ang dla kogoś tam

Dear John,

I’ve got so much to tell you. Well, I’m dating one of our common friends. I’ve bet you’re asking yourself now, who might it be? Okay! It’s our hot and sexy but not so bright common friend Michelle. Yay!

I know I’ve made a mistake. And it can’t work, cuz there is an ocean in between me and her. As you probably know she is an actress. And oh my God! She is really good in acting, especially in home. To be honest, some of her movies were really good, but I can’t be objective. Maybe she is just another fake star, made to earn millions on morons who loves such a lovely celebrities like she is, huh? But anyways, she really has caught my eye.

She has got a beautiful brown eyes. Long blond hair and as you know she is an awesome chick, but as far as you know me, it’s not what I like the most in females.

As it goes for her character, oh well, she has got a bitchy attitude sometimes. But most of the time she acts like a typical Barbie girl, a girl who lives from one party to another one. She likes to have a fun with her best friend Caitie and she never, ever even thinks about the consequences of her actions, or she simply doesn’t give a fuck. It really bothers me, this lack of empathy. But let’s face it, apparently I’m just wasting my time with her.

Yeah! It was a mistake. One of another failed experiments in my life. Anyways, how are you? I hope everything is ok? I look forward to hearing from you soon.




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