Review Test+

Review 2B

Lessons 11-20


1 Write the opposite of the word in brackets.

0 I like that table — it's really __smooth__ (rough).

1 I want to watch another film — this one's __________ (interesting).

2 My house is on a __________ (quiet) road.

3 I don't like the clothes in that shop — they're very __________ (modern).

4 Those shoes are too __________ (smart) for school.

5 It's too __________ (warm) to wear a T-shirt outside.


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2 Read the descriptions and write the type of film.

0 a film where the characters do lots of things a c t i o n

1 a film about the past h __ __ t __ __ __ __ __ l film

2 a film which includes songs and dancing m __ __ __ __ __ l

3 a film about space or possible future events s __ __ __ __ __ e f __ __ __ __ __ n

4 a film about magic or imaginary worlds f __ __ __ __ __ y

5 a film where terrible things happen h __ __ r__ __


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3 Circle the word that is different.

0 smooth hard delicious rough

1 track pass draw tackle

2 musical comedy movie science fiction

3 motorbike trip ferry double-decker

4 biography princess ghost story fairy tale

5 wool belt vest tracksuit


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4 Complete the sentences with words from the box. There are three extra words.

win / match / score / team / tournament / whistle / pass / draw / beat

0 Yes! 2—1 to Newcastle — we're going to __win!____

1 The coach changed some of the players in the __________ because they weren't winning.

2 We're going to win! The __________ is 4—1.

3 We need another goal to win. It's 3—3 now and we need a win not a __________.

4 Terry takes the ball from Owen with a fantastic __________.

5 I can't wait for the next big __________. I love watching all the matches. I hope we win the cup!


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5 Complete the conversation using the words in brackets with too or not enough and the verb to be in the Past Simple.

Jan: What was your holiday like?

Nick: Spain was fantastic, but the hotel was terrible! Our room was at the back and the beach 0 wasn't near enough__ (not near).

Clare: The walls 1_________________ (not thick) either. I could hear the baby in the next room crying!

Joe: The swimming pool 2_________________ (small). It was full of children.

Nick: And the food 3_________________ (not warm). We went to restaurants most evenings and they were much better.

Clare: And the ice creams in the hotel 4_________________ (expensive). They cost 8 euros!

Joe: My dad wasn't happy. He told the manager it 5_________________ (not good) and he wants all his money back.


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6 Match the two parts of the sentences. There are two extra answers.

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0 Mark's mum is a journalist (a) when he was a pilot.

1 Have you lived in London (b) since he left university.

2 I learnt to play the guitar (c) who works in Bristol.

3 That's the hospital (d) where you used to live?

4 He has been a teacher (e) where I was born.

5 My uncle used to fly to lots of countries (f) where you can learn English.

(g) when I joined the school band.

(h) for all of your life?


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7 Circle the correct word in the sentences.

0 I have yet / just / ever bought a Kooks CD.

1 Have you yet / already / for done your homework?

2 Dad! Do you know who / where / which phoned when I was at the shops?

3 My jeans haven't / don't / aren't baggy enough.

4 I go to a school which isn't / doesn't / hasn't far from my house.

5 I have never / ever / yet been to Australia.


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8 Complete the sentences using yet, already, just, since, ever and never.

0 I have _just______ seen the singer from Busted.

1 Can you record X Factor? It's on now and I haven't finished my homework ___________.

2 Have you ___________ ridden a horse?

3 My aunt has ___________ flown but she'd like to.

4 ___________ last year I have learned lots of new words in English.

5 He started playing the piano when he was five and he's ___________ taken six piano exams!


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9 Write complete sentences. Use the word(s) in brackets and the Present Perfect.

0 Kate / live / in the USA (since 2004)

Kate ___has lived in the USA since 2004.__________________

1 I / get / postcard / from my American penfriend (just)

I __________________________________________________

2 Lenny / not be / to school / two weeks (for)

Lenny ______________________________________________

3 your brother / take the dog for a walk ? (yet)

Has ________________________________________________

4 George / make / his mum / birthday card (already)

George ______________________________________________

5 you / win / prize / in / competition? (ever)


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Have ________________________________________________

10 Read and circle the correct answers.

Hi! My name's Jake and I 0 __come____ from New York. I was born here but I 1 _______________ lived here for all of my life. When I was three we lived in England 2 _______________ two years. I've 3 _______________ been to London but I've never been to Scotland or Ireland. My dad's a photographer and he has 4 _______________ me how to do lots of things with my camera and computer. I'd love to work with British models 5 _______________ are the coolest models in the world!

0 (a) came (b) come (c) have come

1 (a) haven't (b) aren't (c) don't

2 (a) since (b) for (c) in

3 (a) ever (b) yet (c) already

4 (a) shown (b) should (c) still


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5 (a) where (b) when (c) who







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