lenticular nucleus z odpowiedziami

Question 1:

Choose correct statement(s):

  1. lenticular nucleus is made up of putamen and globus pallidus

  2. neostriatum = striatum = caudate nucleus and putament

  3. paleostriatum = pallidum = globus pallidus

  4. arolistriatum = amygdaloid nucleus

  5. corpus striatum = caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus


  1. A

  2. A and B

  3. A and C

  4. A, B, D and E

  5. all are correct

Question 2:

Bitemporal hemianopsia results from:

  1. median lesion of optic chiasm

  2. lesion of optic nerve

  3. lesion of optic tract

  4. lesion of optic radiation

  5. lesion of lateral lemniscus


  1. only A

  2. only C

  3. only B and D

  4. only D and E

  5. all are false

Question 3:

The Rinne tuning fork test may be used to determine:

  1. air conduction

  2. bone conduction

  3. nerve deafness

  4. lesion of vestibular nuclei

  5. lesion of auditory radiation


  1. only A

  2. only A and B

  3. only A and C

  4. only C and D

  5. only C, D and E

Question 4:

The basilar membrane:

  1. is supporting the organ of Corti

  2. stretches between the osseous spiral lamina and spiral ligament

  3. forms the limit between the cochlear duct and scala tympani

  4. is the same as the membranous spiral lamina

  5. forms the limit between the cochlear duct and the scala vestibuli (scala tympani)


  1. only A

  2. only A and B

  3. only A, B and C

  4. only A, B, D and E

  5. only A, B, C and D

Question 5:

Korsakoff syndrome is a disorder: (*symptoms of Korsakoff's syndrome:

  1. anterograde amnesia and

  2. retrograde amnesia, severe memory loss

  3. confabulation, that is, invented memories which are then taken as true due to gaps in memory sometimes associated with blackouts

  4. meager content in conversation

  5. lack of insight

  6. apathy - the patients lose interest in things quickly and generally appear indifferent to change)

  1. involving memory loss

  2. involving confabulation

  3. involving lesions of mamillary bodies

  4. involving lesions of metathalamus

  5. connected with chronic alcoholism

  6. connected with thiamine (vit B1) deficiency


  1. only A

  2. only A, B and C

  3. only A, B, C, D and F

  4. only A, B, C, E and F

  5. all are correct

Question 6:

Psychic blindness would most likely result from bilateral lesions in which of the following structures?

  1. accumbens septi nucleus

  2. amygdala

  3. fornix

  4. superior colliculus

  5. lateral geniculate body


  1. only A

  2. only B

  3. only B and E

  4. only C, D and E

  5. all are false

Question 7:

The taste pathway includes all of the following way stations EXCEPT:

  1. the geniculate ganglion

  2. the semilunar ganglion

  3. the solitary nucleus

  4. cortical area 43

  5. the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C and D

  4. D and E

  5. B and E

Question 8:

The frontal lobe includes all of the following areas EXCEPT:

  1. Wernicke speech area (temporal lobe)

  2. motor area

  3. angular gyrus (parietal lobe)

  4. Broca speech area

  5. centre controlling eye movements

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. C

  3. B and D

  4. A and C

  5. C and E

Question 9:

A 25-year old housewife complains of headaches of 4 months' duration. She is obese and has bilateral papilledema, and her vision is deteriorating. Her opening CSF pressure is elevatedl; other CSF findings are normal. CT and MRI scans are normal. These signs are due to impairment of CSF regress. Obstruction at which of the following loci is most likely?

  1. arachnoid villi

  2. cerebral aqueduct

  3. foramen of Luschka

  4. foramen of Magendi

  5. foramen of Monro


  1. only A

  2. only C

  3. only B and D

  4. only B, C, D and E

  5. all are false

Question 10:

Which of the following signs and symptoms is NOT related to Kluver-Bucy syndrome? (* 1. Docility. Characterized by exhibiting diminished fear responses or reacting with unusually low aggression. This has also been termed "placidity" or "tameness".

  1. Dietary changes. Characterized by eating inappropriate objects and/or overeating (e.g. bulimia).

  2. Hyperorality. This was described by Ozawa et al. as "an oral tendency, or compulsion to examine objects by mouth".

  3. Altered sexuality. Characterized by a heightened sex drive or a tendency to seek sexual stimulation from unusual or inappropriate objects.

  4. Visual agnosia. Characterized by an inability to recognize familiar objects or people)

  1. hyperphagia

  2. psychic blindness

  3. docility

  4. hypersexuality

  5. amnestic confabulation


  1. only A

  2. only C

  3. only B and D

  4. only E

Question 11:

A 15-year old boy is hit on the temple with a baseball and becomes unconscious. After about 10 minutes, he regains consciousness, but he soon becomes lethargic and over the next 2 hours, he becomes stuporous. His pupils are unequal. Intracranial hemorrhage is suspected. Which of the following vessels is most likely to be the souce of the hemorrhage?

  1. middle meningeal artery

  2. anterior communicating artery

  3. basilar artery

  4. posterior communicating artery

  5. anterior cerebral artery


  1. only A

  2. only C

  3. only B and D

  4. only D and E

  5. all are false

Question 12:

All of the following statements concerning the spinal cord are correct EXCEPT:

  1. it represents 2% of the brain weight

  2. it terminates in the adult at VL1-VL2

  3. it is closely applied to the pia mater

  4. it terminates at VL2 in newborns (L2-L3)

  5. it contains 31 pairs of spinal nerves

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. C

  3. B and D

  4. D

  5. all are correct

Question 13:

The ability to recognize an unseen familiar object placed in the hand depends on the integrity of which pathway?

  1. spinospinal tract

  2. dorsal column

  3. dorsal spinocerebellar tract

  4. spino-olivary tract

  5. medial lemniscus


  1. only A

  2. only B

  3. only B and E

  4. only D

  5. all are false

Question 14:

All of the following statements concerning the corticospinal tracts are correct EXCEPT:

  1. they arise from lamina V of the cerebral cortex

  2. they arise from upper motor neurons

  3. they descend through the anterior limb of the internal capsule

  4. they undergo a 90% decussation in the caudal medulla

  5. they descend through the base of the pons

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. C

  3. B and D

  4. D and E

  5. all are correct

Question 15:

The result of lower motor neuron lesions is best described as:

  1. bilateral area dystaxia with dysdiadochokinesia

  2. spastic paralysis of the legs

  3. flaccid paralysis of the upper extremities

  4. loss of pain and temperature sensation below the lesion

  5. urinary and fecal incontinence


  1. only A

  2. only C

  3. only B and D

  4. only D and E

  5. all are false

Question 16:

The result of lesion Upper Motor Neuron is best described as:

  1. dyssynergia of movements affecting both arms and legs

  2. flaccid paralysis of the upper extremities

  3. impaired 2-point tactile discrimination in both arms

  4. spastic hemiparesis with muscle weakness

  5. bilateral appallesthia


  1. only A

  2. only B

  3. only C and D

  4. only D

  5. only D and E

Question 17:

All of the following concerning the vestibular nuclei are correct EXCEPT:

  1. they are three in number

  2. they receive input from the fastigal nuclei

  3. they project to the medial longitudinal fasciculus

  4. they project to the nuclei of the extraocular muscles

  5. they are found in the medulla and pons

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. C

  3. B and D

  4. D and E

  5. all are correct

Question 18:

Purkinje cells of the cerebellum project inhibitory axons to which of the following nuclei?

  1. fastigial nucleus

  2. superior olivary nucleus

  3. inferior olivary nucleus

  4. dentate nucleus

  5. ventral posterolateral nucleus


  1. only A

  2. only B and C

  3. only A and D

  4. only D and E

  5. all are false

Question 19:

All of the following statements concerning the vestibulocerebellar pathway are correct EXCEPT:

  1. it plays a role in the initiation, planning and timing of voluntary motor activities

  2. it projects via the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)

  3. it receives input from cristae ampullares

  4. it receives input from the maculae of the utricle and saccule

  5. it includes the flocculonodular lobe

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C and D

  4. E

  5. all are correct

Question 20:

All of the following statements concerning the paraventricular nucleus are correct EXCEPT:

  1. it contains neurosecretory neurons that produce antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

  2. it projects to the posterior pituitary gland

  3. its magnocellular neurons elaborate oxytocin

  4. it gives rise to the supra-optico-hypophyseal tract

  5. it plays a role in regulating release of gonadotropin

Answer: Except:

  1. A

  2. C

  3. B and D

  4. E

  5. all are correct


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