L29 Lisening

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Task One

For questions 1-7 please choose the best answer a), b) or c). You now have one minute to look through the questions for Task One.

  1. Now, the chimpanzee is often seen …

    1. in the media

    2. at Jackson's ranch

    3. with its trainer

  2. Tyson doesn't have Bengal tigers any more because …

    1. he had no licence

    2. he was attacked by them

    3. he went bankrupt

  3. Paris Hilton's pet is called …

    1. Nevada

    2. London

    3. Vegas

  4. The suggestion to buy a poodle was made by …

    1. the Republican candidate

    2. the Obama family

    3. the AKC voters

  5. Claire started her collection in …

    1. 1985

    2. 1986

    3. 1998

  6. Police learnt about the animal in Brown's apartment on …

    1. Thursday

    2. Friday

    3. Saturday

  7. The tiger was found on the …

    1. 14th floor

    2. 4th floor

    3. 5th floor

Task Two

Listen and complete the report form. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds for you to look through the form.

  1. (Example) The fitness test results will be outside …

Sgt Wilson's office

  1. The education officer will start a new computer course (when?)

  2. All vehicles must be checked by (who?) …

  3. The exercise will be done together with …

  4. The exercise will give a chance to get to know (what?) …

  5. The French Brigadier speaks …

  6. The number of places on the NCO course -

Task Three

Listen and answer questions 14 to 20 by putting either T for `true' or F for `false' inside the brackets. You now have 30 seconds to look through the questions for Task Three.

    1. (Example) Mitrokhin criticized KGB's methods used under Stalin. (T..)

  1. Bureaucratic work bored Vasili Mitrokhin. (……)

  2. Andrew and Mitrokhin both worked on the book. (……)

  3. The KGB tricked the world's best journalists. (……)

  4. Before leaving Russia, Nureyev was popular with the government. (……)

  5. Some weapon arsenals have been found in the U.S. (……)

  6. Mitrokhin was body-searched before leaving work. (……)

  7. Mitrokhin was treated seriously by American officials. (……)


Level 2


[ 35 mins ]


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