exam & skills test 1&2b

1&2 Exam & Skills Test Student B

Słuchanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony

CD Track 2

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

1 Mark doesn't know Claire. ______

2 Mark thinks action films are less interesting than cartoons. ______

3 Next Saturday Alexia is going shopping with her sister. ______

4 Alexia's going to wait for Claire. ______

5 The dialogue takes place in the cinema. ______


Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

CD Track 3

2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dalszą część dialogu. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

1 Claire thinks the plot was

a) very good. b) not very interesting. c) too long.

2 The film was

a) 30 minutes long. b) 90 minutes long. c) almost two hours long.

3 Mark thinks the animation was

a) very good. b) very bad. c) boring.

4 The kids in the cinema were

a) sitting quietly. b) making a lot of noise. c) interested in the film.

5 Mark decides to take __________________ to see the cartoon.

a) Claire b) his nephew c) Claire and Alexia


Funkcje językowe i środki językowe (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy

3 Przyporządkuj każdej wypowiedzi właściwą reakcję, wpisując litery a-f w luki 1-5. Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

1 What time does the play start? ______

2 What is your new teacher like? ______

3 Do you fancy going to the cinema? ______

4 Does your brother like music? ______

5 What were you doing when the accident happened? ______

a) I had a sandwich.

b) At seven o'clock.

c) He is very serious.

d) Yes, that sounds great.

e) Yes, his favourite kind is pop.

f) I was talking on the phone.


Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

4 Przeczytaj poniższy email. Uzupełnij luki 1-5, używając podanych wyrazów w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

be buy bad go interesting join

Hi Mark!

How are you? I hope you are fine. What are you doing next Sunday? I 1_____________ to a concert of a fado singer from Portugal. It's one of the 2_____________ singers I know! I 3_____________ a CD last year in Portugal when I 4_____________ on holiday with my parents. She is great! Would you like 5_____________ me? I can buy tickets online.



Czytanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

5 Przeczytaj informacje o czterech utalentowanych osobach oraz pięciu propozycjach spędzenia wakacji. Przyporządkuj każdej osobie odpowiednią dla niej propozycję, wpisując litery a-e w luki

1-4. Jedna propozycja nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.

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1____ Laura Nowak

Laura's from Poland but she lives in England with her family. She won several piano competitions in Poland before she moved to England at the age of seven. She's taking her A-level exams next month and she won't have time to play any more. She wants to study medicine. She needs to earn money to pay for her studies. She hates little children.

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2 ____ Kiara Corales

Kiara loves music. Her main instrument is the clarinet but she's also tried the trumpet. Kiara's also interested in languages. She speaks German and a bit of Italian. Last year she started learning Spanish. She loves travelling. Kiara's ambition is to perform in Carnegie Hall one day.

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3 ____ Pierre-André Carter

Pierre can't imagine his life without music! He plays in a band with his brother and cousin. They can play the keyboard, the saxophone and the guitar. Pierre also enjoys playing tennis. He loves kids and animals. He would really like to learn a new skill during the holidays, but he doesn't have a lot of money.

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4 ____David Leigh

David's father, who is a well-known violinist, was very disappointed when Roberto wasn't interested in music. In primary school David was only good at PE. But now he's a successful piano player and wants to try another instrument. He only plays classical music. David doesn't know what he wants to do during the holidays but he wouldn't like to leave London as his mother is ill.

  1. Have you ever played djembe? Free lessons in playing African drums in the summer! Classes in London, three times a week in the evenings. Enjoy the rhythms and energy of African music!

  1. Help young kids develop their musical talents! We're looking for students playing musical instruments to teach at the Talent Camp in Cornwall. We offer free accomodation and good money! Being good at sports would be an advantage.

  1. Join an orchestra in Italy this summer! We're looking for students able to play different instruments (but not the piano) who can take part in charity concerts in different cities in Italy. We provide free accomodation. You will only have to pay for the plane ticket and have some pocket money.

  1. Teach music to teenagers and adults in July and August. We need teachers (no experience needed) for short summer courses in Oxford and Bath. Good salary and good fun!

  1. London School of Music invites! Now piano, clarinet and saxophone lessons also in the summer. Our teachers do not go on holiday! Evenings or weekends.


6 Read the profiles from exercise 5 again and answer the questions.


0 wants to learn something new? Pierre-André


1 was a successful musician at a very early age? _____________

2 wants to be a professional musician? _____________

3 has a musical parent? _____________

4 can play three musical instruments? _____________

5 has performed in England and abroad? _____________

6 had difficulties with most school subjects? _____________


Pisanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

7 Pokłóciłeś/Pokłóciłaś się z siostrą/bratem. Napisz e-mail do koleżanki z Anglii, w którym:

Długość e-maila 50-100 słów.




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Funkcje językowe i środki językowe

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT






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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT



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