Personal Safety

07 stycznia 2006 Albercik





1. Pyt. What is the intention of the Safety Meetig?

C Odp. The intention of this meeting is to inform and train the crew in safety matters and to

participate in discussion and make own suggestion for improvements.

2. Pyt. Why is it important that you become familiar with the vesel,the equipment and your

own duties on board as soon as possible?

B Odp. In an emergency situation you need to know the position and use of different safety -

and fire fighting equipment,and what to do.



1. Pyt. ?


? ?

Liquids Noise

? ? ?

Heating Chemikals Vibrations

2. Pyt. Are you allowed to smoke marijuana when outside U.S water?

C Odp. No,any use of drugs on board is strictly prohibited.

3. Pyt. Which types of work require permits or check list?

\/ Odp. \/ - Painting the mast with help of bosun chair , \/ - Chipping down in the ballast tank

\/ - Welding on the poop deck , \/ - Dismanting a pump.



1. Pyt. ____ - Serious or Major Injury

_______ - Minor Injury

____________ - Property Damage Accidents

___________________ - Incidents with No Visible Injury or Damage

2. Pyt. TOP 3 - Sprain,cuts or twisting of arms,hands or fingers

- Foregin body in eyes from welding,dust etc.

- Sprain or cuts in legs,feet or toes

3. Pyt. Zegary ( zaznaczenie odp. na czas )!

Odp. Foreign body in eyes-Injuries from abrasiwe blasting-Injuries from using cemicals

Injuries from falling



1. Pyt. How can you best protect yourself against the most common injury,sprain or cuts in

hands ,arms or fingers?

B Odp. By using gloves when practicsl,and being observant of the risk.

2. Pyt. Protection and Environment work consist of four main elements,which?

\/ Odp. \/ - Protective equipment , \/ - Following up repoets , \/ - Maintenance ,

\/ - Information/traning

3. Pyt. In which type of jobs is there a risk of exposure to harmful substances?Click the jobs.

\/ Odp. \/ - Cargo handling , \/ - Cleaning , \/ - Corosion protection , \/ - Painting ,

\/ - Tank clining , \/ - Working in the angine room



European Union Ryles

1. Pyt. workers representatives with specyfic responsibility for the safety and health of

workers shall have the right to ask the employer to take appropriate measures and

to submit proposals to him to that end to mitigate hazards for workers and/or to

remove sources of danger.

2. Pyt. Who shall ensure that each worker receives adequate safety and health training?

B Odp. The employer.

3. Pyt. In connection with workes obligations,all personel should:

\/ Odp. \/ - Make corret use of the personal equipment , \/ - Report all dangerous work

situation that may occur , \/ - Use safety devices correctly

Norwegian Rules

1. Pyt. 1) Implementation 2) Duty to comply / co - operate 3) Working Environment

4) All matters relating to the environment

2. Pyt. Is there a Protection Supervisor on board your vessel?

Odp. Yes.

Pyt. Is there a Protection and Environment Committee on board your vesel?

Odp. Yes.

3. Pyt. 1) Implementation 2) Duty to comply / co - operate 3) Working Environment

4) All matters relating to the environment

4. Pyt. In connection with the Protection and Environment - work on board,all personnel have

a duty to co-operate and shall:

\/ Odp. \/ - Secure a sound and suitable environment , \/ - Accept responsibilities ,

\/ - Use protective equipment , \/ - Avert dangers.


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