wypracowania sciąga1

1. Efekty palenia. (THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING)

Smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death in Europe today. In Britain it kills more people each year than road traffic accidents, heroin abuse or dangerous sports. It accounts for one in three of all deaths between 40 and 64. About 90% of lung cancers and 20% of coronary heart disease deaths are smoking - related. Non-smokers run a small but not insignificant risk of lung cancer from passive smoking.

There are many reasons for smoking. Teenagers start smoking because of peer pressure and persuasion by their friends or they are curious, so they want to find out how it is. Some teenagers have the example of their parents. They start smoking and then it is hard to give up cigarettes.

For many people cigarettes are their true love and they don't care about the consequences of smoking. Other treat it as their bad habit.

Of course smokers know that their habit is probably going to kill them but they prefer not to think about it. The best example for it is an experiment which is carred out in England. There is an Englishman who has been smoking since he was eleven. He loves smoking and he smokes between two and three packets a day. He says that cigarettes are your statement about yourself. For example: if you take out a packet of Marlboro you are saying: I'm an outdoor type or if you take out a packet of Benson, you are saying: I'm classy...

So he has started producing cigarettes called ”Death”. And none buys those cigarettes. The reason? Because smokers can't say: ”Yes, I'm killing myself, but at least I know it”. They prefer to hide the fact. People try to hide the truth. The advertisements never show pictures of real smokers coughing up their lungs early in the morning. Television, papers, posters always show us clean - shaven young men. They suggest that it is manly to smoke. Smoking is associated with the great open - air life, with beautiful girls and true love... What utter nonsense!

The real life is different. Smokers have serious problems with health. They have bronchial troubles, heart disease, weak chest, their lungs callapse. In the end they have a lung cancer. Besides smokers are managed by fertility problems and impotence.

There are many smaller effects of smoking, too. Smokers have stained fingers, which don't smell very good. Their eyes are almost yellow. They have damaged teeth and bad breath.

2. Palenie w miejscach publicznych jest zabronione. Czy wiesz? (SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES SHOULD BE BANNED. DO YOU AGREE?)

As we know - smoking has got big impact not only on the smoker. It affects non - smoker's health, too. When the chain smokers lit cigarettes in the public places they should remember that they destroy the health of non - smokers. It was proved that reeked air is more injurious for passive smokers. It isn't good news and smokers must know that they not only kill themselves but also kill other people who don't smoke. When they smoke in a closed place - in an office, in a waiting - room, on a train or in a restaurant - they put at risk the health of non - smokers (they ”present” non - smokers with a portion of toxins). Passive smokers cannot avoid breathing in the cigarette smoke. And it is the worst thing, which is connected with smoking. Nowadays it is very hard to find a nice cafeteria or other places which wouldn't be reeked. Of course if we want to have the fresh air we can go for a walk to the park. But even there we can meet smokers, because smoking in public places isn't banned. It is a big problem for people who don't smoke. Another point is that smoking sets a bad example for children. A lot of teenagers start smoking because they see how many adults do it and they think that it is a sign of maturity. Maybe if they didn't see so many people smoking in their surroundings they wouldn't be so curious and they wouldn't do it.

In my opinion smoking in public places should be banned. Of course, we can ban smoking, but we can also create special places where smokers would be allowed to smoke. I think that if we launch this campaign, it will have good consequences for us. Non - smokers will have better and happier life and maybe there will be fewer smokers, because there will be the hindrance connected with smoking in the public places.

3. Dziura ozonowa. (GENERATION GAP)

The problem of the generations gap ia as old as the hills and it appears in every family. Very often it is connected with the failure or inability of the younger and older generations to communicate or understand each other. There are a few reasons of generation gap.

Psychologists say that most young people experience conflict during the period of adolescence. They are neither children nor adults and they are desperately searching for self - identity. As they are growing up, they develop different values from those held by their parents. They hate the ordered adult world because it symbolizes the skin they hope to shed.

Conflicts arise because young people feel that they have a right to be independent. Parents seem to be enemies who don't let them stay out late, wear the clothes they want to wear, or be close to friend they like. What makes things even worse, teenagers have a sense of impotence and rage as they realize that financially they still depend on their parents and they wouldn't have a nice party or a holiday without their help and support.

The period of adolescence is inseparably connected with making important life decisions, such as choosing a career path. That it precisely where the trouble is. Young people are told that they have the world at their feed and dazzling opportunities only to be seized. However, when they finally decide that they want to work in a travel agency instead of studying medicine or law for example, their partents tear out their hair and seem to be heartbroken.

Difficulties in the relationships with parents may lead to such serious problems as the use of alcohol or drugs, the refusal to attend school, running away from home or even turning to crime. In such cases screaming and yelling doesn't work. It seems that the best way to put matters straight is a serious discussion, treating young people as equal partners and accepting their ideals. If they are neglected in the most turbulent time in their lives, their parents may lose them altogether.

4. Jak rozumiesz dziśiaj - wzrastanie w przemocy. (WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR PRESENT - DAY INCREASE IN VIOLENCE?)

Nowadays the world becomes much more dangerous place to live in. What we can observe is that violence is now something common. In the past years the number of serious crimes has increased. Most of these crimes are committed for economic and social reasons.

Many offences and burglaries are committed for money, because theft is the easiest way to get money, cars or various things. Thefts are committed especially by people who do not want to work because they are too lazy.

Next reason turning people to violence and crime can be difficult relationship between parents and children during the period of adolescence. If children are neglected in the most turbulent time in their life they could start using alcohol and drugs, refuse to attend school, run away from home or even commit a crime, often very serious - such as murder. There are many reasons why people kill others. Sometimes murderers kill because they want to take their revenge or for money. But nowadays many people, particularly kids and teenagers kill for no reason. In many cases they do it for fun or they want to try how it is to kill somebody. They also kill people because they are bored and they do not have better things to do. In my opinion TV - especially silly cartoons and cruel films could have big impact on young minds and directly or indirectly it could make young people use violence and commit crimes.

Another violent practice is kidnapping - usually for ransom.

Besides we could mention that many women are raped every year. And also some innocent children are raped, too. The reason for that could be mental illness or unawareness of doing something wrong.

However, in many cases that sort of crime is committed with full - awarences and premeditation and even without any remorse.

The other kind of violence in present - day are wars among football fans. Each group of hostile fans thinks that their favourite team is the best of all and they try to prove it by using force. In these fights they often use very sharp and dangerous weapons.

I think that we can argue if these people are really football fans or maybe they only find in easy way to start fights and harm somebody.

When we talk about violence it should be mentioned that many children, who use violence, are taught it at home. Usually in pathological and alcoholic families violence is something normal, natural and common.

Unemployment, frustration and too much free time can be the other reason for using violence.

What can we do to decrease the present - day rate of violence? In my opnion the most important thing is to make very strict sentences for criminals. I think that it helps us decrease the rate of violence among people.

5. Kozyści i szkodliwośc telewizji. (WHAT ARE THE BENEFICIAL AND HARMFUL


Television is one of the media. We can live without TV, but we often forget about it and most of us are under the big influence of TV. We are addicted to TV programmes and information. Before TV was invented we were doing certain things such as: reading books, developing hobbies, talking to friends, leading a very active social life, visiting theatres, circuses, cafes, museums, practising sports and spending more time in the fresh air, more often than now.

Now not many people want to admit that their time is regulated by TV. Simply after school or work they rush home, gulp down meals to be in time for the favourite programme.

Mothers treat TV as the best pacifier, as the moving colourful pictures keep the little kids quiet and busy. In this way children are exposed to commercials, scenes of crime and violence and mothers do not always care what the children are watching as long as they are quiet.

The cultural level of TV programmes is low. There are far fewer educational, biographical, historical or religious programmes in comparison to those showing violence.

People love watching bed quality detective stories, police investigations, political debates, commercials and stupid comedies.

We get so lazy that we prefer to spend a fine day drinking beer, eating hamburgers or snacks and watching TV, than go for a bicycle - ride or a long walk in the nearest forest. That is why we are cut off from the real world.

The greatest harm is done to those, including children, who watch TV continuously. They often harm their eyesight and weaken their physical condition.

However, if we want to admit that TV can affect us on positive way, we must control our lives and choose these things on TV which are important for us.

We can say that telly has, in fact, some good sides, too. It discovers new actors, musicians, shows their talents to let people know about them. In that way, many of them become film and TV stars.

Besides TV shows the events in the world. Thanks to satellite stations the same programmes may be watched in different countries. Than all people can know about the current floods, aeroplane crashes, wars, catastrophies, scientific discoveries and about gossip.

Because of the phone - in programmes devoted to different subjects such as drugs, pets, loneliness, amusement, the viewers can call and give their's opinions.

TV has both advantages and disadvantages. I think that we must choose in TV what is important, smart and valuable for us. We can let that small box separate the members of family. Otherwise we will stop talking to each other and will have more and more problems connected with this.

6. Dlaczego ludzie uczą się obcych języków. (WHY DO PEOPLE LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGES?)

There are many languages in the world and there are many reasons for learning them. Nowadays the knowledge of foreign language is very important and useful.

It is human nature to broaden horizons and to explore new things - that why people study foreign languages.

We could learn them to meet new people and to get to know different cultures. For some people learning foreign language could bring self - confidence and satisfaction.

The next advantage of learning other language is that you can go abroad and study in a foreign country.

But I think that the main reason for learning foreign languages is the opportunity to find a well - paid job. You can work for big business companies, you can be a translater, a diplomat, an ambassador or a tour guide. You may also go abroad and work as a press correspondent.

The knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, is very useful and necessary in international trade and industry. Many young people take into concideration the speed of the world's development and possibility of meeting people who speak different languages and they decide to learn them.

What's more? Young people learn foreign languages to provide themselves with good future and welfare.

When people travel around the world it is better for them to communicate in local language because they can find out more about the place they visit and the culture of the country they are in.

There are also cases when students are forced to learn other languages by their parents who want them to have a better life.

Next advantage of the ability of speaking foreign languages is that people who live in countries divided into a few regions which use different languages could understand one another, for example: in Switzerland or Canada.

I think that foreign languages are worth learning because you never know what will happen. For instance: when somebody emigrates it is good to know the local language because it helps to adopt - meet friends, get a job and so on.

Learning other languages could be also a good pastime. You can learn them if you want to impress somebody or if you want to read foreign press, prose or poetry in original version.

7. Emigracja. (EMIGRATING)

Between 1815 and 1914, the world witnessed the greatest peaceful migration in its history. Mostly Europeans left their homelands to start new life mainly in America. Why did these people risk everything leaving their homes and families? First, one major cause was the rise in population which in turn led to land hunger. Another was politics. The army grew and many young men fled to avoid being conscripted. Also, the failure of the liberal revolutions in Europe caused the departure of thousand of refugees. Reigion also encouraged millions to leave Europe. In short, people chose to leave their homes for social, economic and religious reasons.

Currently the USA is still seen by millions as the Promised Land. Many people move to a new country in search of a new life.

Nowadays people emigrate because they want to grow the riches. In a country, where they live, it is difficult to find well - paid job because there is a big competition. Secondly people who emigrate want to join their families. Another point is that people have to leave their country because their company sends them to a foreign country. There are also some cases when people want to escape because they are persecuted or they live in a country where are hurricanes, earthquakes or volcano eruptions. People are afraid about their lives and they choose safer places to live.

In my opinion emigrants choose places which they always like and want to live in, they select rich countries because it is easier there to start afrash.

People who take the plunge have to change their lifestyle. They have to find a new place to live in, work and new friends. It is easier when they know local language because it helps to adopt, meet people, get better job. However, it is difficult to start from the beginning. Emigrating is an expensive business. People need money but all they have they spend on the most important things. If they find good work they are lucky chaps. It is also hard to get used to new culture, food and weather. People can feel very lonely but in many cases families have much more time to one another, they become closer. They miss their friends and they want to adjust as soon as possible.

8. Niebezpieczenstwo nowoczesnego zycia. Jakie srodki ostrozności podjąć idąc samemu przez miasto. Jak ty się zabespieczysz. (THE DANGER OF MODERN LIVING. HOW SAFE IS IT TO WALK ALONE IN YOUR CITY. WHAT PRECAUTIONS DO YOU TAKE?)

The modern world isn't easy and safe place to live. What we can observe is that the greater and more advanced development of civilization, technology and economy, the more dangerous it is to live.

But what do we understand by danger of modern living? In my opinion we can discuss it in two aspects. Namely the direct dangers like different arts of crimes to which average citizens are exposed and the indirect dangers - caused by the development of industry, technology which have got impact on our health and the way of living.

Of course at this point we could mention pollution and how it affects our health and the way we rest. We could also talk about modern food and how all these ”good” things we eat are bad for us.

But I would like, first of all, to concentrate on the direct danger of modern life, namely crimes and offences. Let me discuss different, more common direct dangers. Among these we can mention:

- burglary which is common crime nowadays, very often organized by groups of people;

- theft which is the easiest way to get money, cars or other things, very often practise by young people who don't want to work because they are too lazy, and of course:

- murders.

There are many reasons why people kill the others. Sometimes murderers kill people because they want their money or they murder because they want to take their revenge. But nowadays many people, particularly kids and teenagers, kill for no reason however.

After what I told you I don't have to tell you that walking alone in our city, especially after dark, isn't safe at all. We have to be very careful and keep our eye wide open to see what is happening around us. Because we are really exposed to different dangers on the part of criminals and vandals.

How do we protect ourselves against all those crimes? It isn't easy to answer it. We may take a lot of precautions but unfortunately none of them guarantees us safety. The things which we can do is for instancxe: protect our houses and cars. We should buy the modern locks or dangerous dog which would frighten the burglars. We shouldn't show people that we have got money. If they think that we are poor they will not steal us. As I said we should keep our eye wide open to see what is happening around us and maybe it protect us against burglary or other dangerous things.

9. Postęp nowoczesnych technologji napszud. (MODERN TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES)

From the beginning of the 20th century we can observe that there are many modern technological advances in every domain of our life. It is very hard to mention all achievements of our world. Undoubtedly when we talk about technological advances we should tell something about computers which are now, in my opinion, indispensable part of our life. They have got a big impact on our work and study. They are also useful in conducting business transactions or carring out research. Many domains of science or technology are dependent on computers. They are revolutioning the design, printing, accountancy, banking, telecommunication, energetics, mining industry and the railway system. For example: in factories computers are used for controlling and analysing many industrial prosesses. Besides they are used to manufacture certain products. They are also incorporated into the products, such as cars, trains, ships, weapons or machine tools.

As I said computers have got the wide application. We can use them in education young people. There are a lot of secondary schools in the world which educate students how to use the computers. It realizes us that they play an important role in our life. Besides they allow us to save the time, because they perform complicated mathematical calculations in minutes, they can improve data gathering, testing and analysis. What's more? Computers are very useful in medicine. They help us to save the life of many people. They are used in medical diagnosis, patient monitoring and general hospital administration. Sometimes they are better than doctors because they are not nervous and they do not do the mistakes as often as people. I cannot imagine the world without computers, but I know, that not everybody thinks the same about them.

There are some people in the world who hate them because they lost their job or had other awful accidents with computers. One of them is Mr Arthur Henderson who lives in Surrey. He is a very careful man. He is especially careful about electricity. He never uses very much, so his bill, which he pays every three month, is usually around 25. Someday Mr Henderson had a nasty surprise. When his latest electricity bill arrived, it was for 259.00. Over ten times as much. When he saw it he almost had a heart attack. He was very upset. Later his sister rang the Electricity Board for him. As a result of her phone call, Mr Henderson got a corrected bill from the Electricity Board a few days later. He also got a note of apology. Computer made a mistake and it put a decimal point in the wrong place and added a ”0”.

Many people say that the future of our civilization depends on computers. It is true but in my opinion we should remember that computers do not replace people in every domain of our life. I talk to you about it because last month I watched the programme about the new procesor PentiumIII and I heard that there are a new computer programme which allows adults to leave alone their small children with the computer at home. It will teach them to say, walk and so on. In my opnion it is not a good idea because people have something which computers have not got - feelings. Computers do not feel - they cannot love, like, hate others, they are not people. We must remember about it! Besides adults should control what kids and teenagers do with the computer and in which way they use them. It is very important thing and it is very often connected with the Internet.

This international network of computers is being used by 80 million people in the world. Many of us think that this medium will soon change the way we communicate, shop, study, conduct business and publish. The Internet has unlimited possibilities. In an hour's time the users of the Net can send an important message to one hundred thousand people, visit the most beautiful places all over the world, buy a computer, study the weather report and even get married. The most popular way of using the Net is e-mail (electronic mail). This system enables the holder to send information to the other hemisphere in just a second. This telegram costs only as much as a local telephone connection and is the fastest in the world.

--> [Author:RS]

Another technological advance which is connected with the modern world is nuclear power. It seems in some ways much cleaner than other sources of energy. Take oil or coal an example. When they are used in power stations, a great deal of smoke is produced. The smoke contains a great deal of acid. Even if the smoke is cleaned by filters, a lot of the acid still escapes into the air. This can be carried by clouds from power stations (for example) in England to Scandinavia. When it rains there, the acid comes down with the rain. As a result, the fish in lakes and trees in forests begin to die.

But many people are still against nuclear power. They believe that the problem is not just the danger of an accident in the atomic power station. Highly radioactive material is used. Radioactivity can cause cancer and other illnesses. Only a part of the material is used. The rest - called waste - is just as radioactive. Although it is still dangerous, this radioactive waste is often thrown into the sea. Nobody can be certain what will happen to it there. Only one thing is certain. It will be highly dangerous for at least 240.000 years!

Now there are less proponents than opponents of nuclear power. It is connected with the Chernobyl disaster. This shocking event has changed people's attitudes and increased opposition to fission. Now we know that after few years we can still see the big impact this event in the Chernobyl on the people, animals and our emvironment. There are some animals with two, three heads or eight legs, there are more people in the world who have got tumour, our food is denaturated.

The same problem was shown in the film ”The China Syndrome”. What if there is an explosion in the nuclear reactor (the part that produces the nuclear energy)? If one explodes near a large city, how many people will die? Other experts argue that this is impossible. But the argument will go on for a long time. And it is also clear that nuclear power can never be the only answer. It is only one possible answer. Some other possibilities are solar power (from the sun), wind power and tidal power (from the waves and tides in the ocean). And we must conserve energy, too. Conservation will become more and more of a necessity.

There are many people in the world who know that they must find another way to gain the power. For example: in England the technical experts and the politicians agree that the barren windswept cliffs of Scotland are ideal sites for the huge wind turbines which will help to meet Britain's growing need for power. Some even argue that the scale, shape and motion of the turbines will improve the environment in the same way that a beautiful statue enhances a garden. But locals, like Jim Campbell, are not convinced and he said: 'I can see that one of these things on its own might look good to some people but when you get a hundred of them threshing away then it's just an eyesore'. I know that this is a very good idea to gain the power but in my opinion the expert should think about the locals before they will decide to build these huge wind turbines.

When we talk about modern technological advances we should also tell something about space travel and medicine. I told you about these things when I had got the topic about ”Wonders of the modern world” so I think that I do not have to tell it one more time.

At the end I would like to tell you that all these things which I talked about are not as important as we are. Sometimes people lost the true and they think that the best things in the world are the material things which we can buy for the money. This is the worst mistake which we can do. Nothing has replace us the best friend which can be only the human because he feels as we. He can love, like, hate us, smile, cry. He is authentic and even the best computer programme does not replace him.

10. Zalety i wady posiadania uludionego zwierzaka. (ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF HAVING A PET)

Having a pet is a nice thing. However, many people do not realize that it is also a great responsibility. It has definitely a lot of advatages, the greatest of which is the therapeutic effect of having a pet. It is now called `pet therapy'. Pet therapy has helped ”difficult” children with emotional problems, lonely people and sometimes antisocial individuals. Such a therapy is a kind of treatment which stimulates people who are withdrawn or uncommunicative. Pet therapy has given many people a completely new attitude to life. Although pet therapy is only now being widely used, it is not a new idea. It was already known in the 18th century as a way of treating mentally disturbed people. In the 70's scientific interest was aroused by a study examining the connection between social conditions and heart diseases. Quite by chance researchers discovered that the survival rate of people who owned a pet was significantly greater than of those who did not. It was discovered that stroking a cat or dog lowers people's blood pressure and reduces anxiety. Cats and dogs are not the only pets that can help us to relax. It has been discovered that gazing at fish in a tank helps patients relax before undergoing dental treatment.

Special trained dogs are extremely useful for the police because they help to trace dangerous criminals, drugs and explosives. Such dogs can also be very helpfull to the blind and the disabled, very often becoming their greatest and only friends. It has also been discovered that people suffer from fewer minor illnesses like colds, backaches and stomach problems after buying a pet. Having a pet helps a lot in bringing up children because when they stroke and cuddle a cat or a dog they become open, approachable and more sociable. Most people are sure that the companionship of animals fulfils certain basic human needs that are still not fully understood but which are vital to our sense of well being. There is no real explanation for the fact that animals can change people in various way. They can be beneficial even for prisoners because animals can help to dispel tension. Scientists say that caring for a pet encourages compession and reference for life.

That much about the advantage. Now, I will move on the disadvantages. It should be obvious for everybody that having a pet involves expenses. So when one decides to have a pet one must give it a carefull consideration because otherwise the innocent pet will suffer especially when it is ill and it's master has not got money for a vet. Another disadvantage is when pets are kittens or puppies. It is really fantastic to have a dog, however, a puppy may wreak our house and the owner may find everything around damaged or at least bitten with the puppy's sharp teeth. I have already tackled the problem of the beneficial influence of pets on human life, however, there might be the other side to the picture, too. More and more people suffer from various allergies one of which is allergy, for example, to pets' fur. Such people cannot keep a furry pet at home for obvious reasons. Pets, especially big dogs and cats, may be burdensome when the owner wants to go on holidays because they limit the choice of places their master can stay during holidays.

All in all advantages far outnumber the disadvantages that's why I would recommend to everybody to have a pet.

11. Kozyści i niekozyści zycia na wsi małym mieście. (PROS AND CONS OF LIVING IN THE CITY/COUNTRY)

Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages but in my opinion it is more comfortable and exciting than life in the country or a small town.

First of all, cities offer better education and it is easier to find a good, interesting and well - paid job. There are more opportunities to succeed in life. Moreover, there is a good selection of cinemas, theatres, galleries or restaurants where people may spend their leisure time. There is always something interesting to see or do and it is just impossible to be bored. The services in a big city are always better. There are a lot of good shops and department stores where shopping can be done quickly and easily.

Besides, there are many sports facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts or gym halls where people can practice their favourite sports.

However, living in the big city has also some disadvantages. Most city - dwellers are forced to live in blocks of flats where they are quite anonymous. It often happens that they do not even know their neighbours and in an emergency they cannot count on their help. Many of them feel lonely as it is rather difficult to strike up a friendship in a big city. Young people are in a better situation, because they go to clubs, discos and they have more opportunities to meet someone.

Another big problem is heavy traffic. Fumes emitted directly into the atmosphere pollute the air so heavily that many city - dwellers suffer from serious medical disorders. Besides, the noise never stops and there are numerous car accidents almost every day. Furthermore, it is very difficult to find a parking place, especially in the centre.

In addition to all this, the crime rate in most cities is very high. Some people never go out in the evening because they are afraid of being robbed or abused. They also dread leaving their flat as there are frequent burglaries in big cities nowadays.

In spite of all these disadvantages, many inhabitants love their cities and cannot imagine themselves living in the country.

What about living in the country? In Poland it has never been easy. Even today it is not very comfortable. Of course a lot has changed. People have built new houses, new roads and buildings. The different between the city and the country is gradually disappearing. However, villages do not become cities. The rural character is preserved although the living conditions have been improved.

Nowadays the development in agriculture is quickly progressing. The new houses, school or culture clubs also indicate that something has changed for the better. Before the war, living in the country was quite different. On huge estates there were manor houses surrounded by primitive villagers' cottages. The peasants had to work hard in the fields and they were paid little money. Very often children had to work together with their parents and their education was totally neglected. In many villagers there were no schools, electricity and gas. All this, of course, belongs to the past.

Now most people live in comfortable and well - equipped houses. The air and water are clean and they may grow fruit and vegetables. The main disadvantage, however, is the shortage of health centres, shops, cinemas and clubs. Many local libraries have been closed recently because of the lack of money. Another problem is unemployment. Many people who used to work on big state farms suddenly lost their jobs. Most of them do not have enough money to buy some land or to start their own business.

To solve these problems, wise political decisions should be taken. Only in this way living in the country could become easier and better.

12. Naturalny swiat jest po panowaniem ludzi. (THE NATURAL WORLD IS UNDER ASSAULT FROM MAN)

What should depress us most in the huge speed and scale of the change that human beings are inflicting on the world. Today we have so many environmental problems that it is quite difficult to point out the most important ones.

The burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests increase CO2 in the atmosphere. The surface of the Earth radiates heat. Some of this escapes into space but the rest is stored by the CO2. The temperature rises. The rise in temperature increases the amount of water vapour in the air and this traps more of the Earth's heat. At the poles snow and ice melt as the worldwide temperature rises. Because the exposed surface does not reflect the heat so well, it absorbs more sunlight and more snow is melted. As the oceans absorb more heat, they increase the greenhouse effect. The oceans expand and rise as more snow and ice melt. The climate becomes warmer (it is the effect of the greenhouse). Therefore it will be impossible for some species (animals and plants) to live on the Earth.

Another important issue is the case of endangered species. On one hand there are people who kill animals to make money on their skins and horns and on the other hand there are people who want to buy such trophies. For example: elephant is one of the world's endangered species which is still being hunted for its horns. Africa has lost 99% of black rhinos in the past 20 years. On the other side of the world the grey whales of Baja California have nearly disappeared. Poachers still hunt the tiger illegally, too. We must remember that every hour two or three kinds of animals, plants or insects die out fo ever.

Moreover the seas are in danger, too. They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, sewage. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead, the North Sea is following. If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Trees are a vital part of the water cycle and, of course, they give us oxygen that we breathe. Unfortunately forests are disappearing as trees are burnt or cut down. Consequently less and less oxygen is being produced. The rate at which the Amazonian jungle is being destroyed amounts to about 29.000 square a year. That's an area the size of the whole Scotland disappearing every year.

Cities, towns and villages we leave in are the mostly contaminated. Freon from our fridges and sprays we use go out into the atmosphere and damage the ozone layer. Cars and factories emit fumes directly into space pollute the air so heavily that many city - dwellers suffer from serious medical disorders. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which are dropped in the streets or end up on the rubbish tips. There is a risk - very serious - of epidemics. Because of this diseases spread more easily.

Lastly, there is one more dangerous environmental problem - the acid rains. Factories and cars release poisonous chemicals into the air. The chemicals mix with the water vapour in the clouds and pollute the rain which later falls damaging trees, seas and buildings.

Our environment is being destroyed but still we have time to do something about it. Every day during the rush hour we can see cars stuck in traffic jams sending their exhaust fumes up into the atmosphere, polluting our environment. If we had an integrated public transport system with subsidised fares, commuters would be encouraged to leave their cars at home and switch to a more efficient from the transport. Farmers should not spray pesticides on their crops. I am sure that it will be better for our health. Potentially the most dangerous threat to the environment is nuclear waste from power stations. Can it be stored safely? By developing alternative sources of energy, such as wind and wave power, we can make our world much safer to live in. --> [Author:RS]

13. Duchy i ufo zawsze miały logiczne wyjaśnienie. (GHOSTS AND UFOs ALWAYS HAVE A LOGICAL EXPLANATION)

Many people believe that there are intelligent beings on other planets and we are not alone in the universe. During the last half of the century there have been created a lot of tales about newcomes from beyond the earth. They are usually described as small, green, bald and beardless creatures with big heads and eyes and only three fingers. They are flying in discus -shaped, gleaming aircraft. Many people maintain that they have seen a UFO.

How to explain these tales and people's belief in UFO?

Some anthropologists of culture interpret UFO as a mythological phenomenon. It plays a role af angels and demons of the technical era. (Some sects seem to confirm this theory - their members reckon UFO as God's or

Satan's messengers). According to this theory UFO may be an illusion suggested by a strong belief.

Raports about UFO may be simple mistakes or intentional descriformation. For example: a shepherd from Roswell, New Mexico, found some remains of a strange, flying machine on his field. It was recognized as a UFO and excited a big sensation in the USA. But 50 years later the truth came to light. The Flying Saucer from the field turned out to be a secret US spy device used during ”The cold war”, and the place apparently visited by UFO - a US nuclear base.

Some people paint at other proof of UFO existence - circular traces that every summer are found on fields in some countries. But it also can be logically explained. It may be made by aerial circulation.

The last reason for spreading stories about UFO may be (and often is) money. People want to attract tourists to their city or cash in on books and so on.

To sum up: there is no proof that UFO exists, but also no one can prove that something does not exist at all.

As far as ghosts are concerned.

Fewer people believe in ghosts and metaphysical phenomena than in UFO. This may be, because UFO is material in contrast to ghosts. We live in the world of nationalism and scepticism that despises ”superstitions”.

In my mind, such scepticism is unnatural. For thousands years people's lives have been full of metaphysics. Nowadays life is poorer and that is why some people want to believe, for example, in UFO. Moreover, I think that there is a contradiction between disbelief in supernatural phenomena and religious belief.

But there are attempts at finding logical explanation. For example the theory of chords that seems to link all national and irrational elements of the world.

14. Podruzowanie rozszerza choryzonty. Czy do końca się z tym zgadzasz. (TRAVEL BROADENS THE MIND!. HOW FAR DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS?)

In the last years tourism has really taken off. The tourist industry will soon be the largest industry in the world. Now more than 600 million tourists a year travel the globe. Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier.

There are people who travel on business, science or politics. Many young people leave their countries to study, but most of people want to see something new and different from what they are used to seeing. Vast numbers of them want to visit the world's most treasured sites: the Parthenon, the Mediterranean, Stone henge.

Naturally there are both pros and cons of tourism. One advantage is that travelling broadens people's mind because they visit museums, theatres, galleries and other places of interest. For instance: when they visit castles and palaces they learn the history of royal families. This kind of travel educates them. They widen their knowledge about the things that they read about. In addition people get more sensitive and open to art. Another good point is that people can see a lot of interesting and beautiful spots. They can meet a lot of different people from foreign countries. Tourists can come across various cultures and religions of many nations. Tourists can see how other people live, behave and what they think.

However there are many disadvantages. One is that people destroy environment. They litter beaches and other places, they also often don't keep to the trails but step over the wild plants and places of natural beauty. For example the Mediterranean is the dirtiest sea in the whole world or the Tatra Mountains are being destroyed by crowds of tourists every year. Another drawback is that tourists devastate monuments - they chiselled into rock their's sign.

On the minus side is that travel costs a lot of money and most of people will never see these sites because they haven't got so much money. We should remember that many places are under the threat of destruction. Many replicas have been built for instance - the prehistoric cave paintings at Lascaux in France have been closed.

Until recently, we all believe that travel broadens the mind, but now many of us believe the exact opposite ”Modern travel narrows the mind”.

In my opinion it depends on people. There are people who want to see as much as possible but they don't destroy anything.

15. Historia Warszawy (WARSAW'S HISTORY)

The first documents which mention Warsaw are dated between 1281 and 1321. In the 14th and 15th centuries Warsaw began to assume the role of the capital city of the Duchy of Mazovia, which was incorpored in 1526 into the Polish kingdom. Thanks to its convenient site, Warsaw flourished and became the most important town in Poland by the 16th century. Its central location was the main reason for holding royal elections here.

After Wawel Castle in Cracow burnt down, King Zygmunt III Waza moved his permanent residence, court and the crown headquarters from Cracow to Warsaw in 1596.

During the reign of the Waza dynasty, Warsaw became an important centre of sciences and arts. The city`s development was halted by the Swedish invasion in the middle of the 17th century. During the reign of the Saxon dynasty in the 18th century, Warsaw once again became an important cultural centre.

Warsaw had its second golden age during the reign of the last Polish king, Stanisław August Poniatowski. It was in this time that the May 3rd Constitution was rattified - the first European bill of human rights, a modern city administration introduced, the arts flourished, and the National Theatre and the Ministry of Education were established . But it was also the period of the partitions. In 1795, after the third partition, Poland was erased from the map of Europe and for the next 123 years its territory was divided between Russia, Prussia and Austria. Warsaw was the focal point of three uprisings against the foreign rule. In 1918, Warsaw became the capital of the reborn Polish state. Development of the city, including the construction of new roads and modern residential districts was short-lived, however, halted by the outbreak of World War II. In 1940 the Nazis created the Warsaw Ghetto. They destroyed it completely in 1943 after killing off the remainder of the Jewish population in the Ghetto Uprising. After the failure of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 the Nazis destroyed the city, razing over 84 percent of the buldings to the groung.


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