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First English Settlements in America:

1607 - Jamestown (Virginia)

1620 - Plymouth (New England)

1630 - Massachussetts Bay Colony (Boston)

Intellectual Background of American Literature

Five Calvinist Points (TULIP)

Effects of Puritanism

Influence of the Frontier spirit:

Phases of Puritanism

Forms of Puritan Literature

Puritan Poetry

Unorthodox Puritan Poets

“To My Dear and Loving Husband”:


“Communicate Thy Grace ...” (“Upon a Spider...”=

revealing the fact of salvation or damnation)

“Meditation Six”

Echoes of the Puritan Doctrine in Puritan Poetry and Prose

E. Taylor's “Upon a Spider...”

W. Bradford's “Of Plymouth Plantation”:

W. Bradford's Chronicle v. S. Sewall's “Diary”

Samuel Sewall (1652-1730)


Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)


Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

gave America its characteristics:

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)


Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


Philip Freneau (1752-1832)

Washington Irving (1783-1859)

James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) -


Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

It is a kind of detective, crime story, but not a typical one. He wanted to create the effect, by describing how the crime is commit, not who did it.

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)

Main themes:

Main themes:

sunset - sunrise

dark - light

good - evil

town - forest

temptation - innocence

appearances - reality

Main themes:

Other works:

Main themes:

Herman Melville (1819-1891)

Other works:

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) - a Unitarian minister, philosopher, essayist, poet

Transcendental experience can be achieved by a direct contact with Nature; sensing its greatness and divinity leads a man to comprehending the divine within himself, thus making him aware of the world's spirit (the Over-soul), which flows through him as intensely as it does through Nature. Once man achieves this awareness, he desires to “elevate his life through a conscious endeavour” so as to assume ultimate responsibility for himself.

They believed in unity of man, God and nature. God is called `The Oversoul'. Man is submerged by things of second importance, is offered them instead of nature, has no possibility of recapturing the divine spirit. Man's aim should be going back to nature, to God's spirit running through him ( resembles second Baptism in Puritanism).American mentality, which significant feature is individualism, comes from transcendentalism, from the essay - `Self-reliance'. Another name for it is `non-conformism', which is main obligation to be a real man. It means to free yourself from the enslaving ties of society. This enslavement relies on offering man food, clothing, and shelter. He wanted to be non-cconformism, that's why he decided to go the wood (Walden).

RELY ON YOURSELF !!!!!!!!!!! American philosophy !! Egoistic, stupid Americans.

This indivudalism sprang from puritanism, Calvinism and Unitarianism?. It powstało jak grzyby po deszczu in New York. Każdy sobie rzepkę skrobie. No communal thinking in America, non communal spirit, wcale.

American scholar - kind of cultural and literally declaration of independence. He had a right to write so, as he was the creator of transcendentalism, which is significant for America. Againts mentality of Puritanism, have sth in common with the Frontier.

Nature - it is opposed to tradition, he believes that 4 Fathers created arrays of tradition, cultures, we are supposed to divest ourselves from it. We should go back to the basis, Nature. Poetry is kind of transformation of it, so we should not only read it but robić coś więcej. Source of everything is in Nature, so that is why he is opposed tradition. Solitude means not being alone, but being on your own with nature, one to one correspondence with nature. Man does not appreciate nature, because it is always around him. Tree of a poet is a kind of esthetic object, the question of poets relation to the Nature. He unites all universe in the poem. Farmers claim a piece of land as their property and they think aboit it that way. Transcendentalism advocates sth completely different, integrating the horizon. Eyeball integrating landscape into one unity.

Child is innocent and can see the Sun. You have to became like a child, to be able to recapture the Nature.

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) - a practitioner of Transcendentalist ideas - pracctised what Emmerson state as a theory

19th Century Innovative American Poetry

Walt Whitman (1819-1892) - “a Good Gray Poet”

Main features of his poetry:

Selected literary output:

(an allegorical poem)

(1867) - an elegy for president Lincoln

- “O Captain! My Captain!” (1867)

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) - an existentialist in the age of


Reverse to Whitman. Her poetry is so contained, self-centered, self-sufficient, Whitman's was more panoramic. It's because she spent almost her all life at home, leaving it to the doctor's etc. She also met very few people. Her poetry tells us how different she is from Whitman. She is more economic, she choose words with care, she emphasize with capitals. She uses dashes very often, it's a kind of innovation. Whitman was very optimistic, whereas she is very pessimistic, Whitman didn't believe in death. She is practically existential. Whitman was closer to optimistic transcendentalism, but he was not a transcendentalists. Dickinson anticipates the coming epoch. Her attitude is different; Whitman told the reader to look for God in his creation of other people, Dickinson disbelieved in the existence of God in humanity

Main features of her poetry:

I'm nobody (288) - perception of man. Whitman perceived man as extremely important, Dickinson here seems to believe that man is nobody, nothing. She thinks that she is exceptional. A person in society is like the frog in the bog - not really important because there are many of them in the bog. Frogs are identical, anonymous, it is hard to distinguish one from another. Human is not significant, and cannot admit it, she derives man's pride and his concede, vanity. A message of pessimism.

How happy is the little stone (1510) - it's about a man: words like career, happy, fears etc. shows that. Stones cannot do such things. Stone is free from problems, cares. Human concerns come from career, human's ambitions. Stone is happy because it wears the same coat as the Earth. Its colour is brown. Man can resist God, because of his free will, the stone doesn't need to have it. It is natural for the stone to live in peace with God, because it's natural for it, to live in harmony with nature. Referring to Whitman, Dickinson sees human as inferior to nature, but Whitman claims human is a part of it.

The grass so little has to do - there are many words suggesting that it refers to human, not only to the grass. Threading dews - making pearls. The grass is as carefree as the stone. The grass spend life waving to the wind, catching sunshine, entertaining bees. The grass after death continues to exist in sovereign barns - comparison to heaven. It is easy for the grass to end as hay, it has little to do about it, the existence after death is ensured. By analogy, human life doesn't have such comfort, there are many doubts about it. Dickinson seems to envy the grass,

318 - I'll tell you how the Sun rose.. - Sunrise is presented as kind of joyful awakening. Child said the sentence: It must have been the Sun. - There is a line with yellow boys and girls. Sun is raising up, so they are yellow. They are at a very early stage of their life, there is a comparison to growing up. Dominine is God, who is wearing Gray, not very optimistic. He behaves gently. Bars suggest some definite end. There is some kind of confusion because of something good from the one side, like flock, and the bars from the other. God is unpredictable, incomprehensible.

There's a certain Slant of light (258) - Heavenly hurt - an oxymoron suggesting…. Winter afternoons are rather dark. The 1st stanza is not positive - there is only a certain slant of light, that is very small, hardly exists. 2nd stanza - hurts, but leaves no scar, so it is internal suffering. Heavenly means perfect, she accuses God of maliciously hurting man. We cannot change it, we are not prepared, unaware. Imperial affliction is like heavenly hurt. She doubts the existence of God. She compares despair to death.

I felt a funeral in my brain - it is mental suffering, there are few words suggesting mental suffering, through the whole poem. Suffering is presented as kind of funeral. Last stanza - about lifting the coffin down, an ultimate point of suffering, no possibility to run. The world bang at the end adds some kind of informality. The dash at the and suggests hesitation, and the bang suggests the end, an ultimate one. Similar is “I heard a fly buzz when I died”.

Features of the Modernist Novel (turn of the 19th and 20th cent.)

First American Realists

Henry James (1843-1916) - the founder of psychological realism

(perception of outer reality through the character's retrospection, reflection,

analysis of his/her and other people's motives, emotional states, fleeting

impressions etc.)

which falsify reality

Mainly interested in:

v. American ignorance, but also generic American freshness

and innocence

Main stress laid on:

Selected literary output:

promiscuity in Europe, which leads to a tragedy

choices (Emerson: “I make my circumstances, my own misery”)

Wharburton) and personal (sexual) ties (Caspar Goodwood)

titles, no honours, no property, etc.) - a false transcendentalist

starightforward language; James makes an unremarkable, virtuous and

simple heroine an interesting figure

view of a child caught in the intricate web of adult relationships

sex-starved imagination of a spinster governess

Strethers as an `ambassador' who is supposed to bring a young man back

from the corrupted Europe into America in order to save his soul, but

advises him to the contrary in order to save him from the emptiness,

banality and materialism of America and from going back on his

obligations to his English mistress

Crane - in both his novels he broke grounds of taboo; Maggie - taboo on prostitution, in the Red Badge of Courage on talking about war in a different way than usual, he DE glorified it. The Open Boat is based mostly on dialogue, the technic that Hemingway used most of the time.

The Red Badge of Courage - it's a wound - the main character, as well as some others are called by their nicknames, to bring up the features of their character that nobody has unique, but not here. They become anonymous during the war. This is already the kind of comments on the nature of war. He didn't fight in any war, but the description is very realistic. He based on his imagination, but he used all kind of Civil War records, memoirs etc. The author uses psychological realism, impressionism, naturalism, symbolism. There is 3rd person narration, but it focuses on the thoughts and reflections and anticipations of the main character. It shows the war from the inside of human psyche. His image of war comes from Homeric reading. The protagonists wants to join the army, because he wants to become a hero, although his mother discouraged him from doing that. The way he received the wound disqualify him from being a hero. The author implies here that the wound doesn't make a hero. The notion of the hero comes also from the way soldiers are greeted and how soldiers goodbye them, form their behavior. War turns out to be very boring, he is disillusioned at the very beginning. He thinks that they are superior, they are heroes and he is coward, but he realized that they just pretended to be courageous, they lied about they courage. They have to prove themselves whether they are heroes or cowards. Crane's method of impressionism - (in art it provides an impression, does not focus on details. Colors are important). The description of the uniforms is not detailed, they just create an impression of how did they look, by the colors.

About gigantic figures, or horse, gives the impression of the size. Impressionistic elements of sound, light; trampling feet, mystic gloom. Naturalism - because of the topics he touched. A realists would just render the scene or the object just the way they are. Naturalist would describe repulsive apsects of such. In desperation he is trying to hide. Nature is not trying to help him, it behaves unfriendly. The nature is against man, this is not a naturalistic description. Naturalisms stresses the bond between a man and nature. Then in next scene the squirrel ran away. He found a justification from his behavior in the behavior of squirrel. This is the naturalistic description. The religion that soldiers follow is killing and yet they are devoted to it. War is an act of glory, he discovers that it is not. It is not about heroism and wounds are not symbols of courage. He reveals the truth about the war, the mountains of the idealistic beliefs fell like they were made of paper.

He matures at the end of the book. Red Badge of Courage is the example of initiation into manhood, adulthood, as Huckleberry Finn is the story of initiation into the society. Marching soldiers doesn't look like victorious, they are exhausted, sick, accompanied by sticks, however the youth smiles.

Hucklebery Finn - another story of initiation, this time in the society. At first recognized as an adventurous book for boys. But Twin added some passages, that made it more for adults. These passages were criticizing the society of South. Huck is an individualist. At the beginning he is a rebellious person, creative in coming up with lies, so he is troublemaker. He steals, he uses foul language, he refuses to go to school, learn table manners, etc. So at the beginning we stand at the society site.



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