Lesson Plan 1

Paulina Naleźna

Lesson Plan

Date: 28th September 2010

Class: 4B

Coursebook: Sky 1

Topic: How old is he?-Ile on ma lat?

Aim: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to ask and answer the questions connected with age. Also, they will have practised vocabulary connected with family.

Class description: The students in this class are 10-11. There are only 11 girls.

Phases, stages and aims




Patterns of interaction

I.Preteaching phase


T greets Ss and checks attendance.



II.Interactive teaching phase


Aim: to know Ss' names, because this is the first lesson in this class guided by T.

2-3 min

T says: I don't know your names and comes closer to Ss' desk and ask individual S a question: What is your name? When S gives the answer T gives him/her a piece of paper with the proper Ss' name (prepared earlier), ask his/her to put the paper on desk in this way that T can see the name and do the same procedure with the rest of the class.



2. Short revision from the previous lessons

Aim:to practice phrases useful in everyday life, e.g Good morning, Goodbye, Good evening, etc. and also to practice vocabulary connected with family, e.g mother, uncle,etc and numbers 1-100.


T says words in Polish and Ss' task is to translate them into English. First T uses expressions to greet sb or to say goodbye, e.g. Mr, Mrs, Hello, then in the same way Ss revise Vocabulary relating to family and numbers. In case of numbers T varies activity and use also English words and Ss' task is to give Polish equivalent.



3. Practice

Aim: to practice asking after sb's and usage of possessive pronouns and to revise vocabulary relating to family.

Controlled Practice

Free Practice

5-7 min

10 min

Ss task is to practice the structure Are you...? in pairs (book, p.11, ex.4)

In the meantime T walks around the class and control Ss' work, correct mistakes, if necessary. There are 11girls, so there is one girl without pair, so she joins to one of the pairs and they work in group.

Ss get a kind of game. This activity helps to revise vocabulary and improves memorizing. Ss' task is to remember what is in the picture and describe members of the family to his/her partner without looking at names of members of family or relationship.




Pairwork, Groupwork

Individual work,


4. Presentation:

Aim: to practice short forms of `to be'

5-6 min

3-4 min

T tries to explain Ss the usage of short forms, writes on the board answers and questions (book, page 11, the box) and tries draw attention to the short forms.

T asks Ss to work with book (p.11, ex.5b) in pairs and ask questions to the friend from desk, using the structure How old is Mark ?, the other S answer: He's thirteen







Optional activity:

Aim: To practice the usage of questions relating to age.


Exercise book, page 7

“Asking how old people are”

In case of lack of time it is said to be Ss' homework.



Individual work

III. Postteaching phase

Aim: to sum up what Ss learned during the lesson.


T asks Ss what they have learned during the lesson.

*T gives homework (*ex. book p.7-optional)



Lesson evaluation:

I think the objectives of the lesson were realised due to the fact that the class was prepared. On the other hand I have to say that there was small discipline problems because from time to time a few Ss talked to each other what makes a strange atmosphere. It was only for a short period of time and when they were admonished by T there was no problems with discipline until that moment. The strongest part of the lesson was that Ss participated in the lesson actively.


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