End of level test - Level 7

  1. Reported speech - complete the sentences using `tell' and `say' in the appropriate form and putting the verb in brackets into the correct form.

Example: She__________ me that she _________ (go) to be late.

She told me that she was going to be late.

a) He ________ that the sales figures __________ (be) higher than expected.

b) They __________ us that they __________(come) to the meeting.

c) Did he ________ that he ________(be) late?

d) He didn't ________ me that he ____________ (promote) to head of department.

e) She ___________ me that she ___________ (be) away on holiday for two weeks.

  1. Reflexive and emphatic pronouns

Example: `This is very good.' Did you do it yourself ?

  1. Are we going to get some help with this or are we going to do it ____________ ?

  2. She bought __________ a new dress with the money you gave her.

  3. Jane and Tim are decorating their house ___________.

  4. I can't see the point of it __________.

  5. He hurt ___________ when she fell down the stairs.

3. Complete the sentence with a word from the box in the correct form

rather by concerned with make whereas conduct close to strike

  1. As far as I am ___________ it is out of the question.

  2. I'd __________do business with someone older and more experienced.

  3. Some of the reports were very encouraging, _________others were quite disappointing.

  4. The unemployment figures are increasing month ______ month.

  5. Thanks _______ my pay rise, I can now afford to go on holiday.

  6. I think I'm going to have to do the test again. I __________ so many mistakes.

  7. They can't keep up _______ the increase in activity.

  8. Are you authorised to __________ this negotiation.

  9. I really think we need to _______ this sale today.

  10. Did you manage to ________ a deal with them?

  1. Comparative and superlative

Example: These shoes are quite cheap. I thought they were going to be much more expensive. (expensive)

  1. Factory workers are ___________ paid of all. (low)

  2. The response to the advert has been __________ than expected. (good)

  3. I preferred the other book. This one is much _______________ (interesting).

  4. Are we nearly there? Yes, it's not much ____________. (far)

  5. I liked the third presentation best. Of the three presentations the last one was by far ________________.( inspiring)

  6. There are so many people here. Shall we go somewhere a bit _________________?


  1. It's so cold in Norway. Wouldn't you rather live somewhere _______________? (warm)

  1. Employment vocabulary - complete the sentences with an appropriate word or words.

  1. As a result of cutbacks at the factory thousands of workers had to be ___________.

  2. `He's fed up with his job so he's going to take early ___________.' `But he's only 58.'

  3. During the busy season the company usually __________ lots of extra temporary staff. They are called _________________.

  4. `He lost his job a year ago and has been ____________ ever since.' `Is he claiming benefit? Yes, he's __________.'

  5. A person who works in an office rather than in a factory is called a _______________ worker.

  6. `How does your company work out pay rises? Do you get annual ____________?'

  7. He has worked in the Marketing Department for 15 years but they are getting rid of some staff and he is worried he is going to ________________.

  8. `Did you find out about the job through an advertisement?' `No, I was contacted by a ________________ who persuaded me to join the company.'

(to lay off

to hire

to be made redundant

to recruit

to be taken on

to be on the dole


contract worker

white-collar worker

pay increment


6. Vocabulary - write sentences including the following words in such a way that you demonstrate that you understand their meaning.

  1. Wholesaler

  1. Mark-up

  1. Biannual

  1. Retail price

  1. Profit margin

  1. Indefinitely

  1. To owe

  1. Terms of payment

  1. invoice

If somebody says to you `That really won't wash with me' what do they mean?

7. Write a short article (no more than 200 words) on either Business culture in Norway or working conditions/unemployment in Norway


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