Lekcja 14 Szkolenia i rozwój pracowników

30.7.2014 Lekcja 14: Szkolenia i rozwój pracowników
Lekcja 14: Szkolenia i rozwój pracowników
Obecnie niemal każda firma przeprowadza zarówno wewnętrzne, jak i zewnętrzne szkolenia mające na celu
rozwój zatrudnianych przez nią osób. Jakie elementy powinno uwzględniać każde szkolenie i jak powinno
wyglądać, aby dawać jak najlepsze rezultaty i stanowić - wedle założenia - opłacalną inwestycję w pracownika?
Nowadays, almost every company carries out both internal and external trainings in order to promote development of
its staff. What elements should training involve and what should it look like so as to give the best results possible and
to provide - as it's expected to - a profitable investment in an employee? Read ahead.
According to a recent survey, 40 per cent of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the
first year. They cite the lack of skills training and development as the principal reason for moving on. To find a
replacement, you spend time screening and interviewing applicants and, once you hire someone, you still need to
train that person. The total costs are a hefty price to pay for not training staff. A more satisfied employee, in turn, is
likely to stay longer and be more productive.
Every training as a whole should consist of an evaluation of training needs, of the training itself and of an assessment
of its effectiveness. The needs can be determined by analysing the data available on the employees: their CV,
experience gained, results of periodic evaluations, as well as tests, interviews or simulations. Of course, you can also
ask the employees themselves how they would like to develop, which tasks prove problematic to them and what they
would like to improve in terms of their general qualifications. Last thing before starting, you need a clear definition of
the training goals which will enable you to assess the results.
The training can be carried out either by persons from the company (managers, training departments, etc.) or by
external training companies. They may take the form of lectures and seminars, which are good to convey general
knowledge, but not really suitable for learning specific skills and acquisition practices, on the other hand, they present
a clear of gathering a significant number of participants at the same time; by contrast, workshops and tasks are
particularly effective when it comes to improving the quality of work and increasing skills; they are mainly used to
enhance competence in areas such as interpersonal communication, negotiation, team building or decision making.
Evaluation of the training results should be twofold, i.e. take into account both the impact on the operation of the
company and the subjective feelings of people trained. The benefits of a well-conducted training are obvious: not only
the employees will be more productive, but they are likely to be more satisfied with their job, especially if they had a
chance to make their long-term career goals more real.
Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl - www.gazeta.pl © Agora SA
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