Review Test

Review 1B

Lessons 1-10


1 Cross out the wrong word in each column and write it in the correct column.






















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2 Match the words.

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0 make (a) a picnic

1 run (b) science

2 have (c) a race

3 study (d) lucky

4 be (e) a friend


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5 spend (f) money

3 Match the questions with the correct answers.

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0 Where do you live? (a) At half past eleven.

1 When are you going on holiday? (b) It's about the dinosaurs.

2 What are you doing your school project on? (c) 45 Station Road.

3 Where's your class going on the school trip? (d) I'm meeting Ellie.

4 What time are you meeting Ellie? (e) In two weeks.

5 What are you doing after school? (f) To the London Eye.


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4 Circle the word that is different.

0 tennis accent football swimming

1 recorder trombone saxophone stripe

2 café mistake cinema airport

3 silly hopeless rubbish lucky

4 under into strange along

5 pilot field camp site village


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5 Complete the sentences the using the Past Simple form of the verbs in the box. There are three extra verbs.

go / have / give / eat / drink / find / break / think / see

0 We _went_ to a restaurant for Mum's birthday.

1 Fred and I __________ a great film on Saturday.

2 Dad __________ me fifty pounds for my birthday.

3 Last week I __________ a wallet in the road.

4 I __________ too much for dinner and felt sick.

5 My dad is angry because I __________ a window with my football.


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6 Choose the correct answers.

0 A: Where ___are______ you _staying_____ in Rome?

B: In a hotel near the Colosseum.

(a) are ….. stay (b) are ….. staying (c) are ….. going to

1 Oh dear. I broke my sister's new MP3 player. She _______________ very angry with me.

(a) is (b) is being (c) is going to be

2 A: What's that terrible noise?

B: It's the boy next door. He _______________ his new electric guitar.

(a) plays (b) is playing (c) is going to play

3 My cousin's family _______________ on skiing holidays every winter.

(a) go (b) are going to go (c) are going

4 A: Hurry up, John! You're going to be late!

B: It's OK. I _______________ right now, Dad!

(a) come (b) `m coming (c) `m going to come

5 Fantastic! It _______________ sunny all weekend. Can we go to the beach tomorrow, Dad?

(a) is (b) is being (c) is going to be


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7 Complete the conversation using the Past Simple form of the verbs from the box. There are two extra words.

be / think / make / win / have / see / go / like

Chris: Hi. How 0 ____was____ your weekend?

Rick: Good, thanks. I 1 _______________ to the cinema on Sunday.

Chris: 2 _______________ you _______________ anything interesting?

Rick: Yes, we watched the new Bond film.

Chris: Oh yes. It 3 _______________ an award for best film. What did you think of it?

Rick: I 4 _______________ it was great.

Chris: Did you? Graham 5 _______________ it at all.

Rick: Well, he hates that type of film.


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8 Complete the conversations with the words in the box. There are three extra words.

Could / couldn't / used / could / did / didn't / used / couldn't / use

0 A: __Could______ Jamie read when he was four?

B: Yes, he loved reading books.

1 A: When my sister was a baby she _______________ to cry a lot.

B: No, I didn't!

2 A: Could you understand what that man said?

B: No, I _______________ . He spoke really quickly.

3 A: Did you have your own room when you were five?

B: No, I _______________ to share a room.

4 A: What was the concert like?

B: I _______________ hear it — I had a seat at the back.

5 A: Did you _______________ to play computer games when you were a girl, Grandma?

B: No, we didn't have computers then.


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9 Read and circle the correct answer.

Fifty years ago people 0 _didn't use to watch_ videos or DVDs at home. They 1 _______________ go to the cinema to see the latest film. Cinemas 2 _______________ the same film for a week because they had only one screen. This meant that you 3 _______________ only one film in the same weekend. In 1963 the first multiplex cinema opened in America. It 4 _______________ more than one screen — but there were only two! Cinemas still show adverts before the film but fifty years ago people 5 _______________ mobiles so there weren't any adverts asking people to turn them off before the film!

0 (a) didn't use to watch (b) weren't watching (c) didn't to watch

1 (a) have to (b) used to (c) didn't have to

2 (a) used to show (b) were showing (c) did show

3 (a) couldn't see (b) could see (c) could seeing

4 (a) used to having (b) were having (c) had

5 (a) didn't use to have (b) weren't having (c) haven't got


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10 Read and complete the story using the verbs in the brackets. Use the Past Simple, used to, could or the Past Continuous.

My dad's grandmother __was_______ called Joseph. When he was a boy he 1 _______________ (not have) lessons at school. He had three sisters and one brother and the boys 2 _______________ (help) with the work on their father's farm. But Great Granddad Joseph was hopeless at looking after animals so he 3 _______________ (hide) under the table so his father 4 _______________ (not make) him work! He used to wait until it was quiet and then go and play in the fields. But one day when he 5 _______________ (fish) in a river his father saw him. He got into so much trouble that day!


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