review test

Review B

Units 1-10 [Total 80 marks]


1 Choose the correct answer. [10 marks]

1 I want _______________ see the rock concert.

a) a b) of c) to

2 Celia and Anthony _______________ Italian.

a) aren't b) isn't c) from

3 Is this _______________ book?

a) your b) you're c) you

4 That's _______________ desk.

a) Hannahs' b) she c) Hannah's

5 The hotel is _______________ Iffley Road.

a) at b) in c) by

6 There are two _______________ in the apartment.

a) peoples b) woman c) children

7 Dave _______________ a friend in Brighton.

a) got b) 's got c) 've got

8 I _______________ like jazz music.

a) really b) a lot c) not

9 They haven't got _______________ ice cream.

a) any b) some c) no

10 The theatre is _______________ the cinema.

a) next b) near c) between

2 Complete the questions with the correct question words from the box. [5 marks]

How long / How much / When / How many / Can

1 _______________ you spell your name please?

2 _______________ is this lesson?

3 _______________ is a CD, please?

4 _______________ students are in your class?

5 _______________ are your holidays?

3 Imagine you have a new penfriend. Write five questions to ask him / her, using the questions given. [5 marks]

1 What ______________________________?

2 How old ______________________________?

3 Who ______________________________?

4 Where ______________________________?

5 How many ______________________________?

4 Use the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences. [10 marks]

1 Giles and Lola _______________ (not be) in a pop group.

2 He _______________ (not be) a teacher.

3 Jane and Ruth _______________ (be) from Los Angeles.

4 My parents _______________ (have got) a Japanese car.

5 The film _______________ (start) at 8.45.

6 There _______________ (be) a video camera in the bank.

7 They _______________ (not have got) a computer.

8 This _______________ (not be) her bag.

9 _______________ your sister _______________ (like) techno?

10 I _______________ (not like) coffee.


5 Complete the sentences. [10 marks]

My dad's brother is my uncle______

1 What n_______________ are you? Are you Polish?

2 There's a swimming pool in the c______________________________ of town.

3 The railway s_______________ is near the hotel.

4 She can't play the k_______________ but she is a brilliant singer.

5 Robbie Williams has got dark h_______________

6 My mother hasn't got any brothers or sisters. She's an o_______________ child.

7 Japan, Italy and Brazil are all c_______________.

8 Is there a n_______________ near here?

I want to buy a newspaper.

9 Malaga is on the s_______________ coast of Spain.

10 `This is my _______________ Ken and this is my daughter Helen.'

6 Complete the crossword. [10 marks]

Her hair isn't short - it's …

1 Your mother and father are your …

2 What day is it …?

3 What's your … number?

4 I want to dance. Let's go to the …

5 What's the …? It's 7.30.

6 Is this your … phone.

7 I … that singer! I think she's rubbish.

8 Mr and Mrs Lewis have got one …

9 I like coffee but I hate …

10 You can swim at the leisure …

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7 Use the phrases to make three dialogues. Write them in your notebook. There are two extra phrases. [10 marks]

Yes, certainly. Here you are.

What's your address?

What's your telephone number?

Thank you. How much is it?

Sure. W-A-double L ….

Sorry! Can you spell that, please?

I'm fine, thanks.

It's 27 Wallworth Road.

Is there a bookshop near here?

Not bad, thanks. How are you?

Hello, Nigel. How are you?

Can I have a Coke, please?


1 A ____can___ 2 A _What's___ 3 A ___Hello,_

B __________ B __________ B __________

A __________ A __________ A __________

B ____50p.__ B __________


8 Read and answer the questions. [10 marks]

One of my favourite singers is Dido. Dido's surname is Armstrong but only her first name is on her albums. She is from London and her birthday is on 25 December.

Dido can sing beautifully, she can play the piano and violin and she writes songs. She loves all sorts of music: classical, jazz and punk and one of her favourite singers is the female jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald.

Dido's first album, No Angel, is popular all over the world. She also sings with other people: she sings on her brother's albums and she is on Stan by Eminem. Lots of people know Dido from the American TV programme, Roswell - her song Here With Me is at the beginning of the programme. She says, `People watch the show, hear my music and buy my albums!'

Dido has got a beautiful voice and she writes brilliant songs so she has got hundreds and hundreds of fans in lots of countries.

a) Choose the correct answers.

1 This is _______________

a) from an advertisement. b) from a magazine.

2 Dido is __________

a) a fim star. b) a singer.

3 The writer __________ Dido.

a) doesn't like b) likes

b) True or false? Write T for true, write F for false.

1 Dido has got a brilliant voice. *

2 She never sings with other people. *

3 Dido writes TV programmes. *

4 She likes Ella Fitzgerald. *

5 Dido is an only child. *

6 Roswell is a song. *

7 People in America like Dido. *


9 In your notebook, write about your favourite singer. You can include information about: [10 marks]

Name; nationality; birthday; likes / dislikes; albums; appearance; family; musical instruments

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2006 Pearson Longman ELT



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