słowka gramatyka The Present Tense2

The Present Tenses

Indicative Mood

Present Dubitative Continuous, Compound Tense (hearsay)**

Türkçe -- Bilesik Eylem ZamanlarI; Simdiki ZamanIn, Rivayeti

Present Dubitative Continuous, Compound -- Negative

Present Dubitative Continuous, Compound -- Interrogative

Present Dubitative Continuous, Compound -- Negative Interrogative

geliyormusum --
it is said that* I'm coming, I was coming, I use to come, I come

gelemiyormusum --
it is said that I'm not coming, I wasn't coming, I didn't use to come, I don't come

geliyormus muyum?--
Am I supposed to be coming?

gelemiyormus muyum?--
Am I not supposed to be coming?

geliyormussun --
it is said that you're coming, you were coming, you used to come, you come

gelemiyormussun --
it is said that you're not coming, you weren't coming, you didn't use to come, you didn't come

geliyormus musun?--
are you supposed to be coming?

gelemiyormus musun? --
aren't you supposed to be coming?

geliyormus --
it is said that he's coming, he was coming, he used to come, he comes

gelemiyormus --
it is said that he's not coming, he wasn't coming, he didn't use to come, he doesn't come

geliyormus mu? --
is he supposed to be coming?

gelemiyormus mu? --
isn't he supposed to be coming?

geliyormusuz --
it is said that we're coming, we were coming, we used to come, we come

gelemiyormusuz --
it is said that we're not coming, we weren't coming, we didn't use to come, we don't come

geliyormus muyuz? --
are we supposed to be coming?

gelemiyormus muyuz? --
aren't we supposed to be coming?

geliyormussunuz --
it is said that you're coming, you were coming, you used to come, you come

gelemiyormussunuz --
it is said that you're not coming, you weren't coming, you didn't use to come, you don't come

geliyormus musunuz? --
are you supposed to be coming?

gelemiyormus musunuz? --
aren't you supposed to be coming?

geliyorlarmIs (geliyormuslar) --
it is said that they're coming, they were coming, they used to come, they come

gelemiyorlarmIs (gelemiyormuslar) --
it is said that they're not coming, they weren't coming, they didn't use to come, they don't come

geliyorlarmIs mI? (geliyormuslar mI?) --
are they supposed to be coming?

gelemiyorlarmIs mI? (gelemiyormuslar mI?) --
aren't they supposed to be coming?

Related Examples:

Uçakla geliyormus.
It is said that she is coming by plane.
simdi otele gidiyormus.
Ahmet is reportedly going to the hotel right now.
Bu sabah Ahmedi gördü
gü zaman otele gidiyormus.
When she saw Ahmet this morning, he was reportedly going to the hotel.
Derse saat sekizde
They supposedly start class at eight o'clock.
Eskiden derse saat sekizde
They apparently used to start class at 8 o'clock.

Ahmedin sölyedigine göre gelemiyorlarmis.
According to what Ahmet said, I gather that they're not coming.
She reportedly doesn't laugh at all.
Eskiden hiç
She reportedly didn't use to laugh at all.
Bu sabah onlar
I gordügü zaman otele gitmiyorlarmis.
When she saw them this morning, they apparently weren't going to the hotel.
I gather that they don't go by bus.
yardIm etmiyormus.
I'm told that he doesn't help Ali.

Kim Ankaraya gidyormus?
Who is supposedly going to Ankara?
Jim acele acele
nereye gidiyormus?
Where is Jim supposedly going so quickly?
Ican salatasI seviyorlarmIs mI?
Are they supposed to like egg-plant salad?

Almanya'ya tatil iзin gidemiyormus musunuz?
Aren't you supposedly going to Germany for holiday?
Hiç Ankara'nin havas
Ina alIsmiyormus musunuz?
Don't you supposedly ever get used to the Ankara weather?

* the phrase It is said that... may also be treated as I hear (or heard) that..., I understand that..., I'm told that..., They say that..., I gather that..., It seems that..., It looks like..., Reportedly..., Apparently..., Supposedly..., Allegedly at different places in translated sentences to make the translations smoother.

** Note: As shown in the examples, this verb tense (depending on the context of the sentence) may be used for expressions in the past or the present.

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