

Action for Adobe® Photoshop® 5.0

Installation and use of this software will constitute acceptance of the License Agreement. Please read it before you use this software.


  1. Adobe Photoshop 5.0

  2. Pentium or higher computer with 16MB of RAM.

  3. KPT 3.02 or higher if using this feature (note: KPT 3 is included on the KPT 5 CD ROM).

  4. Extract the zip file to its default directories.

Installation & Operation

  1. Load the KewlPack #8 Action Set with the Actions palette, and run in button mode only.

  2. Import the KewlPack texture presets into KPT TE (use “–” (minus sign) and “import” button in the GD).

  3. Follow onscreen instructions.


This Action will work best if you keep these tips in mind:

  1. Image settings should be RGB/72ppi, and you can use just about any image; leave about 25 pixels around the border of the image to be affected.

  2. This Action is designed to work off of black type/shape on a layer.

  3. You can also import any vector based image as long as it is black on white (delete the white areas for best results, or import the graphic without the background – usually a setting in the original application).

  4. Although this Action is designed with KPT3 in mind, you can also import alternative images with globular characteristics.

  5. To alter a preset texture, turn off the color randomization option and use a low mutation setting on the mutation tree in KPT TE.

That’s it. You should be ready to go. If you have any trouble, feel free to email us with the bugs. Thank you for choosing KewlPack Action Sets! Visit the KewlPack official Website:

Technical Support and Comments


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