Fast Food

Fast Food

Task 1 Tick the sentences True or False.

1. ___ Nutritionists are woried that more and more people pay no attention to what they eat.

2. ___ The modern style of life is responsible for what people eat.

3. ___ People don't have proper dinners because they prefer to have a hambuger.

4. ___ From the report we gather that potato crisps are junk food.

5. ___ There are some foods offered by fast food outlets aimed especially at the young.

6. ___ Fast foods have successfully pushed a country's traditional dishes from everyday menus.

7. ___ There is a lot of processing involved in the mass prodution of fast food.

8. ___ Without added chemicals, food must be consumed more quickly.

9. ___ Additives make food healthier.

10. ___ People buy a lot of junk foods because they are attracted by the advertising.

11. ___ Fast food is fattening.

12. ___ Nowadays, growing organic vegetables is cheaper than mass production.

Eating real food is a thing of the past, lament nutritionists who are increasingly concerned about the convenience foods which dominate today's eating habits. The success of mass - produced fast food results largely from changing lifestyles. The pace of life nowadays leaves little time for leisurely eating. People eat on the run and avoid having meals around the dinner table. It is much easier to grab a quick snack and a can of soft drink at lunchtime or to spend an evening in front of the TV set with a bag of potato chips and a bottle of beer. Among the many junk foods offered by fast food outlets which are so favoured by the young are hamburgers, pizzas, fried chicken and cookies. All this spells the end to the culinary traditions of many nations.

To meet the demand for fast food, a whole new way of processing had to be devised, introducing new techniques for preservation, canning, refrigeration and plastic wrapping. Chemical ingredients that extend the shelf life of a product and keep it stable are added. Other artificial additives provide extra flavour to improve the taste and colouring so as to make a product more attractive and more competitive on the market. Heavy advertising and smart marketing boost sales. However, sophisticated processing and storage techniques have deprived the food of all its natural goodness and vitamin value.

Those who are hooked on junk food may yet pay a greater price for their culinary obsession. Fast food diets are rich in fats, cholesterol, sugar and salts and are responsible for a number of diet related diseases such as tooth decay and high blood pressure which can lead to strokes. Deep frying may induce bowel cancer. Obesity, in turn, promotes heart disease and diabetes. Extenders and other additives, like saccharine, are widely known to be carcinogenic. As public awareness of the problem grows, foods labelled as natural and organic, though more expensive, are gaining new followers.

Task 2 Answer the following questions.

  1. Why are fast foods so strongly associated with modern lifestyles?


  1. How did market demand come to affect the quality of food?


  1. How can increasing the attractiveness of food be harmful to health?


Task 3 Form collocations using the word provided: * additives* advertising* drink* foods* life* *marketing* processing* snack* techniques* traditions* wrapping*

1. artificial ………………………………………………………………..

2. culinary ………………………………………………………………..

3. heavy ………………………………………………………………..

4. junk ………………………………………………………………..

5. plastic ………………………………………………………………..

6. quick ………………………………………………………………..

7. shelf ………………………………………………………………..

8. smart ………………………………………………………………..

9. soft ………………………………………………………………..

10. sophisticated ………………………………………………………………..

11. storage ………………………………………………………………..

Task 4 Complete the following phrases.

  1. być coraz bardziej zaniepokojonym - be i .......................................... c...............................................

  2. chwycić przekąskę - g........................ a q............................... s ...........................................

  3. oznaczać koniec - s.............................. the e..........................

  4. zaspokoić popyt - m........................... the d.......................................

  5. zwiększyć sprzedaż - b............................ s ............................................

  6. zapłacić cenę - p................................ the p....................................

  7. odpowiedzialny za - r........................................... f.........................

  8. z kolei - i.................. t..........................

  9. powszechnie znane jako rakotwórcze - w.......................................... k............................ to be


  1. oznakowany jako - l …………………….. a .......................

  2. zyskać więcej zwolenników - g ................................ m............................ f.................................

Task 5 Form new words

  1. convenient …………………………………….

  2. nutrition …………………………………….

  3. traditional …………………………………….

  4. preserve …………………………………….

  5. refrigerate …………………………………….

  6. compete …………………………………….

  7. aware …………………………………….

  8. produce …………………………………….

  9. advertise …………………………………….

  10. add …………………………………….


additive - dodatek

artificial - sztuczny

avoid - unikać

awareness - świadomość

awareness - świadomość

boost - zwiększyć

bowel cancer - rak jelit

canning - puszkowanie

carcinogenic - rakotwórczy

competitive - konkurencyjny

convenience - wygoda

deprive - pozbawić

devise - tu: wynaleźć

diabetes - cukrzyca

extend - przedłużyć

extenders - środki przedłużające trwałość produktu

follower - zwolennik

gain - zdobyć

grab - schwycić

hooked - uzależniony

increasingly - w coraz większym stopniu

induce - wywołać

labelled - oznakowana

largely - głównie

leisurely - w zrelaksowany sposób

obesity - otyłość

outlet - miejsce serwujące posiłki

pace - tempo

preservation - konserwowanie

soft drink - napój gazowany

sophisticated - wyszukane

stable - stabilny; tu: nie psujący się łatwo

storage - przechowywanie

stroke - wylew

tooth decay - psucie się zębów

value - wartość

wrapping - pakowanie



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