uofa tuition increase 2009 10

Tuition Increases by Faculty
09 10 Tuition Market Modifier Increase CPI Increase %Increase Total Grandparenting
Pharmacy $ 5,101 $ 3,375 $ 77 66% $ 8,553 Yes
Business* $ 5,101 $ 2,000 $ 77 39% $ 7,178 Undetermined
Engineering* $ 5,766 $ 2,040 $ 86 35% $ 7,892 Yes
Medicine $ 11,540 $ 4,000 $ 173 35% $ 15,713 Yes
Law $ 9,797 $ 3,151 $ 147 32% $ 13,095 Yes
Dentistry $ 19,340 $ 4,000 $ 290 21% $ 23,630 Yes
Arts ECON/DES* $ 5,101 $ 150 $ 77 3% $ 5,328 No
ALES NUTR/NUFS* $ 5,101 $ 150 $ 77 3% $ 5,328 No
Note: Grandparenting is a process by which the full market modifier is not applied to current students
Note: Based on average of five courses, except Engineering is six courses, and one would only take 5 Arts or ALES differential tuition classes per year
Note: This proposal would bring in $4.3 million in the first year. In the fourth year, it would bring in $14.2
Note: This is on top of the 1.5% Maximum Tuition Increase
Note: Science discussions are ongoing.
Note: * denotes a course based differential
Note:Business martket modifier increase is estimated at $200/course, Engineering at $170/course, Arts and ALES in the specified departments, at $30/course
Grandfathering schedule
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/1014
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/1014
Dentistry 1y full,half later 1&2y full, half later Full Increase
Increase on 100 Increase on
Engineering Increase on 1/200 level Full Increase
level 1/2/300 level
Law 1y full,half later 1&2y full, half later Full Increase
Medicine 1y full,half later 1&2y full, half later Full Increase
Pharmacy 1y full,half later 1&2y full, half later Full Increase


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