lesson plan present simple leisure

Date : 4. 12.2008

Level: Elementary

Class: 9 A

Time: 17:35 - 18:15

Date: 19.11. 2008

Level: elementary

Class: 10 A

Time: 17:35 - 18:15

Overall aims: Revising and practising Present Simple Tense in order to describe someone's likes, dislikes and daily routines.

Assumed knowlege: Students already know Present Simple Tense and vocabulary connected with topic.


Activity (procedures)


Interaction pattern



Anticipated problems and solutions

Warm - up

T gives ss piece od paper with a sequence of letters. Ss' task is to divide it into words.

To catch ss' attention and to remind when Present Simple is used

Individual work

3 min

Handout (1)

Some ss may finish the task very quickly. T may have to ask them not to prompt another ss.


T elicits from ss all forms of Present Simple, spelling of third person singular and writes them on the bb

To revise affirmative, negative, question form of the tense and spelling of third person singular

SS -> T

5 min



Controlled Practice

T ask ss to do ex. a p. 43

To practise spelling

Individual work

3 min


Ss may prompt each other. T may have to control if they work idividually


T draws on the bb numbers in percents and asks ss to match adverbs of frequency to them

To revise adverbs of frequency

SS -> T

2 min


Only a few students may answer to T. T may have to ask them randomly

Controlled Practice

T asks ss to do ex a, p. 46

To practise adverbs of frequency

Individual work

3 min


Some ss may finish the task very quickly. T may have to ask them not to prompt another ss.

Presentation and controlled practice

T elicits from ss when we use `in', `on' and `at'. T writes a chart on the bb. Then T asks ss to do ex b, p. 46

To revise and practise prepositions

T <-> SS

Individual work

5 min

Bb, coursebook

Some ss may finish the task very quickly. T may have to ask them not to prompt and disturb another ss.

Controlled practice

T asks ss to work in pairs and fill in the questionnaire from ex j, p. 43 according to partner's answers and then report about it

To practise speaking about daily routines

S <-> S

S <->SS

6 min


SS may not be willing to speak ; T may have to encourage them.

Free practice

T asks ss to work in pairs. T sticks to the bb a picture of famous Turkish musician Tarkan and gives to each pair a piece of paper with information about musician. SS' task is to describe in sentences likes, dislikes and frequency of activities of a musician

To practise using of Present Simple


13 min

Bb, handout (2)

Some ss may not be willing to work; T may have to monitor the classroom carefully.

Homework : Handouts (3 and 4)

Evaluation: SS found the lesson easy although they had problem with free practice task, because they are not used to productive tasks.


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