numbers 20;


Teacher’s name: Monika Toton

Date: 11.09.2012

Subject: Numbers 11-20. Pronunciation exercises.

Class: 3b

Level of the group: elementary

Number of students: 13

Aims of the lesson:

Teaching aids: handouts, Student’s Book, blackboard

Language items to be taught:

  1. Structural: - numbers 11-20

c) Functional - counting from 1 to 20

- pronunciation of sounds /f/, /t/, /th/

-pronounce numbers 11-20 correctly

Groupings: individual, pair work, group work


Teacher does a small revision. She asks few questions to random students:

How are you today?

What’s your phone number?

(special emphasis is put on the 2nd question; teacher asks not less than 5 students)

- to introduce lesson

- to recall previously taught

material (numbers 1-10)



Teacher says a number (1-20) and asks whole class to repeat after her. - to practise pronunciation of numbers 1-20 T-S 2’
Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to count to 20 between themselves. Then, count once again but this time to say every third number (3,6,9,…) in a surprised way. Next, she asks them to try saying every third number in other ways.

- to use pronunciation as a way of raising energy

-to make the learning of numbers interesting and memorable



Teacher writes on the board numbers from 1 to 20 and asks students to draw two circles in their copy books. Then she asks them to divide numbers that begin with t f or th into another one the rest. Whole class check exercise, then teacher writes on the board tree and three and asks students to pronounce them. Teacher gives a model if students pronounce them badly. Next, teacher gives students handouts with minimal pairs. Students work individually, teachers reads a word aloud, students decide which word the teacher read. Then check as a whole class. -to recognise sounds t,f,th



Teacher draws on the board a boat and says: This is a boat, asks students to repeat and makes sure students know the meaning of the word. Next, she writes on the board numbers from 11 to 20, named them and asks students to repeat. Then writes umber on the boar and asks: What number is boat? She points the picture on the page 3 in the book and says: Where is boar (11)? Students point out. -to consolidate numbers from 11 to 20



Teacher asks students to focus and plays the recording. Students task is to listen, look and point to the right boat. -to practise listening comprehension




Next exercise is connected with memorizing. Teacher sticks a numbers (11-20) to the blackboard. Students have 30 seconds to learn it by heart. When the time ends, students close their eyes and the teacher rubs out one figure. Students, altogether, have to decide what number was rubbed out. Then, teacher repeats the same action and rubs out more figures until the blackboard will be clear. Students guess the missing figures, at the end they dictate all number. Teacher carries out this task few times.

- to enable students to do more practise connected with numbers (1-20)

- to train students’ memory

-to practise pronunciation of numbers 11-20





Teacher orders students to do few exercises in the book connected with numbers, counting and birthdays.

- to provide students further practise of numbers 1-10 T 2`


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