12 CBME Clubbell Mass Evolution Action Guide

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Mass Evolution

: Action Guide

What separates this muscle mass building program from all others is not only
it’s design, but it’s combination with the intention of what truly motivates us.
This is and has been the missing ingredient to all other mass building programs
and the lack of results and frustration many of us have faced. If our training is
driven by what’s truly important to us (as mentioned, if building the ideal
physique truly was, we’d all look like ripped comic book super heroes right
now), then we access our inner recesses of energy, determination,
perseverance, courage and that “fire in the gut” we all possess, to gain 100% of
what each training session has to offer and see the program through to it’s

The following is not mind-blowing science. It is not a specific method drawn
from the greatest minds of our history. It is not meant to require hours of study
and deciphering. There are many other great resources out there for that. This is

ACTION GUIDE! And it is meant to be used as such. We don’t want to get

caught up in the risk of over thinking everything. That merely becomes yet
another barrier to getting started and attaining the results we are looking for. We
want to act. We want to act now! And the following action guide will provide the
means to do so, while creating a shift in our physical training so that it not only
addresses our physical health, but becomes a contributing piece to the overall
synergistic effect of aligning all aspects of our being towards achieving our
goals. To creating the optimal environment for continued

growth in all avenues

of our life and reap the greatest gifts it has to offer (for ourselves, for our
family’s, for our community’s, for the world around us) by living it to the fullest.

Time to get strong.

Time to grow.

Time to get unleashed.

Time to



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Print out the following Action Sheets or copy them to a folder on your computer.
Keep it with your training log. Keep it easily accessible.

Step #1

Now while this is simple and straightforward, it will require some reflection
initially. But remember, we want to act.

So take some time to

connect with and attain a solid grasp on a single

recurring pattern or habit you feel needs to change in order to make
forward progress in your life
, whether that be social, familial, financial, etc.
Whatever speaks to you at this time.


Whatever others come to mind during this reflection, jot them down at the end of this Action

Guide to address the next time.)

However, don’t spend too much time over thinking it. Go with your instinct.
Trust your gut. Listen to that undeniable feeling that says (despite what fear,
apprehension or “reasoning” might crop up to dismiss or avoid it) “Yep. That’s
the one. If there was anything that needs to change or shift, it’s that one.”

Write that down here:

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Some of us (like yours truly) require the space to get our thoughts out before we
can begin to refine our focus. So the above was provided. But in order for us to
make this easier to implement, our focus will need to be distilled down to a
single line. No room for vagueness here. If you’ve already written it in a single
line above, great! Just restructure it to fit with the sentence below.

Write yours here:

“To create the shift I desire, I need to…

…in order to move forward.”

Step #2

You’ll notice we didn’t say what you want, but rather what you know you need.
We are making this distinction to better identify the two, to better take
advantage of them both and leverage them to our benefit.

Up next, identify what you want.

You’ve identified a pattern or habit you know you need to change/shift if you are
to move forward with what you want in your life. You chose the one that spoke
the “loudest” to you at this point.

What is it you want, that the pattern or habit

might have been holding you back from being able to attain or incorporate
into your life?
Choose just one. The most important one


(Whatever others come to mind during this reflection, jot them down at the end of this Action
Guide to address the next time.)

Write that down here:

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As we’ve been saying, no room for vagueness. So take what you’ve written and
distill it into a single sentence that describes what you would have if the
pattern/habit from Step #1 were not there:

“Without the above pattern/habit, I would…

…freeing me to attain greater heights of fulfillment in my life.”

Step #3

You now have identified the single pattern or habit that speaks most strongly to
you at this time, that you feel needs to change, if you are to make forward

You know what you want, that this pattern or habit might have been holding you
back from being able to attain or incorporate into your life.

Now we will

identify the quality that will most greatly assist you in creating

that shift, releasing that pattern/habit and allow you to access what you
want most.

One of the most effective ways of identifying that quality is to identify what you
immediately feel upon thinking about having to change the pattern or habit. That
informs the quality best suited to face it.

For example:
Do you feel scared or anxious? Then having strength or courage can assist.
Do you feel tired? Having perseverance in your corner will help.
Do you feel frustrated? Patience, compassion (for yourself) or joy can get you
over the hump.
Be sure to note: This is not some be all and end all mathematical formula. There
is no right or wrong answer. You base your decision on the one that resonates
most with you in this moment, with what you feel you need to see the results
you wish to achieve. We put far to little value in our own intuition. Yet it is more
accurate than near any gauge out there. Yes, perhaps it isn’t finely honed at the
moment. That’s okay. This starts the process to doing so. And you’ll be
surprised at how quickly that instinct comes alive.

So the quality: ___________________________________

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Now to complete YOUR equation:

“With (quality) ____________ I release (pattern/habit) ______________________
__________________________________________________. What purpose it once
served is no longer needed. I am grateful for what it gave me.

With (quality)_____________ I have (want) _________________________________
_____________________________________. I am free, receiving the greatest
heights of fulfillment in my life.”

Turning on the juice….

And now you have a specific theme, with a specific intention for your training
cycle. Time to attach it to you physical practice. Think of this as taking it out of
the realm of thought and downloading it into the realm of reality. Out of the
arena of peace, serenity and lovey dovey goodness and shocked awake into the
arena of sweat, noise, hard work. Into the realm and arena where you MAKE
things happen. Where you take ACTION!

Difference is, armed with this new found intention and focus, this uncertain, and
sometimes seemingly overpowering reality, no longer holds sway over you. You
have a lifeline. You have the fuel and the drive to reach what you want…..

……Nothing holds sway over me. I face it, with or without fear. Because fear will
not rule me. I fail without regret. I succeed without attachment. I adapt, I
become…..I AM!

Ready to rock this joint? Lets do this.




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Cycle  (Month)  #  1

This month is your foundation. You are laying the building blocks for an
unshakable platform that, no matter what happens, you can always come back
to and build from. You are developing the strength face whatever comes your
way, from within or without, to challenge the evolution you are undergoing.

At the beginning of each week or mini-cycle, just before your training session
(just take a minute or two, this isn’t a 30 min meditation session) state to

“With (quality) ____________ I release (pattern/habit) ______________________
__________________________________________________. What purpose it once
served is no longer needed. I am grateful for what it gave me.

With (quality)_____________ I have (want) _________________________________
_____________________________________. I am free, receiving the greatest
heights of fulfillment in my life.”

See yourself on one side of a massive arena or stadium, like the Coliseum.

It’s ground and the stands are filled to the brim with what seems like a massive
market. It is PACKED. It is loud. It is disorienting.

Now see what you want, on the other side, opposite of you.
Make all that you see go black and white.
Turn the volume on the noise down.

Blurring out all that’s around you, see what you want with crystal clarity.
Turn up the color on it. Make it brighter. Make it richer.

While holding on to that image state:

“I am (quality) _________________. “ (3 times)

Then for the rest of that week or mini – cycle, at the beginning of each training
session (whether it Hi intensity or No intensity, doesn’t matter. Every session),
draw up the image of what you want. Go directly to the image at the end of the
visualization and state to yourself:

“I am (quality) _________________. “ (3 times)

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Cycle  (Month)  #2  

This month you launch from the foundation. You dive into the realm of
heightened senses, sudden instability and increasing complexity. But it is also
the opportunity to unleash your true athleticism and ability. You are developing
the fluidity and ease with which you face whatever comes your way, from within
or without, to challenge the evolution you are undergoing.

At the beginning of each week or mini-cycle, just before your training session
(again, just a minute or two), state to yourself:

“With (quality) ____________ I am (now flip the previous negative
pattern/habit and name its positive opposite. ie: “being critical” to “being
I am grateful for what it gives me.

With (quality)_____________ I have (want) _________________________________
_____________________________________. I am free, receiving the greatest
heights of fulfillment in my life.”

You are on one side of the Coliseum.
Call to you your want. Hold it before you.

You’ve turned everything down on the Coliseum from the last cycle. Now it’s
time to bring it back to life.

It was blurred. Bring back the details.
It was quieted. Turn up the volume.
It was black and white, turn up the color. Make it bright, make it rich. Smell it all.

Now smile. Nothing can stand between what you have and what you want,
because you have it with you. You now get to take it back to where it belongs in
the most creative and fun way possible. Jump, leap, duck, dive, run, crawl. Play!

Anything that gets in your way, it is merely an obstacle in the game and meant
move you along the most optimal path to your destination.

While seeing yourself explore, discover and learn with pure joy state:

“I am (quality) _________________. “ (3 times)

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Then for the rest of that week or mini – cycle, at the beginning of each training
session (whether it Hi intensity or No intensity, doesn’t matter. Every session),
draw up the image of yourself dashing through the crowded arena with a big
smile on your face, what you want in hand and state to yourself:

“I am (quality) _________________. “ (3 times)

Cycle  (Month)  #3  

The final month. This is it! Here you face any challenge with ease. You flow and
adapt under any load. The heavier it is, the more complex, the more alive you
become. You are an evolution.

At the beginning of each week or mini-cycle, just before your training session
(you know the drill), state to yourself:

“With (quality) ____________ I am (flipped pattern/habit and turn it into a
verb. ie: “being constructive” to “constructive”)
It unleashes the essence of me on the world!

With (quality)_____________ I am (turn your want into a verb ie: from “I have
more time with my kids” to “I am with my kids”) ______________________
_______________________________________________. I am the greatest heights
of fulfillment in my life.”

You are in the Coliseum.
Call to you your want. It is with you.

Everything around you is alive with energy.

You were making your way to the other side to return your want to it’s home.
But that destination has all of a sudden dissipated.
Because your want no longer needs to get home.
It is home.
Right there with you. It is you…

And with nothing holding me back, I start to trot…
I pick up my pace….
I am smiling…
I am laughing…
I am more alive than at any other time in my life!


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Then I state:

“I AM. “
“I AM. “
“I AM. “

Then for the rest of that week or mini – cycle, at the beginning of each training
session (whether it Hi intensity or No intensity, doesn’t matter. Every session), I
draw up the image of myself dashing through the crowded arena, feeling more
alive than ever, with a big smile on my face, beginning to glow brighter and
brighter and brighter until I fade out to pure light and state to myself:

“I AM. “
“I AM. “
“I AM. “

Welcome to the Evolution…

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Extra’s: The Brainstorm Chronicles

This is not to dismiss or devalue all the other needs and wants you’ve identified.
It is in fact to place them in a safe place, so that they will be here when you are
ready to repeat the whole cycle and address the next one.

We focus on one at time to provide a razor sharp focus and expedite the
process to creating a significant shift in our life.

“Recurring patterns or habits I feel I need to change in order to make
forward progress in my life.”


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What is it I want, that the pattern or habit might have been holding me back
from being able to attain or incorporate into my life?

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What quality will most greatly assist me in creating that shift, releasing that
pattern/habit and allow me to access what I want most.


Document Outline


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