Lekcja 4 Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna

30.7.2014 Lekcja 4: Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
Lekcja 4: Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
Na pewno zastanawiasz się, co zrobić, aby twoja rozmowa kwalifikacyjna przebiegła pomyślnie. Niezależnie od
tego, czy masz już doświadczenie na tym polu, czy jest to twój pierwszy raz, warto skorzystać z kilku
podstawowych wskazówek przedstawionych poniżej.
No doubt you are wondering what to do to make your interview successful. Regardless of whether you already have
experience in this field, or it's your first time, it's worth to follow the essential tips below.
Even before the interview, you should do some background research learn as much as you can about the company,
its products, services, customers and even competitors. This will give you a valuable insight into its current situation
and, therefore, an edge over other candidates.
Remember to follow an appropriate dress code. No matter the job you are applying for, your clothes should be clean
and tidy, with no greasy stains or dust. Preferably keep it simple and elegant; it's not your outfit that should be the
centre of interest during the interview.
The iron rule to follow strictly: never be late. Allocate some extra time for the possibility of being stuck in traffic or other
unforeseeable events triggered by the force majeure. If you are too early, the only inconvenience you're facing is
waiting a bit. Absolutely worth it.
Show you enthusiasm to make a positive first impression. Starting with a firm handshake, and during the interview
itself speak confidently and make clear what you mean. Even if you have the jitters, the outside world should know
nothing about it.
When the interview has already started, participate in it in an active way. This means basically: listen carefully to what
the recruiter tells you and ask questions when you are not sure whether you understood correctly or when you would
like to learn more about some issue. Asking logical questions will show both your interest and your personal skills.
There is a good chance a substantial part of the interview will be spent discussing the skills you included in your CV,
so be sure to prepare beforehand appropriate examples proving that you indeed have them. They are better than
descriptions which often seem to be devoid of any meaning. By contrast, presenting our past decisions and steps
taken will give the recruiter a clear-cut picture of the kind of a person you are.
By the end of the conversation, when the recruiter signals it will soon be over, politely ask when you can expect a reply
from them. If you have a business card, that's a good moment to hand it. You may thank the interviewer in advance for
promptly contacting you when the decision is taken, so that he feels responsible not to forget about your case.
Say goodbye, close the door, and - now you can go de-stress yourself!
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