3 Seven mind blowing psychological facts

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7 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts You Didn’t Know About Yourself

Psychologists and neuroscientists are constantly finding out fascinating new facts about the
brain—and some of them have significant implications for your manifestation potential.

Here’s the science behind 7 mind-blowing psychological facts, along with explanations of how
you can use these facts to your advantage when working with the Law of Attraction.

1. You Have “Inattention Blindness”

Inattention blindness is the phenomenon whereby people frequently miss significant changes in
their visual field. This is why you’re not always consciously aware of significant things that are
actually right in front of you.

So, even if you think it should be obvious if you’ve met your soulmate (for example), the truth is
that you might not even have noticed this person’s first appearance on the scene!

Make a concentrated effort to look harder for signs, opportunities and important lessons that the
Universe is sending.

And keep an open mind. Because in addition to “inattention blindness” our brain is also often
guilty of only focusing on seeing things from one perspective.

The image above is just one of many examples of how your eyes and brain can fool you. When
you first looked at it, did you see a man standing sideways (his profile) or did you see a partial
frontal shot? You had to look again to see a different version of the image, didn’t you?

2. Most Of Your Decisions Are Made Unconsciously

When you do things like pro and con lists, you think these are what influence your eventual
decision, whether you’re making a purchase or choosing a life path.

In truth, unconscious decision-making factors are more powerful (such as the potential for
social validation, or what will help you maintain a consistent persona).

For example, when you are buying that new laptop, you think you are basing your decision on
the research you’ve done. That you have logically analyzed all the relevant factors: the price, the
warranty and return policies, what programs you are going to install, how much space you will
need etc.

But really your final decision will depend a lot on your unconscious mental processing.

For example, “I have always wanted this particular one, because I have seen it in films and it
looked cool” (social validation) or “I like to have the newest gadgets, so I am going to buy the
most recent version even though I don’t necessarily need it right now” (personality).

This doesn’t mean that unconscious decision-making is bad or irrational. It simply helps our
conscious mind which sometimes struggles to process the overwhelming amount of data we’re
getting every day. This is why we have developed “instincts” that we should take into
consideration when making a decision.

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But, even though it’s crucial to trust your gut, you’ll also benefit from working to “train” the
subconscious part of your mind
to think more positively (by doing things like creating an
environment that’s conducive to favorable and optimistic unconscious responses).

Start by finding any subconscious “success blockers” that you might have and eliminate them.

If it is hard for you to see what limiting beliefs you have (but feel like there is a constant nagging
voice at the back of your head stopping you from achieving your goal), take this

quick free


right now. Answer 8 questions and get a video report detailing which 1 of 3 sneaky success

blockers is standing in your way.

This is the only way you’ll become a more positive person overall—and therefore more capable
of manifesting your intentions.

3. You Read Faster With A Longer Line Length—But Prefer Shorter

Research shows that if you want to read faster, 100 characters per line is the optimal length.
However, you will actually prefer reading a shorter length of 45-72 characters per line.

This is really useful to know when you’re making inspirational signs or post-it notes for yourself,
or when you’re deciding how to design your dream board.

You’ll have a more positive psychological experience with a shorter line length.

4. You Can Only Remember 3-4 Things At A Time

Although you might think you can remember about 10 things at once, all the latest studies on
human memory and information processing show that you can really only remember 3-4.

Given this fact about how your brain works, don’t waste your time by trying to focus on a
dozen things at once.

If, for example, you have a list of ten things you want to do this week to move closer to
manifesting your dream, dedicate the full force of your attention to just 3-4 for now.

Similarly, when you’re keeping a gratitude journal, just write down 3-4 things from the day, and
keep those in your mind as you fall asleep.

Also, it is good to know that you can only hold these 3-4 things in your mind for about 20
without having to repeat them or really focus on them.

Here is a simple example. What do you do when someone gives you a phone number to
remember (or even an address that has fewer numbers in it)? You keep repeating it to yourself
until you find a pen to write it down. This is a natural reaction of our brain.

So when you are practicing affirmations, it is important to keep repeating them for a few
minutes, so that they really stay in your mind.

Another interesting thing to remember is that researchers have found out that people also have
trouble choosing between more than 3 to 4 items at a time
. Next time when you look at the
menu, notice how you get a little bit lost when there are more than 4 types of say teas or
cocktails to choose from.

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This again means that when you are setting goals and objectives for yourself, you really need to
choose less than 4 of them. Otherwise, you will find it really difficult to focus on them and
prioritize them.

(You can start practicing this right now. We have a list of 7 psychological facts in this article –
don’t try to immediately remember all of them. Choose 3-4 that are going to be the most useful
for you and start implementing them)

5. You Imagine Objects From Above And Tilted

Imagining objects from above and tilted is called taking the “Canonical Perspective.” It was
discovered back in the 1980s, and modern research still backs the claim that this is the default
way that people create mental images.

Here’s a little experiment you can conduct yourself. Ask your friends to draw a cup of tea. 9
out of 10 will draw something similar to the picture on the left. From a perspective slightly
above and looking down on the cup. As well as offset a little to the left or to the right.

Now, how many people drew what you see in the picture on the right? Not many, right? The
question is why.

You may think that this is because we are all used to looking at the cup from a certain angle and
this is the first image of it that comes to mind. But this research has been conducted with many
other objects as well, and the results were the same. So it is a universal trait that we imagine
objects from a canonical perspective.

When you’re using Law of Attraction techniques like creative visualization, this is likely the
same perspective you use to imagine your ideal work environment, the possessions you want to
acquire, or your dream partner.

Armed with this knowledge, you can deliberately encourage your brain to take other perspectives
for more effective and varied visualization.

The more perspectives the better, but you might have to work at adopting these different ways of

6. You Reconstruct Your Memories

Neuroscientists and psychologists working on the nature of memory have shown that our
memories aren’t like movie clips that we access repeatedly—instead, they’re nerve pathways that
fire anew every single time we recall an event, which means they can change.

When working with the Law of Attraction, what this means is that there’s no need to focus on
the negative events from the past
—you can actively choose to change the way you see a
memory, rather than accepting that its meaning and associated feelings are set in stone.

7. You Can’t Actually Multi-Task

If you’re full of excitement about what you’re working to achieve, it makes sense that might start
trying to accomplish everything at once!

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This can feel like a super-productive way to work, but findings published in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences show that we can only attend to a single event at any one

So, you’ll be best at using the Law of Attraction to your advantage if you choose one aspect of
your dream to pursue at any given moment. Even more importantly, make sure you only set one
manifestation goal at a time. Otherwise, you simply reduce your power to manifest each of the


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