Henna's lesson plan pro forma


Subject: ICT / KS3 Date: 9-7-13 Period: 5 Class: 9J_it4 B13 Mixed Ability or Set? Set 4 Ability Range: Low ability
Topic: Cambridge Nationals – R005 Creating an interactive product using multimedia components Sequence of Lesson –

Learning Objectives:

  • WALT – To demonstrate what is a project brief

  • WILF - Success Criteria - to identify and explain:

    • target audience

    • Purpose

    • Success criteria

  • Basic specification / limited understanding of the client brief (Pass)

  • Sound specification / clear understanding of the client brief (Merit)

  • Comprehensive specification / thorough understanding of the client brief (Distinction)

Prior Learning & Context for Lesson:

Students have completed the R001 exam unit and have recently completed amending R002 Using ICT to Create Business Solutions unit.

w/c 1st July 2013 R005 Creating an Interactive Product using Multimedia Components has been introduced where students have broken down each Learning outcome and identified each tasks.

Future Learning – what this lesson leads towards?

Students will be confident to identify a target audience /purpose and success criteria when working on their R005 Assignment Project Brief.

Targeting the following students:

All students have been seated accordingly where High ability students can reinforce learning assisting low ability pupils, but also work with students they may not. Seating plan also indicates sub groups of gender and ethnicity which has also been taken into account.

Marking – L:\subjects\ICT\Department data\2012_2013 \Year 9 Cambridge

R001 Mock exam results

R002 first round of marking on spreadsheet & coursework on desk, assessment grids

With marking and checklists with marking

Intervention Strategies to support students:

Focus Groups – opt in

One to one feedback

Modelling Tasks and skills

Timing T& L Activities Differentiation & Use of additional adult if appropriate. Formative assessment of learning Other AfL Progress indicators / success criteria










Give out student Bradford Heart Support Group letter (Client Brief)

Students to read the letter independently and identify key points. Students to be encouraged to annotate and highlight document.

HSR Q&A – what is this document

What information is this giving us?

What can be identified from this document

Why is it important

HSR explain to students, now that we have an understanding we will apply our learning to a practise brief.

What product would we be creating for this client – website? Newsletter? Why?

SHARE Learning objectives

Add a column to Learning Outcome BREAKDOWN worksheet (electronic) called Action plan – and set yourself a target what you will achieve by the end of the lesson – HSR

Activity – (Using Client Brief from starter activity and annotations made) Students to identify the Purpose / Audience from the client brief and write this up in a word document. To be saved in Cambridge Nationals \R005\Skills

Progress Check – Student Modelling, showcasing their brief

HSR Q&A - has the student explained, using keywords of HOW & WHY.

Students to discuss in pairs what would be the Success Criteria?? What does the client require? What must be included within the website? Students to make a list at the back of their briefs/jotters.

Activity - Students to identify the Success Criteria and write this up in their project briefs.

Plenary - Students to reflect and write a MAP on their Action Plan.

Targeted Questions

High End questions:




Low End question:





Target - Waleed / Beckham / Haris / Isa 

Prompts example on the boards

Prompts on the whiteboard

Students to work in pairs and discuss ideas.

Targeted questioning as stated in the left (in differentiation column)

Students to work individually & independently.

Teacher will prompt/allocate students to model project brief – Target Mohammad/Yomna/ Anmol/Junaid

Students to peer assess section on success criteria. Students will receive and write constructive feedback, ideas and pointers to improve their own work.

Home learning (set early in lesson?):

Students to research a suitable software which will be used to create a website. Identifying its strengths and weakness of the chosen appropriate software. This will allow students to gain the knowledge and understanding when completing their practise and assignment task – Learning Outcome 1 Justification of appropriate software

  • Reasons for selecting the software to create the final product, including the presentation method of the design, are basic and limited (PASS)

  • Selects appropriate software to create the final product, including the presentation method of the design, and gives sound justification for its use (MERIT)

  • Selects appropriate software to create the final product, including the presentation method, and provides a thorough and detailed justification for its use (DISTINCTION)

Teaching notes / Resources summary:

  • Bradford Heart Support Group Client Brief

  • PPT – objectives / Keywords identified from Brief / Target Audience Prompts / Purpose Prompts / Success Criteria

  • Learning Outcome BREAKDOWN


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