Definition paragraph

"The canines are the long, sharp teeth found in the front corners of the upper and lower rows
of teeth, between the incisors and bicuspids. Because they are long and strong and deeply
rooted, they have several functions. First, even though canines do not chew food, they guide
the jaw during the chewing process. Second, they shape the face. They can also serve as
anchors for other teeth when a dentist puts in bridge work. And finally, as the name "canine"
suggests, they work like the teeth of a dog to cut and tear food-and to bite."
When writing a definition paragraph, provide the following (whenever possible):
* Give a definition.
* Describe an item in detail.
* Add your personal experiences.
* Compare the item to something.
* Tell what the item is not.
* Explain the different kinds.
* Use a quotation.
Key steps for definition paragraph writing:
1: Write a topic sentence presenting a clear, basic definition
The topic sentence in a definition paragraph should tell readers what term is being
defined and present a clear, basic definition. When you are writing a definition
paragraph, first develop that basic definition and then find a good way to present it to
your readers.
Suggested topic sentence patterns:
a) Term + means/is + basic definition (= Topic sentence)
Assertiveness is standing up for your rights.
Insomnia means sleeplessness.
b) Term + class + detail (= Topic sentence)
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that prevents people from sleeping.
A Rottweiler is a dog that can be very violent.
c) Term + is not + expected definition (= Topic sentence)
Depression is not just a bad mood.
Wealth is not the amount of money someone has.
Note: because the topic sentence in this pattern does not give the definition of the term, make
sure you do provide a basic definition somewhere else in the paragraph. You may want to state
it clearly as part of the concluding sentence.
2: Select examples to explain a definition
Insomnia means sleeplessness.
a. hard to fall asleep
b. wake up in the middle of the night
c. wake up feeling not rested in the morning
Ex.1: Analyze the following definition paragraphs:
Cholera is an intestinal infection that can be described according to its cause, symptoms,
and treatment. A bacterium, called Vibrio cholera, is the causative agent of cholera. It can be
spread through contaminated food, water, or feces. Cholera patients may exhibit different
symptoms that can vary from mild to severe. Some symptoms are watery diarrhoea and loss
of water and salts. Oral or intravenous replacement of fluids and salts as well as specific
antibiotics is a possible treatment for cholera. Patients can be treated with an oral rehydration
solution or, in severe cases, an intravenous fluid.
Assertiveness means standing up for your rights - politely but firmly. My friend Teresa is
assertive. Once when we were in a restaurant and her hamburger was well done instead of
rare, Teresa signaled the waiter and nicely asked if she could return the excellent but well-
done burger for one that was a bit rarer. I braced myself for an argument, but the waiter just
replaced the burger. Another time as we stood in line for movie tickets, a guy cut in front of
Teresa. She tapped him on the shoulder, smiled, and said, "I see there was a gap that looked as
if it were the end of the line, but it's really back there." When the guy stared at her and said,
"I'll just stay here. You don't mind, right?" She answered, "Well, yes, I do mind." She then
made sure the people in back of us were listening and said, "And you're not being fair to all
these other people, either." The guy left. Assertiveness helps you get what you want and
deserve without creating a scene.
1. Annotate the paragraph to highlight its structure:
+ Double-underline the topic sentence.
+Underline the examples.
+Circle the transitions if there are any.
2. What term is being defined?
3. What topic sentence pattern is used in the examples?
4. One of the paragraph uses stories as examples. How do these help readers understand the


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