konspekty gimnazjum Lesson Plan Ib 2

Lesson Plan


  1. Class description: I b group 2 (“weaker” group)


  3. Objective: The aim of the lesson is to revise the usage of present continuous for future arrangements and provide more practice in writing sentences using this tense. By the end of the lesson students will be able to express their nearest future arrangements using present continuous.

  4. Aids: “Connections 2” student’s book & activity book J. Spencer-Kępczyńska A. Maciąg Oxford University Press ; home-grown exercises

  5. Plan:

Lesson stage Activity Procedure Interaction Timing Anticipated problems Observations
Warm up - checking homework

-“Good morning students! Sit down, please. Now I’d like to check the list.” And she opens the class register and read aloud the names.

- “Last time you were discussing present continuous for future meaning, right? And as far as I know, there was homework. Now I’d like you to open the activity books at page 48. Ok. are you ready? I’d like one of you to read aloud the first exercise.” – the T chooses one of the students to read the exercise. She corrects him/her if necessary . Then the T repeats the instruction with remaining four activities.

T –S

S –T

8 min - Some Ss may be unprepared for the lesson. - There are Ss who has not prepared homework.
Controlled practice role-play reading “Now I’d like you to open your student’s books at page 70. We will start our meeting with revising the dialogue from your previous lesson. I need two volunteers to read the text aloud.” – if there aren’t any volunteers, the T chooses two Ss. She corrects the pronunciation mistakes.

T –S

S –T

4 min - Ss may be unwilling to take part in reading. - There are not any volunteers.
Controlled practice writing sentences - “ Now we are familiar with the situation and we can do exercise 6 on next page. Please, look at it. Here we can find some notes stuck to Rocco’s desk. And there are 4 sentences written about what Rocco is doing next week. Our task is to correct these sentences because they are false. Let’s focus on the example. On Monday night he’s going round to Karina’s. No, he isn’t. He ‘s going to the concert. – “ Please, tell me where is the note which tells us something about Monday?” – the T wants to elicit answer It is the white one saying The Blasters Monday 1st June 7 pm. – “ Ok. So, as you can see the note with The Blasters means that Rocco is not going round to Karina’s because he is going to a concert. Now I’d like you to do next sentence and then write it on the board so that everyone can see the right sentence.” –the T chooses Ss to read sentences and repeats the instruction.

T –S

S –T

10 min

-Ss may have problems finding appropriate notes.

- Ss may have problems with form of the present continuous.

- There are problems especially with notes ‘Weds’ or ‘Star Wars III’ .

-Ss have problems with the difference between Tuesday and Thursday.

- Ss often forget about

-ing ending and ‘to be’, they produce sentences such as: He playing football.

Free practice grammar exercises (multiple matching, gap-filling, word ordering and writing sentences)

“Now I’m going to give you copies with some more exercises.” – the T gives copies to Ss. – “You’ve got here four different exercises. Look at exercise 1. There are 6 sentences with gaps. You have to choose the correct answer a, b or c to complete the sentence. In next exercise your task is to complete the dialogues by filling in the gaps with correct form of the verb from brackets. In exercise 3 you have to reorder the words to make sentences. You can easily find the first and the last word. Look the first words are in capital letters, and after the last word there is a dot or question mark. And, please, look at the last sentence. You can see here Mary’s diary – you have to write 5 sentences about her arrangements. You have done similar exercise at home so there shouldn’t be any problems. You have about 20 minutes to do these exercises individually and then we will check the answers together. If you have any questions you can ask me.” - the T goes round the class helping individually if necessary.

After the given time the T says – “Now it’s time to check your answers. I’d like you to read the sentences aloud. I’ll choose one S to read the first example and next is going to his mate on the left and so on.” – the T goes through the answers correcting mistakes and explaining difficulties.

T –S

S – T

20 min

-Ss may have problems with choosing the right answer in ex.1.

- Ss may not remember about

–ing ending or right form of ‘to be’.

- Ss do not see the difference between driving and ‘m driving, etc.

- Ss have problems with word order in ex.3.

Ss not remember about

–ing ending or right form of ‘to be’.

- Because Ss have many problems the T decides to do the exercises together as a class. The planned time is not enough so part of the exercises is going to be a homework.


setting homework

ending a lesson

“ The rest of the exercises is to do at home. Also your homework is exercise 7 in your student’s book on page 71. But I’d like you to do this as a project. So write more than one sentence to each day and do this on big papers .”

“That’s all for today. Goodbye!”

T –S

S –T

3 min Ss say Goodbye.


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