End of level test - level 8

  1. Meeting people

How would you respond if someone said to you…?

How do you do? ………………………………………

How are you? ………………………………………

How are you doing? ………………………………………

Pleased to meet you ………………………………………

It was very nice meeting you ………………………………………

Good to see you again ………………………………………

  1. Phrasal verbs - blow up, brush up, back up, back down, break down

  1. I'd like this photograph to be a little larger. Could you ______it ______for me, please?

  2. I'm going to Spain in January and so I'm trying to ___________on my Spanish.

  3. The car __________ on the way to work so I had to leave it and get the train instead.

  4. He was furious. When I told him I was leaving he just ___________.

  5. If you _________ a little bit you should be able to get into this parking space.

  6. The problem was that the suspect had no-one who could ___________his story.

  1. Transitions. Consequently, therefore, moreover, however, furthermore, as a result. Join the following pairs of sentences with the appropriate word(s).

  1. The price we have been quoted is too high. We are not satisfied with the service we have received.

  2. The company made a loss this year and the forecast for next year is also pretty gloomy. We are going to have to reduce staff numbers.

  3. He did not have as much experience as the other applicant. He showed a lot of potential so they offered him the job anyway.

  1. Idioms - explain what is meant by the following idioms:

  1. put a spanner in the works

  2. under the weather

  3. when it rains it pours

  4. a drop in the ocean

  1. Phrasal verbs with bring - (bring about, bring down, bring forward, bring in, bring round, bring up, bring out). Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb - remember to put it into the correct form.

  1. I think this is a subject you should __________ at the next board meeting.

  2. Milosevic was finally _______________ by the strength of the opposition.

  3. The difficulties of __________________ children are often underestimated.

  4. The government is planning to __________ new taxes on alcohol and cigarettes.

  5. Could we _______________ the meeting from Friday to Thursday?

  6. I know that he can be stubborn but try to __________ him __________ to our way of thinking. We need his support.

  7. When are they going to ________________ their new product?

  1. Prepositions/phrasal verbs

  1. The presentation was so long and boring I nearly dropped __________

  2. I'm very keen _____ trekking in the mountains but I'm not so keen _____ climbing.

  3. Plans for the new building completely fell __________ due to lack of funds.

  4. I'm sorry I won't be able to meet you today. Something else has cropped ________.

  5. One ______ one the companies began to feel the pressure of the economic recession.

  6. There's no paper left. Yes, I know, we're completely _______ of paper.

  7. What's ________ with the photocopier? Is there something wrong with it?

  8. We've got to go all _______ for this if we are going to beat our competitors.

  9. There's not much paper left. We're going to run _____soon.

  10. He's very reliable. You can always count ____ him.

  11. He tried ____vain to persuade her to marry him.

  12. I'd really like to know how you get on in your new job. Let's keep ____ touch.

  13. Your direct mail campaign was a really good idea. It really paid ________.

  1. Need + ing/+ infinitive

Example: My trousers are dirty. They need cleaning.

  1. Do I need ___________ (attend) the meeting?

  2. This project is going to be difficult. It will need careful ____________(plan).

  3. My desk needs _____________ (tidy). It's a complete mess.

  4. Do you think we need ______________ (recruit) more staff? No, I think the department just needs ___________ (restructure).

  1. What is a payslip? Describe what it is and the information it gives you using the following words:




Gross wages

Net pay


  1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. You may have to change the form of the word

0x08 graphic

  1. I was surprised he won. The _______ were definitely against him. Yes, I agree. It was a complete ___________.

  2. Yes, you may go home early today, ____________ you finish off your sales report.

  3. So far we have agreed only __________________. Nothing is at all certain yet.

  4. The situation is very ____________. It could change at any time.

  5. He's going to do really well in his new job. He's a real ____________.

  6. One of the leading ___________ of washing powder in the UK is Ariel.

  7. The printed design that appears on a company's stationery or goods is called its ___________.

  8. The money will be ____________ from your account automatically each month.

  9. A win-win situation is one which is mutually ________________to both parties.

  10. The money that you are free to spend after paying taxes and insurance is called your _______________ income.

10. What is a ?

  1. FMCG company

  2. Balance sheet

  3. Bill of lading

  4. Letter of credit

  1. Write a sentence using the following phrasal verbs in such a way that you demonstrate that you understand the meaning of the verb. Don't forget to put the verb in the correct form:

  1. To go along with

  2. To do one's homework

  3. To do the groundwork

  4. To draw lots

  5. To put out feelers

  6. To cut out the dead wood

  7. To break even

  8. To be resigned to something

  9. To let someone down

provided volatile high-flyer fluke beneficial debit logo tentatively brand disposable odds


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