International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 1, Suppl 1, Nov.-Dec. 2009
Research Article
K.N.V. Pharmacy College, Metoda, Rajkot - 360021
S.K. Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kherva, Mehsana, India
*Correspondence Author Email:
The study was aimed to evaluation of the anticancer activity of the fruits of Solanum Nigrum on the HeLa cell
line. The fruits of Solanum Nigrum methanolic extract were tested for its inhibitory effect on HeLa Cell Line.
The percentage viability of the cell line was carried out by using Trypan blue dye exclusion method. The
cytotoxicity of Solanum Nigrum on HeLa cell was evaluated by the SRB assay and MTT assay. Solanum
Nigrum methanolic extract has significant cytotoxicity effect on HeLa Cell Line in concentration range between
10 mg/ml to 0.0196 mg/ml by using SRB assay and study also showed that inhibitory action on HeLa cell line in
concentration range between 10 mg/ml to 0.0196 mg/ml by using MTT assay. IC50 value and R2 value of
Solanum Nigrum on HeLa cell and Vero cell were 847.8 and 0.8724, 9088 and 0.1017 respectively by SRB
assay. IC50 value and R2 value of Solanum Nigrum on HeLa cell was 265.0 and 0.9496 respectively by MTT
assay. IC50 value of Solanum Nigrum on Vero cell was 6.862 by MTT assay. R2 value of Solanum Nigrum was
not found by MTT assay. From the performed assay, methanolic extract of these drug shows greater activity on
HeLa cell line and little activity on Vero cell line and that mean Solanum Nigrum can be used as anticancer
Keywords: Cytotoxicity Activity, SRB Assay, MTT Assay, Solanum nigrum, HeLa Cell
Line, Vero Cell Line
INTRODUCTION with proven anti-cancer as well as anti-
Since last many years, plants have inflammatory activity4-7.
beneficial activity in different type of Solanum Nigrum belongs to family
diseases producing in human beings. As per solanaceae8. Commonly it is known as black
WHO calculate that about 80% of the night shade, makoy, deadly nightshade. It
world s inhabitants problem should treated possesses medicinal properties like anti-
by medicinal herbal drug for their primary microbial, anti-oxidant, cytotoxic properties,
health care1-2. Plants have long history used antiulcerogenic, and hepatoprotective
in the treatment of cancer. Active activity9-11. Solanum Nigrum is a potential
constitutes of Catharanthus roseus, Angelica herbal alternative as anti-cancer agent and
Gigas, Podophyllum peltatum, Taxus one of the active principles reported to be
brevifolia, Podophyllum emodii, Ocrosia responsible for this action is Diosgenin12-14.
elliptica, and Campototheca acuminata have A HeLa cell is an immortal cell line used in
been used in the treatment of advanced medical research. The cell line was derived
stages of various malignancies3. There are from cervical cancer cells taken from
various medicinal plants reported to have Henrietta Lacks, who died from her cancer
anti-cancer as well as anti-inflammatory in 1951. Initially, the cell line was said to be
activity in the Ayurvedic system of named after a "Helen Lane" in order to
medicine. Solanum Nigrum is one of them preserve Lacks's anonymity15.
MATERIAL AND METHOD Sciences; Veer Narmad South Gujarat
Materials University, Surat by Dr. Minoobhai Parabia,
Plant material collection Dr. Ritesh Vaidh.
The fruits of Solanum Nigrum were Cytotoxicity Screening
collected from Hakeem Chichi Sons, Cell line used:
Hakeem Chichi Street, Rani Talao, Surat, African green monkey kidney Normal cell
and Gujarat, India. All parts of plant were line (Vero), Cervical cancer cell line
identified at Department of Biological (HeLa).
Table 1: Details of cell lines16.
Cell line Origin Species Ploidy Charecteristics Supplier
HeLa Epithelial Cervix Human Aneuploid G6PD type A NCCS, Pune
Viral subtract
Vero Epithelial Kidney Monkey Aneuploid NCCS, Pune
and assay
Reagents Deep freezer, ELISA plate reader (Thermo),
Trypan blue (Hyclone, Lot no: JRH27098), Micropipettes (Eppendorff), RO water
Sodium bicarbonate (MP Biomedicals, Lot system (Millipore)
No: 2048J), EDTA (MP Biomedicals, Lot Methods
No: 6941H), DPBS (Dulbecoo s phosphate Preparation of plant extracts
buffer saline) (MP Biomedicals, Lot No: Accurately weighed 5 gms of Solanum
C1290), Trypsin (Invitrogen, Lot No: Nigrum powder was extracted with 25 ml
1376596), SRB Dye, MTT Salt methanol by stirring at 500 C for 1 hr. The
Cell proliferation kit filtered extract was concentrated under
MTT (Roche applied sciences, Cat. No. 11 reduced pressure to remove the solvent. The
465 007 001) extract was obtained by drying the
Media concentrated pooled extract under
DMEM (Dulbecoo s Modified Eagels vacuum17.
medium, high glucose), DMEM Cytotoxicity Assay
(Dulbecco s Modified Eagels medium, low Trypan blue dye exclusion technique
glucose), FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum) Principle
(Bioclot, Lot No: 07310) Trypan Blue is a blue acid dye that has two
Glasswares and plastic wares azo chromophores group. Trypan blue will
96-well micro titer plate, Tissue culture not enter into the cell wall of plant cells
flasks, Falcon tubes, Reagent bottles grown in culture. Trypan Blue is an
Equipments essential dye, use in estimating the number
Fluorescence inverted microscope (Leica of viable cells present in a population18.
DM IL), Biosafety cabinet classII (Esco), Procedure
cytotoxic safety cabinet (Esco), CO2 Make a cell suspension in a fixed volume of
incubator (RS Biotech, mini galaxy A), cells (e.g. 1ml). Although an aseptic
technique is not essential in all stages of this Procedure
procedure, it is good laboratory practice to The monolayer cell culture was trypsinized
maintain sterility throughout the procedure. and the cell count was adjusted to 0.5-1.0 x
Take 50uL of cell suspension and mix it 105 cells/ml using medium containing 10%
with an equal volume of trypan blue. Mix new born sheep serum. To each well of the
solution well using a pipette. Transfer to a 96 well microtitre plate, 0.1ml of the diluted
hemocytometer and count the live cell as cell suspension (approximately 10,000 cells)
clear form and dead cell as blue cells. After was added. After 24 hours, when a partial
staining with trypan blue solution counting monolayer was formed, the supernatant was
should commence <5minutes as after that flicked off, washed once and 100 µl of
time the cells will begin to take up the dye. different test compound concentrations were
Using a pipette place some of the cell added to the cells in microtitre plates. The
suspension: trypan blue mix into the plates were then incubated at 37oC for 72
hemocytometer and overlay with a hours in 5% CO2 incubator, microscopic
coverslip. The cell suspension will pass examination was carried out, and
under the coverslip by capillary action observations recorded every 24 hours. After
unless there is an air bubble. Make sure the 72 hours, 25 µl of 50% trichloroacetic acid
wells are no overfilled and that the coverslip was added to the wells gently such that it
is not moved once it is place on the grid and forms a thin layer over the test compounds
the cell solution is added. Place the to form overall concentration 10%. The
hemocytometer on the stage of an inverted plates were incubated at 4oC for one hour.
microscope. Adjust focus and power until a The plates were flicked and washed five
single counting square fills the field. times with tap water to remove traces of
Calculate the number of cells per ml, and medium, sample and serum, and were then
the total number of cells19, using the air-dried. The air-dried plates were stained
following formula with 100źl SRB and kept for 30 minutes at
Calculate percent viability by using formula: room temperature. The unbound dye was
% viability = (live cell count/total cell removed by rapidly washing four times with
count)*100 1% acetic acid. The plates were then air-
Sulphorodamine B assay dried. 100 µl of 10mM Tris base was then
Principle added to the wells to solubilise the dye. The
Sulphorodamine B (SRB) is a bright pink plates were shaken vigorously for 5
Aminoxanthine dye with two sulfonic minutes. The absorbance was measured
groups. Under mild acidic conditions, SRB using microplate reader at a wavelength of
binds dye to basic amino acid residues in 540nm22. The percentage growth inhibition
TCA (Trichloro acetic acid) fixed cells to was calculated using following formula,
provide a sensitive index of cellular protein The percentage growth inhibition was
content that is linear over a cell density calculated using following formula,
range of visible at least two order of %cell inhibition= 100-{(At-Ab)/ (Ac-Ab)}
magnitude20-21. x100
Where, measured using a microplate reader at a
At= Absorbance value of test compound wavelength of 490 nm25. The percentage
Ab= Absorbance value of blank growth inhibition was calculated using the
Ac=Absorbance value of control formula below:
Microculture tetrazolium (MTT) assay The percentage growth inhibition was
Principle calculated using following formula,
This Colorimetric assay is based on the %cell inhibition= 100-{(At-Ab)/(Ac-
capacity of Mitochondria succinate Ab)}x100
dehydrogenase enzymes in living cells to Where,
reduce the yellow water soluble substrate 3- At= Absorbance value of test compound
(4, 5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl Ab= Absorbance value of blank
tetrazolium bromide (MTT) into an insoluble, Ac=Absorbance value of control
colored formazan product which is measured Data interpretation
spectrophotometrically23-24. Since reduction of Absorbance values that are lower than the
MTT can only occur in metabolically active control cells indicate a reduction in the rate
cells, the level of activity is a measure of the of cell proliferation. Conversely, a higher
viability of the cells. absorbance rate indicates an increase in cell
Procedure proliferation. Rarely, an increase in
The monolayer cell culture was trypsinized proliferation may be offset by cell death;
and the cell count was adjusted to 3-lakh- evidence of cell death may be inferred from
cells/ml using medium containing 10% morphological changes.
newborn calf serum. To each well of 96 %cell survival= {(At-Ab)/ (Ac-Ab)} x100
well microtitre plates, 0.1ml of diluted cell Where,
suspension was added. After 24 hours, when At= Absorbance value of test compound
the monolayer formed the supernatant was Ab= Absorbance value of blank
flicked off and 100 µl of different test Ac=Absorbance value of control
compounds were added to the cells in % cell inhibition= 100-cell survival
microtitre plates and kept for incubation at RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
37ºC in 5 % CO2 incubator for 72 hour and In-vitro confirmation of their toxicity on
cells were periodically checked for HeLa and Vero cell lines. Percentage of
granularity, shrinkage, swelling. After 72 viable cell can be obtained by performing
hour, the sample solution in wells was trypan blue dye exclusion technique. The
flicked off and 50źl of MTT dye was added cytotoxicity activity is carried out by using
to each well. The plates were gently shaken SRB assay and MTT assay.
and incubated for 4 hours at 37oC in 5% Viability and characterization of cell
CO2 incubator. The supernatant was lines
removed, 50 µl of Propanol was added, and Cell lines derived from NCCS, Pune were
the plates were gently shaken to solubilize free from any kind of bacterial and fungal
the formed formazan. The absorbance was contamination.
Table 2: Percentage cell viability and characterization of cell line.
Cell line % Viability Live cell count Total cell count pH
VERO 81.13% 1.72*105 2.12*105 7.5
HeLa 70-72% 1.728*105 2.40*105 6.9
Percentage cell viability of cell lines were The cytotoxicity study was carried out for plant
carried out by using Trypan blue dye extract of Solanum Nigrum fruits. These extract
exclusion technique. From the Table 2, it was screened for its cytotoxicity against HeLa
showed that the % viability of HeLa cell and Vero cell lines at different concentrations to
line & Vero cell line are 70-72% & 81.13% determine the IC50 (50% growth inhibition) by
respectively, which are most suitable to SRB assay and MTT assay.
perform cytoxicity studies. Determination of Total Cell protein content
Cytotoxicity activity: by Sulphorhodamine B (SRB) assay
Table 3: Determination of cytotoxicity by SRB assay.
Plant Conc. Hela Vero
Extract mg/ml IC50 R2 Absor- % inhi- IC50 R2
% Inhibition
bance bance bition
0.113 49.80
0.148 91.14
0.104 39.17
0.118 55.70
0.172 120.07
0.204 157.28
0.250 212.20
0.128 66.929
0.160 105.31
0.228 186.22
Fig. 1: DRC of methanolic extract of Solanum Nigrum for HeLa cell line by SRB assay.
Fig. 2 : DRC of methanolic extract of Solanum Nigrum for Vero cell line by SRB assay.
HeLa cell line up to 0.0196 mg/ml (Table 3
Results are tabulated in Table 3 and
and Fig. 1) and that IC50 value on HeLa cell
graphically represented in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
line was 847.8 and R2 value was 0.8724
The percentage growth inhibition was found
while IC50 value on Vero cell line was 9088
to be increasing with increasing
and R2 value was 0.1017 on Vero cell line.
concentration of test compounds, and that
show in Fig. 1. Solanum Nigrum effect on Determination of Cytotoxicity by MTT assay
Table 4: Determination of cytotoxicity by MTT assay.
Hela Vero
Plant Conc.
IC50 R2 IC50 R2
Absor- % inhi- Absor- % Inhi-
extract mg/ml
bance bition bance bition
10 1.519 62.61 0.332 313.70
5 1.560 60.56 0.719 -99.46
2.5 1.62 57.54 1.080 -484.85
1.25 1.63 57.04 1.392 -817.97
Solanum 0.625 1.658 55.62 1.935 -1397.68
265.0 0.949 -
Nigrum 0.312 1.735 51.79 2.284 -1770.28 6.862
0.156 1.745 51.29 2.271 -1756.40
0.078 1.918 42.66 2.205 -1685.40
0.0391 1.93 42.03 2.307 -1794.84
0.0196 2.005 38.28 2.259 -1743.59
Fig. 3: DRC of methanolic extract of Solanum Nigrum for HeLa cell line by MTT assay.
Fig. 4: DRC of methanolic extract of Solanum Nigrum for Vero cell line by MTT assay.
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