konspekty gimnazjum Lesson Planster 1

Lesson Plan


  1. Class description: II b group 1

  2. Topic: EASTER – HOLY WEEK.

  3. Objective: The objective of the lesson is to make students familiar with English Easter terms and to show them the cultural similarities and differences according to Easter customs.

  4. Aids: Easter elementary worksheets adapted from www.eslhandouts.com; Easter quiz from www.anglomaniacy.pl ; crossword from www.momsbreak.com

  5. Plan:

Lesson stage Activity Procedure Interaction Timing Anticipated problems Observations
Warm up


- checking the homework

- “Welcome back after the pause! Is the number of you the same? Or maybe someone has left?”

- “This time we aren’t going to practice grammar any more. Now we will talk about Easter.”

- “First of all, tell me, do you know where the word ‘Easter’ comes from?” – the T want Ss to give their ideas.

– “Well in England this name comes from the pagan goddess Eostre which was the symbol of new beginning, spring, when everything comes back to life. And this belief is still presented by the Easter eggs and Easter Bunny.”

- “As I can remember you have a project to prepare to this lesson. Am I right?” – the T knows that this was an extra homework so there is a probability that none of the students is prepared. If there is someone with his/her project, the T will use the materials from the students during the lesson. If there is no one prepared to the lesson, the T will follow her plan.

-“Well you have really upset me. The project was a great occasion to get an extra mark. Fortunately, I am prepared and I’d like you to distribute the copies.”

T –S

S –T

5 min

- Ss may not have any idea of the origins of word Easter.

- None of the Ss may prepare the project.

- Ss do not have ideas.

- None of the Ss has prepared a project so the T has to use her own materials.

Controlled practice Easter days – matching days with descriptions

-“ Now I’d like you to look at the first exercise on your copies. In the table there are names of the days connected with Easter and below them you can see definitions. Are there any words in the definitions you don’t understand?” - the T may need to explain the following expressions: Resurrection, Lent, Crucifixion.

- “Ok. so please look at the table. At least some days should be familiar to you. Can you give me Polish names of these days?” – the T wants Ss to translate the names of the days. If there are problems, the T will help.

- “So now, your task is to match the days with their descriptions.” – the T chooses individual S to match the phrases.

T –S

S –T

5 min

- Ss may not remember Easter days at all.

- Ss may try to translate the names word for word and create sth like: ‘Naleśnikowy Dzień’ or “Dobry Piątek’

- Ss can recognise majority of expressions, however Resurrection and Crucifixion have to be explained by the T.
Controlled practice Easter days – making a chronological order - “Ok. students, now you know the names of the days connected with Easter so you can do next exercise. This time you have to put the days into the correct order .” – the T draws the timeline on the board. – “First and last day have been done for you. Now I’d like you to guess the next day and come to the board to complete the timeline. The rest of you please write the days on your copies. What day comes after Pancake Day?” – the T repeats the instruction with the rest of the days.

T –S

S –T

4 min - Ss may be unwilling to go to the board. - Ss are eager to write on the board.
Free practice Easter words – preparation to gap-filling ex. – work in groups

- “ Please take a look at next exercise. Here you can find 12 festival words and expressions. Your task is to match the definitions and the phrases. But to make it faster I’d like you to work in three groups each of 4 people maximum. Group 1 is the 1st row and one person from the 2nd row, group 2 is the 2nd row and the girls from the back and group 3 are boys on my left. Can I have your attention, please? Listen, the 1st group works with words a) to d) , 2nd group works with words e) to h) and the 3rd group works with words i) to l). You are welcome to use dictionaries . You’ve got 3 minutes to do the task.”

After 3 minutes the T checks the exercise: “Time’s up! Please, listen to me. I want you to present your answers. Group one first. Please read the descriptions and your answers.” – the T repeats the instruction with the remaining groups, checking the translation of words: ‘hard-shelled’ ‘sheep’ ‘certain’ ‘movable’ ‘to dye’ ‘a hot cross bun’ ‘fasting’ ‘a race’ ‘to toss’ ‘a lamb’.

T –S

S –S

S –T

7 min

- Ss may make noise working in groups.

- Ss may not understand their tasks.

- Ss may have not enough time to translate all the words.

- Ss make some noise but not too much.

- Ss managed to translate all the words.

Controlled practice Easter customs – reading (gap-filling ex.)

-“And we came to our today’s main activity which is reading about Easter customs. Look at next page, exercise 4. You have here a text with gaps. You have to fill in the gaps using vocabulary we have just discussed. I mean the words and phrases from exercises 1 and 3. I’d like you to read the text aloud one sentence for one student. We will translate some expressions during the reading and of course you have to find the missing word. Let’s start.”

– the T listens to Ss reading, correcting the pronunciation and helping with missing words. The T wants students to translate into Polish : ‘to celebrate’ ‘a set date’ ‘pagan celebrations’ ‘pancake competitions’ ‘a frying pan’ ‘a prayer’ ‘priests’ ‘a forehead’ ‘to remind’ ‘a donkey’ ‘palm leaves’ ‘to lay in a grave’ ‘to hunt’ ‘to hide’ ‘hard-boiled’ ‘a sacrifice’ ‘nowadays’ .

T –S

S –T

20 min

- Ss may be uninterested in reading.

- Ss may make a lot of pronunciation mistakes.

- Ss seem involved in the task.

-Ss have problems pronouncing especially new words and expressions.


- setting homework

- ending a lesson

- “I’ve prepared an Easter crossword for you to do at home. Please, take one and pass them on.”

-“ That’s all for today. Have a nice Easter!”

T –S

S -T

1 min

Additional possibilities:

If the Ss are already familiar with Easter days, the T can do exercises 1 and 2 faster and at the end there will be time for Easter quiz. This quiz let Ss know how much do they remember from the lesson. Ss will do it individually then T will give them correct answers and they will know their score.


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Konspekt gimnazjum

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