konspekty gimnazjum Lesson plan friends

Lesson Plan


  1. Class description: III c group 1


  3. Objective: The lesson aims to revise the vocabulary of relationships (the text about “Friends”) and to provide some practice with real teenagers’ English ( the text “Are you a super-secret keeper?”).

  4. Aids: “Connections 3” Workbook Tony Garside Alina Maciąg ; “Are you a super-secret keeper?” a quiz adapted from a magazine “Girl Talk” (issue 317 March 2007) plus the teacher’s own home-made vocabulary exercise.

  5. Plan:

Lesson stage Activity Procedure Interaction Timing Anticipated problems Observations
Warm up short conversation

-“Good morning students! Sit down, please. Now I’d like to check the list.” And she opens the class register and reads aloud the names.

-“Today we are going to talk about two topics. and the first is the TV show “Friends”. Have you heard about this serial before?” – the T waits for any answers from the students . Then she can ask – “ Have you watched any episode? I’m asking because I’d like you to help me with completing first exercise. Now please, take a look at page 66 in your activity books. You can see here a photo of the actors from the serial. Our task is to match the names with the people in the photo. Now I need your help because I’m not sure who is who. Please tell me which letter is Chandler?” –the T repeats the instruction with the remaining actors.

T – S

S –T

4 min - Ss may not recognize the actors. - Ss recognize actors well.
Controlled practice reading for general understanding

- “Now we are going to read the text and complete exercise3 which is matching the headings to the paragraphs . I’d like you to read the text aloud, one paragraph for one person. And during reading try to find the suitable description for each part of the text.”

The T corrects the pronunciation mistakes during reading.

If Ss have problems deciding which heading is correct, the T will draw their attention to suitable line, sentence or expression to show them the right way of thinking.

t –S

S -T

5 min

-Ss may mix up ‘Popular culture’ with ‘Popularity’.

- Ss may have problems deciding which description is the correct one to their paragraph.

- Ss have problems with these two expressions.

- Ss sometimes hesitate with the answer but generally they know the answer.

Controlled practice reading for detail

“Ok. students, now take a look at next exercise. Here you can see six sentences and your task is to decide if they are true or false. And, of course, correct the false sentences. There is one sentence for each paragraph. I’d like one of you to read aloud all of the sentences.” – the T chooses S to read sentences aloud.

- “Now I want next person in a row to decide if the first sentence is true or false.” – the T wants to elicit answer False. – If the S knows the answer the T says – “Ok. good. But why is it false?” . But if the S do not know the answer, the T says – “Look at line 4th in the 1st paragraph and answer my question.” The T repeats the instruction with false sentences (3,5,6).

In the case of true sentences, the T, after eliciting that it is a true sentence, asks – “Where can you find it in the text?” .

- During this activity some important expressions may have to be explained by the T, such as: ‘block of apartments’ ‘get to know’ ‘to go with’ ‘make up with’ ‘off screen’ ‘get on with sb’ ‘have a big impact on sth’ ‘to be broadcast’ ‘a following’.

T –S

S –T

15 min

-Ss may have problems deciding if the sentences are true or false.

-Ss may have problems correcting false sentences.

-Ss may have problems finding appropriate line in the text.

- Some Ss have problems deciding if the sentences are true or false.

- There are problems with correcting false sentences.

- There are little problems with finding the right line.

- T has to explain some words and phrases.

Free practice preparation – guessing the meaning of words from the context – work in pairs

-“ Now it’s time for the second part of our lesson. It’ll be a quiz: Are you a super-secret keeper? I have prepared some copies for you. What I want you to do is to read the quiz quickly and in pairs try to do the vocabulary exercise first, because there is quite a few nice expressions. You have 5 minutes to do this and then we will discuss it together. Here you are, take two copies and pass them on, please.”

-After 10 minutes or when the T sees Ss are not talking about the exercise – “Time’s up! Let’s check your answers. First expression – ‘keep schtum’ – does anyone know the definition?” – the T wants to elicit answer I know – it’s ‘Say nothing’ - especially when saying the wrong thing may get you into trouble. If Ss give correct answer, T says –“ That’s right! This is quite new phrase in English and probably comes from German ‘stumm’ meaning ‘silence’. You can find another spelling too, e.g. keep stumm or keep shtoom.”

The T repeats the instruction with the remaining expressions helping if necessary. Then the T translates the expressions into Polish.

T –S

S –S

S -T

10 min

-Ss may make noise distributing papers.

- Ss may start talking about issues not connected with the topic.

-Ss may find some expressions difficult and need T’s help.

- When Ss are ready to answer they raise their hand.
Controlled practice reading aloud and then short discussion

“ Now when we know and understand all the expressions I’d like you to do the quiz and find your score so you will see if you can keep the secret. I’d like one of you to read aloud all of the questions and answers.” – during reading the T corrects pronunciation and helps with translation.

“ So is there anyone who picked mostly flowers ? Ok you are gossips! Please, read the description. Do you agree with such opinion of you?” – the T repeats the instruction with the remaining two descriptions.

T –S

S –T

10 min - S may have problems with pronunciation of some words and expressions. - There aren’t any problems with pronunciation.
Termination ending a lesson “It’s time to finish our lesson. I hope you enjoyed it. Goodbye!”

T –S

S –T

1 min Say Goodbye.


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