Christine Feehan [Dark 26a] Dark Blood Deleted Scene 01 03


Christine Feehan

Branislava raced through the forest, winding through the trees, leaping over fallen tree trunks, her heart pounding just a little bit in alarm. She was fast, she knew that, and with all the training Zev had been forcing on them lately, she was far faster than she had been, but stillĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹšthe wolves chasing her were breathing down her neck. She could feel them behind her and closing in on her in spite of her best efforts.

Faster. You’re going to get caught.

Zev’s voice lashed at her and she actually flinched at the force of his tone. Anger drove her, not obedience, as she leapt the next tree trunk and pushed her body to a greater speed. It took more effort to grit her teeth together and not swear at him, although she did think of several ways to retaliate.

Would you please remind me what it is I fell in love with, because at this precise moment, I can’t think of a reason, she snapped.

She felt the graze of Zev’s teeth at her neck. I believe you’re madly in love with a certain part of my anatomy, he replied complacently.

She splashed into a stream, and instead of crossing to the other side, ran upstream, skimming over the moss-covered rocks and leaping up small ledges where the water tumbled fast down into the pebble covered bed.

Don’t think that will make up for this. You’d have to be twice as good as you were and then some.

Finally, she could hear the footsteps chasing her. They’d been silent before, the wolf pack hunting her, but now that she was in the water, two had taken to the water behind her while the rest of the pack ran along either side of the stream, trying to close the distance and bring her down and they couldn’t hide the splash of their paws as they gave chase to bring down their quarry.

They’re closing in on you.

You don’t think I know that?

She glanced toward her right to see the lead wolf just feet from the bank. He was black-furred and shaggy, but his eyes were intensely focused on her. He wasn’t even breathing hard and she could feel her lungs burning. She veered to her left abruptly, vaulting up to the ledge and banking off a tree. She hit the wolf in midair as he leapt to bring her down. A blast of hot air hit her in the face as a muzzle filled with teeth nearly closed around her face. At the last moment she managed to whip her head out of the way so that his teeth just skimmed past her cheek. He was so close she actually felt the burn of a scratch across her face.

As they crashed together, she hit him with her fist right over his heart to simulate a silver stake penetrating deep. Using the momentum of his superior speed to double the impact, she left an impression of silver in the dark fur so later there could be no dispute that she’d â€Ĺškilled’ him in practice. Ducking the teeth she landed hard in a crouch as two others closed in from either side.

Zev hissed a streaming torrent of colorful curses in her ear as she whirled, leapt over her pursuers, kicking both in the head as she went over them. She landed harder than she expected, rolled and took two steps before they brought her down. Her fall was gentle as Caleb cushioned her.

Zev was on her instantly, yanking her up and dragging her to him to inspect her cheek. His finger touched the scratch and came away with blood. He whirled around and strode straight to the wolf that had injured her. The young man, Randy, had already shifted back to his normal form and he backed away from the alpha as Zev covered the ground fast. Zev was on him almost before the hapless mixed blood could take two steps.

Zev slammed Randy to the ground, his hand closing hard around his throat. His eyes bore into Randy’s as he held him pinned. Randy didn’t move a muscle. Didn’t breathe. He stared into the alpha’s eyes, submitting instantly to any punishment the alpha dealt out.

There was total silence in the forest, as if the very insects were aware of Zev’s wrath and chose not to oppose himĂĂłâ‚Ź”even with sound.

â€Ĺ›Don’t you ever come that close to her face again. Do you understand me? She’s aiding you, letting you practice against her and if you have so little control that you can’t do a better job than that keeping her safe, then you don’t belong in a pack of elite hunters.”

Zev, Branislava cautioned. It was my fault, not his. I doubled-back on him and I miscalculated the distanceĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹš

Stop it! For your safety as well as his, he has to learn to judge distance within a hair’s breath. That’s the only thing that will keep him alive. You didn’t misjudge and you damn well know it. Stop trying to baby them. Zev didn’t look at her, but his fingers tightened ominously around Randy’s neck.

Branislava could feel the anger welling like a volcano. Her body flushed a dark rose and her green eyes went multi-faceted, changing from a deep emerald to a forest green. Color banded in her hair, a dark wine red striping through the red-gold. A brighter more carroty red added a brilliance to her vivid rage.

He’s young, Zev. He wasn’t chosen as an elite as some of the others and he needs confidence. He was the first to get to me, that should show you something and he needs your approval, not your reprimanding him.

Zev’s breath hissed out him and he abruptly dropped Randy, leaving finger marks around his neck. He turned on Branislava, taking such an aggressive step toward her that she actually stepped back, not that it did her much good. He caught her arm and yanked her close, his eyes all wolf.

I’m responsible for them in a hunt. I will not lose any of them and that means they need to be their best. It doesn’t matter his age, he can’t make mistakes. And none of them ever gets away with laying a hand on you. Do you understand me?

I understand you’re being a jerk. He’s been through a terrible ordealĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹš

Zev tightened his hold on her and hauled her tight against his body, giving her a little shake. â€Ĺ›Don’t defend him.”

She stared into his glowing eyes, feeling the heat of his body, the burn of the wolf and instantly her fiery temper turned to something altogether different.

â€Ĺ›Mommy and Daddy are fighting and it’s upsetting the kids,” Caleb inserted softly.

Zev grit his teeth together as they continued to stare at one another. â€Ĺ›Randy, your speed is amazing, as well as your accuracy. She killed you though, and you weren’t able to prevent yourself from touching her. Practice, but all in all, the others are going to have to work harder to catch up with your speed. And two of the best got kicked in the head. Now go. Get out of here.” Zev managed to wave his arm dismissively.

â€Ĺ›I’m sorry, Bronnie,” Randy murmured under his breath as the twelve wolves drifted hastily away.

Branislava circled Zev’s neck with her arm, pulling his head down towards hers. His fingers spanned her throat, setting her heart pounding. He looked fierce, still angry, the big bad wolf ready to spring on her any moment.

â€Ĺ›Kiss me,” she urged, the fire igniting so strong in her she thought she might burn down the forest. â€Ĺ›Kiss me right now.”

â€Ĺ›You don’t deserve kisses,” he growled. â€Ĺ›I’d like very much to do something else to another part of your anatomy.” His hand came down hard on her bottom, the sound loud in the silence of the forest.

She felt the burn rush through every nerve ending, the firestorm rolling through her body until she wanted to weep with need. He held her close to him, his grip on her unbreakable, but he didn’t bend his head to hers and give her kisses.

The sight of your blood and the bruise on you is disturbing to me.” He laid his hand against her cheek very gently, almost tenderly, a direct contrast to the smack he’d delivered to her bottom. She could still feel a wealth of aggression running through his body and it only excited her more.

Relief was instantaneous on her cheek, the sting gone when he lifted palm. â€Ĺ›Kiss me, Zev. I know I screwed up. I know he needs discipline and you’re right, he could get killed messing up on a hunt, but I feel sorry for them. I do. I know I’m supposed to be tough but I can’t help myself.”

His hand curled around the nape of her neck, his thumb sliding along her soft skin. â€Ĺ›You have to be tougher, Branka. I don’t want any of them dead because I didn’t train them properly.”

â€Ĺ›I know.” She gave a little sigh. â€Ĺ›I asked for wolves. Look what I got.” Her lips curved in a soft, rueful smile.

â€Ĺ›You got me,” Zev said and his mouth came down hard on hers.

Branislava felt as if her heart might explode.


Zev whirled Branislava across the dance floor, which was really no more than the forest floor, but smooth in the way Carpathians could make it. As always, when Zev held her in his arms, she felt as if she was floating in the clouds. She loved dancing and Zev was a strong leader, always in control, taking her through complicated steps, but making it easy for her. She laughed, happiness bursting through her like a thousand brilliant stars exploding inside of her. She’d never been so contented in her life. She didn’t know there could be such happiness.

The music ended and hand and hand they headed for the side of the clearing. The Dark Troubadours immediately went into another song so that couples whirled around each other.

â€Ĺ›Fen’s voice is amazing,” Branislava said, indicating Fen with her chin. He was singing a duet with Desari, his eyes on Tatijana.

â€Ĺ›If I don’t watch him, when they leave, he’ll go with them just so he can sing all day instead of work,” Zev growled, but his eyes laughed at her.

Anya and Anastasia ran over hand and hand and stood directly in front of Zev, staring at him with their identical enormous eyes.

â€Ĺ›What can I do for you?” Zev asked, his voice deep, with just the right scary edge to it that both girls shivered.

â€Ĺ›You gave Alexandru a ride in the forest,” Anastashia pointed out.

Her voice quivered just a tiny bit. Zev kept a straight face but Branislava couldn’t help smiling at the two girls.

â€Ĺ›Yes I did,” Zev said, inclining his head.

Anastasia put one hand on her hip and kept the other firmly in her sister’s hand. â€Ĺ›Well, we’d like a ride please. Alexandru said you go very fast and the forest around him was blurry and cool. We want to see.”

Zev studied the girls solemnly. â€Ĺ›Well, I don’t know. It’s dark tonight in the forest and you might be scared.”

The two girls looked at one another and then turned identical faces with identical indignant expressions on him. â€Ĺ›I don’t ever get scared,” Anastasia declared.

Anya gasped and shook her head.

Anastasia sighed. â€Ĺ›Sometimes, I do, but not often. And you’d take care of us. My father said you’re a really good vampire and rogue fighter.” The toddler mostly sent pictures into their minds, then actually saying the words, but they made themselves understood.

â€Ĺ›He said that to you?” Zev probed, a little astonished that Gregori would be discussing fighting vampires and rogue wolves with a two year old. Her ability to articulate shocked him as well whether it was in actual words or impressions in his mind.

The children seem to learn at an astonishing rate. Which was a little frightening when he thought about having a child of mixed blood. Would that accelerate the learning process as well?

I’ve been giving the children issue a lot of thought, Branislava said. Especially after having twelve wolflets to care for. Maybe we should let Tatijana and Skyler try having children. If their children aren’t totally ruling their lives by age three, we’ll give it a shot.

He was stuck of â€Ĺšwolflets’. Where do you come up with these things? Wolflets? My elite pack of hunters, of mixed bloods, guardians of all, are wolflets?

Branislava burst out laughing at his expression. Anastasia was not as amused. She tapped her little foot. â€Ĺ›We really want a ride, Mr. Hunter.”

Zev’s attention immediately switched back to her. How could anyone resist them? â€Ĺ›Well, what do you have to trade? Alexandru had a very cool rock that he gave me.” He made a show of carefully extracting it from his pocket as if it was worth its weight in gold. â€Ĺ›See? It’s polished and has beautiful purple hues. And you have to call me Zev. I can never remember to answer to Mr. Hunter.”

I could tell them to call you wolfie, Branislava teased.

Zev shot her his sternest look, but he couldn’t help the laughter spilling into her mind. Laughter and love. He couldn’t look at Branislava without feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotion for her.

The two little girls had their heads together and clearly were talking to one another. Anya nodded several times and Anastasia turned to him with a deep breath.

â€Ĺ›We have a crystal. It’s really nice. Maybe it could be for both of us to get a ride?” Anastasia’s voice was very low and wobbled a bit. Clearly the crystal was very important to them.

Anya fished it out of her pocket and held it out to him on a trembling hand.

Branislava’s breath caught in her throat. The crystal was unusual in color and form. A bluish-purple, the stone was shaped like the spiraling tower on a castle, with segments of aquamarine color wrapped around the blue-purple that ran through the middle. Branislava could feel the power radiating from the stone.

Zev, that’s a mage’s power stone. Where did they get such a thing?

Zev leaned toward the twin girls and held out his hand, palm up. â€Ĺ›Let me see.” He had an I’ll-think-it-over tone and the girls looked anxiously at one another.

Anastasia placed the stone carefullyĂĂłâ‚Ź”if not a little reluctantly into Zev’s palm. Her lashes swept down and up several times as if she might be blinking back tears to give up such a treasure.

â€Ĺ›Where did you find this stone?” Zev asked as he passed the crystal cautiously to Branislava.

It’s cool to the touch. There’s no dark spell here. I can sense soothing, calming properties as well as healing. Someone tuned it specifically to the girls. There’s a protection spell on it as well as the natural properties. I don’t sense Gregori. A mage did this.

â€Ĺ›We didn’t find it,” Anastasia replied shaking her head. She ran her palm down her thigh. â€Ĺ›Uncle Jubal gave it to us. He said to keep it with us, but we really want a ride like Alexandru had.”

Zev nodded his head. â€Ĺ›Well, ladies, I think this is a very good exchange, although I don’t want Jubal to be sad that you gave his gift away.” He scratched his shaggy mane of hair. â€Ĺ›We need a solution to this problem. Branka, what would you suggest we do?”

â€Ĺ›Since Jubal gave you this beautiful crystal,” Branislava said, â€Ĺ›I think you have to keep it. Just for showing us such an amazing stone should be enough for WolfĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹšerĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹšthe wolf man here to give you a ride.” She shot Zev a quick, unrepentant grin for her near slip.

Both girls looked anxiously and very hopefully at Zev. He nodded his head slowly, taking his time as if he was considering if just seeing the crystal was enough. â€Ĺ›I think that’s a fair exchange,” he finally agreed.

The relief on the twin toddlers faces was apparent. Anya held out her hand and Branislava carefully placed the crystal in her palm.

â€Ĺ›You should wrap that up in a cloth,” Branislava said. â€Ĺ›And never part with it. In fact, take it back to Jubal and ask him to make you both a pendent out of it so both of you can wear it at all times.”

â€Ĺ›How could he make us both something out of the same stone?” Anastasia asked, clearly intrigued with the idea.

â€Ĺ›I think Jubal could do it. Just ask him,” Branislava encouraged.

Zev, he has to be mage. There was excitement in her voice. A strong mage, from a powerful lineage. I thought I heard his family was jaguar.

Zev realized some of her excitement was at the prospect of finding a family of mages who practices good magic not, dark magic.

We’ll have to get to know him better. In the meantime, I’d better give these little girls a ride through the forest on a wolf.

He stood up, and reached down to set easily scoop up a twin with one hand and set them, one on each shoulder. Anya sucked in her breath, but he could feel her excitement. He kept a hand on each to secure them in place.

â€Ĺ›Are you ready?” He asked, looking around for Gregori.

Gregori sent him a warm smile and nodded his head in permission.

â€Ĺ›You have to be a wolf, like you were with Alexandru,” Anastasia demanded.

â€Ĺ›That will put you very high up,” Zev warned. â€Ĺ›We’ll go very fast and you might be even more scared.”

â€Ĺ›We can do it,” Anya spoke for the first time, determination in her voice.

Zev shifted with the girls on his shoulders, even as he began striding into the forest. He was fast at the change, and even faster loping easily, occasionally leaping over a tall fallen tree trunk to give them a thrill. The girls laughed wildly, clutching at his head and his long hair as the wind caught them in the face. Zev could walk faster than most others ran and yet he was smooth and silent. He made certain that he shifted speeds, loping, walking, even running in spots, but not too fast.

He took them several kilometers into the interior until he found the resident wolf pack. He howled his welcome and invitation to them and they joined with him, running easily in pack formation around him as they took the girls on a long adventure through the trees and upstream.

They were delighted, calling out to the wolves and imitating the cries easily. Anya seemed to understand the animals easily and matched her tones exactly. Anastasia relied on her sister for some of the interpretations but she learned quickly.

He circled around and loped back, leaving the wolf pack a mile or so from the clearing where the Carpathians had gathered to listen to the Dark Troubadours music. He shifted as he walked back into the light, easily removing each girl with one hand, setting the two of them carefully back down on the ground. They were flushed, eyes bright, sparkling with laughter.

â€Ĺ›Thank you, Zev,” Anastasia said. â€Ĺ›That was so fun.”

Anya nodded, obviously shyer. â€Ĺ›Thank you,” she echoed. â€Ĺ›I want to do it again sometime, okay? Especially the wolves.”

â€Ĺ›We will,” he promised.

â€Ĺ›And thank you for letting us keep our crystal,” she added.

â€Ĺ›You’re very welcome.” Zev waited until they’d run excitedly back to Gregori to tell him all about it. When he was certain they were safe, he turned back to Branislava.

Her eyes met his in a kind of secret amusement. He looked passed her to see the children lined up. Little Stefan was first, dancing around, clutching a WHAT in his hand, excitement on his face. Behind him, Tempest and Darius’s boy, Andor stood holding hands with Travis. Sara and Falcon’s children were behind him. Each of them had something to barter for their ride.

I hope you’re not tired, Branislava said, laughter spilling over. You’ve got a long night ahead of you.

What am I? The local Carpathian carnival ride?

I believe you are, she said complacently.

Zev looked around a little desperately for Fen and Dimitri. Both seemed to have disappeared, but he was more than certain they were hidingĂĂłâ‚Ź”the cowards.

Caleb and the rest of his pack emerged from the trees. Caleb strode up to him. â€Ĺ›You needed us, sir?”

Zev found himself smiling at his lifemate. She smiled back, her eyebrow raised. Of course she’d called the pack in to assist him in giving the children rides. It only would bring them closer to the Carpathians.

Clever woman, he praised her and sent her a kiss.

So true, she agreed, sending him back the impression of the brush of her mouth over his.

Zev walked over to the line of children, his pack behind him. â€Ĺ›Let’s take a look at what you children have to barter with, shall we?”


Branislava stood at the edge of the crystal blue lake, staring down into the water. It looked beautiful, but cold. She didn’t like cold and doubted if she would ever get used to it. Staring at her reflection, she tried hard to see herself the way Zev obviously saw her. He thought she was beautiful. It was impossible not to know that, to feel it, not when he was so vocal about it in his thoughts.

He came up behind her so silently, she wouldn’t have known he was there, but for the reflection in the water, and the way he smelled. There was nothing else like that masculine, woodsy scent. He was the forest. She thought of him that way. Or at least Guardian of the forest and everything in it.

His arms came around her waist and he pulled her back into his body protectively, his hands finding hers to lock her there. She could see the glow in his eyes, that distinctive silver that said he’d been out hunting. He lowered his head and her heart stuttered wildly. All that shaggy hair fell around her, brushing her neck and shoulders as his teeth scraped over her pounding pulse.

Branislava reached back with one arm to circle his neck. The action lifted her breasts and caught his attention instantly. One of his hands reached up to slide inside the thin ruffle of her blouse, his fingers finding her right breast and lifting it out of her corset into the open air.

She smiled at him, using the water as a mirror. â€Ĺ›Good evening, my wolf. What exactly are you looking for this wonderful night?”

The weather wasn’t wonderful unless one liked rain. Dark clouds spun across the sky, blotting out the stars and small sliver of moon. A cool wind blew, an ominous portent of the coming storm. She didn’t mind storms. In fact she preferred being out in the open when they came, all that wonderful space where she could fling out her arms and dance a rain dance if she wanted. The freedom was exhilarating and it was easy enough to control her body temperature, no matter the weather.

The icy lake was a little reminiscent with it glacier color, of the ice caves, but she was always taken with the sheer beauty of the spot. The heat of Zev’s palm cupping her breast warmed her, while the night air and cool wind teased her nipple into such an inviting peak he couldn’t resist.

Each tug or roll sent a streak of heat flashing through her body, straight to her core. She watched his hand kneading soft flesh while his teeth skimmed her neck and his tongue took away the sting. The image in the lake was erotic, a man holding his woman to him, leisurely enjoying her out in the open, far from everyone.

She allowed her head to fall back against his chest, exposing more of neck to him, offering her throat to the wolf.

I could see so much more of you if you removed your clothing, he whispered, pure seduction in his voice. He pushed his body tight against hers, allowing her to feel the heavy erection waiting for her. You wear far too many clothes.

She laughed softly. â€Ĺ›Only so that you can remove them when you’re so inclined.”

His teeth bit down a little harder. His fingers tugged, pulling her nipple and then rolling it until she gasped--and her core flooded with desire.

â€Ĺ›I do love the wolf coming out and making his presence known,” she admitted, her tone suggestive.

He didn’t wait. His hand caught her blouse and ripped, tearing the thin material from her body, leaving only the corset wrapped around her rib cage and waist, lifting her breasts so that both nipples peeked at him in invitation. He stripped off the skirt, leaving her rounded hips and shapely legs bare. The red curls at the junction of her legs seemed to catch fire there in the lake.

He lifted his head to look at her reflection and she nearly gasped as she caught sight of the way his eyes glittered in response. She loved what she could do to him--the knowledge that he wanted her with the same urgency that seemed ever present in her.

â€Ĺ›I think the corset can stay,” he said softly and bit down hard on her neck.

Fire flashed through her body. She reached behind her to rub her palm over his erection right through the material of his trousers. Already thick and hard, his cock jerked in anticipation.

Abruptly he dragged her backward. She couldn’t see where they were going, but she had no choice but to keep up with him. He suddenly spun her around, staying behind her, so that she found herself facing a small fallen tree trunk.

Zev put one hand on her back, pushing her down so that she had to reach low to place both palms of the log, because his arm was around her hips, keeping her from bending her knees. He kicked at her ankles gently until she spread her legs for him.

Around them, the fog moved in, surrounding them with privacy, but more than that, it reflected their images. Branislava could see herself, her head up, looking at the fog, her breasts hanging over her corset and her bottom up in the air with Zev stroking caresses over each firm globe.

The wind teased her, played with nipples while he danced fingers up the inside of her thighs, never touching her fiery core. He tugged at the curls covering the treasure, leaned forward and bit at her bottom, stung her with a couple of hard smacks and lapped away the sting with his tongue.

She grew hotter and hotter. The bark on the log began to vein with red, creating a strange pattern around the natural colors. She pushed back and wiggled a little to provoke him, but Zev wasn’t easy to provoke. He caught her braid and wrapped it quickly around his wrist so he could pull her head back, forcing her bottom higher. In the reflective fog she could see her breasts swaying.

Need lived and breathed in her. A fire raged between her legs and spread rapidly throughout her body. â€Ĺ›Zev,” she whispered, a voice, husky and a little desperate.

His fingers slipped into her and she cried out, pushing back against him. He drew out his honey and licked his fingers. â€Ĺ›You taste better every single time,” he murmured, showing no hurry to put out the fire. â€Ĺ›So hot. Cinnamon flavored. All mine.”

She closed her eyes and breathed shallowly. He bent his head to lap at her melting core, even as his hands came around her to cup her breasts. Because her hair was wrapped around his wrist, the pull forced her head to one side. His cock settled between the globes of her bottom, wedging tightly there like a hot spike.

His weight was over her, his body seemed to surround her and she was effectively held in place as if she might be his prisoner, and yet she felt free. So free. Happy. Blissfully happy. She actually felt the burn of tears in her eyes. How had she come to love this man so much? How could she want and need his body until every single cell in her body craved his?

I love you the same way. The intensity only increases, he admitted, biting gently at the nape of her neck. I find everything about you irresistible, even that abominable temper of yours.

She was in a terrible position to argue with him. Still. That couldn’t go unanswered. â€Ĺ›Clearly I’m the voice of reason. You’re a wolf and have the foulest temper I’ve ever encountered.”


His teeth bit down a little harder. His fingers tugged until she wanted to sob with the flames licking through her bloodstream.

â€Ĺ›Are you absolutely certain about that?” He let loose of her hair to slip his hand between her legs, his finger circling her inflamed, sexy little button. â€Ĺ›Say that again to me.”

â€Ĺ›You’re cheating,” she hissed, trying desperately to hold her body still. It didn’t help that he had so much more control than she did when she had none. Absolutely none. She would have begged and pleaded with him if she thought it would do her any good. She knew better. Zev would enter her at his own leisure, drawing out her hunger and building the tension in her body to the absolute breaking point.

â€Ĺ›Maybe. But that doesn’t negate the truth. You knew you shouldn’t have interfered with my reprimanding Randy, but you did it anyway. You should have trusted that I knew what I was doing. I would have praised Randy when he realized why I was reprimanding him. He needed to see that he would have been killed, even with him tagging you.”

Her breath came in ragged gasps when he plunged his finger deep. He leaned forward again and bit down on her left cheek bottom, and then dragged his chin over the marks so that the shadow along his jaw added to the rough sensation bursting like fire through her body. He just kept feeding that firestorm fuel, building and building it inside of her until she thought she might go up in flames, until she couldn’t think coherently. He was actually beginning to make sense to her.

â€Ĺ›Accidents happen when we play rough,” she countered, trying not to whine, trying not to sob or plead. She needed him inside of her.

â€Ĺ›Randy--and all of them have to have it instilled in them that they protect their alpha female as well as every other female in the pack and others as well regardless of species unless they’re the enemy. The Sacred Circle has a wide influence. I can’t allow that influence in my pack.”

â€Ĺ›Zev. Please.”

He pushed two fingers deep and stroked. â€Ĺ›I like how you say please in that sweet sobbing voice. Say it again.”

She pushed back into his hand, desperate for him, her body glowing with heat. She would do anything for him and he knew it and not because he could make her feel this way. She wanted to please him. She loved him beyond anything either ever expected.

â€Ĺ›Please. Hurry. I need you.”

She had no time to prepare. He withdrew his fingers to replace them with his cock, slamming into her in one long, excruciatingly delicious stroke, driving through tight muscles to lodge so deep she thought he might have penetrated her stomach. She heard him inhale sharply, felt his body shudder with pleasure as her sheath rippled around him, grasping greedily and holding tight.

He began to move, using his position to penetrate as deep as possible with each thrust, each stroke, hammering into her at a furious speed until the friction was so much that her silken muscles seemed to catch fire burning him. Then he would slow the pace, an intense long, unhurried very deliberate tempo that had her sobbing and pleading again.

â€Ĺ›You’re torturing me,” she gasped between each burning draw of air into her lungs.

â€Ĺ›But such a perfect moment. Right, mon chaton feroce? Perfect.”

How could she say otherwise? It was perfect. He filled her perfectly. Stretched her exquisitely. Her muscles of their own accord clasped at him, milking and gripping, desperate to keep him inside of her.

â€Ĺ›Am I right?” He persisted.

She heard that harsh note in his voice, the one that told her he was close to going up in flames, just as she was. Around her hands even the darker patches in the bark took on a reddish glow.

â€Ĺ›Yes,” she gasped out the agreement.

He took her over the edge fast and hard, every stroke rocking her body and for a few moments, as she stared into the reflective fog, she could only see flames bursting around them. It looked as if the world was on fire, glowing orange and red. It didn’t matter, only this joy, this ecstasy of pure love she shared with him.

She felt it in his touch, in the strength of his taking her, the tenderness in his kiss and the look in his eyes.

â€Ĺ›You’re mine, Zev,” she whispered. â€Ĺ›You know that don’t you? My man. My wolf. Absolutely, utterly mine.”

He laid his head on her back, his strong arms holding her up. â€Ĺ›For eternity. Life after life after life.”


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