St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Thomas of Aquinos saw Plato and Arystotel as pre-christian philosophers
Liber philosophorum
Structure of scientific paper:
introduction – preface
acknowledgements – thanks for help and contribution
contents – table of contents
summary / conclusions
bibliography (selected b. – the most important)
primary sources
secondary sources
multiple sclerosis
A similar approach is seen in…
Despite (of)… or perhaps because of… he doesn’t hesitate to…
… seem to have been conceived…
… in such implacable and utterly neutral terms as to be totally beyond the reach of…
conceive – understand sth as, concept
utterly – completely
beyond – far outside
Water bears = moss piglets
they survive everything
the only creatures that can survive in space
introduced Arabic numbers to Europe
rabbits in ideal breeding conditions
pidgin – language that appears in area where multiethnic society lives
jargon – language connected with professions
St. (King) James’ Bible – one it was based, it hasn’t changed – all of ancient forms of words
thou art – you are
to conjure – to call forward by means of magic (spell)
Elysium – ancient concept of Netherworld (fields covered by flowers - asphodels – they make you forget about real world), the dwelling place of the blessed after death
hell’s gate
stage element, theatrical decoration, dated back to mystery plays in medieval times (took place in church, were about Jesus’ passion), then developed into theater
open mouth of devil, inside there was a stage – begly jaw – teeth
in the background there was fire (representation)
This is heel nor am I out of it – Mephisto (poena damni)
mystery play – a type of drama based on the life of Christ
bowels – guts, intestine
fortitude – power, strength
circumscribe – to draw a line around sth
God is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere and nowhere – it’s not in one self-place, you can’t point a spot where hell is
limbo – purgatory, sth in-between where creatures are purified
Helen of Troy – why her and not another woman
necromancy (witchcraft), hell’s gate – symbols in film “Metropolis”
grimoires (manuals of magic), sins, spells – element appear indirectly
New Order – pentagram
depriving people of their humanity – concept (communism)
Pandemonium – built of precious stones, rich, paradoxical place, very small, built in one day, devils had to shrink to get in; dwelling in hell; the capital of hell; palace built in the middle of hell
hive – a place where bees live
redeemer – Christ
to redeem – to free (mankind) from sin by Christ’s death on the Cross
redemption – deliverance from sin; salvation
theodicy – the branch of theology concerned with defending the attributes of God against objections resulting from physical and moral evil
unde malum? – where does evil come from?
self-begot – born out of themselves
horrid – horrible and disgusting
to no avail – with no result
to vow – to swear
siege machine – a device that is designed to break city walls and other fortifications
disobedience – refusing to do what sb tells you to do
contempt – anger and hatred
to devour – to eat up greedily
exploitation film – low budget, low quality film; B movie
transgression – the exceeding of boundaries or limits
to displace – to move from the usual place
suspense – a feeling of nervousness or excitement caused by wondering what will happen
compulsory education – education that is required of every person
tertiary education – education at a college or university
black school – school where are more immigrants than native speakers
vocational training – training for a specific job you can do immediately after completing the course
vocation – voice from above or inner voice that you must become someone
toddler’s class – groups 1 and 2 in Dutch elementary school
fleece – wool on a sheep
deity – god/goddess
folly – stupidity
seminal figure – a person having important new ideas and a great influence on a later work
idiosyncratic – strange, unusual, eccentric
pelvic thrust – movement like Elvis or Johnson used for a variety of activities, such as dance or sexual activity
Blake founded his own mythology
proverbs of hell – paradoxical puns
seminal figure – comes from ‘seed to inseminate’ – impregnate other people’s minds
you have to find God in yourself – XIX/XX century proto-nietzschean
division in Blake’s angels and Christian ones; visions of God and angels (hypocritical)
eidetism – power of imagination; visions of Blake 3D
eidetic vision – the ability to observe without "prior beliefs and interpretations" influencing understanding and perception
eidetic – exceptionally vivid and allowing detailed recall of something previously perceived; all the senses: smell, taste, hearing
fool (esoteric) women cannot make decision – you can say truth, you are free to say anything
Adamite – a nudist, especially a member of an early Christian sect who sought to imitate Adam; nakedness is the most holy state
farcical –pure fool
the origin of religion is forgotten by people
Book of Job – Satan appears for the first time
Jehova of the Bible is an evil creature
restrain - to hold back from action
Satan as a blacksmith - a person who makes horseshoes
anvil - a heavy iron block on which metals, are hammered into desired shapes
damast steel – highly carbonated iron, wavy design, like a sword with a hidden snake
sinews = tendons – tissues sticking muscles to the bones
blasphemy - the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God
sinewy person – muscular