What you'll need: A tray, shaving cream, cardstock or construction paper, acrylic paints, a squeegee, a toothpick, paintbrush, or spoon (something to swirl the paint)
How to make it: Grab a tray and squirt enough shaving cream to cover the smooth surface. Next, squirt acrylic paint onto the shaving cream (be sure to choose as many colors as you want!). Make a zigzag shape through the paint with a toothpick, a paintbrush, a spoon (or fingers!) to produce a marble effect. Using construction pape, cut out egg shapes and press the paper into the paint/shaving cream. Using a squeegee, gently smooth the shaving cream off the paper, and set it aside to dry. A few hours later, you and your child can decorate the house with these unique Easter eggs!