Christine Feehan [Dark 25a] Dark Wolf Deleted Scenes 01 03


Christine Feehan

â€Ĺ›Do you know what I miss most?” Skyler asked. â€Ĺ›It’s silly I know, but remember that time we roasted marshmallows over a campfire and made s’mores, Paul? I’d never done anything like that in my life. I felt normal for the first time. Nothing had ever tasted so good as the mixture of chocolate, crackers and marshmallows. I remember I actually went to sleep with a smile on my face and didn’t have a single nightmare.” Skyler wrapped her arms around herself as if she could hug the moment to her. â€Ĺ›I’ll never forget that, Paul. Not ever. You and Ginny supplied so many firsts for me.”

Josef waved his hands and a fire roared to life. Built into the ground, it was ringed with stones and in the exact center of their circle as they sat there in the clearing. Overhead, the stars scattered across the sky in a strange puzzle of sparkling diamonds.

Skyler laughed softly. â€Ĺ›I didn’t think of that. I still think of myself as human and my first reaction is just to think about my memories, not relive them.”

Ginny shook her head. â€Ĺ›I wouldn’t be able to do that kind of thing, but it’s totally cool, Josef.” Her voice was a little shy and her brother glanced at her quickly with a frown. â€Ĺ›Now all we need are the marshmallows and chocolate squares.”

Paul moved a little closer to her protectively. â€Ĺ›You don’t have to be afraid of what a Carpathian can do, Ginny. Someday we may be doing the same thing.”

Ginny shook her head, shuddering a little. â€Ĺ›They fight vampires, Paul. I want to lead a normal life. Get up in the morning, take care of my ranch, ride my horses and go to sleep at night. I’m a cowgirl, not a Carpathian.”

Skyler caught Paul’s eye and shook her head slightly when he opened his mouth to protest. â€Ĺ›I understand completely, Ginny,” she said. â€Ĺ›When Gabriel and Francesca first wanted to do a blood exchange with me, it freaked me out a little bit. Of course I let them. I mean, they are my parents, but I went to bed that night with my heart pounding like crazy.”

Ginny nodded, happy someone finally understood. â€Ĺ›Me too. I just laid there so terrified my blood would call to a vampire or something equally as terrible. I don’t think I slept for a week.”

Josef put a hand on her shoulder. â€Ĺ›You should have given me a call. I would have come.”

â€Ĺ›To South America?” Ginny sounded incredulous. â€Ĺ›To our ranch?”

Josef shrugged. â€Ĺ›I travel all over. I’ve been there before. Why wouldn’t I come for you? We’re friends.” He produced a bag of marshmallows and a large chocolate bar and handed them to her with a courtly bow. â€Ĺ›For you.”

Ginny and Skyler both burst out laughing.

Paul shook his head. â€Ĺ›You’re such a show-off, bro,” Paul said.

â€Ĺ›So glad I could help,” Josef answered back, his grin from ear to ear.

â€Ĺ›How many blood exchanges have they given you?” Skyler asked, curiosity in her voice.

Ginny scowled. â€Ĺ›Two. Rafael insisted on the first one and after the ranch was attacked by vampires and Zacarias came back, he insisted I have a second blood exchange.” She shuddered again. â€Ĺ›You don’t say no to Zacarias. No one does.”

Skyler looked to Paul for conformation. â€Ĺ›Both of you have had two blood exchanges?”

Paul nodded. â€Ĺ›Rafael convinced Colby it was necessary for the first one and when Zacarias came home for a visit with Marguarite, it was just after the vampires attacked us and he was adamant. He gave both of us the second exchange.”

â€Ĺ›He was very gentle with me,” Ginny hastily added. â€Ĺ›He wasn’t mean or anything. It’s just that having their blood in me, makes me tired during the day and I can’t always fall asleep at night.”

â€Ĺ›Wow, Paul, and you work the ranch,” Skyler said, admiration in her voice.

â€Ĺ›You went to school, same as Ginny,” Paul pointed out, tearing open the bag of marshmallows with his teeth. He handed one to Ginny who put it on the sharpened branch Josef provided.

â€Ĺ›I loved school,” Skyler said. â€Ĺ›Really loved it. I love learning. I studied wolves because Dimitri has such a large foundation and I wanted to be an asset to him.”

Ginny watched the marshmallow turning a golden brown as she rotated it carefully in the fire. â€Ĺ›I still can’t believe you asked Dimitri to claim you. You’re so brave, Skyler. I love living at the ranch with all the uncles, although Zacarias can be intimidating.”

â€Ĺ›Not when he’s around Marguarite,” Paul interrupted. â€Ĺ›Then he’s a complete sap and utter sap.”

Ginny giggled and glanced around. â€Ĺ›You’d better keep your voice down. Zacarias has ears all over his body or something. He’s got, like radar and knows everything.”

â€Ĺ›Is he really as scary as he looks?” Skyler asked.

â€Ĺ›Yes,” Paul and Ginny said simultaneously.

Josef nodded his head vigorously. â€Ĺ›You’d better believe it. Even when he’s being nice. But I’ve got to say, he’s the man I want on my side if there’s a fight.”

Paul nodded his head. â€Ĺ›And he’s surprisingly good with Ginny. Well, with all the women. Colby actually likes him. She and MaryAnn are so close and you’d think MaryAnn would have a problem with him, she’s very strong-willed, but she defers to him just like everyone else.”

â€Ĺ›Marguarite has him wrapped around her finger,” Ginny whispered as she pulled the sticky marshmallow off the stick and added it on top of the cracker and square of chocolate. â€Ĺ›Totally wrapped. She wants something and she just looks at him and he moves heaven and earth to give it to her.” She took a bite and rolled her eyes in pleasure. â€Ĺ›This is totally yummy.”

Skyler frowned. â€Ĺ›If that’s so, why are you all afraid of Zacarias? That doesn’t make sense. All Carpathian men are a little scary, but no one talks about them like they do Zacarias.”

â€Ĺ›He’s different,” Josef admitted. â€Ĺ›It’s not like he’d ever hurt a woman or child. In fact he’d protect them with his life, it’s just that you never get the feeling that he’s not the least bit tamed. Being with Zacarias is kind of like climbing in a cage with tiger. There’s a part of you that wonders if you’re going to get eaten.”

Skyler gave a little shudder. â€Ĺ›I think I much prefer Dimitri. He’s very sweet and I definitely love that in him.”

Josef and Paul exchanged a long look. Both rolled their eyes.

â€Ĺ›What?” She demanded. â€Ĺ›He is sweet.”

â€Ĺ›To you maybe,” Paul said. â€Ĺ›He’s a wolf. A mix of Carpathian and Lycan,” he qualified. â€Ĺ›He’s definitely not sweet, Skyler. You have blinders on when it comes to your man. He’s lethal.”

â€Ĺ›I know what she’s talking about,” Ginny said. â€Ĺ›Dimitri has a gentle quality about him.” She smiled up at Josef. â€Ĺ›Like Josef he’s thoughtful.”

Paul shrugged. â€Ĺ›So is Zacarias. I guess there’s no explaining him. You can’t imagine him ever as a child. Or playing. I don’t think he knows what fun is or even how to play.”

A small wind swept through the clearing, and the flames danced, rising toward the sky above. The brush around them rustled. Overhead an owl took flight. Several mice scurried out from under the roots of one of the plants several meters from them.

Ginny looked apprehensively toward the forest. â€Ĺ›I wish I wasn’t so afraid of vampires. Everything scares me now. I’m such a little fraidy cat.” She gave a small laugh.

â€Ĺ›There’s nothing to worry about,” Josef said. â€Ĺ›I’m here.”

Without warning, a tiger burst from the forest, running full speed, as fast a freight train, a good solid nine hundred pounds of sheer muscle and teeth, bearing down on them. Ginny screamed and tried to scramble backward, brandishing her marshmallow stick, complete with a warm marshmallow on the end.

Paul leapt in front of his sister, reaching into the fire pit for a burning branch. He faced the tiger, with a white face and determination written into every line.

Josef elbowed passed Paul to take the front position, moving fast, a blurring figure, producing a large machete.

Skyler moved just as fast, maybe even a little faster, stretching her arms out wide as she rose to allow her wolves freedom. â€Ĺ›Wait,” she barked the order, sweeping her arm behind her to keep the wolves from attacking.

Josef threw up a barrier and the tiger crashed right through it. Skyler and Josef moved together, closing ranks in order to better protect Paul and Ginny.

At the last moment the tiger swerved, missing them both. Faint laughter rose on the wind as the large, dangerous cat continued fast toward the forest. Just as the tiger reached the tree line, he shifted on the run, giving them a brief glimpse of Zacarias just before he disappeared into the woods. His soft laughter faded behind him.

The four of them just looked at one another in stunned surprise.

Skyler pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh. â€Ĺ›I believe that was Zacarias playing with us.”

â€Ĺ›I think that was his idea of a joke,” Josef said eventually.

â€Ĺ›I think I wet my pants,” Paul added, even glancing down to make certain no such thing happened.

Skyler glanced at Ginny’s white face and then down at the roasting stick. â€Ĺ›Did you plan on stuffing his mouth with marshmallows?”

The teen began to smile and then burst out laughing. â€Ĺ›Hey, whatever works.”

â€Ĺ›I guess that addresses the issue of whether or not Zacarias has a sense of humor,” Skyler said.

â€Ĺ›And at the same time, why we’re all a little bit afraid of him,” Ginny added. She looked at her sharpened stick with the marshmallow on the end. â€Ĺ›I really was going to hit him with this.” She jabbed it in the air toward the direction the tiger had gone.

Josef and Paul joined her in laughter.

â€Ĺ›Can you imagine?” Skyler asked. â€Ĺ›Zacarias De La Cruz, dead by marshmallow.”

All four erupted once again in what Skyler was certain was slightly hysterical laughter.


Don’t move, Skyler. Stay absolutely still, Dimitri cautioned. Keep the wolves quiet. We accidently stumbled across a vampire’s trail.

For real? There was no way to quiet her heart. It took on a life of its own and pounded like mad. If there was a vampire, no doubt it could hear and would come running. How do you keep so calm.

Experience. Let your heart find the rhythm of mine. There’s no need to panic. You’ve done this hundreds of time now. Ivory and Razvan simulated hunting vampires and you’re prepared. So are the wolves. They just need you to be a strong leader in the hunt.

Skyler scanned the area as she’d been taught. There was nothing different that she could feel. No odor that she could smell. YetĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹš There was something. She felt uneasy, a growing dread in the pit of her stomach and right over her ovary, a burn was growing stronger by the moment. Her Dragonseeker blood warned her that Dimitri was right, and there was an actual vampire close.

I need to know that you can do this.

Dimitri’s voice was always calm, and it was now, but there was an authority, a command he rarely used with her.

I was born for this. She could taste excitement in her mouth, and feel it coursing through her veins. There was fear, yes. She’d be crazy not to feel afraid, but she knew she could follow Dimitri’s lead and if necessary, she could take down the vampire herself.

She moved in silence, fanning out from Dimitri, signaling to the wolves that they were on an active hunt, not for food this time, but for their ultimate prey--the undead. As she took several steps on a worn deer trail, she noticed the blackened grass and the curled, withered leaves of several plants. Skyler hissed out a breath of sheer irritation. She should have seen it before Dimitri had to point it out. She knew the signs of a vampire passing.

Her heart slowed. Beat naturally in her chest and the air moved through her lungs without that burning, gasping feeling. She settled into hunting mode. They’d been practicing for just such an event and it was time to prove that she was Dimitri’s asset, not someone he would have to always watch over.

The trail is fresh. No more than an hour old, Dimitri informed her.

Skyler nodded and knelt with one knee on the ground, laying her palm over the soil. At once she could feel the loathing the earth had for the unnatural abomination passing over it. The energy flowed beneath her hand and with it, information. The vampire was several miles ahead of them, but moving slow. He seemed to be searching for something, judging from the way he was moving in and out of the trees.

He hasn’t taken to the air at all, She informed Dimitri. I can feel him moving, but at a snail’s pace.

Something isn’t right. I don’t like it. They’re usually much more careful, Dimitri warned even as they doubled their pace to catch up with the undead.

A partner? Skyler inquired. A master and a newly turned?

It’s possible. Even likely. Masters are not easy to slay, Skyler, even for an experienced hunter. Perhaps you should give this one a pass.

She noticed immediately that he said you, not we. He intended to hunt the vampire whether or not it was a master with a pawn to sacrifice. Dimitri would never cross the path of a vampire and just let him go on killing. She ignored his comment.

He’s circling back around again. Could he haveĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹš. She broke off, looking toward her wolves.

Moon, has alerted. She’s looking, not toward the direction of the vampire, but up toward the rocks above them, near the small waterfall bursting from the side of the mountain.

Dimitri swore softly. Get out of there. If that’s the master, Skyler, you could be in real trouble. I’m coming toward you.

I don’t think it’s a vampire, not by the way Moonglow or Frost are acting. I think whatever the vampire is hunting is up above us in those rocks. That’s why the vampire is circling back. He’s trying to find something.

If you’re wrong, SkylerĂĂłâ‚ĹąÂĹš he trailed off. Wait for me. That was a clear command.

The feeling of urgency was too strong in her to listen. She signaled to the wolves and they spread out even more, slinking lower to the ground, but pushing forward up the hills, yet keeping to the sparser brush for cover.

Skyler shifted, becoming vapor and drifting up with the slight wind, letting it take her naturally to the small cascading stream of water. She caught a glimpse of faded red hidden among the leaves and branches just behind the waterfall. Her breath caught in her throat as she shifted back to her own form, staying low to avoid detection.

Dimitri. It’s a child. I’m certain there’s a child up here.

Skyler it could be a trap. You have to use caution. Vampires are capable of anything at all. One could pretend to be a helpless child.

I’m aware of that. She bit down on her lip to keep from saying anything else. She couldn’t blame him. She worried about his safety all the time and she was brand new at hunting the vampire, but she could read the earth and it wasn’t cringing from contact with whatever was above them in the rocks.

She signaled to Moonglow to move in. The wolf pressed forward, teeth bared, eyes gleaming as it focused on its prey. A small hand shot out of the brush and little fingers wiggled toward the wolf. At once all aggression ceased. The hair of Moonglow’s back calmed and she moved forward out of sight behind the bush.

If Skyler had been the swearing type she would have cursed a blue streak. She placed her palm onto the dirt and pressed deep so that it covered her hand.

Dimitri. We have a small problem. Two of them. I think Gregori’s twins are up here and the vampire is definitely drawing closer.

How do they keep slipping away? We’re far from the village. Gregori and Savannah must be desperate. They have to be able to track them.

Maybe I’m wrong. Let me check for certain before we contact them and say we have them. How far out are you?

Right behind you, he assured.

Skyler nearly jumped out of her skin at his warmth breath touched the nape of her neck. She swung around and glared at the wolves. One of you could have warned me!

Dimitri’s laughter was in her mind. Why would they? I’m their alpha. Of course you would welcome me.

He signaled her to move forward and she did, approaching the brush cautiously. As she neared the opening, a little girl with a head full of curls stood up abruptly, pushing in front of someone else.

â€Ĺ›Hello,” Skyler greeted softly. â€Ĺ›Do you remember me? I’m Skyler.”

The child nodded, her eyes red-rimmed from crying, but she stood almost defiantly, clearing still protecting someone. Her twin stood up as well and reached for her hand.

â€Ĺ›What are you doing out here, so far from home? Are you aware a vampire is tracking you?” She spoke as gently as possible. The toddlers looked terrified and very vulnerable.

A third child pushed between them, even stepping in front of them in spite of their best efforts to keep him back. He was a little taller and stronger than the two girls.

â€Ĺ›They followed me,” Alexandru admitted. â€Ĺ›I wanted to see if I could get away without anyone noticing, but they followed me. This is my fault.” Along with a few words, it was more of an impression in their minds.

Dimitri came up behind her, glancing toward the left. â€Ĺ›You know it isn’t safe, Alexandru. Now all of you are in danger.” He spoke sternly. â€Ĺ›I’ve sent word to your fathers but I don’t know if they’ll get here in time to help. The vampire is close. I need the three of you to do exactly what I say.”

All three children nodded their heads almost simultaneously. Alexandru took both of the girl’s hands, his chin up and his shoulders straight. For a moment, Skyler could clearly see his father in him.

â€Ĺ›This isn’t a game,” Dimitri reiterated. â€Ĺ›Vampires are extremely dangerous and if they can, they’ll kill you. You didn’t obey your parents, but you must obey me now, do you understand? Not only can you three be killed, but so can our wolves as well as us. You must do as I say.”

Skyler frowned at him. They get it. They know they screwed up. Look at them, Dimitri. They’re frightened and making them feel terrified even more isn’t going to help.

Our children must obey at all times. It’s life or death for them. We can’t afford to lose a single child, Skyler. Not one. And not on my watch. I don’t know who was looking after them, but they need better protectors as well as learning obedience. No Carpathian child can take chances like these three. The prince’s son? Gregori’s daughters? This is bull.

â€Ĺ›Dimitri,” Skyler felt her heart jerk. â€Ĺ›Look at the ground.”

Insects poured out of the soil, rushing away from the area. Leaves shriveled and drew back. The smell of rot reached her nose. The children backed into their spot behind the waterfall, one of the girls beginning to weep silently. Skyler signaled to Moonglow to guard them, knowing the presence of the wolf would help to comfort them.

â€Ĺ›We’re going to work now,” she said softly. â€Ĺ›My wolf will stay with you and the others will be close. If you need them, call to them and they’ll protect you. Don’t make a sound otherwise, and don’t come out for anyone, not even if you hear your mother or father calling to you. Look to the wolves. If they bare their teeth, it isn’t your parents calling. Do you understand? Can you do that?”

In her world, two-year-old children didn’t go sneaking out into the forest or mountains on their own and certainly they didn’t have to worry about vampires hunting them. She thought of Ginny and how frightened she must be to live such a half-life where those around her had no knowledge of the monsters she did. For Paul it was the same. They went to school and other children their age laughed and thought about cars, make-up and dating. They had to be aware every moment that not only they, but everyone close to them, were always in danger.

She wanted to sweep the toddlers into her arms and comfort them, but she had a job to do--a much more important one--to keep them safe.

She followed Dimitri out of the rocks and watched as he carefully swept his hand over the area to blot out all signs and scents that could possible lead the vampire to the little ones. She took up position at the bottom of the hill, just beneath the small hollowed out space behind the waterfall where the three Carpathian children had taken shelter.

You have to admit, Dimitri, they hid themselves very well when they realized something hunted them.

If one of our children deliberately eluded us just to see if they could sneak away, they would be so afraid to ever do it again they’d sit in one spot from weeks.

She realized he was furious. Dimitri rarely showed anger, but he wanted to shake the three little children. She knew he was afraid for them. Any vampire was dangerous and if this one knew what a prize he had--the son of the prince--he would move heaven and earth to acquire him. The daughters of Gregori would only be a sweet bonus for him.

We’re not going to allow anything to happen to them, she assured.

Dimitri extended his arms, signaling to his wolves to leap off. Shadow, his mate, Misty and Sonnet all landed softly, already on the move. The wolves were well versed in the hunt and they spread out, each taking a point. Sonnet suddenly alerted. At the same time, Shadow gave a low growl. Each wolf had turned their head in the opposite direction. Where Shadow’s hair had risen, Sonnet didn’t give indications of alarm, only that something--or someone was approaching.

Dimitri held up his hand to Skyler to prevent her from moving toward Sonnet. He made a circle with his finger and she nodded, dropping low to start her advance toward the wolf with much more caution while Dimitri moved into position to support Shadow.

Shadow bared his teeth in a silent snarl and slunk low to the ground, suddenly turning and moving in the same direction as Sonnet.

The vampire turned away from these children, Dimitri observed, gliding over the ground to catch up with his wolf. He shifted into a matching wolf, large, silent and lethal.

Do you think he senses us here? Skyler laid her palm gently on the ground once again to read the earth.

The foul creature had abruptly switched directions and was striding purposefully away from the rocks were the children were hidden behind the waterfall. He’d been making a circle around the area where he’d lost track of them, narrowing it on each loop that he’d made, quartering the ground for clues.

Skyler marveled that toddlers were powerful enough to hide their tracks--and scent--from a vampire. She was certain Gregori had been instrumental in training them and if so, he’d done a remarkable job. Maybe too good. They seemed to be practicing eluding the â€Ĺšenemy’, which was most likely, their babysitter.

What had made the vampire swerve toward the other side of the rocks? He had doubled back over a area he’d already searched. She kept her palm pressed deep, breathing shallow, concentrating hard on the echo of steps in the soil. They were light. Far too light for an adult. A teen? Travis? Falcon’s son often helped with the children, although never by himself. Skyler couldn’t imagine the prince or Gregori leaving their precious children in the hands of a twelve year old human child.

Her heart jerked. Another child. It had to be. Very young. He was tracking the other three children and he was out there by himself. He had been so busy following the trail of his friends, that he hadn’t stayed downwind.

Stefan. Jacques’ boy, Dimitri supplied. I have him in sight. So does the vampire.

Skyler pushed her way through the dense underbrush and slithered down a narrow dirt trail through the rocks. Can you get to him first? Use your speed, Dimitri. Get the boy out of harm’s way and I’ll take down the vampire with my crossbow. I’m using Ivory’s vampire chemical is on the tips of my arrows. I can do this. Just get the child clear.

She sent up a silent prayer that he would trust her, believe in her enough to save the boy, not worry that she was adequately trained.

Be safe, Skyler. Do this just like you practiced.

Dimitri was gone, sweeping down the mountain like a blurred comet, leaping rocks and avoiding shrubbery and trees to land between the vampire and the boy. Without pausing or missing a step, he swept Stefan into his arms and continued on down the mountainside.

The vampire threw back his head and roared with rage. He could barely see Dimitri, let alone catch up with him. Skyler strolled out of the brush, her crossbow in hand, a million butterflies storming her stomach, but her breathing was even, air moving in and out of her lungs at a normal rate.

There were three little children hiding above her and somewhere close, Dimitri, her lifemate, the man who was everything to her counted on her--believed in her. She had gone over the steps a million times in her head, leaving nothing to chance.

She smiled. Gave a small bow. Her bow remained lowered, presenting no threat to him. She was fast now when she went into action and she saw that she would need to be. Ivory and Razvan had been implacable, even harsh with her and now she understood completely and was grateful for their thoroughness.

â€Ĺ›Good evening, good sir. I’m hunting tonight. My wolves are hungry, but you’re the first game we’ve come across.” Her voice was pitched low and musical, a soothing, nonthreatening tone. The words meant nothing, only a distraction, giving the vampire pause as she threw the stars, tipped in Ivory’s brew into the vampire’s torso. Rapidly throwing, she stuck a row of them from his belt to his shoulder, covering his chest in a straight line.

Furious the vampire opened his blackened, blood-stained mouth and blew out stinging insects at her. He tore at the stars. They weren’t lethal and did no more than sting, but the chemicals prevented him from shifting.

Shadow and Misty hit the vampire in the thighs, tearing great chunks of flesh from his legs, ham-stringing him. Thankfully they remembered to spit out the rotting pulp as they danced away. Skyler raced in fast, before the wounded vampire had a chance to recover.

She slammed her fist deep into the chest, digging for the heart. She’d practiced thousands of times, but it wasn’t the same as feeling her fist pass through muscle and tissue, having the vampire’s acid-like blood burn through her flesh, or smell his fetid breath blasting her face.

Don’t you dare hesitate! Get that heart the hell out of his chest and throw it a distance away. Now, Skyler!

Dimitri had never used that particular tone on her, nor had he ever sworn at her before. She closed her fingers around the organ and yanked hard, using her Carpathian strength to drag the heart from the vampire’s body. He gripped her shoulders with both hands, the long fingernail’s stabbing like knives into her body.

Skyler brought up her knee between his legs and rammed her elbow into his throat in an effort to knock him loose. He refused to let go, digging deeper with his razor-sharp nails. She threw the heart a distance away and glanced up at the sky.

Dimitri had already brought in a storm for her. Lightning forked overhead. Ignoring the pain, and the serrated teeth racing toward her neck, she called down the lightning, directing it at the blackened, withered heart. The heart incinerated, was reduced to ash. The wind picked up the ash and blew it away from the mountain.

The vampire stood, his horrified, red eyes glowing in shock, his claws hooked into her shoulders and his teeth around her neck. She felt the strength run out of him and he began to topple. She hit his arms upward to release her body from the nails buried so deep in her. He fell hard.

Skyler scrambled away from him and sank down when her feet touched a large rock. Her knees refused to work, no longer holding her up. She swayed gently back and forth to comfort herself, fighting wanting to vomit. The pain was excruciating. She managed to dull it when she remembered she could.

Dimitri knelt in front of her, gently touching her face, moving her head so he could examine her neck. Stefan’s eyes were large. He looked frightened and very upset that she was injured.

Gregori, Mikhail and Jacques materialized.

â€Ĺ›They’re up there. Moonglow and Frost are guarding them,” Dimitri said, indicating the stream. â€Ĺ›They’re frightened, but none of them are hurt.”

Gregori dropped down beside Skyler to aid Dimitri in healing her wounds. Jacques took care of burning the vampire before he strode over to his son, his face a mask of fury.

Mikhail had never looked more intimidating than he did making his way up the mountain to the three runaway children.

â€Ĺ›Thank you,” Gregori murmured when he was certain he had removed any acid or poison the vampire had transferred to Skyler. â€Ĺ›We’re deeply indebted to you both and to your wolves.”

Skyler managed a smile, although all she wanted to do was curl up in Dimitri’s arms. â€Ĺ›I’m glad we were here. It was simply chance.”

Dimitri started to say something, shook his head and pulled Skyler up from the rock. He swept his arm around. â€Ĺ›I’m taking her home to rest. We’ll see you later this evening.”

As he took to the air, Skyler cradled in his arms, he looked down at her. â€Ĺ›I’m rethinking my position on children, Skyler.”

She laughed softly. â€Ĺ›I don’t altogether blame you.”


Gabriel gathered Skyler into his arms and hugged her tightly. â€Ĺ›You know, no matter what, you’ll always be my baby. My first. Don’t think because you’re Dimitri’s lifemate that you’re not my child anymore.”

Skyler hugged him back just as tightly. â€Ĺ›I’ll always need a father, Gabriel. A dad. That’s what you are to me. I love Razvan. I know I’ve spent a great deal of time with him and Ivory because of the wolves, and because I want to know him, but you raised me, shaped me, made me the person I am. You and Francesca are my parents.”

She didn’t feel as though she was in any way betraying or slighting Razvan. He was a good man and she was proud that he was her birth father, but Gabriel and Francesca had taken her in when she was broken and they had worked miracles to fix her.

Gabriel pulled back after brushing a kiss over the top of her head. â€Ĺ›I can’t keep you to myself. Lucian and Jaxon want to visit with you as well. Your mother is resting up before the four of us leave for home. I’m proud of you for telling her that she needs to go home. We want this child and Francesca is having a difficult time.”

â€Ĺ›I’ll see if I can help. You had Gregori take a look at her?”

He nodded. â€Ĺ›There are no parasites, but we seem to have such problems still.”

â€Ĺ›Did you try the flower ceremony?”

He shook his head. â€Ĺ›I believe that is for fertility, not the ability to carry a child. We seem to have no problems with fertility. Francesca can get pregnant, even without the long span between children. We just are unable to complete the pregnancy.”

Skyler’s heart sank. Her father’s voice had gone a little husky with emotion. He was tall and strong and like Dimitri, she considered him a rock. He feared for their unborn child.

â€Ĺ›Dimitri and I were going to introduce the wolves to Tamara. Perhaps mom would like to meet them,” she ventured.

He nodded. â€Ĺ›I think she’d like that, Skyler.”

Dimitri, would you mind coming inside to visit with my mother. She’s resting before the trip home. You can bring Tamara in with you.

We’re on the way. Tamara has found the best place to be is on my shoulders. There was laughter in Dimitri’s voice. He sounded young and relaxed, not at all the serious man he’d been the last few weeks.

Dimitri ducked low to allow Tamara passage beneath the doorjamb as he came into the house, using long, ground-eating strides to delight the child. She laughed and clutched at his forehead with both hands, her fingers finding the groove marks where the silver chains had been.

Skyler’s heart fluttered at the sight of him. To her, he would always be handsome, especially with his faded scars. He had suffered terribly, but he never seemed bothered by it, nor, she realized, did he hold a grudge against the Lycans. He simply accepted what had happened to him and moved on.

The joy on Dimitri’s face as he played with Tamara, was enough to make her want to run into his arms and hold him tightly. Love swept through her so intense she felt the burn of tears. She realized Dimitri was always in the moment. If he fought a vampire, that was exactly what he did. If he made love to her, he was wholly there. If he played with a child, every part of him was focused on that child.

You’ll make a good father, Dimitri.

His gaze jumped to her face, the laughter brightening his glacier blue eyes. Her heart stuttered at his look. She felt his love surrounding her, enfolding her and holding her close.

Gabriel opened the door to Francesca’s resting area. â€Ĺ›You’ve got company, Francesca,” he announced and went inside to fuss with her pillows.

Skyler entered just as Gabriel swept open the heavy curtains blocking out the night. Stars sprang up all over the ceiling, forming the mystical constellations so that the room itself appeared to be outdoors.

Francesca held out her hand to Skyler, smiling happily. â€Ĺ›I’m so glad you came for a visit. I was afraid I wouldn’t see you again before we left.”

Skyler kissed her mother and sank down on the edge of the bed and taking Francesca’s hand. â€Ĺ›Of course I would say goodbye to you, mom, but right now, we’re introducing the wolves to Tamara and thought perhaps you’d enjoy meeting them as well.” She felt for her mother’s pulse, connecting immediately with her heart.

Francesca was strong. It wasn’t her health that caused concern for the baby.

â€Ĺ›I would love to meet them, Skyler,” Francesca said immediately. â€Ĺ›I’m sure Tamara will be thrilled. It isn’t like we get to see Carpathian wolves every day.”

â€Ĺ›Lucian loves wolves,” Gabriel said, sitting on the other side of the bed. â€Ĺ›He keeps a pack, although they are brethren, not Carpathian.”

Skyler stood for a moment and turned in a slow circle. She wore her hunting clothes because they had agreed to show the wolves to Tamara. She wanted her younger sister to see how the wolves traveled as tattoos on her back, yet could guard her, watching behind her.

Tamara gasped and Francesca reached out to touch one of the ears on one of the wolves.

â€Ĺ›They’re so beautiful,” Francesca said in awe.

â€Ĺ›Moonglow and Frost ride with me,” Skyler explained.

â€Ĺ›Who would have thought I’d be happy my daughter was covered in tattoos,” Gabriel asked, for the first time laughter in his voice.

â€Ĺ›Right?” Skyler said, laughing. â€Ĺ›But they do come in handy in forest. Let me signal them to come off.” She held her arms out and whispered to her wolves.

Moonglow made the leap first. She landed almost at Dimitri’s feet. Tamara clutched his head so hard Skyler was afraid she would jerk him backward.

â€Ĺ›She’s beautiful. Her fur is so silver she almost glows,” Francesca marveled. â€Ĺ›Will she let me pet her?”

Skyler nodded her permission and Moonglow moved close to the bed so Francesca could sink her fingers in the thick silvery pelt. Skyler would never get over the wonder of touching one of her wolves. She loved them, loved everything about them. She saw that same wonder in Francesca’s eyes.

â€Ĺ›She’s beautiful, Skyler,” her mother said.

â€Ĺ›Thanks, mom,” Skyler replied. â€Ĺ›Let me introduce you to Frost. He’s my guardian. He’s silver as well, but you’ll see why we call him Frost.”

The second wolf, this one a male, landed beside Moonglow. He was larger, his pelt thick and every bit as silver as his sister’s, but the ends of each individual hair appeared to be dipped in white, so that he gave the impression of being covered in frost.

Skyler appreciated the gasps as both her mother and father reacted to the sight of the beautiful male.

â€Ĺ›He’s gorgeous,” Francesca said.

â€Ĺ›They’re both very fast and excellent at hunting,” Skyler said. â€Ĺ›I’m really proud of them. The alpha pair rides on Dimitri. The female, Misty, is young and hasn’t been with us very long, but she’s coming along in her training nicely. Shadow is strong male leader and he keeps her on task.”

Dimitri made a slow turn, allowing Francesca and Gabriel to see the three wolves tattooed onto him. He kept a firm hand on Tamara so that she didn’t so much as wobble. She spread her arms out wide, laughing as he turned in a circle.

â€Ĺ›Sonnet is our naughty one,” Skyler continued. â€Ĺ›He likes to roam a bit. He loses himself when he runs and sometimes he just runs for the sake of it. I think he loves the forest so much he can’t help himself.”

Dimitri laughed as he held out his arms in the signal for the wolves to leap off. â€Ĺ›She always makes excuses for Sonnet.”

â€Ĺ›Of course she does,” Francesca was already looking toward the errant wolf. He was very large, nearly as big as the alpha. His eyes were intelligent and he pushed his nose into Francesca’s hand, immediately gaining an ally.”

â€Ĺ›He actually is hard working,” Dimitri conceded, affection in his voice. â€Ĺ›He works very well with Shadow coordinating the hunt and he brings down more game than any of the others. He’s a good boy, he just likes to roam a bit.”

â€Ĺ›Why do you call him Sonnet?” Gabriel asked curiosity in his voice.

Dimitri and Skyler exchanged a small, amused look. Dimitri helped Tamara down off his shoulders so she could run her hands through wolf fur.

â€Ĺ›He sings,” Dimitri explained. â€Ĺ›And he has an unusual, beautiful voice. He’s not like other wolves. He’ll run for the fun of it, sing his heart out, and he also loves to swim. He might be our problem child, but he’s also impossible not to love.”

Francesca watched her youngest child wrap her arms around the body of Sonnet and hug him close. â€Ĺ›He’s also especially good with children,” she pointed out.

â€Ĺ›I’ve noticed they all seem to be,” Dimitri agreed. â€Ĺ›Although Shadow is a little more aloof, he keeps his eye on them when we’re close.”

â€Ĺ›Tamara and Sonnet seem to be fast friends,” Gabriel was pleased. â€Ĺ›Francesca is tiring and we should all let her rest.”

Francesca looked as if she might protest, but one look from Gabriel and she subsided. Skyler could feel her exhaustion. She was holding the baby to her, a physically and mentally hard task. How long could one keep it up, especially when she wasn’t that far along? She had weeksĂĂłâ‚Ź”monthsĂĂłâ‚Ź”of trying to keep from losing her baby. If sheer force of will would accomplish the feat, then Francesca would succeed.

Dimitri reached once more for Tamara. â€Ĺ›Come with me, little one. We’ll go show your friends the wolves.”

Tamara settled onto Dimitri’s broad shoulders happily, her hands clutching Dimitri’s forehead. She looked happy as she waved to her mother and father, ducking her head in the doorway and looking back to call the wolves after them. She laughed when they came, never realizing Dimitri had sent them a call telepathically.

â€Ĺ›I’ll stay with Francesca a few more minutes,” Skyler declared, tightening her hold on her mother’s hand. Her eyes met Gabriel’s. She was Dragonseeker, and a child of Mother Earth, a powerful healer.

Gabriel nodded his assent, brushed a kiss over his lifemate’s temple and left them alone, closing the door softly behind him.

Skyler stretched out beside Francesca on the bed and placed her palm over her mother’s womb. She closed her eyes and let her physical body go, traveling into her Francesca’s body to observe the baby.

The baby wasn’t fully developed, although his mind was. A boy. A son for Gabriel and Francesca and a little brother for her and Tamara. Her heart leapt in joy.

Hello, little brother, she whispered into the baby’s mind. Do you know me? I’m Skyler, your big sister. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms. What seems to be the problem? While she talked in her most soothing voice, she examined the structure of the placenta and the walls of the womb.

The baby moved slightly, his awareness in her mind. There was no pain that she could detect, but something wasn’t right. He wasn’t getting the nutrients he needed. He seemed faded, his spirit already seeking another realm.

Do you know how lucky you are to have Francesca for a mother and Gabriel for a father. They will cherish you always. Tamara and I can’t wait for you to be born. We already love you and want you to stay here with us.

She knew Gregori had tried to find the problem, but he hadn’t been able to. He was a very powerful healer, one of the best they had. How could she even begin to think she might be able to do what he could not? Still, this was her brother. Her family. She had to try.

Can you try to tell me what’s wrong? You should be snug here, comforted here, surrounded by our mother’s love. Can you feel her? She’s all around you, holding you to her. Can you feel our father’s love? He has a great love for you. I can help if I know what the problem is. Trust me, little brother. Feel my kinship with you.

She doubted if he understood too many of the words, but she knew he could feel her love and her need to help him.

The stirring in her mind was tentativeĂĂłâ‚Ź”so light she barely realized the boy responded to her query. Had she not been focused wholly on him, she might have missed that soft brush against the walls of her own mind. The brush lifted and then fell again. He did it twice.

Skyler tried to interpret the message. Clearly he was conveying something important. It was an effort for him, yet she felt it not once, but twice. He’d chosen to make the movement against the inside of her mind, the wall itself. Instantly she began another examination of the walls of Francesca’s womb, particularly where the placenta was attached.

If he wasn’t getting enough nutrients, the problem had to be with where those nutrients came from. The cord appeared intact and perfect. She studied the wall of the womb again, taking her time, allow her spirit to curve around the attachment in an effort to see how it was placed.

Her light seemed to slide beneath one corner of the cord, between the cord and the wall. Is this the problem, little brother? Is the cord not attached all the way? It appears to be, but if the light slips through, then perhaps there is a problem.

As he got bigger and gained more weight, the cord would detach early if part of it wasn’t sealed. She looked closely until she found the problem. There was the slightest bump on the wall and the cord had attacked (ATTACHED?) with the edge on the rise of the bump, leaving the very rim of the cord unattached. She couldn’t see how the baby would be losing so much in the way of nutrients from that small leak. Later, when he grew, it would become a problem, but right now, it shouldn’t have been.

I can fix this, little one, no problem, but can you tell me why you aren’t getting enough to eat?

Skyler took her time smoothing the bump, keeping every movement slow and easy, ensuring the bright light of her spirit never went near the child’s eyes. It didn’t take long to reattach the cord firmly and make certain it was sealed properly. To her astonishment, the boy performed a somersault. She was so delighted with his actions, thinking it was his way to tell her was happy, that she nearly missed what he was trying to show her.

As he rolled, blood seeped out of the cord into the amniotic fluid. With it came all the nutrients the boy needed to sustain his life.

I see it, she assured him. Thank you. You’re such a clever, intelligent boy. I can’t wait to show you the wolves and teach you so many things about our life. Give me a moment and I’ll repair that hole. Our father will come in and give our mother blood. It is ancient and pure and will help to give you the boost you need to survive.

She was babbling and she knew it, overjoyed that she had discovered that tiny pinhole that was slowly taking her brother’s life. He probably didn’t understand a third of what she was trying to convey, but it didn’t matter. He could feel her joy and happiness.

She repaired the hole quickly. Roll again and make certain everything is right.

To her astonishment, her baby brother, not yet fully formed, did another somersault. There was no stream of blood escaping from the cord into the fluid protecting the baby. Elated she brushed a kiss over the boy’s head, although it was with her mind, not her body.

Stay warm and safe, little brother. Grow strong. I’ll come see you from time to time and we’ll talk. Right now, our father will make certain you have what you need to grow stronger and then you need to rest. And don’t kick mom so hard!

She wrapped him in a cocoon of love one last time before she left him to return to her own body. Francesca had tears running down her face and she hastily wiped them away.

â€Ĺ›Am I going to lose him?” She asked, her voice unsteady. â€Ĺ›Tell me the truth, Skyler, so I’m prepared.”

â€Ĺ›You need to call Gabriel in to feed you. The placenta wasn’t quite sealed all the way and there was a tiny hole in the cord. He wasn’t getting enough nutrients to sustain life, but he will now. He helped me, showing me the problem. He wants to live, mom, and I think everything will be fine. He needs food now though. He’s been starving.”

â€Ĺ›That’s why I’ve been so tired and hungry,” Francesca said, wiping at the tears and hugging Skyler. â€Ĺ›You’re so pale, honey. Gabriel will have to give you blood as well.”

Skyler shook her head. â€Ĺ›No, he needs to save every drop for the two of you, and mom, you’ll need to rest. Dimitri will see to me. I’m so excited to have a brother. I can’t wait to hold him in my arms.” She would be forever close to the little boy and she knew it. â€Ĺ›I’m so happy, mother. In spite of the war and the death sentence hanging over all of us, I feel so happy knowing there’s a baby coming and he’s going to live.”


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