poprawione topics for exam2


Healthy lifestyle is above all care on your health. For me health care is sport activity, good diet, spending time on the fresh air. Training once a week is to enough to feel better. Regular eating BALANCED DIET is a too ALSO very important thing to feel better. To be and to feel healthy we must avoid the stress, because stressful situations are very Bad for the organism. Also healthy life style is not only, sport and diet, but spending our time In Good terms. Working on the calm terms is very important too. NOT ONLY SPORT AND DIET BUT ALSO RELAXATION IS IMPORTANT. WE SHOULD SPEND MORE TIME IN PEACE AND QUIET.

12. Good-looking people are said to be more successful. Is physical appearance important in life? What do people do to look better?

In my opinion it's not very important in our life's LIVES. More important for me are good health and family. But some group of people need good physical appearance in they THEIR daily life. Situations where are they push trough to good looking. For example people of business need suit all the time. Sometimes in our life's LIVES we have situations like exams, weddings etc. where we should looking good too. Personally I think that we don't have to buy new expensive suit to get, for example new job because in this situations we must offer our knowledge. Our boos BOSS will pay for work not for appearance. So in my finally opinion we shouldn't spend money for a lot of ON new clothes to feel good in our life. If people want to LOOK good THEY TEND TO GO TO solarium. More exclusive is spa, where we can renew our body. Of COURSE we can go to HAIRDRESSER'S to get new good looking haircut.

13.What are national stereotypes? What do we think about foreigners and what do foreigners think about Poles? Discuss.

National stereotypes exist a long time and in all of them we can find A GRAIN of true. For example everyone KNOWS about stereotype about our neighbors Russians like DRINKING a lot of specific kind of water, Germans like beer and in French are the best lovers. That stereotypes was creating for long time and I think that SOME OF THEM say some TRUTH. I don't know WHAT foreigners THINK about our country because I never TALKED TO someone from abroad about this and I can only guess that we have same opinion like Russians and also we are thefts. Argument for this last may be the German Media Mark advertisement where creator showed us AS thefts. I think that stereotypes sometimes are not good. For example in the USA everyone who believeS in Allah are potential terrorist with bomb. Second example, everyone think that Jews see business everywhere and they are misers. So I don't promote stereotypes.


Before the INTERVIEW we must learn as much as we can about the company, salary and benefits. It will be good if you will know about friends, neighbors and relatives who work for the company. If we WANT TO CREATE good impression we must learn everything that we can about the job and how your previous experience and training qualify you for the job.

Before the interview certainly we must write some application like our background and experience list, resume or summary of work experience. Also we can include 
any work-related or community service awards that you have received. We should ALSO have some documents like social security card, driver's license, union cards and in case of man documents with military records. And the last we must remember about dress appropriate for the interview.


What I am thinking about university life in Poland. It is a REALLY hard theme because it is different when we talk about humanistic trend and polytechnic trend. I don't have experience with THE FIRST ONE then I try concentrate ON THE second kind of university trend. In my opinion, Polish University have high standard of education. But several subjects that we have in our university is unnecessary because some of it are out of date and it need updating. First change what I WANT TO IS TO BROADEN THE range of subject for semester and student can choose which of this subject THEY want TO have. I THINK THAT FIGHTING WITH CHEATING is pointless. People will do this kind of fraud.



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