x type USA 02

General Information
Owner Information
Genuine Jaguar parts and accessories
Your Jaguar Retailer can supply you with
Whether you are new to the Jaguar
genuine replacement parts and
marque or have previously owned Jaguar
accessories which are fully approved to
vehicles, we are pleased that you have
Jaguar s original equipment specification.
made Jaguar your choice of vehicle this
This will ensure that the safety and
performance of your vehicle is maintained
For your safety and pleasure, please take
for your complete peace of mind.
the time to get well acquainted with your
Please note that fitment of non-genuine
new vehicle by reading the handbooks.
parts may invalidate the vehicle warranty
Details of the vehicle warranty are
if a subsequent fault occurs due to fitting
contained within the  Passport to Service
sub-standard replacement parts or
booklet for USA and Canada or,
for Mexico, the  Service Portfolio book.
Jaguar parts distribution service
When left-hand or right-hand is used in
the text, this refers to the left-hand side or Jaguar Retailers stock a large number of
right-hand side of the vehicle, viewed parts to keep your vehicle maintained and
from the rear. get you back on the road as quickly as
Their service is supported by strategically
This Handbook describes every option
positioned Jaguar parts distribution
and model variant available and
centres throughout North America,
therefore some of the items covered
providing next day delivery to the majority
may not apply to your particular
of Retailers.
Jaguar Retailers
A full range of Jaguar Engineering
Jaguar Retailers are chosen with care.
approved accessories including safety,
Each is dedicated to providing a Sales,
stowage, touring, leisure and lifestyle
Service and Spare Parts facility of the
products is available from your Jaguar
highest standard.
Jaguar Retailers are provided with full
Please ask your Jaguar Retailer for an
technical support from the factory, with
up-to-date brochure so you can select
comprehensive training for all their
your requirements from the latest range.
technicians. Retailers workshops
operate to a high standard and have all
the necessary tools and equipment
essential to maintain or repair Jaguar
General Information
Floor Mat Retention Window Tinting
For Sedan models, do not have your
vehicle windows tinted with a metal
oxide tinting (for maximum heat
reduction from sun load) if you have a
navigation system fitted to your
Metal oxide tinting prevents the reception
of the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS)
signals by the antenna, causing the
navigation system to stop functioning.
Ensure that the driver s floor mat is
This does not affect Wagon models, as
correctly positioned and secured under
the antenna is located beneath the rear
the tongues on the retention posts (A,
only one post shown), so that the mat
A non-metal tinting should be used if you
does not interfere with the operation of
require window tinting and if in doubt,
the accelerator, clutch or brake pedals.
contact your Jaguar Retailer for advice.
In particular, check the position of the mat
when refitting after cleaning or servicing.
Protect the Environment
We must all play our part in protecting the
Mobile/Portable Telephones
environment. Correct vehicle usage and
disposal of waste cleaning and lubrication
WARNING: materials are significant steps towards
this aim.
" Using a mobile/portable telephone
without an exterior antenna is not
Avoid using high engine speeds. You will
recommended when driving as the
then protect your engine, reduce fuel
electro-magnetic fields produced
consumption, lower the engine noise level
can cause malfunctions with the
and help towards reducing the
vehicle electronic systems.
environmental burden.
" Using any hand-held appliance
Dispose of batteries, tires, engine, brake
while driving can be dangerous and
and coolant fluids at your local authorised
is illegal in certain countries.
waste disposal facilities.
" Always stop the vehicle before
making a call and ensure that the
telephone is switched off while you
are driving.
General Information
It is recommended that Jaguar Leather
Leather Care Guide
Cleaner is used several times a year to
Leather is a natural product, therefore, it
maintain its appearance and suppleness.
bears natural characteristics, such as
The Jaguar Leather Cleaner will nourish
grain variations, growth and brush marks.
and moisturise the leather and help to
These non-weakening marks show the
improve and renew the surface protective
true nature of the hide and are the
film against dust and substances.
hallmarks of a leather product. Leather is
" Do not use solvents such as petrol
an easy to maintain natural product,
(gasoline), white spirit or alcohol. Do
however, dust and substances can
not use detergents, furniture polish or
penetrate the pores and crease the
household cleaners. Such strong
leather, causing surface wear and
treatments may give, initially, an
impressive appearance, but their use
To prevent ingrained dirt and staining,
will lead to rapid damage or
inspect the seat upholstery regularly and
deterioration of the natural properties
clean every one to two months as follows:
of the leather. Jaguar recommends a
" Wipe off fine dust from the seat
basic set of products that have been
surfaces at regular intervals using a
specially selected for the type of
clean, damp, non-coloured cloth.
leather in your vehicle. The
Change frequently to a clean area of
Manufacturer s Warranty will be
cloth to avoid abrasive action on the
invalidated if treatments are used
leather surface. Avoid over-wetting.
other than those recommended by
" If this is not sufficient, use a cloth
Jaguar Cars Limited.
which has been dampened with warm
" Dark clothing may stain leather seats
soapy water and then wrung out.
just like other upholstery products.
Never allow the leather to be soaked
" Sharp objects such as belts, zip
through. Use only mild non-caustic
fasteners, rivets, etc. can leave
permanent scratches and scratch
" Use Jaguar Leather Cleaner for
marks on the leather surface.
heavily soiled areas. Dry off and rub
" Unless spillages such as tea, coffee or
with a clean soft cloth, changing
ink are washed away immediately,
surfaces regularly.
permanent staining may have to be
When staining (e.g., from clothing) or
spillage occurs, clean the affected area
If a valet service is used, ensure that the
immediately as described above.
specialist concerned is aware of these
instructions, and follows each instruction
For any further questions please consult
your Jaguar Retailer for specialist advice.
General Information
Warnings, Cautions and Notes Reporting Safety Defects
(USA only)
Take particular note of WARNINGS,
Cautions and Notes given throughout this
If you believe that your vehicle has a
defect which could cause a crash or could
cause injury or death, you should
immediately inform the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in
addition to notifying Jaguar Cars.
If NHTSA receives similar complaints,
it may open an investigation, and if it finds
that a safety defect exists in a group of
vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy
However, NHTSA cannot become
A warning is a procedure which must
involved in individual problems between
be followed precisely to help avoid the
you, your Retailer, or Jaguar Cars.
risk of personal injury.
To contact NHTSA, you may either
call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free
at 1-800-424-9393 (or 366-0123 in
Caution: A caution is a procedure
Washington D.C. area) or write to:
which must be followed precisely to
reduce the possibility of damage to the
NHTSA, U.S. Department of
vehicle and resultant risk of personal
Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590.
injury or inconvenience.
To contact Jaguar Cars, call 1-800 4
Note: A note is a procedure which will
You can also obtain other information
help avoid difficulties in the operation of
about motor safety from the Hotline.
the vehicle.
Vehicle Handbooks
Warning symbols
Remember to pass on the vehicle
On encountering the warning triangle or
handbooks when reselling the vehicle.
open book symbol on the vehicle, it is
Handbooks are integral parts of the
important that before touching this part of
the vehicle or attempting adjustments of
any kind you consult the relevant section
Regular Servicing
of this handbook.
Caution: Do not remove any warning
Each vehicle is given a full  Pre-Delivery
labels from the underhood area or
Inspection to ensure that all systems
inside the vehicle.
function correctly and that the vehicle
meets its specification.
General Information
Owners are responsible for the regular Jaguar diagnostic system
maintenance and servicing of the vehicle.
Many of the vehicle systems are
Jaguar Retailers will be pleased to
controlled by complex electronic devices.
arrange periodic servicing and can
Specialist equipment is required to trace
provide you with details of tasks carried
and rectify faults in the systems and
out at each service interval.
ensure that only faulty components are
repaired or renewed.
Failure to implement maintenance at the
recommended intervals could result in
Caution: Severe damage to the
deterioration of vehicle performance and
electrical system and electronic
possible infringement of regulations.
components can occur if any attempt
is made to diagnose faults in the
Regular routine maintenance not only
electrical system using conventional
helps to prevent unnecessary
diagnostic equipment (for example, the
 breakdowns and inconvenience, but
use of test lamps or low impedance
enhances the  trade in or resale value of
voltmeters). The fitting of any electrical
the vehicle.
accessory should only be entrusted to
USA and Canada
a Jaguar Retailer.
Jaguar Retailers will arrange for
On-board Event Data
appointments on a mileage/distance or
time interval basis to ensure that all
Service Data Recording
routine and corrective maintenance work
Service data recorders in your vehicle are
is undertaken and recorded in the
capable of collecting and storing
 Passport to Service Booklet.
diagnostic information about your vehicle.
This booklet not only contains a record of
This potentially includes information
vital information, but also information
about the performance or status of
about warranties, Jaguar Cars,
various systems and modules in the
Jaguar Car Clubs, Tire Manufacturers
vehicle, such as engine, throttle, steering
and change of ownership or address
or brake systems.
In order to properly diagnose and service
your vehicle, Jaguar Cars Limited and
Jaguar Retailers will arrange for
service and repair facilities may access
appointments on a mileage/distance or
vehicle diagnostic information through a
time interval basis to ensure that all
direct connection to your vehicle when
routine and corrective maintenance work
diagnosing or servicing your vehicle.
is undertaken and recorded in the
 Service Record and Warranty Book.
This booklet not only contains a record of
vital information, but also information
about warranty and a change of
ownership card.
General Information
Event Data Recording
Other modules in your vehicle - event data
Apart from a few precautionary
recorders - are capable of collecting and
recommendations, there are no strict
storing data during a crash or near crash
 running-in procedures for this vehicle.
event. The recorded information may
By observing the following advisory notes
assist in the investigation of such an
you will ensure maximum engine,
event. The modules may record
transmission and brake life for your
information about both the vehicle and
the occupants, potentially including
" Allow the engine to warm up
information such as:
thoroughly before operating at engine
" How various systems in your vehicle
speeds over 3500 rev/min.
were operating.
" Vary the speed frequently.
" Whether or not the driver and
" From 940 miles (1500 kilometres)
passenger seat belts were buckled.
onwards, gradually increase
" How far, if at all, the driver was
performance of the vehicle up to the
depressing the accelerator and/or the
permitted maximum speed.
brake pedal.
Running-in for brakes
" How fast the vehicle was travelling.
To ensure that the brake pads can
" Where the driver was positioning the
 bed-in evenly and reach their optimum
steering wheel.
wear and performance condition, usually
To access this information special
within 300 miles (480 kilometres),
equipment must be directly connected to
the following points are recommended.
the recording modules. Jaguar Cars
" Where possible, avoid heavy braking
Limited do not access event data
or rough usage of the brakes as this
recorder information without obtaining
can result in damage being caused to
consent, unless pursuant to court order or
the brake pads and discs.
where required by law enforcement, other
" Avoid prolonged use of the brakes,
government authorities or third parties
for example, when descending severe
acting with lawful authority.
Other parties may seek to access the
" Frequent light application of the
information independently of Jaguar Cars
brakes is desirable. This helps to fully
 bed-in the brake pads before the
normal running-in period is completed
and the vehicle is operated at high
speeds, when maximum brake
efficiency will be required.
The above equally applies when new
discs or pads have been fitted.
General Information
Running-in for automatic transmission
Warranties (USA and Canada)
To allow the automatic transmission to
The  Passport to Service booklet
uniquely adapt to the vehicle, the
contains warranties applicable to the
transmission should be operated in
vehicle, which include:
normal mode (i.e. sport mode switch not
" The Limited Vehicle Warranty.
illuminated, see page 116) for the first 500
" The Emission Control System
Warranty and covered parts list.
Vehicle Identification Number
" The Corrosion Warranty.
Tires are not warranted by Jaguar Cars,
It is essential that the Vehicle
but by the specific manufacturer of the
Identification Number (VIN) is quoted in all
tires on the vehicle. Details of tire
correspondence and when ordering
warranties are included in the vehicle
replacement parts.
literature pack.
The number is visible from outside the
Warranties (Mexico)
vehicle, on a plate in the lower left edge of
The  Service Portfolio book contains
the windscreen.
warranties applicable to the vehicle,
Certification Label
which include:
Vehicles have the Certification Label
" The Limited vehicle Warranty.
adhered to the left-hand front door hinge
" The Emission Control System
post. Vehicle weights, paint code,
Warranty and covered parts list.
manufacture date and the VIN are shown
" The Corrosion Warranty.
on this plate.
Engine number
Stamped on a raised/machined boss
above the oil pan seam directly behind the
oil filter adapter plate.
Transmission number
On a metal label or bar code label
attached to the transmission casing.
General Information
" Alterations to the electrical system,
Health and Safety
including the fitting of accessories
not designed for this Jaguar, will
cause damage to the electrical
" Many liquids and other substances
circuits and systems. In some
used in vehicles are poisonous and
circumstances this could result in a
should never be consumed and
malfunction or fire. All accessory
must be kept away from open
work should be entrusted to a
wounds. These substances include
Jaguar Retailer.
anti-freeze, brake fluid, fuel,
" No attempt should be made to
windscreen washer additives,
repair a fuse that has blown. Always
lubricants and various adhesives.
install a new fuse of the correct
" The presence of any unusual fumes
amperage. Failure to comply with
(for example, petrol or exhaust
the above may cause a fire hazard
fumes) in the passenger
or create serious damage
compartment and/or luggage
elsewhere in the electrical circuit.
compartment should be corrected
" Avoid contact with battery acid
immediately by a Jaguar Retailer.
which is poisonous and corrosive.
If you must drive under these
Acid will cause burns to the skin as
conditions do so only with all
well as to the eyes. In the event of
windows fully open.
skin or eye contamination, wash
" By operating other electronic
the affected area with water
equipment (for example, a mobile
thoroughly. Seek immediate
phone without an exterior antenna)
medical attention when eye contact
electro-magnetic fields can cause
has occurred.
malfunctions of the vehicle
" Do not disconnect any pipes in the
electronics. Therefore, you should
air conditioning refrigeration
observe the instructions of the
system. A refrigerant is used which
equipment manufacturers.
can cause blindness if allowed to
" Any modifications to the fuel
contact the eyes. If refrigerant
system not specifically designed
should contact the eyes or skin,
for this Jaguar are prohibited. Such
wash the eyes or affected area with
modifications in some
cold water for several minutes. Do
circumstances could result in a fire.
not rub. As soon as possible
All service actions must be
thereafter, obtain treatment from a
entrusted to a Jaguar Retailer.
doctor or eye specialist.
" When working within the engine
compartment, take care to avoid
contact with moving parts and hot
components, and ensure that any
metal objects do not short circuit
the battery.
General Information
California Proposition 65:
Engine exhaust, some of its
constituents and certain vehicle
components, contain or emit
chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
In addition, certain fluids contained in
vehicles and certain products of
component wear contain or emit
chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm.


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