22 housing1

Housing Ondřej Kratochvíl 4.B

My own house

We have a small house in Hanychov. There is a nice enviroment and it´s very comfortable. We have small garden with some flowers and trees. There are two grounds. In the first ground there is kitchen and living room. In the second ground there is my own room, my brothers room, sisters room and bedroom. It´s not so great but very marvellous maybe only for me. My family also go to our cottage in Český Dub. It´s nearby forest and almost nobody is there. I love it but sometimes hate it.


Homeless  - people without home, have no money, family, friends, work, food, some of them can't have a work, but some can but don't want. They are used to their way of life, don't want to change it. Near FM the homeless live in a holes made into the land, near the pipe with hot water so they live in warm.

Flat x House

Flat: adv. - smaller - less vacuuming, better for keeping tidy, they heat for you, warm the water, no garden, no paling (plot)

         disadv. - lack of place, a lot of people, no privacy, shared rooms, sometimes you have to pay for it, nothing to do

House:   adv. - a lot of place, everybody has own room, no paying, garden,

                disadv. - a lot of cleaning, vacuuming, household duties, you have to heat yourself, look after the pavement, garden, you do everything yourself

Living in a town or village

Town: adv. - more comfortable, a lot of shops, services, better transport from part to part, close to school, work, more attractions, sport organisations

                disadv. - smog, pollution, noise, cars, a lot of people, no nature, just concrete (beton)

Village: adv. - own house, you no everybody, nice nature, fresh air, no noise, cars

                  diadv. - commuting to work, no services, sometimes boring, bad transport

Housing in Britain

When I was in GB I lived in a very small terrace house. On the ground floor there was an entrance hall, a kitchen with dining room, pantry (spižírna) and a small lumber-room (komora). In the first floor there were 2 bedrooms, bathroom with toilet and small living room with TV, video, sofa and armchair. There were some wardrobes and flowers there. Behind the house they had very small garden. You could go there from the kitchen. But the garden have maybe only 20 or 30 sq. m. There was only one small bush, a little reed (rákosí) and a few flowers. They didn't have garage so they parked in front of the house. I haven't seen typical English green unfortunately.


It's very tough to get a flat recently. There are little flats here, because everyone especially young families want to have own flat. They have to book the flat and wait sometimes a few years. They can save money meanwhile. They can also borrow money from a bank or just from parents or friends. People can hire a flat, share a flat with someone else, get flat from the employer, rebuilt a house or built a new house. For young people it's better to stay with parents. They share duties, don't pay much money for water, electricity, gas, grandparents can look after children, but sometimes they have quarrels, they want to do things other way, grandparents spoil children…

Ideal house

My ideal house is a house somewhere at the end of a town, near the forest, with nice environment, somewhere where is a hot weather. It has ground and first floor. Bid garage for my two big cars and everything is controlled by computer oven, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, TV, video, stereo, satellite, my computer is connected to internet. I don't have keys, the computer scans my hand or eye. I control the computer with my voice. I have big garden with big trees, and a swimming pool in the middle. I`ll maybe have a tennis or squash court.


place to live

residence residence

tenement house nájemní dům

bungalow bungalov

tent stan

detached house rodinný domek

caravan karavan

block  of flats panelák

castle zámek

hotel hotel

semi detached house dvojdomek

lighthouse maják

windmill mlýn

cottage chata

palace palác

country house venkovský dùm

terraced house øadový domek

houseboat houseboat

shelter skrýš

flat byt

mansion zámek

brick wall cihlová zeï

stone kámen

concrete wall betonová zeï

tile taška, krytina

slate bøidlice

thatch  došek

wood døevo

slate roof bøidlicová støecha

thatched roof došková støecha

tiled roof støecha z tašek

flat roof plochá støecha

chimney komín

drainpipe okapová roura

dormer vikýø

TV aerial, satellite dish satelit

on the top floor v horním patøe

on the ground floor v pøízemí

on the cellar ve sklepì

on the underground car park v podzemní garáži

window box kvìtinový truhlík

shutter okenice

window-sill, window-ledge okenní øímsa

bay window arkýøové okno

arch oblouk

pillar, column sloup

gutter, the gutter press - the tabloids okapový žlab

knocker, door knocker zámek

letter-box dopisní schránka

garage garáž

greenhouse skleník

yard dvùr

fence plot

gate branka

veranda veranda

banister rohožka

furnishings vybavení bytu

furniture nábytek

entrance hall vstupní hala

hall pøedsíò

drawing room pøijímací místnost

lounge salón

balcony balkón

dining room jídelna

sitting room obývací pokoj

unit furniture sektorový nábytek

wall unit nábytková stìna

cupboard pøíborník

sideboard skøíò

shelf police

bookcase knihovna

table stùl

armchair køeslo

coffee table konferenèní stolek

rocking chair houpací køeslo

three-piece suite sedací souprava

fireplace krb

hearth ohništì

shade lustr

picture obraz

parquet floor parketová podlaha

carpeted floor podlaha pokrytá kobercem

curtain záclona

roll-blind roleta

drapes závìsy

central heating ústøední topení

radiator radiátor

study studovna

writing table psací stùl

waste paper basket koš na papír

nursery dìtský pokoj

cradle kolébka

crib dìtská postýlka

toy hraèka

bedroom ložnice

single bedroom ložnice pro jednoho

double bed dvojitá postel

sheet prostìradlo

blanket pøikrývka

feather quilt peøina

cover pokrývka

bedside table noèní stolek

dressing table toaletní stolek

wardrobe šatník

spare room místonost pro hosty

bathroom koupelna

wash-basin umývadlo

bidet bidet

bath-tub vana

shower sprcha

mirror zrcadlo

towel rail vìšák na ruèníky

medicine chest lékárnièka

tiled floor dlaždièková podlaha

lavatory, toilet záchod

water closet splachovací záchod

kitchen kuchynì

dining recess jídelní kout

kitchen dresser kredenc

sink unit pracovní deska s døezem

kitchen table kuchyòský stùl

bench lavice

chair židle

cooking range, oven trouba

gas cooker plynový sporák

dish-washer myèka

fridge lednièka

freezer mrazák

defrost odmrazit

litter bin nádoba na odpadky

pantry spižírna

lumber room komora

attic podkroví

utility room domácí dílna

basement suterén

cellar sklep

the housing problems

shortage of flats nedostatek bytù

state housing construction státní výstavba

to be on the waiting list být  v poøadníku

to allocate a housing unit pøidìlit byt

house for sale dùm na prodej

house to let dùm k pronajmutí

rent a house to sb. najmout dùm nìkomu

take a house najmout si dùm

pay a rent platit nájem

raise the rent zvýšit nájem

sublet a room pronajmout pokoj

live in lodgings bydlet v podnájmu

subtenant, lodger podnájemník

share the room sdílet pokoj

move stìhovat se

eviction soudní vystìhování

building a house budování domu


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