Sheena Melwani Crazy Place

Sheena Melwani – Crazy Place

Voices, all around in the air
In the streets, hear them everywhere.
I can walk around all day, everyday
But I don’t understand what they say.

I’m lost, lost in a maze
And I can’t recognize a face.
I stand still while they run away,
Like they all seem to know the way.

What is this crazy place,
What am I supposed to do?
In a world outside
Where no one knows the road to you.

Will you come find me here
What am I supposed to do?
In this crazy place
Where no one knows the road to you.

Out there, there are signs everywhere,
It doesn’t matter ’cause I’m still in a daze.
Tell me is this a way for you to reach out and say
"It’s okay".

What is this crazy place,
What am I supposed to do?
In a world outside
Where no one knows the road to you.

Will you come find me here
What am I supposed to do?
In this crazy place
Where no one knows the road to you.

Tonight the lights make me think twice
Am I supposed to fear?
I’m made up my mind, all out of time
Show me the road to you, to you... to you...

What is this crazy place,
What am I supposed to do?
In a world outside
Where no one knows the road to you.

Will you come find me here
What am I supposed to do?
In this crazy place
Where no one knows the road to you.

What is this crazy place,
What am I supposed to do
In a world outside
Where no one knows the road to you.

Where no one knows the road to you,
Where no one knows the road to you.


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