Review Test;

Review 3B

Lessons 21-30


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

receive / website / connect / mouse / surf / keyboard / download / monitor / laptop

0 You can send or ____receive___ an email.

1 I'd like to have a ___________________ and not a PC because you can take it out of your house.

2 You need a telephone and a modem to ___________________ your computer to the Internet.

3 My granddad needs to have a really big ___________________ on his computer so he can read writing easily.

4 I like holding the ___________________ in my left hand, but most people use their right hand.

5 My brother loves to ___________________ the Internet.


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2 Read what the people are saying and write the job.

0 “We are now flying over France and will arrive in London at 16.30.”

L O P T I _pilot_______________

1 “I put new baths or toilets in houses.”

U E L B R P M ___________________

2 “Prince William has got a new girlfriend! That story must go on the front page!”

O J L R N S U T A I ___________________

3 “Don't worry! We'll soon get you out safely!”

R E F I G E T I F H R ___________________

4 “And where were you last night at 9 o' clock?”

E C L O P I E F F R O I C ___________________

5 “I need to go really fast to win today.”


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R G I A C N R A C V E D I R R ___________________

3 Read the sentences. Circle the correct word.

0 Helen never helps with the work in the house because she is so patient / lazy / greedy.

1 My mum is really bad-tempered / modest / shy at the moment — she's always shouting at us!

2 James is so generous / moody / mean — he gave his aunt a lovely ring for her birthday.

3 Did you eat all those biscuits? You're so greedy / polite / tidy!

4 Nick told his dad he broke the window with his football. He's very honest / untidy / rude.

5 Cathy is really impatient / easy-going / loyal! She can never wait in a queue.


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4 Circle the word that is different.

0 politician furniture detective web designer

1 backpack get on pick up throw away

2 cushions rug sauce tablecloth

3 loyal polite dishonest modest

4 memory laptop choose software

5 oven fry sprinkle melt


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5 Complete with the correct form of would like to be.

0 I __wouldn't like to be__ a vet. I don't like animals.

1 A: ___________________ you ___________________ a carpenter?

B: No! I'm hopeless at making things!

2 I ___________________ a sports reporter because I love watching all kinds of sport.

3 I ___________________ a ski instructor because I don't like it when it's cold.

4 A: Why ___________________ you ___________________ a firefighter?

B: Because I want to save lives.