BASE & SUPERSTRUCTURE - in Marxist theory, human society consists of 2 parts: the base & superstructure; the base includes the forces & relations of production - work conditions, division of labour & property relations - into which people enter to produce the necessities of life. These relations determine society's other relationships and ideas, which are described as its superstructure. The superstructure of a society includes its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals & state. The base determines the superstructure, yet the superstructure often influences the base; the influence of the base, however, predominates.
THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL was a school of neo-Marxist social theory, associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt am Main. The school initially consisted of dissident Marxists who believed that some of Marx's followers had come to copy a narrow selection of Marx's ideas. However, many of these theorists believed that traditional Marxist theory could not properly explain the rapid and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the 20th century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to the possibility of an alternative path to social development.
HEGEMONY (LEADERSHIP AND RULE) is an indirect form of government, and of imperial dominance in which the hegemon (leader state) rules geopolitically subordinate states by the implied means of power, the threat of force, rather than by direct military force. In the 20th century, Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) developed the idea of geopolitical hegemony into the theory of Cultural Hegemony, whereby one social class can manipulate the system of values and morals of a society, in order to create and establish a ruling-class.
POSTSTRUCTURALISM - is a term formulated by American academics to mean the diverse works of a series of mid-20th-century French philosophers such as Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan & Jean Baudrillard in the 1960s & '70s. A major theme of poststructuralism is instability in the human sciences, because of the complexity of humans & the impossibility of fully escaping structures in order to study them. Postructuralism includes deconstruction & some psychoanalytic theories, that deny the validity of structuralism's method of binary opposition and maintain that meanings & intellectual categories are changing and unstable.
CIVILIZING PROCESS is the process by which modern European societies have been pacified over the last 5 centuries & emotional identification between the inhabitants of each society has increased. It refers to the long-term transformation of interpersonal relations, tastes, modes of behaviour, and knowledge that accompanies formation of monopolizing physical violence over the whole of its territory and thus of progressively pacifying society. Its main assumption include the statements that: what was once acceptable (or not taken into account) becomes noticed and problematic (embarrassing); until people began commenting on such behaviors, there wasn't anything"rude" or embarrassing; the "frontier of shame" defines civility.
CARNIVALESQUE is a term used in the English translations of works written by the Russian critic Mikhail Bakhtin, which refers to a literary method that overthrows and liberates the assumptions of the dominant style or atmosphere through humour & chaos. Bakhtin derives carnival and the carnivalization of literature from the reign of the “Serio-comical” with the examples of Socratic dialogues and Menippean satire. Within the Socratic dialogue carnival affects all people into the behavior and rituals in to the carnivalistic life, as in every individual is affected by carnival, meaning everyone is a constant participant of carnival.
COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS is a term of analytical psychology, developed by Carl Jung. It is suggested to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, & describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal one is a personal range of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects & organizes personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species.
DIGITAL NATIVE is a person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technologies and through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding of its concepts. In most cases, the term focuses on people who grew up with the technology that became prevalent in the latter part of the 20th century and continues to evolve today. A digital native is also described a person who understands the value of digital technology and uses this to search out opportunities for implementing it with a view to make an impact.
HABITUS refers to lifestyle, the values, the dispositions and expectation of particular social groups that are acquired through the activities and experiences of everyday life. Perhaps in more basic terms, the habitus could be understood as a structure of the mind characterized by a set of acquired schemata, sensibilities, dispositions and taste. The particular contents of the habitus are the result of the objectification of social structure at the level of individual subjectivity. The habitus can be seen as contrast to rationality common in other disciplines of social science research.
MODERNITY refers to a post-traditional, post-medieval historical period, one marked by the move from feudalism (agrarianism) toward capitalism, industrialization, secularization, rationalization, the nation-state & its constituent institutions and forms of surveillance. Charles Pierre Baudelaire is credited with inventing the term "modernity" to designate the fleeting, temporary experience of life in an urban metropolis, and the responsibility art has to capture that experience. Modernity may also refer to tendencies in intellectual culture, particularly the movements intertwined with secularisation & post-industrial life, such as Marxism, existentialism, & formal establishment of social science.
Who wrote ”Organic Intellectuals”Antonio Gramsci
Which philosopher spent 10 years in prison?Antonio Gramsci
Theory of the body by Hobson is based on imperialism, fascism, sportive temperament
From which part of England does Millwall come from?South Bermondsey, south-east London
Who wrote “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”?Walter Benjamin
What kind of field is Geertz connected with? symbolic anthropology symbolic interactionism semiotics
Which philosopher is connected with potlach?Georges Bataille
Who is the author of false consciousness? Friedrich Engels
Which notion is Baudrillard connected with? simulacra, postmodernism, post-structuralism; simulation
Kto napisał “The Postmodern Condition: A report on Knowledge”Jean-François Lyotard
Who is connected with the notion “The medium is the message”?Marshall McLuhan
Who is the precursor of the study of the body? Descartes, Kant, [Hoberman, Elias, Bourdieu, Foucault]
Who is the author of “The Death of the Author”? Roland Barthes
Who wrote “Convergence Culture”?Henry Jenkins
monomyth; The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Masks of God, The Power of Myth, Historical Atlas of World Mythology - Joseph Campbell
Christopher Booker - 7 basic narratives: Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, Rebirth
The precursor of the study of Digital Natives Marc Prensky
The author of the concept of Body & Soul? Loďc Wacquant
What is connected with post-structuralism? Paris 68
Who developed the concept of hero's journey? Joseph Campbell