1. What does VLLC means?

+ Very Large Crude Carrier

    1. What does OBO means?

+ Ore Bulk Oil

    1. What kind of cargo be carried with an O/O ship ?

+ Either Ore or Oil

    1. What is cold work?

+ Work that cannot create source of ignition

    1. What is sour crude oil?

+ A crude oil containing appreciable amount of hydrogen sulphide or mercaptans

    1. What is called when it is possible to ignite the vapour above the oil?

+ Flash point

    1. What is the meaning of LEL?

+ Lower Explosive Limit

    1. What is the meaning of UEL?

+ Upper Explosive Limit

    1. What does the abbreviation TLV means?

+ Threshold Limit Value

    1. How many % Nitrogen , N2 , is it in air?

+ 78.09%

    1. How many slop tanks shall a carrier on 70.000 dwt and above have ?

+ 2 tanks

    1. Where is the globe valve commonly used ?

+ In the pressure vacuum System

    1. Where do you find the bottom lines?

+ In the bottom of the vessel

    1. Where is the ejector pump system used?

+ In the stripping operation

    1. Heavy fuel oils are generally required to be kept at a temperature between …

    2. + 120 - 135 grd.F

    3. Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very important to do with these analyzers first?

+ To do a full calibration

    1. When re-inerting a cargo tank before commence air venting, what is the maximum oxygen content in the supplied inert gas ?

+ 5% by volume

    1. Which oxygen content shall we measure before entering a tank or space after venting ?

+ 21%

    1. What is max % oxygen in a tank?

+ 8%

    1. How long shall you take electrostatic precaution?

+ 30 min after the inerting process

    1. What is the max oil content allowed in the arrival ballast water ?

+ 15 ppm

    1. What is the maximum oil content in the ballast / washing water allowed to be pumped over boarding a voyage ?

+ 30 litres per nautical mile

    1. What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped overboard ?

+ Oil Detector Monitoring Equipment ( ODME )

    1. What is OPA 90?

+ Oil Pollution Act of 1990

    1. What is CFC?

+ Chlorous Fluor Carbons

    1. From where on board can you find out the different types of protection equipment regarding where placed, how much, how many ans. ?

+ The ship's safety plan

    1. What is the main quencher for an oil tanker ?

+ foam

    1. What kind of extinguish.-remedy would you choose to put electrical fire ?

+ Dry extinguishing remedy

    1. What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an oil tankers engine room and pump room ?

+ CO2 plant

    1. The fire control draft on board is called the “safety plan” and shall be posted onboard. In port, a copy of this plan shall in addition be available from somewhere else. Where shall this copy be available ?

+ At the gangway

    1. What is the meaning of the abbreviation ABC due to first aid ?

+ Air, Breathing, Circulation

    1. What do you call the method used for bone-soft part injures ?

+ ICE- method

    1. In which way may intake of poisoning material occur ?

+ All mention above

    1. Near by the access to shore a certain plant is to be kept in case of an emergency situation. What kind of plan ?

+ safety plan


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