1 Provider Admin

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Table of Content

1. Concept............................................................................................................................................................3

2. Accessing the Provider Admin Area ..............................................................................................................3

3. Functions .........................................................................................................................................................4

3.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................5

3.1.1 General Stats......................................................................................................................................5

3.1.2 Administrator Access ........................................................................................................................5

3.1.3 HTTP Compression............................................................................................................................5

3.2 Domain.......................................................................................................................................................6

3.2.1 Add Domain ........................................................................................................................................6

3.2.2 Edit Domain ........................................................................................................................................7

3.3 SMTP .........................................................................................................................................................9

3.3.1 Log.......................................................................................................................................................9

3.3.2 Queue..................................................................................................................................................9

Click on the Read link to read the mail in queue.3.4 Daemon Configuration..............................................9

3.4 Daemon Configuration ............................................................................................................................10

3.4.1 SMTP.................................................................................................................................................10

3.4.2 POP3 .................................................................................................................................................10

3.4.3 Local Delivery Agent ........................................................................................................................11

3.4.4 External Delivery Agent ...................................................................................................................11

3.5 Templates ................................................................................................................................................12

3.5.1 Browse ..............................................................................................................................................12

3.5.2 Add Template ...................................................................................................................................12

3.5.3 Modify Template Code .....................................................................................................................12

3.6 Language .................................................................................................................................................13

3.6.1 Maintenance .....................................................................................................................................13

3.7 Database..................................................................................................................................................13

3.7.1 Backup ..............................................................................................................................................13

3.7.2 Restore..............................................................................................................................................13

4. Daemons........................................................................................................................................................14

4.1 Running Daemons...................................................................................................................................14

4.2 Stopping Daemons..................................................................................................................................14

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1. Concept

SocketMail is a multi-domain and unlimited users
mail server. To enable this idea to take place,
functionality and interface are designed into this
provider-host-users relationship. Per server, there
is only one (1) provider and the provider function
is to provide service to all hosts/domains which
the provider hosted. Each host then serve public
or users.

From this relationship, its clear that each node or
members of the relationship have it own task and
function. Therefore, provider will have Provider
Console to administrate service for hosts/domains.
Host/Domain will have Webmaster Console to
manage rights and functionality provided by
provider plus to serve it users. End-user will have the web client interface to manage it mails and to utilize
services and products provided by the provider via the host.

2. Accessing the Provider Admin Area

The Provider Administrative area (Provider Admin) can be access via the browser at the following URL :


Enter the Provider Admin login and password (as you defined during installation) to gain access.

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3. Functions

Once login successfully, the Provider Admin page will be displayed.
On the left pane, are the menus for Provider Admin. The menus are
structured and categorized for user ease of use.



Category : General

General Stats

Show overall/general statistics about the
system usage.

Administrator Access

Change the login/access to this Provider
Admin area

HTTP Compression

Settings regarding HTTP compressions for
the served pages

Category : Domain

Add Domain

Add new domain or new mail service to the

Edit Domain

Modify existing domain settings

Category : SMTP


Read SMTP log


Watch/monitor current incoming/outbound
mail queue

Category : Daemon Configuration


Define SMTP settings


POP3 server settings

Local Delivery Agent

Local MDA (mail delivery agent) settings

External Delivery Agent

External MDA settings

Category : Templates


Browse existing templates


Create new template

Modify Template Code

Modify the template codes

Category : Language


Manage the language resource

Category : Database


Backup MySQL database


Restore MySQL database

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3.1 General

3.1.1 General Stats

This function will show the
general statistics of the
system usage.

3.1.2 Administrator Access

This function allow you to change
the login to this Provider Admin site.

To change the login ID, enter the
new login ID as well as the current
and new password.

To just change the password, leave
the New login ID field blank, enter in
the new and current password.

Click on Update button.

3.1.3 HTTP Compression

This function allow you to turn
HTTP compressin on or off. You
can also choose the compression
level (0-9). If you set HTTP
compression monitoring
to Yes,
then the text as defined in HTTP
compression monitoring text
will appear at the bottom of every

The tag {LAPSED} in the HTTP
compression monitoring text
will be replaced with the second
that the script executed.

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3.2 Domain

3.2.1 Add Domain

This function allow you to add new domain to
the system.

If you are not using SocketMail’s SMTP i.e.
using Sendmail or other MTA, then please refer
to the Installation Guide for reference on where
else in Sendmail/other MTA to add the domain

Once the domain added, you need to use the
Edit Domain function (refer to 3.2.2) to modify
the detail settings of the domain.

Below are the explanation of the fields on the



Mail Domain

The domain that the mail server going to handle for incoming and outgoing.
Example yourdomain.com

Client Interface URL

The web client URL where user logged in to the mail system. Example,

mail.yourdomain.com or just yourdomain.com


Select the web client template. Later the webmaster may change the template

Admin login ID

The webmaster of the domain login to the Webmaster Console.

Admin login password

Webmaster login password

Admin name

For recording purposes only, the webmaster name.

Admin e-mail

The administrator e-mail address.

Expiry date

The date when the mail hosting for this domain expires


Approve status will allow site and functionalities for the domain to be
available. Pending status will set halt all processes for the domain

User creation method

Either (1) Self sign-up (via web client) or (2) Webmaster will create user.

Selecting Self sign-up, will allow public who have access to the web client
URL to sign-up themselves.

Allow ‘pipe-to-program’

Enabling this will allow the domain’s webmaster via Webmaster Console to

define or redirect incoming mails for certain user to a program reside on the
server. This must be handled with extreme careful, giving such facility to
wrong person may damage your server.

Default mailbox size

The standard mailbox size for all users in that domain

Default allowed
attachment size

The standard allowed attachment size for all users in that domain. Only
applicable for mails created from web-client

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3.2.2 Edit Domain

The explanation of the form fields are :

Section : General

Domain Name

The domain that the mail server
going to handle for incoming and
outgoing. Example

Domain URL

The web client URL where user
logged in to the mail system.
Example, mail.yourdomain.com or
just yourdomain.com

E-mail general

Contact email, general.

E-mail billing

Contact email, for billing related

E-mail admin

Contact email, for system
administration related matter.

Admin login ID

The webmaster of the domain login
to the Webmaster Console.

Admin login
password (reset)

The webmaster login password.
Leave blank if you don’t wish to

Expiry date

The expiry of SocketMail service to
this domain/host. In YYYY-MM-DD

Section : Status

Access Type

Select the access type that you
want to allow to this host/domain.
Either Web Only, POP3 Only or
Web and POP3.

User creation

Either (1) Self sign-up (via web
client) or (2) Webmaster will create
user. Selecting Self sign-up, will
allow public who have access to
the web client URL to sign-up


If status is other than Approved,
SMTP, POP3 and web client
service will not be served or not
working for the host/domain.

Allow ‘pipe-to-

Enabling this will allow the
domain’s webmaster via
Webmaster Console to define or
redirect incoming mails for certain
user to a program reside on the
server. This must be handled with
extreme careful, giving such facility
to wrong person may damage your

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Section : Limit


The maximum users that the host allowed to have. Enter 0 for
unlimited users.


How many folders can be made sharable by each user of this


Banners Limit

Number of adverisement banner allowed for this domain/host.

Group Limit

Number of groups allowed for this domain/host.

Autoresponder Limit

Number of autoresponders allowed for this host.

Package Limit

Number of packages allowed for this domain.

Section : Quota


The default mailbox limit for every user account. The value here are
in bytes, if you want set the mailbox value to 1MB, you have to
enter 1024000 . i.e. 1 megabyte (1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes).


The default attachment limit (for web client) for every user account.
The value here are in bytes, if you want set the attachment value to
1MB, you have to enter 1024000 . i.e. 1 megabyte (1 kilobyte =
1024 bytes).

Package Mailbox

The maximum mailbox limit for every package creation. The value
entered here will be the limiting factor when webmaster creates
packages, for each packages , the mailbox limit (of each packages)
can’t exceed this value. The value here are in bytes, if you want set
the mailbox value 1MB, you have to enter 1024000 . i.e. 1
megabyte (1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes).

Package Attachment

The maximum attachment limit for every package creation. The
value entered here will be the limiting factor when webmaster
creates packages, for each packages , the attachment limit (of each
packages) can’t exceed this value. The value here are in bytes, if
you want set the attachment value to 1MB, you have to enter

Apply changes to existing

If the checkbox is checked, all user account under this domain will
be affected or reflected by the changes made on values/settings in
this section.

Section : SMTP Relay

Relay Option

Allowed or Not Allowed. Allowed, will enable user for this domain to
use SMTP to send mail in or out of the system. Example, user can
send mail from their Outlook (with proper set-up). Disable the
SMTP relay will not allow user to use SMTP to send out mail.
However, sending mail from the webmail still allowed.

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3.3 SMTP

3.3.1 Log

This function enable you to query and view the SMTP log records.

3.3.2 Queue

This function will display the current mails in queue that yet to be distributed by the MDAs (mail delivery
agents) either local or external delivery agent.

Click on the Read link to read the mail in queue.

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3.4 Daemon Configuration

3.4.1 SMTP

This is to define the SocketMail’s SMTP
daemon settings. This setting does not apply if
you use other SMTP daemon (sendmail or
other MTA).

The details are :


the port to listen for incoming

mail. 25 is the standard port number


the timeout in seconds for

each SMTP thread to live. SocketMail
must define timeout. This is to avoid

malicious server attack to your SMTP server of which the attack opens up the SMTP port (as
many as they could) and let the socket remain unclose for infinite time.


the number of concurrent connections. You may want to change this depending on your

hardware or server capacity


the number of concurrent connection per same IP allowed. This too to avoid

malicious server attack as mentioned earlier


Set the value 1 or 0, with 1 to turn on. RBL (realtime black list) server lookup for

the incoming IP if its been listed in mail-abuse.org database. If exist, the incoming traffic will be
rejected. This is to avoid spam. However, enabling this feature may degrade the SMTP speed

3.4.2 POP3

This function is to define SocketMail’s POP3
daemon settings.

The details are :


the port to allow user to gain

access via POP (post office protocol).
110 is the standard port number


the timeout in seconds for

each POP3 thread to live.


the number of concurrent

connections. You may want to change this depending on your hardware or server capacity


the number of concurrent connection per same IP allowed. This too to avoid

malicious server attack as mentioned earlier

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3.4.3 Local Delivery Agent

Defines the settings for the local MDA (mail
delivery agent) or just local delivery agent. This
agent is responsible to distribute the mails from
the queue into local mailboxes.

The details are :


the port the daemon will be

running at. This port will not something to
be accessed from outside, just for internal
server use.


the timeout in seconds for

each local delivery agent thread to live.


the number of concurrent

connections. You may want to change this depending on your hardware or server capacity


the number of seconds which the agent will check for new entries in the queue to be

distributed. This can also be viewed as ‘sleep’ duration


the maximum concurrent number of threads allowed


the number of unsuccessful retries (for the delivery) before the mail will be bounced

3.4.4 External Delivery Agent

Defines the settings for the external (mail delivery
agent) or just local delivery agent. This agent is
responsible to distribute the mails from the queue
to recipients in other mail server (such as Yahoo
or Hotmail).

The details are :


the port the daemon will be

running at. This port will not something to
be accessed from outside, just for internal
server use.


the timeout in seconds for

each local delivery agent thread to live.


the number of concurrent

connections. You may want to change this depending on your hardware or server capacity


the number of seconds which the agent will check for new entries in the queue to be

distributed. This can also be viewed as ‘sleep’ duration


the maximum concurrent number of threads allowed


the number of unsuccessful retries (for the delivery) before the mail will be bounced


the current server name. This is important as some recipient mail server (like

Hotmail) need to know your server name and will verify it against the incoming IP address.

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3.5 Templates

3.5.1 Browse

This function not only list of the templates that you
have in your system, but it also let you associate
the template with the languages on your system.

To create or add a language (that already been
defined) to a template, select the language from
the drop-down list and click on Go.

3.5.2 Add Template

This function allow you to create a new

3.5.3 Modify Template Code

This function allow to modify existing
template files.

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3.6 Language

3.6.1 Maintenance

This function allow you to create add language to the system and write the language resource file.

3.7 Database

3.7.1 Backup

This function let you perform backup of the MySQL database.

Click on the Back-up and Download button to let SocketMail do backup of the database and also save it
as a file for you to download (.sql file).

3.7.2 Restore

This function let you restore previously backed-up database.

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4. Daemons

4.1 Running Daemons

Refer to section 5. Running System Daemons in the Installation Guide.

4.2 Stopping Daemons

Each daemon will record their process id in text file in their own directory.


Process ID File Name





External Delivery Agent


Local Delivery Agent


Open up the .txt file copy the process ID number and issue kill command (you must be root):
# kill PIDnumber
That would kill the parent process, to start the daemons, refer to 9.2 above.

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