02 Technical Support


The price of HSC Chemistry does not include free technical or chemical support or training or consulting due to limited support resources and the low price of the software. Free support may be available from Outokumpu Research Oy for certain technical problems with HSC software operations (for example, installation).

However, a broad spectrum of chemical and metallurgical research services are available from Outokumpu Research Oy, for details see:


If you want to concentrate on the main issues then you may order a process or a whole plant from Outokumpu Technology, for details see:


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HSC users may also receive technical support for certain chemical issues. The price and delivery time of the support depends on the case. Please specify the chemical problem, the chemical species and phases, as well as the HSC module which you have used. Outokumpu Research Oy will give you an offer on this basis.

The Licensor is very grateful for all comments, feedback, chemical examples and bug reports (by email, fax, etc.) because these will help the future development work of the software.

HSC Chemistry® 5.0 2 - 1

A. Roine June 28, 2002 02103-ORC-T


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