slowly down her arms with the lightest of touches. She shivered, and
her nipples hardened noticeably.

I pulled off my own shirt quickly, and pulled her against my chest. "You are so beautiful." I told
her earnestly.

"Take me to bed, cowboy?" she asked with a teasing smile.

"With pleasure, darlin'" I said and picked us both up off the couch. My mouth locked with hers
as her legs locked around my waist. As I kissed her, I carried her to her bedroom and laid her
down on the bed. I unbuttoned her jeans, and pulled them off. She lay on her bed in the tiniest
red lace panties, and I felt myself get even harder. It was going to be painful soon if I didn't get
out of these tight Wranglers.

I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off. Her eyes widened when she saw that I wore nothing
underneath. I smiled softly at her, and then crawled into bed. Pulling her into my arms, I put my
lips to her ear and said softly "I haven't been this… happy in a long time. Thank you for showing
me that I could be happy." I stroked her cheek with my fingers.

She pulled back and looked into my face, tracing its contours with her fingers. "You make me
happy too, Jasper." She whispered, and then kissed me deeply. I rolled so that she was beneath
me, reaching down to pull her leg around my hip. She wrapped both legs around me, and pulled
me against her. I moaned as I felt my erection pressing against her through her damp panties.

My hand moved down slowly from her face to her neck, then her chest. When I felt her hard
nipple press against my palm, I bucked my hips against her. She moaned my name, and ran her
fingers through my hair. God, everything about this girl turned me on – her body, her voice, even

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her smell. She had a very subtle soft floral scent, it was intoxicating.

My cheek grazed her neck as I kissed my way down her delectable body. My nose skimmed over
her shoulder as I whispered my affections for her. Her back arched faintly when my mouth
covered her breast, and she moaned softly. Her hips undulated against mine as I teased her
nipples with my fingers and teeth. I grazed one hand over her stomach and slipped it into her
panties. She whimpered softly as my fingers slid lightly over her skin.

Alice POV

I love the way he touches me, I've never felt like this. He is so beautiful, it almost hurts. I can't
think about him leaving in a few days. I won't let the thought of his departure overshadow our
first beautiful night together. We would deal with things as they came. I giggled softly at my
pun, but he thought he was tickling me as his lips trailed their way across my stomach. My
breathing sped up as I thought of his striking blond hair brushing the inside of my thigh.

I felt him running his tongue lightly just under the waistband of my panties. I moaned, and my
hips bucked up again. He chuckled as he pulled my panties down slowly. "You're an impatient
little thing, aren't ya darlin'?" he asked in his soft slow drawl. The combination of his slow
removal of my panties and that affecting accent was driving me insane.

"Please… Please Jasper." I cried softly.

He threw my panties onto the floor, and slid his arms beneath my legs. He kissed my inner thighs
slowly as he asked "What, baby?" Another soft kiss higher on my thigh… "Is this what you
need?" He opened me to him softly with his fingers and slid his tongue into my wet sex.

"Yes! God, yes…" I cried as his tongue slid over my soft folds. I couldn't help myself as I spread
my legs as far apart as I could. I threaded my fingers into his hair and pressed his face harder
against me. I heard him chuckle as he continued to stroke me. I couldn't bring myself to care
what he found amusing. The only things I could focus on were his mouth and his fingers that
were teasing me relentlessly.

"Stop." I cried suddenly. His head jerked up and he looked at me, almost sadly.

"I'm sorry, this was very ungentlemanly of me. I should have…" I pulled him on top of me, and
silenced him with a kiss. I could taste myself on his perfect lips, and moaned at the thought.

"No, Jasper. I want to save a horse, and…" I pushed him so that he was on his back, he was
grinning. "ride a cowboy." I finished, straddling over his hips, and lowering myself onto him.
After his merciless teasing, I slid onto him easily and heard the sexiest noise, almost growling
coming from him. His hands went to my hips, and he guided my movements, pushing my hips
hard against his. I looked down at him, and he was watching me.

"Like what you see?" I asked with a teasing smile.

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"Aw, hell yeah, darlin'." He said, and sat up. I continued my movements on him, and he wrapped
his arms around my waist. "I like everything about you." He said softly.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and felt my breasts pressed against his chest while we
moved together. As he kissed my throat, I could hear clearly every sound he made. It was so
erotic to listen to him slowly losing control. I moved one hand up to his hair, and captured his lip
s in a searing kiss. He moaned into my mouth, and slid his hand down between us. I gasped as he
started to stroke my sex.

"Oh God… Jasper..." I cried softly and rested my head on his shoulder. The feeling of him
stroking me was pushing me ever harder toward my release. I sped up our pace, thrusting my
hips with abandon against his. My hands tightened in his hair and he moaned loudly.

I put my lips to his ear and half moaned, half whispered just loud enough for him to hear,
"Harder, Jasper… Please, baby…" He gave a strangled moan and flipped us, pulling my legs
higher as he slid hard into me.

I cried out in surprise, and he asked "Like that, baby?" I nodded fiercely as he thrust hard into
me. His fingers resumed stroking me and I could feel the tension coming to a peak.

"Cum for me, darlin'." He whispered, driving into me harder and hitting that spot. I shifted my
hips slightly and drove up into him. It surprised him at first, but then seemed to spur him on.

Jasper POV

God she felt so good underneath me like this, and then to feel her driving herself up to meet
me… I was so close. She needed to orgasm and soon because I wasn't going to be able to hold
out much longer. My feelings for her were so strong, so close to the surface right now – both
physical and emotional.

I pulled her legs all the way up and over my shoulders, and drove into her over and over. She
cried out, and I felt her fingers dig into my shoulders. Her eyes closed and she shuddered beneath
me. I felt her tightening around me just an instant before she cried out my name in the violence
of her orgasm. It was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. The sight of her sweet face, and the sound
of her voice in the throes of her passion caused me to absolutely fucking lose it. I released her
legs and pushed my arms under her shoulders and held her tight to me as I thrust into her fast and
hard. The unexpected force of the explosion that hit me cry out her name as my orgasm hit me. I
may have even whimpered with the intensity of it. I buried my head in her shoulder and trembled
as I rode it out. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stroked my hair.

I collapsed on top of her when it was over and quickly rolled to the side so I didn't hurt her. She
is just a tiny little thing after all. I panted wildly; trying to bring myself under control as she laid
her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her.

"That was… that… Oh my God.." I said, putting a trembling hand over my eyes.

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"In-fucking-credible." She said with a grin.

"Damn straight." I agreed, and pulled her tight against me as my breathing came back under
control. "I'm definitely gonna have to keep you now." I felt her go rigid in my arms, and she
rolled away from me. I grabbed her quickly and pulled her back to my chest.

"Alice, baby? What is it?" I asked, confused. Did I misinterpret things; did she not want to be
with me?

"You can't keep me." She said flatly. I could feel her trembling and then she covered her face in
her hands still not looking at me.

"Why not? I thought… I thought we got along fairly well this last week." I said softly.

"Because you're fucking leaving in a few days." She said, her voice breaking and pulled herself
out of my arms and off the bed. She walked quickly into the bathroom and slammed the door. I
heard the sob just before it closed. I sighed, and pulled myself out of the bed and went over to the

"Darlin', can I come in?" I asked softly through the door. After what seemed like an eternity, I
heard the lock click and the door opened slightly. I pushed the door open and saw her sitting on
the floor with her head in her hands. I turned on the taps of her huge whirlpool tub and sat next to
her while it started to fill. I wrapped both my arms around her, and she laid her head on my

"Honey, we will work this out, I promise. I want to be with you, and if you want to be with me –
we'll find a way to make it work." I said, kissing the top of her head. "I care for you, very much.
I want to see where this leads us. I'd really like to know what you want."

She pulled back from my chest and looked me in the eye. "I care for you too, Jasper. I've never
felt this kind of connection with anyone. I want to see where this goes, but how can it go
anywhere with us so far apart?" She asked, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Let's just be together tonight, and we'll worry about that tomorrow. Okay, darlin'?" I asked,
pleadingly. I didn't want to think about being separated from her right now. She nodded and after
turning off the taps we climbed into the tub. She sat with her back against my chest and we
talked. We laughed and kissed softly until the water got cold.

After we dressed in our pajamas, she crawled in bed with me and I wrapped myself around her.
As I held her, feeling her soft cheek against my chest and running my fingers through her hair, I
knew there was nowhere else in the world I'd rather be than here with her.

A/N: I know – a little vanilla sex is called for every once in a while, especially for their first

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Next chapter – drinking games and confessions ;)

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Chapter: 21

After we dressed in our pajamas, she crawled in bed with me and I wrapped myself around her.
As I held her, feeling her soft cheek against my chest and running my fingers through her hair, I
knew there was nowhere else in the world I'd rather be than here with her.

A/N: Okay, I'm going to warn you now for those that have been anxious about the threesomes –
this is a foursome. If you don't like that kind of stuff, skip the chapter. Don't flame me telling me
you don't like threesomes or foursomes or eighteensomes or whatever. I'll tell you what little of
the plot you missed at the end.

A/N: We will get back to Edward & Bella and the idea box with the next chapter, but I won't
promise not to bring Jasper back to play. After reading Lillie Cullen's freaking outstanding A
Lesson in Release (B/J) – I've been dying to write Jasper.

Chapter Nineteen – One Helluva Party – Part I

Bella POV

"Edward, what time are they supposed to be here?" I called from the kitchen. Alice and Jasper
were finally coming up for air after being together non-stop for the last week. I was glad that
they seemed to hit it off so well, and I know that Edward was pleased by it too. Even though he
pretended that Alice annoys him, I know that she is one of his favorite people.

"Uhmmm… They should be here any time." He called back, finishing up the setup of the dining
room table. Alice and Jasper were coming over to play games and hang out. We had a couple of
bottles of tequila, limes, and salt set up. It should be an interesting evening.

I was apprehensive to find out what Jasper had told her about last weekend, and about his
relationship with Edward. Although I would be very surprised if she took that type of
information badly in general, we were talking about the guy that she was pursuing a relationship
with. I'm sure she would have called or text'd me if he'd told her already, just to confirm a few
things if nothing else.

Just then, a knock sounded at the front door and I followed Edward to answer it. When we

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opened it we found Alice and Jasper wrapped around each other with huge grins on their faces.
"Happy Friday guys!" Alice said disentangling herself from Jasper and pulling him through the
door. She walked over to the table, and saw the bottles of booze and shot glasses set up and she
laughed. "Well, this is going to be one helluva party. Why are there … 30 shot glasses?" She
asked, counting them quickly.

"I thought we could play 'Never Have I Ever'." I said, laughing. "But I didn't want things to get
too carried away, so we stop after 30 shots total."

"Good idea" said Jasper, pulling out a chair for Alice. He took the chair across from her, and
Edward and I sat down at the table as well.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked quickly. "We have bar food in the kitchen when we're ready."

"Not just yet," Alice said with a smirk. "We just ate." I looked over at Jasper and he was grinning
back at her.

"Well then." I said, not sure I wanted to hear the explanation to that little remark without a few
shots in first.

"I'll start." Alice said quickly. "Let's start with something to get the drinking started. Never have
I ever… had sex with someone at this table." I gave a nervous kind of laugh, and we all did a

"My turn." I said, trying to think of a question. "Hmmmm… Never have I ever… seen my
parents naked."

"Wait." Jasper said laughing. "YOUR parents specifically, or our own parents?"

"Our own parents, dumbass." Edward said, laughing at Jasper. Jasper shuddered and then he and
Alice drank. Edward was still laughing, and looked at Jasper "Walk in on them, did you?"

"Don't make me remember! It burns!" Jasper yelled. He looked around the table and said "My
turn… Never have I ever… " Just then, his cell phone rang. "Hold that thought, I need to take
this." He said, flipping it open. "Hello? … Yes, this is Jasper Whitlock … That's great news …
Yes, I'll call you on Monday to square away the details … Thank you, I look forward to it." He
closed his phone, and looked at Alice. "Sorry about that… Let's see…. Never have I ever worked
in Seattle." He said with a grin. We all took a shot.

"Jasper?" Alice said her face hopeful.

"I'm not sure if you knew this," he said looking around the table "but the company that I work for
has an office in Seattle. Earlier this week, I applied for a position in that office. I interviewed on
Wednesday and got a great recommendation from my current department. The call I just got was
to tell me that I got the job." Alice leaped out of her seat, and threw herself into Jasper's arms. "I
told you we would find a way, darlin'." He said softly to her.

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"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me last night when we talked about things?" she
demanded with a scowl.

"I didn't know for sure that I'd gotten the job. I didn't want to give you false hope." He said,
holding her close. "And, there is one more thing Alice. I want you to know that I'm moving here
because my parents are here, my best friends are here, and you're here. I don't want you to think
that this was all just for you because I wouldn't put that kind of pressure on you. I visited Edward
to test the waters in the first place because I was thinking about moving back. I wanted to know
if… well, if it was a good idea."

She kissed him deeply with one long slow kiss. "I think it's a great idea." She said softly.

"My turn…" Edward said, as Alice sat back down in her seat. And the game went on like that for
a while. Alice had a few more shots than anyone. Apparently, she'd lived a far more interesting
life than we had. She was getting well into the giggle phase when it came around to her turn

"Hmmmm…." She said, pensively. "Okay, Bells I know you want to know so… Never have I
ever… had sex with Jasper." She gasped as we all drank.

"What?" Jasper said, trying to break the tension. "Like you've never had sex with yourself?"

"You've had sex with Edward and Bella?" she said softly, her eyes wide. He sighed, and looked
right into her eyes.

"Yes, Alice. It was before we met. Okay, well, to be perfectly honest it was hours before we met
– but it was still before we met. I tried to tell you last night when you started asking me if I was
dying or was pregnant." He said in his defense.

"Oh… Well, no… It's not that. It's just that… I've never had sex with Edward and Bella, and I've
known them longer. Why you?" she asked with a wicked grin, and winked at me. I was stunned.

"What?" I asked her, incredulous. "You wanted to have sex with Edward and me?"

"Well, maybe not Edward." She said, sheepishly. "No offense." She threw at him as an
afterthought. "What?" she asked at my dumbfounded expression. "I've thought you were hot
since high school – not like I want to get married or anything, just wondered what kissing you
might be like."

"Okay, Alice has officially had too much tequila." I said, capping the bottle.

"What?" she asked again. "You never thought about it?" She looked a little hurt.

"Of course I thought about it, I just never thought that you did." I looked up at Edward, his eyes
were kind of glassed over. I glanced at Jasper, he had the same kind of expression. "What?" I

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asked them, snapping them out of their reverie.

"Well, I don't know about Edward, but I just got a fantastic mental picture there – sorry." He
said, laughing nervously. I flashed them an incredulous look.

"You mean like this?" I asked, and then leaned over towards Alice. She grinned and then our lips
met. I ran my fingers through her hair and turned my head to the side a fraction as her mouth
opened, and we continued to kiss softly. When our tongues touched, I heard a throat clearing
from across the table and looked up. Edward was shifting in his chair.

"Can we take this upstairs?" Alice asked softly, and I nodded. We had both had a little too much
tequila, and I was starting to get very warm. I couldn't tell if it was from the drinking, or the
kissing. I wanted to do more kissing just to see. She took my hand and led me to the stairs.

I looked back over my shoulder at the frozen and completely dumbfounded men at the table and
asked "Coming?"

Jasper was the first to recover, and he smirked as he replied "Not yet, darlin' but I'm hopeful." He
stood up and followed us to the stairs. I looked back, startled that Edward hadn't moved. He
looked at me, still a little stunned, and then gave a huge grin and bounded up behind us.

When we got into the bedroom, Alice turned to the guys. "I have an idea." She said, again with
an evil smirk. "How about we play a little game I like to call 'mirror'?"

Edward grinned at me, and then asked. "Is this something you made up?"

"Kind of." She replied, and then reached over to stroke my breast through my shirt. "Want to
play or not?"

He looked at Jasper who grinned and nodded. "We're in. How do you play?"

"It's very simple." She said quickly. "You do something to each other, and we" she shook her
hand back and forth between she and I "will mirror it. Go ahead and try it now."

Edward walked over to Jasper, and kissed his neck. So, I walked over to Alice and did the same.

Jasper moaned softly "Oh, I like this game." Then, he pulled Edward's shirt over his head slowly,
running his hands over Edward's chest as he did so. Alice pulled my shirt over my head, and then
removed my bra. She ran her hands slowly, achingly so, over my chest. I moaned and closed my
eyes. The game went on like that until we were all naked and ready to take things to the next

We looked over and Edward was sitting in the wooden chair with Jasper on his knees in front of
him. Jasper had taken Edward's hard sex into his mouth, and was sucking diligently. Edward's
hands were in Jasper's hair, and his back was arched. Alice pushed me back onto the bed, and
pushed my legs open with her palms. My hands went to my breasts and I teased my nipples

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while she teased me with her mouth. I lost track of what the guys were doing as she spread me
farther open with her fingers and ran her tongue hard over my sex. I whimpered loudly as I felt
her fingers enter me. I pushed my own into her hair, and bucked my hips up. She was so soft, so
hot.. I thought about her face in between my legs, and Jasper going down on Edward. My orgasm
came quickly, and I came wildly onto her hand.

We sat up on the bed and watched Jasper and Edward. Edward's hips were now bucking wildly,
thrusting his hard sex into Jasper's mouth. They both had their eyes closed, and Edward grunted
loudly before holding Jasper's head still as he thrust one final time and came into his waiting
mouth. Edward panted as Jasper stood up and looked at us.

"Guess we missed the show?" he asked grinning at Alice.

"Glad we didn't." she replied with a smirk.

"Well, we can't have you guys missing out on anything, now can we?" I asked grinning. "Let's
try this…"

I pushed Edward down onto the bed, and pulled Jasper along with him.

"What did you have in mind?" Jasper asked cautiously.

"I want you to straddle Edward's face, and let him return the favor. I am going to straddle his
hips facing away from you, and return the favor on Alice who will be lying at the foot of the
bed." I said with authority. "Any questions?" I asked looking around.

Edward looked up at me and gave me that crooked smile that I loved so much. "Ride me, baby."
He said holding his arms out to me.

A/N: Okay, I split this up because it's already one of my usual chapters and I promised you that
it would be your Christmas present. I'll work on it again tomorrow and have it finished for you
by the weekend.

A/N: Plot Update: Jasper is moving to Seattle. Alice thinks Bella is hot. That's all of the plot that
you missed.

New Stories Notice: There is at least one contest coming up that I've been asked to enter, so
starting in the New Year, you'll see some more one-shots from me. If you're looking for them,
you might want to add an author alert.

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Chapter: 22

Edward looked up at me and gave me that crooked smile that I loved so much. "Ride me, baby."
He said holding his arms out to me.

Chapter Nineteen – One Helluva Party – Part 2

Jasper POV

As I watched Bella and Edward begin to make love in front of us, I briefly thought about how
drastically my life had changed in such a short time. Since Edward and I had left for college, I
had been alone. It didn't matter who the new boy or girl of the week was, they never filled the
hole in my chest left by my best friend. Finally, I gave in to the gnawing craving to see him. I
figured that it would break my heart all over again, who knew it would actually put it back

Edward's loud moan of "Jasper" brought me back quickly from my thoughts. His eyes were
closed and his head back as Bella rode him. I was surprised it was my name that escaped his lips
until he followed it with a slightly sarcastic "waiting for an invitation?"

I laughed and pulled Alice to the bed. She lay down at the end and I saw Bella lean, as well as
she could, to place her head between Alice's parted thighs. I grabbed a couple of pillows him the
head of the bed and put them under Alice's bottom, propping her up.

"Thanks, Jasper." Bella said, and then leaned over to kiss me softly. I tasted Alice on her lips and
it made me so fucking hard. I watched for a minute or so while she teased Alice whose hands
were fisting the blanket.

I climbed carefully onto the bed and put my knees on either side of Edward's shoulders. His
hands came up and cupped my buttocks, pulling my hips down to his face. I stroked his face
softly and he smiled before taking me between his soft, perfect lips. God, it was just as good as
the first time. Well, better really, because he wasn't so hesitant and because he could use his
hands. Fuck, his hands… I felt them kneading my ass and grasped the headboard for support. I
felt, rather than heard his moan around me and my arms strained as I held the headboard and
slowly fucked his mouth.

Alice POV

I watched Jasper over Bella's shoulders. The muscles in his back and shoulders were tight with
strain as his hips moved gently. He was absolutely breath-taking. My eyes closed involuntarily as
Bella moaned against me causing delicious vibrations.

I was shocked by their earlier revelation about their sexual history together. I have to admit too

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that I was faintly hurt that Bella had slept with Jasper before I had, but she didn't know what we
would become. I couldn't fault her – who wouldn't want to sleep with him? I had two choices in
that instant – beat 'em or join 'em. I could have gotten jealous and stormed out, possibly ruining
my relationships with both Jasper and Bella, or I could spend the evening having mind-blowing

I don't know that I would ever have confessed my curiosity about Bella if they hadn't forced my
hand. Our friendship is way too important to me to jeopardize. As my back arched, and my
fingers tightened in her silky hair, I was brought forcibly back to the sight of her long hair across
my naked thigh. She added her fingers to her teasing and I drove my head back into the bed.

"Fuck Bella!" I cried as I felt her fingers sliding in and out of me. I heard a low giggle and her
tongue pressed harder on me.

Then, I felt and heard her moaning against me. I pulled away from her and she steadied herself
and slammed down harder onto Edward. I heard him cry out, muffled around Jasper in his
mouth. His hips came up to meet her. Jasper pulled back from Edward then, and I heard Edward
in earnest now. As Jasper moved off of the bed, I saw Edward's hands grab Bella's hips. She
leaned back and one of his hands went to her breast, teasing it as she rode him harder.

I made my way to the end of the bed slowly and got to my hands and knees on the edge. "Oh,
Jasper?" I called softly. He looked away from Edward and Bella toward me and his eyes light up.
He practically ran to get behind me and I felt his hands on my hips just seconds before he drove
into me. An involuntary cry left my lips and Edward looked over. He watched us fucking hard on
the edge of his bed as we watched Bella orgasm hard on top of him. She screamed his name as
he drove up into her from below.

"Bella, baby… I'm so close…" Edward cried as Bella continued to ride him, her orgasm slowly

She looked back at him over her shoulder and asked "Do you like watching my ass while I ride
you, baby?"

His head fell back and he moaned, his thrusts never slowing. She giggled and leaned forward,
reaching down between her legs. She took his balls in her hand and gently massaged them. I saw
her tense suddenly, her face almost contorted in pain.

"Fuck, Edward!" She cried loudly and slammed down onto him in earnest again. I looked back at
Jasper, puzzled – maybe he could see why she reacted like that. He grinned.

"Want me to show you, darlin'?" He asked softly as he pulled my hips back hard against him, and
I nodded. He pulled out of me and went quickly to the dresser. I didn't even have time to be
confused before he was back. He slid slowly into me and then I felt his fingers sliding between
my buttocks.

"Jasper?" I asked, a little alarmed – no one had ever gone there before.

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"Relax, honey." He murmured in my ear and then slid his finger into me. At first it felt
uncomfortable, but then he started to move it in and out in time with his thrusts and I cried out
from the sheer pleasure of it.

Bella and I were both losing control, whimpering and moaning as they pleasured us. I looked
over and saw her face only inches from my own as she leaned forward. "Bells" I said softly and
she looked over. I licked my lips as we leaned toward each other. We kissed slowly, long
open-mouthed kisses around our increasingly frenzied cries.

"Oh God…" Jasper moaned suddenly, and I realized he was watching us. "Oh my God…" he
moaned again.

"What?" Edward asked in a strained voice, unable to see us from his vantage point. He lifted his
head and watched. He watched our long, slow tongue kisses. He heard our cries as we were each
penetrated fully by them. I moaned a soft "Bella" between my kisses and saw Edward's head
drop back.

Jasper POV

I saw Edward's head drop back onto the pillows. His eyes were closed tightly, and his jaw

"I'm fucking coming… Bella…" He cried, and let out a low, rough, open-mouthed groan as he
held her hips tight against him. A combination of his complete loss of control, and his fingers
still in her ass must have brought Bella off. She stopped kissing Alice and dropped her head as
her orgasm exploded through her. She rode it out for a few more minutes and then collapsed onto
the bed next to him. They moved up to rest against the headboard and watched as we continued.

Watching Edward's face during his orgasm brought me close to the edge. Alice decided at that
moment to push me even closer as she looked back at me over her shoulder and moaned a soft
"Harder, baby." There is nothing fucking sexier than a woman begging you to fuck her harder. I
slammed my hips against hers and sped up the motions of my fingers.

"Yeah… baby, fuck." She gasped and drove her hips back. "…so close Jazz…" she moaned and
slid her fingers up to stroke her sex. I locked my jaw and thought about anything except the
moaning, whimpering, writhing girl beneath me bringing herself off. I fought against the raging
orgasm building in me. I was so focused on preventing my orgasm that I nearly missed hers as
her body locked and she grunted rhythmically with my thrusts. Then, I felt her spasm around me
and she nearly screamed my name.

That was my undoing and I drove into her in quick deep strokes before pulling her hard against
me as the force of my own orgasm nearly brought me to my knees. I cried out and dug my
fingers into her soft hips as lights exploded in front of my eyes. Alice crawled forward briefly
before collapsing on Edward's heaving chest. He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her
head. I lay down next to her and wrapped my arms around her, one of my hands resting on

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Edward's stomach. He looked over at me and winked. I grinned at him in return. We fell asleep
in a heap of naked bodies.

It was nearly midnight when I awoke to the sound of Edward moaning. I looked over Alice to
see that she and Bella were sucking on his nipples. He still had one arm pinned underneath each
girl. It didn't look like he minded. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open as they
teased him.

Bella pulled her head up and asked softly "Do you like that, baby?" He moaned a low "oh
yeah…" and she went back to focusing on his nipple. His hips ground almost absently against the
bed and the girls each pulled a leg until he threw his head back and groaned at being so open and
exposed to them.

I watched, mesmerized as they slid their hands up his thighs. His moans turned into frenzied
pants as Alice began to stroke his hard sex and Bella gently massaged his balls. Soon his hips
were coming off of the bed and he was thrusting himself into her hand.

"That feels so…" he whimpered, his head turning back and forth slowly. He let out a strangled
"No!" as they both released him and got off of the bed.

"We're going to take a bath." Alice said cheerfully as Edward's eyes bulged at them.

"He's all yours Jazz." Bella said with a wink as she and Alice made their way to the bathroom
hand in hand.

I looked down at Edward, lying naked and painfully erect on the bed. His eyes were closed, and
he was breathing deeply.

"Jazz?" He asked softly.

"I'm here." I said, as he continued to lay there, his hand drifting almost unconsciously towards
his raging erection.

"Can you toss me that KY gel?" He asked and began stroking himself slowly.

"Yeah, man." I said disappointed. I tossed the bottle onto his stomach and his eyes shot open. I
turned to leave the room to attend to my own hard on, maybe in a nice long shower.

"Where the hell are you going?" He asked confused and grabbed my hand.

"I was going to take a shower while you took care of your… not so little problem." I said softly.

"Oh…" He said, and his face fell. "I was going to ask you…" He started, and then blushed. He
fucking blushed.

"What?" I asked, curious now.

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"I wanted…" He stammered, and then took a breath, still softly stroking himself. "I wanted you
to… to take me." He finished and looked up at me.

I gaped at him. My cock was harder than it had ever been. EVER.

When I didn't say anything, he looked away and said "Oh… Well, I thought…" He started to
stand up, obviously embarrassed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him against me. I kissed him

He pulled away slowly and asked "Does that mean you do want to, then?" His voice was
hopeful, and he was wearing that sexy crooked grin. Excitement and lust were darkening his
gorgeous eyes.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I asked him between frenzied kisses. "Of course I want to."

He started to kiss my neck and said softly. "Well, Bella did it with one of her toys, and it felt …
it felt good. I've been wondering what it would feel like with you." I moaned as our erections
rubbed against each other as I kissed him again. He stroked me softly, and moaned into my
mouth before pulling away, his eyes opening. He took my hand and then winked at me and
pulled me behind him. He bent over the side of the bed and pressed his upper body onto the
mattress. He spread his legs wide, and pressed him palms flat onto the sheets.

"Please…" He moaned softly. "Fuck me, Jasper." It was all I could do not to cum right then at
the sight before me. I amended my previous thought. This was the sexiest fucking thing ever.
Edward Cullen bent over his bed begging me to take him. I came right up behind him so he could
feel my legs brush up against his and my erection against his buttocks.

"Reach down and stroke yourself slowly." I told him in a husky whisper. "The more excited you
are, the easier it will be." His head turned toward the side and he slid one hand down underneath
him. I grabbed the KY gel from the bed and rubbed in on my painfully hard cock. I used both
hands to spread his buttocks apart. He moaned loudly and I noticed that he stroked himself

I slid one finger deep into him spreading the lubricant. He moaned and almost unconsciously
started to move his hips with my hand. I slid a second finger into him quickly, and spread him
open farther. He gave an open mouthed moan and pushed his hips back against my hand.

"Do you like that?" I asked him softly, and he nodded his eyes still closed.

"Are you ready?" I asked him. Again, he nodded, not opening his eyes but stroking himself a
little harder. I used one hand to guide my cock between his soft buttocks and put the other on his
lower back. I felt the head of my cock slide into him with a little resistance.

Edward let out a long groan and I stopped.

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"Are you okay?" I asked quickly ready to pull back.

"Ohhh.. yeah…" He moaned and pushed his hips back causing me to slide further into him.
When I was most of the way there, he pulled his hand back up and both of his hands gripped the
sheets. I was about to ask again if he was okay when he said in a throaty moan – "Please…

I leaned forward, putting my hands on either side of him and began kissing the back of his neck
as I slowly thrust into him. He was so fucking tight; I knew I wasn't going to last long. I kissed
up his neck to his ear and murmured "Does it feel good being fucked like this?"

"Uhhhhh… Uh huh…." He moaned. "… so fucking good…"

I moved faster and a little deeper, and he started to move with me. "Oh God, Jazz…" He cried
softly. I could tell that he was close, and I was too so I had to get him to orgasm soon. Knowing
that Edward likes to be dominated, I leaned down and nearly growled into his ear.

"You look so fucking hot naked and bent over the bed for me like this. You make me so damn
hard." I heard his sharp intake of breath and I moved harder, faster against him. "I have wanted
you like this for so long, to bury my cock deep into your tight little ass." I squeezed his ass with
my hands and felt him tighten around me. "I'm going to cum so hard inside you, but I want you
to cum first. Cum hard for me, Edward." I reached around and stroked his pulsing cock. I stroked
him hard in time with my thrusts.

"Oh God… Oh God… Jazz… Oh God…" He whimpered into the bed and he tightened all over.
His orgasm ripped through him and he came hard against the bed. Hearing him whimper like that
and get even tighter around me was all it took. I grasped his hips in both hands and gave one last
hard thrust as I exploded into him.

I leaned forward, not pulling out of him and kissed the backs of his shoulders. He reached back
and stroked my hair affectionately, his breathing coming in gasps. I pulled back slowly and he
groaned, lying motionless on the bed. I took his hand and guided him up onto the pillows. I lay in
the middle of the bed and he collapsed with his head on my chest. I played with his hair for a
while as he ran his fingers over my stomach.

"Edward?" I asked softly.

"Hmmm?" He said, and wrapped his arm loosely around my waist.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I pushed his hair away from his sweaty forehead.

"Physically or otherwise?" He asked without opening his eyes.

"Both." I said softly, and braced myself for the worst.

"Physically, I'm a little sore and I'm sure it will be worse tomorrow." He said with a sigh, but

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turned his head slightly and kissed my bare chest.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. "And… otherwise?"

He sat up a little and pulled himself higher on the bed. He put his hand on the side of my face
and kissed me gently. "Otherwise, I'm just fine." He smiled at me, and then looked into my face.

"I… I love you, Edward." I told him softly and then looked away. It was the first time I had ever
said it out loud, though I've known it myself for such a long time. It was the first time I'd ever
told him. He pulled my face back to look at him. He stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you too, Jasper. Please… Don't ever shut me out again…" He said with such sincerity
that it brought tears to my eyes. I shook my head, and kissed him lightly on the forehead. I knew
that I would always be in his life now, in whatever capacity he was comfortable with.

Edward fell asleep with his head on my chest while I played with his hair. I almost couldn't
believe it when I thought about where I was. I was lying in bed with Edward, having just made
love to him. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head softly, and he squeezed me tighter in
his sleep. Not too long after that, the girls came out of the bathroom.

"You ladies have a nice bath?" I asked in a whisper and smirked.

Bella winked at me and said "Yep. Especially since there is a perfect view of the bed from the
tub if you watch in the big mirror." I looked between her and Alice, both of them smiling and I
blushed. I kissed the top of Edward's head again. I loved the way his hair felt against my face.

The girls pulled the bedclothes down and climbed in on either side of us. I wrapped my arm
around Alice and Bella cuddled up next to Edward. He sighed softly in his sleep as Alice and
Bella pulled the blankets over us and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: I know - I'm a little later than I thought I'd be. Don't worry, it will be worth it in the end. I
hope you like this chapter as much as I did. Jasper and Edward had to get their feelings into the
open so their respective relationships could all move forward. As promised - BxE in the next
chapter. They're going to reconnect after all of the group craziness. Though, it would be awfully
fun to do a spin-off story where they all move in together after graduation. I'd totally be up for
being a roommate in that house. Wake up sandwiched between Edward and Jasper? Yes, please!

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Chapter: 23

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The girls pulled the bedclothes down and climbed in on either side of us. I wrapped my arm
around Alice and Bella cuddled up next to Edward. He sighed softly in his sleep as Alice and
Bella pulled the blankets over us and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter 20 – The Truth

Bella POV

"Did you and Jasper make the flight arrangements, Edward?" I asked him, looking in the closet
for our rolling suitcases. We wouldn't be gone long, just a few days to help Jasper get packed up.
The moving company would get his stuff here. Looking into it, we found that he's moving about
2200 miles, and no one wants to be stuck in the car for that! He's even having his truck moved.

"Yes, dear." Edward said sarcastically, still pulling jeans and t-shirts out of his drawers so that
we could pack.

"Did you just call me dear?" I asked him incredulous. "Are you going to start calling me 'the old
ball and chain' next?" What happened next occurred so fast that I didn't see it coming. Edward
leaped at me, pulling me into his arms and landing on the bed. The headboard slammed into the
wall, but thankfully didn't damage anything. He pushed me down onto the pillows, and put
stroked my cheek with his thumb.

He kissed me very tenderly and repeatedly saying "Yes, I made the flight arrangements my
beautiful, kiss gorgeous, kiss wonderful, kiss sexy kiss wife." I moaned softly into his kiss and
wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer.

"Edward, we need to pack…" I said softly around his kisses.

"Our flight kiss doesn't leave until kiss tomorrow afternoon. kiss Alice and Jasper kiss won't be
here until kiss tomorrow morning." He kissed me in earnest then, and then moved to my neck.
He ran his nose along my jaw lightly giving me goose bumps, and then said in a low husky
whisper "I want to make long sweet passionate love to my wife. Right. Now." Heat flooded
through me at his words. He unbuttoned my shirt slowly, kissing every bit of newly exposed skin
with each button. He pulled my shirt off, and then his own. Holding me tight against his warm
body, he kissed my shoulders murmuring "I love you" and "you are so beautiful".

I pulled back slowly and said "Edward, I need to ask you something." He continued to kiss my
shoulder, up to my neck.

"Ask me anything, love." He said quietly, placing soft gentle nips before starting to move farther
down my body.

"Are you in love with Jasper?" He froze, mid kiss on the swell of one of my breasts. He sighed
softly, and pulled himself back up to look into my face. I was scared of the answer to this
question. I cared about Jasper, I considered him a great friend and I was glad he came into our

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lives. But, I needed to know what this meant for us.

He ran his fingers through my hair. "I believe that there are all different kinds of love, Bella. The
love that I have for you is different that my love for Emmett or my parents, and that is different
for the love I have for Jasper. Do you understand what I mean?" I nodded. I could understand
that. "You are the most important person in my life. You are more important than Emmett, or my
parents, or Jasper. I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of our lives. I could
not imagine my life without you, nor would I want to because it would be empty. I do love
Jasper, but I don't feel that way about anyone but you. With Jasper, I like our intimacy and our
friendship, but he could never be to me what you are. He is my oldest and closest friend, and I
have missed his presence in my life more than I can say. But you, my Bella, you are my life." I
nodded, to overcome to speak.

The intensity in his eyes during his explanation told me the depth of the emotions he was feeling,
and I wanted to share them with him. His emotions, and mine in the most intimate of ways. In a
frenzied rush we got the essential clothing out of the way and he was inside me. Our passion for
each other spilled over and our lovemaking was a primal, molten joining of our souls. In that
moment, our physical and emotional union was paramount; all thought of lust or sex was
forgotten in our need to join on a deeper level. When our climaxes came simultaneously in a
burst of glorious sensation, my heart nearly burst from the love I felt for him in that moment.

We removed the remainder of our clothing, but did not move from that spot for the rest of the
night. He held me in his strong arms, and we laughed and touched and talked and kissed until we
could no longer keep our eyes open. And then, we were just Edward and Bella again. We were in
love, and we were one.

When we awoke, still in each others' arms, it was early. We rushed to get everything packed for
our quick Texas trip, and I was in his lap on the couch when Alice and Jasper arrived.

Jasper, in higher spirits than I'd ever seen him walks gracefully into the room and asks "So, ya'll
ready to join the Mile High Club?"

A/N: Okay – this was to address the fears in people's minds about Edward and Bella's
relationship. Their … graphic reconnecting will be in the next chapter. I know it's short, I just
wanted to get it out there, and tell you about the one-shots I put up.

A/N: New One-Shot Postings:

I have posted 4 hew one-shots on my site for various contests, and they are definitely worth the
read. For the crossovers, I wrote them so that you wouldn't really need to know anything about
what it's crossing over into.

Boom Shakalaka

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A Very Special Power

Dark Chambers of the Heart

Bella's Notebook

And I would tell you what my favorite is – but I can't, because I think they all came out so well.
I'm really pleased with these one-shots. I hope you are too!

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Chapter: 24

Jasper, in higher spirits than I'd ever seen him walks gracefully into the room and asks "So, ya'll
ready to join the Mile High Club?"

Chapter 21 – Flying High

Edward POV

Bella had thrown me for a loop when she asked me if I was in love with Jasper. I knew that I
couldn't lie to her. I would never lie to her, or hide anything from her. She would understand
about my feelings for him if I also made my feelings for her clear. It was obvious that she had
been needlessly concerned about the state of our relationship. I could no sooner live without her
as I could live without air. She is my life. If either would force me to choose, they both know
that I would choose Bella. Thankfully, I knew I'd never be forced to that extreme. Jasper was
happy with Alice, I was happy with Bella – things would work themselves out.

I winked at Jasper as he walked upstairs to help Bella with her suitcase. He grinned and I thought
about what he'd said. I'd never had sex on an airplane, I wonder if Bella would be up for it – if
there would even be an opportunity. I readjusted myself in my jeans at the thought. The
bathroom at the restaurant was exciting, but this was so much riskier – so much more exciting.

When Bella came down the stairs, I thought my heart would stop. She was a vision in her soft
blue blouse and gauzy white skirt. I looked over and Jasper had also stopped short. We were both
thinking the same thing – of how much we wanted to throw that little frilly skirt up over her back
and take her from behind. He shifted, and I noticed him trying to be inconspicuous as he moved
behind a chair to hide his erection. I chuckled, and he blushed. Bella noticed, and looked at me
curiously. As I took her bag from her hand, I whispered in her ear "That outfit has Jasper and I
both wanting to take you back upstairs to bed." She moaned softly, closing her eyes.

"We have a plane to catch." She sighed, and made for the door. Alice, hearing the front door

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open, came back in from the kitchen. I stared as if seeing her for the first time. She raised one
eyebrow at me.

"You look very pretty, Alice." I said, trying to shrug it off. Maybe it was because of us being in
bed together the other night, but I was starting to see her differently. She wasn't just Jasper's
girlfriend, or Bella's hyper best friend. She was a beautiful woman in her own right. I wondered
briefly what that meant.

"Thank you, Edward. You're looking fairly hot yourself." She said, beaming and then she
winked. I threw my arm around her shoulders as Jasper did the same with Bella and we walked
with them out to the waiting Volvo.

We had lunch at a local Italian restaurant, complete with a few glasses of wine apiece before we
headed to the airport. Bella's thigh kept touching mine as she would cross or uncross her long
beautiful legs. I couldn't wait to have them wrapped around me. Ugh, I had to stop thinking like
that. We were going to be trapped on the plane for a couple of hours. It would be much later
tonight by the time we got to the hotel. But damn, I wanted her. I wonder if she'd done it on
purpose. Her face gave nothing away. Jasper looked up at me then, and as he watched my
expression a smile stole across his face. When the girls went to the restroom together, he leaned
over to me.

"Want me to help you with your.. ah… little problem?" He asked, grinning at me.

I smirked at him, I couldn't help it. "What exactly are you proposing?" I asked with one eyebrow

"A quick blow job in the men's room." He said, nonchalantly and then took another drink of his

I closed my eyes, and my cock twitched in my pants. I thought about his offer, but then decided
to wait for Bella. "Tempting, but I think I can make it until we land in Dallas." I smiled back at
him, trying to soften the rejection a bit.

"Why wait until Dallas? I was kind of serious about the mile high club. I think Alice and I are
going to go for it if you and Bella are willing to distract the flight attendants." He said, his
wicked grin stretching across his beautiful face.

Finally, we were boarding the plane. Normally, I would have gotten us first class tickets but
Bella thinks that's an extravagance, and Jasper and Alice couldn't afford them. We all wanted to
sit together on the plane, so we took up the entire back row. Bella ran to the bathroom quickly
before the plane took off. Great, now I'll probably never get her back in there. Damn it… Maybe
Jazz will… Ugh, never mind…
I guess I'll live till we get to Dallas and I can ravage my wife in
the privacy of our hotel room.

About fifteen minutes after takeoff, Bella reached over to take her hand in mine. She had the
most beautiful, angelic smile. God, I just wanted to kiss her. Instead of holding my hand

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however, I felt something pressed into my hand. I looked down, it was her white lace panties. I
almost came right there in my jeans. My wife was sitting in her frilly little skirt, with no panties
on. I could lay my jacket over her lap right now and give her a wicked orgasm with my fingers.
Fuck, I am so hard…

I looked over at Jazz and he saw the pain in my face and grinned. He was out of his seat before I
could blink, and flirting with one of the flight attendants. The other was nowhere in sight. I
grabbed Bella's hand and almost drug her to the bathrooms. I pushed her in through the first
door, and realized somewhere in the back of my head that Jasper and Alice were on the other
side of the wall. Thank God it was a relatively empty flight. I pushed her against the wall and she
moaned as I attacked her lips with mine. I ground my erection against her though her thin skirt.

"You are such a fucking tease." I growled into her neck. "I can't believe you handed me your
underwear on a plane. You wanted this, didn't you?" I asked as I pushed my jeans and boxers
down to my knees. "You want me to fuck you hard right here, don't you?" I slid my erection
along her wet sex, not entering her just teasing her.

"Yes! Edward, please…" She moaned in my ear and pushed her hips forward. I didn't move.

"Tell me what you want." I said, grabbing her ass hard in my hands. I was so fucking hard I
thought that something would burst if I didn't do it soon. I pulled her leg up around my hip and
took my hardened sex in my hand, rubbing the head against her most sensitive areas.

"Fucking tell me..." I growled, pressing her harder against the wall.

"I want you to fuck me hard against this wall!" She cried and kept bucking her hips into mine,
trying to get me inside of her.

"Your wish, my command." I told her, and then pulled both her legs around my waist, using the
wall to support most of her weight. I thrust hard into her and she whimpered my name. I pounded
into her over and over, my need eclipsing every other thought. We were nearly dressed, fucking
like animals against the wall of the airplane bathroom. It was wild, but I couldn't find it within
myself to care. Her mouth was inches from my ear and I heard every sound she made. Her
whimpers, and moans, and cries just fed my insane driving want for her.

I squeezed her ass in my hands hard as she tightened her legs around my waist. It was so close
now. She was starting to tremble in my arms.

"Oh God… Edward… Oh God… Fuck!" She whimpered into my ear, trying desperately not to
be too loud. I held off as long as I could but once her wet sex tightened around me I was lost. My
thrusts became harder, quicker, and finally I exploded inside of her. Her name was ripped from
me by its force, and I had the sense to cry out into her shoulder to muffle the sound.

We stayed like that for a minute while we caught our breath. My head rested on her shoulder,
while hers rested on mine. Finally, I let her down gently and she smiled at me. "Uhmmm.. Mr.
Cullen? Can I have my panties back now?" She giggled.

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"No, I don't think so." I said as I pushed them deeper into my pocket and left the bathroom. I
returned to my seat unnoticed by anyone but Jasper and Alice. They both looked up at me with
knowing smirks. I sat down next to Jasper and he leaned over and murmured into my ear "You
know we could hear you guys, right?" I blushed, wondering if anyone else heard us as well.
"You sounded so fucking hot." He said and quickly kissed my neck.

Bella came back to her seat then, looking somewhat refreshed. I smiled and put my arm around
her. She laid her head on my shoulder. She was asleep before Alice and Jasper dashed into the
bathroom and locked the door behind them.

A/N: I know this one is a little short, but I wanted to get it up. You guys have been patient. I have
posted a few more one-shots since my last chapter – I thought you might be interested. Check out
my profile if you'd like to see them.

Reviews are like wicked hot sex with a Cullen boy in the airplane bathroom…

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Chapter: 25

A/N: VOTING HAS STARTED in the KittenMischief Who's Line is it Anyway contest! :)

If you liked Boom Shakalaka - I hope you'll take the time to go to the profile for
KittenMischief and vote! You can find it at www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/~KittenMischief.

Poll will be open until Sunday, Feb 1st.

(As most of you know, I got kicked out of the Dirty Talking Edward contest for this very story -
it would ROCK if I won something!)

Thanks guys! :):):)

Bella came back to her seat then, looking somewhat refreshed. I smiled and put my arm around
her. She laid her head on my shoulder. She was asleep before Alice and Jasper dashed into the
bathroom and locked the door behind them.

Chapter 22 – City Lights

Edward POV

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When we landed safely in Dallas, both of the girls were asleep. It seems that we wore them out
during the flight. I kissed Bella's head softly, coaxing her awake. She smiled at me, and we
gathered our things and exited the plane. Bella and I had made a reservation at The W Hotel at
Victory Plaza, it was recommended by a friend. Jasper and I waved over cabs and then the four
of us headed our separate ways. We would meet at Jasper's loft in the morning to help him pack,
but for now it was just us.

The room was spectacular, and included a living area with a big white leather couch, a flat screen
TV, and several accent tables. It was tastefully decorated, and a nice open space. Behind the
couch was a wall that consisted almost entirely of floor to ceiling windows. The adjoining wall
to the north was also mostly windows. The windows behind the couch overlooked the Dallas
skyline. It was a beautiful view. It was almost as beautiful as the woman standing in front of it.

"Do you want to head out to dinner, or stay in and rest for a while?" I asked her. It was early yet.

"Well…" she said with a wink "we did get a fairly good workout on the plane. How about if we
shower and get ready, and then see what the Dallas night life has to offer?"

"I think that's a great idea." I said smiling at her. "Just you and me, or do you want to invite Alice
and Jasper?" I was really hoping that she's say just us. I really wanted a little alone time with my
wife tonight. I loved Jasper, but he's been a constant presence for well over a week. Bella and I
needed our private intimacy as well.

"If it's okay," she started in barely more than a whisper, "I'd really like for it to be just us
tonight?" She finished it as more of a question, as if she were asking my permission.

"Me too." I assured her gently. This thing with Alice and Jasper was going to require balance. I
needed above all else for Bella to understand that she comes first – always.

After a nice dinner at the House of Blues – Bella totally gets my fascination with music, it's one
of the things I love most about her – we headed to a nearby club. We got to the bar and ordered a
couple of specials. Because it was nearly 11:30, they were known as "Midnight Margaritas".
They were fantastic, and we had a few each. They weren't enough to make us forget where our
hotel was – but they were more than enough to get us on the dance floor.

We danced for about half an hour and then that song came on, and we both knew it would be the
last for our evening…

You let me violate you…

You let me desecrate you…

You let me penetrate you…

All I could think about what that first night with Jasper and how she'd looked as she'd looked as

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she blew me in the car. I thought about how she looked as she went down on Jasper. I got so
incredibly hard thinking about how she looked as she came for us. I knew she could feel me hard
as granite against her back as we ground together to the song. I spun Bella to face me, and I
could tell that she knew exactly what I was thinking about.

Bella POV

I could almost feel both of their hands on me as I closed my eyes and thought back to the last
time I'd heard this song. I had been sandwiched on the dance floor between two gorgeous,
painfully hard supermodel-like guys who wanted me – just me. Then I thought about what we'd
done when we got home. They had worshiped my body and gave me two beautiful mind-blowing
orgasms. I caught sight of the expression on Edward's face, and I knew he was remembering too.

"Let's get out of here." I told him quickly and he nearly hurt himself getting us outside and into a
cab. We managed not to shed any clothing in the cab, but it was a close call. Once we got back to
the room, we fell against the door. My legs were wrapped around his waist, and he was trying
desperately to get the door open. After a few more tries, and me moving my mouth to his neck,
we heard a low buzz and a click as the lock disengaged. We were finally in the room. Edward
surprised me, however, by carrying me into the living room area instead of the bedroom.

"I want to try out that couch." He explained in a husky voice and I felt my panties getting
dangerously wet. God, I wanted him. It didn't matter that we had just had sex on the plane, or
that we had to be up early in the morning. All that mattered has him. He set me down right in
front of the huge windows overlooking the Dallas skyline.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him as he stood behind me, his arms around my waist. He
stopped kissing my neck long enough to speak softly in my ear.

"I wouldn't call it beautiful, not with you standing here in comparison." He breathed low in my
ear. His hot breath caused a shudder of sensation through me. I felt my nipples harden. He
noticed through the thin material of my blouse. "You are so sexy, my Bella." He moaned softly
in my ear and began to unbutton my blouse.

"Edward." I said softly, feeling his warm hands rake over my arms, pulling my blouse off as he
finished unbuttoning it.

"Yes, love?" He asked, cupping my breasts through my bra. I let my head fall back to his
shoulder as he rubbed my painfully hard nipples.

"We're right in front of a very large window. Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked, not
really caring if he stripped me down completely, so long as he was still touching me.

"Look around, do you see anyone? You can't see in any of the windows, and anyone from the
street would have to know what they were looking for. We're pretty high up." He murmured into
my neck as his hands went around to my back. "Besides, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do
this…" He said in a low excited voice and unhooked my bra, pulling it swiftly off. He pushed me

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forward right against the glass of the window. My overheated body was pressed against the cool
glass, and I moaned at the sheer depravity of it.

"You like that, don't you?" He said, low and fierce, and moved his hands to my skirt.
Unfastening my skirt, he pulled it and my panties down and off in one swift motion. I was now
naked and pressed against the glass. I could feel him still fully clothed behind me. His erection
was pressed hard into my back. He pulled me back slightly and massaged my breasts, making
them very warm again. I couldn't help it, the change in temperature sent my arousal soaring. My
head dropped back to his chest and I let out an open mouthed groan. That excited him, and he
pinched my nipples hard, rolling them between his fingers.

"Please, Edward…" I pleaded low in his ear with my head still on his shoulder. I wanted to touch
him, for him to make love to me. The fire in my stomach was starting to reach a fever pitch. He
pushed me back against the glass, pressing his body hard to mine. His hands roamed down and
he pulled my legs apart. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and slid the other hand between
my legs. The contrast of him still being clothed made me feel even more naked - vulnerable. I
was naked and being put on display. He slid his fingers into my wet sex, and my knees buckled
slightly. He held me where I was against the glass and continued to stroke me. I closed my eyes,
my body responding inexorably to his touch. His arm tightened around my waist as his fingers
changed positions. He slid two fingers into me, and continued to stroke me with his thumb. It
was maddening. I didn't think I'd be able to remain upright much longer, but he held me up and
against the glass. Unconsciously, I spread my legs wider so that his fingers would slide deeper
into me.

"Open your eyes, angel." He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked out onto the
Dallas nightlife. Any one of those people down there could look up and see me naked and spread
against the glass of our hotel window. "I wonder if anyone is watching me please you… Maybe
there is a guy down watching your beautiful breasts, or my hands. Do you think it makes him as
hard as it makes me? I don't think that's possible. Do you feel how fucking hard you make me?"
He asked as he pressed his rock hard erection into my back. His words, along with his constant
stroking were causing that sensation in my stomach to rage out of control. I could feel it

"What if I told you that I wanted to fuck you right here against this window? That I want all of
Dallas to see me taking you from behind." He growled in my ear, his teeth grazing my neck.
Fuck, he was pulling out all the stops now. It wouldn't be very long. He ground his hips into me,
using my naked body to stroke his hard sex, to try to fill his need. My hips started to move with
his hand, bucking against it, forcing him deeper. I moaned his name, and his arm tightened
around my waist. He was holding most of my weight now between his hard body and the

"Yes… Edward… Ahhhh…. " I cried as my orgasm crashed over me. I closed my eyes tightly,
and everything locked, except my knees, which buckled. He held me tight, allowing my pleasure
to course through me. His stroking softened as my orgasm started to subside. Then he wrapped
both arms around my waist, continuing to support me and kissed my neck gently. His lips moved
slowly over my jaw, my ear, my neck, and finally my shoulder. My breathing was erratic, but

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slowly coming back under control.

"Beautiful." He murmured, and picked me up. He carried me to the couch where he put me on
my knees. I was facing the back of the couch which was a few feet away from the other
windows. He pushed me gently, so that my stomach was over the back of the low couch. He used
his palms to spread my legs wide. Then, he pulled back. I turned to look at him, but he told me
not to move in a low breathless tone. So, I stayed in that position, my breasts swaying slightly as
my body moved. I was still looking at the Dallas skyline, just from a different perspective. I
could hear him behind me, shedding his clothes rapidly. Then I felt his weight on the couch.

He pushed me forward until I was pressed firmly against the back of the couch. I gasped when he
entered me in one strong, fast motion. He didn't grab my hips, but the back of the couch for
leverage. I grabbed the back of the couch too, and held on as he thrust into me. He took me hard,
fast, and deep over the back of the couch watching the lights of the city. I used my grip on the
couch to push myself back hard into him, and I heard him whimper.

"You feel so fucking good…" He cried as he slammed into me again. I threw my head back,
arching my back. "God, I love it when you do that. You look like my little kitten in heat. That
means I'm hitting that special spot, deep inside you, doesn't it?" He growled in my ear. I nodded
and threw myself back into him.

"I love it when you fuck me hard…" I moaned, unable to stop myself.

Edward POV

" I love it when you fuck me hard…"

Fuck. I wonder if she has any idea what it does to me when she talks like that. The whole thing
against the window just made me crazy. I love it when Bella's exhibitionist tendencies come to
light. I knew it would excite her to think that someone could be watching her naked in the
window. I was right. When my fingers reached her sex to pleasure her, I found her very wet. It
was all I could do not to take her right up against the window. Instead I got her into a more stable
position on the couch, and my eyes rolled back in my head a bit at the feeling of her throwing
herself back against me. God, I am so fucking close…

I leaned forward and took both her breasts in my hands, not breaking my stride. I pinched her
nipples, and she tightened around me. I let out a long open moan, and she started to tremble. I
leaned down and whispered in her ear "Come on baby, let go for me." She moaned rhythmically
with my thrusts now, and her head dropped down. I knew that she was concentrating only on
how she was feeling now. I couldn't hold back any longer, and it hit me hard. I kept driving into
her as it coursed through me and finally I heard her cry out. She tightened around me causing the
sensation to spiral. I put my forehead on her back and grunted as I pumped into her a few more
times, hard and fast. I panted against her skin as I finally stopped. I felt so good, I couldn't move
for a few minutes until I realized that I still had her pinned against the back of the couch. I
collapsed on the couch next to her, and she pulled back and lay against my chest.

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"Wow..." I panted into her hair as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Wow indeed." She said, a little breathless herself.

"I think I really like Dallas…." She started and then her phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, she
sighed. "Hey, Ali we… " She paused briefly and then said "Alice honey, what is it?"

A/N: I need to give out a few huge thanks you's for this chapter:

Thank you to MandieMarmalade for suggesting sex against the window overlooking the

Thank you to Joba Rules for enthusiastically finding me a hotel in Dallas to use. One big ExB
Dallas lemon for you, darlin'.

Thank you to WriterWithABite for the use of the story title Midnight Margaritas. If you've
never read it – it's definitely a must read!

A/N: Okay, there seems to be a little confusion. Next Weekend will go back to being ALL
Edward/Bella when it comes to lemons. There may be some flirting to set up for an out take, but
all lemons will be ExB. Anything beyond ExB (E/B/J, E/J, E/A/J, etc.) will happen in the out
takes. You guys were so split on Jasper joining the fun that I split the story. The ExB fans will be
happy with no Jasper lovin', and I will be happy because I thought Jasper taking Edward was the
hottest freaking thing ever. But I'm just odd like that. ;)

A/N: From now on you'll get a free gift with purchase. A free chapter preview (a good
paragraph) if you review.

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Chapter: 26

"I think I really like Dallas…." She started and then her phone rang. Looking at the caller ID,
she sighed. "Hey, Ali we… " She paused briefly and then said "Alice honey, what is it?"

Chapter 23 – Packing Up

Bella POV

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"Jasper and I are moving in together!" Alice screamed into the phone. I had figured as much
when Jasper started talking about moving back near us. He had planned to stay with us for a few
days while he "looked for someplace to live", but I think we all knew he'd end up moving in with
Alice. It was just a matter of her asking him. Secretly, I was a little relieved. We had briefly
talked about getting a place together with the four of us. I loved Jasper and Alice, and I wanted
to continue our unorthodox relationship with them, but I wasn't really excited about the prospect
of being roommates. There needed to be some separation so that our individual relationships
would continue to grow.

"You had to call and tell me that at two am?" I asked her in a weary tone. After the evening that
we'd had, I was tired now. I knew that we had to get up early to get started helping Jasper, and I
might actually regret our evening activities tomorrow. No, that was so hot – I won't regret it. I
giggled, and Edward raised one eyebrow at me. I whispered Alice's news to him and he rolled his

"I thought you'd either be having sex or sleeping and it would go to voice mail. I had to tell
someone!" She reasoned, laughing now. I could almost hear her bouncing. It sounded like Jasper
was tickling her and trying to get her off the phone. I didn't know if it was so that they could
celebrate, or because he knew she didn't need to tell us in the middle of the night.

"Alice, we're kind of tired. Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I asked and leaned against
Edward. My eyes closed of their own accord. The combination of our athletic activities, and the
alcohol was making me sleepy. The next thing I knew, Edward was lying me in the middle of our
big beautiful bed and crawling in next to me. I cuddled into him and murmured my thanks. He
chuckled and turned off the light, wrapping his strong arms around me and I drifted.

Edward POV

We were still packing up Jasper's apartment, trying to decide what to keep and what to toss when
there was a knock at the door. I was closest, so I went to answer it.

"Here you are sir, have a nice day." The rosy cheeked mail carrier said as he shoved a package
into my hands and tuned away. Instinctively, I looked at the package. It was from Adam and
Eve, I chuckled and called for Jasper.

"Oh Jazz?" I said, trying to hide the laughter in my voice. I couldn't wait to see the look on his
face. He came into the room, sweat pouring down his face. I held up the package, and quirked
one eyebrow at him. He looked at me curiously, and then within seconds his face turned bright
red. "Can we open it and see what naughty toys you bought?" He shrugged and then nodded. I
opened the package and smiled as I pulled out an anal plug and a cock ring.

"Going to have play time when you got back, were you?" I asked him with a smirk. He took the
toys from me, and held them up away from me.

"I figured I'd be even more sexually frustrated when I got back from seeing you, so I thought I'd
be prepared." He said, sighing. "I had no idea it was going to turn out the way it did. But I'm

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really thankful for it." He was still holding the toys up when Alice came into the room.

"Hey Jazz, we're out of packing tape and we could use more… what the hell is that?" She asked,
eyeing the sex toys in his hand. Her gaze was speculative, but her eyes were excited. She had a
small smile on her face as she raised one eyebrow at him.

"This is an anal plug." He held up the oddly shaped piece of hard rubber. "And this is a cock
ring." He held up the other item which was just a plastic circle. "Any other questions?" He asked,
trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Yep." She said, her smile widening. "Can I play too?"

Then it came to me, unbidden – the image of Alice doing just that. Jasper was on his hands and
knees in the middle of the bed while Alice used his toys on him. I was suddenly uncomfortable
in my tight jeans. Bella noticed my discomfort, but Alice and Jasper seemed oblivious. They
decided to go out for packing tape, boxes, and lunch. We told them to bring us back whatever,
and I was practically dragging Bella into Jasper's bedroom as they closed the front door. I threw
her onto the bed which miraculously, was clear of debris. She giggled as I climbed in on top of

"Horny much?" She asked, laughing as I pulled her shirt off. Then she tapped me on the
shoulder, and I had just enough focus to stop and look up at her. She pointed behind me, and I
turned to look hoping that Jasper wasn't back yet. Then I saw it, a swing suspended from the
ceiling. I knew immediately what it was and turned back to look at Bella. Her eyes were a little
glazed over and she was smiling sheepishly at me. I raised my eyebrow at her and she nodded
quickly. We both got up off the bed, and walked over to it.

I checked the straps to make sure that it was sturdy, and figured out quickly how it worked. It
was fairly self-explanatory, so I turned back to Bella. My eyes widened to see that she was
already naked, and ready for me to put her in the swing. I picked her up and set her in the straps.
One was delicately wrapped around her back, another under her thighs holding her up. I strapped
her knees into the loops meant to hold them up and apart. She grabbed onto the loops meant for
her wrist, and I had to step back and see the effect. It was glorious. My cock was aching I was so
hard, and I pulled off the rest of my clothes quickly.

Moving back to stand between her legs, I looked into her face. She was the picture of arousal,
her eyes heavy and darkened, her mouth slightly open, her breathing coming quickly. She moved
her upper body forwards and backwards gaining a little momentum and she bumped into me. I
felt the wet spot she left just below my stomach, and I knew in that moment that I had to have
her. I stepped forward and caught her, stopping her momentum and used the straps to hold her
steady as I slammed into her. She cried out a loud and erotic "fuck, yes…"

I used the straps to pull her forward hard as I drilled into her. We definitely had to get one of
these, the feeling was incredible. I could feel nothing of her except her wet sex around me as I
drove deeper into her. She must have been thinking the same because she sounded wilder than I
had ever heard her, and she arched her back sharply.

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"Oh God, Edward… Ohhh…" She groaned loudly as I redoubled my grip on the straps. Her
chest was heaving, and her breasts bouncing in time with my thrusts. It was so fucking hot. All I
could think about was how it felt to be connected to her, in just that one way. My cock got
incredibly harder. Then, I heard the front door open and close. It was quiet, but distinct. I don't
think Bella heard because in that instant she was tightening around me, her whole body seeming
to stiffen.

"Come on, baby.. Cum for me." I growled low as my thrusts quickened. I was so fucking close, I
just needed to hold out a little longer. I knew that Alice and Jasper would be in here in a matter
of seconds, and that made me all the more excited. They would catch us fucking with abandon in
his room. My balls ached as they spanked her ass underneath us. Our naked skin slapping
together was all I heard until she let go.

"Fuck, Edward!" She cried, and I felt her start to spasm around me. With that, went every
measure of my control. I pulled the straps holding her still and thrust into her quickly over and
over until I exploded inside of her. I nearly screamed her name with the force of it. I sunk to my
knees with Bella still in the swing in front of me, her head had fallen back and she was panting

The applause started soon after, and Bella's head shot up. Alice laughed at the shocked
expression on Bella's face before she started to giggle too. "Edward," Bella said between giggles,
"can you get me down please?"

"Yeah, Edward." Jasper said with a smirk. "After lunch, I think it's your turn in the swing." My
cock twitched in anticipation.

A/N: The Steamy Movie Crossover contest and the Valentine's Day contest are coming to a close
(If there is any kind of problem with the poll, please send your vote in by PM). According to the

SMC Voting Starts: 2/6/2009 on the TheThreeSmutketeers profile at

Valentine's Day Starts: 2/8/2009 for details see Manyafandom's profile at

Just as a reminder – these are my entries in each contest:

Valentine's Day Contest:

A Need for Redemption (This is my favorite one-shot, and I'm really impressed with how it
turned out. I really hope you'll go and vote for it)

Summary: A devastated Jasper stays to watch over Bella after Edward leaves her in the woods.

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He sees it as his only shot at redemption for his actions. Can he save her from herself? Can they
make each other whole again? JPOV AU/OOC - BxJ - Sweet Lemony One-Shot

SMC Contest:

Bella's Notebook

Summary: After returning from Italy, Edward refuses to change Bella no matter what the family
decides. He forbids it, and not even Carlisle will go against him. Edward remains with Bella
throughout her human life which is now coming to a close. AH/AU Sweet Lemon

Dark Chambers of the Heart

Summary: Edward is a submissive on The Island to escape his past, will Mistress Bella be his
salvation? Will Emmett tame the wild Rosalie for their enjoyment? How far will Bella have to go
to break the mysterious and playful Edward? AU/AH - GRAPHIC LEMON ALERT

A Very Special Power

Summary: You don't need to be a fan or Heroes or even to have watched the show for this story.
Bella is captured by the company and finds consolation in a fellow prisoner with the use of their
powers, both of whom have loved and lost. AU/AH - Lemontastic fun

The Real Edward Cullen

Summary: Kristen Stewart is in love with Edward Cullen, and fights to be cast as Bella – until
she meets her Edward. She is so disheartened that she makes a wish and to her utter amazement
watches as the real Edward Cullen steps out of the pages of Twilight. LEMON

A/N: Remember, reviews get you a preview of the next chapter!

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Chapter: 27

The applause started soon after, and Bella's head shot up. Alice laughed at the shocked
expression on Bella's face before she started to giggle too. "Edward," Bella said between
giggles, "can you get me down please?"

Chapter 24 – Take it off baby

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Bella POV

Finally, Jasper is moved in with Alice and everything is starting to get back to normal. We're
even going back to the idea box tonight. He told me to pull one out and surprise him, and I
giggled at the one I drew. It's not mine, so I know it's one of his. I had to run out and get a few
things to make his fantasy a reality, but I think he's going to be very pleased with the result. I had
the iHome set up in the bedroom and my outfit on and ready.

We had a quick dinner, and then I grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs and for his fantasy. He
laughed, and asked me what I drew. I wouldn't tell him. I thought it might have been obvious
from my outfit, but apparently not. Pushing him down into the wooden chair, I clicked the iPod
to start my playlist. I didn't know if he'd let me get through more than one song, but I was
prepared just in case.

She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean

She was the best damn woman that I ever seen

As the first song, You Shook me All Night Long by AC/DC started I began to dance for him. I
had a skirt and top held together with delicately placed Velcro and a plain white cotton bra and
panties set. On my feet were the same knee socks I'd worn to be his student, but I didn't wear any
shoes. I didn't want to land on him until the right time. I think it was the pigtails that set him off
though. He was looking at me with a deep seated hunger that only I could satisfy.

I twirled my fingers in around one of my pigtails as my hips moved with the music. When the
chorus came on, I pulled my blouse open forcefully revealing my cotton bra. After seeing my
innocent little undergarment, he closed his eyes briefly and shifted on the chair. I grinned and
backed up to the pole we'd just had installed for the class I was taking. I ripped the skirt open,
and tossed it to the side. He saw my little white cotton panties and I did a quick twirl on the pole.
We hadn't learned anything too fancy in class, but I knew that would excite Edward. I came
down and stood with my back against the pole, my legs wide, and my arms over my head. I slid
my hands slowly down the pole, over my face, and then to my breasts. I rubbed my breasts
lightly, teasing my nipples to make them hard, before I popped the clasp on the front of my bra.
Slowly, I slid it over my arms and then held it in the air and twirled it, tossing it into Edward's

His mouth was hanging slightly open, and his eyes were glazed over. I winked at him and went
back to the pole. I executed a few more basic turns and even a simple flip. As I was upside down,
I saw Edward get up from the chair. He all but ripped his shirt in an effort to shed his clothing.
When he pulled down his pants and boxers in one swift motion, I saw that he was rock hard. It
gave me a quick ego boost to know that taking my clothes off for him exited him so much.

I straddled over him in the chair as the song changed. It was time for his lap dance. I left the
panties on so that it would be dancing and not all out sex – not just yet. I rubbed my breasts
against his naked chest, moaning softly in his ear until we reached the chorus, and then pressed
my thoroughly dampened panties against his raging erection.

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Keep your contributions by your side and

Stroke me

Stroke me




With each utterance of the word I jerked my hips, and ground against him, stroking him. His
fingers tightened on my hips and I leaned forward and murmured into his ear "Are the classes
paying off? Does watching me take my clothes off for you make you fucking hard, baby?"

Edward POV

"Does watching me take my clothes off for you make you fucking hard, baby?"

I lost all control at her question. The answer of course was 'hell fucking yes', but I couldn't quite
get it out. All I could do was groan as I stood, pushing her off my lap. She made to go over to the
bed, but stopped her. Standing her next to the wooden chair, I lifted her foot and put it on the seat
of the chair – then, I knelt before her. She was a goddess that deserved to be worshiped, and I
would provide that veneration. I watched as she grasped the back of the chair with one hand, and
then felt the fingers of the other in my hair. She pulled my face between her legs, and I pressed
my lips to her damp panties. I blew a stream of hot air against her overheated sex and she
moaned. I trailed my tongue around the edges of her panties, and she whimpered quietly
"Please… Please… Edward." I reached up behind her, and pulled her panties down over her
perfect bottom. They were looser now in the front, so after moving her panties slightly to the
side, I massaged her buttocks with my hands.

With her panties moved, I was able to press my lips to her sex. I placed several closed mouthed
kisses along her tender flesh. She bucked her hips into my face, and I slid my tongue inside of
her. Letting out a small cry, she rocked against my face. I placed my hands on her hips to hold
her steady, and pull her closer. My tongue moved over her sensitive flesh with hard, controlled
strokes. The leg supporting her started to tremble as her hips rocked harder against my eager
mouth. I crossed two of my fingers and slid them inside of her. I fucked her slow, but deep with
my fingers. Her panting increased in tempo, and she groaned as her hips rocked into my hand
and mouth. She pulled my hair slightly in her attempts to guide my movements, the feeling was

I pulled away, and heard her whimper. Smiling to myself, I positioned her in front of the wooden
chair and ripped her little white panties down and off. I couldn't believe she stripped down to her
little virginal panties; it made me so fucking hard. I pushed her shoulders so she bent at the waist.

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Her forearms went to the seat of the chair, and she spread her legs wide in invitation. I rubbed
the backs of her thighs, and then her soft buttocks. I massaged her sweet flesh, wanting nothing
more than to just fucking take her. I went quickly to the dresser and returned almost
immediately. A few days ago, I had picked up something that I wanted to try. I wrapped the strap
around her hips and held the ends securely. She looked down, puzzled, and then arched her back
– clearly wanting me to continue.

Using the strap to pull her back to me, I slid easily inside of her. As I pushed into her, I felt
myself go deeper than I ever had. The combination of her positioning and the strap made it so
easy. She fucking grunted as I stopped, letting her feel every inch of me sheathed within her.
"Yeah, you want me to fuck you hard and deep, don't you?" I half moaned as I slid out slowly
and slammed into her again.

Bella POV

"Yeah, you want me to fuck you hard and deep, don't you?"

I don't know where, or even when he picked up that strap thing, but this was heaven. I didn't
have to worry about his momentum pushing me forward; he could pull me back as hard as he
wanted to. I gave in to my baser instincts, and wasn't concerned with the wholly animalistic
sounds that escaped me. My nipples were grazing the edge of the chair with each thrust and the
sensation was electrifying. Suddenly, he gave a particularly hard thrust, and I heard his voice,
strained behind me.

"Do you do this will all the guys you fucking strip for?" He asked, getting into the role. "Do you
let the really good tippers bend you over and pull down your little white panties? What about the
not so good ones? Do they just get your hot little mouth?" I could feel his stomach slapping
against my bare bottom with each thrust, his scrotum slapping against my oversensitive flesh. I
shifted slightly to have better balance with his continually harder thrusts, and then I felt it. He
was hitting that very sensitive area deep inside my wet sex. My whole body became enflamed. I
whimpered and cried over and over as he drove into me. Suddenly the room spun, and I saw
white stars behind my lids. I came with an explosion that nearly drove me to my knees. I
screamed his name, begging him not to stop – not to ever stop.

He choked out my name as he pulled the strap hard against and stopped. I could feel him
shuddering against me as he came. His hands were shaking as he dropped the strap and put them
on my hips, pulling back from me. I suddenly felt empty, like I'd never be filled like that again.
He wrapped one arm around my waist, and used his other hand to push the chair off to the side.
We collapsed onto the bed, his body nearly on top of mine.

"Oh my God…" He said, his voice muffled into the comforter. He was still panting heavily, but
that too was muffled. I rolled slowly to my side, my legs a little sore.

Stroking his hair softly, I replied "I know…" He rolled to his side too, to face me. Taking my
face in his hands he kissed me softly, reverently. His fingers wound into my hair, and mine
wound into his. This was about lust anymore; it was a fundamental expression of affection.

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We broke apart after an immeasurable period, and just continued to look into each other's faces. I
saw every facet of my future in his deep green eyes. I wondered briefly what he saw in mine.
Learning forward, I nestled my face into his neck and he pulled my body tightly against his.

"I love you Bella" he murmured softly into my ear. "You are my life."

I pulled back and kissed him slowly. "You are my everything, Edward, and I love you."

A/N: The "For My Valentine" Contest poll has opened. Check out my entry called A Need for
and vote for it on Manyafandom's profile (a link is on my profile).

A/N: A new short story called The Forbidden Room, an example for the new D/s Birthday
, co-hosted by DefinatelyStaying and TheSpoiltOne has been posted on my profile. The
contest will start on February 17, 2009 and run through March 17, 2009. For details, please
check the profile for DefinatelySpoilt. There is a link on my profile. Good luck to all of the
authors who choose to enter - I look forward to your submission.. I mean submissions.

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Chapter: 28

We broke apart after an immeasurable period, and just continued to look into each other's faces.
I saw every facet of my future in his deep green eyes. I wondered briefly what he saw in mine.
Learning forward, I nestled my face into his neck and he pulled my body tightly against his.

"I love you Bella" he murmured softly into my ear. "You are my life."

I pulled back and kissed him slowly. "You are my everything, Edward, and I love you."

Chapter 25 – Phone Calls

Edward POV

"I know, my mom was sorry you couldn't come. She said she should have warned you sooner.
What did the doctor say?" I asked her as I walked to my car. I had just been helping my dad
move some furniture out to the garage so my mom could start working on her studio. They both
missed Bella and wished she could have come with me, but she had a doctor's appointment.

"Nothing really, you know – checkups are so much fun. She wanted run a few routine tests, and

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take some blood. You know how I'm always up for that." She said, trying to make light of it. I
knew how much she hated needles, so blood work wasn't exactly fun for her.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll make it up to you when I get home." I said with a smile in my voice.

"I don't think so." She said with mock solemnity.

"Oh?" I asked. "And why is that?"

"I've already started without you. I'll probably be all done by the time you get home." She said
and I could almost hear the wicked grin in her voice.

"Really?" I asked, shifting my pants. I was already starting to get hard. That could only mean one

"Yep. I have my clothes off, my toys out, and I'm.. . letting my fingers to the walking." She
giggled, and then moaned softly. I got the most beautiful mental image of my wife lying on our
bed naked and stroking herself. Whether she was stroking with a toy or her fingers, it didn't
matter to me. It still made that feeling, that very warm feeling, spread through me.

"Ugh.. Don't do this to me, Bella." I said, unbuttoning my pants to give my now staggering
erection some room. It strained against the cotton of my briefs, but at least it was free from the
confines of my jeans.

"Does it make you hard to think about me rubbing my breasts? Do you want to watch me teasing
my nipples for you?" She murmured, and I sped up. Maybe I could get home before she stopped.
God, I loved to watch her get herself off.

"Yes. You know it does, you little tease." I said, my voice husky.

"Ohhhhh.. Well, good. I'm thinking about being in the shower with you, all wet and naked.
You're standing behind me with your arms around me. Your hands are rubbing body wash over
my breasts. Mmmmm… They feel warm and slick as they slide up and down my breasts. God,
my nipples are so hard. It feels so good when I pinch and pull them, pretending that it's you." She
said, her voice almost a moan as she described her fantasy.

"Now you're washing my stomach. Ohh.. Edward. I love to feel your strong hands on me.
Apparently, you do too. I can feel you so hard against the soft skin of my naked back." I moaned,
I couldn't really help myself. I couldn't wait until I could get home and do exactly what she was
talking about. Damn English majors, they're so detailed – I could almost see the water cascading
down her beautiful naked stomach, punctuated every so often with soft white lather.

"Uhhhhh…. Now you're stroking me, sliding your fingers into me. I'm so wet for you, Edward.
You feel so good." She said, her voice was low and excited now. Thankfully because of my love
of speed, I was now very close to home. I thanked the technology Gods for my Bluetooth headset
as I tried to drive and refasten my pants because as she continued I thought I might actually veer

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off the road. "Now you've pulled down the shower massager. You pull up one of my legs, resting
my foot on the side of the tub. My legs are now spread and you're focusing the pulsing water
right on my … uhhhhhhhh…" She moaned loudly, and I could hear a faint buzzing in the
background. She was paying dirty now.

I pulled up in front of the house, and silently made my way inside. I didn't want to alert her to my
presence because then she'd stop. Thankfully, the bedroom door was open so I just stood in the
doorway quietly and watched. She was lying in the middle of our bed, absolutely breathtakingly
naked. Her head was toward the foot of the bed, and her feet were propped up on the headboard
surprisingly wide apart. She was rubbing herself with a plastic vibrator, still talking to me as she
teased her own eager little sex.

"Oh God Edward… That feels so good… " She cried, and began alternating between rubbing
herself with the vibrator and sliding it into her. Her hips thrust up off the bed to meet her hand.
She was really getting into it now. While I couldn't see it driving in and out of her, from the
motions of her hands, I knew that it was. "Yeah baby, make me cum. I love it when you fuck

I slid noiselessly into the room as her orgasm started. She writhed and moaned on the bed, her
hips still moving in time with her thrusts. She cried out my name just as I reached the dresser. I
opened the top drawer slowly, quietly and removed what I needed. Then, I moved to stand at the
foot of the bed, above her head where she couldn't see me. She groaned and turned off the
vibrator, letting it slide out of her and onto the bed. She spoke softly into the phone asking if I
was still there.

"Oh, I'm here alright." I said loudly, and she jumped looking quickly up at me. I grabbed her and
rolled her over on the bed, putting my knee against her back to hold her there. "Think you can
tease me, do you?" I asked in a rough voice. "You know there are consequences." I used the
leather cuffs to bind her hands together behind her back. She was still struggling when I pinched
her nipples hard and put the gag in her mouth when she opened it to cry out. I tied the gag
quickly in place. I rolled her so that she was on her back and grabbed the other strap, the one that
when secured around her shoulders, held her legs up and apart. I placed her in it now and stood
back to admire my handiwork. She was struggling against her bonds so I gave her a meaningful
look and she nodded, indicating that she was okay.

I left the room, leaving her bound in the middle of our bed and headed to the office next door. I
stayed gone a little longer than really necessary to give her the impression that I would leave her
like that. After five minutes or so, I returned with a regular wooden ruler. She eyed me
suspiciously, but as she was gagged, she couldn't comment. I stood next to the bed and looked
down at her as she pleaded with me through the gag.

"Do you know what happens to little cock teases like yourself?" I asked in a harsh voice? She
didn't move. "They get punished." Her eyes widened, and I brought the ruler down against her
naked buttocks now on display. Her back arched, she cried out, and I saw that it had left a red
mark. Over and over I spanked her buttocks, and her thighs leaving a crisscross of red lines. By
the time I was finished, she was panting and I was hard as a rock. I got up off of the bed and

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removed my clothes slowly. Her eyes raked over my naked form, and I smiled.

Picking up the discarded vibrator, I turned it on once more and began to tease her with it. I would
touch her and then remove it, over and over. Her hips began to come off the bed in a silent
pleading for release. It would not be so easy for her. I slid the vibrator into her and held it there.
Then, I thrust my hard sex into her face.

"Is this what you want, baby?" I asked her in a soft voice. She whimpered behind the gag,
nodding her head vigorously. "Beg for it." I said harshly. She began to moan and whimper
behind the gag, pleading with me as best she could. "As you wish." I said, and reached for the
bottle near the edge of the bed. Applying some of the lubricant to my fingers, I pushed them into
her rectum, preparing her. Her head pressed harder into the bed, and I could hear her softly
grunting in time with the movement of my hand.

I knelt quickly on the bed between her spread legs, pushing them higher. I pressed the head of
my hard sex against her little opening, and she closed her eyes tight. Gently, I moved forward
and entered her. I looked into her face and didn't see any signs of distress, so I pulled back
slowly and then drove into her. She moaned loudly behind the gag as I fucked her. After a few
minutes, when I was sure she was okay, I grasped the end of the vibrator still inside her and
moved it in rhythm with my hips. She began to make wild animalistic sounds behind the gag,
thrusting up her hips as best she could.

"Fuck." I said sharply. "I'm going to cum in your ass. Cum with me, baby." I used the vibrator
over her wet eager sex as I continued to move my hips. I was thrusting harder, getting deeper
into her. God, she was so fucking tight. I cried out with the insane power of my orgasm as I felt
her start to convulse around me. She was so beautiful in the throes of her orgasm – her body
flushed, her eyes closed, and then she screamed against the gag. I came so hard that I was
trembling afterwards. I didn't even pull out; I just rested with my head on her stomach for a few
minutes. She couldn't exactly stop me, bound and gagged as she was.

Finally, I released her and we rested on our no longer perfectly made bed. She had her had on my
chest, I was playing with her long hair. We were both trying to catch our breath.

"I can't believe you just came in and attacked me like that." She said with a laugh. "How long
had you been standing there?"

"I came in very shortly after you started using the vibrator. I watched the rest of your little
performance. After that, I couldn't really help myself. I wanted you so fucking badly." I said

"Do you think we'll ever get tired of our wild sex life?" She asked me curiously.

"God, I hope not." I replied with a grin and a wink. Just then the phone rang and Bella got up
quickly to answer the one on our bedside table. I laid there recovering as I half listened to her

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"Yes, this is Isabella Cullen." Bella said with an exasperated tone. I

"Yes, I know. She ran some tests this afternoon while I was in the office." She said softly into the
phone. "Is there something wrong?" That peaked my interest immediately. No, there couldn't be
anything wrong with my Bella. "Well, can't you just give me the result over the phone so I don't
have to worry for the rest of the weekend until I can see her on Monday?" She was getting
agitated now. "Just tell me what the damn test says." I watched in horror as all of the blood
drained from her beautiful face. "I see", she said to the nurse. "Thank you." She hung up the

She sank down next to the bed side table where she had been standing. I immediately jumped off
the bed and pulled her into my arms. "Bella, baby? What is it? What did they say?" I asked in
almost a panic. Her tears were starting to fall.

She looked up at me with her tear streaked face and said the two words that would change my

"I'm pregnant."

A/N: Yes, she is actually pregnant this time. No faking you out, no tricks. Pregnant.

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Chapter: 29

She looked up at me with her tear streaked face and said the two words that would change my

"I'm pregnant."


Jasper POV

It took a while for Bella to become happy about her pregnancy. She thought they would be
giving up so much, that it would change their lives so drastically. But in the end, Edward's
enthusiasm won her over. I don't think I'd ever seen Edward like this before. Everything about
him changed almost overnight. He became more laid back and even stood up as best man at my
wedding with Alice, even though I was too much of a coward to stand with him. He went with
Bella to every appointment, and was thrilled to learn that they were having a boy. I was happy
for them. Alice and I had actually started talking about having one of our own. Our sexual

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escapades had come to a close, and now it was time to face life like a grown-up with real life
responsibilities of a family. I was all for it.

Edward became almost manic with his devotion to Bella and their soon-to-be son. Whenever he
stood near her, he put his hands on her stomach or would kneel and talk to the baby. It was so
sweet to watch him interact with either of them. They finally had all of the furniture for the
nursery delivered and assembled. Bella had decided to go with an underwater theme, and I have
to say it turned out very well. The nursery was decorated in beautiful hues of blues and greens.
Every form of sea creature from sea horses to a large octopus was represented on the walls in
some form of decal. Even the carpet, borders, and curtains matched the décor. Bella had really
outdone herself.

We had gotten the call about half an hour ago that Bella was finally in labor. Alice was just
beside herself. After picking up flowers and a bear for the new little one, we made our way to the
hospital. We walked hand in hand into the waiting room and saw Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and
Rosalie with their daughter. We greeted them warmly and sat down to wait. It took a few more
hours but soon a nurse came out to tell us that Bella had given birth to a beautiful baby boy and
that we could go in shortly.

After about twenty minutes, the nurse came back and told Alice and I we could go down. I
thought that was strange since Carlisle and Esme should go first. I looked over at them and they
shrugged so we followed the nurse.

As I entered the room, I saw that something was terribly wrong. Bella was sobbing softly into
her hands on the bed, and Edward was facing away from us. The words of congratulations stuck
in my throat and we hovered near the door waiting to be acknowledged. Alice broke away first
and went to Bella. She sat on the bed and wrapped her arms around Bella's shaking shoulders.

Then Edward turned, and I saw two things, virtually simultaneously that would change my life
forever. First, I saw my own eyes looking back at me from the newborn infant in his arms. Then,
I looked up and saw a look of sheer and absolute hatred on Edward's face.

A/N: The End. :)

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Chapter: 30

Yeah, I'm just not a Happily Ever After, tie it up in a pretty pink bow kind of girl. ;)

This is how I think they ended up:

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Edward mans up and works it out for the sake of his new dysfunctional family. He reaches the
understanding that he can't be mad at Jasper and Bella, he encouraged and participated in their
play time. Eventually, he and Jasper patch their friendship, but it never has the same intensity it
did before Bella's pregnancy. Edward and Jasper are different people now, living with the
consequences of their prior relationship.

Alice will take a little longer to get over things, because well, she's Alice. It's not enough that
Bella slept with Jasper first, now she's had his baby. Alice can be petty like that. Even though she
comes to terms with what's happened, she'll always hold a bit of a resentment deep in her heart
that shows its ugly head from time to time.

Jasper will come to cherish his role as Uncle Jasper, he won't contest paternity though it is
apparent. He understands that it is in the child's best interest not to start drama. The kid needs
two parents, not three.

Bella learns that playtime has consequences. She and Alice eventually get over their differences
and Bella throws Alice's first baby shower. Since she's not pregnant now, and playtime is
officially over - no, she doesn't get Edward's kid. This isn't going to become a Jerry Springer

Bella and Edward eventually have two more kids of their own. Edward loves them all the same,
even though Jasper's son turns out to look just like him. All three kids are a part of Bella, and
that is enough for him.

Alice and Jasper have two kids. The first, a girl - maybe she grows up with a crush on Edward
and Bella's first kid. Imagine the discussion they have to have explaining why they can't date. ;)

But my question is - what the hell do they tell their parents? Oh, hey Charlie I know the
kid has blue eyes - he's Jasper's love child from our wild orgy one night. That should go
over well. ;)

I had to end it - I have like half a dozen story ideas lined up and I needed the space in my
schedule. If you need a smut fix - check out The Forbidden Room (it HAS a plot), or keep
an eye out for Dark Chambers coming up soon.

Your reviews were great! I had just a couple that hated the ending, but there is one review that I'd
like to address here:

"I've been following this fic since the start and i loved it soo so much!

UNTIL now... i trully HATED the end.. it's just mean and unnecessary.

I feel like you're mocking all your readers by doing such stupid thing..."

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I couldn't disagree with you more. I love my readers and I thought that you guys deserved better
than a cookie cutter ending. It's some unwritten law on here that even in AU stories Edward and
Bella have to end up together, and they have to have perfect little lives and perfect little kids, and
a house with a picket fence, and tons of money. Well, real life doesn't work that way. I get quite
a few PMs and reviews from teenage girls, and while I don't condone them reading my stuff, I
can't stop them either. All I can do is make things as realistic as I can within the bounds of good
fiction. I didn't intend for this to be a public service announcement - but really, when you have
sex (especially outside the bounds of monogamy) there is a real potential for you not to like the
outcome - whether it's a bad reputation, an STD, or a baby.

If you've read anything else of mine from A Whole New Life/Inevitable Aftermath to The
Forbidden Room, you know that if you're looking for fluffy bunnies, rainbows, and sunshine -
you've picked the wrong author. If I had time, I'd do the sequel as discussed above and they
would turn out alright. Maybe not fairytale bliss, but fine. Just like Inevitable Aftermath - they
will get their Happily Ever After - they're just going to get tortured a little along the way.

Thank you so much for following me on this little journey. I will have more ExB lovin' in the
near future. The continuation of Bella's Notebook and The Real Edward Cullen with both be

A Need for Redemption, which is coming out first is BxJ.

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Chapter: 31

She looked up at me with her tear streaked face and said the two words that would change my

"I'm pregnant."


Jasper POV

It took a while for Bella to become happy about her pregnancy. She thought they would be
giving up so much, that it would change their lives so drastically. But in the end, Edward's
enthusiasm won her over. I don't think I'd ever seen Edward like this before. Everything about
him changed almost overnight. He became more laid back and even stood up as best man at my
wedding with Alice, even though I was too much of a coward to stand with him. He went with
Bella to every appointment, and was thrilled to learn that they were having a boy. I was happy

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for them. Alice and I had actually started talking about having one of our own. Our sexual
escapades had come to a close, and now it was time to face life like a grown-up with real life
responsibilities of a family. I was all for it.

Edward became almost manic with his devotion to Bella and their soon-to-be son. Whenever he
stood near her, he put his hands on her stomach or would kneel and talk to the baby. It was so
sweet to watch him interact with either of them. They finally had all of the furniture for the
nursery delivered and assembled. Bella had decided to go with an underwater theme, and I have
to say it turned out very well. The nursery was decorated in beautiful hues of blues and greens.
Every form of sea creature from sea horses to a large octopus was represented on the walls in
some form of decal. Even the carpet, borders, and curtains matched the décor. Bella had really
outdone herself.

We had gotten the call about half an hour ago that Bella was finally in labor. Alice was just
beside herself. After picking up flowers and a bear for the new little one, we made our way to the
hospital. We walked hand in hand into the waiting room and saw Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and
Rosalie with their daughter. We greeted them warmly and sat down to wait. It took a few more
hours but soon a nurse came out to tell us that Bella had given birth to a beautiful baby boy and
that we could go in shortly.

Carlisle and Esme went in first, of course. They needed to see their new grandchild, and when
they came out, they were beaming. They both hugged me, and told me that they were so glad I'd
come back into Edward's life. Things just weren't the same without me. My heart swelled. I took
my angel's hand in mine and we made our way to Bella's room. Edward and Bella were lying
side by side in the hospital bed, their beautiful new son on Bella's chest with Edward's hand on
his back. Alice squealed softly, and ran over to the bed. She had the boy in her arms within no
time. I could see that we were going to be next. I didn't have a problem with that at all.

Once the kids came, we grew out of our games. It was one thing to have hot carefree sex when
you're young and irresponsible, it's quite another to do it when the kids could walk in. I'll always
love Edward, deep in the recesses of my heart – but now my heart is so full of love for my family
that there is no room for the pain.

And what do we have planned for Next Weekend?

The first soccer game of the season..

A/N: No one can put it better than the great Jimmy Buffett:

"Well stories have endings, fantasies fade
And the guard by the door starts drawing the shade
So write your own ending and hope it comes true"

- Love in The Library, Jimmy Buffett

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Storyid: 4767481
Name: Next Weekend- Out Takes
Author: definatelystaying

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Chapter: 1

The girls pulled the bedclothes down and climbed in on either side of us. I wrapped my arm
around Alice and Bella cuddled up next to Edward. He sighed softly in his sleep as Alice and
Bella pulled the blankets over us and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter 19 – One Helluva Party – Part 3

Bella POV

I woke up to Edward moaning Jasper's name in his sleep. Poor Edward, he must be so conflicted
right now. I wish I could help clear things up for him, but I had no more idea than he did about
what was happening with our relationships with Jasper and Alice. This all came on so fast, and
out of the blue that we were still reeling. I poked Alice over Edward and she looked up at me

"I think we should get him all hot and bothered and leave him with Jazz. I know Jasper would
appreciate it." She whispered to me in the darkness. I was surprised. She was willingly giving
over her boyfriend to play with Edward. She loves him, like I love Edward. We just want to see
them happy.

"Maybe we could take a bath." I said with a wink. "I bet we could watch from there unobserved."

"That would be so hot. I wonder if they will actually do anything if neither of us are here as a
buffer." She mused and leaned down to lick Edward's nipple. I raised an eyebrow at her, and then
attacked his other nipple.

"Is there something I can do for you ladies?" Edward sighed with his eyes still closed. His hips
shifted on the mattress, and I looked down to see him starting to get hard under the sheets. I
stifled a giggle and moved up on the bed so that my lips were next to his ear. I looked pointedly
at Alice and she did the same. I wrapped one of my legs around his and ground myself into his

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I moaned softly in his ear "Mmmmmmm…. Edward…" He sucked in a breath and closed his
eyes tightly. Edward was definitely audibly stimulated. He loved to listen. Alice got the idea
quickly and wrapped her legs around his other leg. She ground hard against him and then leaned
up to his ear.

"Oh… Oh God… Edward." She moaned, and rubbed his nipple with her own. "You feel so
good." She whispered softly. At that, he outright moaned and drove his head back into the
pillow. Alice and I resumed licking his nipples and I saw Jasper's head come up over Alice to

I looked straight at Jasper and said softly in Edward's ear "Do you like that, baby?" He moaned
his agreement and we spread his legs making him feel more exposed that always turned him on.
Alice began to stroke his erection, and I lightly massaged between his legs. Within minutes he
was thrusting his hips off the bed.

"That feels so…" he started, and I knew that was our cue. I grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her
off the bed with me while Edward let out a cry.

"We're going to take a bath." Alice said trying not to laugh as Edward's eyes nearly bulged out of
the sockets.

"He's all yours Jazz." I said softly to him, and winked as we grabbed a few items from the
dresser and made our way into the bathroom. I started the water in the huge tub while Alice
watched in the mirror.

"Anything?" I asked as I came up behind her and put my arms around her waist. She leaned her
head back against me and put her hand on top of mine.

"Not yet, they're just talking. I think Jasper just threw something at him? Edward is working on
his … little problem." She sighed. "I don't think anything is going to happen. Jasper won't come
out and do anything to Edward without Edward giving him a sign." She turned around and kissed
me softly. I kissed her back, reveling in the softness of her lips. Kissing her was so different than
kissing Edward. She was so delicate, so soft. I stroked her breasts gently and she moaned into the

"Why did we do this years ago?" She asked as we broke the kiss and I knelt to take her nipple in
my mouth.

"Because it wasn't the right time until now, I guess." I said and turned quickly to turn off the
taps. We climbed into the tub, and she leaned back against me. I stroked her breasts again.

"Bella look!" Alice said suddenly excited. I checked out the mirror and Edward and Jasper were
kissing. I mean they were really kissing, hard. I don't know what was said while we weren't
watching, but it must have been something interesting. Their hands were roaming, but we
couldn't really see. I had a good idea of what they were doing however, and kissed Alice's neck

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".God." Alice said, and her voice sounded completely astonished. We watched as Edward turned
away from Jasper and bent over the bed. He wanted Jasper to make love to him. This was the
hottest thing I'd ever seen. Jasper came right up behind him, and said something to him. Edward
moved slightly on the bed and turned his head to the side so we could see his face. His eyes were
closed. I reached behind me and grabbed one of the water proof toys we'd brought in with us. I
put it under the water to muffle the sound, and then turned it on. I pressed it against Alice's eager
sex, letting it vibrate against her while we watched Jasper preparing Edward. Even this was hot
to watch, I saw Edward nodding and his hips moving a little against the bed. It looked like he
was stroking himself.

I slid the vibrator into Alice at the same time that Jasper was sliding into Edward. "Bella" Alice
moaned, and rested back on my shoulder. I timed my thrusts into Alice with Jasper's thrusts into
Edward. She noticed, and it turned her on even more. We watched as Jasper leaned forward and
put his hands on the bed. He was looking down and it looked like he was kissing Edward's neck
and talking to him. We heard Edward moaning loudly, it sounded so fucking sexy.

I pulled Alice's legs farther apart and pushed the toy in and out of her faster because Jasper was
speeding up. With the water muffling the sound of our love making, we were able to hear Jasper
talking harshly in Edward's ear, but we couldn't make out what he said. We could tell though that
he was talking dirty to him. Suddenly, Jasper reached down and we could tell that he was
stroking Edward hard. Edward's face was the picture of arousal; it almost looked like he was in
pain. It wouldn't be very long.

Then we heard it, Edward was moaning "Oh God" over and over, and we heard him cry Jasper's
name as he came. Then Jasper grabbed his hips and fucked him hard and fast until he came too.

"Holy fucking hell." Alice said, and arched her back pushing her hips into my hand. "That was so
fucking hot, Bella… Please… Please make me cum." She cried and grabbed onto my thighs. I
drove the vibrator into her over and over, and pinched her nipples with my free hand. She turned
her head and kissed me hard as her orgasm hit. Her cries were muffled into my mouth as I
continued to thrust it in and out of her. Finally, her body started to relax and I pulled it out. She
lay limply in my arms.

We looked up and Edward was lying on Jasper's chest. Jasper was playing with his hair. It
looked like they were talking. We decided it was safe to join them, and carefully got out of the
tub. We dried each other slowly, smiling and kissing. As I made to leave the bathroom, she took
my hand.

"Bella, are you really okay with this?" she asked softly.

"Okay with what, honey?" I asked her, and stroked her cheek.

"With me? With Jasper? With Edward and Jasper? It just seems that so much has happened in
such a short time. I'm not sure I've even processed it all." She rattled off, very fast. That was one
thing about Alice that would never change. The more nervous she was, the faster she talked.

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"You love Jasper?" I asked her quietly. She nodded. "You care about Edward and me?" Again,
she nodded. "Then we'll work it out." I pulled her into my arms and held her. She kissed my neck
and we turned once again for the door.

"You ladies have a nice bath?" Jasper whispered and smirked. I had an idea that he knew that he
had. I decided to throw it back at him.

I winked and said "Yep. Especially since there is a perfect view of the bed from the tub if you
watch in the big mirror." He knew he was caught and he looked between Alice and I blushing.
We smiled at him, and he kissed the top of Edward's head. Edward sighed in his sleep and
unconsciously gripped Jasper a little tighter. My heart swelled.

Alice and I climbed into bed on either side of Edward and Jasper. Jasper pulled Alice into his
other arm, and I cuddled up with Edward. I heard him sigh a soft "Bella" in his sleep, and we
pulled up the blankets. We fell asleep feeling happy and safe and loved in each other's arms.

A/N: Thanks to Brit Cat-Twilight Lover for the idea to do the girls' POV from the bathroom!
Several asked about Bella's state of mind. She's a little shell-shocked, yes – but she wants what's
best for the four of them. They are all so close now. Remember Edward telling Jasper before he
was getting ready to leave that Bella is his soul mate – we're not messing with that. We're just
adding a little love to it.

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Chapter: 2

Edward POV

From Next Weekend – Chapter 21

We had lunch at a local Italian restaurant, complete with a few glasses of wine apiece before we
headed to the airport. Bella's thigh kept touching mine as she would cross or uncross her long
beautiful legs. I couldn't wait to have them wrapped around me. Ugh, I had to stop thinking like
that. We were going to be trapped on the plane for a couple of hours. It would be much later
tonight by the time we got to the hotel. But damn, I wanted her. I wonder if she'd done it on
purpose. Her face gave nothing away. Jasper looked up at me then, and as he watched my
expression a smile stole across his face. When the girls went to the restroom together, he leaned
over to me.

"Want me to help you with your.. ah… little problem?" He asked, grinning at me.

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I smirked at him, I couldn't help it. "What exactly are you proposing?" I asked with one eyebrow

"A quick blow job in the men's room." He said, nonchalantly and then took another drink of his

I closed my eyes, and my cock twitched in my pants. I thought about his offer, my balls ached
from the strain of being excited for so long. We still had hours before the plane took off,
assuming I could even get a chance with Bella on the plane. I might be a little more careful about
it if I weren't so damned aroused. I nodded, and he grinned.

The girls came back and we stood up. I had to adjust myself, and it was evident that I was
aroused. I tried not to think about how embarrassing that was. Jasper chuckled and said "Our
turn." They looked confused but said nothing as we left the table. We checked inside the men's
room to make sure we were alone and then went into one of the stalls. Thankfully the place was
very clean and well kept. Jasper put the lid down on the commode and sat down, pulling me to
him by my belt loops.

"Wait." I said quickly, and pulled back. He looked up at me curiously, but I just leaned down and
gave him a long soft kiss. When I pulled away, I kissed his forehead and then stood back up. He
smiled up at me, then pulled my shirt from my jeans and lifted it up. He kissed my stomach
gently, returning the affection from my kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair, and reveled in the
feeling of his lips against my skin.

He wasted no more time and quickly unfastened my jeans and pulled them, along with my
boxers, down just enough for my painfully erect sex to spring free. He licked his lips, and I
grinned at him. Taking me in both of his strong hands, he stroked me until I was panting. Then I
felt his lips around the head. I couldn't help the low groan that escaped my lips as he pulled me
into his mouth.

"Oh God, Jazz…" I whispered as my fingers tightened in his hair. He moaned softly just as he
slid me all the way into his mouth. I felt the vibrations over every inch, and my hips started to
move slowly. I couldn't help it. All I could think about was his mouth on me, and how incredible
it felt. I whimpered as I began to slide in and out of his mouth. His mouth was so hot, and he was
sucking so hard that my eyes rolled back in my head a bit. I couldn't believe how intense it was.

Just then, the bathroom door opened, and Jasper pulled back. He didn't release me; he just pulled
back and licked the head of my now pulsing erection. I couldn't concentrate on anything but his
hands coming up the inside of my thigh to rub between my legs. My jaws clamped shut so that I
wouldn't make a sound and alert the other man to our activities. Finally the water at the sink
started, and Jasper wrapped his arms around me, squeezing my buttocks hard with his hands. I
gasped, but the sound of the running water covered it.

The door opened and closed again, signaling the man's departure and Jasper pulled me back into
his mouth. He was sucking me in earnest now, bobbing his head back and forth. I let out a
strained breath as I felt my release approaching. My hands tightened in his hair once again, and

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he held still as I fucked his mouth. His hands were still squeezing my ass roughly. Soon, I felt his
fingers probing me. My breathing accelerated and I lost all control of myself. My mouth opened,
and my back arched, but no sound escaped me while I exploded. I panted as he released me,
trying not to fall to my knees at the force of it.

He pulled my boxers up, tucking me inside of them while I tried to recover. Kissing my neck
softly, he then pulled my jeans back up and moved around me to leave the stall. He gave me one
final kiss on the forehead before he went to the sink to wash up. I put my hand on the wall and
collected myself before I fastened my jeans and did the same.

When we returned to the table a few minutes later, the girls had finished and were talking. They
looked up at our approach. "Feeling better?" Bella asked with a smirk. I gaped at her. How
would she have known that? She noticed my puzzled expression and pulled me down so that she
could whisper "You left the table with a bulge in your pants and a guy who's got one hell of a
mouth. You come back sweaty and now Jazz has a bulge. Unless you transferred it to him, we
have a pretty good idea what you were doing in the bathroom. Guys don't generally go in
groups." She smiled at me and I sat back down, stunned.

She leaned over again and whispered "So long as you can do it again in the air, I'll forgive you."
She winked, and I knew that this one going to be one hell of a day.

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Chapter: 3

A/N: VOTING HAS STARTED in the KittenMischief Who's Line is it Anyway contest! :)

If you liked Boom Shakalaka - I hope you'll take the time to go to the profile for
KittenMischief and vote!

(As most of you know, I got kicked out of the Dirty Talking Edward contest for this very story -
it would ROCK if I won something!)

Thanks guys! :):):)
Alice and I climbed into bed on either side of Edward and Jasper. Jasper pulled Alice into his
other arm, and I cuddled up with Edward. I heard him sigh a soft "Bella" in his sleep, and we
pulled up the blankets. We fell asleep feeling happy and safe and loved in each other's arms.

One-Shot: Inventory

Bella POV

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"Hello?" I groaned into the phone. I was lying in a heap of naked limbs and wasn't overly
impressed with the early morning wake-up call.

"Bella?" asked the overly friendly voice of Mike Newton, my manager at the store.

"Hi Mike." I said softly into the phone, almost a sigh really. I still heard the faint growl from
Edward next to me. Edward hated Mike. He didn't appreciate Mike's continued sexual advances
on his wife. Even though I've told him dozens of times that I'm not interested, he just can't take
the hint.

"Bella, I just wanted to remind you about inventory tonight. Everyone will be here about 7 so we
can get organized. I'll close the store at 8 and then we can get started. We should be through by
midnight or so." He said, trying not to sound like he wasn't excited about being locked in a store
with me for nearly 4 hours. If it weren't for the fact that there were going to be a dozen people
there locked in with us, I'd be staying home.

"Yes, Mike. I remember. I'll be there at 7. See you then." I said and hung up the phone not
bothering to wait for a reply. I can't believe he woke me up just to remind me of something I
already knew. I had a sneaking suspicion that he just wanted to call me. Stupid little

"Good morning Edward." I moaned softly as he continued to nibble softly on my neck. I rolled
over and wrapped my arms around his neck. I giggled as I saw that Jasper's arm was around his
waist, tracing slow teasing circles on his stomach. "How are you, baby?"

"Well, my ass is a little sore and something is poking me in the back. Other than that, I suppose
I'm fine." He said with a wry smile. "Oh…" His eyes got wide, and he continued "and now there
is a small soft hand caressing my backside." He moaned softly.

"Well, I feel kinda left out." I said, throwing my leg over his hip as Jasper's hand moved farther
up his chest.

"Well, we can't have that." He replied, and flashed me that sexy grin. He kissed me long and hard
as Jasper caressed my leg. We stayed in bed kissing and touching for another hour before we
finally got up to make breakfast.

"Hey Bells?" Alice asked from Jasper's lap. They had gotten so comfortable with each other over
the last week; it was so nice to see. I'm so glad that my friends are happy together. I wish I'd have
known - I'd have introduced them sooner.

"Yeah, Ali?" I asked her, feeding Edward a strawberry while standing beside him.

"Who is it that I have to kill for calling and waking me up this morning?" She grinned wickedly.
I'm sure if she could've gotten her hands on Newton at that moment, she would have hurt him.
Alice isn't someone you want to get on the bad side of.

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"My boss... I have to go do inventory tonight." I said sadly. "I"ll be gone from about 6:30 to a
little after midnight."

"Well, I'll take you and pick you up. I don't want you walking out to your car that late. Is that
okay, love?' Edward asked softly, remembering that I don't really like for him to baby me like
that. But, after all that's happened over the last few weeks, I could afford a little pampering from

"Sure, sweetheart. I'd like that." I said. He looked surprised that I didn't put up any argument, and
we went back to breakfast.

I laid out some stuff for them to put on the grill later and went up to start getting ready for work.
It wouldn't take too much time. I didn't have to worry about looking all that great since the store
wouldn't even be open. I threw my hair up into a messy pony tail, and wore a pair of comfy jeans
and one of Edward's vintage T-shirts. I loved wearing Edward's shirts. Not only did they smell
like him, but they made me feel like I was home.

"I like that shirt on you." He said from the doorway when I turned around. Walking over to me,
he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck gently.

"Me too." I said with a giggle. "It's comfortable, and it smells like you. That way I'll be thinking
about you all evening." I rested my head back on his shoulder, and then was struck by a sudden
thought. "Hey, would you do something for me tonight?"

"I'd do anything for you, love. You know that." He said, curiosity evident in his voice.

"No, this is strictly voluntary." I said pulling back to look at him. "I think that tonight you and
Jasper should let Alice have a turn in the middle." His eyes widened, and he stared at me. "It's
only fair, everyone else has. I think she needs a little appreciation time. If I were her, I'd feel kind
of out of the loop, and I don't want her to feel that way."

"Has she said anything?" He asked, stroking my cheek with his fingers. "It's one thing to play
with Alice and Jasper when you're here. It feels, I don't know… wrong somehow… to think
about having sex without you, Bella."

"Baby, I want you to. Don't feel guilty about it. If you don't want to, that's certainly fine. But if
you do, I want you guys to have fun tonight without me. I laid out stuff for the grill; you can go
out and get in the hot tub." I told him with a smile. It never occurred to me that he would think
I'd be jealous. It wasn't like that with Alice and Jasper.

"Are you sure, love?" He asked, still looking a little skeptical.

"I'm sure, baby." I said, and then I grinned at him. "Maybe you could even set up the camera so
we can watch when I get home?"

"Nice…" He murmured appreciatively. He wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up off

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the ground as he kissed me. My legs went around his waist, and he turned swiftly to push me
against the bedroom wall. "Sure you don't want a turn in the middle before you go to work?"

"Oh God…" I moaned softly in his ear, grinding my hips against him. "As much as I would love
that, I have to go or I'm going to be late. See you at midnight?" I confirmed. He nodded.

Alice POV

I wonder why Bella winked at me when she told me to have fun with the boys tonight. Why are
the boys grinning and looking at me now? It can't be because… I didn't think Edward was
interested in something like that. God, I hope I'm right. My panties are getting damp just thinking
about it. Jasper is a blond Adonis, and Edward is a hottie in his own right, but Jasper and Edward
together. I might actually end up in the emergency room with a heart attack.

"Hey Ali darlin', we're thinking about jumping in the hot tub for a while before dinner. You
interested?" He asked in his lazy southern drawl. The drawl that made my nipples hard every
single time I heard it. Now it was worse because I was anticipating what would happen next.

"Sure Jasper, let me go up and change into something more appropriate." I said, and the guys
looked at each other smiling. They were already wearing trunks and t-shirts. I went up to Bella
and Edward's room and looked through her drawers. I found a pair of cotton shorts and a tank
top. That would have to do. I stripped down and just put on the shorts and top. No reason to
make things difficult if that is truly what they have planned.

When I came back down, Edward and Jasper were kissing in the hot tub. I stood in the kitchen
just watching. God they were hot. Their hands were under the water, but I could just imagine
what they were doing. I liked to imagine it. I walked out onto the deck, and cleared my throat.
Edward looked up a little sheepish.

"Can I join the party?" I asked, now feeling a little shy. Edward looked over at Jasper, and then
held out his arms. I climbed carefully down into the tub and then sat in Edward's lap. He kissed
me softly, stroking my hair. Jasper sat to the side, just watching. I asked him if he wanted to play
too. He said that he was enjoying watching his two favorite people in the world kissing. So, I
continued kissing him. It felt a little strange kissing someone else's husband. That is until Jasper
started stroking my breasts through my shirt. Then, I didn't think about anything but that feeling.

"Bella's absolutely right; it's your turn in the middle." Jasper murmured in my ear softly before
reaching down and pulling my tank top up and sliding his hands underneath it. "Do you want to
play with us tonight, darlin'?" His voice was low and husky in my ear and it sent shivers through
me. I just nodded and turned slowly to pull his t-shirt off. I kissed his bare chest and he moaned
softly. I turned to Edward then.

"Remind me to thank Bella later." I said, pulling his t-shirt off as well. I stood and pulled off my
shorts, throwing them on the deck and the boys followed suit. I was now naked in the hot tub
with two of the most gorgeous horny guys I'd ever seen. Edward pulled me down so that I was
sitting on his lap facing Jasper. He kissed the back of my neck slowly as his hands came up to

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caress my breasts. I put one hand back in his hair and closed my eyes. I put the other hand on the
back of Jasper's head as he leaned forward to kiss me. I moaned softly into his mouth, the feeling
of them both against me just too intense to keep it in.

Jasper reached under the water to pull my legs apart, putting one on either side of Edward's.
Edward spread his legs apart then, forcing mine wider. I gasped as I felt the total exposure.
Jasper's hand stroked up and down both Edward and me. He stroked Edward, and then moved up
to tease my wet sex. He moved back and forth between us until we were both panting. Edward
was still pinching my nipples hard in his fingers. I had let my head drop back to his neck, and my
back arched to meet his hands.

"Does that feel good, baby?" Edward asked low in my ear. I nodded, unable to force myself to
speak. Suddenly, Edward stood pulling me up with him. He held me suspended above the water
with my legs open to Jasper. Jasper's grin widened and he got on his knees on the floor of the
tub. He licked the drops of water off of each of my inner thighs. I thrust my hips forward in a
silent plea to continue. He spread me open with his fingers and I thrust my hips harder. I was
whimpering, pleading with him. Edward chuckled at my display and pulled my legs wider apart.

"Please, Jasper." I cried, completely losing myself in the want, in the fire that was burning
through me. Then I felt his tongue enter me. My muscles were so tightly coiled that I thought I'd
orgasm right then, but I didn't. I reached down and put my hands on his head, pushing him harder
against me. My hips were grinding into his face. My self-control was completely gone, and I was
doing whatever I could to just find that release. I whimpered loudly as he added two fingers to
his teasing. First, he lazily stroked me, feeling me tensing around him. Then he slid them inside
of me, and I bucked my hips against his hand trying to get them deeper.

"Shhhhhh… Ali, honey, I have neighbors." Edward said low in my ear, and then chuckled. I was
so far beyond caring about his neighbors. I pressed my head back into his chest, my fingers
tightening in Jasper's hair. I was so close. Jasper knew it. His fingers sped up, fucking me harder.
He curled them forward and I gasped. In a desperate attempt to curb my audible responses, I
turned my head and stretched up to kiss Edward. He opened his mouth to me, and we were
deeply entwined in the kiss when I screamed into his mouth. Yes bartender, one screaming
orgasm please.
I thought wryly as I exploded still suspended over Jasper's talented mouth.
Edward moaned and tightened his hold on my legs. I knew the way I had just orgasmed with
reckless abandon was exciting him.

We sank back down into the water. Edward and Jasper were on either side of me. Edward was
stroking my hair, and Jasper had his arms around me kissing my neck softly. We stayed like that
for several minutes before Jasper murmured low in my ear. "You don't think we're done with you
yet, do you darlin'?" I shivered. God, I hoped not. "Now, I know you don't want both of us at the
same time…" He started, but then Edward finished.

"Which one of us do you want to make love to you, angel?" Edward finished in a low rough
voice. I reached under the water, and stroked both of them slowly. Edward closed his eyes
tightly, while Jasper buried his face in my neck and moaned. I thought about his question. Jasper
and I would be together now, and I could have him whenever I wanted. This thing with Edward

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might be my only shot, but I didn't want to make Jasper upset. I stopped stroking Jasper and he
looked up at me, the silent question burning in my eyes.

"Honey, I won't be upset. You can have me anytime." He said with a grin and then kissed me
deeply. I moaned into his kiss and then turned to Edward and kissed him. I nodded to Edward,
and he lifted me up onto the side of the hot tub. He positioned my bottom right near the edge and
then moved up to kiss me slowly. Jasper jumped out of the tub quickly and went to a nearby
table. He picked up a few things and jumped back in coming up behind Edward. He handed
Edward a condom, which he opened and put on. I saw that Jasper had another condom and a
bottle of lubricant. He was going to take Edward while Edward made love to me. That is so
fucking hot. I moaned softly at the thought, and felt my wet sex pulsing with need. Edward
positioned himself over me, leaning forward on his elbows so that he was bent at the waist for
Jasper. I could feel him pressing against my entrance and then he looked into my eyes.

"Ready, angel?" He asked with that sexy crooked grin. I put my hands in his hair, and leaned
forward to kiss him.

"Please Edward…" I whispered low in his ear. He groaned and I felt him sliding slowly into me.
I arched my back and moaned, he was just as big as Jasper. He pulled my legs up so that they
were over his forearms and pushed deeper into me than I thought possible. It felt so incredibly
good. I felt every inch of him as he set a steady pace. After a few minutes, he slowed and then
stopped. He pressed the side of his face into my chest. I was about to ask him why he'd stopped
when he spoke.

"Okay Jazz…" He said, almost in a moan. I felt him tense just a bit, and then he started moving
very slowly. "His fingers feel so good." He said to me in a low aside. Just the mental image of
Jasper's fingers sliding in and out of Edward made me shift my hips impatiently. Then I felt
Edward spread his feet farther apart, bracing his stance. He let out a low groan and I could hear
Jasper doing the same.

"You're so fucking tight…" Jasper said, almost in a growl and I knew they had started.

Edward POV

I had tensed up, wondering if I was too sore from last night, but I wasn't. I started rocking my
hips forward driving into Alice as Jasper took me from behind. I held my position bent over
Alice and whispered to her. "Ali, baby… I'm not going to last very long." But she was so
engrossed in watching Jasper and me that she wasn't listening. I knew she could hear every
whimper, every cry that I made – and it turned her on. I could tell that Jasper was having a hard
time with control too, he kept pulling my hips back hard against him as he took me.

I couldn't think of anything except the feeling of them both. Alice was so small and tight around
me. It didn't even have the chance to think about the fact that I was having sex with a woman that
wasn't my wife. That might have upset me if I hadn't been so otherwise occupied. Alice was now
driving her hips up to meet me. She was close, I could tell. I was glad because I was close too. I
reached down between her legs and stroked her softly, trying to push her to her release before I

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lost control. I could hear her moaning and crying out wildly. Vaguely I remembered telling her to
be quiet, but I didn't give a fuck about my neighbors right now. All I wanted was to cum hard
inside this beautiful writhing girl on the deck. I drove harder into her, I couldn't stop myself. She
arched her back as her orgasm hit her, and I wrapped my arms around her. I drove in a few more
times and stopped, clutching her to me as Jasper continued to pound me.

I pulled back slightly from Alice, who was now trying to catch her breath and bent farther
driving my hips back into him. He grunted loudly, and grabbed my hips harder. Alice, her eyes
still closed, reached down and started stroking me in time with Jasper's thrusts. Her tiny hands
wrapped around me, pumping me undid me. Just as Jasper gave one last hard thrust into me, I
came violently into the condom still wrapped around me. I collapsed on top of Alice, and Jasper
laid his forehead on my back. We were all panting when we heard the voice.

"What the fuck, Cullen?"

I looked up and saw Jacob Black standing inside our back privacy fence. "Oh fucking hell." I
muttered, and pulled Alice into the water to shield her from him. Jazz threw me my trunks and
put on his own. Alice also dressed quickly, looking wide-eyed at Jacob.

"Why are you in my yard, Black?" I asked in an adversarial tone. Jasper put his hand on my
shoulder restraining me from getting out and beating this jerk stupid. I'm sure Alice was
mortified at the fact that Jacob had now seen her naked.

"I came over to see why you're fucking random people in the hot tub!" He yelled. "Isn't that why
you fucking walked out on Bella? Why I had to take her to the Emergency Room? I come over
here, and you're fucking some random chick and taking it from some guy? What the fuck is
wrong with you? I always knew you were a cock sucker, but I didn't think it was so literal." He
barked a laugh and Jasper was out of the hot tub in an instant. He crossed the yard in what
seemed like seconds and sent a round house kick into Jacob's chest. Jacob, being taken
completely off guard, slammed into the fence.

"You need to leave, now." Jasper growled at him, the look on his face was fierce. "And if I ever
hear you say anything rude about Edward, his wife, or my girlfriend again - you can kiss your
precious football goodbye because I'm going to break both your fucking knees." He took a step
back and added "Now, from what I understand, Bella and Edward pawned off some blond onto
you so that you'd stop trying to hump Bella's leg. Why don't you go find her?" With that, he
opened the back gate and shoved Jacob out of the yard in a not so gentle way.

Jasper POV

I turned around in time to see Edward stalk into the house. This wasn't going to be pretty. I
helped Alice out of the hot tub; she was a little shaken, but not visibly upset. Not like Edward. I
went upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door.

"Edward, can we talk about this?" I asked gently through the door.

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"Please Jasper, just leave me alone." He said his voice rough and emotional. He hadn't called me
Jazz. I could tell that what the jock said upset him. I didn't want to think about the repercussions
this would have on our relationship. Edward wasn't comfortable with our relationship outside of
this house anyway. I turned and walked downstairs, sitting at the end of the couch. Alice came in
and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and put my head on her shoulder.

"Are you okay, honey?" I asked her softly, stroking her hair.

"Do you mean because some random jock just saw me naked, or because he saw me naked
fucking my best friend's husband?" She asked in a monotone. I rocked her slowly and kissed her

Around 11:30, Edward still hadn't come out. I went upstairs again and knocked softly. "Edward,
it's time to get Bella – do you want Alice and me to…?" I asked gently.

"Yes." He said flatly. Oh boy. He is really upset; he's been up here for hours. I hope that Bella
will be able to talk to him. I went down and asked Alice to show me where Bella worked so we
could pick her up. She hesitated, like she didn't want to see Bella. I sighed, and asked if Edward's
Volvo had GPS. She relented and came with me.

When Bella got into the house, she went straight through the house to the back yard and beyond.
She went up to Jacob's house, and banged on the door. We could hear her screaming at him all
the way across both yards. She told him that who we (meaning her and Edward) fuck is none of
his god damned business and the sooner they moved the better. She said to stay away from her
house and her friends or she was going to let me kick his ass. I laughed out loud, and Alice

She came back into the house and walked over to Alice. "I'm sorry about him. He's like a dog in
heat; I just can't get rid of him." She caressed Alice's face. "Did he upset you?" Alice looked at
the floor.

"Honey, I know. I felt guilty the morning I woke up sandwiched naked between Edward and
Jasper. Do you know what Edward told me?" She asked in a soft voice, and Alice shook her
head. "He said that he loved Jasper and me, just in different ways. He didn't have any problems
expressing that love so long as I was okay with it. I'm more than okay with it, Alice. I love that
we are all so close. I love you, and Jasper – just in a different way than I love Edward. Do you
guys feel the same way about us?" We both nodded. "Then I want for us to continue to express
that love as long as we're comfortable." She hugged Alice, and then me. Alice was considerably
more cheerful after that.

Next, Bella went to Edward. We heard a little shouting, and a little banging. I had to guess that
Bella was throwing things because Edward was being stubborn. After a few minutes we heard
completely different kinds of noises and we knew that everything was going to be just fine.

A/N: Okay, there seems to be a little confusion. Next Weekend will go back to being ALL

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Edward/Bella when it comes to lemons. There may be some flirting to set up for an out take, but
all lemons will be ExB. Anything beyond ExB (E/B/J, E/J, E/A/J, etc.) will happen in the out

A/N: I know my updates have been sketchy lately because of the new one-shots, so I'm going to
try to update every weekend. Next Weekend, Next Weekend Out Takes, and Aftermath. I'll keep
my updates to 2000-3000 words if I can as I did in the beginning so you'll get them faster.


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