List czytelnika, Matura - teksty użytkowe

Wypowiedz pisemna

Przydatne zwroty w listach prywatnych:

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Many thanks for your letter of... It was very kind of you to write. It was a pleasure to hear from you. I'm sorry I haven't written before...

Please write when you have the opportunity.

With best wishes.

Give my best regards to...

Say hello to your sister for me.

List czytelnika łączy w sobie cechy listu formalnego z rozważaniami na dany temat. W związku z tym pierwszy akapit musi zawierać powód, dla którego piszesz list, natomiast kolejne akapity zawierają Twoje argumenty lub opinie.

......Przykład 4

Napisz list czytelnika do angielskojęzycznego magazynu; w liście powinieneś:

- wyrazić swoją opinie na temat artykułu o wpływie polityki na edukacje, który przeczytałeś w ostatnim numerze,

- wyrazić swoją opinię na temat poruszony w artykule,

- podać argumenty wspierające Twoją opinię,

To the editor

/ am writing to express my opinion about the article by Mary Steward

"Politics in Education" which I found extremely interesting. I believe its

publication has made an important contribution to the national debate

on this issue.

I would also like to present my personal opinion on this matter.

I support the statement that it is extremely important to separate

politics from education. I believe that politicians should not gain

advantage over their adversaries by influencing young minds with

ideology serving their own political goals.

In my opinion the role of politics in the education system should be

limited to providing a legal and economic base, that is, politicians

should be made responsible for the organizational shape of the

educational system.

What is more, we cannot allow any political or religious groups to shape

curricula since schools are supposed to teach students objectivity and

responsibility for their own choices.

I hope this subject will receive proper attention and will be continued on the pages of your magazine.

] . Yours faithfully,

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